k ty se k,q j`ib' .=: x ;. ?Z U T E S (} F' C 1 T X 0 0 U N C
?, 'r{,; .•'?r, Si ?3',Yi ??,SY'.ti, •a?"'??:• ••}. 4.: •!.• ';-tti;,:'•T, f??T.: !,'``''
.:r<r? ,;i :?'`? '- "' ,., 156 • ' , . ••:. ? .. {'.r.' '•r ?? ?:;;?•?'^'°,'' -.
•? ..?"•'? a`1 i.t4 ;: 1, ij':'et +? .? r r wr ..r r ..? r .+r.. +.., r ,.r w ,.? w w ,i • •w a: ,, 4?,.?' ;1r' i
,S'fltY1 KriSj4,f:Y?tilrr{?•''rtf1-L' ;lr7arniary, 19th. 1921•
i ;??.? i,?.r is f' •'el,- '`•.'??', ;;':: 'El.;r: r. ?. ?'i;,?1
The City Council met on the above date 3n i ?;.•!?r,.
reg ?lar session ??•.. 1,'
? '•i'i?'ttei-4?!af^?'1.F,'"??;r:;6'•. •?-! " S •'':w!''`',??.'??#,1?:
with the following members present: J. 001,10ore, 13.13. Conchman, 13,T.Mark1ey,
.; 1 + •:,:. r ? .'? :`: };, r C ,5h k arl3gor I?Ea1+8an Peter Mo tonson and A C rnurner Mi t o ; n•: °:?''•;.?':.:, ?•
:,;?* n ;•_,#`•," previous meeting were sad and approved, w r. V? C.Tueker a member of the City school 130and addressed,
Mr. ; . '. , •'' Y' ,
Council in regard to a bill for water furnished school houses in the '- .;• '»'?•''}•'``{?•?_"?`='
k'?'•' ir3y •'3',?'''e.•' 'e. y'??,: ??'.434?,ti 1•.'.•?L?>'••? y,',r',
City in excess of amount alloyed by the City free.He stated that he' did
riot know that any leakage had occurred until notified by Mr. Sowabel to
the feat and furthermore that the local Board had no funds to pay any bills
'' as it was up to the County Board and that they had no funds on hand gust '
now to take care of this matter. He said this bill had been presented to
Board and the the refused to a it I,ic a nstruc eta
the County that they p y it, I?[r`. L can '1 t. r.
:;s;? _;•" Tucker to t&ll the County Supterintendant that the water mould be out off
at the school buildings Saturday unless the bill was paid
Moved by Mr. I„cLean, seconded Yiy Mr. MortoAson and carried
:?•:.K,. ?'` . ";; i;';:' that fifty percent be dbducted from the eater bill owed by the School
_ Board for water 'furnished the school houses in the City and that the
i..{ Board be notified not to allow any more waste of water as it would have
to be paid for if it'oceurred again.
Mr. W.B.White addressed Council in regard to opening Oak Ave.. ;•,..°-,;?. ?;;:,,;
to Druid Road`. He said that he had bought, property on this avenue and 'had _ ;`•a` ±4rr.c?~;, j ,:'
no': outlet unl.es:9 this Avenue was opened up and that lie was wixling to
p •' „?:.:' r..? L; ,
' ay apart of the amount to get the opening through to Druid Road.
, _'.•;"'•• . ;. i?.l' . r``?, .. ;_s t:`' ?' President Moore of the Council informed Mr. White that this matter had been t:• `:'
' referred to a Committee for adjustment
City Engineer Drew reported having surveyed the Haley lot
:,. which blocks oak Ave , and found that when the Street was opened, Mayor
i Booth would have ten feet of the Haley lot adjoin6 his property and that
Mr. Sheldon would have twenty two feet of the lot adjoining his property. '_ >•','
° .° The ayor stated 'that he would pay •;;750.00 for the 10 feet on his side of :.
the Street, 61so for his share of the paving. lie requested that Mr. Sheldon
'be informed that the portion of the lot an his ride would cost 1650,001
l•f!1f if paid for at the porata rate he had offered for the ten feet. Mr. F{hite
?. t: .
was instructed to get nerti£ied checks from the property owners interested
in opening this Avenue for amount they would pay on the purchase price,
.?S000.00 for the lot, and buy the lot,then the Council would take sonic
r:'y,;: •;;;1 action on having it paved.
'•F?:;.. .z,,, ':?` , kA^+1(Clt.?4ir?ik7.:t+'w ••""M.^3,y' . yr: ,.;,• 'r.
40 ' ,.•,?;?• ??: ????"?,:.?. ;• ?`,, of the ball park fence about, six inches to make room fox, a sidewalk. ,'',•'',` r.••;t• '1?rt?'?-'"',yfh?.;f??.? ,
Y ?, r v-t
??re`. • ',,?J}7',i: J } Yk?' ?`1--?'ara:,"^s'::r:...e.,s:?..,..,..,......ar.?...?. - -- _--... .._?......... , ,
? +_ ,? ,, Ii L,lr?r}1 ?..'[ '.l'. `,iii, .. i'AJ• '- .
i f+f y'f,?,.?? ,¢ rw iti °S r?i l"%•`' •'; '! • - !.!: •'s;"E'?''' ?'•y: " ,
.10 :., F ' S i :` ;+• '.ju. ?..1,.. ,JLSr ,y•a uZ:
7f4 ?1 4.?' ?
Abbott, representing the American Legi.d.,., appeared befor?
? J????.R ;'.jf'7:?='•.5::.}':1',i;•ia:?:?'.?j., ,'_,}•'!1'i';`i%:'.1.•.' ?'i.?i f???''•,i. 4.1:''•
3 .?.?t ? I !st ???trr ?{F;.'.k•1':, ." ;': y f'' •?: .. ..i'F?t'"3;^.?-'7'{+'•=j"5 ;?11 ••
? ,• ,5:! 1vY,
i; ` ?.?:? ?:.;:;< .•r. Council and aslced that the License fees for tho Robarta? United Shows be
as they had ngread to give a certain per cantsF?e of the receipts
`?.frtjiy cl ,r Fl = F?:=.r.` .`;;r - ',•',}; 't'[? aF rjily'fa ,,.
• r ; ''.}£,• •.i.1.,,s .}, ?•; a.^r4 t 5
to the Legion. ?,loved by Mr. Coachman, Seconded by ?dr. Turner and oarrried
' ••ej?- § -? i?7, ?., ?k?,,r?? ;.?,'1,;rah • ''F'° ,' . ;t:h`"'? :,i: :. °•?a'•. r, ;..:
that the Council not alloy the Roberts United Shone a free Liceilse to '?',.'r;''''_' z.. l•;:-3, ?;..,?;
. `.•3i';;;,/'•;1•i..r.',,iirrA'.J7TVn.
i ?'1 {e1w Y:?rI,TiJ:..,};::,? • sho w
5 '?'i'?:'a'? j??IS?!` f .f'i.•, • , ?' 17`'4,.,•,id,?;?}'2.`..1'!1'^•}y,?;i?l.?,
The City Engineer reported the line on the iVefrt side of Eaat • .
r ?,R µY. I ?yf /:tit,: •:? -1.•,:•1•,. .+ :,c? '4•'f<?^{. •.,
•r ''rr,,'y ';?:r.;:? :-,;. , ..? Street from Cleveland Street to Franklin Street tvoirld necessitate the moving : ''?• ['' ?, .'•' `'`•F s?j,lT1r1;:',?,-S's°yf ,.Y..
;,(•M.y. ?.?2 las,: ,"""•. }'E.i. L i.'`i1: ,-=':.yr .'ti(?'; ,`,t. y?`5''?i l:,
f. ',; ,[ x_ r} <: Moved by 1.:r. McLean, seconded by Mr. Shank and carried that the Tampa &
•:Ti.f.l" U •'3'.''t. .: _; , .. '- Sys •.1 .: ??,' .
Gulf-Coast H.R. Co., be requestedto put cinders on Nast Strer?t from
l•'• .,` s, J ir; S?a?'`,:
vhi n "'i.'p •'4? .'ry:'S.1 t•.?f} li'ti ??.';?? ,.?"; ;.?. ., ''Ik?? ~1-.' !r. ,
:X.. ` brewStreet to the their Depot, and that the President of the Council, .:i
appoint a comni.ttee of one to see the Shool Board in regard to getting
l., r:f'r4? ??`•i}'=. '!: i??,, -r: ': ?:'i •. ;i,f,`y 1' .'Yi fl i.'
Via: a strip 'of land from them off of the East side of ball Park sufficiently
, to widen the Street from Cleveland Street to Franklin Street, or ;
?.:?: ; a:.;,? ; :k•?}q 'F wide ;f
,i . C, i ?,.?''a''" ? Kra„i•li.,';L ,i! ? , r ; '?,.. •. a . '
a sidewalks, and that a committee of one be appointed to see the Railroad '''1 .'y?YaY,,;,,r` • ''C,F
a,•i.4?..rr'la. ?iY•jti ??:`f,1 :5::r .?j"j. •?? '!. lti'' 'ij ,1•:. .tf: ,'
Qom any in regard to fixing up the Sreet. The President appointed Mr.
:```.,?';-•'```'?• '':? `
';i"' ,•;,'.i, •`? .''iii`' f ?•' 'r ?°.;; Y`l , •
,?r -• ;!•:-r,c,, y `ja; Coachman to see the Railroad Co., and Mr. McLean was appointed to see the
''•' '; :,.' School Board in regard to this matter'.
Sanitary Officer Warden stated that the City Dock needed
repairs. The Council instructed 14r. Warden to repair -the Dock as soon :r s>{`YS`'-+.?-
?'' '?::? =y y' ';`•as possible. e ..?,?,?'' .+'?,?? ?• ?,•;?'
14r. Mortonson suggrest::d that the fruit on the grove belon- L'??<;
= y , ?1`KF1 ! ?" ? a _ is 1 w?ti4f? ?1: ?l••.j = L,ii,
f.' t t
gin(,, to the Golf Links be sold as it was wasting, and being destroyed, '•'=;:s?
Moved by Aar. McLean, seconded by Mr. Shank and carried that the Park
Committee he instructed to sell the fruit to the best advantage, and
also have the grove worked and fertilized.
ter. Scwalhel Sup4. of the Watley- Works stated that he had
! employed Ernest Jackson at a salary of ?;125.00 per momth as an assistant
Vgineer at the Water Works. lie also said that the new electrical pwnp`.,,
was a success, and sugrf:ested that the Council. put in an order for another
pump like it as the increasing demands for water demanded it. lie thogght
that the council should do this at once as lie sairl it probably would take'
months to get one installed.
Mr. Mortonson started t:}irit a lot of writer was wasted at the '
Golf Links bn account of lenk•g valves in the pipes. A communication was read from the Board of Traidp inviting
_,, =•;' the City Officials to be present at an entertaLnrrjent p;iven by the Board
;t. "`'. ;,• to take place at the Y.W.C.A. rooms on ?,Monday evening, .7rJnuary ??t;h, the
bettor acouaintanre and understanding bet%7veen
nature of which was to promote
the people, the City Offinial's and the Board of Trade.
/." ^-;f?'i`:'?y{S;t,, 1..:; ?. ,, la,..:.:.e.rr-w4...,..w.;?.it?14 Gs.l++na,?YCTl.K9?T,v?(•E.r"'I..+tt'.'i•X13:•l?'[37`'.kr'yj,?,{?1?i?:G'cna,?"w."r'"•""...«:.., w...« ?.:.3,,,,reaki?,.f' 4 "t`?„• ?'tt°
' • •
It • ? '? 'i;''::;,jl°:':.[?'• `. ,,• L5;';'•% :? `r
} j tl'4 S ', r, ,i ? :? i.- t i ' f ?. 1 ti; •!:a ".,I, :Ei;; ? ,ri,!,
14ayorBooth asked for an Ordinance governing grinding organs on f u: ih,.•",;;°' s• `
''r ?;i'' ;,.•.kN ; f?:,: S or }tiro nnra on Cleveland 3taroet He tied
the treats and the parking of f
F:.1 1,ti 1, 1;,
< ° ;,},?; k:, 5:1p¢/. ;,`.M ,,•; +• the grind organs were n naainaraae and that the oars for hire were b}.oeknc}ing
r. ?ll,'? y}'i11=+}Sf',?•-'1'.Lr , ']??4. •y, .:ti.
the Street so no to ]cinder the getting in and ont to the Post office and
other placers on Cleveland Street.
Voved, b, Mt. Coachman, seconded by Mr, McLenn and carried that the
k l , r l l r 1?? . ?'r .
I •, a ? ?+M •y 1 "r 4,t f?l•
City Attorney be instructed to draw an Ordinance making a license for
5.. ''?:y?``, ?r??•:,.+.`;t;`F.•'.:.°:•,;`, '- ,uil?;i;f,l'r`y-p.. ifli::•.'
^r.:`'':w''.• :4 ,::f grinding orF,ans on the Streei; and to have oars for hire not to i ark on
`?:'' .f,! ,j. :,. is•, ' ?: ?' = , ..k' •, .r,;, ?ate`.,:'
Cleveland Street.
A petition from the colored citizens asklnr; for an instaliment
` _•'`.?i:y :,j•,?s?'=?;rr `?-`•.,?,i:7 ?`?? rr?,.'. ['E?'•••i, :':',: t'c .1,'
pay Ian to for Sanitary toilets that they are required to install to con-
no McLean, seconded by Mr.
ot with saitary sewer was read. i??oved by Mr. Turner and Barred that this petition be referred to the City Attorney'
and he report; back to the next meeting of the Council if their request;
'' ' ; 5•' r',:1?'" , . f? ,+:yi`,1 .fie `.,,r . ?. ;•?.
can he granted,
!r.:rA.,ft, fr,s ?,{' +' i.'. .., +.i• 5.1?°.t'- ''r
Dr. L,G,Corbett presented bill for x,162.65 for care of sick : s
..'=?•°;i'': ;;';t5j.. tir;,? for thirty days. This included care, food and milk. Moved by Mr. Iv1oLQan, - - -?? ,
seconded by 1,=r. 11-ortonson and curried that :,thd{-Ci.ty Clerk be instructed
rh'.`t+ to pay Dr,Corbett's bill.
A "bill. from the Bank of Clearwater for nine (9) Bond Coupons ;. •:'.
rend: 17-oved by lar. McLean,, seconded
SerieFill At', to the amount of ti¢135.00 was
(. by Yr. Shank and carried that the City Clerk be instruetE:d to pay the .?
• art ??_ . li.fl +?'•t'.?
?' r "r. C, 'r. ,, .r.?i;r:i':.1?1 .?•?..
Bank of Clearwater .p135.00 ai119 take up bond coupons,
r r
manor Bootb by recommendation of the Library Board nppoibted ..:r)?:,;.?.:,. ?c !
W;A.Davis as a member of the Library Borar(I to succef-d D.i Yi.11
ollins resigned Y[-
iAot?.ed. by lrr Coachman, seconded by Mr. tihranic that the Mayor's za?ipointrnent
?r'1 F ,r of W.A.Davis as a member+ of the Litmlxry 3?oarc] be appi,oved.
The following building permits were read t
Sub. '
'Name Build lnt Stories. Rooms. ;,no£ Lot. Block.
..' H.11.Self Frame 1 1 Composition 26 16 Magnolia Park.'
P.P. Si•one " Add. 2 2 Shingle S Harbor Oaks.
M, L. Shaw ReModel Frame 1 7 C Plaza Park, ,
Mr. Coe RepRir " 2 C, Shingle Fr
?. composition 14 11, arkleIs
IIrenl3on Jones Pram. 1 5 " 1 McMullen's.
Alex. Mc(3uinn 3 Nicholson S: Sloans,
?,? : • `
John Williams 17 Drew Park.
Moved by M-r. Coachman, seconded by 3;x'. Mortonson and carried that 'building
i { + permits be grantorl.. '
The Council proceeded to cane
ass the retarrna of thy;.Speci.al ;
Election of JanuFary, 18th, 1921, to determine rrhetber the City should
issue Forty-five Thousand Dollars, (","45,000.00) of ne?rotiralble coupon bonds
•.1' •,.j
for the piu•pose of a public park for said City.
1..f :'.. • 1...-?..'-.-....-•:. i!i .yy Yallri J. w+.Nr...-a--....n. •«r..w•:NSI,1?`' ••,r elr+'1 f*- '
•,4 ? = ''i'•t.. ti .? ??LrNr??,.?...,-••-?._. .......... .. ?.--."•».-. .....r..•.W,.?• .«....wK..+el?. y' r? eJ:r..? .e.' , -"'- i w,'
? ? ''i ; 1'R?'r •':,:;. s? ?itd.yc1'i .. l 'j?9r;,iy?!? ja b'i,.?.-? ,' i
O" I
,' ;t.: rL ' ,y1'I',1 /•?L 1567
" !i1°; 4••• • ;ti, r Qi',
,,: ),'•.'Z 't}... ' ', ' y' •3r., <.?.?+ h}:?.?"YI,•k'"S?F.3?lr,; i
i:`.? Fly j •; .?:}r' ,' , ?4i ,4,
e, the t ndersip-met , Inape t ,y s Clerk of Sp A,,; •i ';r..'i.'?'} ,?,,?; •a ..: ,.
Election do solemnly smear that that tie trill perform titer duties of
zns eot orreand Clerk at said Special Llection held in the City of Clearwater s. ;.; ; i',?• •tyL,,,,S,,°£,. }??:
f 1 d that we will ender 11{'],
Florida" Tannery 18 Ytl92 according t;o law and
:i to prevent fraud, deoeit or ahiisa in the conduct; of the same so help me
' `j 7 t:,•, : p r T:
•,,", ',,, Gad f , r•F.''.},• ,,: +,;',?°1;:F I: Y':i;Y.-1 ?•rR:: ,''•.
(f. i? 1. .1;;• 4 .,?,
Signed) 13. J.iloot•,lh t: z'?; ;,,-??;;ti•:",?, ':
(Signed) J.1?.1!;ldridrre
Inspector. (Signed) J.C.Vibittle. It"'.,??,":'•; ";,''ti'
Ins ector.
ignecl } E.11 . Turner.
•4 f'•;.,,.
Sworn tea and subscribed to before we this the 18th, day of
• January, A. D. 1921.
(Signed T?avve-r Ba le
'' e 1`. ,t
p; V. OSV ry Public.
V.y commission expires June 11th. 1921.
c L•. .:.,.' ss '. , . STATE: OF FLORIDA
j ..° ',;y'•, ` COUNTY OF PIVELLAS,
We, the undersigned, Inspectors and Cleric of the Special
Election held in t;he City of Cilearvrat;er, Florida], on the l8th.dny of
January, A.D. 1921, do hereby certify that the have conducted said election'-'
according to law, and upon eountinl; the ballots find the result of said ?:' . • _ ::
election to be as follows:. Total nwnber of Ballots cast 264.
Total number of Balloter mutilated 1""' '
.;: For Bonds received 215
:?. Against Bonds received ?i ;..
Given under our hands this 18th. day of January, A.D. 1921.
„_ :,•' ? . ? (Signed) R.J.13ooth •'•`E1' ..
(Srued) J. L l.dria,ge '.f' . , . °.::,,,?;:;;''•
(Signed} J.0-Va ittle. e.•;.4r`!.???4?:.:.y.f.'.;, ,
:;•.',it. Is! 'Ri?1'1.},yi:
(>)if;ned) .13.Ttrrner. .''. °';,: >'.r• ?,'•.?:?,.,,:.:.
;:f, ••' 'ilk.. ••;.'•. .? 'ti ?: rr, i,?•'?'
, "', ?• •• ', 'r ?i ?'i .•i.'.? :y: .Sit 1• ) '
Moved by Mr. Shank, seconded by Mr. Coachman and carried that the report 'of the election be accepted, and, become apart: of the ]record. 1' e-•'' '?
Mr. Shank introduced the following Resolution:
1: •,t.
Declaring the result of the ey ac on held. January, 18th 1921
VIRERrAS the City Council is charged with the duty of canvassing the ,returns
of all the elections held in the City of Clearwater, Florida , andr'°deolarxng'. 4
i the result thereof, and
WHEREAS, there was a special election he
ld in said City on the '
f 18th day of January, A. P . 1921, to determine whetbar the City should issue
Forty-five Thousand ($45,000.00) Dollars of negotiable coupon Bonds for
the pltrpose of H ntrblic park for said city, and 1VHXRLA5 it appears that said election urns duly rind lee-ally held, and
.$, ..:. '13 EA 14 the Council has this drrT met for the purpose of ;• : ; ? ;., `''fi'r' '
canvassing the returns of said election and it appearing from the returns
of the Inspectors and Clerk of said election that there were 264 ballots
oast; that there tier"
1 ballot mutilated; that there were 1.5 ballots
cast for the issuance ant) sale of said Bonds and 48 ballots caast against
,' .. the issuance and sale of said Bonds, and -' _
WHERRAS it appears that more: t;hart i-hree-rifths of tile
electors OC said City voting in said cast their ballot in favor of the
issuance of said ]fonds.
THEREFc:RL 13E IT 113'SOLVWY AND CERTIFIED that more than three-
. ,, fifths of the qualified electors voting in sni.d election cast their'ballots . .
` in favor of the issuance of snid Bonds.
BE IT Ft11t`PEUR RESOLVED AND CEEPTIFIED that said el.e ction was
duly carried and resulted in the favor of the issuance of said Bonds by
more than a requisite number of the affirmative votes.
Irir. •. ? P?.i •?+ ,
,,?rY ; A S,- •
r' k•'?,J??':Rk
' '
' .
Z r"•i, '. ;s,#k
`;:';' .ake such stepel•' ,
13L FUTITHEli RESOLVED that the City Attorne?
: , . .,•.
as are necessary to have said Bonds validated and affirmed by the Court
;''' 4 ?f' "' `';ri;`:,`;.°r':'t •: and test the legality thereof
E' ,.??
;, ;
: ' . '" Paseed by the Citj Council this 19 day of Janus A.D. 1921,
)) •
ATTEST: (Signed) J.C.Moore
J,R,Thomas. President o y Aoaznoil.
city Ulerlce
"6 (Seal)
Moved by Mr. Shank, seconded by -1r. Coachman that Resolution be adopted.
T.C.14oore, E.11.Coachman, F.C.Shank, Peter Mortensen,
Upon roll call
A.C.Turner, Gregor 1ylaLean and H.T.Markley voted "aye" and the Resolution
was declared adopted.
The following instructions were given the City Clerk by the
? Finance Committee:
-''t' i=:
R= :,' ' `•'
, January, 6th 1921
I .[",.r7i:::'' [!'? ?;.:'?:'•;. ?'?::?'. • We the Finance Committee or tho City Cooneil of the City of
Clearwater, have instructed the City Clerk to transfer the sum of One
Thousand Dollars {r'1,000.oo) , from the Improvement Fund to the Sanitary
' v P [ t 5 . &•Streets Fund, and to transfer the sum of One Thousand Dollars (141
the Publicity Fund to the Commission & Salaries Fund, as we find these
Funds in need of Funds to meet the meekly pay rolls.
We. hlso instructed the City Clerk to pay the, Fifth Estimate of
Y<':= ''. '`;;". ;• s''.' Thos. S.Lord contractor for sewer work as submitted by City Engineer Drew,
amounting to 4?997.14 as follows:
•?; `,: '`a ;
: Thos. S. Lord );405.62.
?:.L[?,.i;;'r`;. '?::Y••.•':
.P• Macon ae:ver Pipe Works 591.52
• i?
;: ;
. '" Thos. S. Lord gave the Council a
writen order to pay tho
Macon Sewer Pipe Works the above amount for some sewer pipe ordered from
themto use in contract he had with the City of Clearwater.
Finance Committee:
(Signed) 1;.H.Coachman.
(Signed) Gregor Ttc mean
y'° : (Signed) t. . Mar e...?
- •
Moved by Mr. Shank, seconaea by Mr, ldortoneon and carried that the aatian '
of the Finance Committee be approved.
' Mr. Shank introduced the following Resolution to approve the action of
' i
.: y
" ?=
Y ''
` 'the Finance Committee in transferring the sum of One Thousand Dollars
from the Improvement Fund to the Sra it?ary & :? A
n tr ets Fund, and the
transferring of One Thousand Dollars from the Publicity Fund to the
Commission & Salaries Fund.
January, 19th 1921.
Of the City Council f the City of Clearwater, Florida,
VlHBREAS: ?t is necessary, Expedient, advisable and for the
:best interest of the' City of Cle:?rs?rater, for the City Council
for and
behalf of said City to transfer the sum of One 'thousand Dollars (;1,000.00)
from the Improvement Fund to the Sanitary & Streets Fund, and to transfer
` the stun of One Thousand Dollars (:""1,000.00) from the Publicity Fund to' the
`. ?.:'•` Commission & Salaries Fund.
it resolved by the City Council of the City of
-= Clearwater, that the Council on behalf of the City of Clearw ter, transfer
the sum of One Thousand Dollars (;1,000.00) from the Improvement Fund to
the Sanitary. & Str'-et Fund, and to transfer the sum of One Thousand Dollars
( l; 000.00) from the Publicity Fond to 'the Commission & Salaries Fund.
ATTEST: (Signed} J.C.1[ioare
t•J ''. ;?'. (Signed) J.P.Thomas. res en a y Council
City Clerk,
#• [
:1;' '
Moved by Mr. Shank, seconded by I,! a
r. Mortonson that Resolution be adopted.
•, Upon roll ,call J.C.Moore, E.H.Coachman. F.C.Shanlc, Peter lilortonson,
A. C.
;f" r`
-` adopted
Turnor, Gregor McLean' and R.T.ilarkley 'Doted nays" and Rascalutian was declar
i A. =?Y.YMpun,-TlAa.a H,i.•.'?" ,'".. ^CI?C'rwv..,r,+,w+Mew..,w_+xuw?7
••I', ?.??'' ',1 Y???' i f.4t'•14XJ,?a??•'... t.
a L•'s' ti'
x f"
Jed ?.` • .-'r. <;"' ''':`' ' "
40 All,
Mr. Coaohmnn introduced Ordinance Ila. 200,
An Ordinace to amend Ordinace Vo. 196, of the City of Clearwater.
„'' ORDIVANCENO. 200 eras put on its first reading. Noved by Mr, r
Coachman secoaded'b Mr, McLdnn that Ordinance No.200 be passed for its '
Y' °'`? ;;;`• ,`l ':'', :: 'E„ First reading. Upon roll cal J.C.Moore, K.11,CoRabman.. GregorYiclean, H.T.
Markley, F.C. Shank, A.G,Turner and Peter L•iartonsan voted age" and Ordinan
,? `?,;'', r,„x''i s;F'.,i•_:. ` '>: I100 200 was declared passed txnatni.ously on its first reading. Moved by Mr. ,
Idr, 1oiarkle
?AoLean seconded by g end carriecl rl}rat the rules be waved Band
r,: Ordinance No.200 be placed on its second reading and rend by title only.
Ordinance No. 200 was placed on its second reading and read by title only.
fhaved by Mr. Coachman, seconded by l1Lr, Mlolenn that Ordinrarice No.200 be
passed for its-second reading. Upon roll call J.C.if;oore, E.H.Coaohmran,
Peter Mortarrson H.T.IAarlkloy, Gregor VcLean, and A.C
voted "aye" and Ordinance No,200 was declared passed unamiously for its
second reading. moved by F,Lr: IsLortonson, seconded by VIP. Turner and carried
that the rules be further waived and that Ordinance FIo.200 be placed on
its third reading and final' passage. Ordinance No.200 was placed on its
third reading and read in full, Voved by Mr. McLean, seconded hs Mr,
Ooaohmsn,that Ordinance No.200 be placed on its final passage. Upon roll
call J.C.Moore, E.H.Coachman, A.G.Turner, Gregor Llc'Lean, ^eter Mortonson,
,r: '..`::5:,':';;• R.T.Marl<ley and FX.Shank voted "ayes" and the chair declarod that Ordinane
':';',_?.?,rr;i„',,,f;-.'-1;-••',',' a passed LLl'lamiausl on its final reading.
5}. - '• 1?? 1 ? f;. t 4 is i'.' i +l
ORDINANCE 110. 200.
BR 'IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Clearwater that Ordinanc
'f.''.E?•r1 Si,;a`'a.'i r.'.::, y:;, No.196'be amended so that consumers of water in the City of Clearwater,
using the flat rate, shall peg ?1.25 per month where no meter is installed
and where only one faucet only one faucet and one fixture is used, and in
'f,,: addition ten cents (.10) for each faucet or fixture,
That said Ordinance be further amended so as to provide that
users of water where mater are installed the rate shall be ;11.25 per month
for the first 4oo cubic feet, and that all water bills not paid on or befo
<'?"::,;.• :-.the 15th •of the month a penalty of fifty cents (.50) be assessed against
the user.
SECTION TWO: Said Ordinance No,19E in all other respects shall
} be in faxll force and effect.
r•:.f ! Passed by the City Council this 19 day of January, A.U. 1921.
ATTEST: President of the City Council..
J.H.Thomas. (Signed) J.C.Moore.
My Clerk;
APFROVLaI) by• me this 19 day of January, ,4,D. 1,921.
Frank J. Booth
'' • The Bond Trustees submitted their financial report for the
month, of December, 1920
.,+ Moved by Ir;r. Co€cchmnn, seconded by LIP. LIIcLean and carried
that the report; of the Bond Trustaos. W9 accepted and filed an pnri; of
14r. Turners seconded by Tyr. I.cLean and carried that
I:?oved b
, `
Council adjourn.
nstden of City U011noll.,
',y.•<?,•ti:rj;'i'y:•:rtt' '';;i ,•; ??r•„•,Y,,.•?.... ... .... _.._--?..-? -._..,.?....__.._,....,....---...........?w..,...?..w`"irwatA:,..li%vikrrsw+.wlarna.a.w+ww•..-••_...--- ,_...- .. _.
f.3?1 ,Y
err.? 161 - a.x. I lr
_ .5:• •' -• 1, ,
• 1; t?}'? r rr. 11.,,E 'Ji i 'J .' .. ',
j. Peoples Bank
.', . .; ; December let Balance. 24, 223..29
}; r Receipts.
` Doc loth. Taxes 461.13
23rd. 437,46
905.18 F
Int D/B. 13.1513
25 128. a
TotaL receipts
Dea 7t ?.,
.?' 250.00
h. Interest
Balance............ 84,1878,45
Bank od Clearwater.
December 1st. Balance, 6,458.87 E
Disbursnants „ .
December 17th. City Vouchers 32557.80 s!: y
MunloiEal Park Fund. . , '
December let. Balance 50458.67 Disburemente
December 7th. City Vouchers 3 557.60
:•:..•'?tE,; ' .r,,: Balance .
Interest Fund
December 1st Balance 814.78
,z, F•d;xi,l,, '' December 10th Taxes 372.46 '.
Total receipts
December John Nuveen Co. Interest 250.00 '
Balance . , .........:3;3'aa. M' s '
.1. Sinking Fund
Deoemberlst. Balance 4,387.941
Deoember 10th Taxes. 88.87'
December 33rd. " 84.18
'December 23rd. Int D. B 6.58 179.37
Balance ........... , ..r:::, :.rry'''' ,
I rovement Fund Trial Balance
' Peoples Rank. 24, 878.45 18, 990.52 -'.-
Bank of Clearwater 1,901 07 ".
Municipal Park Fund 18901.07
Interest Fund 1,380.57 Sinking Fund 41,567.36
?'. .'Sinking Fund (Invested) 12,621.38
Investments 12.621.38 Improvement Fund
' December lot Balance 18,994.58
=1' 'No receipts or Diaburamants. .00
Balance. .......... 18,
Cancelled Coupons. 80 # 21 at 12.50 1000.00
5 # 18 " 12.50 62.50
?.. ', 10 # 8 n 12.50 125.00 `
•,' . 99 # 9 a 12.50 1237.50
13 # 12 " 12.50 1£2.50
Respectfully Submitted?
City of Clearwater.
r T .+- { •; r ` = p,y;?:rt.1??,Y,S?rI..,,,,r..,,..,...- W,.... ... . _ ....... „ .... .. ..... - . - .,nr? , ' ' . ? , e .
:. •, t, nti?cCNV'v .. .-...,..-'... .u, . jL.:riY Hrc`v,yye.r+..-».a-- .... ...... ......... .. _... ..........w.wuY •
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