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1. That pursuant to Seotlon 95.08 the proplrbi..
listed on Bxbibit A attaohed to tbla resolution and ~dl .
part hereot atter notloe to eaoh propert, ownlr wlr. oonaldlred
. at a publ1~ hearing held November 4 t 198Z
with the question being should eaah lot be oltared or mowed
by the City and the oosts inoluding adminhtt'at1veaoata
assessed against eaah property owner on the list, that follow-
ing the hearlng'the City COlDIIIlsaion pursuant to Seotion 95.09
authorize the City to olear or mow eaoh lot.
2. That purauant to Seotion 95.13 of tho Code ot
Ordinanoes the owner of eaoh lot listed on Exhibit A has been
P~vlded with a not10e and opportunltYt thirty (30) daya,
within whioh to pay the ooata and adlllin1Dtrative oherges set
forth on Exhibit A but no payments have been reoeived.
> 3. That eaoh lot listed on Exhibit At having beon
oleared or mowed by the City, the City Commission pursuant to
Seotion 95.11 of the Code or Ordinanoes bereby assesses a
lien on behalf of the City of Clearwater against eaoh parael
shown on Exhibit A for the aotual oosts or mowing or olearing
shown on tbe Exhibit plus administrative oosts.
~. That the City Clerk is hereby direoted to pre-
pare a notioe or lien against each property listed on Exhibit A
and to rile the same in the Orrioe or the Clerk or the Circuit
Court of Pinellas County, Florida.
5. That this resolution shall beoome etteotive
immediately upon its adoption.
City Clerk
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