05/26/1915.� .� . : � - _ :,..--x v , ; � �,�� -. � �� . , ; �� f ��z�UT�s �� co�rrczL � • CZe�rvaater, �'3.ori�.�. �ay. 26th, 1915 ; � �, reguZar m�eting �� C�u.i�c�il was held, px�sento J R ib.oma,s, R g Bran.don, 13 �t CaruthErs, � T�arrison, ri E l�i�he3.3, � S S��th a.nd ; J G 1�9hi �tle � �pinion o� �3.�y At�ars�ey oi .klvards �bntra�t �a.s �ead aa �ol3o�s: It�' RE A�,VORD Hl�.�RBpR OAKS P�VTNG �i�iATTER: tTnd�;r +he aon+i•act o� P:ir A�.vord wae ta a.o thie t�vork aca��d- ing to the ��p�.a�n, plat o� blue prin�" which ie by refexence a pax� c�� the cont�aot it�el�.9QAnd the par�y 4� the secor�..d part iwcth�r �grees tc 1�y . cor�bination curb �,.�d �u�ters a� deai�nated 3n_and by s�,id ��.an, P].at o� b].us p�int�9 eta.- Laat part �. 2 g�f oar �ra�t ,-- �t seq. Qn p• a�J9 1P�O lay the e�rne aacox3i.n� �o +;he e�ec3.fiaation� �,�oxe�a�'d" rEf�rin� �o the aboce, and a�ain in pax. $, p, 3, ne agxaee to co�p�.ete the �oxk mentionesl " 3.n the manner and ACCORDING '�0 `�'I� SPECi�`I�A�tO�'Sn ete, sh.en at bott��n;. o� p. 3. o� con�ract, we iind tha�, P��ny ahange e� alter�.tio� o� this c�nt�act �tiet be in �rxi��.xr� ar�d s,�reed �o and eignea. bv both gart�es herstott. The last �aragr�,�h �,�.lo�s variatie+n in p�ice n'by reaeo� af va�foreaeen aondi tio�� 9i, and �ne se are anly alloti�ed "as provided ir� �he speci��,e�,ti�n� �� � By -the blue pxi.n�t v�hich is a par� �� �r�e p�.ans and sbeci.�'ic�.tions anc? con�ract, �he curbing, �tter3.ng etc. wa� to :s�o� at t�e coxner� a� M, Ft �Ia,rra.ecn ana Druicl, - See pr�nt, Tne Er_�in,eer, a� G�.ty Agt. , couZd m�,k� rminox cha,ng�s" on - " lya 3 of Speci=ications. He could nat cha,nge �lan ao ae to perrai� a m�,teri�,l depar�ure from th� prin� Nhic� ia' a�axt �f his (A? vora° �c ) ; Qallgation« - Speci�`ica�ion �8, l�,s� n�.r� o� para�ra��h. Be3iee�, i.� �he cha.nge had bezn authari:z�d l�y the Engine�r, even �2lough he �.c�dd� �rith�:n �i� a;u�11oT1�Ye 3t wrould then be nece$sary fox him ta say �rnat the ��xk wa,a ��or�h� �- S�:�cizicatio�, 3. The Cit� �,'ngineer 3s, by the epecii:ica�io�s, allo�ed grea� lat3.�ud�, bu`� I fin�. nothZng to waxran� hi�e alleaed act of e� �ena�.�ig cuxbing, gu�tering etc, bey�nd. �he cornere oi' S. F�� Har�ison and L��ia. There�ore, 1 am cf the opi.x�ion that h�s a�t was �ri�houd ��i� contr�,e�, Hov�e�er, i� it �tere �i�hin the ct�nLxac� the dispu�e �hould 'ae �ec3�e�. k�y h3m, "To preven� di�put�s and �.iti�aticns the Eng3.neer shall ----�--- -- in a? l c�ses decide �ver;� queat�.on �h3,ch maZ* ariae rela�ive to the contr�.c-t".- �pecitication ;�, ' Teroy prandonv Ci�y Attorney. �. _ _..�w., , � _ � . .. f � � ��`=°:' { � � � � � r�zNU�Es oF �QUuc�Iv �4 C3e�,r�ratex s Flori:da. �ay. - ��tho 3,915 ': Commun3.aation oi Dx John `iho�a� Bowen v��,e rearJ. aa fs�llfl�a; ; �Ir R �` Dan.iel, _ Ci�y Clexk, �Y. �0, 7.93.5 � i Ci-cym D��,r Si� : i�ee in tl�e a;�te1noon paUer ta-day th�,�t my nai�e haa laeen orclered 9n the �b��i.ci�,l bal2at �or C;ouncil s to g� be�`ore the �eap3� in �he co��.ng gener�l election. Tn�.smuch as I did nnt nar 4ic�.�ate in �he aaucas ��rhici� r��,d,e up i,n.is �a�:lat �pr nomi�ia�;�on�, and inas�tuch ae mJ7 p?'o�e�sipti�,I dutie� ' v�auld n�� pexmit me �ta perfor� su�h �uties wel1, I�here�'ore request you reepect�ully to om� �L �ny na�ri� fra�: �ha cfficial ballat soon ta 'bs ma,d� upA Thanking �ou �or your ceux �esST, T sn, �erp tru7.y youxss John Tb:omas B�t�en, ��ged an� aaxried that r_aKm� a�;o� be placed on bazla�c, �ub Zettin� Contrac� P�,nella� Cono Co to �r S E Coueh t�as xea,�i as ��ll.oc�a s : i o The Iionox�,w 7ee Tot*vn Coune il g . Cl.ear�ra,�er, k'la. Gen �l.�raen;a ►'�� have tociay asranged �i�h S. E. Coueh, to construct th@ oor�or��e cux� a,nd gu�ter req,uixed on our gaving �zan-�ract, and reepec�iully rEq�x�et yaux coz�se2at to su�-:ie�c ciiig tihis part o� �he v�ork to nim. Re �pectf�.11y , Pin�llag Cone�rue�;�on �o, Bge � A Hen�v ��oved by �x R K Brar_do�. aeaonded by � B�i Caxuthers tna� suza-l�itiiiag of Contiract Pine3.l�,e Cons�ruation Co. to �2r S E Co�;tr�h for laying; Conewete GtAr1� and gut��r be granted upo�: �rri�ctien a�reeu�ert �'xom Pina�.las Cons�ruc��.on Cos that such sub-l�zting does nqt �e3eiFe Pinell�,s Con�truct3�n Go. o� an� laabilitST unde� e�tis�ing G�an�rac$, : : v�hi.ch �ras aarried. �id af Is�r �I M Jones �Qx �r�e erac�ion _ana cQ�n�lE�tion of Bath House on I�1an�. P�,ri� fox Ons Hundred Ivine�y-Li�h� (��198.Ci0) Do1,la,xe v+'�a �ead a�d ia� �otion �ade l�y �wr B�i Caxu�h�r� �eco�deci bY �r R K B�wndan Bid of �, Jone� �raa acce�`ted. . w.,;� . t.'»„ , . � . . . . .. . . ��,*�� , � � � � ! . . � .. . . . � � t . . ,� � . . . . . . � � , � . . . ,� ` � i.'; :395 1 ,.�;; � A�I1�UlES� 0F CQUNCII, ' ; Gieax�raze�, Florida. :�a,y�. 26 �h. i�15 �; Th� io�.lov+3:n.g aP�lioa��.one for �uilda.�g Permi�� �rere reawd.: ; � H G i�hi-�e�ell ��.rage Lat 1 Blk 2• 7'u�°x�ers lst .�da. , iu .A H�r�nan � raam Adci. n 3 " 3" �rici " ', �a�rr Rec�.dish Fxame �?cig. 2 n B Pa1m :.��I� g�.d. IIpon mot�.on made and caxried �P�xnii+ were g��ntea. � �lerk ca,lled at�en ��on �o er�onoa� �:��un � of Taxes a� paid. � by �r E F� Turner and �x C Lo�er� ae shown on Tax Ra3.];�1914 TaxEs. It �a� 2T16P8CI }3� �I� �. I� Br�,ndon seaoa�si.ed by �ix �� Caruthexs th�,t �r E R Tu�n�r �.n.� �2r C Lo�exg be r��unded �hs amount o� Ten DdI1a.�s (�10.00 } ea�h for �rro�onou� ase�as�»ent� �ihich w�,s �aaxr�,ed. , Cla►im �f Dr G Aciol�hu� �ar �p3.�0 �n seUa�e of ��reon�l �a� �vae den�.ed in cQmplianoe ivith Ord�.nance. T�aved '�y Dr ILT E�iigize'� 1�ecord�d by Mr J' C 1�Vhittl.e t:�a,z .. �,11 dela.nquent Pei�ona,l taxes iae �3.a�ed a.n hancia o� 2�daxahall for ao%. lec�3on, �qhic'n �ag cs�,rxiea. �r �'ohn P�iI7.i�o�f pre�en�ec� �i1.1 �or AQcoanoda,ti;on Pier and suppl:ie� £or B�11 Tar�er ��'nich vr�,g refer�d �o F3nande Cora�:itt�eo Mo�ed 'r�y L�r I+I ��ii�hell second�d �y �r B M Gaxuthess �hat ��at�finger �aa�in be inatruc�ed to co? lect a1�. c�elinq,uen,� �*h�,r� ahar�e� and enf�rc�e �the coll.ection o� 1�Uh8,,Tf�,��; 1�i.1iC31 ti�a8 oaxrie�o �r B' ii Caruti�iers repQr�ad that �.a ins �ruc�ed Sanit�ry in��ector haci, acco�plished aome good ti�ork, �'i R�ov�� by Dr N E i�ig�.e�l aecor�d�d bv 2kFr B�i Carutl�ers tn.at �vrner o� �raperty Harbor r�aks �lddi�ion be noti=ied ta ha,vr� ponci oilecl or ��llet� in comp3�an�e ti�rith Ord�.nanee; and tha� Sax�:t�,ry Co�nittee be au�hori���. tv have neceasary di �c�is made ta dxain Pa1� �ark .�,dda l�h�.aa wras caxried. �� r A J Br�.,,ndon repoxtect tl�at 3n matter o� purchase o� Truck i'car ' �Vater �orka Depta that bg authority ve�ted in sai�. Com�itt�e bids had �een opene3 aa'advertia��. and a� bids twere n4� satis�aat�xy �ha� Cor�:�itte� ha,�. rej��tPd a11 oid� and �ad. authQri�ed o�,ll for ne�� bid� and aup�es ��d that 'bi�. �.s ad.ver�3sed for 2'ruak �rould be ope�ed Sat�ciay, �nat Com��i � �ee be �.�thorizetl to act, ':ovecl �y Dr �� E LgigheZl #l�a,t �ater & Light Coa�mit�ee �^e�,3a�� btde a.� �.�.jottr�ed �neeting ��onday �ay.3lst:b �rhio� �vas s�canaeci b f 3,�x J' C��ni �tle an�. upon �otiai� �z:Lng �ut a7.S vo�e�. in a,ffi�mation and �no�ion s�ae dealared caxried� B s ' � � . � . �� � . � � y�` .. .� . . . � . . . � . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .� . `�.; �;; 39f hiINLTTE� 0�` COtTNCiL Clea,r�v�:t�r Fl.�riaa. �a�g. 2ftli. 1J1� Rapor+ Q� �ir J iV Dre�t Gity Engineer, tivas r�ad a� follaw�: 1•o The HanaraUle Council, mo�n o� r1�a,r��a�ar, rlao txen.�Z�rrnen : . , I hexe��ith: �ubmit �he map �ar ��reet numbere, not ;��t co�ip].e �e, and aak yotar action gn �he iollov�ing matte�e tivhi�h ehould be de+ermined to allow iin�.shing ito �.'he �olla�in� are streets nQt ye�c n�r,�ed, for 1�hieh names should �e g3ven0 S�xset rursning East �rom Ga,rd�n t�a Ro R., so. oi Eldrid;be. n n t� aontinu�,t3on of �axsh�,ll. 14 parallele� i;o and Nor�h o� 7th st.= Pine Cxest, '► �es� o� Os��alas Enghurat. � �aa 4 0�' �aro���ec�G, �'ror� Pa,rk to Ch�stnut. ►� �8' wide reas o� Cour� i��use a 'i Haven �ta beyond 7.'urner, '��tt�reen rt. Har.��son and O�,k S�, " �'eat Oi Oran�e Pla, Sou�h fTou� Turnex S,. 25' t�i�.e. The folJ.a�in� are the ear�e, ox �rao'�ically the �axue s�reets ��ith maxe �ha,n o�e na�e , Fxont Dxt;�r S�. �iorth., Boul.�gard, Penneyl�ani�, Ave. , and �syond a jog, Book�x �1ve . Fron� Drevt Nor�l�, Si�bson A�ve ,, and Gax��.l�d Ave, , Sa,me � �out� �' �� n Grsemvoad �axr�en Ave, is Pa7.m�tt� in Oaksqooa Ad.d. a,nc1 Enghuret Ad�.a F�aro7.�. Si; ie c�n �Iie �arnr , ine aa Grov�, thot1g11 �e�arated. twa bl,ockg, and jpgn ,�tid.e Pine S�. Fcogexe and Floyd. same a� above. in �ia,:e�ao� Oake Bay P�,rk��ay is a continu�,ti.on a� ]3a� S�, " n � Druid Raad: ie tlie sa�ie aa ��allace S� o��posa�e. .e n � Jae�i�ne �7a,y r► » � �c E�vin;, ,r n n n LO'�118 Pa�h tt �+ u e1 �&�ll.t�.�021 n t� n ia �:Tap oli�. rr n ti n Al� �� n ':,'her� i s a V7��2iin;-t�n Ave ��n� T�asli�n ; tan St . :Ln eple�t3.ng a systerw o� nut��ering, I su�;est �ti�o. 'rhe f�.rst, estab7.ish a busineas diatric�.;, includi�� say tne a.rea ��om 'tne Bay to East Z3mi�s from Dxegr St, , to Pierae S� . and alloz� a nurria�x �o ea�h 25 �a � o� lo� s'ronta�e in ? t. Jt�.tsidt� thi.s area �,110�{ a, nurnber to e�,ch 50 � � frontage. �he ees�ond, al� orr 1,OG nut�bera to ea,ch i�].oc�k. Und�r this sy�tem there are long blaGi�a th�,� �:ill nave ta be spl.its ��:nd. otller placee adapt�d9 ���inn� to irreg`alartties in blo�k 1en�ths. ln no eh c�,ees T su�gast th�,t �,11 etre�� numb�xg vecin �,� the �ay �nd xun up gning E�s�, and, ti�at nuz.ber3 on :�ven�as run Tti�r �li an�. �ou�h �xon C�leve�and St., rnr�in,g Fu iTarrieon North, and Ft Ha:rr�son So��h �he 3a�,r�es t�f �Ghia A�ranue, anct all �aralZel�d Av�nues S�6 and So. North or South, fihe reaso� zor th�,e is to keep the nta��ier� from running taa l�rge. In aa.s� of non—conti�auous str�ets, from �ne to a�e�� �alocks long, or avanuee �ot st�rt�nu at Gl.eveland S�, , nur�l�e�s s�.ould confo��n uo tnose i.x� the earri� bloak on through etree�. t� �e�hre tmiioimity I�ug�est that �,ii oa�. nwnk�ers be on: the �ou�h and East si��a of utreet� ancl Avenuee. lhe �.Uo�r� matters decid�d on by Council �il� aZ1.o�r o� t3�e e;�,��,y co�ipletion of ti��� �nap, Respeat�ully Jase�� TiT Dre�r "3.ty Engineer. �.�oved by �r B i;. Casu�hers tn�.t the eeco�.d metho�. �l nL��iuerin� iae ad��ted, seca�ded �ay �r N r;:•Iig�ell and caxxi�de • 'iov�J. �y �,ir B i� Caruth�rg seccncled by Dr � E�iighell tha � all ��re�ta a"�.�.ng Harbar Oa�s Adr�� l�e nax�e� �.a aho�;�i in Haraor ��..ks Add. . .. � � � r . . . . � � � . � � . . 1�`hich tnas C�,rr�.ed. a'r:£ �. ,�.._.�w.... � , ��.`. � . _ � , ,� , �, 397 ,� P�IPTU�ES 0F COUI�C Tb ' Cle�r�ra�ex, Florida. L�a.y. 26t1�. �.915 I�ov�ecl by i�7r H k2 Cai�uthe�s seco�icie:d. �y D� I� � i��ghel.l tkiat the streets a� City be na�ed to c�n�orm �nd meefi the xec�uirement ot' c I�umberino l�iap, a,� �ol].Qrva; �A11 �.�ren�.es '�arderin� Ao C, y, ��ght o� �ay �e ca.11sct Ra,ilxoad Ave. That Str�e� in �ar8hai?s a Brandons Sub. Qf B�.Ii, ? V�allacee Add xunnin� �&��ro�n R<, R, ��v�, to �,Iaoz�olia Park be desi;n�,ted nI3arolci `S�o �� , Th.at Stree� axtenda.ng from Sah.aol Bld�. Zot on '1'urn.er St �axalleling F� Harxison Ave i�oxtl� to �lev$la,nd S�t t�e d.esignatect "P�,1� Ave �'. Th�.t B�,y �tr�E� and B�,y Pe,xk-�rAy ah�,l,�. �� n�.mzd. "Ba;� l�lge�',� '1'ha� Rod.�exs S�. and �'loyci �i�. sha.11, �� nar�ed: Rod��r� St. Tha,t firs�t Ave. �', oi City Litraits �et�esn Cheetnut and �'ark St �hall b� ca,�lea E�v�n; �ve� and stree� extendin.g �Y�st �xom Ftast City Zin�ita betti�en Ches�n.�.2t and: Park �t be called. Gou1d Sta '�hat tize =ira � St Nar�h o� Cleveland St iro� Ci��r :�im3.ts �de�� ta Osceo3a Age be calle�. Laux�, S u� �ha� iaoruh �t iror� R R Av� extendin.g East to rit�.T Li�ita be a�.11�d Grove St, Tha� Avenue ext�ildin; IS & S or_ E bo�xn�xy of �re�ent Cit,� litnit$ 'bA na�e�. Green�rooci Av�, . lhat P�nnsyl�vani�., Booker, and. Boul�vard St �e calleri Psnnoylvania Atr�. �li�,t �'irst St N oi Dr��v S� nai7 �al.lsd Ja�iea and Fir�t St ae n�ed �Jones St, • �'ha,�t Hax� St �.nd Second St 'be callAd Hart St, �,.�.d Thir�. St in P�az�, Park �dd be nar,��d Plaza �t. �hat �'cvx uh Si in Pi�,e Cxes � Add be n�x�1�d r:Ia�7,� St. r '�h�.t Str�et f.rom couth Gity Li�.u�s to Nr�rtix C�:ty Lit�i�a lcno�vn aa Division �t ar�d ?�yr �1� Ave '�e aall�a '�ryr �Ie A�re . Dxe� Court shall '�e narr.ed r'�n �ve'r� ��ldri�i�� and Fz� �:!� Sts �hal,l }�e nansed "El�rid�e St'� � �,z,�o.r- ., � -i L _ - - qy, ,r+a 9�era �"����-e G�rden �v�; and Fal�att� S�r�. $hall. U� ca�.l�d. �a�d�n Ava, � Sem�:nole St and Sixtla St, shal]. i�e natLed: Se��nole S�o �t, extendina S�ro±� �urner St be�tqeon Or�,n;e Place Ave ana. 3ay be e�,llea n L �.me Ave � e ?'hat Nic�olson St a.nd Seven�h S't slza,Il ba callecT Nicholeon St. Tna� St ��'or uh af Pine Crest ,A�d, be eaJ.led Paln�etto S �. Tha� Cedar S� a.n� Jtzrgens St be c�.11ed Cedar St, That Engraan Pl�.ce and Ett°�anka St ��a1T be c�,l�e� �ngr��n S �. T�aat L�idti�e7.1 Place be c�,lled Bid��ll St, � ,� _... . �,._ , ' <.-� � �� ° � �98 _ ;>� ��: ; � s '� , �:�, ' �I�rtt7�E� 0�' GflUN�Z L ; r Clearv�ater, Flox�.da. Ma�. 26�1�e 1�'15 ` Tha� P�ne11a$ P1:ace be �a�ed Tanger3n� S�. ; .. . . . . , . . . . , . . . . .. . ...;i . That �;a�sna.11 S� eha?�. bE �rom 'Ba� � tc5 City I,im3 �s, � !, Tlaat StrePt an. S bounclery li.n.e o� x�re3�ni City Limi�� 'be nam�a �e�to�a� gt � A].l �venuee tc �ae d�.vided 'by Cleveland S� iSo�c �h and Sauth. �r �aruther� made a, �ew rem�.xk� in re�erEn�e tio n.eces�ity o� uYa�.��s�em �or Police b�t. and sv.o�es��d tliat it �vokl.d inspire �are res�aeut ' and pxoinot� �fficienc� by uz�zxor��.s�g �h� force, �doved 1�y ��Ir � S Smi�h tha,t t�ie City �za.ro'��,se onL uni.form �or eaah: policema.Yx pex yeur wnic� was eEcanded b� � B�aF Car�u.th�rs and c�,rriedo �iovcd: '�y Mr I3 M CarL2thex� s�conded by �ir J C lxThi y �l$ �hat Council �.d�ou�n to 2 P. Li. �ianday' �ay 31��, 1915 w�ich �as aarri�d. �