SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATION WITH JUSTICE CORPORATION DATED NOVEMBER 4, 1985 SETTLEMENT NEGOTIA TION WITH mSTICE CORPORA TION DA TED NOVEMBER 4, 1985 \.. I ih'\ l1:~~I?\tl?Trw '< IJ ,f1\ ~(!, ~ \:.I ;' !! II I ntEJ~"r;2.~t~orresN~~~ ~~ '~:!) .... FROM M. A. Galbralth, Clty Attorney Anthony L. Shoemaker, Clty Manager Frank X. Kowalskl, Chlef Asslstant Clty Attorney PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO COPI ES ~aula Harvey, Plannlng Dlrector, Charles Slemon, Specla1 21 SUBJECT Settlement Negotlatlons wlth Justlce Corporatlon DATE November 4, 1985 I.recelved a telephone call from Ed Armstrong, Esqulre In response to the Clty'slwrltten proposal for resolutlon of the above-styled matter. ~r. Armstrong requested a meetlng by the end of the week of November 4th, If posslble. He also notlfled me that he and the Justlce Corporatlon lnterests had revlewed our proposed settlement stlpulatlon, and offered the followlng observatlons for our conslderatlon: 1. In Paragraph 11 of the Clty'S draft, the 90 day notlce prOVlSlon prlor to rezonlng lS, accordlng to Mr. Armstrong, lnsufflclent tlme to allow the Plalntlff to sell the property. 2. In Paragraph 13 (g), the requlrement for erectlon of a grocery store lS obJectlonable. of'- 3. In Paragraph 13 (b) and (d), the "':::en foot helght llmlta- tlon should be expllcltly deflned to permlt ten feet of con- structed bUlldlng space above flood plaln. 4. Mr. Armstrong obJected to the prOVlSlon In Paragraph 15 whlch provldes that the Justlce Corporatlon would get no offset agalnst lmpact fees for the money It would spend to lmprove the roadway. 5. The provlslon In Paragraph 26 for development wlthln a flve year perlod lS, accordlng to Mr. Armstrong, lnsufflclent tlme for development. 6. The provlslons whereby the Clty lncorporates the Land Development Code as appllcable to the Plalntlff's propertles lS ob]ectlonable to the Plalntlff because of the restrlctlons lnvolv- lng setbacks, parklng, helght, and other development crlterla. It may be, however, that the Plalntlff lS slmply leery of agree- lng to a set of regulatlons whlch It does not understand, and the effect of whlch lS at thls pOlnt uncertaln to them. I have lnformed Mr. Armstrong that I would not respond to any of hls comments over the telephone, but that I would provlde hls lnput to the varlOUS members of the Clty negotlatlng team. Although Mr. Armstrong lndlcated that that would not necessarlly be a comprehenslve proposal, It appears to me that It represents the best Judgment of all the Justlce Corporatlon lnterests, and I . . " I..... CITY JF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO. M. A. Galbralth, Clty AtLorney Anthony L. Shoemaker, Clty Manager FROM: Frank X. Kowalskl, Chlef Asslstant Clty Attorney COPIES. Paula Harvey, Plannlng Dlrector, Charles Slemon, Speclal Counsel SUBJECT' Settlement Negotlatlons wlth Justlce Corporatlon DATE November 4, 1985 PAGE TWO would be surprlsed to see any other substantlal matters ralsed by the Justlce Corporatlon at any subsequent negotlatlons. I recommend that each of us conslder the comments and ob]ec- tlons ralsed by Mr. Armstrong, and that we dlscuss our response by conference telephone call prlor to the next meetlng wlth the Justlce CorporatLon. I would hope that we would be able to schedule the next negotlatlon seSSlon promptly, so that we can contlnue the momentum toward settlement. In that veln, my secretary wlll be contactlng your offlces to set up the conference telephone call and the meetl~0 wlth the J~stlce Corporatlon. do. Please advlse me If there lS anythlng addltlonal I ought to Frank X. Kowalskl FXK:fs , . (. I f ~ ~14- f;~Y~ ff-L~:~~f ~1t-~ . ~.5:-~ -"- k. "'-< ~~ 41~ {f' - _____ ____ .~ ~ _~.~~_ _~h.~~_ ~~ I~ -P r --~---. - - ~ GfU .s-tc..--~ - - -. - ---- ~ M7\- ~ j7._~ ~ - - - _.J_~-w - ~ - ~ - --- fL ~ ~j--- ~ :;$,-1<::- ~~o:i-~ ~fL-~~ ~J,s., J- ~__~~ .%~_U-- ' . . _ ~ ------- ---- ---- - - ____ ~__, _, ~~~-~.L~-~,~ ----------- ------ IV'..~ u-~--F~---~- . _________ _________~~"ltl--~----115----e-C-/~ _ __ ____h__ CL~ -- - - - ----- --~-~- -- -~ - - - - - - -- ----- - - -- --- - - ___,5Z~. . f: .~ --1~-?=;2 ~-~~,~ _~~ . r--~d- m - -- - -' 4'11- ~~ - I!l~- ~V J __ ~~~~__ ~ ~~ ~-J-~~J ~ 2S"?J .__, D~~_ ~ ~____.~ tlJ,~:r . I ~ {-E ~ /1 - -z.-: f~- - I-~ ~.4.~~+-}r_"lO d..a-1z:z r ~'~ ~ --' ~ )12'- ~ ~ Jj-f"D -$..80) ~~_~ QE~ ~I :_ 1_ - - ~,-!L ~ ~ ~ Vo-?' J1- ~ -~()~-~- - - - bl>~ 4iY'= ~._~k ~ r~.:a:-u -- j-f~~1 ~t- ~~~ i2~ ---de :"v~_1= I ~5'O s-'1"--r~-~ ~ tlJ-~ ~-,. . . (//'1'42- _u 1--------- m__