May 27, 1970
The City Commission of the City at Clearwater met in speoial' session at the
City Hall, Wednesday, ~~y 27, 1970, at 1:30 P.M., with thetol1oWing members
iI. Everett Hougen
Donald S. WilliamS
Donald Carlson
Riok Hall
Riohard D. Waohtler
Conuni sBioner
Also present were:
Merrett R. Stierheim
Herbert M. Brown
Max Battle
Frank Daniels
City Manager
City Attorney
City Engineer
Police Chiet
~he Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the
Police Ohiet. The Mayor explained the public hearing was to oonsider the
methods of finanoing a capital improvement program. He atated the City Manager,
would make a torma1 presentation ot the propoBed program and then the '
Oommission would encourage questionB trom the audience. The City Commission
was seated in the tront row as it waB a visual (slides and charts) as well as
verbal' presentation.
The City Manager explained he had aaked Mr. Jett Butler, an administrative
intern, to interview various citizens throughout the City to determine what they
liked about Clearwater. The reBults confirmed that our citizens like the
triendly.atmoBphere, the landscaped areas, the water views, the heavy growth ot
treeB, our puKS and recreation, the lovely homes, shady streetB and general
The Oity ~~nager then presented slides showing charts ot population
increases, area inoreases, building permit inoreases, City-owned park lands,
and pictures ot such things as exiBting tire stations, libraries, polioe head-
quarters, garage complex, etc. .
. The Mayor and Commissioners reassumed their ohairs and the meeting
oontinued. The Mayor expressed appreoiation to the City Manager tor the'
presentation as a most outstanding job and comprehensive study. The Mayor asked
the City Manager to introduce the department directors who'"were present which he
, did.
The City Manager referred to a summary on Page 15 ot a printed report
regarding the proposed capital improvement program:
Land Aoquisition, Site Dev. & Beautifioation
Construotion COBts, R/W Costs, Annual
Resurfaoing & RepaVing, Sidewalks
250} 000
Mandalay Pier, Sanitary Land Fill Site,
Motorpool - Garage Complex
He also reterred to pages 16, 17, 18} whioh conoerned the tunding ot the program
as it is being reoommended and stated that it would call for a General Obligation
Bond issue or $7,200,000. He explained that it was proposed to use the 1.05 mills
now being assessed tor old General Obligation Bonds (which will be retired this
year) and 1.45 mills from the Special Improvement Aooount to make a 2i mill levy
available tor the new General Obligation Bond issue. He also stated that it was
the collective judgment ot the City's Fiscal Agent Loomis Leedy, Finance
Director Clark Lowrey, Financial Consultant Kenneth McCreary and himself that
a 2t mill levy would generate sufficient revenue to support a $7.2 million
General Obligation Bond issue. He emphaSized that there would be no inorease, ,
in the tax rate but that Borne ot the existing millage would be redistr1buted~
Mr. 'Stuart, City resident questioned it the acreage for recreational
facilities inoluded the waterways and also aSked it this expansion would take care
of garbage racilities.' The Oity Manager stated Memorial Causeway is included
but the acreage does not include ~terways and seoondlYI that the inoinerator was
r.!... ';-'": \ :-. " ."running only on a 16 hr.a day basis&" that there was no prOblem in foreseeable
,?t~:;;~:l""':":':"_ ,future.', ,.' and i& should be run on 2q hr. baais '"
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May 27, 1970
Mayor Hougen left at this time.
In answer to a question from Mr. Niohols, the City Manager Dtated that
Clearwater East Sewer Plarowas approaohing oapacity and its expansion was .
inoluded in a $3,200,000 revenue bond issue tor which bids will be reoeived on
June loth.
Mr. Roland Fox representing Clearwater Sertoma Club BSked:
1. Does this inolude any funds for acquisition of Sand Key?
2. Do you anticipate oontinued cooperation with the Sohool Board for use of
school reoreational facilities?
3. What oan we as citizens do to help you with this program?
The City Manager answered as follows:
1. This issue would not inolude any funds for acquisition of Sand Key.
2. We do have cooperative arrangements with schools for joint use ot faoilities.
3. We will have to take this message to the people through speakers I bureaus,
town meetings, organizations, etc. The bond issue must be approved by a
(Mayor Hougen returned at this time.)
In reply to questions f'rom Commissioners Hall and Williams, the Oity Manager
stated that items can be deleted or added to the proposed recommendations or
shifted from one to another prior to the issuance of the bonds but that no
reallocations can be made after the bonds are approved. Mr. Leedy and the City
Attorney concurred in the statement.
Mr. Bob Thompson, representing Toastmasters Club, asked if formation of a
Library Assn. had been considered and what citizens can do to encourage such a
project. The Oity Manager said he would arrange for him to meet with the Library
Board to discuss this.
Mr. E. C. Marquardt commented that since the City was retiring the original
bond issue it would seem we are ready for a new bond issue. Mr. Steve Doychak,
Chamber of Commerce, asked about matching funds for parks and the library. The
City Managerstated that it was pOSSible that such funds may be available in the
I~. Larry Reese asked what provision will be made to bring the collection
of' books in the libraries up to ALA standards? The City Manager reported the
new branch library will have money for land, building and books and that the .
City has appropriated $25,000 from general operating accounts for acquisition
of new books.
Mr. Elliot Stern, past pres. Jayceesl commented the report was a professional
approach to the problem. Mr. Geo. Tice, Chairman of Marine Committee, Chamber
of Commerce, inquired about acquisition of bottom land. The Mayor replied the :,~
Legislature had stopped sale of bottom land in Pinellas County. The City Manager
stated the City already owns by deed 1200 acres of Clearwater Bay and haG directed
the planning staff to make a study of' establishing aquatic park zone wit~~City
limits and would apply to all bay bottoms. .
Mrs. Mary McCormack asked about acquiring more ground on Clearwater Beach.
The City Manager said some sites were under study to expand,~ existing beach
facilities. Mr. Travis askediwhat would be the price to acquire Sand Key?
Mayor Hougen atated U. S. Steel Realty Division owns Sand Key so the City would
have to go by an appraisal but it would be several million dollars.
A discussion ensued regarding the time schedule for setting up an election
for a bond referendum. The City Manager stated the Commission must adopt a
budget about the first week in August and therefore the referendum should be
held at least a week prior to that time. It was also brought out that the bond
ordinance and the election ordinance must be advertised at least 30 days prior
to the date ot election.
Commissioner Carlson stated he felt the City Manager's presentation had been
lucid, candid and unbiased and it would be up to the citizens and their desires
in accepting the proposed bond iSBue. Oommissioner Carlson moved to establish
June 3rd at 1:30 P.M. as the time for a special meeting for the Commission to
consider proposed general obligation bonds. Motion was seconded by Co~ssioner
Williams and carried unanimOUSly.
Motion was
Oommissioner Carlson moved to adjourn the m
seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried u
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