06/02/1915. .�...��... _ w �._----� - --- � . . � � . . � . . . . � � �. � �� . y �� . . . . �G� : � . � � . � . . . � .�; . � . L� I I�i U T E S 0 F C 0 U itT C I I, C�.e�,x��a�er, F7.orida. June. �nd< 1�15 i�oved by Tdx B I� Gaxu�k��ra seconded Uy T:�r � S Swith tha,t Rer�olu�ion be �,do�teci:. U�aon �oti on be ing pui� a,ll �re sent vc ted in a,f �irrnat i�e and Re.cti soluti�n ►��s d�cla,�ed �,do�ted� " �ovect i�y �1Ix � R Branaon Be�o�a�a �� �� � r� c�.ruthers th�,�t Gotar_ci� procaad r�it�� can�aa af re vuxng a£ S�ecial Electian ta �rovid� S�ecial Stor�n Se�rex an� �raina�;e Fun,^�s .�'�ic�z c�as Caxri�d, 1�POR2 OF iI��SP�CT��S OF SPECIAL �TECTTOi+T. �0 TT-i� HO��QR�11'�LE ' TI�C GITY COTJTTCIZ OF i�IE �IT'Y 0�' CLEAP�TiATi;�, rLflt�ii�A: ��tp, tlie undersioned, Inspeators �,nd Clerk �f t�e s�ecial eiec�iQn ca2�.ea ar_d ne�d in the City ��' Cle�va�,�ter, tiiis lst day of June, A, D, 191.5 :�ar �ha p•arpose o� votir_g Tapon �he pxoposition tolev�r a s�ecial ��. o� one-hal� mil]. per. an.num for �ive yeare as a, s�aecial �-Gox�n se��er ar�d clraina�� �'ur_d., have held BucY� Electzan in �,CCtJr,�c;,,'7,C6 �ri�h �he lar�s and ardinances o� tne: City, -S��.t11 the �o�lo��ing re�ti?l�, to-��it . To ��,1 number �f v��es c�.at ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Total numb�r of vates in favor �i pronosi�:iv� to.lzvy�tne special na1�-t�il1. t�.x ......... ..........� ... .... ...... 63 Total number af vo�'�s op�oaed �c provosition to�l.evy��n2 s�secial. n�.1z-.�ill ta.�:. e . . . . . . . . . , . . , . A . . .'. . . . � . .. . . . . . < . . . . a �4 T.otal ntxmi�er �i aal.lots rnu��i��ea . . . .. .. . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . : . . T7 DeLisl,e �±a�a�o�n C Lo�re�v 1lTT�S�' • J I` B�n�e �t Geo. J BQlton ins�.e�tors, Special �lect�on. C�.�r�. af E1�etion. RES�LUTIOI+I Q� Th� CT.�'Y COTII�ICIZ OF TFI� CTT"Y QF vLE��R�.��'ER, � FI;ORI�A . �I�REAS, a� a regular meeting of the City Council, held at �he Counci� Ch�,:::ber in �n�e City Hall t:nie 2nct t�at�t of June A. D, 1915, the re�turns of tl�e �pecial E1.ection hsld �� said City an the l�t day o� J�ane A. De 1:.15, for the �urr�oae o� levyin� a special ta.� o� atze-n�.lf ��ill per ' a.nr_uru *or T�v� ye�,rs as �. si.�cial s�ax:.� sec���r as�.d :ra�na�c f._uzc�, h�.ve �een ea��assed, rrith t�.e follo}vin� xe�ult . 'i'otal �u::,ber of vo�es cast �,t said S�ecial F7.ec�ion ��.� Fiunar��. an�. � au� _ ��04 � In favor o�' tih� l�vying ol a sgecia�. hali.-�i�l tax rer annum �'cr f�.�e Stears, as a speaial stor:.: ee��er and �.r�,in�.p;e aund, ' Siz�i� ih�e� ��3) �ote� c�exe cas�, Against the le�ryin� of a apecial ha1T��i11 ta.,.x per annttr:. for �ive � years, a� a���eci�l s �oit� seti�e:;. and �.raina;�e' iund, 'i��nt�-�ou� (�4) ITA �e8 '��8T8 cast. :iti a�apearing iro� the x�turrz� a,� c�,nvaesad tn�,t a n�ajority oi the vot- er� vntina a4 said Elzction vot�d in savom af levying a s��ecial -�a..� �i one-:n�.1� miil �er ann�� for iiye yeara as a s.peci�I stox� seti�er wnd dra.in:- �,oe zund; it is �?�::-�e�'ore decla,red th�,t tn� �aid proposition has be�n �.3�provzd �,y �. majerity yo�e oi tne vo�ters vo�in� at said �lection. ADflPTED �ay �he City Council tl�is wnd rt.ay o� J'une :4e B. 1�1�. J R Tho:��.s � 1 �ee �: Presi�.en�, C'�.t1T Cou�e �s, R T Danyel Clerk. _ . __ _ �_ _ _ __._ __ _ ; _ . aH�.w. ._ ,. . - ,�;��,, � � , 4J6 : j ' Y,�' �: ; ; �IN'UTES 0F CQUNCIL i C�.��,x�a�er: .�''loxida. J'une 2nde 1915 ' A y�g�la.r meeting or Coun�a.l �as` heldy Pxesent: J F 2'hamas, B��s Ca�uthere, R K Brandon, �J T Ha,xri�on, � S Smith, � C�JJhittiZe �,nd Pt E �i��e11., �dovea by �r t� S Smi�h seeon�:ed �y ��q� �' T Rar�isan -�hat re�ding o� min.0 e� be ostpo ed }�n �.? 1.��j'�ext ee+� ng.. `��� -u-�.--r�.:� ��....�.� �%1�- �,.� ��.. � F.�-c ,�J�:r�� . �i.a..c� �' . / Col.' �T �. Maxr3.s oifsred o� jec �ion �Go ��,��a,� of ETec�ion held Jtu�.�s 1.st. ].9].5 decla:rin.g �h�,t the E].ect� on neld �ras nu3.1 and void, a� provid.ed. for in Cha�ter of �he �+i��.r o� Clearv�v�,;;�:r �s a.dapted iay t�:e �eg3:slature and, becam� a law upcn beir_g �ig�_��. by trze Governor. �'�r �d L�IiZiiarns p7.eade� iar fur�he� t�.ma to con�s, der thE o�n�ra$ o� E7.�ation a.nd sug;e�ted tha� the matter be pos-cpanecc�, un�iil Cha.r��r cauld 1� s �udieci and acteci upcn in �alligen�ly. ��r E L Pearee i� '��half o� the citi�ens of the Ci �y ai Cleaic�a�er pa�ee�ed a.gai,a�t postFane�ent of Canvas o� Elec-�ion a�at�ng th�,t the � �i�izer!s � e�ar�eain� �heir chozse in pa,rticipa�ion �� �he elec�ian, providin�; �ha� the �I�ction �r�,s null an� va�d. should nat U� de��rivea �f the sel.e�tion c�� �hei� leg�,l rer�xe�e��t€�ti�re ancl -chat oitizerx$ ar�c�. Council d� d not �.nt�xici �� h�v� Chaxter provide fox holdinb Elect�.os� 19].6 �� provided by i�e� Ch�.rter; and. sugcested that i� �his e1.ec�tion �c,s nuli. �.na �eid to raee� t�e ap�.�oval of cxtizer_� �he �our Colznc�.lua�,n shauld resi�;n and t�at vac��nc�ea sxsouTd be fi�led. by the ::i�,yo�s �p�aoir_�ing iou� Caunci�rien. :"3r John U�ir�. addresse�, Cav.�.ci`� ,�t�,tin� that ae a px�.va�e citiven h� t'r�ough�C tlae only solt? �ion ai z�e muddln s4r�uld for the Go�.znci'�nen ��ec�ed resi�n, _ �x �ill�.�s ma,de �ux-c�e� �..rgu�en� a5king tha� ma��er of c��,nvas be fur �rex p��t�one�i. � i�r � l� �ler��.nder sdd�essed. Cour�cil statizig tY�at he �aoul3. liY:e �o h��r from som� ot�:�x ��.ti ze�. other t��,n A�tarizey's ��ho re�resen�e: �.�p$� c�aa.c�.�.�es an�. at�.g�estea tt��.� he ti�o�ld a.1ke to haae exFres�ion from v��ty A �torney. �:ioved 'ay ��r R I� Er�.nctor second�a by �x iv E Mignell �ha.t Ca�!va.s �� �ener�,l E�.ee�tion be p�si��an�d un�zll '7 P. �i. Thursd�,y J`une �xd. U�aon __iies�i�n �ein� �ut ali �x���nt vot�d "��e". �iio4ed by �,ir 1� ��m�. �� �ecc��d;ecl �y �r 1�T z 3�i����.1 ���at Gottncil prcceed ! : ti°:ith Ca��ra.s �f retu�:n.s oi Speci �.1 Lib?^�,�y �lectic�, �hich w�,� carxiedo $ ..�.� ..�,. � � , y� � ;,,1 � :.a: , � I r� tT T E S 0 F C 0� N C Z I, Cl.e�:rara�tex F�.oxicz�,. �'tui�. �ndo 1.9�5 REP4RT OI' TNSvE�TORS QT' SPECIAL ELLCTTQIV. TO T�1+� I�tJivc�FA:�Li+l t '1'I�E CiT ��OTI�TCIZ QI+' Tk`E CIT� pr CL�Ar��� �'i';n:R, �'Ldkl.11k. �'�, the vnde�sz.�n.�d, Ins�ect�r� ��.r_:� Cl.Exk 6�' �re �peoial electian ca�l�a ana n�za �.n tne C�.�y of Clea,rw�,ter, tiiis lst day o= Ju��e, .�a D. 1�15 :fox the k�urpose of vo-tin� u�or_ �he �rG�osa.ti.on o� 1ev�in� �. speaiwl tax of �ne rsiZl for �hrea ye�,rs �or ��ie purc�h�,ee nf a l.zl�raxg �ite and fer levying a��ecial tax i0� �11� TAB,�.��$12c'tTlC3A'".O$ a pub�.ic Zibraxy not to excee�, one �i3.T, have conduoteci �h� s�,id el�atian, in acco�danae ��it��. t�.e 1�,� a,n.� oxdin�,nce� o� th� Citiy, ��i.�'� �he :io� lor�inp re�ult, to-��rit ; '�`ot�:l nur�Uex o1' vo �ca c�,st �i�n�ty Seven _�,--�--__�___ 97 �'o ��,1 nuraber oi vo �es in �avor of I,evvin� one �i�.l �'or -chree ��ars it�r �lxc ��ur-- ch��e •of a liiaxary si�e Sixty-Qne-.-�-_-�.�__�._�_��_ 61 yp�i�,l. nux:�;�ex �ii votes o��os�d �o lev�ing ' a e�;ec�.al ta� of one znill yar thxee year� fa� the pk�C��,s� oi a 7.ir�rary �ite T�rrenty-eight ------ ti8 To��,I nurAber o� vo�es in �avor �� levyin� ` a$pecial ti� �.ot �o e.xcezd one mill �or tn� �,a.int�nan�e o� a �,v.bl�.c linrary,i{'3,f �ydsi� __��._�___r_ 56 Total nu.�Uer o� votes apposed �o levyin; a����c�al ta� not to excee�. one �,f�:.11 zor ��e mai��en�,�ae af a, ��u�l� c li'�arar;T, ���tent; -�z�'-� �--- N8 ` i'otal �titx�l�e� aT �;��iZated 'h�,I.1a �s, Six -� ___ �, J �' Ca�u�;her�~ :R J �oo ��i' ATTUST � ,� E E? 3rie� ;`e nhos. J �herilwn In��e��oxa, ��;ec3.a,1 �lectian. Llexk, Specia? Electioz�� RE�OLUTIOTT Or ^1�L CI��' C��JI�TCTL OF �HE CTT� OF CLEAt�1��A.�'ERy rz,o��n.�� 1�1.�ER�kS, a� a x�gul�,r me�tin� o� tlz� City Counci? , hel.� �t the Couneil Chanber �n �the C3.ty Hall '�;ais ?n� day o� June, A. D. 1;�15, th� x� �urr� o: �ize �pecial elee vi:o� held a.n unia Ci�y or �he ls� d.ay o� Jun�, A, De 1��5 for �i1� �ur�;:,��e ci va �zn;; �}�on a s�aecial �a.x �� o�.� rni11 �or �?ire�; Sre�.xs �'o� the �uro�i�,�e o� a li"ar�p site, �,nd �� so �, �xeci�.l t�:x no � �o e�-;cet:�. e�.� ::? �.11 ��,er a.�nu� Tox �2x� :�ait�tanance oT �, public li�xa�,�y, have ",�eLn c�.nv�,asad, �;ai�cn ��ae �'ol:�o�� n�; re�ul � . `�'atal num�e� o� votes c�,�t a� ��.id elEcticn. TTire �v Se�r•en (97 } 1�'or levyir�� a �y �ci a.l �a:{ of �ne n:i1.1 �°or ii�xe;: y�ars �'r�x ��reha�e oi l.ibraxy site � �. B�xty-One �:-�.:_, _(c�l} vo'tes �vere c�,st. .Ag�a.ns; �.evyin; a spe�a.�l ia� n� on� +.�1i1.1. �or unre� ° � a� s��r purcha.�e o� li i�rary si+e : �entv ��.�,,t_ ��2�) vot�� taEre cae�. �'or Iev�tting a s�eciaZ tay nc: � i�o exce��. one �ni.� � pez aa�ur;� on ��e assess�d v�.1u,a�i�n �Qr ���a� r��,in-�enw��ce of a�u'blic iibr�;ry:_ Fi� �y �ix (56 ) vo �e� �ve�e c�,s�. �gainst lev�*�.�Z� a��eci�,l ta,� n� ��o sxcaect one mil? per an��t�, on ��z� ass�s�ed �'�,?.uu,�a.en ror t"�:� �ai�+,•�:rz�,nce o� a�:,u�1ic I�i�_rx��ry. ^��nt,�-.Ei��1� (:'�) TTo�es �rere cast. �rtd it a s,�axi�,; �'xor.i ��� r;ti�r�� os ��,?; �l�c�icnt �� G.::_'-V�f.S:�E'..�..� �'i.�.�.,.� .:. 7ti^�jS7�]. ��r ^�1� u�8 `;�TO�P.� C`d.S u i..,.� ��.'�,^'t, t?� ,�,CTilOR':�uF:7'8 �il x�4VOT oi lsvyin;; �, s;::t:�i�.1. �a�_ oi �n� r�ill �ar ��.r��� y��.�rs .3.or ��-:� ptxrch:.;ss o� �. lir,r�.�ry. �i ��, it is, tl�ere- �r�, i�ec'1are3 �tn�.� saia � ro�:��i.ti on �_"o� �hc lev�'a:r.� �f s�ia �a,�: ;��.� s�een �,�;�rav���. :i�S* an a,i�irr�u:i�Tz vot� of a i,ajori�g o� �h� vo �erU vo �in; 4�' �aid �l�c �x�n; �nd i�t Lurihe� a��.eari��; �from s�.id retu�ns tY��:.�� �ne �raposi ;i�n wor �L�.e ?evin� of �, �recia,l �a.:s, no � to e�e��d on� -.:.1i11 an tiz� assea�::d valv.auiai�:, ��r �t�� ,�ai � �enance vi s, �u�l,�c lii�r�.=;�: ���,s ��.�,�otr��; it, i.a, t�e_e*�r�, �eel�,r.ea th; 4 sai�. ;��rc�:os� tion :�ar t:�.� �1��r.'3rin;� a.� a. ��ecial t�.� �or �:e .���inter�igce o.� a-�ublic li;;ra� �i�.�. bean ap�xoved l�y an a.f�a.rr��.tive vote of �, r�ajori �y dfr vize Voters aX .��.� � ::lec��.on. ADJP"•_'�,T? s�y ���e Cz�3r Go�,�nci? t1zis �r_d. 3�.�T o� June �. D. i.�15. �ITTEST � R T Daniel. Clerk.' �. T R Thomas �ree�dent, Ci•U�,� Gaur_�i1 �.w „� - � � � # ,,;. ,;.., .�,,:� . . .. _ , .,:�,. _..,, . . . ._ �_. _ .,:..._ . , � .. �. , _:, , u. . , . ,,. , . . �--�� a� _ �._;,,. p r 409 � ,,�, � z i�INU°1'ES �F CQUTSC IS� ; , :Juzz�. 2ndo .191� , CZeaxv�atsr, F1.oxzd�,. � �iave� �y� Adr � K B�ar,don seoonded by �Ir �T T Hax�ison �ha� ; 13eecl�.i.tian �ie a,�.op�ed. tJpon t�otion `�eing pu� a;.l �re�zn� *�oted �ra�,rett� A RESOLUTIdT? TO AG��P� TT� �ONATT6iv OF CA:�=:NEG.iE COi�PORATIOI�i. 4F ivEVP YORK. 1�REAS, Carnegie i,orrora�tion af Neti� York ii�,g a;gxee�, t� �urnish I'en Thauaa,nd Dolla,ra �o tlze C� �y af C1.eax�vate-r, �Ioricta, �o erect a�xee nubl9.v li.uraxy bu�.�,ding� on condition th�,t said Gity o� �leax��rater shall plsdge ��se1� "�y resol�atien of Coune? 1 to su��ort �. fyee �ublic library, � at cest o�' r�ot 7.ess t:nan One TP�ou�and Dall.axs a year, and t�rov7 de a su3t�.vl.e ' si�ce �ox ��,id build.ing;; no:�, tllNxefore, . ]3E TT R�SOLVLD by �t:ae GoLln.cil of �i�e Gi�y a� Clear�ratex that s�.id Ci�y _acceut sa,id dox�ation, a,nd it do�s hereby pZed.ge itsel� to cor::»ly rri�h the �equire��nts o� said Carne�ie Cor�oxatian o� New Y'ork. l�SOLVED, tha� it �vill furnieh a�su3.�a'�le si �e iar ��,��, bui.ldir!� and wil]: ma,iniain a�ree p�ab�ic 1z:b�a-ry in said buildin� w�aen e�zcte�, �,t a eo� � of not l�e� tnan One Tho�sand Do1�,ara �, year. RESOLV�Dp that an anrn.zal levy �h�ll h�reaft�r bE r�ade upon the taxable pro�er�y �� sa�.d Ci�y suf�:icient in an�o�uii; to com�aly with t�.e �,bo`se requiremen�ts, ADOPi,ED, by tne City Cat�.ncil of the Git1T a� Cleaxv�a�er, in re�u.lar s�ssa.on asse:nbled, �hie 2n�, day o� J'une, A, D� 1915, by unani�ioue vote �f C��zncil, ATTEST: J' t� TY?om�,s. r�. T D�,nieS Pxeaident, City Cauncil, Ci�;y Cwe:��. APPROVE'D : John R J'e�i oxd� . ��ayor � i, R. T. :'ar�iel, C1erk at ��e City o�' C1ear�ater, riaricl:a, do hereby certi�y �hat tiie i�regoing is a, full an� conaplete copy �,nd �Granecri�lt of a reaolu�ion pa��ed �y 'the Caunc�.l oi saic� City at �heir s��ular se�aion on June �n�, .�. D. 1915. �7IT��i�'�S m3r haraci: and the se�,l of said Ci�y of CleaxFra�er tnis �na day o� June, A. �J. ,19�.5. R T Daniel C�.ty C� er-k. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,� ,:. . — -- -- �_�_.. .�,.4 : . ,� r �, 41Q � :. �- :;, , . .s 7�,dIIvTU'TES G�F C0U1Ti,IL ;, G1.e�xS�ater, Flcrricla. J'�.ne. �nd. .3.915 ; �.�Iaveci l�y �;Ir 3� C'arut�e:rs ��condec� ��r �Zr 1't T I�o^.r`?'ison t�.at Resolution ; ' 'be adox�t�d as read. II�on ques��.ar: beino �tit �,11 �resent vo�e� °tAye1° an� i p Fcesolutio�; :�ra$ deelareel ado�ted. � � r,�oved by �.��r s i� Gaxuthers secon:led '�y iSr R�{ �xaxldcn �hat, �resid�nt appc�in� a, cAm�it �ee of thrae �o cor..�er �r��'a� LzUxaLy Assoai�,�ion on �atter � contro7, r�f Public Library, �rnich ��as carr�.ed. Tb.� �reside�:r a�a��in�ecl., �sr 1�JoT,�iarr3sox► R.i�oBrandon, Iv7�E.�ighell:, CAmm3ttee i�oved '�y 1�ix �l T Harsison seaanded a� �r R K�xan.don t��,�% 20 � 2Z �31kQ 3��,rl � Ta�tea Add. cy-rned �y �.:x R H Pad�ett 3,.e �uxehd�ed a� Libxary site �a'iicl� ���.s carxiec�, P.�r J E�l�txa.�-�oe �d�esaed Cotzncil� in xe�exence �a Assessrr�ent o� � Fraper�y a�: l7re:� ut d.escri�ed 'by �:�e���' �n�. Louz�s, s �a�in� �hat Ass��smEn� �vas �xce�ni�e tAz�,.t lzie o�:e aere �va� va�.ued at �16a0:t�0 wnd. ot�ler �a�o�ex�y d��oznina '�as asse�sec� wt a�.o�er figu��. ?�avpd byT �i,;x �`t T Laxxisail secon.de��, by ?.�r I3 � Caxu�hers ���.at pro�er�� o.i ':,.'rr J� E1dri�.oe be r�daced tQ �gh'�;��,�'�.. Dollars, �Ziieh r�ac� o�,rxied.. �dogzd by �.r 'i3 :;� Ca,rut.3era �eeon��� by Iir N� i;ii���l.1 th�,t Lots in B7.u�� V�.E��' 1�dd���.0i1 Qe as�ess�ct r5GJ.QG .�or corner Lo�s and <���;O,GO fOx znside 1.ote ��rhich �ras c�rri�d. %'lavea U f i:�i B�b C�ru�la.ers seecndEd by iir � T Iiarr3.son th�,� aasesaex `be -r�auc��ed to have xa:3.ge #r� Per�onal. ��.x Assess:�ient o� Peo��lee Bank ad�rer�isecl �,e re�uired by Ord,in�,rce, r�hicn �as ��„xried. Z2oved Ordinanae TTo ].53 ;��,s in+,�ar�uced�b5* �x R� Br�i�.on seconcled by &�r ���Iarri�on �nat Ord�:i�ance �g T53 be x��,�sed fQr ita firat rea:�ing. Upc� �aot_on beryng Put C�rd�.nancz ��,5i3 �r�.s �.eelared. paa�ed �or i�c� ��r�t r�ading. Ti�1.a �,� Fo1lo;�;e. QRI?IN,A�ICE A�'0, 15'� Ql+ '.t � CIT'Y' QF CLP�2R�7AT �R, �'L•�Jr-cTt�A. Ai�z ORDI7.vAi`��E ��'�TITL�,D "�N pR�I�JA��iC� T0 �RESCRI�i� T:�?� IsA'_.'�S OF TFi� S1RE,�'`�'S AiyD ,�1VE??JES j�I1;iT?"I `�T�� CITY AI�tiL� `°�J iRQVYDE I"Q� A SYSTE;: QF' HOUSE j�i�J:.iBERI_aG 4'_�rD T� R.�y'�,T?T�..� ;�OUS~S TQ I�E NUi.�ERLD I?? ��COR�,� :'GE T��.P��JITs� ," ��ovEd b� ��x � S S�.i.th seconcte� '�ay ��x B.: CarutW�c�rs that Fire Tnsuxance Policy on �ity NG1.1 be re�ur�ecl ��it:� �equest th�.t �o1.ic� �e tvx�.��en as originaliy aa�horized �ar On.e yeax ti�hic'� ��r�,s carried. Pe Ui �ian o� Git? z�nn for cY?ar�e in i ocatia�. o� 1� �;Lts on �re�•r St, and �ns-�alla,tion of Li��t on �r�r� St �cas read and u�or� anot:�.oz� made and c�ra.e� ��t-�er ��as ruiered �q �tae� �.nd I,:i.��t Commi �te� t�:i�n po�rer to �,�t. Bid of rFr Jo�n Ii `Yel�rin� uon fi��� roaintin.g Sat]i H�uees on �si�.nd Pa,rk �v�s �pene�., it wa�s r�oved ar_�. cu,�^ri�d �n�,t as onl�r a�� �id �ras subx�it ved r�ict be iiled. . . . . . i . . . . �� . . � . � . � . .. . � . . � �. � � � r / �. . � . . . r ... . Lf . f �,, . . . ��„ . .. . . . � . . .. . �,;. .. szr�uT�s oF caU�rcz� C1.ear�aater,�'lory�.a. Jur��e, 2r�d. 1915 �o�y of Laborers lein James B F�cEa,dc�y ar.d Ed.�rard �i Jones �or labo� an PaviZien C C Snodgras� ��as zea,�. and re�ere� to City Attawn��r. Rea�est oi` J'�T �,Lakey rebate 5�� on 1�ater R�n� �a� read. 2�:io�ed �d � c�:-rri�d Uhat reba�e 'pe d.enied. ; . . . � . . � . . . . . � Applic�,tians for �uil�.ing Perr�ita: Pearl Jones �'rara� Add. Lot 4 BI� A��,1m Park rAdd. l� N Reeee rr �iouse ��& 3 Bl?:e 1^urnere Aa.�.. A H��om�,g a� �x n� n 22 1a�no'1ia P�ko � Tron Tan�s 1 I'rama Roo� Lot l� & 3� :�1�. i� Plaza Pa?�k. Add. �ovea a,nd �axried that P�rm� ts Uz g�az��ed. b{a�tex Qf Bill of Jahn Phill�noif it�x L�a�erial �uxn3slaec� i'or Be��. ��.rN r�i f�.�� s � To;rer�l iTpon motion �uade and ca,rxied �ill �a� re£exQd to Cit� �lerk fo� inves�i��,tian �.nd re��r�. �lflved by �,�r � T Harrison se�ona.ed by �ir ��i Carut�s�rs that bill � �r materi�,1 �urnis�eci f os Stre::� Tm�ro�e��ent be p�.� � �.�hen �und� �ere �.va�lab].e, Es�imate a� �n�. J N Dxewa �ras read a� �'07.1���rg s 'i'a Tne HonozaUle Covncil, C2e�,rcra�ter, F2a. Gen �1.emPn : t�. L. Daviu, C�ntr�,cto� ior Sanit�,ry Se�ere, has done tr� follo�ir� �zork;- �eco�.d E�tima�t�, z 35 J. 0 f t l�" c�a t �.ron �:��e �+ y�, 5. OQ .. o.............. 5;1, 7 95. U0 iNicho"laon �t) 1. drop rti. r o . . . . n n . a e , e . e . . . . . . . 94 . Q0 5;-:70 f� �n ti.�.s, L�e�; �5�. G .-���. .. . o . e . . . . . . .. . ., 3.01 1 Flush Tank. . n sr «.... ............. ....,. i�0,00 r9a.3 t�t. �s�t �slE�, Ft iiarrisor Avea �.3��. ,.... e.. 356.53 � �,ianholes.: .. . . . e , n " " �� :��O.G04 . . . . .. .. l�Ge0�7 1 rlksk Ta.nk. ...,..:r n n t� 60.GO.. .. .. .. . 60,�30 7$.Ot 6ti uX�.3 DxE:v� & �� n C� .3$��. .. .I4ia�$• • �8008 160, 0 4 � s� �.F�. exi; �xe� ;; �� C . ��¢� o . e . . . . < . . 7 2.00 1.�5 0 �' � �� F-� Harx�i son 1�ve . . . . . . . . ,�- ; 55� o . . . . . . . . . 68 .75 �.236s"Fo�:se Ccnnectione .............0 .25�e. .... 309.00 imha�� Tank, ].;3 done,.. .>.........oe..,...�,.,e.. z 800.00 ° p 3, 86�.37 L2a� 7.5`�0. . . a . � , . . . 579_.35 Ihze t�is Es�.o...,. 3,283.02 Re�airs to �lo. ���� pipe, DrE�r St e , . o . . , . . . . . . ��8.16 Layin; nen lin� ���� �� « ... ....i63.80 ... Co�t..,,..,...��01.96 Add 15;��. . , . . . . . . 30. �� ��3�. 25 The Pi�:�l2a,s Ganstxuc�ion Co. �sav� camp�e �ecl �ost a� the storm d�aina :andex pavin;, but tih� -ar�oun-� is �ell urider tlie �Z400, required for u�,22 -'t�8�'i1°�c`1.fiP.a lne Se�inole Cons �x o Co . 2ia.a do�e �he �oZlo�ing ��ork : 389.0 ft Seg��ien� I�l�bci;r�.?_r ^ 3.1�,........1,10�>85 2 �an1.'�oles... ...e ,. . ..�45.00... 9�.00 Reepectzul�.y � I,e�s 15;��. • ��'p1��.85 Jose��h �� �re�,�o��n �n�. 11ue �:-hi� Est. `i, 64.93 �... �.;v_.�.. � - �� 2� _ �'� ,,`�:, � , � �2Ti+iUTES 0F C'OUrS� �� Glear�v�.te�, �'loxi3a. J-un.� v 2n3 . 19:7.5 �, i�ov�d by �,tr 'PT S Sr�.itY� secanded by 1'�x �i T�iari i�oz� tnat Lst:.ma,te : of En; o J, iV ,�rerr 'be a�c�pted �.nd �st� �a�e pa:id out gf Funds a.vailable. �hieh was c�,rr�.ed. P�oved by ��r R K�randc�rz secondecl by �� � T Harrison ar_d aarrie�. �h�.G City At�o;cnep k�e rerue�tect to t�ra�t suita'ble Csxt? iica,�e a� Inde'bt�dness ior t�ie diy eren� sbec ia7, ta.� ivnds . � �nved b�r r.�r B M Ca;�^ut�.er� seconded b� ��r � I� �3r�,r�don t�at bids be invzted �or Qonatructian of S��rm Seti;er and �r�,in� as ��epa;cea by City i�nginee�. Bida to �e C�ered J�.r_e �3�c1. 1915 �.t 8 P. �. r�rhic�� �as c�,rxi�d. �.�oved by shr L� Ca,rut�h.er� seconclea. by 4�T T Harri�on that mattex o� �3iI1 �Tohn Phi1.��i�aa�'f' ior accomociation Pier Us reiexed ta �a�er F'ront C��., �:tr R� r3randon o��ered tl�e iollor�ing l�e�o�za�ion. RESOLU�'ION QF THE CI�Y COUI�ICSi, 01+ T''E CI`1'Y �JI' CI:,E.AR��kmER, �LQRID.El , �7l3E�EAS, in �.d �y t:.ne cha;rter o� t??e Gi�� 4x Cl�arj�ater�, r`1�ri��, the Ci � y Gounc3l is �i �e�. �o::�ex a,nc� autY�o:!�i�jr tp fi�c the c��►�ensa�i�n or suZaraes o� a11 o�xicerc� o� ��,id C? ty; and �here�,s the G7 ty Gouncil d�e� ifi a,3v� sable �.n�x fc�r zhe aest ir_teree� o? sai� City to rix Jhe co�:�ensaticn an�. salary af �h� 6i�ice of the �a�x As�e�sor o� said C�.ty ior the y2a.r �e:�inn�ng J�n� lst, 1915, an� endin; June lst. 1916; �H�'���'ORE, B� IT `R�S�I,`�tE ; TuAT tlie sal�,ry o�� tne Ci�y Tax ��seesor 3.s hereby fixect at tk�e �ur� cf Tc�o Hund.red and Fifty Doll�,ra (���(3.GO) �ox �he year be�innin� June �� �0 1915 and en3in; J�ne Ts �. �.916 and. that �a otile� �om�ensa�i.on ar cos�r�iesions af �,nv �i.r�c� shall b2 a,1Zoc�Ed t�.E Ta� g�s�ssor for said peraod. AVU�I�n b� the C� �S� Council in r�gula-r session ��is �nd day af �urie 1+. D. 1�15. J R '?'hQ?+�ae � �.��,,,.EBT: Presiden�, ��ty Ccunc� �.. R m ri�niel City Clerk, �ovad by �ir 1� S Smi�L �ecanle�. by ?Sx R Ir �3randon �hat Resolution be adopted. IIpon �r_�tion bn�.r_; pu� :��e m�:jax�.�g vo�ted i�. ai�irr�ata�Tv� �:nd Reaolution �vas declax6d adopted, Reso7.ution �ixing co�:��e�sation 3�r Col�.ect�r of Taxss r�as reacl as 2 �J.�.OV?S : RES4LUTI�?� QF THE GITY CO?aNCIL� OF THE CITY �F CLE.AR��ATER, �yo���a. .� . ;�, . . ,Y� � _ _ . ,s� � 413 , _.:�' 4 ; , . r � � : �,. � y � �INUT�S. 0�' CQUI�<�iL ,; . Clear�a,ter, Florid�,. J�n:e. 2nde 1915 , _ �'VH��Ex'�S, in and by the chartzr of the City o� �'!��.rt��,-�e�, Florida, ,' zhe �ity �ovnoil is give� �oti�er �;nd aui�nority to £ix the colnpensation ar sal�,rie� o� �,11 afii�ers o� sai�: Ci �y; wnd ��hex•eas the Gi�y Council aee�► i� ad�rieble �,nd for the be�t in-�exest of said City �o fix �clze con�penea- tion and ��1.ary o� the o�i� cz o� �%e Tax Col:lec �or o� aa��t City �o� �re ye�.x l�e�inning June ls�o 1315 and en�.ing June lst. A. D. 1916; liiEREFbR� BE I� RESOLV'Et�, �hat t�e s�.l�;r�r o� �he Ci�y Tax Gt��.lect�vx' is he.reby f�x�d a� the sum of �'y�'a �Iun�.red a�d Fi��u Doilare (��2�U,tit?) tor the year beginz;i.n� J'une � s�, A. D. 1915, anu �n��ng June lst. 1�. D. 1916', ' �ncl that no ather cera�ensation or aomsriiss�,on� of any kind sh�,ll ba a�llo:�ed t . tlze Ta,x Collectiar for s�,ia periad. ADf}PTED by th� Ci�y CounQil � n regul�x se�sion t�i:� �nd day af �Tune .� , T3. I9I5. �oved by �r i� S Smi�Gh second�ci by �x B�� C�.ru�:��xa th�,�G mo�ion to �do2�# Reso�ution be xeconsa:dered and �h�:t Resolu�ion be Svithcl.rae��, Upon �ueetion beir�� j1u-� a1.'� �xeser_,� voted i►A.Y�f+� �oved by ?.ix B i;� C�,rutiners c�econ�.ed �y ':'r 1`; T Harx� son t%�,t cllanoes �hat mwy �e neo�s�a?�y �o Gi�y Ha.11 i�e xefered' tio $uiT�ing Comrni�te� ; ' �vi �h �as�er to ac t . "��ovea by '�r R K�rand,on ee�onded by ��r B�i Caruthers �hat Oz�'ice no�� oceupied by Citp CZerk 'ae �ssi�ned Supt. ��,t�r Dpt, �^hich �ra� carri�d. ' �Soved by a�:r R K 3r�;ndon secar.d�d by Lar P� T Aaxrieon �ha� Clexk be in�����ted to ,�i�res�ase ��,ec�ric Fa�� for Council �ha�u�aero 2��oved �sn� aa,rr�e;� th�� Cour_c�l adjourn tiLn�iy Tkiura��,y night �,� tiAven. Th�rtJr P L �:300 4 � i � . . � . . �� � � � : �- �-_ -� } ; �.. �.� ' , . ,. � � , �� �14 � `�4 ;� ` � . � . � � .. . . � . . � � ....j . . .. . . . . . . . . . . � . � . . .1. . . . t r�zrrU�E:s o� caUrtc��o ; Clear��rate-r, I'loria�., ��.�ne! �nc�, , 1g15. � Cca�znaii nt�� pe:xsu.�n,� �9 ad�ournment, presen°�- Ja R. Thc;.n�s, �, , � R. K. Br�.r�doiz., �4. T. Harri�an, J. G. 1P1hxt�le, N. E. �iighesl, B. � Caruther€� �nd. �. S, Sr�ith. . , Pre�ident fiho�nas st�,�ed �h� object of the mee�c�n�. ' hioved 7�y 1'�r. R. K. �raz�don and ��conded bg �ir. �To C, �.ittle, th�,t i�h� el�ctian he�.d Ju�e ? et. �'or the eleetion , ; • af four �ounoilmen be declared �:ull a,nd voi�, and no canv�a ; be �uads of �he xe�urnes� upon q�:es�ion b��.n� �ut �11 present � vo't�:�. in �fi:ir��.tive anct �he raotic�n rvas davlaxed. �a,xried unam- ianous ly. J.'here bein� na fu;xther bu��.n�ss 3.� ��as n�ove� �;nct carried that G�u�ci�, a�;jctzrn. a