09/01/1915-� � . ...._. _ _' ,__.. .__ ..., . . . .:v r, � 502. �'� i ,� .:� ;: � � � � � � �� �� �>° �� � � � � � �x f I�2 l 1�T U'�' � eS °(7'�� Z'' C 0 U N G' T Ii . , � ,�� �" Glear�ra,��r �`lor�.c�a,Sep,�,�;1815� ; �i re�ular. maet3n� o� Counail. �r�,� he�d.,prssent,B �i (7a�aWlaera,�oT, !� :; Iiarrison,Iv E�iigh$�i,9P S Sx�i�h, k� Bsandon �nd Aatin� �I��►�r,J R TYio���� ; ; Camrnuni.aa�ione t�z:�e r�ad and upon r��.5 �icn zn�de by R R T�ra��.;�on �eoone� . . � . � . . �� Y ��r Dx. ?3 � P,R3.ghell �er� ord�:xect �i�,ed.. �oved by R� Brandan g�conad by W T Harxi�on tha� �ec�u�st o� �. .: Dean Alvord �'o� ix�tersst on Iiax'box O�lc� �ez°t�gicat�s be re�'erred ta Financ� Committ;es,vrhich ti�a� ea,rriecl, Adx. C'li�f �aMul.len protee�ecl �.a to txea��m�n� o� exou�eionis ��n Publia Piex stat�no that he dosir�a instr�ction� �s to handl.�.ng ne�ro ' exau�ai�ns. ��ove�. py � T har�ison eeaone� '�y TJ E�1i�hel�. that m�,ttex �E �e�er�ed �� �9�,tsr �'ront �ommit�se �rit� po�er �� aat,�hich �rae c�arxied� The fo].�.ov�3ng ��.a� t�ere sub�it�ed for drill�.ng �a�'lls fn� t�a�ex : � . .. . � . . . � � . p �.- Depa;�tr�en� ; �' �`7 Jacol�a _ T�o '�e7.1.s, F��l EC;. IQn �3 00 18�� �2 �0 pex �tq `� J Zimm�rm�.n n �� , 10n �I. 90 3�n 2 9Q � n, D E Fu�l�� n n p :LQ" p 40 1�t� 3�0 �� n . � D�'t Duke � ►r » 3 �,O r� a a5 ��w �' �u 50 it ". Sou�hard Con�rac��.ng Co.,Southard �ys�sr�,];�n �e�l� �1,OOq 90 � ��.Sou�ia��d �atp�w3,n�c� �nd axhibi .+r�c� Blue Pr�.nts o� �re11 nro�oseci. � l�n�'ed by Dr�i�I ��i�;ne11. ��ooAed by 4� �' Harri�an tha,� bid �f D E Fullea �ae acs�sntect,p�c�ided �hat v�ari� bs c3OT21�@riCP.d 1r��.thiY1 �:i��een da.�e and ���k oontinous�p until eor�pia�ed. iTpon mation I�ain� pu� al1 �reaen� �toted i n r��ir�aa.�ive �,nd tao�ion��r�,e deal�,red ��,rri��e 1�o�rea. by� Dr.nt E b4i�hr11 ��ar�ne� bv R k� Bra.nd.on that City At�arne� b� 3.ns�rv.� �ed �o dr�,� �ontract i�i�tn � E rull�x iar d��.l�.ing e��1.ls and t�i�,� �on�rac�nr be requirpd to m�.ke �ati�s�,ctory laox�de �.n the �um o� �i��y percen�(�0��) o�' eon'tr�,a� price,,LTpon �noti�n b�ing put �17. pr�st�nt vo tGd n,4ye r� e r '�he f�llo�rin� propositiox� t� se�l �o ��t�,Baae Ball ��;rk; Block 2 Pine Cre�� Subc3�.vision,con��i.nin� t�rentg{�Q) lots ____ ��a,0�0 OG Gr��oxy 8rothexs , B1ook 6�all�,ce Aaa�.t�.�n, 269.9`�t:on �"urnex Street 27 3. 6 f� l�ng 2�8 . 7 f t on r loyd St:�E e t o 1.G25 Ac�rea. ��-,000 00 ��.v��iia��� �d�ir�c1 by �� Brand�n,Chaixm�dn of Spea3a� Co�nmi�tea apgointed in x�ferenez �o �uxcha.se of l�thletic Park,reported th�,� a�t�r tho�cu,h �,,,...... ,_,.,� ��""x= : a - �. . � . . �iO3• fd . . . . . . ,t *... �. . . .� �. . . . . �,:.. . . .. .} .: . . � � � � �d i `l� �'� T E ��� � 0 �� C � �0�� U N� � �� I L . � �� � ` � � ,: _ _ :, Claarwater Florici��,�Sep:1.�t,3915. � ' � .i r :� ,f inve�ti,ation,Co�irni�$m� repor�ed tha� i;t v�a� ad;vi�able te oall an elea�ien :;� to pr�vid� �und� �og puxchaa� a:�d al�o to 2zave a k�alla� ��en �t g�� �;, �i t3.�ne �o deteri�ine looa�ion ,�� ee�eral d��i�able �ites h�,d been �f���ed. : ,; Moved �y R �C Bxandor� �eaonEd by ht E Mi�hell that Ci�;� Attoxz��y �` be ��qua�ted to dxa.� an Ordina,z�.as prov3ding for ��eoi�l m�.1�.age �ur the purpo�e �f pu�chasi�g l�.�hl�tio Park not �� exeeAd one and ���1� �i�l �or thx�e y�ax�,t�--v�i.t:1S�.�-191�07.91�-.?pon q�.e$tion bein� put a13. pre�ent '` vo ��c3 uAye n � �x. F� G�Y�.3.te��11 Ta � A����aor, �u�mi�ted ve�mpleted �ax FtaZl ` for ye�x 1915,and. requested ac�oQptan�e by City G�uncil, Moved bX �i S'Sra3: �h seconed by �7 E�iighel.l that Ta:c Roll be �c��ep�ed� vrhiah wae aaxr�ed. �r.J N�IcsGl�g addreseed Gou��ciZ �nxe�erx�iloe to a�otn�tiittea Ueing ar�Qin�ed �o eon�er }�ith h�.�n��I� i.� ma��er a�' exten�ion of Ele�txis L�.�,.�t Franc�hise. It �ras ffio�red axLd caxx3ad. th�.t mattex be re�ereci to �ater and Light Co�m3.tt�e, ��ir.Y J Kilgox� acidxe�eeci Co�tnoi3. inre�erance to ��mpl�t�ng; num'bexin�; 2nap,st�,t3.ng that i� ;�o�ld xequire about nne �eek� la,bax to aomple�e �ar�a. i.�c�ved by W T Ha,rriao� ee�Aned 'by Dr,� E��ighel�, t11at Mr.Y �T T{�lgore Ue etn�loyed to coanp].�t� nutnbering ma�a �or th� eum oi �wenty-�av� dollax� �,�25) and the compl�ta map becso�e th� p�oper�y of �he City �x:ci thwt ne c�opie� be made or blue �rin�s of sa,me vritho�t ear��ent of the C�ty Gouzloil or sold anly by �oraent af the City Coan�zl:wh�.ch �va� s�arxied,uraat�in�ueZye pxes�.den� Car�a.th�ra aek�d i� a�ny ob�ections had be�n f31�d t�, �aa�rin� ° �� �'rankl�n Stree-�- I�To abje��ionaQthe ialloVr:ln.� Resolut3:on wae i�ztroduaed: � R�SOi'JTI�N_ OF TI�' C:iTY COUNu?� OF' THE CITY OF CLE�?.'�AT�R�I�O�IDA. _ � �IER�AS a$ a regu]:ar mep�3.n� o� �r.e C�ty Counail h�7.d on �the 29th da,y af �'u�.y A.A.1A�.�,�he City Ceunai� aclap�ed a resolu�ia:� d�Glar.�.r,` itas intent3on tc pave Frai°��lin Stxeet'bet�een Ft. �arxi�an ar.d Ea�� .�vgoand �o �s�eee tne entixo cpst a� such pa�ring aga�.nst t:ae abuttirg rea'1 eatate. �IJD �REAS a na�ice of the in�enti.cn o� �Ehe Ci�y C��.zncil to • pave suor atree u��a� �ublishPci �.ncE a week in �he C�.sareaa�er Sun in i�e � ieau�s o� Ju3y 30tn,�v.Jus�c 6th,13t1�,�Qt�,and �7tI�A.D 1915,citing all i�t�rested �a,r�ies to appear beiore the Cou.ncil at it� re�u'l�.r ���tir�, �o be :�e1d on thi�, �he ie-� day of Se�te�ber .p,.13a 197.5, �a �h9w cause if �,r�v the,y liave; tiv�.y �ne sai�. �aving �hould nc�t bp done ancl �he eoe� �h�re�r �,,.._ ;�.,�� . .a. .., . : -�. � � w,,��,� 5��. `# �d"�i't' N II T E S 0 F C�J tI 1� C T� ,`�.;�'� � _ �l��r��.tex �'l�orida, �ep, lst, lai� ; , , y a�se�s�d r�g�.3.ng� the a,butti.n� �eal e�ta�e a� prov-�.�.erl in said nQt�.,c�e, A�rID ��'E�2EAS the City Caunei� o£ tne C��y o� C1�arvr�ta� ; bein� in regu�ar sesaxon aeeem'�led at tha Caunail. C�am'�er in ths � Ci�y H�il at 7:30 ct'vloak P rS cn this tn� �.st da�� af Se���mbsr Ao�i. �.9�.5,and no onaieit�ipr in pe�son or by at�orney,havin� appear�.d ta file any �b j�c�tion �d �aid propos�d ���r-inm�ar�d no ob jec�t�,o�e havin� been �iade; '�HER��'0� B� IT F2�SOLVED th�,t I'xankz.�n �tre�� be pa�red be�v�een F�.Ha�rison a,nd Eaet .t�uenue 4vith va�rif�.ed brick wi th soncreta combination cu.x•la ar�d guu'��r and sucli �tarm �e�ex an,ci ee�rer in3.et9 as �ay be n�c�e��ary Par �he p�oper dxainag;e aY �aid Street,ancl the�"� the an�ixecost �f the sa�ne,when oc�inpletsd,�ha11. 3ze aa�eesed a�ains� the abu�ti.ng x��.l �atat�. �E TT 'r"UTHER R.ESQLii�D tn2.t the �3�:� Cler� aausa �p be pub,�is�:ed ,�.c� in g�me z�e�s-pap�� o� gonasa� aixcula,tirn�.n�a���i �ity,a no�i�� that �he City Co�ci1 ia�'��.t�� bicls ior Uh. �oovA me�tionad impxo�emen �e and that �aid, bide �v�.11 bs o�ened on Fri.dayr�he Z7th �ay o� Septe�nber A. �J. ].915, �,t �� ; 00 0� clock �1.�,�, in the Cnur�oil C�namber �� tias Ci ty Hall in aaid City;the e�r.t�aa�ox �o aoaept a,s p�,ymen� �o� sa3d t�ork i�n�rove�nen� certific�ate�. �gain.et the a'bu�ting rea.l e�t�,te,or eix �exoent :improve�nen� bondf�,a� the nption of the oontractc�ri �b.e Cit�> r�sexvin.� �he xi�ht to re jec� s,ny or a�.1 bids. �ld.opted '�Sr unar,aimo� vo�e o� the Ci�y Counoil tnis l.�t day c�f Se�a�eraber A. D. �.97.�, A.Tm�:�T R T D�n3e3� Ci�;� C1$rl�, B �` Ca:ntr�h�xs Preeiden�G City G�aur�cil.P�otem P�ov�d by �1 � Smi �h eaconed R K Br�,nao�� th�t Reaolu-Gidn b� a�.o��edqtx�on quest3,on kaeina nut a1.], ,rres�nt vo�ed ��Aye1e ar_d. Resolution �ae dsalared �dop�ted-p Mr, W S�m�tn 3ntroc�.uae�. th� 3oi7:owin� �� Resolu�ion; Rt1i.�� AND REGTJ�A`S�Ot�'S GOVERNZNG Y+'rRE DFP;ART1�Ei�'m QF Tti� CT'�Y OF CLEA��ATE$ �G''rIEREAS �h� City Coun�il a:� tre City a�' Cl�ar�a$er d���n it naoe��axy, , �xpQdi �n� t�rLd �flx the �as� 3.n�ere�t �� �he C�.ty tha�t ce.rtain rui�� anc�,� regul�,t�.ona b� a�.op�sci �ox the gov�rnme�t a�' �he F�.re ��par�n��nt o� °�he City; TiI�R�FOR� B� IT F.ES�JL�V�D by the City Caunoil o� tne C�.ty ca� -- _ _ _ . � ._ 505. �`�; �� �-��� � � �� �� � � � � � �� � � � � �� � ,�: �II�iTTES fQF CQU2�'GIL ; f C��arv��.�ex FZorid,a, S$p. Zs �, 3L3�5. � Cle�rc�at�r Flo�4a�,'that the �cllovri�ig ru3se and re�ul��ican� �e �-,�,r; �* d � � ��?d �ni'o�4eci fo� t�i� gosernmsn�t GY tae Fix� D�partment : ` ? l.�t. The F�.r� Chie� anal]. ha�re ger�exal �t�,pexvi�ion and �on.�ro1 ':, , over th� F�.re De�����nt o� th� �i�y 'Qr.��pt �,� Othe�w�.�� C�pE�vi�1i��Z].y `; pr�vided in �the oxdiz�.ncee �£' �he �i�y �x by theee ru��s,�nd it aha13 be hia �.uty �to ses t�a� al� or�.i�an�e� and �hees �ules ar�d ' �egula�i�n� a:ra s�r3ctZ,� c�or�pl�.e�. with l:;y a��ry memlaer o?' the �`i�� ; D��ar�men�,pa�.d or volun�ary, ar�s� to eni�rce �11 ot:her rul.es �r.d x��ula�i�ne �tr�iieh may b� �dop�ac� hereaf�e� �ay th� C3. �g CounoiZ �vve�x� ing th� Fire Dep�,rt�en�. �nd, Tn order t� tna?�� tre F3.�e ��pa��ruent aa e��iei�nt �.s pQ�aiU� it shal,l be the du�y o� the Fi�� Chi�� �o �rq�F�lyattend all. �i,was that �na� be x�bo:�ted to h�m b� fi,re �larr�.tela�hone or �,ny other uaethad that nu�y be en�pl,oyed ta a��qu�int �tiin a� t%e faot that there i� a �ire in the �i�ty 1�mite. 3rd. 'The Fire De�a�tt�ent ahall b� �o�posed of tho F�.re Chie� the Engir_esr of the �iace truck �d ten v��.ian.uee�r iiremen to be sal�.cted by theFixe Chi�i. The �alary oi ti�e Fire Chie� a,nd the En�ineer af th� �'ire tru�k �ha��. ba �i��d. bp �he City CaunaiZ by '� ��solu°�d.on. a,y the �ast regular �:�e�ing in. �ia�r o� eac�h ��a�e Ea,eh o� the �ol�nt�er f�r�m�� s?�all reasiv� �¢�.�0 far each ��.r� �,tt��ded bp tnem pro�icied ho��eve�a �hat ne p�,y v�i12 be �,11Gt�J'ed �o a.�1y ���e:uan �vho d.0e� not at�end ��.�.°�h�:�p �o zignt fire. �th, In cae� of emer�ency, the .F3re Ch��� gh�.11 ha.ve po�ax ar�d authoxity t� �a? I on anyone �aho may 'qe a� �. f�.re ior �dditional halx� �vhich �a� be required ��en �he rE�u�ar iorc� ie not sui�ioien� ��r the oe�aasion,and suall add:�txan�,l help �h�.II b� re�orte�i to �he �ity ��tin�i� by th.� FirB Chi�� and �ha�.l ea�h x�s�ei.�p ��,�0 �or thei� services at su�h fixe a� �hs ea3ne ��.rne th�.� the re�ul�r �ire�nen &�� �aid� 5t�. Uncie: na oir�um�tancee ehall �he £ire txuck3or an.y o� the fire appar�t�a.s n� �he Ci�i�,be t�ken oa�sids o� the �ity lizn�ts �o� any pur�ose �vhatsoever,e:xaept upon the eacpr�as ard�� o� the �Rayor �if the City,and theri c�n3y to aesiet in �ighting iire i� �ame rzeighboring to�n or c�ity that ha� a wa�s� �ks eystsm. 5th. It gY��ll b� the dutSr o� �he �,ngineer of the fire ��.��� to k��p the eng�n� and �ruck �.n fire� c1a�s order a� all �im�a xeac�.y to rP$pcanc� a� �� mc�mer�tg no'tiae; to �ee tha� a11 clze�ai�t�l �anke an:d appaFa�u� ax� in. good condition and charged��eady for imme�iate uae; and '�otake 1 ;, ' . , `- � . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. �.� . , 5GE) • �'�-b�NIUTES 6F C�UY�'CTI� �' Cleax��.�sx FZcrida, Se�a. �et,1.915. � , 6th.con. � oare o� tYie ho�� anci �eep i.t �.n aondi.tio� �ta 'be ueed a� a;.Z tim�s;, ` �,nd; v�lsenever �ny o� i;h� hose Y�as be�n u�ed ta figh� �irs, it aha11. '? :�e �hp duty of the �n�in�er tA takaup �ci dxy �.11 �t�h hoa� as h�,s �eaen � , we �;and h� eha7.l �aveth� �.�.tho�i�y �ohire e��h addit�.ean�l. ha�� �� ' m�.y be n�edsc� to t&ke up wet ho�e:pre�exancsQ given to member� oi the Fire L�pa�tmsx�� i�� auch w9rke'T� shal.l be the 'd,ut3� o� -�be �ng�neer �d k�e� a11 the a�p�,�a�ua ancl equi�men� be�.��gir�g �b '��"`"ox a p�,rt af �he �ixe �8pax�men� in a� goo� a�onci��i�n as po�sibl�,al�vav°� re�,dy for ixtun�d3,a�e uee. 7th. I� ehall be unlav�Yu1. �o� aray �sreon: no� a mernbsr �i tha Fire Depa.xtme�it to �et �n ox ��d�:u�on �+re txuQk or in any wav os ra�.nrier ��1es� the sa�n� at an� �ime. 8�ch� I ��h�ll bE �he dv:ty of all membex� ef �n� Fixe ��part- �ent to e�ecute �he oxd�re� r� the F�,xe C�i�.,af when on duty to the be��� og `th�,i5c abi l.i�y,�romx�tly, ��d �`i.���� au�stion. It ahall be th�i � duty wh�n Qal7.ed. u�on. by the �'ixe Cl3zie� t� attend praa�ive clxills, ttt :l��,at,onoe each �onth at��suah ti�� as �z�e Chie� ma� desi.�a�e; an:cl i� �iaTl be •Ghe d�zty of e�ch and svery firQ�nen t� �e�pond qui.c�l�1.g ta any �i�� ala�� �vhsn in tY�e �3tygara.d 3� axi� :�ireru�n eha7.l a� an� t� ci��ai�e �a laava �he Ci�y it �ha1.I 'be h�.e dut�* �o �,€aquain� �h� �he � i�� Chie�' o� th� fa,o� �nd�proiaa�ble Ten�tli 6£ abse�Qe �ro� the Cit�r and xn �ase o� ths a.bssnae af any ;aember �f th� F�re Dapa��ment irom �he City i � aha.11 be th� du-�y d� the �ixe Chie�' �a ir�ned3at�ly f'ill th� �a�a,aQy b;r a pro te�npa�e a�poira�rusnt. 9�h. N� �rehicl.e o� any kind sha11 be all.oti�ed to s�o�r or x�mair� standin� rvithin twen�y f�et af rhe� entranae �o the iix� station a.+ any �tim� . 1,OtY!. Any zaember o� �he Fire Dep�,x�m�nt v�iol��ing anv r�f �hess rules and �euulationa �ha,ll be di��i88E3d �x0a�11. 8Bi°vio�, l.l�h Th� Fi.r� Chief sha,ll �uxnish to tY�e City Council a rc�tex oi the na,.mes o� a�7. memk�era o� tize valuntee� Fi�� Co�np�,��r �.nd ax+y chaz:ge� �vhicn �na,y be ma�ie �'xam time tv time gh�.? 1 be promptl� repo���a by h�.� �o the City CounaiZ �a�d a xost�r of the membership of the Fir� Ctamr�any �hal]. be �ep� �o�ted aonspi�u�ual� inthe Fi.re e�t�tion at all times, l�th. I� ehall l�e �he d�.��y o� the Fira and Buildi�g Gommi��e� _ : 507 : ;? � , � � :,, � �""""� I�T U T E S 0 F C� U Id C T I� -�' b _ Ciearcvater �`lorid�� �ep� 1g�,1.915. ; ; � 3 1Nth con. ,; n� �he C3ty Counail to ma�Ce an inspe��ion of th� iire st�,tioz�,a,t las�s�„ ; ; onae e�ah mon�h to �eaertain i� t�e�e xulea �ra �t�ie�ig,a�mpli�d. ,` ; w3ts� and t� m�� e�.1.C1.1 �u��8�it3oz'ie &�� $iZc�� dBG,-tt bse� ��x t,he 13a�t�x'1�11''i, ; a� th� �ire Depaxtr��nt. �uah in:�pea+ion� c��ia31. b� ��.thout t�i� �e��oe t� an,y o� �ha member� o� �h� '�i�e �epsrtme�i�. ' 1�3th, A�apy of the�e rules ah�,ll 'b� iuxnieriect to eaeh o� �h� ` �iembere of the Fire Uepa;x�man� anr� �aah m�m��x oi �he Fiwe Departsnent aha11 'be r�quired to b�a��� ��m�.liar �ith ��.e ii:re a,7.ar� s�gnal,�. Adap�ed bg �he �it;� Gounai�, thia l.s� d�.y of Septenber A.D. 19I.�, Moved I�� R� Brantlon �Econsd by W S Smith �Y�at Res4luti�n bs adonted as �c�a�,upon queeti�n �aein� gut �1Z pre�sn� voted ina�'f�rmativ� ana ��soZut�o� w�,g �.���,xea adoptodo , �rdinanc� �o i�8 wa.� xe�.d t�ie tr��rci ��,me ae io�.].o�e ; O�tDIi1ANCE 1V0.158 t?F TAE CI':CY 0� �yEA.RG�.�TER ,FLORID�. A.�v ORDIN�I+TCE ENTTT�ED �BAIv ORDII�I��TCE TO PROViDE FOR �Y� I sBUAN�E AND SA�E 4� zi�PRa�tE�SEI�� HO�TDS B� THE GIT� OF CLEAr��1�TER �0 THE A�d�Ui�aT �J�' THE I�iPRJiiEii�El`IT �ERTI�I�gT�S OR C�RTIFiCA^ES OF II�3AEBTEDNESS A�A,T.I�ST THE PROPERTY A�SES$ED r Ot� I�iPROV.C�EN�S AND HELD �Y TI� �iT�t, " �E Ii ORD�Itv�D '�Y THE QT'�Y CC1Ui';GIL, 0�` TH�' C�TY OF CL�.ARP�tATE�'.,s y�?R.�DA. . Seation I� �h�� ti�hene�ex �h� City gha�l m�.ke s�r s�au_.se to be m�ciex an�* municipal. impxo�'emen��a, g�rt e� all of �h� c�o�� of �b.ieh �2�.y1 b� �ese��ed �.�ainat �n� of �he re�]� ee�ate in eaid Gity anct �or �hica:n Gertif ioatee o� In3�1� �edne�a s�r Improvemen� Cexti�'icates $h�,7.3. be is��aed aga�.ngt the a�bu�ting Prop�xty ox �rope��y ben��i�ed��s �h� a�,�c� may be, that �he �ity Counai�. may,ina�ead od �.i�posa.ng o� t�� ea3d Certifi�a�Cee of �nd�bted.n�es �;� Tmpx��e�e�.� Ce��i�icsatas �,nd guaacanteeing �l�e pay- ment th�reo�,ae pro�v�ded by the ahartzr �,r,d c�rdinanc�es of t�e City,,re��i� said Cextiiia�tes vf In.debte�aea or Itnp�ave�ent Cextificates` and cispoeat the ea�ne tiva.�h the City Deparitoxy and. m�3?° im�xied:ia�sly i��ua a�.d e�ll bonda �o be designat�d T�Improvamant Bonds o�' the C�ty o� Ciear� rvete�n,z�ith 3ntar�st aoupone' �,t�taah.ea.; �o arz a�nour�t not gn, .excdBa o� _ t�e �.g�erga�� a�ount ot sa,id esrti�ica��s oi ind�btednes� ox improvement c�ex�i�ica-�es �hat sh�,I7. ira�n time to titne 'be ia�u�d�bea��ng int�xe�t a� tlie rate o� six pexcen� p�r�nnu� �ayab3e �ami.�annu�lly. See�ion 20 `Phs,t all bonds �saued under �1�� �xaFisio�s c�� Uhia ; "�`� . . .. ___ ��4 . . � � � . � . � .. .,. . .. . .. l.iV�Q �'.� . � �. .. � . . . � . . . . '' . _ ; . . �L .-.r' i � �u 1 N U i F'r S d�' C+ V[1 '_'� C Y L >: C1�ar�+�ter,Fla�ida,Sep,Ist,1�a5. ; ; � Ord��anae Na.Za� �ons �ordinan�e s�aa1Z �S� ies�tzed v�itY� su�h matvx�.-�ies and in such' form and ' drio�nin�tioz�� �s th� �ity Counail sa��,3.i �rom �imQ to �1m� d�termin� b,y ' �escl�ztiox� �nd the �naturi�ie� oa tYae b�nds ehal�. aoinQide eu'bs�axitial],y a with �n� m�turi���s a� the 3n���7.7t�nent� o� �hg Qextifi�at�a �� in�eb�ed�- nae� or improve�nent c�rtifiaatas so deps�eited inth� C3ty De�asi�o�y. Sev�ion �� �Pher� an� intsreet �x anY �aYmen.� shall bQ made,sa�se e1a�11 b� d:epoeited: ln the �iity Depos�tory in ��ep�,rate �und to 'be kzzOv�n ae �ha �It�provemen�' �d�ancl eu.ah �und sha�.l bs u.a�d �x�1u��.ve1� for �he pa�ment and re vi�sement 9f stach bo� da and. �he i��e�e��t thereari ��hen the �aan� �ha,11. m��� ar beao�e due. In or��e �lsex� i�h�].i no� be s��i�ient m�n�g in the im�axovemen�t FurLd �� �ay any ingta�.l m�nt of iiiterest at maturity,, the City �ouncil �h�17� b�rxotv such �n �tnc�un� o� money as sha�.Z Ue n�c�seary fo� such pur�o�e i�euir�g � no�� a�.inet said �und due ro�ithin n�t radre thas� �G�elve mAn�h�,ar�d e�ch no�e ehall bsar intex�ee� at x�ot mo�e than �iUht ��roent per �na�zrn, Sea�ion �k. g�l l�ond� i�st�ed under prc�vi�io�.s oi tY�ia ord3:nan�e sh�l]. bea.x a cext�r%eate duZy �ivnsd by �he pra�er 6�iice� o� tY�e Ci�y Deposi �a�y �ext�.i��n��th�,� cexti.iioat�� o� i:�debtadn�es o� impxvvemant �ext3fi���ee �qu�.l i:� ame�xn� to �ch� faae v�;ltxe of t�.e h�nci� bein� is�ued have been deposited la� the Ci�� �rl:�th suoh 1]e�oe�.�oi�y. S�at�.o�. 5. '��'h�nev�r any vontraat ehai,l b� let by �he City fox pa�bla� impr��rements, a paw� or a�l e� the coat o� whiah is to be ��s�es�d a�air_�v th� abu�tin�; �rcp���y,the oont�ag� sha7.1 ��at� �hat p�ogor�iori o� -�he �o�t o� sv.ah impr�v��ent t�e Qonts�.c�or sha13. be requ�.red to ta,ke in ir��rove�aent Q�rtiti�ate� o� impro�r�u��n� bond.s �'ar auah w��k. Seetio� 6. A11 ardin�.n��e ox parte of �xdin�nc�s �n conil.iat herewith are har�by r�pealed. P�,saed �� the City Caunci i a� the City ai Ciea,r�tes�, this 'i�� �.ay a� Sep�eznb�r A.D. i91.5. b �,s 'Gar�+at�ers Presiden�t City Council Protem .ATTES�' �3 � ��i�l �i.z� Clexko A�pxoeed by �ue thia 2nd day of Se�tetnber A D 3.91�. J' R �'ho�as �. _ , Ac�in�,�g�,�ox. _ _ _. , �I, �,...._.�.,� �,,.,� ' _... � � � ; ; �Q9, � . W• � z�� , " :`� , , � ; , � �TNU'TE.S,OF �OUNu^Ii, "� ��ear�t+a�e�, �'3.Qricia� Sa�a.lst,1��5 ` f j :i �Ioved by R IL Branclon s�oaned b,� W S Smi,�h that Ord�nano� nTo.l5� .t . . . � � . . . . . . 3 . . b� a ed a,a e�d aa:� sesen� ted i�i�i�mative �. d flrai�.a�;�e � d��s r , � �ra n .. n _ , � ��,s d�Q�lax�d pa�s�d, , �Tov�d l�y � T R�rx3�on �gsvaned by R K Brandan , th�� prin ��.ng o� � ; Ox�d.�nanc� ivo e�58 bs given to ne�r�-pape� haY i�� ,dor_e �t�e. le��� ' pubiio printir�g in �he y�ar c�� 1.J�5 Q Buildin� Ap�lis�t3ons: ; J D�Tohn�an Frame �atzild3.ng, La ���,Oak�vooct A�di-��.ane a� S �y�,�t Shed & �taxe H�uee, ��5.-.6�'7-8=Elaok '�, �ou�.d & Ewin� �-�dd. ' �pved by �t T Harr3eon eecaned �y S� � �mi�h �h�t ���i�s be �rantad. Er.�ix�ar J N Dre� aubmitted the �o�,loi�in� ee��.�,t� o� �ost �g �x�on�ion o� dr�in o� Chestr�u� Street: �� i�e HQ�orab].e Cou�1Q�.ZaCi�� oi C�.�a��ater. Gent�e�en :.� T�.e �o�t of e:�t�nding �he Ghes�a�ut S�r�et dxa�.n �o �h� �eatis�ra; lin� diteh �vill ae a� R i� Davi� ° priaea ; 936 ��0 24,! �ipe � �1.6A �3.�k9'7.60 3 ma,nY�o 1� � C�? �40 0 00,�_ 120. 00 Te t�,l �16�.7 � 60 �tespe�tfui�� Joa . 21 Dr�sti�r C3ty Engineexa �ov�d by �T T H�,rxieon tl��t City Attornay 'be z�eques�ed to p�e�aaxe deed.a to p�ope�ty a,bu�t�.ng ��een�vaod Av�. fxozn Dr�� Stxeet ..�ii�o Clevel.and Streat �,nd �ha� I�r,� T Harrisu�a and R� Brandan 1as appflin��d a eommittee to �on�er �vith the pxop�rty a�ners and o�'a,���exeoution af sazne,il?�ich tvas c�.rrie�. g�ioved �y � k Drandan s�aone� '�y �i T Haxrieon th�:t �xten.eion �ta�m �irain b� made �.s estiznated l�y En��.n�er Pre�r anct that ��.R I, Davi� eon���,ctar 'be xeque�te�. ta p�ocsed wi�h ext�nsi�n tu7�er aontxavt, �rhioh w�.s earr��d un�,n�nous].y. �,�o�red bp R K Br�.n.dc�r� ��;caned b� D�.�T E�Dg:n��.l: tha� C,Qunvil. ad.jour�. � .,,�. ,,, ;�. . , _ � ,.r , , , _ , -<; ■