10/08/1981 . "".' 0 c' '. ''";\ 0._,. ',' '. .'~ .'W"''' H....""';...,~~. . ..',.. I ~ . ",pA, )P;' ",;" o(tr . '... \ Ii: ~, \( .t.:. ~,"'~~.'t~.-~,. "".,... ,.,.. -0".' .~. . ',,' \, ~ l~l~,,~~~n.~!\;UI?Ji,,;v:'~r,~ "~i'\'1i""'10' ", """,,;,'\~~:,~~~~.~::tf.!,.,. '..... .~;~;~i.' .'". '.' 0 .,,' \ :..._':.~i.. I;':": ..,,'~~:.,c. ;:~. . 1 ~ c ,.' .,,';.:;;>;...::.~" ; ." .:'\ .\"':.' '~, .-'~~\~ ""/"'_ ,..'.~,., ,!;.~~,C"::.."\. "'~~~)'.l'~.'. . ~ :' .0.-.... '."' , ~' ( ~ ~ o o CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL BUDOET MEETING L; Ootober 8, 1981 The City Commission of the City"of ClearwElter met in Speoial session at City Hall, Thursday, Ootober 8, 1981, at 6:05 p.m. with the following members present: " Charles F. LeCher Paul A. Hatohett Rita Garvey James Calderbank Kathleen Kelly Mayor-Commissioner Viae-Mayor/Commissioner Commissionel' Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: Anthony L. Shoemaker Thomas A. Bustin Jeffrey E. Butler Sidney Klein Lucille Williams City Manager City Attorney Assistant City Manager/Finance Police Chief City Clerk The Mayor called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegianae was led by Police Chief Klein. The invocation was given by Charles Finton. ITEM 13 - Citizen Comments. The City Manager presented an overview of the Trim Bill and stated that, based on the ~evlew requirements, the budget millage rate would be 4.763. The proposed millage is lower than the millage used last year whioh was 5.331. The rolled-back rate is that rate which would produce the same revenue as the prior year, excluding new property additions, and would allow no revenue growth to offset the 9.6 percent inflation inorease. The rolled-back rate would be 4.41944 and the recommended millage refleots a 7.77"'. The major expenditures of the City for electricitYJ telephone, and operating supplies and parts have all inoreased, while several revenue souroes have decreased. On the whOle, general revenue, such as permit and occupational licenses do not increase due to government controls. shift in the tax burden, because of homestead exemption, has been to commercial properties. fees The The Mayor reported there are 12 different taxing agenoies affeoting Clearwater taxes and Clearwater's proposed tax rate increase is the lowest of all the taxing agenoies. He stated that at the work session, the Commission had oonsidered reducing new personnel and equipment, eliminating contributions to the capital improvement program and to delete projeots in the capital improvement programJ but these reductions would approximate only a $9 tax decrease for the property owner with the average $~O,OOO home. He suggested the legislature be petitioned to establish the roll- back rate plus the consumer price index as a basic millage rate tor muncipalities and that the legislature look to expanding revenue sharing and new sources of revenue. Five citizens spoke and requested a reduotion in the budgetJ deletion of projects, and curtailment of expenditures but not to cut the level ot s~rvice. Charles Finton recommended a reduction in revenue sources, such as the utility tax, to give relief to the taxpayer. Discussion ensued and Commission consensus appeared to be that cuts in the budget would affect maintenance and the level of service. Seoond Reading - Ordinanoes: a. Ordinance 12~82-81 - DeClaring the Millage Rate to be Levied Fisoal Year beginning Ootober 1, 1981. and ending September 30, 1982 Operating Purposes including Pensions and Debt Servioe and Road and Drainage Capital Improvements. for for 1. Ootober 8J 1981 ),) . . .' " -l.'.,...., ~, .~ i ,~...,"" .. :';',."'''1:',' .~,:': ;i :,,:,I~;':L7Ifl.~:':~~"';:" !;.~,,:~,n ~::;'~YC~I!\ '; ;~-~:;;';~~;~~:~::'; ":::':;:,' . f J~,,~~~- ,..' 'I-!'~t'l:"'" ."1; ,.... 'j'" ,.' '.>.. . . . , .. , :i~:'~)\~4 ~t"~~~.'~f~:~~:f~~i.:::.::;i~'\:;:',:'~~!~l:;';'~"~ ...~: ,:~.I~'~ ~. 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Commissioner Hatchett moved that the total general budget be reduoed by 5 peroent aoross-the-board with the exoeption of the Polioe and Fire Departments and Sanitation Division. Motion was duly seoonded. Commission requested the extent of the millage ohange if the 5-peroent aoross-the-board reduotion was made in the budget and reoessed from 7:15 to 7:22 to allow the Budget offioe to reoompute the millage. The Assistant City Manager/Finanoe reported the reduotion of 5 peroent against the other departments in the general operating budget would reduoe the overall general fund budget by $61ij,13ij. Polioe and Fire Departments are in the general fund, but the Sanitation Division is not and does not affeot the general fund bUdget or property taxes. The 5 peroent would equate to POB mills, subtraoted from the 4.763 reoommended millage, leaving a new millage rate of ij.355 whioh would be below the rollbaok figure by 11 peroent. The effeot on a $ijO,OOO residential home would be a savings of $6.16. Commissioner Calderbank questioned whether the 5% deduotion should be taken on other revenue souroes of the City or only on ad valorem taxes. In response, Mr. Butler stated many of the revenues oannot be adjusted as easily as the property tax millage. Franohise taxes are set forth in the franohise agreement and are not easily ohanged. Commissioner Calderbank suggested that all the sources of revenue and expenditures be equally out baok 5 peroent to be fair to all oitizens of Clearwater. A 5 percent reduotion in tax millage would only bring relief to the homeowners. The Mayor questioned how the 5 percent would impaot on the departments' budgets. Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer, with a budget of over $2-million, stated that his oosts for power for street lights and traffio signals amounts to $1.22-million. An energy oonservation program, eliminating some street lights on Gulf-to-Bay a few years ago resulted in a 40-peroent inorease 1n automobile aooidents. He also reported that travel had paid off in his department .in the form of grants and eqUipment. A deorease in his budget of 5 peroent would result in a deorease in personnel and servioes. The City Manager reported the budget process started many months ago and much work and disoussion had gone into it and the intent of his reoent memo to the Commission suggested new personnel, equipment and oontributions to the C.I.P. program and projeots be deleted rather than a out to the departments' budgets. Commissioner Hatchett withdrew his motion and moved that the total general fund budget be aut 5 percent across-the-board. The motion was duly seoonded. Max Battle, City Engineer; Polioe Chief Klein; Ream Wilson, Parks and Reoreation Direotor; Floyd Carter, Central Services Direotor; John Riohter. Planning Department; Jeff Harper, Personnel Department; and Paul Rettig, Utilities Direotor responded that the 5 peroent aoross-the-board would result in reduotions in the level of servioe. Mr. Rettig stated that his department relies on the other departments in the general fund to provide services that the Utilities Department depends on and there is an indireot effeot, even though his budget 1s immune from the 5 percent aoross-the-board reduotion. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Hatohett and Kelly voted "aye"; Commissioners Garvey, Calderbank and the Mayor, voted "nay." Motion hiled. 2. Ootober 6, 1961 t.?( , '. ... " .I~. ;.. ,.Tq~';I:o:. -".:",\t' . . :~ I, ~ . ~ '0' , '. ~ .' , ' " , J \". ',"1:. \'. .;. . I <, ~ i ,..' ( 1 o " .: Commissioner Hatohett moved to out at least $500,000 aoross-the-board on the general operating budget. Motion was duly seoonded. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Hatohett and Kelly voted "aye"; Commissioners GaT'vey, Calderbank and the Mayor voted "nay." Motion tailed. Commissioner Garvey moved to pass and adopt, on seoond reading, Ordinanoe D2482-B1 and that the appT'opriate offioials be authoT'ized to exeoute same. Motion was duly seoonded. Upon the roll being taken~ "Ayes": Calderbank, Garvey and LeCher. "Nays"~ Hatohett and Kelly. Motion carried. b. Ordinanoe 02~B3-81 - Adopting an Operating Budget for Fiscal Year beginning Ootober " 1981, and ending September 30, 1962. The City Attorney presented Ordinance 02~83-61 for seoond reading and stated he would read by title only unless there was a request to read in its entirety. The ordinanoe was read by title only. Commissioner Garvey moved to pass and adopt Ordinance 02483-61 on seoond and final reading and to authorize the appropriate offioials to exeoute same. Motion was duly seoonded. Upon roll oall the vote was: "Ayes": Garvey, Calderbank and LeCher. IINays": Hatohett and Kelly. Motion carried. o. Ordinance 02464-61 - Adopting the Capital Improvement Program Budget for the Fiscal Year beginr.ing October 1, 196', and ending September 30, 1962; and Approving the Six-Year Capital Improvement Program whioh shall be Reevaluated at the beginning of each fiscal year. The City Attorney presented Ordinanoe 02~64-61 for seoond reading and stated he would read by title only unless there was a request to read in its entirety. The ordinance was read by title only. Commissioner Garvey moved to pass and adopt Ordinance 02464-61 on second and final reading and to authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. Motion was duly seoonded. Commissioner Kelly moved to amend the motion to ohange the wording on the projeot desoription under Publio Works, Major Street Maintenanoe - Harn BOUlevard, to read: "Road Improvement," instead of, "To Straighten Sharp Curve in Road on Harn Boulevard." Commissioner Garvey acoepted the amendment and moved to adopt Ordinance 02464-81, as .-ended. Motion was duly seconded. Upon roll oall the vote was: tlAyes": Garvey, Calderbank, Hatohett, Kelly and LeCher. "Nays": None. ITEM 14 - Tent Use for the Clearwater Breakfast Optimist Club. The Club has requested approval to use six tents in conjunction with an Oktoberfest aotivity on M&B 1 in the NE~ of Section 19-29-16 south of Talk of the Town. The property has been annexed into the City and preVious events were held at this site when it was in the County. The Oktoberfest will be held from October 16 through the 18, 1981. It is a non-profit enterprise. Commissioner Garvey moved to approve the request and that the appropriate offioials be authorized to exeoute same. Motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. The City Manager oommended the staff and the department directors for their work with the budget. He also noted receipt of a Management Innovation Award for the renourishment of Sand Key projeot and oommended the City Engineer, Andy Nioholson and Bill Burohfield for the project. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. 3. October 6, 1961 Attest: \Q,Qjf: U~# Mayor/Commissioner (c2~;r~) ,:;"'0 J '''II . ct...~~,.. kJ ~ City C1erk :.... J ~ .: , ~' .:' . t' ; c } ..~): . ., c ( ..' ~' ,~, .' ~. ~.. , -0"'1',