11/26/1956 CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 26, 1956 :.'1 , : 'i J...r'\ ;..lI';.... J .. I '~~.-... 1 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday~ November 26, 1956, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: Herbert M. Brown W. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Mayor-Conuni ssloner Commissioner Corrunissioner Conuni s si oner Corrunissioner , .( I I I , ! J I I I . I ; Also present were: G. i'ieimcr Ben Krentzm::m G. T. McClanuna S. Lickton H. Dunn ~ct1n3 City Manager Cit:>. /\ttorncy Chlef of Police C:t ty Engineer 1\8 st. to C1 ty Manager The Mayor called the m~eting ~o order and announced that the f'~rst item to be considered would be the appointmellt of Election Boards and approval of polling places I'or the December 18th election. The Clerlc reported that he planned to use f:l.ve polling places, the #3 Fire Station, 1115 Cleveland street, the Clearwater Senior High School, North Ward School and the Youth Maritime Center. Commissioner Bohannon commented that he had heard some complaints atout not having enough polling places. The Mayor recom- mended using the same polling places as the County did in the general election on November 6th, one for each precinct. Conunissioner Bohannon moved that the Clerlc be authorized to duplicate the November 6th election polling places and authorized to I'urnish whatever mach~nes are necessary. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The ClerIc recommended that the elect} on inspectors be paid $10.00 each and the clerks be paid $12.00 each, the same amount as the 1955 City election. He presented a list of workers for the five polling places proposed. Commissioner Bohannon moved that the list of election ofI'icia1s for the December 18th election as submitted by the ClerIc be approved, that the salary of $10.00 for election officials and $12.00 for each clerk be paid, and that additional election officials be secured by the City Clerk at the same salary and be appointed by the Mayor as provided by the Charter. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. . . I I i 1 , j I '.'. '. J . . . ~:. ' ',', " I , j 'I .. ,I : .:.:'1 ., ..;:~;:.:.;,;:";.;\\>j .... '. ..'. ... .... I \.;'. -..',' "" :~.l ", ., '. " " I .,.~ 'l~,:", ,....,, ! }~1 . '~~~\~i~;~~t !'; The Acting City Manager reported that the First Church of Christ, Scientist, had requested the use of the Municipal Auditorium for a lecture at 3:00 P.M. on February 10th, 1957, and had aslced that the building be open from 12:30 to 5:00 P.M. Commissioner Roberts moved that the Christian Science Church be permitted to use the Municipal Auditorium for a lecture on February loth at a rental cost of $100.00 for this particular case only uhtil such time as the rules and regulations are established for the use of the Auditorium. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.... The Mayor requested that the second reading of Ordinance 724, regulating junk yards, be deferred to the next meeting. The City Attorney reported that he had secured an executed agreement from the Peninsular Telephone Company concerning restrictions on its property (Lot 3 less the north 25 feet, Lots 4 and 5, Bloclc B, Resub of Lots 16 and 17 and West t of Lots 5 and 6, Padgetts Estate) which he had described at the November 19th meeting and it is now ready ror filing. The property is being placed on the zoning referendum ror change to Business zoning but will be subject to the restrict~ons in this agreement. The City Attorney read on third reading Ordinance 726 amending Ordinance 627, the Zoning Ordinance, and the Zoning Map of the City. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 726 be passed on third and final reading and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. Commi~sioner Roberts commented on a report he had made to the City Manager regarding improvements needed in the fire stations for better living conditions. He said the beds and mattresses were old, that there was only one set of linens for each bed and that the dormitory on the second floor of the main fire station contained no heat and the room where they eat their meals on the second floor has no heat. He stated the stove and refrigerator are both antiquated. He recommended that heating equipment be installed on the second floor, that better beds and more adequate linens be purchased, and some lounging facllities where the men can study or read at night be included along with better facilities for cooking their meals and another reI'riger- ator. The Mayor recommended that an opportunity for competitive bidding be given. The Manager stated that there was no money in the operating budget for this equipment. Commissioner Roberts moved that these repairs or facilities contained in the report of the Purchasing Agent to the City Manager for the improvement of the conditions in the Fire Department be approved subject to bids being received and the cost being held to the minimum for satisractory equipment not to exceed $2,500.00 and that the necessary funds be appropriated ror this purpose. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. .-..-.~~.. "I't, . 1<' ---,. . : ~: :.(: ':':~" ';':~'('; :~;~?~~:~?,~,~.;~;~~~~;. . ..'\.::. ': .' ; , ! f I. .", "f', . ....~,... -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 26, 1956 The City Attorney reported that he has been attempting to clear the title to the piece of City-owned property which the Commission has indicated intention to deed to the State Road Department as a location for a district office. He read a letter to Mr. Billie B. Bush, Tampa attorney, which explained that on May 25, 1927, Mrs. Pickett T. Gilmore, Joined by her husband, Paul Gilmore, deeded to the City a tract o~ land of' approxlmately 1.06 acres with the restriction that it was deeded to the City for parle purposes only. He stated 1n the letter that the property located on the north Bide of Gulf to Bay Boulevard at the west end of Courtney Campbell Causeway ''las not sui table f'or use as a park because of its small s1 ze and its proximity to the Causeway. The records indicate that Mrs. Gilmore'S heirs were Mrs. Velma Capehart, Mrs. Ivon S. Sellers (now Mrs. John Sellers) and 1"<1r. Frank Howell. The City Attorney reported he had received a quit claim deed from Mrs. John Sellers to the property with a statement for $25.00 for Mrs. Sellers and $25.00 for her attorney, Mr. Bush. He said he had also received a quit claim deed from Mrs. Velma Capehart but has not received one from Mr. Frank Howell yet. He recommended that the $50.00 be appro- priated for this purpose. Conunissioner Strang moved that $25.00 be appropriated for Mrs. John Sellers in return for the quit claim deed to certain property owned by the Ctty at the west end o~ Courtney Campbell Cauoeway and also that $25.00 be paid to her attorney, Mr. Billie B. Bush, for his services. Motion was seconded by COl1Ullissioner Bohannon and carried unanimo:.:sly. ] 1 J The City Attorney stated that the request from Mr. Myron Koch to permit the Church of the Nazarene to erect a church building on Block B, Druid Groves Subdivision. It was his recommendation sJnce this was an R-l zone that Mr. Koch be requested to malce app11catlon to the Zoning Board under the hardship provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and that the matter then be advertised for a Public Hearing. By consent, the City Attorney was instructed to inform Mr. Koch as to the procedure to be followed. Commissioner Strang reported that the City Commission had a joint meeting with the Planning Board on November 21st with Mr. Al Rogero, State Road Board member, present. He said Mr. Rogero had reported that the bridge for the west end of Memorial Causeway would be included in the State Road Department budget for '57-'58 and would be approved for construction some time after July, 1957, but regarding a new bridge at the east end of the Causeway the Road Board is hesitant to do anything because it feels a traffic survey of this area is needed to know how to handle the eastbound traffic from the Causeway. Mr. Rogero suggested it might be possible to extend Drew Street toward the Causeway and construct a bascule bridge for westbound traffic on the Causeway and use the present east drawbridge for eastbound traffic. Mr. 1\1 Rogero explained that the State will join the County and the municipali- ties in this area in having a traffic survey made by the State paying 50%, the County 25% and the municipalities to split up the remaining 25%. Commissioner Strang recommended that a meeting be called of the Mayors and Commissioners of Largo, Dunedin, Clearwater, Belleair and Safety Harbor to reach an agreement on sponsoring the survey and then try to get other municipalities in the County to participate as it was estimated that the total cost for this area would be $30,000.00 and for the whole County would be $50,000.00. Mr. Rogero suggested that the cities request Mr. L. Hester, County Engineer, to initiate the request to the State Road Department. Commdssioner Strang moved that the r~nager be authorized to set up a meeting with these other communities as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang reported that a slmplified plan had been developed for the cloverleaf traffic pattern planned for the intersection of Route 19 and Gulf to Bay Boulevard which would tal~e only 12 or 13 acres of right of way and would cut down the cost of acquiring the property for the right of way. He said Mr. Rogero had offered to have the appraisal of the needed property made by the State Road Department appraisers wh1 eh ''lould save approximately $3,000.00. .j ,1 1 .........1. .. Mr. Arthur Kruse;t Planning Board Chairman, spol{e on changing the setbacks on streets which will eventually be widened under the MR-l plan. By consent, the City Attorney was requested to find out if there was any way to change setbacks in the City except through a zoning referendum. Mr. vim. L. Ballinger, sidel"alk artist, asked permission to mal..e pictures or sketches for sale operating from public property on the south side of the SeaOrarna. It was the City Attorney's opinion that the City could not rent out any part of a sidewalk or drive for any purpose. The Manager reported receiving a memo from Mr. 1\1 Vasconi, architect, that he was rea~y to proceed with the bandshell but that before the bids are let that test borings or the ground are needed and it will be necessary to move the overfill at a cost of $800.00. The Engineer stated grass should be planted on the terraces on the side of the hill to hold the fill. Commissioner Strang moved that $800.00 be appropriated to take the borings and moving the fill for the bandshell from the Escro,,, Fund and that the Engineer be authorized to ask for b~ ds as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimOUSly. '~" -_..~ " " I r .~ .~ " ',' : . . .' ' , ~ '.:.',,""':; .};,j<~~j),{-~,~'!\, , /~./ ?iO, ll\~~~~7f""~~;:~a;~~~~W~l""':t\'r~I~~i'!!lli.~$'t~"'<;""~'~l" A:~:;;;;3~.. -3- CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 26, 1956 The City Manager reported that in the process of construction, the new digester tank had caved in at the Marshall Street Plant. He stated that the oontractor, E. I. Rutledge, was under performance bond which guaranteed completion in accordance with the contract and there would be no loss to the City. Commissioner Strang moved that the Commission request a complete report from the Consulting Engineer as to the cause of the collapse and that all payments be held up until the report is received and action tal~en thereon including a report as to whether the supervision of Briley Wild's engineer was adequate. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. Commissioner Insco inquired what progress was being made on the plans for the new fire station on Drew Street and Weber which had been presented by the architect, Mr. Horace Hamlin) for approval. Commissioner Strang stated that they had been referred to the Fire Department and the Engineering Department for comment and the recommendations were now ready for the Commission to discuss with the Architect. By consent, the City Manager was directed to set up a meeting of the Commission with the Arthitect. '~""',-":.'.~ . :lof'" ';i1'l"l-"~""'!'1..~'";.il~t'~'~o(:"~I'\>-''':' ':';"~' "r~.;....t:~. "/..-;'.......,,, .:;;. ~~t~1f~i~[' ., ,.....;:;..r~.,..."-i:. .~'.~., .. ..' Wr!.i'; f. f; Mr. Thomas Hamil ton requested that the oak trees in the parlcway in front of the property of Mr. Dimmitt's on Pine Street not be cut down to permit removal of the residence from the property. By consent) the request was referred to the City Manager. Commissioner Strang requested that the Conmdssjoners be furnished copies of a recap of the street paving program to date. There being no further business to come before the Commission) the meeting was adjourned at 3:45 P.M. ~~~ ~ r- omm ss oner r Attest: ~ ~ or an Clerk CI'l'Y COMl.lISSION MEETING November 26, 1956 Mayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown November 23, 1956 Commiss loner s W. E. Strang, Jr. i,l'. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday afternoon November 26, 1956, in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of discussing the items listed on t he attached agenda. Meeting time will be at 1 :.30 P.M. Yours very truly /s/ John L. Sullivan City Manager JLS:s Enclosures ------~--~-----.---~------~~-~---------------------~-~----------------~------~-- Agenda - City Commission Meeting of November 26, 1956 Oit y Hall Auditorium 1:30 P.N. 1. Invocation. 2. Commission's condideration of: A. Appointment of, and set compensation of Election Boards and approve polling places and number of machines. B. Request of Ghris~ian Science Church with reference to use of Municipal &uditorium. C. Ordinance ff.724, regulating junk yards, second reading. D. Orliinan ce 11726, amending "the zoning act. ani nap, final reading. E. Improvements for the Fire Departnent. 3. Any itme not. on the agenda will be considered itwith the consent at tm Commission. Agjoarnman"t . " i 1'~~J.~1~~'Mn:1t;;f : '.;'.".I",'''''.y".,''1 _ ~~~fli.'tf,f!'):t'~ 2:>. ..11 ' ,~~~.. " >. ,::,..~:>t~, ~ . ~~ ~ , '.." , . ~ :.:','T' '/~"~'.~"~:- . . . . . ~~:11~Bht8.)&;L~~~.;_.,.:c:__~":~'L ..... , .',~.' .... ,i'f. ,~,.,~:'~<~. . ..,'.... .. ','.' '_...L.'.~L:.:<'.. :,. i.:;:. "_~.:,.,.,~.;.~2ai;::;1.;;~L,:j~:;;,~L:..,.~iJ.LC,Lio[::Wi0:~t~~fi~I~~#1*~?~t.~~~ Y I /~: j (;;./"../' / l/\'~ ORDINANCE ~O. 726 AN ORD1NiU,CE A1~ENUl IiG ORDINAI\GE ~O. 62'7. Ag 1u":ENDED, 'l'HE CITY ZONlfiG OUDI~Al\Cc;, Al\D Al'~NDINQ 'rin~ ~IUNG MAF OF 1953 OF THE CITY OF CLEAR- \-.'Al'ER, FLOiUDA, B1 INGRl~ASl1\G '1'/-1 E lUU~UlltED AREA ON \>/HIe H CONS'HWC'l'10N CAl~ BE L"lADE IN i\t\ R..2 AREA f.fO 3500 SClUAREFljE'l': BY RECLASSlli'YU~ G ;; l\U .. ZONIl\G Cl:;R'J.'A IN f'kOfLRl'"Y AS m~SCIUBEU HFl{EIN, BY It~CLUDING MORE SPECIFIC RhQUlRI::dLII.L S FOR 'iHE COl.; ;j'!'RUGT10N f\l~D LOC:\'iI0N 01" ^U'l'O:-40BILE 'J.'RAlLER CAi.1PS: l"'ru.~;;GldEII\G CER'l.'A1N BU lLDlrD FHOl\'!' SE1'BhCK LINES ON CER'L'AIN PltOPER'l'l J\S VESCltlBED HEREIN; ?ROVIDl1-iG I,'OH hEPB:\L OF ORVINAl\CES IN CONFLIC'!' HErc.ri.',;l'l'l1; i'HOVIUII\G H)[t. SEFARAbIL1'l'Y OF THE PHOVISIONS HEREOF; PltOV IDl~G t'~l,AL'J.'lES Fon 'r H& VI QLkl'lON OF 'i'HE 'i' EHN'~ OF THIS ORDII: AI\CE. AND l)H()Vlj)l~G FOR f\ HE:FEKEhlmr.l FRIOR '1'0 'L'HJo: El'FEC'1'IVE DATI?; (Jr' 'i,'HIS ORDI1M i':C~. B~ 1'1' OnlJArlil~i) BY ',.:Hi!; CI'i''Y COi.r,iIssrON OF '1'Ik:; ellY :.-F CLE,h"\"\'J.'ER. FLORIDA: Sec~1on 1. Sec~ion VI (9) or Ordinance 627, as amended, ehe City Zoning Act, -wl1ich is an exe eptioll or res Lrict;,ion on t Ilt:t us e of pro J:arty w it.hin the City limit. s as the 10<: a\:.ion for analt.oIllobile t.railer cump or park, is BI&i.ended to read as rol1ows: (9) i\ur..oruobile trailer campa or parks are prohibit.ed, except. where a special ~nnit, has been procured from the Cit.y Commission. following a considerati on and recoilliuend3 cion, ~ either favorn ble or unfavor able, by t.he Ci~y Zoning Board. In consider~ng whether said special permit shall be issued. the e1t. y COlDlll1ssion ahal~ take into consiclerat ion whet.her the proposed design II loca~ion and sanitary facilities of said camp or perk are adequate to p~otec~ the nea It.h, si;lfet.y and \'Ielf'ar~ of t. he propos ed users l.hereof and of tohe citizens of ~ne Ci~y of Glearwa~er. ~here the proposed camp or pf~k is local.ed partially wit.hin ~he limits of 't.he Cit.y f,nd p/U't.ially outside l.he City limits, the City sball also consider whether the port-ion o~ said camp or park wit.hin t.he 1imit.s o~ said City ~ill comply ~ithrequiremer.tS and regulat.ions of the Coant.y of Pinel1as as app1i~able to that. portion of said camp or park which lies outside the City lill!its. Secliion 2. Sec"ion XI (5) or Ordina nce 6"2.7 as amended, t.hc City Zoning Ordinance. is cuoonded tao read as follO\'ls: (5) No lot. or ploc h,:..vi.ng an area of' less than thirty-five hundred (3500) square feet, shall hereafter be used for building in an R-2 area. neither shall allY building other "nan accessory building be erect.ed thereon having a ~rol1nd floor enclosed area of les8 than seven hundred and fitty (750) square feet exclusive or porches and breezewayse Section). The followi rIg described properl.y is hereby classified and zoned as hereirlafter indicat.eu and cb e zoning; map of 1953 of t he City of Ole a~. wnt er, Flor ida. as araended is Blnended t.o indicate t.ha t fact a rd the change in building setback lines as hereinarter set out: (A) Zoned as (8) Business: Lots 1, 2, 10, 11 and 12, Block L " 1. 2, J, 4 and 10, Block J " 12 a11d 1.3 I Dlo ck H If e. 9, 17 am 18. block D A.ll in Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision, Flat Boo~ 14, Page 53. I)lnel1as Count)' Records. (n) Zoned as R-L,. - ~'lult.ip1e d~ellings, hotels, j,.ot.els, ap~t.merJt houses, ~edica1 clinic: Lot,s J, ~ 5, 6, 7. and $, Bloc k 101 w 1, 2, J. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block F All. of l:31o~k K Lot,s 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block J Lot.s 3, 4-, aIld 5, 13lock 0 All. in Hibiscus Gardens SubdiviSion, Pla~ Book 14. Page 58, Pinellas Co~t.y Records. (C) .l.oned as (IJ) - FubJ.ic Dist.rict l'arks: . ~ha~ cer~ain t.ra~t o~ned by the Ci~y of Cleartlate~. bounded on ~he ~e8~ by Ft. Harrison Avenue, on t.he South by Calume~ Streec and on the North and Eas~ by the thread of Stevenson's Creek, all in the City of Clearwacer, Florida. (D) Zoned as (B) Business: Lots 1 to 6 ine lusi va. Block 5 n 4, 5. and 6, Block 2 Finecrest, Subdivision, Fla~ Book 1, page 66, Finellas County Records. (E) Zoned as (B) - Business: 'l'bat. cerl:.ain trac\:' bounded on the East. by the Center line of Missouri Avenae II on t he West. by a line 320 feet West of th.e line of ;/dssouri Avenue: on the North by a line 177 feet Wortn of the center line of Turner St.reet, and on the Souto by a 1.il1e ~62 feet ~outh of the cent.er line of Turner S,-reet. all in the Cit.y of Clearwat.er. Florida. Cont lnued --.. ~ ',"f::" . \.~- " " ", ./:! .~. ~.;~* ~"'}l~ j,..~ 1 -: .}J,r{~ ~11~tfl~~~i;r~~: I.' .. ':. '., '.' ,I ';. ';~) .'.~, .' . " .' I' ." \.,. " I , , ;4 " . -'J . '.. , ," .'. : ': ~, ,..: ;" ~"":.~ i:, _ ,. '''.\ -1 ..., ,..... ;mti~;;~;;j;;;2;2~:;,~~;.}..t~2c.2",2.z;l~~i."&(;ft:2i~;;~;~it~V&i~;ti~~A14'i~.'J";' . /' I '..., /1...... ?:.</ .... ./ . ." , t. 't/ -2- (F) ~oned as (R-4.) - Mul~iple Dwellings, Hotals, Motels, Apar~ment Houses, Medical Clinic: Lots g and 9, md t.he East 62 feet of Lot 10, Block 3. " 1, 2 and 3 and the East 50 feet of Lot8 4. and 5. Block 4. All in Wallace's Addit.ion to the City at Clenr~ater, Plat Book 3, l'age 6, Hd11srtorough County Recorda. Zoned as (B) - UU8inees: Lata 1, 4, 5, a~ 9. l~ and 13 in A. H. Duncan's Subdivision of the Clare F~. Duncan o:.iubdiviaion of ~he East 1/2 ot the NE 1/4 01: t.he SN 1/4 of Sec. 22, '1'. 298, R. 15 E. 'l'hareaha1l. be a 10 ft.. buildin~ setback line .rro~ tho lot 11m facing Missouri Avenue for the lot. e descri bed in sub-paragraph 0-1 above, and this fact shall be indicated on the City Zoning Map. (H) Loned as (U) - Uusiness: The South ~alf of Lot 3 and ~ll of Lota 4 and 5 of Block B of a sul: di vi sio n of Lots 16 and 17 and tohe Bast hdlt or lot II 5 and 6 of IJadgetts Est,at.8s S\Jbdiv;'sion, according to Plat Book 6, Page 59, Pin~llas County Records. (G-l) (0-2) (I) Zoned as R-2 - Duplex Residence District: The North 356 feet. of Lot 2 according to a replat or Lakewood, Plat. Book 20, Page 41, Fllnellas County Records. ~oned as (R-4) - Mult.iple Dwellings, Hotels, Motels, Apartment Houses, Ne di cal Clinic: Lots Sa to 71 inclusive " 105 to 120 inclusive Llojd-Whlte-Skinner SubdiviSion, Flat Book 13, Page 12, Pinellas County RecordS. ',Lthere shall be a 20 ft. buildin8 setback line from t. he lot line facing Coronado Drive for lot s 105 to 120 inclusive, Lloyd-Wh1tie Skinner Subdi vision ani this fact shall be indicated on t he City Zoni ng ~lap. (J-l) (J-2) as (R-4) - Multiple Dwellings, Hotels, Motels, Houses, l1edical Clinic: Lots 5 to 14 inclusive, Block A " 1 t.o 14 inclusive, Block B Fattview Addition, Plat Book 5, Page a5. Section 4. 'l'he City Auditor and Clerk and t~ City Engineer are hereby authorized and direct.ed t.o indicate t.he amenduents herein made uptm t.he Zoning Map of 1953 of t.he Cit.y of Clearwat.er, Florida, and said map, a s heretofore amended aad as amended hereby, is hereby re-adopted a nd approved as so amended and the loning ordi. nance of t.he Git.~f of Clearwat.er a.nd sa.id i.o1ling map as amended herein shall be enforced from ~d after the effective date of this ordinance (K) Zoned Apartment Section 5. All ordinances or f8rlis of ordinances in conflict herewith are to t he extent of' such conflict. hereby re pealed. Secliion 6. Should any part or provision of' lih is ordinance be declared by the court. to be invalid, the same mall not. affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole, or mypart ~hereof other than ~he pare declared to be invalid. Section 7. Any p3 roon cr parS) ns, firm or corporation or association of persons, who ahall violate or fail to comply wit.h any of the tenns or 1%'0- visions of th. is ordi narc e shall, upon convict.ion in t.he i'4uni.cipal Court, be fined not. exceeding t.re swn of r.l'wo Hundred ($200.00) dollars, or imprisoned in the City Jail for not exceeding sixt.y (60) days, or by both such fine and imprasonment in the discretion of t.oo i.lunicipa 1 Judge. Each day that. a violation is permit.ted to exist shall constit.ute a separate offense. Section 8. this ordinance shall t.ake effect from and af~er its passage and its approval by a majority of t.he qualified voters of the City Of Clearwater who are free holders wi thin said Cit.y voting at a spacial municipal election to be held in conjunct.ion with the reguaar municipal elect.i on on Decetnberr18, 1956. PASSED ON FIRST REAUING November 19.. 1956 PASSED ON SECOND READING November 19. 1956 F A$SED ON l' HIRD AN) F INA L llliADING AND ADOP'l'ED 'November 26. 1956 "'~). . Att est : /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Audit.or and Clerk /s/ Herbert M. Brown 14ay 0 r-Commissioner "'.. ,. . '., .., '. .... -."''''''.."..' -.1',-" ... '".,' ,. \. ,~-_.:;.., CITY COMMISSION MEETTNG November 26, 1g56 The City Commission of' the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, November 26, 1g56, a� 1:30 P.M. with the £ollowing members present: Herbert M. Brown W. E, Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr Samuel J. Roberts Also present were; G . jrleimer Ben Krentzman G. T. McClamma S. Licl�ton H. Dunn Ma;�or-Commissioner Commissioner Commissianer. Commissianer Commissioner Acting City Manager City P_ttorney Ghief of Police City Engineer Asst. to City Manager The Mayor called the meetin� to order and announced that the f�rst item to be considered vrould be the appointment af Election Boards and approval of polling places far the December 18tih election. The Clerk xeported tnat he planned to use five pollir.g placea, the �3 Fire Station, 111� Cleveland Street, the Clearv�ater Senior Nigh School, North Ldard School and the Youth Maritime Center. Commiss3.oner E�ohannon commented that he had heard some complaints about not havino enough bolling places. The May�r recom- mended using the same polling places as the County did in the general election on November 6th, one for each precinct. Commissioner Bohannon moved that the Glerk be authorized to duplicate the November 6th elec-Eion polling places and authorized �c furnish ��vhatever inach�_nes are necessary. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The Clerk recommended thaz the eTection inspectors oe paid �lO.Od each and the clerks be paid $12.00 each, the same amount as the 1g55 City electior_. Tie presented a list of Zaoriters for the f.iue polling places proposed. Commissloner Bohannon moved that the list of eleetioii officials for the December 18th electior_ as submitted by the �lerk be appr�ved, that the salary of �10.00 for election officials and $12,00 ior each clerlc be paid, and that additional election ofiicials be secured 'qy ths Ci�y �ler•k at the same sa�ary and be appointed by the Mayor as provided by the Charter. Motion tvas seconded by Commissioner �oberts and carried unanimously. The �lcting City Manager reported that the First Church of Christ, Scientist, had requested the use of the Nunicipal Auditorium for a lecture az 3:00 P.M. on February lOth, 1057, and had asked that the building be open from 12:30 ta 5:00 P.M. Commissioner Roberts moved that the Christian Science Church be permi�ted to use the Municipal Auditorium for a lecture on February lOth at a rental cost of �100.00 for this particular case only uhtil such time as the rules and regulations are establisl:ed for th� use of the Auditorium. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The Mayor requested that the second reading of Ordinance 724, regulating junk yards, be deferred ta the next meeting. The City Attorney reported that he had secur.ed an executed agreement from the Peninsular Telephone Company concerning restrictions on its property (I�ot 3 less the north 25 feet, Lots 4 and 5, Block B, ResLtb of Lots lo' and 17 and t�dest Z of Lots 5 and 6, Padgetts Estate) which he had described at the November 19th meetino and it is noia ready for filing. The property is being glaced on the �o�iing referendum for change to Business zoning but will be subject to the restrictians in this agreemsnt. The City Atiorney read on third reading Ordinance 726 amending Ordinance 627, the Zoning Ordinance, and the Zoning Map of the City. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 726 be passed on third and final reading and adapted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. Commissloner Roberts commented on a reporv he had made Lo the City L�'fanager regarding improvements needed in the fire stations for better living conditions. He said the bed:s and mattresses ivere old, that there was only one set of 13nens far each bed and that the dormitory on the second floor of the mairi fire s�ation contairied no heat and the room where they eat their meals on the seeond floar has no heat. He stated the stove and x�efrigerator are bo�th antiquated. He recommended thaf, heating equipment be installed on the second floor, that bezter beds and more adequate linens be purchased, and some lokng:Lng facilities where the men can study or read at night be included al.ong with better facilit3es for cooking their meals and another refriger- ator. The Mayor recommended �hat an opportunity for competitive badding be given. The Manager s�ated that there was no money in the operating budget £or this equipment. Commissioner Roberts moved that these repairs or facilities contained in the report of the Purchasing Agent to the City Manage� for the improvemen� of the conditions in the Fire Departrr�ent be approved subject to bids being received and the cost being held to the rriinimum for satisfactiory equipment not to exceed $2,500.OU and �hat the nece�sary funds be appropriated for this purpose. NIotion tivas seconded by Gommi�sioner Bohannon and carried urianimously. -2- CITY COMB2ISSIQN NE�.`TING November 26, 1g56 The City Attorney reportec� that he has been attEmptin� to c].ear the title to tlle piece of City-owned property which the Commission has indicated intention to deed to the State Road Department as a lacation for a district office. He read a letter to Mr. Eillie B. Bush, Tampa attorney, which explained that on May 25, 1927, Mrs. Picicett T. Gilmore, joined by her husband, Paul Gilmore, deeded to the City a tract of land of approximately 1.06 acres with the restriction that it was deeded to the City for park purposes only. He stated in the letter that the property located on the north side nf Gulf to Bay Boulevard at the west end of Caurtney Campbel? Causeway ivas not suitaole for use as a parlt because of` �.ts sma11 size and its proximity to the Causeway. The records indicate that Mrs. Gilmore's heirs were Mrs. Velma Capehart, Ntrs. Ivon S. Sellers (noi,r Mrs. John Sellers) and Mr. Franlc Howell. The City Attorney reported he had received a quit claim deed f'rom Ms�s. John Sellers to the property with a statement for �25.00 for Mrs. Sellers and $25.00 for her attorney, Mr. Bush, He said he had also received a quit claim deed from Mrs. V�lma Capehait but has not received one from Mr. Fraril: Howell yet. He recommended that the $50.00 be appro- priated for this purpose, Commissioner Strang moved that �25.00 be appropriated for Mrs. John Sellers in return for the quit claim deed to certain property owned by the City at the west end of Courtney Campbell Causeway and also that �25.00 b� paid �o ner attorney, Mr. Billie B. Bush, for his services. Motion was seconded by Cormnissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The Ci-Ey Attorney stated that the request from Mr, Myron Koch to permit the Ghurch of the Nazarene to erect a cnurch building on Bl:ock B, Druid Groves Subdi;risian, It was his recommer_dation since this was an R-1 zone that Mr. Koch be requested to malce application to the Zoning Board under the hardsnip provisions of the Zoning O�dinance and that the matter then be advertised for a Public Iiearing. By consent, the City Att�rney was instructed to inform Mr. Koch as to the procedure to be followed. Commiss3oner Strang reported that the City Commission had a joint meeting Nrith the Planning Baard on November 21st with Mr. A1 Rogero, State Road Board member, present. He said Mr. Rogero had reported that tne bridge for the tivest end of Memorial Gauseti+ray would be included in the State Road Department budget for 'S7-�58 and would Ue approved for construetiu�i some time after Tuly, 1957, but regarding a new brid;e at the east en� of the Cau�eway the Road Board is hesitant to do anything because it feeis a traffic survey of this area is needed ta know how to handle tne eastibound traffic from the Causeway. Mr. Rogero suggested it might be possible to extend Drew Street toward the Caus�way and construct a bascule bridge for westbound traffic on the Causeway and use the present east drawbrid�e for eastbound traffic. Mr. �l Rogero explained that the State will join the County and the municipali- ties in this area in having a traffic survey made by the State paying 50�, the Gounty 25o and the municipalities to split up the remaining 25�. Commissioner Strang. reeommended that a meeting be called o.. the Mayors and Commissioners of Lar�o, Dunedin, Cleartaater, Belleair and Safety Harbor ta reach an agreement on sponsoring the survey and then try to get other munici�alities in the Coanty to partic3pate as it was es�imated that the total cost for this area would be $30,000.00 and for the whole Cnunty would be $50,000.00, Mr. Rogero suggested that the cities request Mr. L. Hester, County Engineer, to initiate the request to the State Road Department, Commissioner Strang moved that the Manager be authorized to set up a meeting with these other communi�ies as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by Commiss�oner Insco and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang reported that a simplified plan had been developed for the cloverleaF traffic pa�tern planned for the intersection of Route 19 and Gulf to Bay Boulevard which would take only 12 or 13 a�res of right of way and would cut down the cost af acquiring the property for the right of way. He said Mr. Rogero had offered to have the appr.aisal of the needed property made by the State Road Department appraisers which would save approximately $3,000.00. Mr. Arthur Kruse, Planning Board Chairman, spoke on changing the setbacics on streets tahich will eventually be tvidened under the MR-1 plan. By consent, the City �ttorney was requested to find out if there was any way to change setbacics in the City exeept through a zoning referendum. Mr. 4fm. L. Ballinger, sidewalk artisL, asked permission to make pietures or sketch�s for sale operating from public property on the south side of the SeaOrama. I� vlas the City Attorne�'s opinion that the City could not rent out any part of a sidevralk or drive i'or any purpose. The Manager reported receiving a memo from Mr. Al Vaseon:;., archztect, that he tvas rea�y to proceed with the bandshel]_ but that bet'ore the i�ids are let that test borin�s of the ground are needed and it vrill be necessary to move the overf3.11 at a cost of .``p800.00. The Engineer stated grass should be planted on the terraces on the side oi the hi11 to hold the fill. Commissioner Strang moved that $800.00 be appropriated to take the borings and mo�ring the fill for the bandshell from tYie Eserow Fund and that the Engineer be authorized to ask for b�?ds as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimousl;�. -3- CTTY CONIl'!LCSSION :�'�ETING riovember 26, 1956 The City Manager reported that in the pr�cess of consLruction, �he new dig�ster tank had caved 3n at the Marshall Street Plant. He stated that the con�ractor�, E. I. Rutledge, w�.s under performance bond which guaranteed completion in aecordance Hrith the contract and there would be no loss to the City. Commissioner Strang moved that the Commission request a complete report f,:om the �onsulting Engineer as to the cause of ihe collapse and that ali payments be held up �.zntil the report is ree�ived and action taken thereon including a report as to vrhether the su,pervision of Briley Wild's en�i.nePr was adequate. Motion was seconcled by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimouslf. Commiss3oner Insco inquired v�hat progress s�as be�ng made on the plans for �he new fire station on Drew Street and TrJeber which ha,d been presented by the architect, Mr. Horace Hamlin, for approval. Commiss3oner Strang stated that tney had been referred to the F�re Department anci the Engineering Department for comment and the recommendatio�s i•�ere notiv ready for the Commission to discuss tvith the Architect. By consent, the City Manager was directed �o set up a meeiing c�i the Commission with the Arthitect. Mr. Thomas Hamilton requested that the oak trees in the parkway in fr�nt of the property of Mr. Dimmitt's on Pine Street not be cut down to permit removal �f tne residence from the property. By conssnt, the request was referred to the City Manager. Commissioner Strang requested that the Commissi.nners be furnished capies of a recap of the street pavin� program to date. There being no further business to come before th� l;ommission, the meeting v7as adjo�zrned at 3:45 P.M. Attest: F� City � i or an�C er L�." `L.��/.+ � . — . . .- � r �.. s CITY COMh1ISSI0N MEETYNG I�ovember 26, 1956 November 23, 1956 Mayor Corr�nissioner Herbert M. BroFm Commissioners W. E. Strang, Jr. i�. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Gen tl em en : s�`.;�-;�' � The City Comvission will meet in Special Session an Moiiday afternoon, l�ovember 26, 195b, in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of discussing the items listed on the attached agenda. i�feeting time will be at 1:30 1'.M. Yours very truly, /s/ John L. Sullivan JLS:s Caty Manager Enclosures Agenda - City Commission MeeLing of Novembex 26, 1956 Cit y Hall �luditorium 1:30 P.P�i. 1. Invocation. 2. Commission's condideratii on of : A. �ppointment of, and set compensation of Election �oards and appro�e polling places and numUer of machir� s. B. Request of �hristiian Science Church with reference to use Qf i�Iunicipal �uditorium. C. Ordinance 721�., regulating junk yards, second reading. D. Oralinance ,�72b, �uiending the zoning act andr�p, final reading. E. Improvements for the Fire Depart�rznt . 3. Any itme not on the agenda will be considered �Iwith tkie consent af the Commission. A�journm�nt. � �', '�'� .- � y-. . .: .�` � u,.. Ui��z�Artc� �o. ?z6 AN �7HDIIvAI�CE� �1irE3dDTi�G� OR333NA2�CE� �NO. �627�, AS A..i;T;DED, 'i'F� ��T7C ZONINC� O7tDiN�t�CL, �,ND A32I;�7D�f�G iI�IE 7ATcTh�G NiAF' OP 1953 OF fiHE CITY pF Ci,�i�R- <+1�7'E�iy FLt)F�IDA, BY TBICREASIiyG 'YH� FiEI�UI�tET7 �tftEA �1Fi l�fITCIi COn�i:RU�TIJh1 GAt3 B� i�t�TIL 7I� AP. R�2 AR.L;Q 'i0 3500 S�U�REF��ETt BX R.�CLxS�TFYI?�G ::h� Z02vIYuG CLR.`1AIN PnnFi:'Ft`1'Y AS D�uCRIBET7 iS�ii�N, $Y IIdCLUT3I2iG T2DRi:; SF'LGIFIG Ttis;C�U�r�E:i`.:,'tri S F'OI{ 'i HE Cf3P�a7'RUGII�N ftIv1} LQC.�iT�Jt1 0�' 1�U`t'J170F3iLE "i`R,AIL�R �,'Ai�iPS: PItI„if;f(IBTtti^r Ci?i'i'AIP3 BUII,TJIR�' FIiQ7}il' SF.,`1'}3,!�CK LINuS �N CER`�ATP. ��tOI'ERTY �S UF,SGRzBrD HLRFIh; c�RflVtDTPi� F'OFt k�FEE;L OF" c?RDIPtA��CvS IN COI�FLICY: �Ii:ItE`�h�T�H; f'ItO�TIDII.C� �OR SEP�Rfi�SILI�'Y {7F `l'HE PFiOVISIfJN�s HEft��F• �hCVI17ING �.Gl�AL'1ILS I'OR 1."EI� JIOLATTON OF 'lI-I"i `1'�R1�;S OF` 3.'Hz5 C3AI?II��I<GE, � G1V� kI'tOVIi�Ii�G FOR ik R�FEF��td�?t UI��I PRIOR 2'0 mHE �T`�'�� 1 ZV� D�'PE �JF �'IiIS �F�TlINt� i4G � .� �� I`'i OIii1ATi:�i1 HY 'i'HL CTiY C�it£..ISSI(?N UF TI� �I`i'Y �' C�,� Ii��.�;`i'IsF{, F'LOR17}As Sec�ion l. Seciion VI {9) of Ordinance Fi27, �s amended, the City �oning Act, which is an exception or res�riction on the use of pro�riy eriiri�n thE �ity limits as the location for anaztor�obile trailer camp or park, is a�;ended to read as follows: (9) Automobile trailer ca�np� or parks are prc�hibited, except v�here a special peruiit has been procured �rom �he Gity Comraission, follo�,�.np a consider�tion and reaor,lmend3.�t�.i�n�'e��.�h�e� favorable or unfavorable, t�y �he City 7oning 13oard, Tn consicier�.�g wliether said special permit s:�all b2 issued, the Ci�y Cr�uunission shall take into consideration whether the proposed: design, location �nd sanitary iacilities of said camp or park are adequate to protect t;ie health, saiety and welfare of the proposed users taereo£ and oi the citzzens of �he City of ClearwaG�rd �dhare tlie proposad c�rap ox gark is located par�iall.y �+�ithin the limits oi Lhe City �.nd partiall,y onL-side i,he City limiCa, the Git� shall. also consider wheLher tr�e portion o� said camp or par� within Lhe limits of said City will co�tply :aith rec�uiremer,�s a�d regulations of the Cpunty of Pinellas as applicable to that portion of said c�ap or park which lies autside the City lirnits. �ection 2, SECLion XI (5) o? Ord_.nance 627 as a:ner.ded; the Git� Zoning t�rdinance, is a��na�a ti� read as f�ll.oias: (5} Ivo lot or ;p�ot having an area of less than �hirty-five hundred (35G0) square feet shall hereafter be used for building in an R-2 ar�, nei�i�er s�all ar_y huilding other chan accessory buildin� be e�scted �hereon having a� ound floor enclosed area of less than seven hundrer3 az:�.i �i£i:y (75tii square ieet exclusive Qf porct�es 2nd breezewags: Section 3a 'i'he it,'tlo�rin� �escribet� �roperty is h�reby classif�ed and zoned as herein�.iter ir.dicaGed and �tie zoning m� of 1953 oi tl�e City of C]Qar- water, Florida, as a*aended is amended to indica:�e that fact a.id �hz change in_ building setback lznes as I�reinafter set outc (A) 'LoneB as (B� Business: �,oi;s 1, 2, 10, ll arnl I2, f3lock L „ l, 2, 3, 1� ar.d 10, Block J '= 12 ar.d 1�, B1oek �i " �, 9, 17 and 1$s �Ioak D All in Hibiscns uardens 5ubdivisi�n, 'rTat �oo� lti., Fa�=,e 5$, Pine:llas Geunty Records, i�) Zoned as R-�. - �iuli;iple d��ellir_�s, hotel.s, ;�otels, aFar��n�r�G houses, �ec�ical clinic: Lois 3, 4, 5, 6: 7, and �, Block �i n l� 2� 3� 1i.� �J b� 7, 2n:3 F3, ,`31oCk F All of Blo;:k K Lots r�, b, '7, $ and 9, �1ock J Lots �, 1�, an3 5, Block 0 All in Hibiseus Gardens 5ubdivision, �'lat 13ook ll�, Pa�p 5$, Finellas Gount}* R�aords. ;C) �oned as (P} - Public Ilistrict Parks: �il-,at certain �ract owned bg the Cit3� of Clearv�at�r, bour.ded on the �rvTest; �y F`t. Harrisor� �venue, on the Soexth bg Calumet: Street and on ilae x�ortn and East by the thread of Stevensori's Creek, all in � he City of G:te•�rv�ater, Florida. (D) �oned as (B) Business: Lots l to b inclusive, Elocic 5 n 4, 5, and �, Block 2 Pinecrest Subdivision, Plat Book l, pa�e 66, Finellas Ccunty Records. (�) �oned as (B} _ 3usiness: 'Iha� certain trac� bounded on the East by �he Genter line of l�Iissouri Avenae � on t he ldest by a line 32� feet iTest of �;ne line of iiisso uri kvenue : oa the Itiorth by a line 177 feet I�ort'h of �he center line of '`iurner S�reet, and on the South by a line 162 feet �outh Q�' t}ae center line of Turner Streei;, all in L-he CiLy of �learwater, Flor�da. Cont inued i � �"��,� ,� �� r . . , � ; i.. . .,. ,( ;� t it ; i � tl ��.-��, tl � 4�•.z3 ��F,: � � �' , � � �„ r -2- Zoned as �,,..R-4j - i�tul�iple Dwellin�s, HoCels, i�",otels, �parbmenC Hous�s, A.ediaal Clir�ic: Lots $ and 9, and the East 62 �ee� o� Lot 10, 131ock 3e t� 1, 2 and 3 and tl�e East 5q feet of Lots !� and 5, Bl.ock 4. �1� in %�°a�lace�s �ddition to the C�.�:y of Clea�water, Plat �iook 3, ra�e E�, �:Lillsk�prau;h Cqunty iiecords. Zoned as ( B)-�3us ine ss : Zots l, 4:, §, $, 9, 3Z and 13 �n �1. H. Uuzcan's Subdivis�.on of the �lare E. �lmzcan �ubdivision of the East 1�2 of �he hL 1/� of �the S��l 1/�. �f Sec. '22, T. 295, Ti. 15 �. �G-2) lheres�ali. be a 10 f't, bu�ld�ng setback liiiQ �ro:n the lot lire f�cing �lissouri �lvenue for Llae �ot s describ�d in sub��aragraph G-�. abovo, and this fact shall be inciicat�d on the Gi�y zoning i61ap. (H) G�ned as j�s} .. I3usiness: ihe South k�a1f oi Lot 3 and all of Zo�s �. an� 5 of Block B of a su� division of Lats 16 and 1q and the Last ha1.f of lots 5 and 6 oi Padgetts Estates Subdie�sion, accarciir� tio P1at Book b, Pa�e 59, Yin�l].as Gcu� y�ecards a (r) • �onsd as R-2 - Duplex �esiel�nce BisC�:�ict: The Z�Iorbh 356 i'eet of Lot '� accordi�g to a replat of I��kewood, Flat Book ?0, Page l�l, F�ne3las Countp Recor�s. (J-1) �,oned as {R-a.) - PQultiple pwellings, Hotels, �2o�els, �partment Hauses, i�ietti cal CZinia : 'Lots 5$ to 71 inc_lasxve " 105 to i2D inclusive Ll,o;�-t�lzit�-Skinner Subdivision, Flat B�ok 13, �age 12, Pinel�.as �ounty Recc�rds. (J-2) `ii�ere shall be a 2Q ft. buildin� setback line fxom the lo� Iine facing Coronado Driva for lr�ts 105 to 120 inr,Iusive, LZoyd-YJhzte Skinr�er Subdivision ar�3 this faci: shall be ind3aaL-ed on the �ity Zoning hlap, (K) `Loned as (R--1�} - Idultiple Hwellings, Hotels, i�totels, Apartment Hnuses, il�dical GZini.c: �ots $ to 11� inclusive, �1ock 4 tt 1 fi� 14. inc lusive, Block B F�iaview Addition, Plat Book 5, Pa�e $Z. Seetion 1�. Tha City Auditor and Clerk arxl �Y� City En;inser are hereby a�thorized and di,rected Lo indicate the �mendu,ents herein made upi�n the G�ning �'�p a�' i�53 of the C�.ty a� C].earvra�er, Florida, and said map, as heretaiora amended ascl as araended hereby, is her�by re-adopted and a��pxoved as so amended und the Zoning ordinance oi the �ity of Clearwater an;� said �onzng map as amen�ed hesein shall be enfarced �rotn $r.d after the effect�vs da�e oi this ardinance 5ectian 5: All ordinances or �.•L-s �f or�inanees i.n canilict herewith are to tha extent of such ConfliCt hereby repealed. Sectzan 6. Should any par� or provision of L-his ordinance be declared by the court Go �e invalicl., the sane �all not affec� t2�e validitJ of the oriiara:nce as a wholef or a� ypart thsreai` othsr th�� une par� decZared to be ir,valid. 5e�ti�n 7. ;�ny pers�n ar� �rs�ns, ii.x�n car aorporation or association of persons, who �ha11 vio].ate or fail to comply v�iih �y Qf t�,he �erms or Tr�- visions �f �tliis i�rciinar�e sha11., upo� conuicti�n in �he i�iunicipal Court, be fined not exceeding t't� sua: of Twa Hundred (��OQ, 00 ) dollars; ar imprisoned in th e �ity Jail for n�i exceeding si�ctg (6Q7 days, or� bq bath such �ine and ianpr�sonment in the discre�ion oi t2� �,��icxpal Judge. Each day that a violation is pernitted to exist sk�all constiLube a separate oifense. Section $. `i}sis ordi;nance shall take effect fzom a�td afcer ita passage and its apgraval by a majnritv qf the qualified voters of the City Of �1.earwater who �re free holders �viLhi.n said Gi�y vo'Ging �t a speciaZ munici�aZ electzon ta be held in conjunct;ion wiLh the regu�.ar munici�l nlection o� De�ei�ber:^1$, 1Q56. f'ASSED �?A7 F`IRST F�AUII�G idovember 19. 195b PftSSED ON B�Olv'D READII�G ATovember 19, 19"�6 I-A�SED t�N 2`H7RD AhJ"-' F`II�AL RE;kD"tt.� Ai�I3 AD�JPi�D November 26. 1956 Att e st : %s� R. G. Whi,tehead Ciiy �uditar and Clark /s% Herbert M. Hrown l�fay o r-C ommz ss i p�2e i-