05/04/1976`L•'f; r _ ... ^.+ .s ?• wM+!?vrsrt?rn?waya•!.t ,-_•_•.. ?w? ?.. ..:r..1t•Fr!/"?yFi.>S+',,.•abhyii?? ,'
City of Clearwater, Florida
May 4, 1976 - 1:40 PM
Members present: Mrs. Crampton; Messrs. Groth, Kruse and Hall; Bill Shepard,
Engineering Dept.; Paul A. Pergmann, Planning Director; and a
Jack I. Wolle, Chief Planner ..e
Absent: Mrs. Parks; Mr. Kuntz
Due to the lack of a quorum, minutes of April 20, 1976 were not read.
? 1T
Mr. Bergmann, Planning Director, introduced Cecil Henderson, Acting City
Manager, who gave a presentation on the Master Drainage Plan for the City
of Clearwater. (This presentation was at the Board's request.)
Slide presentation given showed completed projects; i. a., jetty, Marina (Phase II)
sewage lift station, loop, intersection widening, construction of major buildings
in the City, Kings Highway Recreation Center, McMullen Tennis Complex, weirs, CD
fund project (Wood Valley), etc. ,
Projects under construction were also shown; i. e. Condon Gardens, Edgewater Drive
(drainage project), sidewalk (Union and Keene), Holt Pool, tennis courts (Mandalay -
Pier), drainage at intersections, reconstruction of intersections, etc. ,'_
Mr. Henderson gave a brief background re Master Drainage Plan stating that on ;
October 6, 1972 an agreement was authorized between McFarland-Johnson/Southeastern y
Engineers and the City of Clearwater to prepare a Plan for the City. Its prime
purpose was to evaluate the City'a drainage facilities for present and future needs. f ,
Clearwater service area encompasses approximately 33 square miles and the report
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included 11 different drainage basins. Plan was received in 1973. 1i
The study is to serve as a guide for the future construction of drainage improve- '
ments in both developed and undeveloped areas and covers 'primarily major drainage 1
facilities including channels, lakes, ponds, large culverts and storm sewers.
Minimiin standards and design criteria for the various types have been included.
It has been set up so that any improvements can be carried out on a priority '
basis as the need arises and the funds become available.
In conclusion, Mr. Henderson stated that portions of the Plan have been im-
plemented, primarily where flooding has been experienced, i. e., Stevenson's j
Greek. F
Question and answer period followed.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM.
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