06/09/1915T" ��,,�
� -. ��.5 :_ �
�, � �;' ' � ,
� `�
; ?�II�TUTE'S tiF CvUi� CIL �.'
; June 9vh, 1915 G1�ar�,ratex �'l�ricia. � � ;
A regular r�eetin� a� Cauncii �ras he1�.. Present: ��i�� Caruthere, �i�
I�. �. T�arri�on� N. E. Mighe� ls �:. S, �mi'ch, J. �. Thorr�as, ar_d Je Cat'�Y-iit�le. ;
�ovec� by I�ir ��� �arut�.er$ seconded b�r Dr N E�ii��+�ll tha� '��
r ;
xeadir�p o£ mirau�e� 'ae �AstPo�ed un�il �ext �eEting, which v�ae aaxried� `
�ir J J i�dendenha7.1 adtiress�d Council ii1 re�er��ce to n�aterial i'
fuxnished �:es�u�.Zen ancl Snad.�sa,�s for pavil]:i�n on Isian� Pa,�k. ��aaved �� ,�
by ?�� �a S. Smith secciaded :a;7 �3r B, �i. Caru.thzrs, th�.� neriniss� an gr�rlted ,� ^;
��r Cli.�s'arcl knC�,4�a11en. anci Snadgra�.s rneeting Apx�.l 28tiz be xe��ir�deci whiah �
�'F�.E Qc��?�.2�0
��oged by Dr N, Eo �iigrell �ec�nded hy ��x Jo C. i�"�itt�� t11�,� �:�
�er�ni�sion be �xa.nted �x Clii�ord _��csullen to erec� suitaUle Cool, Pirin� "�
Pavillyon �.nd opzr�.te �ame sub j�c�t �o teraMination of a�.id p�iviied�e at `j
rvill a� Council, ��hi�'n tivas c�.rriE�., unanimoual.y. ,� '
Ordinance N'o. 154 was introduc�c�. ar_d re�,d -tl2e first t��z�e �
�oved by �r B, �i, raru�hera ee�or_ded by �� N. E, ��ighell, Th�,� Orclir+ane� �i
Ivo 1.��- be �assed �'er i�e .flix�.� rea,ding. 11�:icl� vaaa,�s s�arr3.�d.
i�ov�d by� �dr B. �i, Oaxuthers, �eva}�d�d. by Dr N. Es �iiphel.7.' That a17. R�ale� �-
inter��rirag �vitYs the im�edia�� �,s��ge o� Ordinax�c� No 154 b� �raiv�d, �:
and �hat Orclinanae N'o 154 be read, ;�� �ocao�d t�e isy Tit7�e, a th3xa �im�
i.n fu].l and. �laced u��n its £inal �a,��age� iTpcsn quest�cn bein� put all
pr�esn� �rat�d a���.�t3.veZy �nd Ru7,ee;�v�ere deol.ar�cl �aivsd,, and Qrdin�noe a
�Q �.54 ��a� read by �`i�7.a, aa foll,orv�, �
.�R.�SCRI?3E ITS Dt�TIES A��iD P4t��'RS, ,,
�:o�r$d bp B, �i, Ca.ru�ners seoondec�. by S�x '�: �. Harrieons =
T�a� �rdin�nc�s Na 15� be �aaseed to i�s thi�d x8�ding, an� p��sed.,
v��i3.ah �as Garsi��iq as�d Ordina��.oe iJo 1.5� itiraa read in �u11 ae �o�.l�o�se
ORI�IIT1�l;CE I�O. 154" OF T�IE C'=T.Y OF CI,EAt�.�J1�TER, ;T'T,�;P�1D�1. ,
AI� OT�.DINAftCE �'T1TI�LED �i�P� QRDIN�ICE 'I'Q �RO�T��� F4R TH� CRE�?TI0�1 .AI7D �
'"AIi3TA�i�f����CE OF 4�'RE�:: Pt]3LTG LI,�RARi� A�,� TO PROVII��' FOR T� GP��ATi01�F '
At;`D ESTg�i,'�SH�iEx,T OF A I,IBRP.�:Y �OA.'�� A� A DEPA�t°s'?;I;ixT flF fir-iE CITY
uO�RI�nI�ITT ANL TO �RESCRIBE �TS DUTiE; .1��rI} P0�`�RS, ��
1�IEREAS, A't a s�ecial elec �i.on c�,lled �.nd n�l� ? n the @ity
. _ _ .�
.� ..,.,.__�..� .�. .. �.��:c.t...�-...:;�v__. . �,��.:_.�»l—>--.
�.� ���-. .�.... �.,,�,�,�.._ _.,.
,. ,�..,. �_���,�
.�. . r� _.�,�_. � ...� � ,
` � 416 .1r
�� ,�, t
.—�ut T Id U T E S 0 F G t� U i�' C 2�`
Cle�,r�rate-�, Fl�brida. June 9�n. I915
of C1,ear�va�ex, on the is� d.ay o� June, A. D. iJlS, a major�,ty oi the r�o�er�
of �aid City vo�ing at �aid Elec �3.on vo �ea in �avor of ievying a g�eci�,a.
tax �'or the pur;�ose o� pur�lz�.sing a site f�r a publie library, and al�b
voted in ��.vo-r of lsvyin� a spac�a? tax �or thz main�e��e�o� a free
publia li.brary; and, �hereas, the Ci.ty Council.s by a xesolutiorL �.uTy adop�c
Qd a� a xe�ular meet�;no Qn tne 2nd da� �� J'vx�e p�. A. 1915, acce��ed �rom
the C�,rnegie corpor�,tion o�' 'Tez*� York the �rou�er�d donatian of �en '
Thougand Dollaxe ��10,�Q0.a0) for the �ux�:oae of c�nstru��ting a pv�lic
libr�,ry bi;ilding 3.n the City; theresc�re,
B� TT O:RDASN�'D �Y the Cit� Cnuxia-i1 03 the �ity oi ClAarurater;
Seation i. Tr�,t -tnere shall be c.�eatect a.n� est�,blished. in the
Ci�� of C1.ear�rater a�'ree public li:�xarya to be kno�rn, and ctesignat�d ae
ThE CI�EAR.i�ATER PU�3LIC LIB�Y, anr� tnat thcre sha11. be �laced and maintained
i.n t'ne Iibr�.ry buil3in� a Ca•rnagis t�,blet.
Section �o That tne �itp Council shail ecah year �erea�ter, at
tn.e -c.;.:�e �of making u� its a,nn�al 'r�udget, levy,a s�aecial tax, suffi�ien�
to r�,iae r�ot less th�,r_ One Thousa,nd DoZlars (�1,OOn,dQ) eaah yeax, ior th�
purpose o� r�a�n�aanin� a�ublic lil�rary.
� Seation 3. Tha,t a. �?Urary Baa.rd be hereby �r�ated and eeta�lisla� ,
as a de�arti�en� o£ the mur.ici��a.l �ovezn�:ent of �che Ci.ty; �ai� Bo�.rct �o `
c�rsi�t oi five ueraaers, at lzaet tb,rea ai 1�hom_ shaTl �e perr:�a.nent
reeiaent� of tl�.e Gity of Clear�ra�ex a�d one of Z;harn may be �, wo��� �.nd all
o� t�hoz� shall eerse vrit�zaut com�a�nsation; ti1:�.t �he �ir�� Li�arary Boa.rd
�xo�ridad �or in this ai�clinance s�a_1 be co�.posed oi the follof�ing r�e�be�s,
�toa�vri�; De�,iale Hagadorn, ��o shall asrve until Apr11 ls�, 1�7.8s E, P,
S. l��xi�ht �.nci T�,ver 3ayly, �rno ehall servc until A��il lsz, 191�t, ar_d
��ixs Laura E. Aiken und Dix•� e�i Ho]�lins, I'r��o sha11 sesve u.�til �lgari:l lst,
1�16; tliat at �he e��irai;ion af th�� ��'r'Yii of Office of a�y a�e of the ,
members oi' saicl So�rd., a,s heresn provided, the �ayor �hall apnoin� a
successcr, trh� �hall s�xve zax a, fu11 tez�:n o� tllree yeaxs, anct in ca.se o� a
vacancy occur�yirig �n sai� Bo�r1, �re� any e�,u�e, tAs ��afflr gha1.1 a�poi.nt
a�iez�«ber to i'il7 such vacancy �o� tre unex�ired te�m; and. �ne *°�ayar sh�.11
nave ;�oi�er �o remo�e �.ny m�r�l�er o�' �l�e L?'�z�.ry �oard =or mi�cc'n�uc � or
neglect of du�y.
Section �e ihav im!:;ed:ia��I.y u�on th� public�tion o� t�.iU or�inars� �
�a:.d Boa,ra sha�.l. or��,nize �y Elect�.ng a Presid�nt, a Vice-nresid�nt �nci a,
�ecret�ry, �h� latU�r oi �hom may or r�ay,no� he a r�em��er o� s�,id Library
Bo�.r�.; �hat said a�'�icers .�ha11 ser�re un�rzll `the Tst of April, A. D.
19�.6, and t�at tneir successors sha�.l be ele�ted at the �ix� i; re�al�.r meet-
ing oi the Lib�ary �o�xd in A.pril, A. D. 191n, ar�Cl �11�3,� ly a�, ��e
fir�t xeg�r.lar meeting in April of each year therea�ter.
Sectian 5. �hat tne said I,��rary Boarcl sh�,1l h2.ve �ull enarge,
cori�rol and n�ana.?e�ent o� the T��l�ra,ry a.nd shall have the ;;awer �o make anci
�n�asce such rul�� :xi�. regul�.tions �;overnin; �h� s��e as they sh�ul]. dev�,
ne�t, ��d shall have a�at�orit� �o r�guiz.te �he use oi thc Au�,i�o�ium, all
a.ncome fro� t;��3s or any o �lier sou�ce, to�ether �,rith a1.1 �;ii�a a�ct
bequests �� be t�evoted -�o �he ?rnpro�*�r.z�n� or er���,r;e��nt of the libxary,
it� grounds or e�ui�a�ent; that �Y�e T,ihrary k3oard be autliori�ed and
er��awered to recei�e and xecei�� Tor �,ny and all �ifts, d�natiiona �x
b�qtYes�s of z�oney, baaks, iu.rni�hin�o, or any o �her tain� o� v�..lue, which
t��ei:ner yvith the �nain�ei�ance fund providea 7�y �Le CitS<= sh�,ll b� �as�d,
m�,na;ed a;:d controlled bf sai.d �3od,rd �'ox the �rWen��i� o� t;ne Liiarary�
Sectior� �a That, fox th� �ur�ose e�f constxu:cting tne :Pixbli�
Li'�rary b�xildin�y th� s�,ic� L�iaraxy Bpar� shall be canstiiu�ed a Bui'_cling
Comnrit�ee, �ri��a fu:�.7. po�rzx and autho�i-cy to xe�rei�ve c��� C�,rnegie �ora�.;.o�
aald use tl� e s;;.z�e i or the c o ns truc � ion of une L:i.»rary bu� lding e
Sea ui�n 7. That the Li'�r�.ry �oard sha11 not a� any �i�ne incur
any inclA'at�;�ness to exaeecl ��v an:ount to :e raisecl fQr t:�.e currPnt yea�
tiay taxa�zc��,s �o� the �1a�.nt�a�a�ice af t2e Libra.rv; ti1a� a11� ordex� dr�,t�
u��n th� Lil�rdry �und.s elzall �e �i,��,n�d by �he Presi.;e�;� o� 'c�ze '?oard, or,
in. his a;�senc�� ,.�,* the Vise-Preaiclent, and at�eate�. by tlie Secre��;xv of t�.e
13oa'rd, a;r.d caun�ersi�ned by tYre President oi th� C���y C;ou�vil and tazE �;�ty
Clerk and. t�-e �eal o= ti�s City �'�ixed ti}z�r�-�o; ana �ha� tn� Li�r�,ry Board
s�.aZl repor�c quart�xly �o tlle �?��Y �o�►a.ncil on th� �ork anc� fi.7la.nces
o� the I,ii�raxy, suc� repor �s b�ind r¢�,de on tize 1.: t 3ay c�z January, A�ri� ?
�f-�:ly and Octo�er of e�ch y�,�r, and a� ot�:vx �x�ea �rhen re�uire� by the
t;i �y �o ��:ncil.
�. :� _
s, �-
_ , 417 �- �
�< ::.�� . , i
��rrU�Es aF courr��z }
Clear�aater � Floric+.a. Jun� a 9�h, 1�15 �
Sec�i�r� 8'. Th�,t th� Pxesi�ent o� t�.e i,i'brary Boaxd sh�,li have i
�i�a �o��er and au-cs�ority ta a�poi�� an AdvieQr� Co�ani�tee, �o coneiBt ��
�hree �.embers, �.hose di2ty � t �hali �e �ror� �it�e ta ���ne, ar �vhen �equee �� �`;
ed by Ba,it� Bo2„rdy �� make such recomrnencia.tions as €�a�d Com�itt�e raay �e��n
�xpedient and for the Uest 3r_texest a� the Librar�; and in case o� the �'
3ieaba.l�ty oT �.n.y m�r�be�° of sai�: Boa-rd or his aLsence fra� the �ity, the ;
� residen� o� the i�.b�ary �qard ma� des�,g�ate any me�i�be-r o� uhe Adviso,ry
Com�ittee to �ill ���n�ora,rily i��.e ���.ace of su.�h a�sent or diQabl�d
mem`ber af �Ghe ��ard; an3 �k�at the Board ahall have tne rot�er to ���u.,.e �
e�c� emp3ayee� a� �:�,y be necessar� �n�. to fix ��seir co�.pEnaation. '
M'oved by �ir � 2� Garuthe�� aec6nded..by Dr I�T E��iighell that
.. F . . . . � � . . . � .
�'�9rdinanve �To 154 be adopted as rea.d.ti9hieh vr�,s aarxisd una:n:i�ousl�r.
�Zoved by* �ix N �; �ig� ei.i. secon�:ed by �.:r J C 1'dhi�ttle ti�at �n3ine�r
J N Dxe�v be gi�en per�3.ssifln te �vork £ox �the To��n of Duneain. ana to allae:
� cxedit io� su.cr service ta To�n o� C1ear�ater, i�hi�h �v�,s carxi�k.
�ix �hi�esell req'uestec� tl�at �uQ loose leai s be provi.�e�. for T�.x
Rol1. �4oged b;� iir �7� S� Sm�.th �hat �ax �r?--��a�o•x be �,uthe�rizp�. to
�ur4hase l�ose ledfs necessary, v�hi.eh �vas seconderi. and raarrisd.
T.he folla��vino Resoluta.�n rv�.s intr�duce�.;
VtT�i P�A�, a sk��cial e?.ection waa ca� Ied and held irz tne City a�
C1.e�.rt�aver , rlox?da, an �h� :ls� �.ay oi June, A. D. 1915, for the �ur�,ase
os VQf',.`iTl� an �he pxoi�oeition ot' aut!�orizi�g tn2 C'ity to l,evr' a' e;?ec�.a,l tax
o�fi one �:i11 �ex ye�.r �or t�ee yz�.:rs up�a� the a�sessed valu.a�i�n �� all rea,l.
es�ate and per�c�nal pxo��er�y in sail Cityr lia'r�le �or t�,xai�.�n, ios t:ne
pur�.ose o� �urc'r!asing a si-�e zor a�ubl,ic 13.br�ry;
A�?D, ��iEI�EE.��, tr_e Qii,y Counczl, u};�on ca,a��as�3n� t'�ie re �urrs of
a�,id s�ecial eZectian at its regular �e���in; on June �nd, A. D. 1915, �ound
antl declaxpr� t��,i �, f��jaxity ot' the voters votin� au a:z�.d el�ction voted i�
�avor o� levying said tax;
I�TO��, T�ERE�'OR�, BE TT �'..��OLVE7�' by �h� C3tyr G�uncil �f tiae Citp'
oT C�.ear�ater, in re�l�,r session, ti�is 9th c�ay o4 J-ana, q. D, 191a, tha�
the �'ax Assessoz r�f the Ci�'.t3� of Clearr�ater, Flo�ida, l�e, a.na he i� hereby,
au-��?or�..��d anc�l di:rec�c�d �0 1�;>vy and incltzde i� hi� %�adge� for tre ye�,x 1�. D :
1�1�, a, special �ax as' one mi7�]�, and tha� suc� t;�,x +Jf one mill x�er a,r�n�am i�e
in.�lur3.�d in tY�.e aE �es::mer y a,n�. Ievy �or e�.c�3 0� ��.� �e�:re ?�16 an.d 1917,
and �ha�L the �aid ta,�Y o� one �il.l far each of ��,id ;�eara eh�.11 be assessac3 �
in the sa.�.E x<�.n�ex� as ot��r ta.xer� are aseessed., ar�d tn.�t �lie Tax A��essor
sh�.11 calcul.ate anu. carry out in a�Epara��a ?nc3 s��cial colur�;,n,oppasite
�acr ��t�� of reaZ esta�e or ��:�r-son�,l pra��3:�:;v �.se�sse�. in �h� tax rollsa
zhe afnount to i�e ccliscted �li�reon, in dollG,re� an� c�n.ts; �.nd ti�at e&ch
�oluF::n shall �e 'i�e�,�ed Speci�.l Tax Fund Far L?br�y Sitee
,,. u�._�, � -
_ , _ _. .�'`�
. t � ; 418 ;
�'�, ":�' f
. ���aUT�,� oF cour�czL i
_ ,
;: Cleax�ater9 Floxida. J��.eo 9�n. �.'�15 '
BE ?T FUR.fi�I�R k�.ESuLV'i�D t�at the TaY C��3dctor oz thz t7ity oi ;
Ciearv�a�er$ rlorida, be, ��d, he is hereby, ix:a �rue �e�. �o Ge�11eGt �he s�,id; :
s�e�ial Iev� at the earn.� t�me and in �he �a�e r�ann.er as a�her t�,xee a�e col `�
2eete�`., for 2ach oi the Uhree yE�,rs here�o�ore mentioned, �u �h�u �he Ta,x ;
Collector be fux°�ner ina�G�,zc �ed �� mr�,l�e his de�ao�a.� o� th� sax�+e in the Ci'tg
�ieposi�ory o� �ne Ci�ty o� Clear�vazex, F1.orida, s�pa.ra�ely �rom otl�ex �unds9
�.n.d that �uch s�e�i�,� ��,x shall be carried on the baoks af the Tax C�1-
lector and �no�an as �hn ���ci.�.1 T�.� I�'�nc� For Libxax� S�te,
B� IT F`�:i'HE�� P.�S�LVE�J th�,� �he Gity D��Sosi.t�r;� sha11 x�oeiv� �n� '
e�,id mon��$ �,t �hz ;:��Le time and. in ��e �ame manner ag it recE�.ve� othex
xa,x�s 9 a�nd sha:; �. c�,rry tli� said sr�ecial fund �n i�c� boaka, to be �n�tian a,s
th� Specia7. Tax �und, Far Lit�r�y Site a
At1D, BE IT �'UR'1`h�u'F? R�S�LUED �hat the City Cour�il �hall cause
to �e i,���,zsa three in�e-rest-b�aring retrenue cer �i f ic�,-ces, as ial�o��, ta-
���.� 4 c�e (�To. 1) for the su� of One Theuea,nd , Five hunclrea Dt�Yl�,ra
(���,500oQQ}, PayaY'�7.e �przl 1s1; A. �. 1916; one(No.�) �or the sv.n� oi One
`i'hous�;na, Five �Iur�cirz� DalzGxs ��;1,500.00), pa.Yabl.e A.�aril 1s�, A. L. 1917, :
and one (No . 3� io� t2iE aur,� o� Ttiq o TYa?�usand Da11.�,r� (,�2, OOO o G� �, paY�,l�le
A�ri1 1s �, A. �7. 1J1.8; tF�at e�,ci� a�' sw� d ce��tif�,cwtes sh�.11.�e �x intere�t
at the ra�e o�' si . rer cers� i6 a) ��er a�nnum, in�eiest �C�,yable,��.zznuw115T and
i�oth princ� �al �nd inteze� v�a3table at ;t�e Bar_l� c� Cl��rrr�,�er, C1�arFtG:�er,
Flo�:da, �.r_ gs�l�. coin o� currer_t r�ei�ht ancl fineness, or i-�s equivalen-t;
tha � sai� certi£iaa.�es ghai l be ;.��,�r�.�l� cu�c of th� Special ���ax Fuz�d I+'or
i�zbrary Site, 2.bo;re-r�entior_ed; tha� t13e C,i �y �.s h�reby a�itl�oxiz�� �o sell
or ct� ��as� o� s�,id cez�iiicai�es, or so �Ltc:n ���,xeo� as ��,y be n.�cessary �or
the pur�.os� o� �aayin� ��e puxcha,se pr�ce of �hE� lilarary si.te; th�,�c �the
hcldexs of ��.id certit�ieaues sha11. ha�e a iirs �].ien ti1�on g�;id tax for
Iib:r�.ry site, ai��ve-msr�t�c�ed; anc� -tl�a,t said cex�if�c�.tes, �oge�l�er �,it�s
-Lhe interes� �.ceru�n,� �h�reon, sha1.1 be p�id ou� a� ��.ia fund i.n Qxder ,
af t�reir nurub�rs an.d �.t t�e �i�.:c �:?�en �Gr_e salne shall 'beco�e due a.nd ��ayabl�
I.�oved by us B �: Caruthers eecan,�lea by i.:r t� T T��,rrison that Re-
solutior� be ado��ed �,s reaa, wh�:^h va�s carri��, unanin�oua�.y,
�F•he fol?o�i�.g Re�olutio�. �a� in-troduced:
��REAS, a s���cial Alecta.�n ��as called a�nd held in the Ci �y �_
Clearvzater, Flaric�a on the ls u a�.y o£ Jti�re, A. De 1915, �'or �the puri ose
o�' �atin; cn �he pro�oaitiar_ o� �izuhoxizilZa the Citg to levy a s���i+�l
. 3^�: - - __ _ _ � �1.,;y,A.*
.. . . . . . � . . . � . . . � . . . , . � . . . ..A��.t .
tt�� � �'
{,� 4 {, a
� �
s�T��uTEs ar< caU�To.�L ;
C1e��F�ate�, Florida. June. 9�h. 1�].6 �
tax oz one-halz �i11. per anmun ior �ive year� upe�. the a�ses�e�. valu�tion ;
of xeal e�t�,�ce and pExsonB,� �ro�erty in �a,id Ci�y liabl� ia� �c�,Yati�n
as a s��� 3.�1 s �or�; �e�ex and da a.iiz�.ge �un�.; ;
- �
AND, l�tiER�AS, the Ci�y Cou��2cil., u�on c�,nvw�sing the return� of ;
s�.id s��cial election at its regular meetir_g on June ?nd8 A. D. �.915, �
toun� and deal��.d th�,� a majoxity o� the tTgters vo�ing at sa.id electio�
' voted in favor of levying said special ��.x,
t�OV�, `�i�'�E�ORE, 3E IT R�SOLVE� by �izz Ci �y Cauncil of �h� City
o� Cl.ear��,te-r, x��ul�x ee��ior_, i;his 9th day o� �un.e A. L�. 19I5 that thE
'ia�. Assessor a� �he City o� C1e�.rvr�terp Flaric�a., �ea ar_d 12e ?�:aexeby, au--
. thoxize� and c�ireGte� to levy and ir�clude in his budget ior t�e ye�,r ,�, D.
1915, a s�ecial ta.x �f one-��,li' mi� l azzd. tha� fiu€-� tax of one-ha.I� miil pex
annu� �e includect in th� aases�r��nt and Zevy 1:or each of �he yea��+ 1.91�,
�al't, �.918 an� 19TJ, �na tY�at �he aair? ��x o� or_e-��,1£ rril� �or each o�
saia �reaxs sha? 1�e a��essed in tne ea�e ��nnex �,s o �rer L�.xse a�e as-
ses�ea and �i�a� the T�,x Ae�essor shall calc�xl.ate �,na c�,rry ou� in
�e�ar�,te anci s�ecial col�n n�a�osi�e each �. �er: a� rz�,1. �s+ate or personal
�ropertg ir_ the �ax rol:��, �t�e an�o�ant �o bs collec-�ect -chereon, in dal,l�xa
ar_d eents; G,r_cl �E�,�,t e�.ch cal�unn �hali be he�,�ed Speci�,l Stor� Se�vex �.nd
'�=�raina�e Fun�..
�E I1 �URTN�R RESOLVE� th�t the �'a.Y GolTEctor o�` the City o�
�leaxr��ter, Flor�.��,, be, and he ? s hexeby, inetructea to col�ect �h� �aid
special levy �,t the san�e time �.n� in the e�e ;n�nrer as oth�� tax�� �,re
collecze�. f'or e�.ch o� the five vears here�Ea�ore ruenti�ne�; �n.a �nat the
'�ax Cal�.eetc�r Y�e 3't�.r's�',hex i21�t7'l.tcteci to raake ris �e;�oas �e of the e�e z:n �r�
CitSr D�;posi�taxy o.� the Ci�1 0� Clea;rr�rat�r, I`?oxi�a, eepar�..�el�r fxon� othEr
�'vn�s, ana tl�.at sucll spac�al tax �hal1. be �arr?ed on the 'r�9oks oi the �ax
Co�.lector �.r_d �nat�n as t��e Special Stox��: �eFJer ar_d Drainage Fund.
BE IT Fi.7RlHy'R ��'SOL�G'EI? tha� t2ze Ci ty Depo si tt�ry ehall recea�e tne
���a mo�Ey� at the �wn:e �ti�e �r_d in the same �nan.nex �,s it recezves ;,�hey
t�.xes and shali caxry �he s�,i�. special fund �o be kno�n as the S�eci�.l
�torr�i Se�er �,nd. Drain�,ge Funds
A�yD B� I� F'URTt�LR RESOI�t�L� b� t�se Cit�r Council ti�at �?�e Ci�yslial�.
cause �c be ismued £ivw interest-'uearing iever_ue cer�ii:.Cai;G6' E�,C11 f�r the
,,, ,
of Ei�ht Hund.-red Dallars, (��O�,,OG ) and nu��;�e-sed fror� £��e tc .� iv�,
consect?i��vel5%� tn� firs� of �rhich �hall b� ���r�.?��e on �he ls� �a,� ::�
A��ri.l, A. �� �.J1o= the seconcZ on t�x� 14t day o� A�ril, A. I�. 3�17,
the t�ird o�_ tY�e firs � d�y o� .��ri1, A. I:. I�18, �Ghe �our�h �n t�e ls � day
.. J,..,. �_.. , . � , , . . . w,.:....
� �X �. . . � . �. ' � .. ' . .. ryt . ..
4�a '. �
�.� � � �;' ;
oi April, p o D. ��19, and the �'iftn on �the lst ciay oz 9��ri1, .A, D. 3.�2f3 i
t�.�,t aaid cer�i�ica•te� shall b��,r � ntexest a�; i;he rate oi 6 per cent p�x ,�
. . . . . . . . ... F � .
�nnutn,ir_�ere�t payabl� a,nr_u�lly, and 'po�h �rineipal �:d in�erest paya,ble
�,t the Bank df Cl�a,�rra.�er, Clea,r�a��x, rl.orid�., in gold. coia of cuxrent '�
weight ��ri -�� reness, or :ts equiv�.lert; tY�a� sa� d cer-���i�:ates eha11 be ��
�ay�,bls out oi tn.e Special. �tor�n Setv�r and Drainage I'ux�d, �bovP-raent? oned; }
�hat the G� �p is hereby autl�.oriz�a to se�,l ax �is; 4�G O� 8a.1C�'' C��"'��.�icatea,
cr so m�.ch the-reof as �uay' be n�c�ssary for �he �au.rpose of �aying ��r the
construc �ion o� stor� se�,ex�s and c:ru.in��; tha� the holclers of said cer�ifi-
cates s?�a11 have d�.:ir�t lier_ �.�oxi th� �pecial �+orns Se�7er and �raina�e ;
Funci, a.bove mentio�le@s and ��ia� sairz Cartificatea, ��og� �her �,:ith t�E
• znteres � accuxing tnereon, eha.1Z 'ae •�.�,id aut of s�,id Tun.d� in �he order
of tne? r r_�.u:iber� an�; a� ��.e time c��en �ne s�ne �h�ll b�c�r�� aue an� �aya�lE6
L�aYec7. by �:L 1� S�:nitn secQnded by �.ir J C�dl�.ittle �Y��at
R���:1:a�ian be a.dopl;ed as re�a, vrliicil wus carried ux�aniraously. :
Ordis�ance S?o �55 vras it� �rn�.�;ce�, and xe�u �he � irs-t time .
�`oved by ��_::r R I:� Ca�uthers sec�nde�, �y i.x J C'�r�ittle tha� Qrd�,nance �'�0.�.55
be �aesed ��r i�ts ri�st rea,ding. iJhic� t��,s ca.rried.
�iove�. by ���r Caxrz-�hera �ecanded '�y �sr � C�!hi��cle �hat all ruT�� in�er�ering; `
r2ith the in.,.;ec�iate �>�,ssa�e af Ordinance T.�a. 155 be t�a.iv�c�., anci th�t Orainane
i�o 155 b� rewd a second �i�e i�y Ti �"! e, �. thir�, tirae in �'uZl a�d plac��.
�:pon ita �ixlal �a�sa�p. Upon questior� U�iii�; �ut all �re�'ent vote� a::��ixm_a,�
�ive7.y and Rules ��ere d�clas�d y�r�,ived., a�nr� Ordii�ance 2ro 155 tirJ�.e rea:a
by l��le, �.s �o1Tot�s :
CTT�' OF CL�AT�'A'�'�R ^0 LEZ� k SPLGIAI, T�n C�F m�"4 �,.ILL� �+Fy.:T.�ALLY F'OR A
P:�RIOLI OF �`I;T� YEt'�� , FOR TF� PUP��QSE QI' P� Vl�;,G C�It�.�II� �T�TS^�i:D:iNG
1%i7-EBT�I?I�IESS Or TT� CITY OI' CLEA..�`t.!! �'�h, �iT4 a'a P�:C�rTL�� �'OR �'I� {`?�LI,�I�i�
r,::n iNOLD�iiG QI' A Sp�CIAL EI,EC'.:It3�'�T �'0 AUTHO�?:iZ:� T� SI�.�E, ��
Xt ��,s z�oved 'ay �Sr �� Caruth�r� secondea: '�y �ir J C Il�hhi � �1.e
��at Orc�inan�e I�o 1.5� be p�s�ea �to its t<ixd reading,, anci �assed, �v}.iicli �ds
c�.rxieci, ancl arda.n�n�e No 1.55 vras rea�;. in �u11 as -Fo11a��:: :
t�RI?TNI�TCE NO 7,55
AIJ ORDIIr.��C� ETTmI'7.'LED fTAI� t�RDIiI'�A�;CE '�0 AL?'i';�OF�IZE iH� Cz`!°Y CO�i3ITGIL QF TF�;
�iTY` OF CI,EArAk?�l�T1,R TO L�.VY ASPI�,CI'AI, T.AX. (?F T�0 ?�iILT�u �`i...:��i,I,i'' �+'Ot� 1�
P�RiOD OF F?'V� YE�,:^S, F0�? T�E PUP��'OSE OI' a.A�'TI�iG CEFtTAIi; JUT�i'A,{`:Dl�i� .
fiJ.�D �OLD�rTG C}P 11 SPECIAT Eili�CTTOP,! TO AU`l'�.'�ORTZ� TH� SrL:iE, ��
_- — -- - -- .
, , , 4�3�
,� � � r ..�
Clea-r�'ater, � lari�:a. Jv.nE. 9th. Z9�5.
:'�REaS, there is �,ti the px���nt ti�e outetanding �nd�btedness a
g�,ins� �re Ci�y oi Cl,ear�ra�cer, vrh��h in unsecurs� and t��pxovi�,ed i+�r�
as f ollo�rs � to-wz t; _
�ean Al�ror�., Ti�e �arrants, Harbar Os.ke Tra�rovements------.� �7.5, 265. 98
E S'l Parkex �a�.d John Pri1li_�o��, b�lan�e dus an PuUlic pier
�ane-Gruv�idn-------•----------.._�_---__-_------�---- 1, �53a 67
C. perry Sne11, �m�xover�en�, Je�fords St,...-------------- 40�.72
�lp�arapr�a��.ori for �os�a� ta�. ---------�__o�_�_..���__d___�__.. �,OQG,G4
�oe Gorra & R. �a1oa�, 3a1�,ncp due on �urchas� �rices
4�ater-�xent pa,rk property�----�----�-_----.���...__v��r�_�.00_s 4, 032. G0
AI�TD, �,iHERE�S', the �ro�"1�.ing �o� the p�.�?anenJ oi ��,.,.i� �utstanain�
indeuter�.re�s by direat and im�ied�atz taxa�ian �roul�. �ntail �. very
heavy lsurden upon the �a:{-�aayers o� said City? '
AivD, �sth'�xEkS� tne City Caur_c.;✓? deem it necessary, e�pedi�nt and
�'or the bea{� interesd of tre G3�y th�.t a apecial tax pf t�qo �i1.lo per
.�.aln�.un for f:tv� ye�rs be levi��. for the Furpose o� p�.ying the saicl
oi:ztQtanding ii.�ie�tedness;
T��EFORE, BE IT ORDAIT��D by tre C�. �y Ceunci7. of the Ci�;y of
�l�ar�;ater, .r^lori�ay that;
�ec�ion 7.. Far the rur�oee o� proviain� for tre �ayment oi the
unsect:re� cutstand.in� �ndebtewriess o.� tre City oi G�e�,rrra�er, �re Ci�y
Gounai? ie herebZr c.^.ut,hOr? ZP,d �O 1�vy a sps�ial ta,�c of tro miZl� u�on �h�
doZlar oi t'r_e assegseu. v�.luation af �he rea�. and p�.L son.a,J. �roZ�er �3*
in said G�ty for a perioca. o= iive yea.rs, to-�it4 �or thE yearg 1�15s 191C
191?, 1�i8, a�nd 1��9.
Section 2. The �£ayc�r �f �he Gity o� Cle�.r�rater sh�.11 c�7.1. �.
specia� elec�i.oxz t� be heZc� �n. aaid City on tY�e %.� day o� June A, r,
1.915, to be ,ylaxticipate� in only by the rrualis�.ec� electors o� the riLy
�ho axe t2,x-�a3��re uhAxein, to clbtern�ine �v�hether or no ��h� G'�. �y Co�ncil
sha11 re �.utnorize� to levy �he s�:ecial a�sesarrpnt, �.s pra�� ded in this
oro.inz.n�E. S�,it't ��ec�al e1E�tion �hall be h�1d irs accord�ce :�i �h the
latTrs and orctin�,nees o� �che Ci �y provic3.in� �or the hol.da.ng oi elections.
�'�ie �ity Couricil shall �ause to be provir�ed iox use at such �lection
�ali.pta, substantiall� in t�1e follasing ��rms
�trE .� l�.'�5,
�.� �;
�1ear�vater, T'loryda. June. 9the I915,
(�ak� a r��ogs mark (X) befoxz pro��osit3.an iii ia�or
of s� c' aI �a.� i� you iavor �he sa��.e; r�ake a cro�s
ma�k (�� before �he �xo�ositio�. a�ainst levyii�g spec-
ial tax i= you o�y�ose the s�+e. )
Fc�r�levyin�yoi�apecial� �ax pf�ttivo mi1,1.sM�er+arinu�: for five
years$ for pay�ent oi o��stanciin� incea�edness�_d____,_��.
r or levying of s�•:eci�l ta� ai two �il.ls per arnum f'or
iive y�ars, for ��,yment of outs�andin� inciei�tedr�yss,---�'0.
Sect.�os� 3. The �ity �otxncil sr�all ea��.tr�,�s the r�turn� a� saicl
speci�,l eleation :ir. the manner r�oi�r p�ovi�ed by t�xdinarce �cr tne canvass>
in� o� retitrn� of e;Lectiane and shall declare the result thereo�; ancl. ��
i� a n�a3ori�y oi t'ne �;otex� va�ing at said e�zcti.on �na11 vote in �avax
o� levyin� �_ne s��cia,� tax, as herein �xp�3.d�d, �hen it shall be the
au.�y of t�e G�.�y Ccuncil, as s�on as thi� ordindree becomes e�:�Ective,
to 1.�vy t�e specsial t�,x, as provi�.ecE far in this oxdir�ance, �,na the sa,�e
sh�,ll be cellec�ce� 'by the Tax Collector a�G tiae s�ne ti:�e and in �h�
�a,�e ma,nner as other taxe� ana eh�,���. bp ke�t in a s�p�rate fund,
t4 be used ancl ex�ended solely for the puxpo�e �� paya.ng tlze outs�ar_ding
ar_d �xnsecurec� in�ebtedr.ess,
?foved by �fr � i�� �a?�utTie-rs seconded Uy ��r �`1 S S��it� that
Ordinan.ce iia 355 bp �, as read. Upon rrotio�. l�eing �ut all �aresen .
�i �-.�.-a.���
voted in c�.e �.� :'irr.��,tive and �s�.inar�ae ?10 155 ti�,rae declare� �,d. .i,�-•
�h �{r Jam�s xa,r.:;lton � for d�.r,:�,�ea to u'.Lt'�Or�Ob7.18
��re��ntEct 13i1_
��32.35 claiz��cing t��,t �'a.re rlug location �ras r�sransible �or ihis ca�age.
�ioved �� '�:s B"` Caz•u�c_hers seoor_ded by �.�r [� T Harrison th�,t clai� o.�
�T�,rcee Han��lton 'Ae refer�a ta F�ate-r a�d Light comrnittee �o xe�ost at next
r��etin�, t�hich c�as caxrie�.e
<. r,i� Carutl�exe �e� or �e�. trat ?:i� I� T�t� cr�olson ha,�. ce�r:x,lained tiaau
lire or se�aer ��o�ld enGroach upon G�; �;e �ard a.nd e�.b�este� th�,t a
�or�riittee be w�Z.o� n�ed to aon�es �t:i �_z z:.r I E r�� c�calson and come to scm�
a�x��;�en� i� xc.�erenos tn s�:eo
i�ovea '►��,� rir 'r'� T i3a;r-rison ssconu.e� by Dx IS �:�iig�:eil th�,�t �.��ai ter
�� x�fered �o Stre:� v Coxr�r�� ttee -a�ith �aotiver to �.ct.
�:oved by L�r ��:� �arut�:er� eecon�ec *�,r �:r � S��i�n t.�.�,� acce����,n�
o� �ath �-iauses �n Ielt.,n�. Parb as per contr•wct A?" Jon.�e �e re�ered
to �'�atzr Front �cr�s.�.i+ee ��ith rflr��r to �,ct, rlhic�. 1�ws �arr�ec� .
�i�; o:� :;r r� :� Jane� uo �ui'!d trro toil��� c�n Isi�:,n.d Park �or �c�e
sutx of ;r3a.G0. �fove�. by Trr F�j Ca.rut�:ers seconde�i. by i`x � C'.'r'hi�tle
���.t '�id ia� r�iE �ed �o �:a ��x F'ront Cnn:�:.it+ee vr;lt�i porrsx �o �.c �,
Bid H. T�ar�in , to iurn.ish Pa�nt �nd Pair_� ��.th House�,
Island Park, for Thix-�y-eiglit (5;38 00) tiga� rsael, a1.Bo rid
�:� J. He Yelvington, to� Pa,in� fiath Houses, I��arid Paxk Thir�y-tvao, (�32 �30)
same �raa k�on nzo��.an m.�de and carr�.�d xefPiec� �� �tatex Front C3om�ittee,
It tvas moved by B„ I:�. C�.r�u�h�ie Secqnded by J', C, �'hi��1,�, Tha-� a12 rules
i�ter�'er�.ng e�ith the i�iuedi�,te �,assags oi Oxdir�a�ao r�o l53 b$ �a,j.v�d,
' � . . � . . . . , rc. "i•rF � .
. . . . . � . � � . . � � . : � � . ��: � . .
. � � . . � �1�* ` .. . . . . Y �£ � � �. ... � � � .
, -�.. I�F I P� U 7? E S 0 F C 0 U T�I C I L.`6' 4N� ��
Clear��a�er, Fla. �un:� 9�h 3.915. �
an� th�,t O�dinanae 2�0 153 be re�d lay Ti�].e the �econd�and read � n�uZ� �he �
third ti�e and pa�sect= �uich �v�,� c�,�xied txnani�.cuslyp t��ie�.�euptrn
Ordinance I�T� 1�3 was r�ad by Title tne �econd �ime a� �ollor�e s �
.AI�Ts� A�iENU�S �TI�II�T T13E �ITY �TD TO PR4VIDE �'OR ��'Y'�TEid b�' HG�iI'SE I�TUlv��RTNG
�dhereupQn it v�a� msav�d by �dr 's�o S. Sr�3.�h seaondec� by �ir J� Co �kii��les
that Qrdinance TTa ].53 be �aase� e�eon.�. re�d.in;.
Ord3.nano� No 153 w�a then r�a,d i�. fv:li �� iol3.�t��,
. t ORDI�vANC� NO 1a�, E�F �I� C,ITY OP CI��AR�sATER:, �LORT�Am
BE it �rda�.nec� �y �he �i�y �o�ancil. af �he �'ity o� Clea���ter, Flor��;
Seatior_ 1. T`na,t the �amea o� �1�. street�, aoenue�, �an� otY�e�
�-�norau�nf�,rea in �he City oi Clearw�tex, exce��t as o�herwise �ro�3.d.�d in �h
�Ghie oxcti�nee, ehail be and reiva�.r a� a� pr��ent deei.�na�t�d u��n tY:e Q�rz.o
us map� o� xeaord i�. the office oi th� C1exk o$ the Cira�:it Caur� oi
Pinellas Gotanty8 exae�t tha� a17. Stree�c�, �,venu��, and �hcaxaugh��re�
�x�Enclirg f-rom Nor�h ta South aha�.l be l�ncal� as 9.v�nue�, �.nd that all str
�ets ox thoraug�iarea �xtendirzg �rQm Ea�st t� �te�t �h�Zl oe knowr. �,� s�r�e���
Seot3.�n �,. Tha,t ��� th� purpo�e of ses�uxing un��'orn�i.ty in �he
naming �€ the thorot�ghf€��es ix� �he Ci�y ar�d tio provi�e a�Uraberir�g ��st$m
-�hexa�or, the fol:to�ving ����r�ugh�ar�� in s�id City �ha�.� be knsacvn and a�e�.
igna��ei a� �ol].rzrva, t��ri�; _
(1) The s�reet o� th� presen� �outh Caty limitB, knn�n a� Boni�o Stree�t �n�:
Je��t�rde Stres e, a�.l�. be des�.gr�a�e�. and kiao�n, aa Jei�oads St�ee�.
�2� Lotua Pa�h and �Ja���.�on �i�cenue sh�,ll b� deaigna�e�, aild knQsvn as L�t�.is
(3} A1.l.en �venue ana h�agnolia Drive eha1.1 be d.e�i�n.a�ed a,na kxio�gn as �I�,g-
na7.ia St�cesi,
�4) Er�in� �.verra� �,nd Ja�mine �a3� �Y�a.�.�, be d�si�n�.ted a�d kn9�vn a�
Jasmine S��e�t.
(5) D�i�.� Roa.d �.r_d �aaTlaoe Stree-E s�,�ll b� �esi�na��d and ��san a�
Dr�.i�d ���eet.
(�) Grov� Stxeet, Ha.rrQld, a,n�. Fi�e Str�et eh�7.l be designate�. �ncl kr�,ovan:
�,� Pine S�reete
�..._�. .
} '"`�:,��
,� , a� i
% ' �
a�z1�U��s or �oUNc��:� �a�
CZeaxwa°�er, Fla. June 9th TQ15 ��
(7 } The t�.nraugY�aar�s a.buttfr�g t�� At�,ntio Coaet Lin.� �ailroac� xigh� of s� ;
�r�� �hagl be desi�,ated a�ei knawa a� Rai�.rc�ad. A4enue. ;
(8� Th�t streE� i.n idarshall� & Bxa��don� �ubdi4i��o� of B1ook 7 1�Tailace'� �
�dditi�n, runni.ng �'as� an�. Y�e�t �ram R�,ilaoacL Avpnu� to �a,gno�.ia P�rk, �'.
sha�.l be �i�aignateci an3 kno�n �,e Iia�rQld Stre�tQ
i9'� ih�,t s���et ext�n�.in�; �xom �biic scxho�l propexty o� �.`urn�r �treet
pa.ra�3.�3 �o Fa�t;,Harxi�on �.ven.ue, North to AlZ�y �Quth of �].eveT.a�d. ;
S�re�.�a �b:w�.1 �� $egi�sl&i��d At�d k-�3otm a� Palm Aven�e. '
X10}Lay �treet �.n�. B�,y P�rkv��,y �I�11 be designa��3 and kno�n a� Fsay .A.v�-
nu�. ^
(1�.) �tager� St��et �,nd F�ogd �t��e� ehall ba dasip�.�tesi �nd kno�vn a� R�g��s
(12� Th� ��.r�� avenue �J��t oi East City 1�.mi�s b�t�een Che�nu� S�re�-t
a�.d Pa�k S�r�et shail be desigziat�d �,nd kraovm a� �3ng Aven�.o,
{i3j 2`ha� Str�et a���n�ling �tast fi°Gzn Eas� Ci�y l.im3�s be�wsen Chaanu� �xid
Park Strea� �hal,i be designated a�d kn��vn ae Gou1.d Stree�e
(l�) The f3.rst eti•ee� N�r �h of Cle�r�lend a lreet �'rom Ea�� City limite
�T��t �o Osa�ola A�anue shall be desi�nat�d a.nd kno��n a� I,aur� u�x�ete
(].5� YdortZi street frcm R�.i].road A�enu�, extend3ng Eas� to Ci�y li�nit�
sha�.7� be e�e�3gn�,ted: �,nd kncsvn �.� Gxav� �treet.
(1S) That �vanu� extend�.ng Naxth and Sou.th �lon� Eas� Ci�y li�i�s s'hall
be desi�;n���d �nd �o�ri �,� G�eenwood. k�enu�. `
(1.7) P�nnsylvania, Boo�ex,Stre�t and Eou�.evaxd S�xeetg a�all be deeigxza��d
e,nd }�nozvn a� Penngylvani,a, Avenue �
(1,� ) Jo�.ee �trae� �nd Fa.rst S �xeet ehall be d�si�nated ax�d �o� as
Jonee S�traete
(1�� A�.rt S�reet �,r_d Second St�ee� �hall b� desigz�a�ed. and knar�r�
�a Har� S�reet.
(20) Third Stxee� aha11 be deeigr�ate�. and kno�an �,� Plaz� Str�et.
�21) Four�h �txeet �h�l]. be desi�nated artd �nown �,� �ap�e Stxee�,
(22} Divi�ion Street au�d, �Igrtie Ave�.ue sha�.7. be desi€;na�ed t�nd knc,s�� �e
Myr�tle Avsnue,
(23} 17re�� Gou�� shall be �as�.�.�,��a �na �o�. a� �'exn Av$nu��
��4� Eldr3 age S�xeet and F3��h S �reet �h�17. be de�i��.ted. axid kno��n as
Eldridge, S�r�e�R
ta5} Gaxden: ��en.ue and Palmetto �treet �hal�. b� clesignated an�l knavdn
as Garden Avor_ue.
,� „�.m ,��..-�u_._ — - — - �.:: �,,�
: . �� � � v �
� t
c �. l ; ;
; '..,,. �' 42� �
: C�earwate�, I'la. �Yun� 9�h 15i5. �
(26) Seninale St�eet and Sixth S�ree� �hail be d.��ignated a,nd �o� �B Sem�- ;'
` 3.YlolE; Stxee�. ' �
(27) That g�reet extenaing South f�om Turn�r Stsest: betwe�n Qrange place ;;
� ' �wuv-a�f.e—,�J '
and„�a,y �re�a, sha1�1. be �esi�na.t�d and kno� a� I,ime A��nue.
�28 ) Na.chalson �treet a�,d S��ren�h Street r�Yaall b$ des�i�a�ed and known aa
Ni�ho�,�on. Stx�et.
(29) That st�ee� �xtending E�,st a�nd �Jast a].on� the Neruh l.ir�� o� Pine
Crest .Fdd�.�ian eh�,I1 be de�igr_a�ed ancZ kr_o�m �.e Paitnetto Street�
���) G�da,d S �reet ancl Juxgens Street ehall be de�ignat�d and �no�z�.
as C�aar Stree�,
. �31� Engman P1�.c� and Eubanke Str�et ehall be designated and knacsn ae Er.g:
znan S�reeto -
(3�) Bid��l7. P�.a.cs eha1l be 3esigr�.ated �,nd knov�n. aa �idc�el� Street.
(33) Pizu����a�3'IaQe sh�l� b� de��.gna�ed and kncc�n a� T€�.ngexin� �tr�et.
(34� �as�hall Str��t �rial� ea�+end frQ� �he Bay F�a.�t tc Ci�;y lirui�s.
Section 3 a The City ��unu�.l �h�il, �,� eac�n aa praetical�le
aft�r tne pu'Q].icat3.on of this oxdinance, ��ro�ri.�,e idr the indicat�on
at stre�� ssrosain�s og ths naxaes o� a�Z s-�re�ta a,nd �venues oi �he C3�� by
procu,ing and �Z�,cing at can�E�.ient p].a,ces suitable sign�.
Seo���n 4, All h�usE� :�ronving upon �ny c�� tlze tho�coughfa�res
c�f the City aha�.1 be n�mbexed 3n r�caordanae �i'ch the nur�b�ring �:a.p prepared
'�y �he Ci�y Enginee;,J.PToLretv axid os� fi3e in tha o�f3.c� o� the Ci-�yc.,Cle�k� `
;L�O nur�bexs eha11. be �,alot��d �o eac� b3.oc� anci �he numbera on each �uc�e�
aive blocl� �ro� the p�ace oy beginning shall begi�: �vith a nsv� h�dr��i�
�i7.1. housss an ��h� Sout� and E��� o� ��orougher�ares shall be desig•na�ed
'by acld numbers and a11 ho�se� on �he Nox+n a_nd'�feet of thorou�heriaxea
ehall be d�eigria�ted l�y ev�n nu,�abexeQ The numberia�g �f �iI housee irr�rz�in�
o�a �treete ahal� be�i�a a,� the b�.oaks a.bu��ing the Ba.y iro�t an�. ex���d
Eas��ard, Houses ��ut�in� �n a11 avanue� �h�,l; be �iur�bered l�or-�h a�ad South
�r.oan r1.�vFsl�,nd S�reet, beginning with num'�ers �. and ��eegea�ivsly, �.nd
nzm�.b�ring av��,y from C1�veZand S�tr�e�. The nua�berB �tor�h, � i Cle�r�land
�tr�e� �hal7. bs d�ai��,�ed. as Nor�h, ana the numbe�� �outh a� �l�vsland
Street sh�,ll be designated South, ae ��T�To 1 North��, and t9l�c� 2, South�t.
S��ti�n 5. '�he owners or oceupa,�.�,�� o� a,ll houses, store�,
ard o�her occupiea premisee are hexeby requiroci �a ao�nply �ith the ch�,ngee
o� xiaxaee and the ntunbering o= house� ha�c"by preaeribed and to ha�ve the,ir
, �remi:�e� properlv nur�bexed. v�ithin 3C� days �,fter the puU7.ie�tian. �� thi�
ordinance, by havi.ng th� proper num�asx paintecl upon �he fron:t o� �he ;:
*4� � .�
_ <
4�6 �
. {
C1ear�tex, June Jth 3.91�.
build3.ng to �� numb�red or 'by uaing m�tal n.urnber� o�' not lea$ t��n �hxae ;
inch�� in he3.�ht6 Th� o�ne� , occupan-t or ag�nt af any build3.ng �ai7.ing �a E
c�om�i,y �ri�h t�e prot�i�i�ns oy �his sga �ion o� t�ie ortiin,�nce s�ll. bs deemdd ';
guiltX• o� a� r�i�d���eanor ��rl u�aon canv� ction �h311 be p�nighed by a fins n :
not exaeedJ.ng �25 0� �x by im�risonm�nt not e�c��e�.�.ng ten da3r�, or by
ba�h �inE �.x�d. ir��ris�xiuYazzt a� �h� cii�exee�ion a� �h� �.�cx, `
Seet3.on 6, The Ci�y�lerk is l�erel�y a��c��ired t� �urnish
u�on xeq�.est, to al,l �aropex�y ovmers er ocaupan.ve, the �r4pQr �u�aber�
a� their �ro��r�y, a� ehot� by �1�e n�mberi.ng �a.pmen�ioned. in t�1is oxd�.nan
oe, an� a�ould th� }�rore� numne� �a h� assi�r�,ec� in any casa Y�s doubti'u]�1
the Ci�y Engine�� 3.8 requir�d �o deei.gn.at� and �i� �h� numbe� �'o� a.r�y such
x�'eCt'i�.OTl "je ��•�• OiC3.�.11t'i,11C3E'.� i�E12 �+�.'�'i8 0� 4�CL1T1$�;fLt3Q�� �71
coz�ll�t l�ere�v�.tiz are nereby re�eal.ede
It �ra� �o�ect �y Mr �d, S. �raitn. seaonded by �Ir J: C. �it*le
tha�t Ordix�an�e N� 153 be �essd �� xea,ti. upon au��ti�n 'Ae�.n� ptz� al� �r��e
�-n� vq�Cea in af�i.r�ative ax�d. �rda.nan�e No 153 �as decl.axed ��sed.
xhe �ol.lov'�ing app7.ia��GianQ �ar Building Psr�i �tm �vas r�a,d.
lipon moti.on ma�.e an� carrisd earne tvas g�an���.��a� ����oc�se
H.E.Tc�oke, Fr�rae G�rag�, L�� a B�.aok 6 Tuxners l� � bdd..
�', �Io idorgan, 3x3.a1t9 2 t�fi0�:i.e�t 17. RCsorIIBa Lo us J'.K. Harb9� O�.Ic� Add,
Re�orts o� C�r�t���ees �ga� �hen h�axd, �,�r C�. �. S�ai�h rv�orted in
r�feze�ce �Go appli.aation �'er re�oval oi and esta.blishing a� �,iglxts :
and. r��am:aendsd �hat pet;�ion o� citiz�n$ be gx�.n�ed, It �ra� mov�d and
r�arri�d that L�gh�-a���re� strae� �e r�movad irom preeenw Iooation
and p�aced at int�raection �i V'ine St �,n� Dre�t! an� th�.t '� ight be p3.a,oed
at �n�ters�ation ob Taa�pa & Gul:� C�oa�e� and Dre�t St, aleo Ti�ht pl�ced �t
3n��rsaotiQ�: o�' a11�y aald Palm Avee
St wa� m�ve�. b� Dx Z3. E. �i�.ghe7�� ae�onded by �a �, Caruthexs ��iait San�a�ary
Can�nai�tee �e author3.��d to pura�ase �Ta�on ior S�,ni�tary �e��rt�nent.
�rh��n c�ae ca�rried�
�iov'e� `r�� 3. ��i� Ca�v.tne�� secoi�.ded by �d;T,ha.rrisor� �ha� Council adj:ourn to
�ae�t �'�id.�,y 7.30 P.�. �vhia'rL vvas carri�d ancl csouncil �,djaa.rned.