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WHEREAS, FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION, a Florida corporation having its
general offices and principal place of business at 3201 Thirty-Fourth Street
South in the City of St. Petersburg, County of Pinellas and State of Florida,
as uDEDICATORu herein, is the owner of the fee-simple title to the following
described lands in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, to-wit:
A. A 208-foot wide strip of land comprising (among other lands)
the North 208 feet of the NW 1/4 of Section 20, Township 28
South, Range 16 East, said strip of land being more particularly
descri bed in f.rustee IS" Deed dated October 3, 1962 and
subsequently recorded October 12, 1962 in Official Records Book
1528 at page 222 as Clerk's Instrument No. 998388A of the
Public Records of Pinel1as County. Florida; and
WHEREAS. DEDICATOR is presently utilizing said strip of land as a private
corridor, ac:commodating DEDICATOR'S aerial wire lines for .the high-voltage
transmission and distribution of electricity. an underground pipeline for the
high-pressure transmission of hot'fuel oil and other substances. and certain
related fixtures and accessories appurtenant thereto; and
WHEREAS. DEDICATOR has been requested to dedicate to the general public a
perpetual roadway easement transversal to DEDICATORtS said strips of land to
allow crossings thereof by the street, roadways and/or thoroughfare known as
'tNorthridge Driveu (a 60-foot width), and DEDICATOR is wi11fng to so dedicate,
SUBJECT. however, to certain terms and conditions.
NOW. THEREFORE WITNESSETH. that DEDICATOR. for and in consideration of the
sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration. the
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged has dedicated and by these presents
does dedi cate to the' general pub 1 i c a certa i n perpetua 1 roadway easement
comprising those portions of DEDICATOR'S fee-owned lands as described in
EXHIBIT IIA" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein and made
a part hereof only for use as a street. roadway and/or thoroughfare known as
"Northridge Drivel! (a 60-foot width). PROVIDED THAT:
L Both DEDICATOR IS superintendent of Underground Transmission or his
designated alternate (Telephone 813/866-5729. St. Petersburg) and
DEDICATOR'S Superintendent of Transmission Rights-of-Way or his
designated alternate (Telephone 813/866-5240, St, Petersburg) shall
be notified at least 48 hours prior to each commencement of
construction activities within any of the roadway easement areas
upon DEDICATOR'S premises so that 'DEDICATOR may have an authorized
representative present to observe such activities,
2. All construction activities. operations and equipment used within
the roadway easement upon DEDICATOR'S premises shall. at all times,
be in strict compliance with all applicable provisions of the
National Electric Safety Code (NESC) and all applicable rules and
regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1971-(OSHA).
3. Such public use of DEDICATOR'S premises shall, at all times, be
compatible with DEDICATOR'S transmission and related uses and
consistent with sound engineering and safety practices.
4. DEDICATOR specifically reserves the continuing right to utilize the
roadway easement for DEDICATOR'S own purposes and sha 11 not be
liable for damage to the roadway facilities therein howsoever
resulting from DEDICATOR'S utilization thereof. DEDICATOR. however.
shall not willfully cause undue damage to said roadway facilities,
5, DEDICATOR shall not be assessed for any improvements within the said
roadway easement.
Othe~ than DEDICATOR'S existing and future facilities and the roadway
facilities, no party shall build. construct or create any buildings,
structures. utilities. obstacles or excavation within any of the
roadway easement areas without prior written permission from
525-644. 83M
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