04/28/1915�,_ _,. _ <. _ .��,� - . � ; ..� 3 a � ; ... �. � � . 4'a't,�s'- . � . . i . i . . . . ��� . � .. �� . �iTNtTTES 0r (i'OUi�i GTL '; , �lear�:t�te�.+ �'7.arida. �.g�i�. 3�th. �93.: �, reg�z�.�x �eet3n� of C�u�c31 �ra� helr?, pxeees�.t; J F_ 7.'homae , B�3 �a�tzth�r� ��T ��m�.th, J Q�`hiti �a€, R K Bra�c�on, �.rad �1 � Haxri so�. ��ir_�.t�s a�' 1�.�t me�ting �as rea,d a�ci �,gproved.. �Ieav�cl. b;► +� x�J S Smi�h escond:�d by M� 8�i Cart�th€�r� t�.at 2dr E H Co�c�m�n upt�n donatiQ�.. oi 5�t, on �au�th side of Dre�v l��re. abbuttin� Lote 1,�,3 & 4,�lock 17, G� E s3ndq �dd. tha.'� hi� bi1.i pe p�id �ar pier� alreaay pl.acs�z f�ar 1�uild�.nga SRhi�h �ra� Qarried.. � �r Cii��ord ���ul.'�.en ar�.dresa�d Counci�: stating 4ha� h� ��� desiriau� e�f ha�in.g �h� privi3.�l.ge o� conduot�.�.1� a, �egr�aYimen� st�.s�ct c��. I�land P��k. �'ha°� MT 8nc��gra�e �vou�.d be a�so�i�,ted �ith �.im �nd �hat he �r�tzl,� erec'� � sui �abAe pavilli�n fox c�ndu�ting sa�:e. l'r. �ras �o�sd by Il�r t� ��arrieon �eeQ�.�ed by �ix F� K Brandan that �ie�eers �R�u�l��? and Sn�dgraas '�e graa�te�t the ,priv�.ledge of ersc�- in�; � p�.�illian uo sex�r� coo�. dxin�e on Tsl�,r_d P�3� in �or:a�dexa�io�i ^ that �sla,nd Pa,r�C be k�nt in �oa�. Sar.3.�ta,ry cond�.�irn �,nd �aa.c3 privil�,d�e be �e�m�na��d a.t �ri 7.�. a� �'ocrn Co�ncil, crhical �a.s Qarxied. i�r Ga,ruther� s�at��. tha� �ir �' A Grubi:� desisecl a 1.paa� o� on� �,cre an I�1and Paxk fQx the p�ra.od of �iti*e ye�ra and �ha.� i� Gauncil rveuld cone3der �u�� a�Sxopo�ition he °�vould subr��t sa,�e at n�xt �eetin�. Comu:u�:ia�,�iona �ere �ead arid oraerAd �a.].ed. �a�r�� by I�� R K Bra,ndo� eeaz�nde�. 'ry �� �� Sm� -�h th�,t Stxee� Com�ii; �ee be authe�? z�� to �ia�n C�.evel.and Str�et �rom Rai3.xoa�. Av� to Ci�y 1i�:itp un:ifox�;l ir_ ��idth �0 80ft� U�nn q�zestion bein� put a.11 prEsent vo�ec� in �f�rmavive. �oved bp �Ix B b� Carut�er� �e�ondea by ��� R K Bx�,naon tra� propoaition �� �x '� D�ic�ad to danats 30f u. u� I�ot� or_ Cleve�.and Str��� Dia.gnalis, P�rk '�e aaa�rted �,z1G'. Cl:e?'k �o no ��.£� �,�r �oo�A ��o�red b� P1ix � S Smith �h�t Glerk be instructed to �ec7�re �uil.ding P�rm�.'� an Ineu�anee polie� s.� �equirea by In�aur�.nce Co. C�hich v�as Qe�onde� ayr Mr 13 �I Caru�heze and carriea. �IoTae� by ,�r ��` Ha,rri�on ��at ��5C�GeQO Tneuranae Policy bs ta.�:en out co`arerin� addi�io� to C�.�y FTall �hich v�as aeaonde� by �r B�i C�,ruzhers a�d carried. �i�.s �or poc� 1s��d Park �vexA read. and �,s �ide wer� �i���er than con�e��l��ed i�t c�aa matYea Uy �'Lr B&I C�,uthers t_nat �?i3e be ad�ertieed �o� x�}�air to Is1�d P ar� Lockm �vhich �a� �econd�d �� 2�x �l S�mi�h sn.d c�.rxied. Bid r�� E F� Parker�....a.a.«,.a....<....�. �p���.CO �'ohn Philii�ef�'...,......,......,a.,..,�, 37�.00 � ._�� � �z _ ,y �; .� ���....� --- -- ,_ _ �...� w . . . . . ... . . . . . . . �' `�` •:1 . . � . �. . . � . . � . � .. .. . .. . .� ' '{ ...� . ti. � ��J� E . � . � � . . � ' �..id.,': . �. -' �. �II�'�T�'s 0F' C0tT�1 CI L. ' �leaxxhvvatex, Flarida,. ��xil. ��-��.. �.915 �t ara.s ma�e� t�aa� Finar.Q� �ammz��ee b� xeque€� ved �o ta�e �he �j� � ��t �er o#' d�linqu�nt P�,�ing Cert3:ficatear�ri.t�i,��,��rn�rs c�� �axo�srty . � �..nd. rapo::� �t nex� �ieeting. �ihiah �as esrxi.�c1. f3x�.inar��e I�o. 157, wa,s .�ntr�duced: b� Qxd�.nan�� an�. F�ule Cssmr�ittee �.r_cl x�s.d the �i�st tim� .. �Io�ecl ty �I� B�i Carm��ere �econdsd by �+i� ti►' T H�.r�isar, �tx�,� a13 rulea intex���i�g v�i�h the �m.r�edia,te pas�sage Qi Ord.iz�ar_ce N'€� 153. be vraived, anrl �hat �rd.�.n�ra.ce Vo 3,5I be xe�d �. secor_d time by �title, �. �hir� Time in �u1.�., a.r�d pl�,aee� u�on i�s fi�.al passG,ge� A��er r��,��.ng ',ay tit? e; i ��vas moved ar�d ea�ried �h�.t 4x�.iu�,ixc� �ya 151 be paased for its �econd xeading Qs �o�lavra: 0_.D7niANCE I�TO. 1�7. 4F TI=iE F1'U�i 0�' CI:EAR�91�^1�:I�, FI,ORI�A. �iN ORD�2�IAiuCE ET�',i'�:`1'L�D eiAr? JRiIN.Fi�iCE TO AIIT�3flR� ZE T.NE �OiTN CaTJNCIL OF TI�E TO�Z OF CLEAR��,ATER t0 LE��' A�PECI.�L TA.� FOR TIi� PLTRP�SE OF pURGHAC3�- ir:� A. S1;TE �1�;D �+i�il�iTAINING �. PtTBZIC I,IFsRi�RY rOR SAiD TQF�i� A�aD '.CQ PR9uIDE FOR T�E �;�LLIrrG A:r:D Nf?LDI�<G OF A SPECTA� EI�EC`i'Ic,� �U Ai�TNO��.Z� SUCri e PiJP:PO��, �E �T ORVAIr��D EY 'TI� fi4�'dN GOUIvTCIL OF THE TJ�� QF �L�ARt�ATER, FLOF?II?gs Seati��. lo �`hat �or t�2e pt��ose c,i nurc'has�n� a ai�e for a. �ublic; lirxa,xy �or the To�cn �f Gie�.r�ra.t�xp the Tor�rz �ouricil i� h�r�'by a�zt�taxl�s� �c ?svYr a sg�a3.al tex of a�e mil? v.�on th� doll�.r oi �he ae�eased v�.�.uat�.on o� th� re�,�: ax�.d pereonaZ �roper�y is� aa.i�. �`a�rn ��r a. pericaci af three yea.x�, to-��.� :�or ¢�e }Tear� 193.5, 1916, 19Z7, Section. 2, That ior th� pu�pose of mainfi�.in�.r�g &�u�].ic Zibrary i4x the To�r*� af �le�,xvr�,terA �he Tocfin Council. �� th.e To�n c�f Ca�s.r���.t�� i�s hexeby� authori�ed �ta ].evy �ac�l pe� c@rvinu�usly h��ea�tex a�ax upoz� a21 oi th� ta.�al,Ie propertyr �ri�hin the said �'�avn. su�fiaient �o r�,ie� r.ot le�� th�.a� qn� �h�a:��na I�ol�.ax� (��1000.QOj e�.ch y�ar; pro�iaed, �h�.� ea�.d ?�vy sh�,1.1 not ea:a��d one �3.11 'upan �ne d�o? 7.�x of t'r�e as�c�sed ��.luati�n o� the z��al a,�-�d p�r�enal �xope� t�r Zi�,�1e ior ��,xat�an, i.n s�,id Ta�r�.. ae�tion<�.. This authority is gra�°�ed upon �he e:��ress c�nd�.ti�n zha� a a�i icier_t fund fax �he �Z�ctiGa� oi �. Iik�r�.rS* build�n� th�r�crz be s�ecu-red :ae�cre th3s orc�inance shall. bec�n�2 e:z'ectiQe. See-�ion �. ���he biayor ai the lorn A� GZea,rvr�:�tex aha1."! cal? �. speci�I elec�icx� und�r thE la�*s and or� inances of �he Ta�n, tc be . t"'. ..,.... . _. . . . � ,. ._ . , ... . , 1 , ,' � , , , , �� '.:�; � . . „�.;?W._ . .. � . . . .. . .. ... . , � :: M � 35J � �� * :, MINUT�'S 4F COiiNCiLm ; Cl�ar�ra��r, �'lc�xid�,. A�r�I.. 28t�. 3.91ti i ��r �iczpa�ed in only 'by ��±e x�gi� �ered vo �er� �� the �o�n. �aha are ta� '� pag�ere thereir_; to de ��xmine ��e-�her or r_et the a�ecia��. �.��esa���.te, - � as praSr3:dEd in �his ardinan�e, shall �reco�.e ex�ec�ive�o �a�.d e1ac��.an '� snali ha heid �r� ths l,s� dag o� �Tux�:e, �,o F5. 1.�15, 2x�.c1 �2�all be conduc;�e�. � in accorcla,nce 'e�i�h tne �a�vs �.r.� ox:�in.an.ces o�' t�e T4rna pra� ding for the ��,lc�i.'�g o� el�eti�z�.so The Tarrr_ �t��z�.Qi,i ��.�;11 cau�� ta be pTC?V'j.dG-Ci.a i�r u�e 8.zi, �uEh e1�Ct�.�T1sa �►&�1�p�B 8u�8t���.8.17.y �11 fii2e f011ogtix�� f���'t: � OF�'��T.P.L BALLt��T .� SPECIAL E�,E�TION OF T�E T���1 OI' CLEAR���.T��.� �' FI,ORID1�, �T�'ie �.��, ? 3J.5. . �&iake �, crost� m�xrk �X} befar� prd�oeitio�. 3n ia.vor n� speci�.]. �ax if �ou f�vor �he �ame; � ��.ke � era�� �ark (3�) �eior� pro�asi�;i.on agains�t le�i.ng t�x ii yc�u �PpGss tY�e �arce j FQr levying �i epeGial 4a� of ane mill f�ax t�.ree 3r�ars �or pureh�se of li'brar,l 8i�e... a.YES, ` Fox le��yin�; o� s��ci �,J. ta� e� one miil ior thr�e y�axs for �ur�h�.ae c�i l.3braxy si��.....N�. s __�_ _ -__�__ _ __�^_ ___s_�._ o_�_.,__.._ Fosw�.Pv�rin� oi �pecia�ytax for r�a�nta,i.��xza� oi pu.bl.�.a 3.i3acar�, nQt �o �xceed ane �ni13 on as..�X a��eed ga�.uatian.,aa.•s.••ae•sc•�se••aeoso.sei�e�,4'� Far I.evy�.ng o�' speeial irz,x �or r�ain�aina.r_Q� o� �u.Ul�� �3:brary, n.e� to exceed one m311: on as� � � �8�58� �����.a.��Q��' •..: e s �s s • a a e • • �� s • • •�e x � ♦ • • • . a . alaQo . . . � �ection 5. 'i�ha� �he Torm Ciexk: o� sa3.� Tca��n= a� Rega.g�ration, C7�ficer, shail d.tily o�en tihe Re�istratio�: Boo�s oi �aid To�m �ar �he purpoS� o�' allo�ring those ve�aons qual�.ziAa a� elect�r�, a.s her��.n. a�rovide�, to xe�ieter, �.s �ra�iaed i� the o�ciinaaso�� ai �he To�.�. Seat:ioza. 6. That ir� �n.e o�.3.1 0� g�rQc7.�saa�'�on of t�ae i�ayox, ca3.ling s�,id: clec�ion, three qua�i.fiecl �1.ec�a�� a�' s�id Tar�n sh�l� �e �.esi�r.�.tied �,s inspcctaxs o� �.aid e1.ec�ion a�.d �ne quaZxfi�d �lector �hs.�l �e deei�;nate� as Clox�k c�� �a3d �lec�a or_e Secstion 7. Tiza� t}as �q�n Cotancil sha�l can„v��,�a t�e return� �� �aid elea �3�n �.n �he �ann�r no� provic�.ed 'i�y axcl�.nanc� far �t}ae Q�,nga�sing oi retu�ne af e? ectiorsg and si�.�i d�c3.�.r� th� �•esult �hsreoi'a an� ii &�a,jori�y oi the vo�ex•� ���i� a� �aid �l�ction aha3�. vo�E in f`e.vor o� ,-�.��....�.:..�. . _ _ _ �...� �. ��: t '�. ,..;.�� � � l�z 360 ,� .� � , �`.'. ��. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } . . �rz��r��� oF co�rr��L a � ``� �Ze�,rv�a�er Floxida. Apri1. ��. 1�1.5 � ; �• . , . . . q . . . . . . . :f . � 1.eeyin�; th� sp�a3al ��e�, as herei� pro�ided, tnen it sha7.l be �;he ; dv.��r o� fi�he �ovon Ccunci3, as soon �,� �hie ardin��� b$ao�es ��iecti�e, i tc� levy �he apec�.al -�axes, a� provided �qx � n tk!is Grainance, an�. �che ; ��,ra� sha11 be aollected by th� ma�c Cc1�.�ctor a� the �a�u� �im� ar_r� in tiae � ��;m� mannex �� athex ta.�es j�,nd sh�l3. �re kep� ir� sepa�ate au�de, to be ; u,sed and. e��ended snlely fox ��+� pur�o�e o� purch�,aing �, ��te and maa.n- j '��,ining a pu1�7.ic �:ibra,rg, as h��ein pra�vic�ed. See��an �. A1� ordin�.:n��e, or p�t� of c�rdynancee, ir� con:il�.c� �aa.��. the provis�on� o� tY�ie ard�n�,ncs ax� hex�by repe�Ied. P�,seed by the Tot�n Cotznci�. ta�is 2t3 �h d�.y ��' Apxile Ad �. 1�9T5, A�?EST : �; R Thom�.� 3?resi�e�.�, Tovrn �C��.Znci:1, R T D&,n.ie 3. `1'oc�n Clerk. " A�pxovEd by me thi� ���h day of Apri1, �. D. 19I5. � �TpYin R J�:��orde__ ��ia,yor. Af�er -�hixc� xeaci.in� a.n ��z1.i i ��r�,a move�. '�y �dx B M Carnti�ere, ssconded. by �r � T Fiarri�on tna� Ord.inanc� N�.{ �.�1 be a.�i��te�. as r�a,d., t,(>-ZC.��,�i �a-�-�-o Gu.--c.nc.cJ.:.F ,u.�e�,u��.-�c�c.-�--�.-�-_,`--��.,� , �z.�'�j�.� �-�:��i� f•�1,� m _7 �i11 0� Jahn Phillipo��' for aide��al.L �.� Y;�ater �io�l�s P�,,rk ��,s , �,a folzo��s. Amovsit,..a:...,..>....o..,...,o....,.. �a67. 84 � �ia�red �zzd a�,rr�.ed �na�t bill �e �ai.d o�t o�` P�.rk im�t. 73and F'iznd s . , Pa�i�ion of ci�G1��n� ier 1igh-� on J�anee G,i).d 11l3.OY20I6QII fi'U.b �a� xead. Upc�n motion mad� ar_d ca,r�i�a peti �ian was grante�,. , Mo��. tha� Zo��.tian o� l� ght at ioot af �ldri�.ge Stre�� b� re�ex�d ta �i�'r�t C�mmit�ee with power t� act, �vh'�ch �ras secor_oi.ect axia �ar� xi�d. ' ��r ��t Ca�the��e s�a�ceo t�.at nia� �ex o� �taki.r_� care of � ��rm e�aver from Fox� harriscn. .�ve acroas h�agno�.i�. P�,rk Sta'u. �v�.s nec�ss�,ry and s'�ated zh�.t I�r 1� ?, D�,vi� �ould. a�re., �o do �u3.� �or� ii' negQtiab�.� . . . � � . . . . . � . .4 . . . cex�iiic�.tes coul� �±� isaucct in pay�en.t. , �€a��rd �y �r � M Car�.thexe �e�onded. by � � T Aa,rrison. �ha� � C� �y �n�inee� be instructed t� �crepar� plan� �rzd. esti��'�e�, �.c�r Storru �raine � a.nd su�r.:it at nesct r�gula.f. mee�c�.n�o �'hicn v�as casriec�,. 2Yit�vAd by �dx �. K Br�,ndon �econded by 1lSr B�t Caru-�ners t�,� S�xeet C�mrni t �ee be auzuorizect to have �i.dE�rA�.� laid a,t foot oi C1ev�lat�.d �W._ �� , �: � � � `'`�" ,�: 361 r � �' ,� �IN�TTE� 0� CCiUI��Td� � . �< C�sa.r��,ter�. F�a��.da. .�.p:�il. 2$�r�, 1J1� ! ;; S�rest t� conrec� �ritu �oncxet� P�.e�. , ; �ui1.�.ing A�pl.ida��.nns �rer� xet�d_ �,s fo3�c,��s. ; :� H Cta a,ent��,n D��e �al �l�g � Lo � 1, �, 3, 4 H1� . 1,7 G c� E�nd. Ac�c�.. �; �io�r�c �a �a�r�Ea vhat Fern�i r be gran�ea. R;eso�.utioa� authoxiz�.ng Loaz� �ra� read �,s io1;1.c��s � 'RES�LTJ�i':! 0�� QF T.��' T�?�i:ni CO�iN� sL , Q�' Tt-t� '�'O�J1U 8�' C�,E��tAT�;R, PLA . �; �E IT RESOI:,V`ED BY TI� `�'d�Jl�i C�'Uiv��.I� OF �'HE 2'�JYdi� �F �LEAR4��1`i`ER: � � a Tha� °�'�.e .c`x�sident �d'•��e �`c�n Cl�r� bs �.d th�y a�e herebp �,uths�rized � to b��r�o� o� the E�nk o{ CIe�,�ater �he �aum o� T�t� ThQueand (��,Oa�aaO) , �ollars and te gi�e �he �rarrax�� oi the Tasvxi o� Clearv�a�er, signe� by' the ' 1're�i�er,� c�f �he Goun.ca�. an.d the '�o�n �? erk, re�Z�eati�ely, for tne � � sv�m o� Tvcq �r_ou�and, ���,OG�1.AQ) �ail.ax�= evia�ne�a.ng said. la<<�n.. �a�.d i 3�axxant ;4 r��a� interest a� �hQ r�.t� oi ���rt per �er,� �Er ann�1, �.n�. �o � be g�a�d in �ual� tim� o� tir��� as �h� Prasidex�4 6i' ti�e To��n Co�unci]., a,nd � ��ie a'ot�r� 0'�e�c� arl�. �h� �a�.d ',3�nk a� �lea:x�ta.��r m�,y s,gxE;�: REaOLVE'�: � Tn�,t �, aer�ified co � py o£ t�.ese Res4luuaona be by thE `�'at� Cierk fuxnienea. �ne �ai� �3an:x c�� Cle�x�tavex a� �he tir�e �t m�ang sa9.�, '�ar��n.� and � � i att�,Checl. �he?^e�a. ; � A.T`1'ES� : t�J � ���8�.^ p rx�si�.exitKo� th� Ta�n Co•ancil. `i`o�vn G1.exke ��v�a. by R� R� Br�,n�.on ��cqn�d�cl by �i� B� Garuti�er� tha� k � 1�e$o1u�� o:� be �opted ag rea.d, �h�ch �ras �arxi�t� unanim�ueZ�. � I�nved and aa.rriea �ha� CQwaoil �,djourn.. � � �