06/06/1978 ... .. JI'~ .:....~1 I Iw MINUTES THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD City of Clearwater, Florida June 6, 1978 - 1:30 P.M. Chairman Groth; Messrs. Hall. Kelly. Kuntz, Tice. Tomicki, and Turner; Bill Shepard. Engineering Department. W. D. Renando, Planning Director; D.P. Healey. Chief Planner. Mrs. Parks, Mr. Dimmitt. Debbie Winsor (Clearwater Sun) and Craig Robertson. (St. Petersburg Times). The meeting was called to, order at 1:35 p.m. by Chairman Groth, who then gave the invocation. Members Present: t-tembers Absent: Also Present: On motion by Mr. Tice. seconded by Mr. Tomicki. minutes of May 16. 1978 meeting we~e approved as written. Public hearing was held regarding application for annexation and zoning. properties under consideration for rezoning. subdivision plat review, and site plan reviews. At this time. Joe Williams. Vine Avenue. requested be removed from the hearing and was informed by W. press may not be prohibited from attending public that a reporter Renando that the meetings. Annexation & Zoning: Property located on E. side 250 ft. s. of Linwood Drive Request: CG (Business) Statement for the record was made by Mr. Renando outlining the City's position re this request. No one spoke in favor. Roy Bertke, Fairmont Street. presented a petition to ,the Planning and Zoning Board signed by property owners and residents from the outlined area which mentioned the critical drainage problem existing. The peti- tioners favor annexation but many oppose the commercial zoning. Several others spoke against this annexation. emphasizing the drainage problem. with Mr. Renando suggesting that the matter be taken to the County Commissioners since the property is presently in the County. Mr. Hall recommended that annexation be approved, with provisions for correction of drainage problems and creation of a buffer zone. and made a motion to that effect. The motion was seconded and passed with one dissenting vote cast by Mr. Kelly. Motion was also made, seconded and passed to the effect that it will be recommended to the City Commission that an injunction be issued to stop construction at the site until health hazards caused by improper drainage can be eliminated. Mr. Renando stated that he would write such a memo. 1. of N. Highland Avenue, (Wells). about ~1'y.~ .' ;~~~'~~~W~l}~~r~j~~:~;;C~J!W;:;/k'D!~;:(:.),X:,:,~;;~;;:};f,,:;f;;ii';;~;';~~@~'~:~~jl~~1~!r~~~~~}t~~;i:ir~i~~~~ ~~~~(:\;~~;;~fr( i:~ '~i:};" ~ih,;:;,~ )\:\,~:~.\;i~fS ;:/~~? i;\\::~\~~/ ,~(~\1 ::';: )~':'; ::~..y,~ ~ ,<, ',~~+~'Y:{\ ':; <;qfi,:/;,~,j; ;;;~~i.: ~[,<~l~ ~ili~}i~; sri:~t~~;{~;i~~i':~V'r~~',{~~{\ ~~~/l. ~\;.~rl1}l!:~! ~~:~:~4:~:::t'r:~~:~,[~~~::-:~!;~~.:~E~}r~';:s~ :~)?{JDY~\::I.~';:~:'~>~,:1::' :i:,~ : .:' {~\,~~~\~' ~:::' .~...:;;~~ "r ~.l f', ',~:~ ~::~~ ~:~\. ;:~,X ~ ~:~->lt. ::/ \:;~~:~ ::.e;.,:~,:~' n~~'i',\(,(~';: ~~~,"~, :~~ :'~"~~~~)~];~~}}~.~llt:~\~t':t'~i~:-(.~X M~Vf~\I~,~'V,,~~.;1:,;~,,~,; ,':->'~;'/'3\?~~t~~,~>.:\?~~~~:~\<q;~~,~;;,;,;>(" :.: ;../,:>t(" ;:~,::, ';,,' ,,:, ';: :' ':- : ~:t~: i:/ t:..'~~',l,~<~i:.:~!;::\~~~:~1.~:{~f!:VV~'l~:~i~;!, ~~~1iW..a~i~~f;,t:' '''\il?~~l ".~:t:<~;('II,.9:i:,;::~~;N~?~:J} '),~':;;';'\{,~k~';;,; ;:~.~~;;,: ::t':,,>, ':\::,'i,;,,~::,.;,,~.\,;::;..:'<~':~~;r:,~:,\, ' . ,:" ': i . \:,' ,,~;',f,'::' :,;..!;~;!;. i'~i~:;,j.~~:ii,:~ \'ti'.~( "'\ 'f~I\'W~:i~I4J.; ~!f,~. 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' Minutes of Planning and Zoning Board - June 6, 1978 Page Two Subdivision Plat Review: 1. ROBetree Court located on Nursery Rd. E. of Stewart Blvd. Approval of this subdivision plat was requested with the that 1) there be a longer than normal cul-de-sac, and 1) fence on each double-frontage lot. Mr, Tice made such a it was seconded and passed by the Board. Site Plan Review: 1. Sunset North Shopping Plaza located on Sunset Point Rd., W. of U.S. Highway 19. provisions there be a motion; Bill Johnson, attorney, speaking for the applicants, acknowledged the parking problem that exists, stating that they desire to apply for a variance, and requested approval of the site plan subject to such a variance. Motion for denial was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Kuntz, and passed with a vote of 6-0. 2. Hillcrest Villas (formerly Deerwood Apartments) located on U.S. Highway 19, S. of Florida Power Substation. Mr. Tice made a motion to recon~end that this site plan be accepted subject to approval of the traffic study. The motion was seconded and passed 6-0. 3. Family Mart, a commercial development located on E. side of U.S. Highway 19, N. of CR 102. This item was put on the agenda by the City Manager because of a critical time element, as mentioned by Mr. Renando. A motion to table this item until the next Board meeting, made by Mr. Kelly and seconded by Mr. Tomicki, was passed. Mr. Levison, architect for this project, requested reconsideration by the Board stating that the staff has seen the site plan as part of the Community Impact Statement and the building proposal, and that a delay would exact a financial burden on the owners. Mr. Hall motioned for re- consideration, and this motion was seconded and passed with one dissenting vote. Bill Cotton, representing the owners, explained to the Board that all concerned departments within the City have approved the plans submitted and that site plan approval is the only remaining item. Following confirmation of these facts by Mr. Renando, Mr. Tice moved to recommend that the site plan be approved~ this was seconded by Mr. Hall and was passed 6-0 with the amendment that plans would have to be approved by all concerned City departments. Rezoning: 1. Properties located on E. side of N. Myrtle Ave. between Marshall and Carlton Streets. Request: From: CG (business) To: PS (professional services) ',fv~~ ~")jrS~l\V~~r;~r~~;'~J~:!~~.~/; 'Io':'~~'" . <- _(~~~~T <" .~ \ ,\.. ,(,;.; .">' .' J:,:,~~~,~'''r:~;~/!:: Ai, <~~>'~~t\-{:~~~;:'_:; ~~ ;:": :.,,~. 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Minutes of Planning and Zoning Board - June 6, 1978 Page Three As was done in the case of each successive item proposed for re- zoning, the Planning Director presented slides to point out to those present the existing zoning and land use and to familiarize the audience with areas under discussion and to explain the City's reasons for proposing rezoning. No one spoke in favor of this rezoning, Several citizens spoke against this rezoning, including Ethel Dar1age, Fordman Beach, Talmadge Rutledge, Wade Clark, Sam St. Clair, Attorney Don McFarland, and Pastor Bridges of the St. John's Baptist Church. Following a discussion period, a motion was made by Mr. Tice to recommend denial of this rezoning to PSt it was seconded by Mr. Kelly and passed 6-0. a. Property located on E. side of Taft Avenue between Grant and Carlton Streets. Property located between N. Greenwood and Pennsylvania Avenues, S. of LaSalle St. Requeot: From: CTF (Commercial Tovrist) To: CG (Business) b. Mr. Rutledge spoke in favor of this rezoning but advocated sessions to be held for citizens to educate them on the subject of zoning before the matter is decided. Mr. Renando made the Board aware of the time and efforts which have gone into this project through the years by the City planners, and, on the basis of these efforts and the fact that it would be extremely costly to.the City, he did not recommend continuance of the rezoning issues. Mrs. Maggie Cazares asked the Board whether they were aware that the Planning Department has been calling people to request that they attend the Planning and Zoning Board meeting and speak in favor of rezoning. Mr. Renando confirmed this and stated that this is not an unusual happening. A. Scott also spoke in favor of rezoning - from CTF to Residential. Mr. Wade Clark spoke in favor of rezoning, as did Ms. G. Burt. Messrs. McFarland. Carson, Rutledge (with Mr. Rutledge reiterating the need for more time to educate the people). and Beach, and Mrs. Grant 'and Pastor Bridges all spoke against the rezoning of these areas. Mr. Tornick made a motion to recommend approval of this rezoning and Mr. Turner seconded, with the motion passing 6-0. 3. located From: To: and N. Myrtle Ave. Property Request: between N. Garden Ave. CG (Business) P (Public) Mr. McFarland spoke in favor of this rezoning; no one spoke against and a motion was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Tice to recommend approval. It was passed by the Board with a vote of 6-0. ~1.!.~' "';';~~l~'~~.~,~.i."..~,J"c-, .' .'";;,~_.--:"'..,.!l',",~,....~~;":..".~', ',~"~:w:,'... ...ifi~~ f...~ . ., ".' :tC""--r-~'..,'-I( N-'\:~.1:nl:c.'~~. ,:..i1\~f'-.,""(,.'~oi;:r:~"'- ~ .". ..,. '~'''':\"'''~!'<:~l~'l!kk.fil,~~'<i''' ~~t!~l1 ~':":" . '>'?~j., ';;'~f.':f:~J. . , . " \1 ' ;+" " ...~I ..' ~:T:o".'t. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Board - June 6, 1978 Page Four 4. Property located on W. side of RR between Nicholson and Eldridge Streets. Request: From: CG (Business) ML (Light Manufacturing) Ms. Burt spoke in favor. and Messrs. Rutledge and Clark spoke against this rezoning. Mr. Kelly made a motion to recommend approval of this rezoning, and it was seconded by Mr. Tomicki. Mr. Hall called for a discussion, stating that he would rather see this area remain eG. Mr. Renando explained the present use is light manufacturing. Recommendation of rezoning approval was denied by a vote of 3-2. 5, Property located between N. Greenwood and N. Myrtle Avenues and between Palmetto and Maple Streets. Request: From: CG (Business) and RM-12 (Duplex-Apt.) and CTF (Commercial Tourist) and ML (Light Manufacturing To: RS-50 (Single Family) MS. Burt spoke in favor of this rezoning, with several citizens including Ms. Vera Smith and Messrs. Beach. Bunting, Clark. St. Clair. and McFarland voicing protest. A motion for denial was made by Mr. Tice. seconded by Mr. Turner and later rescinded. Following discussion, Mr. Hall moved that the zoning in the area outlined in Item 5 be changed to RM-8 (instead of RS-50) with specific exceptions for people who have existing businesses - that they be allowed to maintain them. This motion was seconded by Mr. Kelly and passed 5-0. 6. Property on E. side of Pennsylvania Ave. between Grant St. and a portion of Metto St. Request: From: CTF (Commercial Tourist) To: RM-16 (Multi-Family) Mr. Rutledlfe spoke in favor of this rezoning. Mr. Hall,voiced the people s concern regarding lot size. Mr. Renando e~tplained that if the use of the property is an allowed one,but i~ does not comply with existing zone as far as size. as long as you comply with setback requirements. the lot can be built on again. No one spoke against this rezoning and following a motion made by Mr. Tice.' seconded by Mr. Tomicki, recommendation of approval of this rezoning was passed by the Board. 7. Properties bounded by N. Myrtle Ave. Carlton St.. Pennsylvania Ave. and Palm Bluff St. Request: From:CG (Business)and (b.) CTF (Commercial-Tourist) (a.) To: RM-12 (Duplex-Apt.) ~ " 'r :' , ..~, ... .,',.. ' ~ ; '" ~. .... ~. ' ~, " ,. ~ . ",. ,,' ...-t' 11.... ~ . ~.. ,~- -. .....- ,.. ' , .~z '.~lIt!-~:~';f1~,::t::W\~~.'L:f~~~~~"\j.~~t,'Y'~...,~1 ~~~\I ~"""""'---""'''~-;;r~.~~'''''l!''''~i-.k'''-'''''''l'''''''~''",:4, ,...... ....,~~~....... _ ' ,. ,. ~~":;:'~.,~r-;--\"(I ;~~~ . ... -'..,., .,r: ...,. ..~,;,.' Minutes of Planning and Zoning Board - June 6, 1978 Page Five .Messrs. Rut1edge.and Brooks addressed the rezoning of the designated area from CTF to RM-12 , stating that they prefer an RM-16 zoning instead of RM-12. Ms. Burt and Anna Cheatham favor the rezoning, No one spoke in opposition. A motion made by Mr. hall to recommend approval and seconded by Mr. Tomicki was de- feated by 8. 3-2 vote, with Messrs. Kelly and Turner feeling that RM-16 was not unreasonable. Mr. Tice made a motion that the request from CTF to RM-12 be amended to read from CTF to RM-16. This was seconded by Mr. Kelly and passed by a 3-2 vote. Regarding the rezoning from CG to RM-12 , Mr., Hall motioned to ac- cept RM-12 for all that area east of the RR and from Palm Bluff to Carlton St.. that area west of the RR to remain CG. The m~tion died for lack of a second. Mr. Turner made a motion that property east of the RR be RM-16 and west of the RR to remain eG. This was seconded by Mr. Tice and the motion passed with one dussenting vote cast by Mr, Tomicki. 8. of N. Myrtle Ave. and both sides Properties located E. of Jurgens St. Request: From: To: CG (Business and ML (Light Manufacturing RM-12 (Duplex-Apt.) RM-8 (Single Family) and Mr. Renando explained that the City would like that area which has only three businesses to remain residential. No one spoke in favor of this proposed rezoning. Mr. Renando outlined a com- promise which would leave a portion of the property now zoned for business in that CG category, and rezone the remainder to ,RM-8. Mr. McFarland spoke in favor of this modification, but against the original. proposal. Several citizens, including Horace Carlson, Ada Netherton, Joe Turner Jr..Sam St. Clair, Bob Hannon, Ford Beach, and Wade Clark spoke against the proposed rezoning. Mr. Clark pointed out that less than 2% of the businesses in Clearwater are owned by black people. and that these businesses are located in the above designated area. A discussion followed among the P & Z Board members regarding division of property designated under Item 8. The Chairman called a ten-minute recess at 8 p.m. for Mr. Renando to draw new boundaries for this area. At 8:10 p.m., Mr. Renando outlined the new boundaries for all present, pointing out a strip of property approximately 100 feet wide on either side of Myrtle Ave. which would remain CG. with the remainder to become RM-8. Mr. Hall moved to recommend to the City Commission that they approve the rezoning as outlined by Mr. Renando. Mr. Tice seconded the motion and it was passed by a '5-0 vote. ..i.........,.....:.J 't;;.it'. ~ ,....... ~___...,'...T._L.~..,' .., .... ~.. . ,;. .", , ,4' , '. . ,~. " I ' , . ':' " '~'. _ r . " , " :... I ,I . t ,< . .' ~',. ~ . ~ ....., . _ __ "._, .~,......".. -_. ".. .',..... '.. ~ . .'T ,~~~""~~~~~~~~~~~~"\OjT " '..... I REVISED AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD June 6, 1978 ITEM ACTION A Approval of minutes of May 16, 1978 B - Annexation & Zoning: Property located on E side of N. about 250 ft. S. of Linwood Dr. Request: CG (Bu~iness) Highland Ave. (t~ells) 1. (NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ATTACHED) C - Rezoning: 1. Properties located on E side of N. ~lyrtle Ave. between Marshall St, and Carlton St. Request: From: CG (Business) To: PS (Professional Services) 2. (A) Property located on E side of Taft Ave. between Grant and Carlton Sts. (B) Property located between N. Greenwood Ave. and Pennsylvania Ave. S of LaSalle St. Request: (Commercial Tourist) (Business) From: To: CTF CG 3. Property located between N. Garden Ave. and N. Myrtle Ave. (located as aforesaid S of Marshall St.) Request: From: CG (Business) To: P (Public) 4. Property Nicholson Request: located on W side of RR between and Eldridge Streets From: CG (Business) To: ML (Light Manufacturing) 5. between N., Greenwood Ave. and between Palmetto St. Property located and N. Myrtle Ave. and Maple St. Request: From: To: CG (Business) and RM-12 (Duplex-Apt.) and CTF (Commercial Tourist) ML (Light Manufacturing) RS-50 (Single Family) and 6. Property on E side of Pennsylvania Ave. between Grant St. and a portion of t1etto St. Request: From: CTF (Commercial Tourist) To: RM-16 (Multi-family) ~ ,;.;~~., , ',~lIR1\.r:I;l\!~' .c.' . "~:'" -~~.'i~~::r!~ u c, '.. ~ l~t t.iJ:,s ..~JJJ''';','",: ..' ., l~ ~~ \'i !~ ',1, I ' ~~ ...,....~I:..~..::~.i-......:~~. ~~ .,,-~. .' ..." ."IJ c '-1 .. ". ~ f'.... \ ,,'\. '. J. ~ . .." REVISED Agenda of the Planning & Zoning Board - June 6, 1978 Page Two ITEM ACTION 7. Properties bounded by N. Myrtle Ave. I Carlton St. 1 Pennsylvania Ave. and Palm Bluff St. Request: From: CG (Business) and CTF (Commercial-Tourist) To: RM-l2 (Duplex-Apt.) 8. Properties located E of N. Myrtle Ave, and both sides of Jurgens St." Request: From: CG (Business) and ML (Light Manufacturing) and RM-12 (Duplex-Apt.) To: RM-8 (Single Family) 9. Property located between Marshall and Carlton Sts. and between N. Myrtle Ave. and N. Greenwood Ave. Request: From: CTF (Commercial Tourist) and CG (Business) To: RM-8 (Single-family) 10. Property located between Drew St. and Jones St. - located between 2 RR ROW's. Request: From: ML (Light Manufacturing) To: CG (Business) (NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ATTACHED) D - Subdivision Plat Review: 1. Rosetree Court. Property located on Nursery Road, E of Stewart Blvd. E - Site Plan Review: 1. Sunset North Shopping Plaza. Property located on Sunset Point Road,W of U.S. Hwy. 19. 2. Hillcrest Villas (fo'rmerly Deen-mod Apts.). Property located on U.S. Hwy. 19,5 of Florida Power Substation.: I 3. Family Mart- A commercial development located on the east side of U.S. 19 just north of C.R. 102. F - Chairman's Items: 1. Discussion of date for July meeting. G,- Director1s Items H - Board & Staff Comments '.... ..,.......-.... ,..,...,.-....,.... , ."