09/09/1982 " , ," ~ . ' , , "', < , -;', ~. ~L~'l', . ,,:'I"'''I~ 'rI:;{ '.~ ~ ;: ,~l\1 :" !.' :~;.'-::- 'i\~~ 'l;'t':i~i--).t~ >~-t ~ '... c\ '. ". ',' e~ :1,\ -t, \.., I..'. ;l. . ~ ~ c", I .fL << ........-4..'*'-Joo.I~............._..,...._........,,,.,.'.-- t) @ cm aJIIIISSIOI SPRCUL HlBTUO September 9, 1982 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in speoial session at the City Hall, Thursday, September 9, 1982, at 5:15 p.m., with the following members present: Charles F. LeCher Paul A. Hatchett Hita Garvey James Calderbank James L. Berfield Mayor-Commissioner Vioe-Mayor/Commissioner Cormnissioner Commissioner (arr. 6:30 p.m.) Commissioner Also present were: Anthony L. Shoemaker Thomas A. Bustin Jeff Butler Jean Gansel Luoille Williams City Manager City Attorney Finance Director Budget Direotor City Clerk The mayor called the meeting to order and lead the Pledge of Allegianoe. The invocation was given by Commissioner Hatohett. ITEM 1 - Establish a $1.00 Monthly Account Charge for Gas Aooounts and to Bill Gas Customers for Franohise Fees where Applioable. Due to a change of operation by the City's largest gas oustomer a loss of over $900,000 in sales and $196,000 in oontribution margin over and above the oost of gas purohased has occurred. Balancing this lost inoome requires a oombination of reduced expenses and inoreased revenues. The $1.00 monthlY acoount oharge for gas oustomers will be a fixed monthly charge and would generate approximately $117,000. Billing franchise fees as an add-on to oustomers bills where applicable would be in accord with the franohise agreements which mandate the same rates for the same service and with the praotice of other utilities. The franohise fee would generate approximately $~6,000 in revenue. Commissioner Garvey moved to amend the Code of Ordinanoes, Title V, Seotion 50.05 (e)2) to establish a monthlY aooount oharge to oover the cost of meter reading, data pl'.Joessing and billing of gas oustomers and to bill gas customers for franohise fees where applioable and that the appropriate officials be authorized to exeoute same. HotlOD was duly seoonded and oarried unanimously. The City Attorney presented Ordinanoe 02617-82 for first reading and stated he would read by title only unless there was a request to read in its entirety. The ordinance was read by title only. Commissioner Garvey moved to pass Ordinance q2817-82 on first read1ng. Motion was duly seconded. Upon roll call the vote was: !IAyes": Garvey, Calderbank, Hatohett and LeCher. "Nays": None. Absent: Berfield. The City Manager read into the record his message to the City Commission dated JUly 16, 1982, in accordanoe with the provisions of the City Charter. He also read into the reoord a memo addressed to the City Commission dated September 9, 1982, subjeot "Cost Cutting Programs". This memo detailed departmental cost outting programs that have been implemented and those that will be. Charles Bresnahan, a representative of operation PAR, In~'t requested the Commission oonsider allooating $~,300 to the organization. He stated the programs have expanded to the point where they are now reaching a population ranging 1n age from 9 years to senior oitizens with a wide variety of servioes. Tom Miller requested funds be expended in the North Beach Area for trash cans and restrooms. Edward Geohagen, President of the Morningside Meadows Home Owners S"7J 1. Special Budget Meeting 9/9/82 ~'~,\:~r" (;", ~ i...,.~:.r;.""~'1J:'';';'''''''''''';::''":iIw.;....,....,....'''''''''''-''''''''' .'Y ,;-,;1. r,''':'' . " ,." ~ 1;'" , ':';' W I.t ,,"'~....~~" < .. ,.~":..~:"~.:'-'.:.:II..~,,b ....~!.'~&r,.." ,~,.,<: ;','~~_''','I;:'''''''':'i..: "I __. '~"1 ,. . n\ l' . .' ..,:: .e',~:,~~"~ "::~:::.~..:.t: .~.:' ~.\:': '~~ ','; "~~' J ~;tn,:' . ':';.'~<'.~ " o o Assooiation, stated the Commissions number one jOb is the budget and requested all line items be oheoked. He supports all Polioe Department reQu8sts and requested a review of the.Building Department. KathY Kelly stated she was there to speak on oity spending, oitizen taxation, and bUdget reduotion. She stated the general fund budget is up 6.4 million dollars over a two year period and oi tizens are paying mor'e in additional taxation oharges. The budget allooations that should be reviewed were: Data Prooessing services - up $88,000 of whioh $40,000 were in the Bulding Department; operating supplies for both Traffio Engineering and Publio Works; the oapital aoquisition funds in the Planning Department Budget; the variable oharges for Publio Works Garage Servioe; and she noted that $1,000,000 had been allooated for replacement of vehioles. She suggested conferenoe attendanoe be reduoed or eliminated as well as publioations. She noted a lack of oommunioation between employees and management on relocation of employees to the new Central Dispatoh System. Frank Morrow questioned whether Vision Cable paid for the eleotrical power used during Commission Meetings. This is oonsidered a service to oitizens. He supports cutting the Art Programs as the City is short on essential servioes. He also reoommended a reduotion in commission travel and suggested capital improvements be prioritized. The opening of Dunedin Pass in particular would save lives in the event of an emergency. He spoke in support of a oitizens bUdget committee. t,"lt,~:}<,.',\"." "'~':' "." \ . ..' l --> *,"\--:.. ~-''\;'''''''~'I'''~t..J'~ . , Go ,01 t '. ~{! l '. 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This is not within the City's jurisdiction as the Tax Appraiser handles assessed valuations. The City's tax millage was reduoed. Jerry Lanoaster expressed conoerns that the projeoted savings in the memo dated September 9, 1982, did not equate to a reduotion in the budget. George Anderson spoke 1n support of a citizens budget committee. He suggested that refuse collection charges and sewer Charges be made a tax so the oitizens could deduot them from their income tax. Another suggestion was to form a oonsortium of neighboring communities to work together in staff training, recruiting of employees. self-insurance, joint purohasing, joint police and fire recruiting, and a government information oenter. Miohael Canan expressed oonoerns about extra funds in the budget that would cover outs if made. Slides of graphs were presented representing the City's portion of the total tax bill. In 1981/82 the City received 24.8~ and in 1982/83 will receive 23.7~ of the taxes colleoted. EMS; CPTA; juvenile welfarej Pine lIas Planning Council; SWFTMD; environmentally endangered landj and the Pine lIas debt service taxing districts of Plnellas County have inoreased their millage rates. Discussion ensued on the $2,036,079 cost of EMS and reimbursement by the County of $1,318,607 which leaves apprOXimately $700,000 to be paid by the oitizens of Clearwater. This extra cost oovers the 3rd paramedic the City uses on all emergency runs. Commissioner Berfield spoke in support of a oitizens budget committee. The City Manager stated the bUdget is a oost oonscious budget but the Commission may cut the budget. However, services would undoubtedly have to be cut. Commissioner Berfield recommended the following items be deleted from the budget. (1) The Artist in Residenoe Program - $6,000 (2) The Florida Symphony - $10,000 (3) Conferenoe and convention expenses be reduoed Commissioner Garvey spoke in support of the bUdget and quoted from a League of Women Voters booklet on budgets that many expenditures such as eleotric oosts, payroll etc., must be paid and only 10~ to 15% of the budget oan be out if ourrent services are to be maintained. The City Attorney presented ordinance 02789-82, Millage Rate for Operation Purposes for first reading. The ordinance was read in full as required by law. Commissioner Garvey moved to pass ordinance 12789-82 2. Speoial Budget Heeting 9/9/82 ..,.,.I.--....~_.. 1. ,~ ~: '.- , , :. ,.' .r' ~,~' ., j,' ...... ~..t;' r-..''''---'T~'''''' :--': ~: ' ~. ".:,....... .. , ,~.:1 ~':~ ~::. ~"(.:.x. ~ -(;{ ~'~n I~~,,?t:~' ,,(~'. ~:~,;~"" ~-: . ,\~;:'-:?,'::'~?-;-J~:t\"i:..'U.,t. ~'\~ijr!' , , @.,,,, ,"'.,. .~~'.. @,~, , ! ~~. ,; ~.t. on first reading. Motion was duly seoonded. Upon roll oall to vote was: "Ayes": Hatohett, Garvey, Calderbank, Berfieldnnd LeCher. "Nays": None. The City Attorney presented ordinanoe D2788-82, Capital Improvement Budget. Commisioner Garvey moved to pass on first reading, motion was duly seoonded. Upon roll call the vote was: "Ayes": Hatohett, Garvey, Calderbank, Berfield and LeCher. "Nays": None. The City Attorney presented ordinanoe 02787-82, Operating Budget. Commisioner Garvey moved to pass on first reading. Motion was duly seoonded. Upon roll call the vote was: "Ayes": ~atchett, Garvey, Calderbank, and LeCher. "Nays": Berfield. MotJ..OII oarrJ.ed. Commissioner Garvey requested a response be made .to the Pinellas County Arts Counoil for financial support of the Artist-in-Residenoe Program. The City Manager reported an item will be on the September 16 agenda addressing the subject. Commissioner Calderbank requested a report on options available to the oommission to hold down development in Sand Key. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. \\ " Attest: -()' L . ~'d..0..-,. .J!.ev~ City Clerk 3. Speoial Budget Meeting 9/9/82 ;f~";H:~lIrrI~"'1\;;(.Y'" ,f ',""C .C,' ~... "."~,, 'm;>;,l........',-r;'l'.,... ,; ," ,.......iil' ,"-',,,0 ';,.<<". 'h"""';'''';t;I';{::~'M'if.:.~'''<('t,.,~t'';~rl,t''l'::f!l ;>l,':\~'l<mJ'r.'.?im~!'ir8'i~~1'l'~~t;w.--!'t.'~~~;.(ig l,':i ~.;, -i\:;.:~.\ ;.}:.- ;",::,:...::,:!; ':,", ,:. '\:':f". .::,.. ,'~7.:. :e':: ".' .'. :,":,'~' ::u' . ':: :.':: :.~~.':',::ij:'..:' ?,;\:~:,:,\, ;X,~:,~','.~~I~.:.:::jj'i0:~L';"J~:t:;{-'td~i~:i~\~':~L::2:i:,~,:Z.~d-;M~ ~