07/06/1921.???'? .1 . ':gyp ???r.•.7.: i ! <.
M 1 d 19 T F . S OP C I T Y C O U N C I L.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
July, 6th, 1921.
`;;°•;?; ;,:': " ! '. The City Council met on the above date in regular session with k` L
the following members pr6sent: J.C,Moore, Gregor McLean, Peter Mortonson, I
C.R.Lee and A.C.Turnor. Minutco of previous meetings wore read and sp-
r Mfr. Turnwall made complaint about the water and nand thab comes
down araba'll Street washed in on his property, and asked that the coon- `-•:'
+,•, e;`: ;;}'.:', ci.l take some action to to giyo him some relief. Moved by Mr. M
. ' ;}•• • seconded by Mr. Lee that Mr. Turnwlll a complaint be referred to the
Street Committee with power to act'.
r `, .,?L?` f • Mr. McLean stated that complaint had been made to him in re- f
gard to 14 chairs, flower pots and other things that were plaaod on the
side walk in front of the Whitledge Hotel,had al.siont stopped passage
on the aide walk and thought that something should be done to remedy
the situation. The matter was referred to the Mayor and Chief of Police.
Mr. McLean stated that some of the business men who had pur.
chased the business of others,who had not paid their personel taxes
Y? objected to paying the tax, as they thought the man that owned the bus- tr '?+ }
iness at the time the taxes were due mould be liable. The City Attorney
" informed the Council, that the businesG was liable for the tax, and the : r
i, Police were instructed to collect same. ' :T :; '•
Mr. Mclean also stated that cars were speeding on Clearwater
1. Beach which endangered the lives of bathersand others, and suggested ,t.;:; ?.,;r.; •r. .ti.,
that Barrie action be taken by placing posts to prevent cars from run-
ning on the Beach. Moved by Mr. McLean seconded by Mr. Lee and carried` 1. r ••F• ''=r
that this matter be referred to the Street Committee with pourer to act.
Mayor Booth presented a bill from the plant Hospital for
$38.00 which is the rate charged for City patients. This bill was for
• + > taking care of a child by the name of McGee who had Typhoid fever, • and.. f:
was recommended by the Doctors caring for the child to take him to the Y ;•...
:. Hospital, as Sanitary conditions in the home were very bad, and there ;.. • •,..:
were no change to take care of him properly at home. Moved by Mr. MoLean, ;*
seconded by Mr. Turner and carried that the City Clerk be instructed to
pay the bill of $38.oo to the Plant Hcapital.
Va. McLean stated that he would like for the other members
` of the.Cemetery Committee go with him to the Cemetery so as to make
f arrangements ahcut planting grass and shrubbry to beautify the, grounds, The Mayor suggested that the Council order two carloads (about
j 60
tone) of cow manure and it. be put on the Cemetery' grounds as he non ?.' .. `.•{`,.;
i • lw'h9tY:r.a++r+""'""",....'-.....»......._ .....?-L.,., ...... .a?...r-o..?.L...«-...__ ._... .. -.- » .,.. ,L.t::..:,LJ,Jirk'is'L:F.L+.7.Y.G7,`.E:1RS41bxauv?•..?.?.._..-.....,-._..+..;;? '';r,.: Fs t.'.
. /? 111 ,. .Y , ' f • .•j,
' - '.Y?`?:x?'1"•l1'Ck!7!"Y..`.1ry r'rf"JY'ti?°:''"'M"'-'?fit" rbtr.l;{.?,1 V/!"?•MIG,viy ,i, T,>i? R,al"J3„ ^±'A!1
• `; '' eidered this a good time to fertilizc to make the layme -grow
Moved by Mr, NeLean, seoonded by Mr, Mortonson and onrried thRt
;3[ t
the Clerk be instructed to order one car ( about 7,000) AusustA 19look
y Briok from the Georgia Engineering Co,, Augusta, Ga.
f •; Mr. L,L.Lucas stated that Engman Street was being damaged by <3~,
heavy trucks which were attracted by a store ir, that sootion, acrid asked
Council if they if?ld not take some action to prevent thin damago being
k f ?.
done to the Street before It was' completely daetrnged. 's•°',''?'"1'a,*??:``??:Y???. {'"S ,??'s??
. ?, •' r - t,€ ?k,M ?°?'??», ?j tie i?..
The Dixie Culvert Co. presented bill for $700,00,amount due them
for sometime, for Sanitary cans which they would like to have sott].ement
" for at once. Moved by Mr, McLean, seconded by Mr, Yortonoon and carried
r` that the Clerk be instructed to make payment of $250.00 to the Dixie
Culvert Co., as ',art payment on the amount due them for S&ni.tary otins.
: The Bank of Clearwater, presented hill showing that Bonds Nos.
Series "Bt"
B & 9 for $500,00 each were due July let, 1921, and that Bond Coupons ?,';' ,
Nos. from 8 to l9 inclusive, Series "B" for ;15.00 each were also duo
July lst. 1921. Moved by Mr. Mclean, seonded by Mr, Lee and carried that
the matter of payment of Bands and Coupons be referred to the Finance
Committee With power to act,
A communication from M.E'.Aollowag in regard to a light on Cedar '?, • ;
} Street and the Railroad, and also about sewage and other improvements ,
' needed. Moved by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr, Turner and carried that this
matter of Hollovay be referred to the Water & Light Committee and the
t' Sanitarg Committee
Clayton, Eaton, Horton and Sausy, Public Accountant, presented
bill of $500.00 for Auditing the Citys books in the City Clerk's office
and also presented their report for Auditing the City's booke. Moved by
' Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lee and carried that the Auditor's report
be accepted, and their bill of .1500,00 for Auditing the books be refer-
- •? . ; • _
to the Finance Comnittee with power to act in regard to payment.
Acommunication was received from the Railroad Commissioners
which informed the Council that it was their intention to visit Clear-
water some time this Summer and look into the matter of a Phyinacal ''`_•? ,
connection between the A.C.L.Railroad a4the Seaboard Air Line R.R.
€ being put here. It was decided tc refer this rnbtter to the Board of
to t
. ?. Trade get he necessary data for the information of the Commissioners - ,
when othey meet here,
The Clearwater Lighting Co. asked that bill amounting to
$328.26 now due them.on contract for installing White "lay on Ft.Harri? ;
I`' rig pon be oi pd=. % ,I
„ G ?-t, '' HFR.wwx,e.v.?w._... r-• -._ ...._-.w .,....-_,..,., .-...'r.,. ,. ..... ... ;...•.. .-_........ .. ... .. .._. ...... re,. .».v 4•oC,.1`.1.•..p? .......-•_. ._ ..,.ay ,•. w.. ., r7 i
i[ .??' 1 r• S , .. .r+rt'..•.?wv?tiaAS•w't".r'."Y`NF•"?.y?M.^' . .,?.{ f ,•i •.
`_.?,',:'J Moved by Mr,` McLean, seconded by Mr, Mortonnon and carried -that the Clerk be instructed to a bill of Clearwator Lighting Co amounting to
r[`1.i . 7w .,f'. 1 1 ' l .. 1 i `- f,',5/ 1,5• ,
$328.26 amount due on White Way contract.
. . ;.F
- Moved by Mr. Lee seconded by Mr, Turner and carried that the r ;.
;` ±kt•: report of the Auditor be publishod,
r .l•?..r.ii. ?' I. r .
The Mayor suggested tba't at loomt two or throo thousand dollars
more i.nsuranee should be placed on the City Dock at the foot of Cleve-
land Street. Moved by Mr. McLean, aeaorided by Mrs Lee and carried that `•ir l .
`i ;,'• r;``.`t ?'' the City Clerk be instructed to add ~:4000.00 more Insuranoo on the city A
look at the foot of Cleveland Street,
Mr. Schwabel Supte of the Water Worka stated that Mr. Houston
7. I. Ili:°?•r? ' 5.?. '5 5
of The Clearwater Island Bridge Co., wanted to buy neven avatar metera
;.#ty?`.,.W=sr.: •, of the City, and asked the Council if he should let Mr. Houston have L
the meters wanted. Mowed by Mr. MoLean, seconded by Mr. Lee and oarried
that Mr. Schwabel be instructed to sell Mr. Houston of the Clearwater `' ..
Island Bridge Co. seven meters.
j.?1. The following building permits were rea.d:-
F.N,Mills. Frame. 1 5 Composition. 19 23 Magnolia bask _
r r, f. Katie Krauer If 1 1 r' 18 Oakwood. w '
John Swift, r' 1 1 rr 48
', .
O,D.Palmes, r' 1 4 r' 32 Marshall. '
W. N:York, " l 5 " 8 Be Eldridge,
?? r+ n rr
. r ..
W,N,Yorlc 1 5 7
Guns Wilder " 2 8 rr 20 it
!t A, A: Smith " 1 5 " 13 2 Rouse.
M ' H ' Diokie Add. 2 4 " 2 4 Turner' e
• 2 Co Iron NJ 2 & 7 5 Gould & + '? "'•`:t;?;'??k==;=
.. O.E.Jacl=son. Cor. Iran 1 r. ;: :. ,.' r..,..• .f,s;'..
• ??: •<•fr'a: 'r •.
Ewing a
C,O,Moon. Remodel Frame, 1 2 Composition M & Be Lambeth Place.. ;,??'• '• „ ,'
Qeo. Saves Porch Shingle 69 Enghurat. `-
Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Mortonson and carried that build-
;. . Moved by
ing permits be granted.
• .1 5
Mr. Mo. Lean offered the following Resolution:-
WHEREAS, it is ex?6dient, advisable and for the beat interest
of the City of Clearwater, for the City Council,, for and in behalf qt
the sdid City to transfer the sum of Three Hundred Sixty Six and 700
($366,79) Dollars, from the Improvement Fund to the Refund Paving
CITY OF OLEARWASER, FLORIDA, that the Council on behalf of the Olt
of Olearwater, transfer the sum of Three Hundred Sixty Six and 79/0Q
($366,79) Dollars, from the Improvement Fund to.the Refund Paving f a
Account. '
(Signed) J,C.Moore,,
ATTEST: (Signed) J,R.Thamas. lies en o y curio =
(Seal} Or Ty Clerk.
Moved by Mr. MaLe'can, ' seconded 17,7 Mr. Lee that the foregoing Resolution
transferring of funds be adopted. Upon roll call,, JX Moore, Gregor
MoLesm, Peter Mortonoon, C.R.Lee and A.C.Turner voted "aye" and the
Resolution was deolared adopted unamiously,
'[i1Vf,'[ijAY?4r•Il.yr..-.?.r.........-...-ww.4.r4JOavrr.vlJW.a':'.Arf t..a.-...w _...... m... .. ."." ,..__... .r.v [<w_I.t . .i::\!.".,rili+]..x kkvr•..«..... .. r..4•?r. tJ[ , '
< ' 1
? i
' - •'x: `??>• '. ,`? 1894, r ,. Mr. McLean introduced Ordinance 203.
AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED, an Ordinance providing for the
disposal of human exorets and waste water, within the City limits ?
of the City of Clearwater, and the declaring open privien to be a r'
nuisance; and providing for the abatement of such nuinanoe: ,
Ordinance 4203 was put on its first reading, Moved by Mr, McLean
.?•f seconded by Mr. Mortonnon that Ordinance #203 be passed for its first
reading. Upon'rOll call, J.C.Mooro, Gregor McLean Peter Mortonoon,
C.R.Lee and A.C.Turner voted "age" and Ordinance b203 wan declared
passed 14namiousl7 on its first reading. Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded
by Mr. ortoneon and carried that the rules be waved and Ordinance #203
be placed on. its second reading and read by title only. Ordinance #203
.. ' bras placed on its second reading and read by title only. Mooed by Mr. ?,•. ,
McLean, seconded by Mr, Mortonson that Ordinance 203 be '
' , y ? pasted for , •
its second reading. Upon roll call, J.C.Moore, Gregor McLean Peter
Mortonson, O.R.Lee and A.C.Turner voted "aye" and Ordinance ??203 eras
declared passed unamioueI7 for it second reading, Moved by Mr. McLean ,
y "'1 seconded by Mr. Mortonson and carried that the rules be further waved
...? and Ordinance #203 be placed on its third reading and final passage.
Ordinance ,203 was placed on'it third reading and read in full. Moved
by Mr. McLean seconded by Mr. Mottonson that Ordinance #203 be placed
on its final passage. Upon roll call, J.C,Moore; Gregor McLean, Peter
Mortonson, C.R.Lee and A.C.Turner voted "aye" and the Chaiz% declared
that Ordinance #203 passed unamiously 6n its final reading.
SECTION 1. Thatevery residence and building in which human beings
{ reside, • are employed or congregate, shall be required to, have a sanitary
• . i• • ' ' a sanitary water ,`'r: L.•?!_.• ? ,.
method of disposing of human excreta, namely, either
closet connected with the City sewer, or an approved type of septic tank
or a sanitary privy. i
SECTION 2. Itr shall be unlawful to di.spoue of any human exreta its `1
within the corporate limits of the City of Clearwater, except, ai a
sanitary water closet or a sanitary privy.
SECTIOh'3. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or
corporation owning or leasing, any premises in the City of Clearwater,
to permitthe disposal of any human excreta on any property leased or
rented by anv s"ch person, persons, firm or corporation, or the agent
of any sucks, - except in a sanitary water closet or a sanitary privy.
And it shall be unlawful to permit the disposal of any materid.l in a
' sanitary privy,'other than human excreta and soluble paper. ;
SECTION 4. The City of Clrnrwater shall providd suitable plans
and specifications for every privy to be installed, and such other
' information that may be necessary to construct a sanitary privy
SECTION 5. The cost'of installing all sanitary privies for tre
` disposal of huwnan excreta, shall be borne by the owner of the property
upon which the privy is installed and such cost of installation shall
1 be assessed against said property which assessment shell be a lion against.i a
said property, and shall be collected the same as other taxes or assess- '
SECTION 6. That all privies within the corporate limits of the c'
City of Clear^,ater, not constructed or maintained in conformity with t1le
' plans on file with the City Clerk of the City of Cleo-ffater, shall he'
and they are declared a nuisance, dangerous to public health of?the in-
habitants of said City, and shall be condemed and forthwith abatod in
accordance with the late or Ordinance of the City of Clearwater,
SECTION 7. The City shall have-the right to cause to be made
such alterations and constructions to such privies as are nuisances as
will render them sanitary, and the cost of such work shall be charged
to the person creating or maintaining the same.
• 1 I .
t '`?`?%tZ t?, A.?.'s ,iY V`'•'a•-"i.. ........». .-. ... .. «_._. ... «.- , ... _ ....,» .. ._.. .. .-.. .. . ...., .. .. ..-.a. w• a.. ..... ,.. «+. o.B':. R.F' [l ,
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01 A
hairPf?.''U 0}0,: et'. t.F {i -Q •?'{; .I`.
:f'• •::.Y'` +?<?:?r{!5????t ?i':", 1695 ,., '+.I •. ,i, r,, ,,, °':r•,
p c?! ?+, yA ?,A•??rii:,r'-'=.p'r .1" ? ? . ? ,' '1: ;,J,y' ;??3t.F:silFti'??,yf;
,YRF 66t '1+''?itIL l,ij}. rid i k.sn r? , 7.?
-;.''?:.IF=SECTION 8. Every residence and building in W lah human beings reoida s
are employed or congregate, shall be required to have a sanitary method
f ''I`z +s'?"F'4,' `•'?.? ,.•,; of dimp6sing of al,l wnati water, nameh, either a sanitary slop-hopper
- ?;. or eihk,properl7 trapped and conneated with the City surer, or an
•:. r,° :;r'` ? ;`'?i3';?
,J3 -
approved type of eeptle tank, or cesspool.
•f ?! '4 ?? r>?'+.i;;,?' s4,.S .'.r.•!s'. •?I. s}':Fr.t. Y?si,rs
SECTION 9, It shall be unlawful for any person, personas firm or
'??'" ? s,?rf?:St.,. l;i'r ?, .',>,-.i, •y ?'i'. '.. '??.•',; i?':f`f?>•` t ? i:[c
corporation owing or leaning any premicea in the City of Clearwater, to
permit the disposal of any waste roster on any property leaned or retnted _} "m' `M;>r U51;'.
t ? ? + • ir:?' • t;j,,"rEi t?',y i!.•'
kby any much person or persona, firm or corporation, or any agent of suah, `,, 't•.,c:, ?;;,, ,.,??
j ',(s; i isr.is ,f,•; '
1 ?? +,:, .?i•,
except in a 8snitor7 slop-hopper or sintt
SECTION 10. Any person convicted of violation at this Ord3,nano4 •s' ; , 5,.,? t,
shall be fined in a eum not exceeding two hundred dollars, or imprisoned ?• :''t, t???,,s ???
in the City je.ilf or at hard labor upon the Streets or other public 'works of the City, not exceeding ninety days, or be puAished by both such fin
at the discretion of the Mayor
and imprissanment
.?•. , ., W ?}? ':'?: .
''?li,? Si .? '?? `i ???t.??:?{?;?.i,? {`.??,: ` i.!r' . S';''.° ., t?'' ?'!r4?,.?4''?I•i?????
` ..;." ?x?`< ,;;=; {;j` ?''r•'. ATTEST: (S igned) J,C.N:oore.
a ,
} ?2, J R.Thomao.
i ? ?t Aimed) res en or U
•? VIA- 7.i ', $•?'w i'
• " r` `' y: Jlr.?ri!
`' `£41t• r'' 3,•1.;i r.':1
`S 4F ?,,.,s?.lt,3APPROVED THE .6th. DAY OF Jt1LY; 3.921•
??? :' .:t•'a.,¢;?t:;
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,7?s't `€};ti.. 'i'`•'_ i'!. l '!?}:i.. .. nCa., il'.5'f?SF,.
(Si ed) Frank J.Booth: ;" t y
+?, •i?.}$i.}'?iSP.,. ?"?: ?,.../.' '?l_,- .{ - .t'.. 'D •. .Aif'r'.i t'???4?'
Moved by Mr. Lee seconded by Mr. McLean and carried that
1 ?,• IF. Jy. ., r?.
.p .+. erw?r .gyp s? ,e •. F•. -`. , ?-, } t,?+??=:4 .',Y: Y'Jw}a r?[??%r,Y? (
A' ysM->,(?.r yi:•r 1•:,; - Council adjourn.
F' ' ?+vP 1?}, {IrYtl 11 l Y-/J , k.., {,JI 11 tYt r1+ k
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Vu17, .36 1921, •.ir :?t.?'.7t?;{?a'??" '?: ??, ?i• ???
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