10/26/1976 .. ~ ..... _~ _. n""'.J!It ---...-. .-.~ , . c. ". ... ,._~,~ tS: ::.t;'~.f'~~~-::'L~TW':t'I~~~<l-:~'::~'I:l~'~7."'.$.Lt:,....+-.~,..........,..""-~"",, " , Minutes of Phnning 6c Zoning Board . October 26, 1976 Pago 12 Platting should be reviewed with Florida Power prior to approval to determine if it will cause any difficulties. nlO Building Director's memo stated that he is in opposition to ,the plan due to zero setbacks on the side, driveway location and the information on the setback next to tho street right-of-way. Acting Planning Director atat6d that staff has reviewed the plan and believes the previous development was a aucceRS, giving an opportunity to own houses to thoae persons who could not otherwise afford them. If details of platting and lighting can be solved. then the ataff would go along with the revised plat. Discussion'on the project ensued. Mr. Morris stated that it was his belief that the lot size was too small and Mr. Hall brought out the fact that the appearance of a solid wall was not attractive arch!- tectually. Mr. Ticc questioned the easements and stated that. the easements should be written so as not to be detrimental aa a common block wall would involve the neighbor's drainage and would give an easement to come onto the property. At this point, Mr. Ralph Quartetti (who appeared with Mr. Doyle) interjected that he did not foresee a drainage problem as the run-off would go toward the street. Mr. Hall pointed out the fact that, if graated. these changes would be considerably below RS-50. Single Family, and would have more use of land and small lots. Mr. Tice brought out the fact that this projeut might be good for the unemployment problem and that the cost of the house might be in a range where more porsons would find it feesible to own a home. Motion was made by Mr. Groth, seconded by Mr. Kuntz, to recommend approval or revised RPD, aubject to the replatting and staff recommendations on setbacks and requirements of the Florida Power Corp. Motion carried 6 - 3. Item of Preliminary Presentation of Plan Chan~e Procedures waa the next item on the agenda and Mr. Renando gave a brief background, inclUding the fact that we are entering into the first phases of the development of the new Comprehenaive Plan and will be involved with the procedural methods and how we are going to go about this and what we are going to study. Sam Casella, Senior Planner of the Long-Range Planning Division, gave the presentation, eKplaining that the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975 mandates that the governing body shall establish procedures for providing effective public parti- cipation in the Comprehensive Planning Process and particularly in the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan or Element or portion thereof. It was announced that on November 9, 1976, the Planning and Zoning Board, City Com- mission, news media and staff members arc to be invited to go on a tour of the City of Clearwater and see tile various opportunities in the City, problems in the City, and various things that the Board and the City Commission have accomplished. As an example, he cited the Commercial zones and how these zonings have been improved upon over the years. l>. ~"'~~.~~~ It" --.....'';.'Ll\~~~4:'':~ ~ .1; , ., ., .. ") T'.~.'::-~~",,~_,t ..~~~.., I~ :..;. l' " I 1 I , ' , ,'E.' I Minutes of Planning & Zoning Board P.g~ 13.~' ' , \,.,,: . Mr~ Wolle gave the'FPZA program to the Board members. This convention, will be held November, ~7. 18 and 19, 1976 at the Sheraton-S~nd Key. October 26. 1976 ." ~ Definite p1ans'havo been made for the annual Chri8tm&s luncheon to be held on December 8 at the Clearwater Country Club. ..M~etingadjotimed at 3:50 PM.' . ,. , ' 'I , ", " .~~.tJ ~~ Warren D. Renando; Secretary Acting Planning Director , ' ,,' :r :...::: :. I, .1 . . .. . , ~~o:.t'!(. ~~...:...._...~ "1.~i~~tB~~~.t~!.tI~:'/'~'~!'l:".?~~-"",,!,j1rt',-~... ~~. -"..~, .;-~~.rlf~"1r . '..w04'~ . NOT APPROVED MINUTES SUMMARY OF MINUTES OF PUNNING & ZONING BOARD ~ OCTOBER 26. 1976 Revised RPD (a portio~ of Valencia Park) Mr. Tim Doyle of M. J. Brock & Sons, representing the owners of the property, gave a brief history of the development of said property and Rtated that zero lot line was established with the RPO and that approximately 200 homes had been built to date. Due to the present economy, sa1cs have fallen off and, therefore, they are proposing a change from the original plan to complete the project. Originally, the lots (40 x SO) gave the appearance of a duplex, although two single family homes with a common wall on zero lot line. In brief, Mr. Doyle's desire is to: 1. Take the remainder of the lots and increase the size to 50 x lot line, single family detached, with increased side yards. if approved, would decrease the number of homes and density, RM-S+ to approximately 7. SO with zero This plan, i. e.. from 2. Provide a l2-ft. side yard between the living structures with a block wall running down the zero lot line. Intention to maintain a 10-ft. minimum in rear. 3. Build a concrete driveway plus full garage and fenced-in rear (6-ft. fence) and side yards. 4. Maintain present street layout. 5. Price the homes at $29,000 - $33,000 -- to be geared to moderate-income families. 6. Build 3 models with 950 - 1300 sq. ft. plus 275 sq. ft. for the garage. 7. Have driveway with 20-ft. setback. S. Provide sidewalks and curbs and fully approved streets. 9. Request only variance to be able to put in a swimming pool, if desired, i. e., up to 5 ft. of the side yard. It was pointed out that this is the first cOlIullunity built in Clearwater on a zero lot line and this project had to be c.:'anged to RPD to accommodate said zero lot line. Mr. Doyle showed a mock-up and pointed out the densiey changes. Mr. Renando, Acting Planning Director, read a memorandum from the City Engineer (dated October 15, 1976) wherein recommendation was made that Unit 4 of Valencia Park and that portion of Unit 3 that is presently undeveloped be replatted to show the larger lots and that a bond be required updating this property in order to cover the unimproved land. A memorandum from the Traffic Engineer (dated October 25, 1976) stated that they have no objection. The fact that the new lot lines do not correspond with the old and that the buildings are going to be built right up to the lot linea could give some problems re easements for the installation of street lights. Platting should be reviewed with Florida Power Corp. prior to approval to determine if it will cause any difficulties. " .. ",' ,~. '.~f~, - - "- '. . . ':'~ .~~tt;;,"'~.~~"'~:.t!.'"'!\' 'f~.;;::--~t1<..,"'i~~" li;'1].. ';uf/':~t,'~~f/,,>>....~~~:f-I..d..,,~.....;......t..., ..11' ,...\0, _.w~~- . ~':--/.:!:~ ~L~lt .;'t:~~;s';" ,. 'J'" '!f;..?~ ,:;W ;'Ii " 'l.' 'j \ ~~ .. ,- ry k" ~. ~M~ 1r.~.I,:." :,~. ~~rt:~~ \,\\,,- ~:l;.~~ .~-:. "'~.t ~lnti~~ ' t!j~~....!~i.! of. J/:~fi~ .ti~ ...~ If .~~ ~l.:lf, j~:~ '~i';;~ : I 'r:'.' "J ',"~ J;{Jt"ltJ:..;\. ' ~~. . .,~n;1 ;:':~~~f-)~ . ::\:(/?t~ :flif#~ i.~~~".t' "';'~" ~~}~. ~~f~~t: -:..t~(~1 . ~,.'-~. l~t 'j-...~~ ~.,tj:~{~ &t.,-'";~..~~ J,:{<:"'~ .i~ ,l UII j ~"""1R7~~.~rJ~ ..- .. ,. ~ ~l' .......~~.....:-:..:~-1i~:o-;::~.....r).j"v"..,,~..... ~.}~.~.. ~~ '..' ~'-!t-~jl~ :b5K~L~I'~I'P:p,<'..\sl\~}~:'\~iJl~~;-r ',.,it.;,,';:.(.';.,. I:~ ',).".: "..,:;;.".':".,..,. :.:; '..~,':::.: '~'i ::.:.; ;>.,,",". 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If the then the staff would go along with reviewed the plan and beHevos the previous giving the opportunity to own houses to those who could details of platting and lighting can be solved, the revised plat. Various comments were made by the Board members and discussion ensued. In summation, the' following connnents were made: 1. Lot size is too small. 2. Solid wall is not very appealing architecturally. 3. Common Block wall would involve neighbor's drainage and would give an easement to come onto the property. Easements should be written so as not to be detrimental. Planting of shrubbery might be a problem with drainage run-off. 4. 'If proposed changes were granted, zoning would be considerably below RS-50, Single Family, and would be more use of land with smaller lots. 5. Fact was br~ught out that this project might be good.for the unemployment problem and that the cost of the house might be in a range where more persons would find it feasible to own a home. Mution was made by Mr. Groth, seconded by Mr. Kuntz, to recommend approval of revised RPD, subject to the replatting and staff recommendations on setbacks and re- quirements of the Florida Power Corp. Motion carried 6 - 3. Preliminary Presentation of Plan ChanRe Procedures Mr. Renando gave a brief backgroundt including the fact that we are entering into the first phases of the development of the new Comprehensive Plan, to wit: 1. Procedural methods and how we are going to go about this; and 2. What we are going to study. Sam Casella, Senior Planner of the Long~Range :Lanning Division, gave the pre- sentation. In brief, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act. of 1975 prOVides that the governing body shall establish procedures for providing effective public participation in the Comprehensive Planning Process and particularly in the pre- paration of the Comprehensive Plan or Element or portion thereof. Hr. Ren~ndo announced that on November 9, 1976, City Commission, news media and staff members are to be invited to go on a tour of the City of Clearwater and see the various opportunities in the City, problems in the City, and various things that the Board and the City Commission have accomplished. As an examplet he cited the Commercial zones and how these zonings have been improved upon over the years. a ~M~ /J. k~ ren D. Renando, Secretary Acting Planning Director the Planning & Zoning Board, October 28, 1976 c{ _' ".,:"