PRELIMINARY 1ST DRAFT LETTER SETTLEMENT STIPULATION SUGGESTIONS BY CHARLES SIEMON PRELIMINARY 1 ST DRAFT LETTER SETTLEMENT STIPULATION SUGG-._ ESTIONS BY CHARLES SIEMON - ,,1111"""'; .;", ~\kLo',,,~-=:, l~~~'\ ~:--..: .-.. ~c:...i )" ~ ~ ~' S ~c-:a __ , ~~ ..~ -=..__ .'t:::j~ \- =~ ~~ "'~ - - ~~ '-lfiTEft ~~"l -_" 1\. ", c,."",11111 C IT Y OF CLEARWATER OffIce of CIty Attorney POST OFFICE BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33518 - 4748 (813) 462-6760 October 29, 1985 F. Wallace Pope, Jr., Esq. Johnson, Blakely, Pope, Bokor & Ruppel, P.A. 911 Cnestnut Street Post Offlce Box 1368 Clearwater, Florlda 33517-1368 Re: Justlce Corp./Sand Key Dear Wally: After navlng recelved your prellmlnary flrst draft, Clty offlclals commenced worklng on a response. We had never completed our draft when we recelved your completed flrst proposal. We note that your complete flrst proposal does not dlffer substantlally from your orlglnal draft. We have responded to your proposal wlth a counter- proposal, a copy of whlch lS enclosed. As you can see, the baslc elements of the settlement stlpulatlon are the same, but certaln dlfferences In form are apparent. We would very much appreclate your studYlng our pro- posal, and hope that It can form the basls for a prompt and amlcable settlement. I very much appreclate your asslstance In thls matter. Very truly yo~rs, ~~-~ Frank X. Kowalskl, Chlef Asslstant Clty Attorney FXK:fs cc: Anthony L. Shoemaker M. A. Galbrlath, Jr. Paula Harvey v' . Charlle Slemon Blll Frledlander IDIZ@ffi~\[~ffi' il~ ~@ OCT ~ 0 1985 PLANNING DEPARTMENI "Equal Employment alld -4ffirl1latll'e ActIOn Employer" \ ~. 7 <; SJ~_~ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA vs. ) ) ) Plaintiff ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Defendant:-) CIRCUIT CIVIL NO. 78-4765-7 UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION, CITY OF CLEARWATER, a Municipal corporation SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Plaintiffs, JUSTICE INVESTMENT CORP., a Florida corporation and its subsidiary limited partnerships and corporations, CHEEZEM , INVESTMENT PROGRAM I, LTD., a Florida corporation, and AMERICAN DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF SAND KEY, a Florida corporation, and defendant, CITY OF CLEARWATER, a municipal corporation hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 1. JUSTICE INVESTMENT CORP., a Florida corporation, and its subsidiary limited partnerships and corporations, CHEEZEM INVESTMENT PROGRAM I, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, CHEEZEM LAND CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, and AMERICAN DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF SAND KEY, a Florida corporation, are the successors in interest to UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION, the original plaintiff in this cause. 2. Plaintiffs are the owners of four parcels of land on Sand Key within the City of Clearwater, hereinafter referred to as Parcel I, Parcel II, Parcel III and Parcel IV, WhiCh are more particularly described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto. 3. Parcels I, II and III were part of those lands owned by United States Steel Corporation that were the subJect of Count II of the original complaint in this cause. 4. Parcel IV was the subJect of an independent action, CirCUit Civil No. 83-14905-7, which was dismissed upon entry of a Judgment incorporating a Settlement Stipulation. 5. Parcel I is a 9.18 acre parcel of land located on the bayside of Sand Key that is improved with 64 residential dwelling units. 6. Parcel II is a 8.6 acre parcel of land located on the Gulfside of Sand Key that is unimproved. 7. Parcel III is a 7.9 acre parcel of land located on the bays ide of Sand Key at the extreme northern end of the Key that is unimproved. 8. Parcel IV is a 15 acre site that is located on the gulfside of Sand Key immediately to the south of the existing Sheraton resort that lS unimproved. 9. Plaintiffs and Defendants desire to amicably resolve particular disputes that have arisen between the parties in regard to Plaintiffs' rights to use Parcels I and III under the final judgment entered in this cause and the City'S authority to amend its zoning ordinance in regard to these parcels. 10. This Settlement Stipulation shall have no affect whatsoever on the legal rights and duties of the parties in re- gard to Parcel II under the final judgment in this cause. ~l. Notwithstanding the notice requirement of the Municipal Code of the City of Clearwater and Florida Statutes, the City agrees to provide Plaintiffs at least ninety (90) days written notice prior to the final adoption of any ordinance rezoning Parcel II. 12. The development of Parcel I shall be controlled by the requirements of the RM-16 zoning District of the newly enacted Land Development Code except as expressly set forth herein. plaintiffs shall be entitled to develop an additional 80 reSidential dwelling units on Parcel I provided that the development complies with each and every requirement of the Municipal Code of the City of Clearwater and the City's newly enacted Land Development Code other than reSidential density and YI _ ) -'A __ d~ A .. _ -j- , c.a......k-__ ~J?- .eAL , ~ V ~ h~:.}iJ~ ~:;-or-~~;' M cJJIcL-; ~#.J~' (J F - pf~ 13. Plaintiffs s~all be entitled to deve~op up to 105,000 square feet of non-residential floor area as defined in the newly enacted Land Development Code of the City of Clearwater on Parcel III, subject however to the following conditions and limitations: a. Except as expressly set forth to the contrary in this paragraph, the development of Parcel III shall - 2 - b. c. d. v<. 14. As comply with each and every requirement of the Municipal Code of the City of Clearwater and the City'S newly enacted Land Development Code; The northernmost 3 acres of Parcel III shall be subJect to a height limitation of ten (10) feet as defined in the newly enacted Land Development Code of the City of Clearwater; The northernmost three (3) acres of Parcel III shall be limited in use to active or passive recreational uses, including but not limited to marinas, tennis courts, swimming pools, golf and o~her leisure activities, bars and restaurants. The southernmost four (4) acres of Parcel III shall be subJect to a height limitation of fifty (50) feet as measured under the provisions of the recently enacted Land Development Code of the City of Clearwater. e. The one (1) acre portion of Parcel III that lies between the northernmost and southernmost portion of the parcel of land shall be used exclusively jor surface parking for automobiles, motorcycles or bicycles. f. No residential dwelling units shall be developed on any part of Parcel III. T~e . devel0~~_'2LparceljlI~~a L-I minimum, a grogery store - - c5!~r ~'111~"'"' f'.-~,!~Q~~ t.. tl~- p:brull~. - ",,}I ~ ~ u-/ Pft" ~~~. additionai cons~deration for the mutual agreements contained herein, the City agrees that Plaintiff shall be entitled to develop Parcel IV with an additional one hundred and twenty (120) reSidential dwelling unIts (or one hundred and eighty (180) hotel units) above and beyond the density authorized by the Settlement Stipulation and Final Judgment entered in Cir. Civ. No. 83-14905-7, provided that the development of Parcel IV with such additional residential dwelling units or hotel units above and beyond those authorized by the Settlement Stipulation and Final Judgment shall be in accordance with each and every requirement of the Resort Commercial "Twenty-Eight" District of the newly enacted Land Development Code other than parking, height and reSidential density which are expressly modified by the Settlement Stipulation or Final Judgment, and shall be specifically subject to all reqUirements for site plan review under the Land Development Code. 15. plaintiffs shall, prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy for any development on Parcel III and - 3 - Parcel IV, construct, cause to be constructed, or pay to the City a sum equivalent to the cost to construct, the roadway improve- ments described in Exhibit 2 attached hereto. The roadway improvements described in Exhibit 2 are hereby agreed to be site specific improvements, and construction of the improvements or payment in lieu thereof shall not relieve Plaintiffs of its obli- gation to pay any impact fee imposed under the Municipal Code of the City of Clearwater. In the event plaintiffs determine to pay to the City the cost of the roadway improvements, the plaintiffs shall submit an engineer's estimate of cost, bearing the seal of a civil engineer licensed in the state of Florida. Within fif- teen (15) days after the submission of an estimate of cost, the City Manager shall notify the plaintiffs as to the amount to be paid. 16. It is understood and agreed that plaintiffs may, at their sole discretion, seek permission to develop all or a part of Parcel III, other than the area designated for surface vehicular parking, as a marina. The development of a marina on Parcel III shall be permitted only if approved in accordance with each and every requirement of the Municipal Code of the City of Clearwater, the City's newly enacted Land Development Code and controlling state law. The City agrees that it will not interpose any objection to the development of a marina in any proceedings involving the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Environmental Regulation or the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fundi however, it is agreed and under- stood that nothing herein divests the City of any of its duties or responsibilities under Section 380.05, Fla. Stat. (1983) in the event plaintiffs seek approval for a development of regional impact. 17. It is agreed and understood that development of Parcels I, III and IV shall be subject to the site plan approval requirements of the newly enacted Land Development Code of the City of Clearwater. No development shall take place on parcels I, III and IV until a site plan has been approved under the - 4 - Code. It is further understood and agreed that the City retains full and complete authority under its Land Development Code over - the development and use of Parcels I, III and IV, provided that no condition, requirement or limitation may be imposed on the development that conflicts with, or frustrates, the density rights established by this Settlement Stipulation. 18. Plaintiffs agree to pay an amount equal to each and every impact fee imposed by the Municipal Code of the city of Clearwater for development of Parcels I and III; prOVided, how- ever, that in mutual consideration of the resolution of a dispute between the parties over the effect of the final judgment in this cause on the applicability of the City's impact fee requirements, , Plaintiffs and Defendant agree that the monies paid to the City under this paragraph shall be free of any payment restriction contained in any impact fee provision of the Municipal Code and shall be expended by the City for the general benefit of the residents and visitors for Sand Key. 19. This Settlement Stipulation and the final judgment to be entered by the court shall be enforceable by either party by injunctive relief or by any other legal or equitable remedy available in civil actions at law or in equity. 20. This Settlement Stipulation and the attached final Judgment shall be deemed to establish property rights and obli- gations that run with the land and that are binding upon and enforceable against and in favor of Plaintiffs, their successors in title, and the CITY OF CLEARWATER. 21. The parties shall be bound by the terms of this stipulation upon its execution and confirmation by the entry of the attached final judgment in this cause, unless the terms here- of are modifIed by mutual agreement of the parties and are approved by the court at a later date. 22. The court shall retain Jurisdiction over the subJect matter and the parties to thiS cause for the purposes of enforcing the executory provisions of this stipulation and the attached final Judgment. - 5 - 23. This stipulation and final judgment in this cause shall be recorded at the expense of Plaintiffs and a recorded copy thereof shall be provided to the City of Clearwater. 24. No other agreement, either express or implied, which is not made a part of thiS stipulation and the final Judgment of the court, shall be binding and enforceable against any of the parties hereto with respect to the parcels described herein, and any modifications or amendments to this stipulation shall be in writing, signed by all parties, and approved by the court. This stipulation and the attached f~nal Judgment shall apply only to the real property described in Exhibit "1" hereto, and not to any other property now owned or later acquired by plaintiffs. 25. The plaintiffs hereby represent that all necessary action has been taken by Plaintiffs to make this stipulation binding and effective. The Clearwater City Commission approved this settlement on 26. The development rights agreed to herein with respect to Parcels I, III and IV shall remain in full force and effect for a period of 5 years, and thereafter the City of Clearwater shall be free to regulate the use of the three parcels without limitation as a result of the final Judgment entered in this cause in this Settlement stipulation. - 6 - DATED this day of Countersigned: Mayor-CommisSioner Approved as to form and correctness City Attorney M. A. GALBRAITH, JR. Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 (813) 462-6760 Chief Asst. Clty Attorney Attorney for Defendant , 1985. CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA By: City Manager Attest: By: City Clerk JUSTICE INVESTMENT CORP. By: , CHEEZEM INVESTMENT PROGRAM I, LTD. By: CHEEZEM LAND CORPORATION By: AMERICAN DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF SAND KEY By: JOHNSON, BLAKELY, POPE, BOKOR & RUPPEL, P.A. By: F. WALLACE POPE, JR. Post Office Box 1368 Clearwater, Florida 33517 (813) 461-1818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs - 7 -