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'~' !,': :,,~..: ";'\1":'>''. ;. ,J ".. ,:' ,,), .<~,. :', ,I " 1,\, ,<:l:~ -::i\ r~,:').~:::' :,~', '::':~ \:'\-t)~!::... ;r:!'!\'/f,t.t\.l'ij:I~~~~',l,~~!i~;'~'\!~,,; _..~~-. ""-...,, r-At,__ .... ~ . ~ ~t. v MINUTES THE PL~'ING & ZONING BOARD City of Clearwater, Florida November 9, 1976 N tl30 PM Members present: Crampton, Messrs. Groth, Hall, Kruse and Turner; Engineering Dept.; W. D. Renando, Acting Planning Director; and Jack I. Wolle, Chief Planner/Current Mrs. Parks, Messrs. Kuntz and Tice Chairman Morris, Mrs. Bill Shepard, Absent: The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was held in the City Commission Chambers at 1:30 PM. Tapes of meeting are on'fl1e in the Planning Department. On motion by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Groth, minutes of October 26, 1976 were approved as written. Item of Revised RPD Plan for BordeatKSubdivision came before the Board. Hansen of Lanbanque Design Associates, Inc. presented the revised RPD parcel conaists of 15 acres and is located at the northeast corner of McMullen-Booth Road. Builders as "Chateau Villas.H density of 7.99 units per net acre. Mr. Ralph Plan, This Drew Street and Said parcel was originally approved on June 18, 1973 for SUnstate This development was to have been a l36-unit at a Mr. Hansen stated that this revised plan would be for single family homes conforming to the RS-60 zoning classification. The parcel would be platted for 66 lots and would be known as the Bordeam Subdivision. The Board expressed concern re several items; i. e., access, rights of way, setbac1~s, etc. Discussion ensued. Motion was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Groth, to recommend approval of revisod RPD plan snd thst it meet any other restrictions, setbacks, etc. that are equivalent to the RS-60 zoning clas6ification. Amendment was made to the motion to ask the Planning Department to begin the necessary steps for rezoning to RS-60, Single Family, upon approval. Amendment was'duly~,seconded. Uponc1vote being taken, smendment and main motion passed. Mr. Wolle reminded the Planning and Zoning Board of the upcoming FPZA Convention to be held at the Sheraton~Sand Key, November 17-19, 1976. Meeting adjourned at 1:50 PM. W. ~~etdo W. D. Renando, Secretary Acting Planning Director