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. .
1. That pursuant to Section 23B~8 the properties'
listed on Exhibit A attached to this resolution and made a "
part hereof after notice to each property owner were considered
at a public hearing held
June 5 and June 19~ 1980
with the question being shOUld each lot be cleared or mowed
by the City and the costs inc~udi~g administrative costs
assessed against each property owner on the list; that fol1ow~
ing the hearing the City Commission pursuant to Section 23B-9
authorize the City to clear or mow each lot.
Z. That pursuant to Section Z3B-13 of the Code of
Ordinances the owner of each lot listed on Exhibit A has been
provided with a notice and opportunity. thirty (30) days,
within which to pay the costs and administrative charges set
forth 011 Exhibit A but no payments have been received.
3. That each lot listed on Exhibit A, having-been
cleared or moweo by the City, the City Commission pursuant to
Section 23B-ll of the Code of Ordinances hereby asses~es a
lien on behalf of the City of Clearwater against each parcel
shown on Exhibit A for the actual costs of mowing or clearing
shown on the Exhibit plus administrative costs,
4. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to pre-
pare a notice of" lien against each property listed on Exhibit A
and to xi1e the same in the Office of the Clerk of the .lrcuit
Court of Pinellas County, Florida.
5. That this resolution shal1 become effective
immediately upon its adoption.
, '1980.
. .
, ~tJh_ ~~~
City Clerk