05/19/1915f; S4w�'r� �.r �:,.. � �� . .. . . . , . . . �' _ � � � � ,� ..s :' � '... . � f"r � `; �u"P� � j�: a ; �L ; r � } i I�i NUTE� 4�' GCE'UNC 1� �, ' �1e�.r�at�r., F3.oric3..a,. �day. I9th. 3.5? 5 ; A;��e�u1,�.-r meetirg o�' CoazLoll �vag held, pr�sen�: 3. R, Thama.�, : R, K„ �ranc��� ,�:, �. �+ii�,�ell, �, A�. C�,xu�nexs, �de S. Smith, �� T. H�xxi�3on.a ant3 J, Ca �Jh�.ttile, �3,rut�s Q� previ�us �€eting �as �ead �.nd a�pr�ved.. Pdx �T N Re�o� �ade verbal applica$ion ior a 1i��it a� inter�ection o� Ga.rdsr� Ave �d Engra�.n: Place. I� was �nved a,nd oarried t�iat light be oxdered pla,�e�., �o Char3.ot�e 2Yi Ri�.l�y �nad.e �.�P7.3c��,tion �or a light at intere eec�i;�n o� Vin.e and Fi�th St�se�, Finecx�st Add.It �raa movad and ca,rrieci �ha� Lig,tit 1ae pl�,aed, itir Dean Al�rord �.ddrr��sed Cot:noil in re�exencs to �, bill v�hich h� �'! aiu�ed for ourb and �,�zt�LAr, which h�.d. �e�r, taken up and repl�,ced whe� South �'o�r� I��.rxison ti�as pavecl and in as �l:ah aa he had �een aese�$�a �a nad �aid �ar t�.i.s for�er Cui•� and Gu��er ancl iqds alea asse�sed �or :tliia n�v� Curb and Gut�er th�,t i.n all fa�.rz��:��� ta Y+i�a: ��1� he slio�.lcl be rs-imbu�°eed w�th the Ol�. Curb and. �ut�er ar t��e atnau.nt asgess�d for �his Ne�r �uxo an�. Gt�� �sr. t�iavad: '�y h� �' .� �ihit �Ze ��co���.eci by �tr �1 T Harrison ��.at Ci�.i.m o� 2fir �e�,n klvvxd be refereci �o City �t�o�neg �ox o�iniQn. �dx Cha,s� eub�itted e��;im�,te ior Fu�ni+ur� �or City Ha7.�.. it �as �ugg�sted bv ��r R K 13randon tha� on aGroux�.� oi the �in�ne�e o� tne �'o;zn ��iat it cras best tp �o�tpone cons�.dexa��.on of �he purc�.ase unti,ll bucZget �a� pxe�ared and cl�termi�ed ae �o �unds to pa.Y ior e�ns. �t cra� r�ovad by f�r �`� � Smi.th seconr��t� hy �r J C�hi��l� that the pu�:chage of �.rr_itur� for City Hall be inde��rliteZ� pos�- poned ,�rhi ch ��,e ca�z ie� �nanimous�y o J�ge Brandon �eported. that �r R I, I3d�i� halder o£ Haxiaox Oa�� Tmgrov�m�nt �ertifica��s requeste�. tn�,t sa�ne action l�e taken to le�a�.ize Cvrti�ica�ee. �atter �v�,g ^fered to Gity �tt9�n�y. ��x w"� i�=ord P,�oAiiullen stated tha.� `�,,F �o�.cession granted hi� Qn Is1 and F�,r� in c�nic� he ag�eed �� t�'- .- v a suitable refre�hr�en� stand. th�,� t�ae party �vho agreed �A ,�� ....�a �tn� groject had �.iaagreed andhe . asked fe� f�rt}�Er in.e �ructiione as �o his au �hori �y. ��x ?�c�sa? .�en �aa� inTor�ed tha�C �att�r ref�rad to, �as �a� �er for part�.es i;��ter����d , to eet�;l.e aanong i;her:?aelves. '1`he follor�ing tr�,nscrip� of �ass �eeting �as read : :..��. ��.._ _ ,.r � 7, d� . , �.� ��� ,. 4� �` ��.� ��� z ^.;,w•' � 1� T BT' U T E' S 0 It' C C} U�I%i � } �lsarvr�,te�, F3.urid�,. fl��,y. 1Jtn. �.915 Y z Cl.earr�s,�er, F3orida,. �ay. 3.�th. 1�35 t ; Hon� R. T. Da�.iel, To�m C1��k, � , �lear�va.tex, �°l�. ! ..,, ; Six:- � i As Sec:retary o�' �I��s ldaeeting of �he vote�s o� the To�vn: �f :; C�earrrate�, Held at �he �;ourt House in �said Ci�y ox� ti�e 13�h, d.�,y af ' { i�ay, k. D. 19�.5, � be� td :nand y�u herec�i�:n tre t�anscrint o� �he .r�.nv.te� of aaid meetino aa�c� �o �:nstru.ct �ou to have th� x�anez� of �he �' - candida, ;es �entioned �hexe�n �].aced u�nn �the o��iaia,l ��cke� �o Y�e � votod upo� �or the oi�ice oi Caunci�e� at the n��t �l�cs�tio� af s�,id Totwr_, . Y��g v��;� ��.•u1y, John U Bird Secre�Gar� Transoript �� the �i�.n�te� c� ths �ta�se Me��ing o� the El.ecto�s o� �he To�vn q� Ciear�r�;ter, neld at �he Cour � iinu�e Thursday Evening th� 13th. da;� o� ��ay, A. Do 1915. ��e tt�eting vr�.e callpd by J��an R Jef�'oxds, �ayor o� �he To�m o� �Tearwater, who at ae�rEn-f3.ftyr F'o�2. an �a�a. date addres�eci th� rne•tting and s��.ted uha$ t}�e �ur�oa� of �a�.d �nesting wa;s to nomin�,te ��,ndida��a for tY�e o�'fice of Coun.oi lsaen, �o be placeci up�n tY�e o��i,cial �iake� or 'b�� � ot to b� voted upoxi a� the ne�t genera,l elscti.on t�f said '�o�n �o be held �n ;;he secnn�. Tuesday in �urge, 1�1.�, �a� Qf v�hor� �ho�z�.d b� elec�ocl. . An�. t'nereu�on i� c�as mo'�p�. by P�r �Tohn U Bird, and: seconde�. by '�. F. Hugh��r tllat John R J�f�orda be appoin�ed �haix�n�.n of said mo�tin�, �rhich mo�ion �ras a�ri.ed, i� �ras �hen r�oged and seco��ed tha,�. John L� B3.rd., be �.�p�interl Secre�axy� of said n�eetinga �,rni�h �trot3an �ra� �a.rri.ed. It t�as the� maYecl �iy �r Huohev, eaconded by Js�� �`iil�.arason ti3a�.� �che onl� �equiremer�t ta place a na.me upcn �al�ot srou].d b� a nonination a�ad secanda r��3ch mat�on �vas then unanin�ously c�;rriedA �,nd th�reu�aon the fol3,o�ring �aersona w�re no�►i r.�.�ed �,nd duly seaor3:d.ed a:3 thei� na�nes or�.sred plr�ced upon �aad ba�lot �o be vote�. u�an �,t eaic� At�etion. Na,me of Gandida.te No�ix!ated B� J. R. 2'homas E.I. Smitn i�. F3. Fr�ema,ri T3r. AdoZ�hus ' Ssc�nded .�y. Gra,e. Oes�erle. �, � . il�hitt�.ngton 0 . ,� _ � � ,�� � � t��`" f + 4� ,• ' -y, � 'f ,,,s,. � 5�, �,� / � � �.r=� 1 'i �i I' i� � `�` �'i t5' � � �' Q � � � 1� � _ " C1�a.r�at�r, �zor�aa. May. 19�h. 19Ta Gregory P�ctLe�,n F� �.T ��oot�. J N McCluna ;. 1 1� Mink 2�r 'i'yr�ex Mr :iughey B� Cax°uthers E I Smith Dx Baak�.� W T�hi t Ling � L Pearc�e �� Hughey Graver Mef�uilzn Jah� U Bixd: E I Smith Henxy Toake � ���11ace rdr Iiu.�hey �r J T Bo�ren J� Bl�ntoxx � T?7�Yi�tt3.ngton And ther�upon Tidr Hu�he� mQ��d tha� �he n���.natiana: be c;lo�sc�, whinh r�v��.on s�ae dul� seconded by J W�il'? iaras�n �nd aarried unanimou�Z�. �lnd tiieraupan it t�as moved by �ir Hughey, $e�ondsd by b�r l��.11i�;raaaxi tha,t the mze�ing adj�urr�, �vhich mo�ia�. �vaa oarried. And. �here•apon t�e mee��.ng �too�. acijourn.ed. John U Bi.�d Secxe��y R�ove�: oy �ix R K Bra,ndon g�aanded '��j �,ix '� T Haxr�ei�n t}xat na;nee aa ver�i��ed by secretaxy Joi2n U 73ird b� p3.aoed upor� Ofi�.��.aZ Ballot;, r�hich vaas Ga.xr3.ed: �sa.anizaou�ly. T'ne �011o�7�.n� ap�lication ior �aui?din� �exzai� s�vere re�.. R� Be?.1 Fr�ne R1dg. Lo� �� ��.lc Z Ha.r�� �t�,cc�., J E Ei�r�d�e �T n ij 2 a � R g padgette Aci:.. J' � El�.xidgs !! " �� L on Drev� Ave, ��v�d. a,�d carriLd that Fea►mite b� gr�,nted. �ia��er of complaint �7 �Qxra that Gaxa�e c:�a� being �rected b3� vh.as, Oesterle: �n pub�ie �c�u�t, It �v�s maQe�. aa2d caxr�ed that ma�'�er be �e�'eraa �� I3ui1d3,ng Con�3.tt�e �ith po�rer ��a aet. �ir Smi�h sughe�ted th�,� as the pre�e�� systAm o3 Stre�t Clsa��in� ti�as da�aging the ga;ve�en� in 'nis opinion. it wou�c� be econ�my �a �urazha,se ano�ner ?:Iu2e and �:ut i.r_uo use the Strse� S���pex �,rLci S�r�nklex, ��oved by ��Ir �d S S�i��� seconcted �y Mx �T }' ��ighe�.�. tha� a good mul� be hired tc use �n eprin�ler a�a.3 ��eeper and �h�.t e�rest Corsmit�ae be authorized �o �ecure �ule �t beet p��sible terr�s, �rhicn �vas carried. �iaged by �i� 4tT S 8nait� �ecanded by Lir R K 8rando�. th�,t �iay�r be reauc�s�ec�. to enToxce S�.nitaxy drdin�,n�a v�hach �aa earr3 e��, �oved. by Dr z� E�i3,gnell eecon�ed i�y �i.i � S Sritn that mat �er pa snclosin� e�aae to be occu�i�d as ClQxks Of�ice �e re�exei �o Builci�ng Con��ittee rri �� por�Ar �o �,c�. �Jhicsr� �a,s e�.rrizd., _ , � �, �.� :., _.___ ;..� � � � � -- � �82 � � '`"'" � { � ,;, �IT�'tT'�E8 0F �OITNGIL � � Cle�rvrater, �'I,oxiaa� ��y. 19th« �.`�1�5 = 1'�dr �T N DrEvr submit�ced the io�5.vc�in� xepart: To The Honc��ab1� Coanoa.l., �ocRn o� �lsarwatex, R1a, &iay.l9.1�15 ��r_tl��en o-� ; I eular�it the �oZl.��ring repor� a� pro�reas on �an�tructi� ;' vror�e Al.��. s�it�xy s�+�'�?'s o2�. Ft, H�rrison Av�. �xo�tt �lari�.�e Na��h ; �o the City Lir��.ts, and Dretiv St. �r�ffi �he A. t;, L, tracke ta City iimi�c� - in.cluding house conne�tio�:s and br�,nchea fox aid:e s�reet�, axe c�mplete. About I50Q f t o� 12 in�h r�ain I.ine t�e�rer i s� done, �rom �ew �,nct Gaxc�en ��. to and a?on� �he A. Ce L. R. Fto �v the s�xeet eouth �� ��.dr�.d�s. " The ��n n��� line fflr stoxm ��,ter i,� c�mn�.P �ea across Dxe•r►T St, , and the Z�,� c�,s� iron t�ain is s�dxt�d in Na:ci�ol�on ��., aZso s���et dra3.na ar� begu�z i:n. Dse�� St, The can�raatox on. the Stoxrn dra:3.n al.�ng Section Line ditch h�s pe�n delayed. 3a� h�.gh �rater a.nd fox mater�.al, bu� ie at Rork ag�.ine �n bui�ding a ma.nhole ior s�rest dxa�.ns �n Dr�� St. a� Seetion � inp Di�vh tha ald �4« �ipe thexe iva� �otzn�. to '�e badly �p13� Zen�th- �ays of the tn��� ni �;e �n�ov�xed, and' th�s r�wy extend �ra,y acroes tlii e �tree�. T oWll this to y�ux at ��ntion as thie f�,ul � may v�ash ou� �the sand. under �he ��.virz� later. Th� �er� Ys],�:nd pzer is �o�pleted exaep� �or a• �e�r hour �s �vork or� ra3.lin�s, Tne cQn�truction stxip� have bepn �aken �ut �rom aiang �he r� ��+ co�zcre�e v�alk on tY�c islancl, and a 1ittle gxadin� should 'be done aZ�ng thz edgee �� t�iis �ralk� T'��e �ity number�ng map i� �e11 �.lan�, �nd I exn�ct �� �ubz��.t ��o p�ans of n.uniber�n� for your se�:�� �ion. �11e pse��r�,tion: of th3.s m�� �.nv�ol.ve� a 1.ax�e a,�ount o£ w�xk, it sho��ing as eorrec �ly �,s poseinl� each lot in. the 2'o�n �,� shotivn an aubdi�isiona, � e�. Th�ls ma� ia draft�d out rezdy fear t�a�i;�g an.rt I ex��ct �vill. be ready to sabr�it �o your nex�c r�eeting for ahanges in duplicated �tre�t na,mas, and acloption of' t�iz �umiae-ring sya �eiu, Re�peet�ullY, J N Drec�. It �tas �tovect and carried �n�,t �epor � l�e accepted� �.iovecl by �r N���iiahel.l. seconded Uy ?rIr �t ��mith tha.t mattex o� rep�.ir ta Starm ee�er Sec�i�n line �itcr be xef�xed �o Ci�y Engineer raith �o�rer �o act, �nich t�a� carried. � � � ,_�� _ - " — 3� 3 �� �: j �� . ��i . � . � j}� . . . . . . t':� , .. � � . . �. . � , � .. . . . . . . � . �1 f� � . . . . . . �.� . `.iW . i . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . .. . . 1,$ . . . . � . . � . . . . � � . . . . . . . . . . � } . . � . � � . . . . . . . � . . . . . .,f . �til`I�TLTTES C�F Ct�UNG IL' '} � < , � ^ Clc�rTa�te� , �'Zoricia. �ta.y. i9�;:n. 191� � �e �c���rec't by 1�r l�T E B�ighe3i a�cor_ded '�y �Lr � S Sm3.th thaf; �a-�er , � xx�ant Conu�i�i;�e �ake up grad3.a�� o� Side�alk lair� ��a Ielanci �ar� lay �dr ' i '� �' Jo.hn Phi�.�.ipoif �.nd to ha�re s�ne gra�de�. , whieh �ra� caxried. °� ; _ , �' �iqvecl by Dr N E l�ighe'? 1 oecond�a by �fr �d T Aaxrisan ��at Fire ; j , i Gorn�it�ee �'r�it Ru�,es ta �ov�rn Val.��eer r i,.r� Department c�hich was ca,r�ied. { ;: ! ` �3ovea �,ncl carrie�: �h�-t Cour_ci�. �. journ. '` ; ; � 1