SAND KEY EXHIBIT B PARCEL II SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN 1 SAND KEY EXHIBIT B PARCEL II SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN 1 EXHIS IT "8" PAflceL rr SCHeMPrT?t:, SI TE ID'-A N I - --,... :-';'-k::-:;-:;:"-~: ~~:;-- :,.-.:;- ...->> -.=;:----- ,,-- _ __ _ _ 4__ ~ ~ - - ._~-- ---~----- ------ -- ~' -~~?: : -- ,- COAsrA1iceimRUCTo.~caron.-:LINE- -~-- -"- .... - ~.:...- -.- -"" - ,- :::.:=:",:;- - - >! - ;--:......,"'~~;-..... ~~:;~,~ ~~; --.. 160' MINtMlM 160' YIMIMUM "::: - ;-.;;,:--...... --... - --r~ ^.... ..,.;:::. _ J ;::-:; CarS08S' R-IS5986 ' &BaN2903S'O''-E A:'45 61 ~~~~S2~El05'14-E 308 80 to =04029'09 GULF BOULEVARD EGEND ~ ~~. 1 '~'yn..l FRONT BUFFER VIEW tORR ICOR OPEN AREA - , PARKING DECI</TOWNHOUSE ENVELOPE MULTI- LEVEL BUilDING ENVELOPE '- o ( 50 100 150 , 200 3i>0 ~.., 25 75 )TES '!"hE' to"_~J of the I'1Jlt:-l~vcJ btl'1ni.n.g envelropes "!ill contam a maXJ.num of 360 resldentlal ~lling lDUts (with an additional 40 dwelling units permitted if transferred fran Parcel IV in accordance with the Settlement StipuJation). . Each building envelope will be a rnaxinum of 140 ft. x 240 ft. x 210 ft. In height. Each building envelope may contam amernties appropriate am COOliOl to residential dwelling muts. , 5. A landsr~ front buffer will be established alOl'19 ' the en_ure from:~e of the propercy along Gllf_blw._ except as interrupted by view corridors and access :- and/or entries, and will be a-mini.r.um of-lO~feet-w:ide and an average of 20 feet. -~-GatehoUseS-=wiiFbe" 'betWld-- the front buffer. vn - - --, -- - ---<- v__ ""- --' -, - The park inq deck/townhouse envelope will permit covered parkmg with the parking deck contallung recreatlonal amenities and landscapl1l<J, and/or tOWlhouses above the park mg deck. The part ing deck will not exceed 15 feet in height and the to"N1'1houses will not exceed 60 feet in height. The open area will pernut landscaping, on-grade amenities, walls, fences and other slte developrent features, and driveways, parkmg, pedestnan walkways, and emergency vehicle access ways, but wlll exclude structures. However, gatehouses and/or entry features will be pernutted in the open area. The view ccrndors through the site w111 exclude all structures, 'Nalls, fences and parking, but will allow passive recreational amenities, landscaping, pedestrian walkways, driveways and emergency vehlcle access ways. 6. ~ater retention/detentlon areas and site drainage may occur in any area landward of the Coastal Constructlon Control Lme (CCCL) and WIll be designed 1.11 accordance wlth good englI1eenng practlce. 7. Park l1l<J w1ll be proVlded at a nunirrum of 1.25 spaces per resldenhal dwell1.ng unlt. Length and width of the spaces, the wldth of the driveways and other deslgn criterla of the parklI1g lots/garages will be in accordance with mll1ll'l.llTl recCll1'tTef1datlons of the Orban !D.nd Institute. ~ surface parking will be pernutted wlthL' three feet of the property lll1e. " . 8. The height of the building struct ures is defined as the distance above the flood pIal.' to the roof deck or, 1.11 the case where sloped roofs are used, to the mid-point of the roof slope. Elevator machine rours, !':'eChanical rooms, stairs, parapet "Halls and other necessary design elerrents will be permitted above tt'.e rraximlm heights establ1shed herem. COMMUN I TY DESIGN CORP. ,MIAMI, FLORIDA- AUGUST 28, 1986 ex},;!-,'" t~3~' ~1'e,1 rr ~J.tllna'li~ ~t, PIaI1 2... --' ~ - - \'~~!j~~~'~f~;E;~;Jf~~!t~~~~~?~~":-:=~e;~";~~"2~::~~~E-;l:~-:_:~~::~~~~=~~t~;~i::~~~~~ \ --. -.-to- _~-- - -1--- 7Q2 25' - o-COASTA~-CONSTR_UcJ.~N~OOJ~'T=ROl~J;ltlIE- _ J44-:~~~~~~~_.~~::~:'- -,:" ~ ~;---- 150' MINIMUM z ~ 2 0 ct - IX) 0 to- ~ W - (/) / 308 80 303 73 I ."......7.(' ^, -<' - ./v,> '. /' ',' ,<Y'<)- <' ~/~ :x.-,r;;- " -""., '" ~<X'<.., Vy " C IS ' '. ^ , '. 0 6~. R=18S986 C =lotS S8' ~8 N29 3904-E A=''I5 61 ~8=N 25005'1....E 4=0..029'09 - GULF BOULEVARD GEND j. ~ ~ ~ ~ FRONT BUFFER VIEW CORRIDOR OPEN AREA PARKING DECK/TOWNHOUSE ENVELOPE MULTI- LEVEL BUILDING ENVELOPE o 50 100 150 ( .- 200 3ilO 25 75 TES \ ~e total of the 1"1..lltl-level btlllding envelopes WIll c:ontam a ~lXl1i1..lITl of 360 residentIal dwelllng umts (wIth an additional 40 dwelling units permitted if :ransferred from Parcel IV in accordance wIth the ~ettlEr€f1t StipulatIon). The buIlding envelopes of ~~e ~crth two buildmgs WIll be a maxL~~ of 140 ft. 0( 240 ~t. x 210 ft. in helgPt, and the South bUildmg ../l11 t.€ 3. -axiM.:..~ of 100 ft. x 250 ft. x 210 ft., in "'oelght. Each bulldmg envelope :cay contaln :wer.:tles ~ppropr:3te and cornen to r~sldentlal CNelllrg l~ltS. 5. A landscap~d front buffer WIll be establIshed along the entHe frontage of the property along ,G,llf _Blvd. _ _ : except as inter~ed-by ,vlew_;~o~_~~do~~~=_~cf~~i~~~ J~ ---'--:s~~1 ::nd/or entnes, and WIll be'a ~l1tllIll__:of-19.:;,fe~!~;.~irl~-_~-:::~<--~~.i and an a'/erage of 20 feet .---Gatehouses -will~~_bel]i.nd --:..:_~~:-- ::~_:.J the frent buffer. P - - ~ ::,f,;-\ ""-- "-~"-':' - -~---, . ' _"i"_ ~. ater retertIonjdetentlon areas and site dra~e nay C'Cc'Jr L'1 3!'y area lan<.lwClrd of the Coastal CCf"1stn.ct lon Control LIre :CCCL) and WIll be deSIgned lr. .3ccordance WIth gocd er1SlI'€enng practice. ;'~e park lJ"'q deck/tO'w'l1rouse enve!cpe Will ;:erllt -::cvered park l!1g WIth tpe park l!1g deck ccr.t~ln L"':g :~creatlcnal ~nltles and lardscaplrg, and/or ":O\o.1'1!'"c\.:ses cl:;()ve the pa rl< l.ng cec'<. :~e ~arl< L~q 8E:-C'< ~11l ~ot exceed 15 feet In Melqht and t~e towrr~\.:scs ~lll ~ot exceed 50 feet L~ ~elsht. ~~e VIew corrIdors ttrc~gh t~e SIte WIll exc:~de all st~uctLres, 'Nalls, fences ~ park lng, but Nlll allow ?dssIve recreatIonal ar.€r.ltles, landscapL'1g, ?€Cestnan walkways, dn',eways aI'd ererSE:nci ':etucle 3Ccess wcys. 7. parkIng WIll be provIded .3t a mm~ of 1.25 spaces ::;er reSIdentIal dwe.ling umt. Length and WIdth of the spaces, the WIrth of the drl\ewu1~ ard other deSIgn crIterIa of the park~ lots/garages WIll be 111 accordance WIt!, mlIllnum recomrendatlOns of tl"e rr~an ~1nd InstItute. ~b surface parking WIll be f€r-mltted wIthlI1 three feet of the property llI1e. 8. tt,e reIght of th€ bulldmg structures 15 defmed as tr'€ dlstaI1Ce at...o',e the flood plain to the roof deck or, m the case \~re slop€(1 roofs are used, to the r:nd-pomt of tre roof slope. Elevator IT'ilCrme rooms, ~r~lcal rooms, staIrs, parapet walls and other necessary deSIgn elements WIll be permItted above the ~Xlmim relghts estJbllshed herelI1. :'~e q:e."'I area WIll F€[T;lt la.nc!scaplI1g, on-sr.xe =.:-er.l tIes, '..,ralls, fences aI'd oHer SIte ce"elcr-rer.t :'?at'JrEs, and drl'..e\.Cli'3, ::-.ar'<lrg, ?€destna!1 ..al.\{'Nays, and errergency verlcle access 'wa1'~' ::Lt ....111 ,=xclLde structures. However, gaterouses and/or entry :eatLres Will be per~~tted 111 the open area. ; COMMUN ITY DESIGN COR~ , MIAMI, FLORIDA - AUGUST 28, 1986 c;~"''''''if "8 ~I f6,t"'Ct! I .Ir S (; 1.8W1" -A C. 170' MtNtMUM :GEND ~ ,~' j ~ ~ 1_ FRONT BUFFER VIEW CORRIDOR OPEN AREA PARKING DECK/TOWNHOUSE ENVELOPE MULTI- LEVEL BUILDING ENVELOPE )TES 1'he total of the mIti-level building envelopes will :ootain a -maxiDum._of 360 -residential dwelling units (with -an ,-addit1OOa1 _4(t dwelling \Dlits permitted if tranSferred fran-Parcel IV in accordance with the Settlement Stipulation). Each buildinq envelope will je a rraximlm of 260 ft. x 220 ft. x 210 ft. in '-1eight. Each buildi.n9 envelope may contain amenities 3ppropriate and COIl1l'OO to residential cr,...elling units. rhe parking deck/tO\'a1house envelope will permit covered parking W1.th the parking deck contammg ::-ecreational amenit1es and landscaping, and/or tOVlhouses above the parlt mg deck. The park ing deck ""ill not exceed 15 feet in he1ght and the t~houses viII not exceed 60 feet 1n he1ght. The open area will perrrut landscapmg, on~rade 3.Irenlties, walls, fences and other Site developrent features, and dnveways, par!ung, pedestnan ,.,alkways, and emergency .,ehlcle access ....ays, but WIll ~xcIude structures. However, gater-ouses and/or entry :eatures will be pernutted m the open area. The view corrIdors through the SIte WIll exclude all .3t ructures, walls, fences and park ing, but WIll allow :Jassive recreatIonal arnerutIes, landscapmg, ?ecestrian walkways, drnweways and errergency vehicle access ways. I S~r~ PIa., 3 - 0- o - . - 10 en J() ~J~ 2 0 - ct ~ CD ~ 1&.1 en \~ ~,. '"T'..y-:'~""_ A'<.X"v< ~/ ~"\ ..' v2~\.7JC:-<7'-~ ^~, ',. "xv:. X \( X" <Xx' /' ^x;<~<: C alSO ' " ^ IS R:18S986 C-I"SSS' 30880 .&:SaN28039'O..-[ ":''''061 ~SaN 2!500S',..-[ A-a.. 29' GULF BOULEVARD o 50 100 150 I - 25 75 200 300 -""II! <' 5. A landscaped front buffer will be established along the entire frontage of the property _along QJlf Blvd._' except -as -=interrupted _by-view?-~r:~f~:~I1l:Lacc~:';;'_< - _ - - and/or entries, -and ".rill-be a num.num of 10_ feet?wide =. and an average of 20 feet. GatehOOses will be-~behind -- the front buffer. ::-~~=:= 6. rater retentIon/detentIon areas and SIte drainage ~y occur 1Il any area landward of the Coastal Construction Control Lme (CCCL) and w1ll be designed 1Il accordance WIth good engmeering practice. 7. Parkmg WIll be provIded at a mlIUllurn of 1.25 spaces per residentIal &.oe1ll11g UIut. Length and WIdth of the spaces, the WIdth of the dnveways and other deSIgn crIterIa of the parkLng lots/garages will be 1Il accordance WIth mmlJTU!ll recoomendatl0n5 of the Urban Land InstItute. No surface parking will be pernutted wlthm th'!€€ feet of the property lme. The heIght of the bUlldmg structures IS defined as the dIstance above the flood plaID to the roof deck or, m the case where sloped roofs are used, to the mId-pomt of the roof slope. Flevator machme rooms, rrechamcal rOOIT5, stalrs, parapet walls and other necessary deSIgn elerrents WIll be permItted above the l1'axirnllTl heights established herem. 8. COMMUNITY DESIGN CORR, MIAMI', FLOR IDA - AUGUST 28, 1985 E~J,;k"f "B /1 /J"cel :It: ~Rnc: S;t~ PIA-..'I . =~~ff~~~1;If~!~~~~!~t~Ii~~~~~~~~fj~~~~~~~~0T~ <t~~~..;: ~~~7~-'~-:'W3~~~~~\~~^:....:~~.~ ~~~It~f.~ '~~".r's:\Il"~~b~..q;~~f"':;;:;....:::'c..,~.!:-!:r?"'t;;:. l :~....;~~ '\,,--'-ei.-t'..~1~'\~~~ "'l:...w. l~ J - d-~ .~~, ,:d;;""z~,~1l~:~;cf2~=r::;:~~~: ~:::~.~;~;~~~.-~~;i$r.~~~;~::y~I~;~i~~~~-~~0 '\ ..,-.",;"-'i't'''';:::''l~-;:''~ ,= ",j~",'::"":;;i,;7:--~-""';-,,,,,f. ""''''':L::.?s;.~,;i:!:_- ~,;;:t!~4.~""'~- 7::. -: ?-c;:- ~j; ,~~;.-"'~_~:.: ;:...,:ir"T:->? ~%.:.h,~~1[,.- --;c....' 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"::_- ~ , :It: ',' "V' / ',", _", ''( ,,/ ':'~' "',' >.X~, ',,',' ^." ^~ A ,,,,"XX /Y',',(;..::V-)<,,< ,~ R"18~9 8S' c. . )<. ,'/........ ~ ....'<~ "'...<......(,,~X,!""<~~;(y~...V~'< ~"-.tS...x.. ~V(... '-~X..>...6 -'- A:r~069' ~~06~. R=18598S C=14~~8' b. .010Je'32~.B ~29 390"-E A=14561 I"B=N 2~oO.'IA"E 308 80 -_ - ~=04029'091t ,- oJ .. GULF BOULEVARD -' ..., -- ....; 140' - - 4- -- -~-- --- " 'N'MUM t40' "'ltGIIIIUtil ....!. ::G END 1.. ~ ~~ ] ] .. FRONT BUFFER VIEW CORRiDoR \ OPEN AREA PARKING DECK/TOWNHOUSE ENVELOPE MULTI- LEVEL BUILDING ENVELOPf: 0 ,50 100 150 200 3110 r-"...... - ~..J'" ~... ~ - . "~ ~ 25 75 )TES _ .. ... .. - -~ ""i= ~~'t --~---.:: ----..-::; --~ ;~.. - - - - -- - -~ ~ "'1'" Tne t<;>tal of the nult 1-1evel bUllding enve lqpeS{W11) ~c.~:.~~: '';:.- -:.. -, -i- :''::?,.::~-:..!- "l~!2.c:..s_c~~ :f,;2!]~~1~~~ e,r!,.;"~' j~) :~~f'.;. eit.ac.~~l~:!C.~l2.r!~\-.... ,-:' ~_' :_~ , cootaIn a maxinum of 360 residential dwelling~Un~t~'~~~_":r~_;~--;~- __~.; ::=?,~ _.~~-:~tt1~~_e."ltire~~T.~9l},t~g~J:f.i!-!J~i-P.;_~-ftYi~1~~~,l!f~}'..p ~;--~,~ ~ -:'::" ~~ ~:.; (with an. additiooal, 40 'dwelling .units~ peqnJtJe9r;f;_~,;;~~::r;:;:::: '.~:~:~-::-~::_:c~z~~~Bt:c~~-~re.t..rugfoo:f!i~:.yi~~~c~~ldor-~,~~~~'~k~S':;;~j;~ID~ t f' ea-f - P 1 rv- ,- - -.::1"--';'; --'t-~--~' =_:;.1_~_~_ ~--_..- ''-<"J-r.--~:;:~il .aLC_ ''''-'--='''''-<--d'''" .,-,")'l:o~~.':r.~-:' -...l/\F--'\.P- L '1~0-'" s' '....'~~" -. ,"", "'- ,- rans err ran arce - -m accorUQI~e w~ ~1:.tl~_~""::?E?s.!:"':~":, -, ':i~;:j.--:' ,~;::'aTl~...(n.::sn\o,9~~'t~a!L.5"l!!E.1~.::.~1~),QL;~ ...f.::f:;es~1~~'~~' '{:j;~~, Settlement St ipulBtion). :- Each, build in9 en~ ~~;';.~-i 11 ": ~-::---~fi~~~"< ~5:'/,~-::;~--a~Jan:~a~~f.a.g~~oft~ZQ.~:f~!;;l~~,~~~es~wJJl:'~.:~1h.914-j,t~!Sr" f. be a maxirum of 90 ft. x 240'ft. x 180 ft:~in~he1Qht:...-(~_,,~-.--..~:_,-;,_.::::l.,th_~-fr9ri~DuJfe~~~~~~-.::~~'l.~~~~='-'3:""":f''F~'':'~-'~V.::1i~,., f Each blnlding envelope may contain arrenities"'- '.- --;_--~ -- ~ '.., ~~_... ':' - ~~~y-:,,-~:~ --~:f ~"~.::c.:: ~~2~~.'t-:;E~~~}.)?;~(~~~~~~r1.):t'~i'-"-,,:;;;;- ... appropriate and conron to resident1a1 dwelliIiClir.1tS." >.-:-'~'-o--"._-. 6.~, :~l'zfel r~~entlOn/deteptlon:-a?e2;s_ana~srJte:draL-iaoE";Pa\~-- 'r..:..,.:.... . .., _ ~... 0- .. r...;/.' ~ . _ ~ 40 .."YO OCCJr l!l a"'v a:-ec -laJ'1d"'cro c:\the Ccartal- -~. i ",-....' Cors: ruct 10; COT1trol L-l~e'" (ccCI.) -a;C; wI}} be d~s lent?: lr accor?~ge ~ltr q~~Jeng1~eeilng p:aC~lCe. The pa rk Ing deck/townhouse enve lope w111 pe or 1 t covered parking w1th the park rng deck conta1r ms recreational amen1t1es and landscaplng, and/or to\o.nhouses above the park ing deck. The parr. L"'C; (le-:L w111 not exceed 15 feet In he1ght and the t~~~~US(~ w111 not exceed 60 feet In helght. I . .r .. Pa:-L 1r-; \>'ll~ ,bE. provi.-1ee a:-t, r;,l!",'-M..r-.-of ! .:?5 sr..aCE'S ~-cr re:ude"'tl=:~ c\l'?lLrc: ",;-lL u.;'?tt". anc "-lC.t} c~ t ~e r: .ace~ I t I-,f ;., let" 0: thr C~ 1 "c-...eye a"'f"; c~h<:. r C<?Slc.'r C;lter12 0: th:, ::.arl..l;J:' lots/s;c.:-a-::es "'111 Ix Lr accorcaDC~ ~ltr ~l-l~U" rpco~~catccr.s 0; :~e ~i,::a~ IiU1C In~~c:,",,:(. ~:c s'_:[a::~ ~''O:-'':n'2 ....111 ror ?,?:-ltted '-.1t:-,..: ~r~t.".: feet ('J: t!e f'[()i,"'.:::t:.' lL'Ie. The oper. area ""111 peITllt landscaplIlg, on-srad-- ameI"lt1es, walls, fe:1ces and ott.er SIte devEo10;....-t feature~, and drlve\\'aY~, park lIlg, pedestnarl . walY.way=" anc energenc") veh1cle acces~ y,;ay!', t>:+.: \-l~: exclude structures. ~ver, gal,=housE'~ and,lc: c-tr features w111 be per~ltteC in the a~?n area. P. The h>21S:r.-:. of the lol;}lCl.'1~ struct~r€s l~ deflIle:3 as the ch::::te..~CE a1::.'C''1'.o t'l€ flcxX: rlclr: to t:l€ roof-decf or, L~ tr~ case w~re slot~ roofs a~e used, to the'- rad-p01'1t of the r0::.f Elope. Ele\-,tcr !'\::cr-,lI1€ ::cJOJfT"5, r'E:.'C"a:-lcal roo~~, sta.lrr-;'parapet wal~s'and ctt>E:r re('cs~ar~' d(>~lCjl e>:e;'e'lts w111 De' ~mltt~ a.."x:>ve the r~1Ylr.,lrr heIg~:E establ1shecrhereln. r r The V1~ corridors t~rL~gr the slte wlll exc]u~~ ~~~ structures, walls, fe'1ces and parkIng, but ....:lJ a~lo\ raSS1\~ recreatlonal ane~ltles, la~scarlI1g, pedestrlaJ' walb:aj"E, dnvewcys anc e.-:lE:rgenc: ve'-lc.f access ways. ", ,.,f ,~ ,COMMUNITY DESIGN CORP. MIAMI. FLORIDA AUGUST- 28- t 1986