02/21/1978 ~f.t~~j~~,~~~~.;t."f~"~l~~'tt--~~~-".,.;t, _,~~,-:.::, ~ ....l.lL:...','~i..:..., '. . .. \..... 'N , MINUTES THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD City of Clearwater, Florida February 21, 1978 /. Members present: Chairman Morris, Mrs. Parks, Messrs. Turner, Kuntz, Kelly, Groth, Dimmitt, Tice; Bill Shepard, Engineering Dept.; David P. Healey, Planning Dept. Absent: Mr. Hall (excused) Public hearing was held at 1:30 PM for the purpose of preliminary plat review and site plan review. Tapes of public hearings are on file in the Planning Department. Minutes of the February 7, 1978 meeting were unavailable at this time. Planning and Zoning Board recommended as follows. Preliminary Plat Review for Sun Tree Estates Sun Tree Estates is located on the south side of Montclair ,Road (County Road 32) immediately east of Frank Tack Park and contains approximately 9.3 acres. Thirty-six single family lots are proposed on this plat providing a density of just under four dwelling units per acre. The Resource Development Committee waived the requirement of a Community Impact Statement. Mr. Carl S. Courson acknowledged receipt of the memo from the Planning Department outlining requested changes; stating further that the changes have been completed except in reference to onsite drainage retention. Mr. Courson stated that their understanding throughout the entire planning process has been that they would be able to tie into the storm drainage that is provided. Mr. Shepard stated that the requirement for onsite drainage has been requested by the Engineering Department at this time. Motion was made by Mr. Tice, seconded by Mr. Kuntz, to recommend that the item be delayed until such time as all questions can be answered by the Engineering Depart- ment and all problems resolved. Motion carried unanimously. Preliminary Plat Review for Charter Oaks (D. D. Homes, Inc.) Charter Oaks is a proposed subdivision of approximately 20 acres located on the east side of Hercules Avenue in an area north of Montclair Road. The preliminary plat proposes 60 lots, an overall density of 3.0 dwell- ing units per acre. The plat provides public street access to the east and south, but does not provide for street connection with Lake Gitrus Drive to the north. A two acre park area, proposed to be dedicated, is indicated adjacent to Hercules Avenue. Mr. Bill Albrecht stated that he had received the memorandum that morning listing the various omissions and that he felt that these omissions were not of an engineering type that should delay proceedings in this matter. 'f.'II~'-' --...:...~#_'''''' .,. "T.>.'..'.~ .., '," " "," ..nl:'''~''......:l';..;t'''';'"lOt;>,~f't~~'i;?';A~.....~,.~_.~,~~It~~......,..~~..---,_.~, .... ...1it,~~nIlf....... I~~ c ~,.~"t.' ~ t:;-"",.j. '~-.~~L~ i' ....> ",.. : ",",.-J... "1 Planning and Zoning Board Minutes - February 21, 1978 P age Two Mr. Healey' stated the Department's concern about the location of the park in relation to Hercules Avenue and the lim1.ted UGe that park will have. Also he stated the desirability of extending Lake Citrus Drive to tie into this proposed development. Mr. Healey attempted to submit a suggested resolution to the street and park problem but the Board would not allow such a submission. Discussion ensued as to the propriety of the Board receiving changes to the submitted plans at the Board meeting. Motion was made by Mrs. Parks, seconded by Mr. Kelly, to recommend that the item be continued until such time as all questions relating to traffic and the location of the access to Hercules Road. Motion carried unanimously. Site Plan Review for Imperial Cove, Condominium XIV This is the final parcel to be developed in the Imperial Cove project located between Old Tampa Bay and U. S. 19 approximately one mile . south of Gulf-to-Bay Blvd. A mid-rise building of five stories to include thirty-two dwelling units is proposed, a density of 17.6 dwelling units per acre. Some 48 additional parking spaces are pro- vided, 32 of which are carports. Mr. Jack Bodziack represented U.S. Home at this meeting. Mr. Shepard stated that the City is going to be asking for a 40-foot right of way on U.S. 19 to facilitate con- struction of an acceleration/deceleration lanes. .Mr. Bodziack agreed to all reasonable requests from the City. Motion was made by Mr. Tice, seconded by }~. Groth, to recommend acceptance of the site plan with the understanding that the request from the City would be granted. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman's Items: Mr. Morris express~d his regrets at leaving the Planning and Zoning Board and wished the remaining Board members the best in the future. Board members discussed the succession of chairmanship of the. Board and it was determined that a chairman would be elected for a one yenr term at the first meeting in January and that this would not eliminate the poesibility that the person could be re-elected to a second term. Mr. Tice nominated Mr. Groth for Chairman. Mrs. Parks second the nomination. Mr. Kuntz moved that the nominations be closed. Mr. Tice second. Mr. Groth accepted the nomination. Mr. Tice then nominated Mrs. Parks as the Vice-chairman. Mr. Turner second the nomination. Mrs. Parks accepted the nomination. Nominations closed. Mr. Groth and Mrs. Parks were unanimously elected. Mr. Tice made a motion that the Board wants to thank Mr. Morris for the job he has performed and that he will be missed on the Board. Second by all present. Meeting adjourned at 3:10 PM. ecretary . ";'!~V.~~i:~~j~$l\l.&~:Ji;~~:(;;:;:},I~:mh:';;'i~;\}\;~'WJi~!~i!:;~;~}}:rii.!J,~~~Il!}!~l~~r. -:!!:J,:;;-;~,;l?~' VJ;A?,~r:V:lj,\,~.;,.rJ,';'1<;,' .,~ "~'; :~!. "i(' . 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Review of Preliminary Site Plan of Sambo's Restaurant - Continued to 2/16/78 2. Second Reading - Ordinance No. 1745 Amending Zoning Atlas of the City (P.R. 12/15/77) - Adopted as amended 3. Preliminary Plat Approval of Sunset Woods (2nd National Bank of Clearwater) - Approved as amended 4. Appointment of Wm. Turner and Wm. Toroicki to Planning and Zoning Board' 5. Amendment of Article XXXV, Sec. 35.07 (5) of Appendix A - Zoning of the Code of Ordinances - Amendment approved 6. First Reading - Ordinance No. 1748 - Passed first reading (above item) 7. Rezoning of Countryside Tract 22, Section 29-28S-l6E (U.S. Home Corp.) - Accepted app1icant's request for withdrawal E - Director's Items F - Board and Staff Comments +..........,...,..,......~