82-24 @' ..",.1 "c A, Ct 26'-104-12-1 b. ba.ed on the actual .alary rate at such personn.l ~rovidlng the '.rvlc.. " 131 (kl ^ll pereonnel and tnternal lnv.at~qaeton l~tor..tion 'h.-he.e-a~d~e.a.aT-_ek.phene-n~~~'~ar-aftd phate,~a,ha-ef-law~.nfe~o...~_-p.~ae~"'~T-~he-ho.e-odd~eaalar \ele,hen.-n~.~etaT-Phe~e,r.Ph'r-and-plaeea-oE-e~plo~."t-o! -he-,pe~'oa-and-eh~ldren-aE~law-e"far.e~ent-peraanneiT-and-the ""I.-a"d-ieeatian'-ef-.eheei.-atten~ed-br-the-ehiidre"-ef-iew IG .nfate..ena-perae""e!-.,a ,xa~pt tro= the proviaton. of It aubuctlon (11. 12 11 Secelon 2. This act ~halt take .ttact OCtob.r 1. 1982. .......~...~....*....._*................. Ii IS 1. 11 SENATE SUMMARY ~.nds tha publlc records law to deleta an exemptlon only tor 'pacifi.d intor.atlon ralating to law entorc..ent paraonnel and thelr fa.lll.a. providlng tnstead that all plraonnal and intarnal invaatlgaeion information of '~ch .ganclaa la exempt. II If 1G 1Ij 12 23 :' os ~ 21 II 11 JO Jl 3 CQDI:tilGI _..III' I" ........ .......... "'of .PI J.I.'lMI f...... nu,'"" ..., ...,11I. ..etu!!u.t.,. ."~hl..... " '. ~ .-;"'l- .=t:. -l.~. ~ . t~":'~'. ,1'lr~~'~ t". ". !.~} ,,' .. '. ' l<:' I....:..n'.;. ~.. f ,I I .I ,,~ "r . " ..,