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August 6, 1970
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in speoial seBsion at the
City Hall, Thursday, August 6, 1910, at 1:30 P.M., with the following members
H. Everett Hougen
Donald S. Williams
Donald Carlson
Riok Hall
Richard D. Wachtler
Commi ssioner
Commi ssioner
Also present were:
Merrett R. Stierheim
Herbert M. Brown
Max Battle
Frank Daniela
City Manager
City Attorney
City Engineer
Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to order, and announced the special meoting was
to conduct a publio hearing on the City of Clearwater 1970-11 budget and suoh
other items as may properly be presented. The invocation was given by Chief
The first item was the continuation of discussion of the proposed agreement
with WTAN. The City Manager reported that the differences were not reconciled,
and that the road through WTAN property is almost certain eventually and
recommended that when road becomes a reality to renegotiate with WTAN. Mr.
Dennison Parker, representing WTAN said there was nothing further he could add,
but has costs of moving with him if it is desired for him to pres~nt them.
Commissioner Hall asked if City was not interested in acquiring their property,
if WTAN was interested in purchasing Stevenson Creek property, particularly in
East part at any time. Mr. Parker replied they were not particularly interested
in the East aide of property. Discussion ensued.
The next item was the public hearing on the 1970-11 budget. Lt. Col.
Stephen Kallis, president of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, spoke in objection to their allotment being cut from the budget. He
said they take care of many animals beside cats and dogs. He cited various
statistics relating to number and type of animals cared for, that 30~ of revenue
comes from the County and municipalities, 40% from contributions and balance from
boarding kennels, etc. He discussed the work of the association, questions were
asked and discussion ensued. Mr. Stephen Doychak, executive vice-president of
the Chamber of Commerce read a letter in which various associations expressed
opposition to the cutback in promotional funds. The Mayor reported that the
appropriation had been increased. Mr. Phillip Clark objected to any reduction,
and requested same as last year. MrB. Mary McCormack expressed the opinion that
funds should be increased rather than decreased. Mrs. Lilian McFarland, Fleetwood
Apartments, expressed favor for the cut in funds to the Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. James Hulsey expressed the opinion of the value of keeping the City in the
public eye. Mr. Joe Fletcher stated that there did not appear to be any other
way to raise funds except from tax money or possible increase of license fees.
Comrndssioner Williams displayed a chart showing the increase in budget from 1963
and commented that the trend in the budget appeared to go above the population
growth, but he believed that this tendency was to compensate for shortages in the
past. Commissioner Hall commented that he felt that the community would rather
have lower taxes than some services. He recommended $326,000 reduction in the
total budget. The Mayor stated that Commissioner Hall wanted to cut $200,000
from proposed increase in pay for City employees leaving only $260,000 for the
increase. Commissioner Carlson expressed the opinion that the City Manager's
budget recommendation was excellent. Commissioner Wachtler said his only
objection was still a need for increase in average wages for employees. Commissioner
Hall recommended that the SPCA fund be put in reserve or contingency ~und to find
out what the County is going to do and also disagreed with the increase of
lifeguards. The Mayor suggested that the City Manager hold the SPCA appropriation
pending renegotiations until the Countyls experience is available. Mr. Burchfield,
Harbormaster, stated that he could not adequately protect the beach with the same
program as used in 1956, with only 1 lifeguard being added since then. He also
said he would recommend yearly program but could not get lifeguards all year
round. He also felt there was a need for a surfboat, but he was waiting to see
the results from the police boat. Commissioner Hall moved to increase the
appropriation shown in the 1969-70 budget for lifeguards in the a~ount of $2,427.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Williams. Upon the vote being taken
Commissioner Hall voted "Aye". Commissioners Williams, Wachtler, Carlson and
Mayor Hougen voted "No". Motion did not carry.
Commissioner Hall moved to budget $7,815 in lieu of City Manager's proposal
of $14,815 for office furniture and fixturesj $19,925 in lieu of $20,925 for the
Comm1ssionj and $8,350 in lieu of $9,350 for dues and subscriptions. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Wachtler. Discussion ensued and it was recommended that
each item in the motion be voted on separately. Upon tHe. vote being taken on
Item I, to budget $7,815 in lieu of City Manager's proposal of $14,815 for office
furniture and fixtures, ,Commissioners Hall and Williams voted "Ayell. Commissioners
Car1aon, Wachtler and Mayor Hougen voted "No". Motion did not carry.
. ITEM #2, a reduction of $1,000 in appropriation for Commission to be
to acont1ngency fund. upon the vote being taken Commissioners Williams,
.Carlson voted II,Ayell. Commissioner Wachtler and Mayor Hougen voted II Noll .
carried. '
Hall and
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August ,6, 1970
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" '..ITEM '#3, a reduotion of $1,000 for. duos and subscriptions~ Upon the. vote
being taken Commissioner. Hall voted IlAyell. Commissioners Williams, Carlson,
Waohtler and Mayor Hougen voted tlNou. Motion did not ~arry.
In ,reply. to a question. from Commissioner Carlsonj Mr. Doychak from the
., Chamber of Commeroe said that the Ohamber of.. Conunerce will run the Fun IN
Sun Paatival but the time for the Festival maybe reduced.
Commissioner Williams moved that after having held this pUb1io hearing on:
the budget that Resolution #70-64 be reoonfirmed and the budget ~B. amended be '
adopted as the budget of the City of Clearwater for the fiscal year beginning
.Oatober 1,' 1970 and ending September 30, 1971. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Hall. Upon the.vote being taken Commissioners Williams. Oarlaon,
Waohtlor",and Mayor Hougen voted UAye". . Commissioner Hall voted IINon. Motion
, .
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Mr. Dennison Parker repre~cnting WTAN. Clearwater Radio Inc"~ asked to be '
heard again. He stated that the negotiations wero originally inatigated by,the
City and that the first proposal waS on D lease baais. He said they would
probably stay in their present location but if the principala decided to proceed
. with the power increase they may want to move the transmitter and towers and
requested aome expression from the Commission regarding the site which they have.
investigated at considerable cost. The City Attorney commented there may'be
complications regarding the property being dedicated as a parlt. ComID1saloner
Williams requested the City Manager and City Attorney to study the matter and
give the Commission their opinion as to the. legal status or the property. Mrs.
Juanita Anderson atated the residents of the area had worked hard to have the
area dedi.cated as a parle and strenuously objected to any part being taken' away..
Mr. Albert Ricketts suggested that the Stevenson Creek water front ,in the park
could. be made into a 8mal1 boat baain. Mr. Charles Finton objected to calling
of a Commission meeting with two hours' notice regarding WTAN and objeotors not
being notified. The Mayor replied that if any satisractory negotiations were
reached, 'the Commission would call a publio meeting. '
Commissioner Carlson moved that the
Motion was .seconded by. Commissioner Hall
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