08/02/1968 ., ,'t . , ,~,,~b'r~:,'> j"':<~': :.~ ~ D., .,,.:~ :~:'.\:':~".:, . ';'. 'T'. :r, " CITY COMMISSIOn MEETING August 2~ l:l5B , , . " '.' \,,' . ; : ~~: t: ~/. i \. . ~ , , ,\ The City Commission of 'the City of Clea~water met in speoial' session at the City Itall, Friday, August 2, 1968, at 1:30 P.M. with the ,following members ' proesent: " ;. JI. Everoatt Hougen Cal Blaokstone, Jr. Bl"OOKS Car-tar Donald Williams Donal'd Carlson Mayoro-CommiBsioner CommisSionor , Commissioner CommisSioner Commissioner Also present were: Merrett R. Stierneim Herbert H. Brown Willis Booth Kenneth McCreary City Hanager City Attorney Police Chief Finance Direotor , I The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced this special meeting ,was for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the City of Clearwater 19G8-69 budget. The invocation was given by Chief Booth. , The City Manager explained certain changes made in the budget since'the tentative adoption at the last meeting. Mr. Jack Marsh, Polioe Department patrolman and president of the Clearwater lodge Fraternal Orrter of Police read a prepared statemen't including the information that staI'tinc pay for policemen was $5,018.00 in Clearwater whereas in St. PetersburB they started at $5,400.00 plus $400.00 hazard pay. He also read a \o1TVT editorial ,entitled ItIf We Had No Policau. FormeI' Set, Robert Jennings,'Maryland State Police stated he was retired under disability from injuries received in a riot, with emphasis on shortage of police personnel and also reported that the Maryland State Policn started at $6,800.00. Mr. Clinton B. Conway commended the Co"~ission for the budget and also commended the ,Police and Fire Department,' etc. Ht's. Dorothy Beers complained about the. , donation to the hospital and sugRested lowering the Recreation Department budget, , in oI'der to provide a police pay increase. Commissioner Williams moved after having held this public hearing on the Budget that the action of the City Commission on July 29, 19687 aoproving Resolution 668 -87 ,be reconfirmed and that the budget as set out there3-n be adopted as the budget for the City of Clearwater foI' the fiscal year October 1, 1960 through September 30, 1969. l1otion was seconded by Commissioner Blackstone and carried unanimously. Commissioner Carter moved that the meeting be was seconded by Commissioner Carlson and carried u Motion ~/ C eX! " , { " " '. , \ L I < \ . ~/ ,',.' : ~.r '.~ . , ' :~ti~;~~:,V;~j;' ,::~',::-':,'"," "~',: ,':,' ',,' : . '" " " , " ' !. ::', '" ,,:..:<;..: '~rJ'T"f~'," ,.1\ ,',' d""', . " , ,'" . " ~~:~:~~~~;~:i!;,.Y~}\,i'~;;:';;:,'" ,. " ,''':,; .'. ..' . :.. . '. .",;,;'i'};, f .ILJ!,-~1:':"''''~~!'~\''~l'";t.'''''1\'''~'''''' ~~tL-H-'f r'~.' ~, . '. < . ' . ,. I j. j' \,','1" Ji"~'., I ~ L ;~-..~ ;\.::l.b-!,t\~. 4,~~~ ~".:;.;.'.! ~..,!'.:: ..':." \. ',<. ','" .~:\, . ',' ",' "'~1. 1-_. . ," .~.~, t. . :, .',' '. I'~ '':'" ", t' .1.... t :':. '.:l~.r;' t'~:\ ; .~-!t1..".?t.'j~"'.it ii'~'1~\'''''' ,:": ,",' "oil>';' : },J- ......., ,I. J ;' ~t(. . '. 1 ' <. ~'. r~. p .:., '!:.:. ..... ';~"~'\l~"~ f~, l.t'--";~"~).\"I~,.:\t;:r,J) /l;>....:,.:.~I.(;.r,";.~;-.;:")..,:,',~; ~I,.' '.",,',.,,' ;11. . ",.,'. . ': ;.." ~'" > .~" I." "'..:'tl'....:'~..'.:<'.:~::...,.~'. ~-w;f:)~(V.r~jJ'~...f':' ~,,:.l:t>'~rt.!t\\rt.44;ly~'~.~f~.\.::', ,;' ,~. '", ..',' .. >..!; j .~ . ,"i. . ,I' '. .' H ::l\' >. ,~..... \', ..,~.,...:;!.'~', '/'.'I"r;-.~!(~ ,'~~'i ,. ;~ '.'< \1.~f;-17~'~kf,~;.:t{.'~~~;~,:',\'J,':'~.;'i;~:: :'?~.',;,"';?: "<::<;''':~''...~.'/.:'.,::, ';;-: '>,-~', ' . ",' ,"'.' , .., . c' '. .':,'," ", '::;: .-, ,', '':~'~''; : >'1 ",' ~,. r,~~:'\:~H{:O.:(,~if' ~'tV"!'~\';';'~')(il,,~r~.t.,.:.,,: .1:IJo\~/\t'..~.,"....,~...'I~."." '+,.t~:. '~ \~, i . ~, L',r:.t': .,,'., ,,( . r~' ,1"~" .,.; - f l ~.! \" .-;', ....j'.H~..~.r~\..f~.;:.'.'.' ~'~~J~i.~?---:,(;~~~'{~:~:~,:,:':~~~~~"r.:3.;;);if;}'.~::.:.... '"/~~~:"-"::~."~">~'~'I':'< ~J ..:"r q; '~~d.<~,/o I~~'" .I....."~,I' _,r, ~',~',', .>~:~-:~~~~~ I.~~::>~! ~;,;;.,u',:,:~ :;';.~.,~~r\.~.;.:,\r';;r~L:...z1'~ ::-';~l:~~v:,.J'.i~f.~1J/"/'.1 j,'t..."+.~.J"];~~ J,..~ 1" ,:.1\-.....;.,.., '~'l',. .,' .'r+~ 'I, "oJ.' ...... 'j', .',c-4' . ~',.. 1,.~~.<.~j~u.:~Jt...r~~ ~~t~. !1:'\.~;J(f/~.;:'};\~j"i";r:,\/,,j~::i.~.~\::.~~'\>'>,,~,,:,,'.t~' '.:<~"~.'.... \~/ ~..." " "':;;"/~ ,~~ ," \ 1'~I.,,""t", ;..+1;~ "fr ',~"d' ~ t: ~',,~. '/~.~'.~!~~o:f'{;~~~r~~"'.}J ",~~.~1...t;~\~::-~~;,;' "~;~,:;~:~tF:0m;;:i'1'l:YY1': ~",:" ~::7~~~',7';~Jt;,\.~,;;-,..;; ':, ':'""" ~~'\~!l~'r7~~~" :'i"7:~'\"~r.:'~"'p.;, ~~':;::',~~'~__ ;'~<~