04/30/1915¦ . 14M I a ¦o 40 Art .4'•' ' S'. 'i'-. 7???j' t ' , , , Rte' Y 1 `i ,,1 , ' ••..? 't S.kJ i,i ??'?;. ?.r 3','• -?'1 `?1 •,L5"; l.,t f :. 363 r ,? A=? .?(YjJ=rSs l?f-: •: e':f ? ? ., .t,. ,1, :{N.};..1. ?,«•, ,.. f ,s,,:?; ?'?"s'?.?:";v .ti='',?,•-? ?.+.r ? ^1' r .r, ,,. -: 4r,1x,{;'i.;:?-Y k' 'I'!?'.? )?a!,"'f?!?••:, ...?+:?1}-.I - 'i J .-, • .Jr.e .', .,t)=:F"..i 'il: "'t ?.?'1' •{?1 ,;.?'i. ?f;e•,.J Y=4' ,,i ... (. !'s ` ,?y?t, r•.;i-5'n r,•,-FSi:t ai; , :.' ,rt,.h: r ,f r y ) .£.„ y?1.Y v,:i1F., ?}• yta ''Y:.1d Cleaacwater, Fla. April 30th 1915, _ ? F['i??f"'!y'.lijµf,{Fi,.l t? , ,, •S,• } ??53 i•' .?tia,st? i''r ,, =?,a,: i`rr,{3r k'•^. special meeting of Council was held pexsu4Dt t0 Oa11 of the Mayor , Present J R Tho II14e, B K Caruthers* W.T Har sac, R gBra4ndon "? • ?' `>'•'-. ?`? •', : ?:; ;.Ass ,. ?,?r:'., .? ,-;',,; •1; ?.i "F •' Y'" ?' V .irr ;?F,.' .t'i.'yy ..S?4?t'?'?sf?'?'y ', ?y^?•'''Si .i ?i,li°^i?,`7z4?s1`??'i:?.:! . '. •,; e',' •'i Y'.i,-f, }'1.5 Y.r??u Yr,ES . i.:.J:;, r?? ?u,h •C- nii;",;:;7;+'' ?;' ? .,?.'` ? , .?,,?s`'?E?'. =ry,? 19984mith.,sad J.0 llhittle, on account of the number - of citizens ` ;.. ':'#{'Sr •?f'Y.:{,. ''Act'-,1•,, :+?' ti S•'• .i,{,'?. ,, ',:, w?.'v%??;", .. ?°' Present it was moved and oarried that meeting of council b a held at Court House, Instead of Council Chamber which was under repairr. The odll of the Mayor was read a ' , '?'?:;,,,: ;, ...t -;_•? p follows, Cleamrater Fla. April 34Th T., ;. s:c•? ,..?;;;?•~''•.{'.' ,/ :1=,7..,h ..{i ?:r era- '::• :1 / e.1::,.? .. }S:?"'i t%'ti. r s"'. •?r tip' -?k ?;.: ,.,. .! hJ.r,.^. t'.i ; ,,::d';,•...?,??r?,,.::;` To the Members of Town Oovsnoil Town of Olearwater:_ r'r;> ?j• .????F';''???<?=jJ'•Ir' }r'1[.,. .`•, t •sl: ,V 1i• ..(r 3: .?',?: •k.i,-. Y'•,{y'?1 ?'('•- '?!T+'1 .. ' .. {'.?.. . a Glontlement You are requested to meat at Council ChAmbers tonight at 7 30 'ai'r to oonsIder amendmenta to City CbArter:uioW wader consideration by ;k{'.ri`•°" .: _ state Legislature, :., y`• ?? 'fir'".iy''',:,_: Alan* Moved by Mr B. M. Caruthers seconded by Mr R. K, 1randon/ than Charter be read by Beeti.ons, and that each Section that should amended a note be weds, upon motion being put all ;a,',>";? - •_:;, ?? ':;r';; present noted _ > • - .'- `_??? ? ???? ,, 1 J.'s..; .V. , ,. i'•, ",,.i ? `111. 4?. D. r y aftirmative..y, and motion was declared carried. After reading of Charter in fit '•N' I ? ll and notations made of Sections whiahm should be amended it was m .i :. , Owed by ]!r B. M• Caruthers, seconded by Mr A •r ,: •;? ''_??; • ,r;M??: ' : ' `;', S, Brandon that Sections be taken up as no•bed, and that the Aitiasns present be allowed to discuss same sad offer amendments, which was '.y`, '1,; ,",1 . ,.. ?,,.`? t rr ?T.:•?'[?Ta[[f( l??",r..k ti `;',;? •' `` :f : carried unanimously, It was then moved by Mr W;T.HaYrrison seooaded •,,'s,•h? (.;_ , Y Y .: by Yr B,M,Oaruthero, That if any Section as read should be objeotedr''`ja';':`:'?`. 4v .'`'r`'-; .^, h .e?`]'.`tt, ??'Y'•. c` .rr,V . ,?; r: ",Y? .• ..'.•,•• .,r , ?' fir' I `,1. is of all present and .• .,f.,:, ?'??:? •<; to that same shound be submitted to a Vo??::; ILI that amendments as offered should be voted upon by 01tizons present ?7?+r ,i ,, ?'`•',: ?. r;',i' r-eti. Which was oLrried Section No 35 was read it was moved by B,U.Oaruthera seconded by R. C. Brandon That Section To 35 be amended by inserting . after the Word gqualisation That the Torn Council shall give ten days notice to Tarp ` payers anounoing the date when Meeting shall be held as Squc11laa,tion Board notice to be published in some Newspaper published in the Towao of Olearwater. Upon question being put a majority voted in affirmatier .'r and Amendment was declared adopted, eation No 59 was than read, it was moved by l[r John U Bird seconded , by Mr ILA•Kilgore, lotion No 59 be stricken from Charter, ::',1 cff r ?' _ Ur Leroy Brandon of ab ndment to Mr Birds notion , that after the weed for, =teen that the wards any one be stricken it the word *ali1lbs sub d therefor, `which me sooonded, * F '=r Mr Bird withdrew his motion which was agreed to by Mr Kilgore, y', # . •_,,,,.,?,`_ -' •', ':a., ',?.:1 +?: .•, .S.z '+' _ is ....-.... "•'••+...y:1 ?SCr,4ak;3 .m ..s:? ."q3w r:rr:•. ,-. •.?,..w.,-.s,•,i,..we;.. .'w` - `r ,_'t,.. ,w..'k:µi:;.r.?A:;'^,rf?na•:q„IJ.:.tares.:a..,??-.?w.,.•'?,,+,lik.ti?7t??? Nt ,:Yt r?Cw ?`•`.'rN a ?' •.'_ •.;; 4'-r.11- -11:,• f .?r. Af .?'. ,n'r1' •'. ??` ,?L?,i?ir: li?#, t; S:'yt r $f: ti?l?yy:. ,{r;•'pJ;T?°•>?•?:- .i'? -, a•aigs s: ':y' ,?rl i;;k, . 110 .?,r?sr.?r ,•''k?.y .•;;s? e+,r. '' •? `.'' '•1'`y. ``"':.:rit• Fti ?; S F°.` ;ia''}',I ':. j:,,;,?rky?i?F ' y•ti 363 S, Ot ?'?{•;Gi 1'',1;.r4',j, _ ,.: t..f!~:: ? ., s +. rt .; 1' I.1t,, f.. _ .. :i 'ri21'. 'p!' ra •,??p.,r?j r'?t,r.f, n.;;, r •.t= j?s", ,A=ta;t?ij`i"? ,, .?? ?, ,'"t-, !, 'bT i, itE;r?.!'•a ?:,it'l'rl ": '7. 'r4IX'31 ..l: ,.' [ i'• , ",' fat , c sttiii N• 5 ?.C7 ''f ,i• 't'i if,.. ? '•1,?' "''i?:.•ti '. i,??.r. ,?;y ?'?" fit', s t' '???.,fr..f,•.?snC.,7).4'+TI' t.''•4 M i ?1 1i E v it 3. ..dl;; •}``'r, ,:.•s`.,?.t51;? {i`?,M C:iY •p°'? t, • 'try@• 1>..f'. ? i :". _° ? A', ! , $,7.'.: ,.;r. {: 7?'I?", ?,rl; : s; d'T' .`j :. •;y,'}4 rtx}S `4L+?:'Crt? rt+ .t?rr+.. j;>' Clewmter, F3A. April 30th 9 •' 2:,°/,'. }??`;'/:!41 ?'r*`ji'yiy?,. +.; ;•>'Y,ii .Li :.,,,y'?; ''y`'S y;'z!F.r•S,1 :*.iis"4', in '-,: y,r^: •.. )? ,:'j•'f?`C','', h:s•?s'`?11s??6?•.,:: y;a' •.Iw,YYY r .?'CF1 •l: ..?'> 1 f ' 1 ,i1 ,R t.i'., 1?•fff Section No 63. was read, and Mr gird movW to strike the 'word •sha llo 1';4; ',,? <S•i.-'J.'E;e' ' i;•, `?•- .;!'s.•,,,:,;=t;vk•.??,.rrrf,.l l which was seconded. after considerablA and substitute the?rrord ?y ~ss, ?• `: g:,?:: ?_,`',{?,?,,;,,,,..j r?.t:::°?` ?.<; ' r. •;,?:?'`-:????'???t:.r?f,.l>~ discussion and motion being put it was declared lost. .t ' •,..', ?I', 1, , ; `I l: 4`'' }Y r.. 4z ;,? ...,,: },' `,..ra.:.,,°,,•)l??j;e•ra,';T?. section No 71 was disaursed, upon motion mks and oarrisa fto?n?Atil I t, '-r,..', 1=•.s1?'::?'?t, •r . c'. .,' flr,i•' 1 r'. ''Y ..r;.# `?"??,g '; ,1 y ,P #' ? ; a?;;.'; rj ; r• was adopted as read, •?? :; :,, ,. ,, ,.: } ,; ? ;?; >'r,- .'4yf ji,,?!.A'.?..v ' k M,:. N ,•r ?: ?.t?,.s; .. ,...;f,?**,,^?, •.. , ., . ?, .};,,-,y? ' ;:?. section No 81 was then taken vp it t res moved and o ,?'# rr?:y?ti,>• =r `?''? , ;, arr3ed that Section 777777 `i4.I?J's? ' •_: }. ??.r'p ? 1 , y'1 •••''?+t ,4{f'.:.'EC 81 ba Amended so an to provide for yme0s by City instead of assessme*ntts _ n F.-is;',,.r?;?,?.Jt?.,z:,!i•. t, :'.r,.''; l.i,rl,.,,,,?Hrwj• against property. ;::_ ;,??. 5?, SL?k',• ?;.•?;.A; •'4' .., r' .Iri.•.•;t i:.:1.Ls'. iv:ts • 't;f??i'lr-hi 3'li "5.`j: .;r-: Y i .t. Section No 88 That Section No BB be amended to provide referond= olanor '?it'ct;: >rr ; '.i'jay=.kY.S:' r' `",3, f'}t,• :? ,.? ,?ra' ,•,. ' to be voted upon by•Nlectors, only Presholders to be eli?le. , :•<' ° vr:', '.;'`• It was moved and carried that d< Section be added privIdifg that Millage shall not exceed Twenty fiTe Mills an aseesams?at for all parpoess. 8eation No 98,, It was moved and carried that Section be stricken and that ,ry,,r,;• ;..:' present Teritorial boundries of present Incorporation be substituted ,•,, ;,, - ;'• ,,? '?: : therefor. It was moved and owried that all of 8eotion 93 and 94 be stricken. It Vag n+avsd bT R;S:Bra un seoondrd by Ys DAMruthera and .our?cied, b° f .'3?. '?1+,;:i?;?: x•16'.;"-.)V: 1';? .;,+','?^, .,; ;•ar. That AmendEoats as adopted by bass meeting be adopted by the Town Counoii sent at nest and that city Attorney be inatruvted to draft saw and pre rsgular ?a?reting.'Pao = j': "?: ,;.; ?''?.,.?';•i ' `",?•:?: `- n The following Resolution was presontsd by Mr R.x.Brandon, x- , Resolved by Town Council of th4 Town of Ciearvatex, That Cauno ll had trntiDn or deelga r against the Belloview Hotel or interests of no in ' ", , ' J •• ',' Hr ? Plant in 'sxtendiag City limits in new Charter, and that Charter HOrtoa had been ananded to make City limits remain was as heretofore, and hat, ;.? a- copy of thie Resolution be mailed by the Town. Clerk to Mr J;J.BI idao. Upon motion for adoption Resolution was adopted unanimously. Tl*re being no further business it was moved by Mr N;8;13mi:th seconded by Mr J;C.lthittle that Council &Ajourn, which was carried. -;''•Y'?f' ,'?,. - 'i. .;is 1 I•".J ? .. ?• 1 ` . ??d1?"''. `'mo't ??i r f .'}. ,r., •Ys ,? ..'1- Ill '.'r fps .,r , , . ' • 1 . .I,'r.•..','4 '•?i•,{. ?i• •-.;j..! .i/r" ai.ticw.s?i' .. ,p rw...,v.l+ar. s •. Irt!'•,?• ',i . e4 . i?i..1.. k-•` .:,.,,?._ ._...... .T., t- ........... .. •t-a.rs?a^ .. ? r?,v..•••....•-, '.__«r...n. ? .s1 '?4N+" r;.i*r' S. ".~;?• -'????'??u ??r«r v?+,,:Si'd+E+f rki?r?.`P.w 4 r•fi.zi.:..:.'+::t.3ir.'!.'c>,< "nJ" U` '?ri`i .r.,.