10/14/1968 ,,~, "7'" ,.i:.-,l",,::,:- I .'. ' . " . . . '" > .' .:.: '</. , ' " 1 CITY COMMISSION MEETING Octobel" l~, 1968 . The City Commiss~on or the City of C1eal"water met in spGci~l session at the CJ.ty Hall, Monday,October 14, 1968, at 10:05 A.M. with the following members present: , "" . , ,! .'~ . ' H. Everett Hougen Donald S. Williams Ca1 Blackstone, ,Jr. Brooks Carter Donald 'Carlson 11ayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner, Commissioner Commissioner ,I Also prcsent were: Merrett R. Stierheim Herbert M. Brown Frank Daniels City Manager City,Attorney Polico Chief The Mayor called the meeting to ordet'. The invocation was given by the City Attorney. The Mayor announced the purpose of the meeting was to consider parkinR for Haas Brothers store, and then introduced Mr. 11. s. Stein, President, of Maas Brothers. Mr. Stein read from a latter which he addressed to the City Commission. Ite stated that they nceded a 1100 car minimum parking facility on Osceola Ave. adjacent to their store and contingent upon that, they would begin construction of the addition to the store in.January 1969, with planned completion date of October 1969. The Mayor reported negotiations have been under way with the SeL railroad to acquire their downto~n right of way for use as parking facility. Mr. Joseph Cornelius, president of tho Bank of Clearwater and Clearwater Downtown Association read a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Downtown 'Association urging the City to proceed with both projects. The City l1anager stated he had received proposals from Hilbur ,Smith & Associates in four phases as follows: 1. Feasibility study of the proposed multi-parking facility on Osceola Ave., at a cost of $5.500.00. 2. A functional study of this project to determine the type of facility, at a cost of $3,000.00, with these two surveys to be' ready in seven weeks. former 3. A feasibility study at a cost of $3,500.00 for the/ACL right of way to be used for parkinp, and 4. A functional study of this project at a cost of $1,200.00, with this portion to take four months. , He' further stated the total cost of the survey \olould am,ount to $13,200,00. In answer to a question the City Manager said he would discuss with a Wilbur Smith representative the possibility of combining the two studies in order to possibly combine under one revenue certificate issue. 11r. Bruce Taylor , realtor, and Mr. W. W. Short spoke in iavor of the proposal. Commissioner Carlson moved upon the recommendation of the ci ty ~Ianager that the contract for feasibi1i ty study as outlined be made on the Osceola Ave. property and the ACL property with Wilbur Smith & Associates, for the sum not to exceed $13,200.00, and the approp- riate City officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried unanimously. Commissioner Carter moved that the meeting be ad' ur was seconded by Commissioner Carlson and carried un~ / 10:57 A.M. Motion / Attest: . 'v' (t!!~~~ C1 y, er ". :c. ";'" . , " i. 1~ >' . .:' ~ ,> " " . " ~ I \ C " , .", , >~\:):'...";': ... f ..... ... , ,. , . 'I . 1 ,,> ~ ; -; . <.~.~' ~~J.\~."c'~l ~ t A. \:' . :,:..;, ..) f' ~ ,:i': ,.' ,:'::,.. ,. ,.,/.,:". .:;:F:",:\.."t,)',}i~f~ "" <, ,I"'" ..., '".' >,', ..' ',' '" "h."'I,"tlt'~'Y'\~ ~ . v"'t '.;r':':'~' '. :.t;I'lf'~ ":~~."~~'.', +',:", ',' J...~.. 't.... ~;: i<>:".';~:-'/ :'.:~~.. ~:,\'.~r;\t~t-r7\~;~~'.t'11 ,~i " " . p' . I .... f 'l~', '+, . "';. T ,'. t~' . '. ~ . ~I, ~. ~~~1.,.'.f~~ {i:\I"~..._J~\J~, . . I ,~ .l~,,"\,'to.-~.....'l.;; ',-"It...\". . . .... t..... i:"'~' ~.7c....,~ .~~ '. ,"... ':"?t-~'otl-:"""""~";,f:'. ,< +'\......1: .... ~l"a.-..~~'1~.,...,.{~~\'.!ow~~1'i'f~.ci........ 4;~ r <~r~.'i-~.1-i.~.,',.... .... ,.!:~/' . .,~':'. .' ..:~ ~\~! n,'<': I ,'. . '::' '.... \ .c', ~j.I:., "'.' ., ; i:. .~ :'I-.':".I'~.~:,