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Those parts of the North 725 :teet of the South 1575 feet at the
North 1/2 of Section 8, TWP. 29 5, Range 15 E, lying West of ~he
centerline of the right-of-way of Manda1ny Rd., South of the
right-of-way ot Palm st. and North of the right-of-way of Marianne
st. and bounded on West by the Gulf-of-Mexico.
.1.. South Parcel - Start at the Southeast corner at the aforesnid
tract nnd run south 890 59' 43" West 189.17 feet for the point of
beginning. Thence run South 000 00' 17" East, 29.58 feet; thence
run South 890 59' 43" West, 479.48.feet M.O.L. to the highwater
line of tbe.Gulf-of-Mexicoj thence run North 130 14' 50" East
along said high water line 30.39 feet M.O.L.; thence run North
890 59' 43" East, 472.51 feet M.O..L. to the point of beginning.
2. North Parcel - Start at the Southeast corner of the aforesaid
tract and run North 060 30' 52" West, 6,89.88 feeti thence South
890 59' 43" West, 251.63 feet for the point of beginningj thence
continue South 890 59' 43" West, 343.32 feet M.O.L. to the highwater
line of the Gulf-of- Mexico; thence run North 100 35' 50" West,
10.18 feet M.O.L.j thence run North 890 59' 43" East, 344.05 feet
M.O.L.; thence run South 060 30' 52" West 10.07 feet M.O.L. to
the point of beginning.
3. East Parcel - start at the Southeast corner of the aforesaid
tract for the pOint of beginning a.nd run thence South 890 59' 43"
West, 12.00 feeti thence :run North 060 30' 52'" East, 689.74 feet;
thence run North 890 59' 43" East, 11.96 feet; thence run South
060 30' 52" West, 689.74 feet, to the point of beginning.
Start at t~e Southeast corner of the aforesaid tract and run North
060 30' 52" East, 330.54 feeti thence run South 890 59' 43" West
449.90. feet for the point of beginning; thence run North 790 25"21"
West" 171.68 feet M.O.L. to the f\ighwater line of the. Gulf-of-Mexico.
,thence run North 110 55' 20" East, 10.00 feet. thence run N 790 25"2111
East, 246.91 feet M.O.L.; thence run South 100 34' 39" West 10 00
feet; thence run North 790 25' 21" West, 75.00 feet to the 'point of
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