10/22/1956 '~~f;'Y:Jis;~t;.'t';}~',. . ,;,.,::t~,J<2Ii;~~;,,~,'~,. , _, .. ~., , J. <> ..', .... . ....~:.^._.,~;,L...;;;:.c"",,i;~0bill;;;,~~~&~~i_~j;;~?:~j~~~~. 'i>~,~ '.~ i", ';. i :.;..,. " .; . '" ,- ..>, ~ .-.'. ..-..::-...- .:: , ~~;) ~~.:," r ( :::... ,,~~ ~... .' CITY CO~rrSSION MEETING October 22, 1956 The City Corrunls slon of the Ci ty of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, r'10nday, October 22, 1956, at 1:30 P.~'I. \'11th the fol1ovlinc members present: ........--.~;;lZI"'~\ Herbort M. Brown ~v. E. Strllnc;, .Jr. ClevcJ.D.!1d In3co, Jr. Samuc1 J. TIobcrtr.; r'layor-Comml ssioner Commissioner Cornllli s :::;1oner Co nun:!. s s ion e I' J\bsent: .J. 1\1. BO}lcll111(>J\ Comm:t fJ 8J onoI' 1\1so presont were: John L. :3ull:L van Ben J\rontzm;l.1\ G. 'I'. rlcClanUll,'1. S. Licl'~t()l\ 11. Om 10 C1 ty I'lanai.:.;er C:l.ty Attorney CILL ef' 01' Poll ce Ci ty En(.:;:l.neeI' Asst. to City Manacer The 11ayor cnlll)d th0 mcctil\).; to (-rdel". [,11". f\ub1"e:! Ort, Electri cal Department .Supcl'intendent) doser j lJell t.he propo::JCc1 1J011 t:i.nC f(~r Drew Street from Mi GsourJ. Avenue to CoaCllln~U1 Road ..1J tll an e:JtJmCl tc~d COf:;t of ;l;E373. 00, the Flori da Power Corporation bear:L nG the renFtl ndcr' of tile co Gt . Conm1issJoner Insco moved on the re cOllunenda tlon of tile EJ.ectr:L cal Departll1cnt and the C1 ty ManaGer that the cost of fp873. 00 be approved for tllc .L1Cilt f:ixtur'c:3 to be placed on Dre\tl Street. f/lot10n liJaS seconded bJf COmJilisolotlcI' Hcborts a..cJ carried 11l1nl1imousJ.y. Mr. Aubrey Ort outJ1ned tllO propo~ed white ~ay lichtinG system for Cleveland Street and Gulf to Duy Boulevard, explaiDinc the Florida Power did not participate in pro;jects where l.111clcP[;round cuble VlD.::; bc:l.nc used. He est:Lmated the cost of' the ':lorlc using City crc\'fS 0.8 follt)v,l:): Cleveland from Pierce Blvd. to Osceoln Cleveland from Osceola to Myrtle Cl eve land from ~Ilyrtle to Mi Sf:30urJ Cleveland from f.lissoLlri to Gulf to Bay and Gulf to Bay f'rom Clevelnnd to H:i.cllland Gulf' to Bay from IH:::;hJ.and to Hercules Gulf' to Bay 1'1"01;, lIc:rcu18s to Belcher GulI' to BllY from Belcher to Route 19 Intersection of Gulf to Bay and Route 19 Total :1;L~, 000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 16,000.00 23,000.00 8,500.00 16,500.00 2,950.00 ~)dd, 950 .00 Conunissioner Roberts comr,lented tl1n tit i'lould be necessary to have the wc,rlc done :In steps as the Commiss:lon had planned to use only $50,000.00 from the f',.md for improve- ments created by the special tvJO mill tax lev.y. The rftayor sug[;eoted that the project start at the intersection wIth Route 19 and run west as those areas have either no lighting or inadequa.te li~ht:tns. 1,1I'. Ort recommended that the \'10I'1-<: on Clevelarid f'rom Osceola to Pierce Boulevard be included. COIMlissioner Roberts moved that the Conunission use up to $50,000.00 from the Special Improvement Fund to complete the part of the street lichtlrlG plan from Osceola to P:i.erce Boulevard as one unit, and that the balance of the :;,50,000.00 be spent in compl etinG the unit at the intersectlon of Route 19 and Gulf' to Bay and as far as it Hill So west on Gulf to Bay from Route 19 vlhich should be nearly tc Highland Avenue. Illotion "las seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. A letter \'las read from the Clear\\later Nerchants Association asking the Conuniss10n to establish more off street parking facilit1es in the downtmm area. The Mayor sugGested it nlight be necessary to issue revenue certificates to provide the extra money necessary to procure the parkins areas with the receipts from the metered parlcing to payoff the ceI'tificates. COl1mussioner Insco moved that the Hayor appoint a Conunittee and on that Conunittee to bet the inf'ormation f'or the Commission Hould be appointed the City ManaGer and the Finance Officer, Mr. Abernathy. Motion was seconded by COllinlissioner StranG and carried unanimously. The Mayor appointed the City r.lanager and the Treasurer to serve on this Committee. The City Hanac;er reconunended the appropriation of $1,7'79.00 by Resolution 56-25 to cover salary f'or one add:L tional Ensineerinu; Aid and stated that one lmrnedia te project for the extra man would be the compiling of plans of utility extensions as they are actually beinG made. C0l1unissi0ner Strang moved that Resolution 56-25 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to siGn it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberto and carried unanimously. The r.lanager reported three bids had been recei ved for pressure reducine; valves to be used at talce o~f points for the City from the County water main. The bids were read as f'ollows: 1011 ;p(:A9.50 618.00 2011 ;p2LJ97 . 00 2378.00 Total ;p 31L~b. 50 3125.00 2996.00 Ross Valve Co., Troy, N.Y. Golden Anderson Valve, PittsburGh Crane COO) Tampa Commissioner StranG; moved that the bids be referred to the Manager and the Consulting Engineer for tabulation and report bacle at the next meeting. r.10tion \'las seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. ,un.. -:--,r. _ -_._ . -, ."~~". e':.l I, ~ ' ~ . .' ". . "..., : '..\ :. "".' .'\.. _ . ".' .....-'"..:.-.~~....'.l ; i ,:'. "';'-:,}J..,-j,.I:.:'.!{::, ;.:: 't...'.' ~ '...~,. '>."'':':~',,,..} ,,' ~'. ':";'~" :"}/ ~'l 1:'-. r', . ~. , -2- CITY CONf,lIS8IOn r,!T';[ri,rIHG October 22, 12)5C:; In rCiSi:UCl to the bj,c1r; OpCilCd at ::l prCV1ClIlfJ mcc.::t:tnc for br,,)om fibre and cutter broom \'l:Lre, the Hanat;er rccc'l;U;l(~jFJccl acceptill~: t~1C 1,'):'1 l)ld (.f' :ii7Hi .J.O fror:: A. ~~tc:lert e,; Son, llorl":i. Gto':ll1, Pcnnn;;,rl Vo.n:'La. COli1l.Jl i;;,~l()!icr' ;3tl"~~1l;~ !,lo\'(}/l on the r~ei')r;~l11elJ cl.n.1;:i, 0)) of tile Cit~1 r,ial1aL.;81' t;w..G A. ~)te:Lert ,':.: 3)\" 11:;1'1':1.[:'('('\11, Pennr.i:<1.-'iCti1,Ll., be <l\.mrcled the b:L d for' 'el', C :3lJ11 t i 1:1. C: Jj 1',',' L\r'o'~,'l.l f:1.IJ1"8 i'bC1, ,:: ll; l. ,,'1' l>l"(Y;');',::) 'l'C :~! 1 t: 1<J o.r:;crun t 0 f :;/i" 11:; ,10. I.le.. t:1oll ;J~l.i'; ::;c con,Jc(l 'iJ;'," COj',;,i:i:j ;;:1. ''I IC~J.' H,I)jf.;1:'t:.J :ulrl <::J.PP:'cd ll:vJ.nJmnLu;ly. ~...' The l,la~-oI' :u:rL"\'.dcecl ;L l'l\bl1e :1C:~\1'.' !1:. (l'l L~){: ,L'<.'CJ'~(::~\; "f.' l,Ir. J. j\. l"1I1Ll"..cl .cor a .1'(,111'" J.C'(J1; ucttnc': J'l'()j" tile :.>:i..do l')l; J~:,:I~.\ "i' :[:,11[; ;~~i, :IJI,r,e>. If, P~,1.'.[a,ju l':J,r:~. '}'llC City ;\tl~'\P;W:i l'c::u1 t~,IC: pL:Cnlc:Jt ::1.11(1 t;le~ ::Cllt.l:'i:.: n,';tj,'l';) l'('(;\.l.\l.ICn(l:t'c:L(>~l that the: r'cqucDt be ,. ;l'(ll : ~; (:(1 . ~il'. li'ul ~ :1',', cl ',ra~,1 l:n:,C.':; C'. : t . ~,'ll e [.;a:,'~) r' ,: 'q \ I i ],'cd ,; r t;: I ere Ie: 1" (: ::t, 1;/ (1) .'j e ct:i. on D :..ti:d llCl'C ',101'1) ,l,:"IIC. Cnr:L:i,:j:j:i.C,lC~I' Ij\:Jc:~J j,;' "(cd, I,j 't.;;](_, l'ec')li'l,;;Clluat:Ln,1 oJ: the] Z()n.inr~ ~3\1aJ:'d t;tlat t:1C~ l'CCl~,lC:)~~ vi' f.'ir. Ij'l,11:~l'o<.l r"l" a ,[',,'11:' .i:'l,:JL. 3ct':J:J.cl: J'rr)l'il t..lle lJ:\(JC l;)t~ lJ,lC :('nl' Ltc :.:..dd:it-},(",:d.' a P'-Jr'c)! 1),:: ,_:ron.!:l,()(l. I: t;~(I,1 ',Ia:; :Jol);,,,dcd h;:;" Coml:Il~jG:loncr B( 1)(;1'1.::3 :,-',ild cn.pl',:.I;') "');'.:1.i i.j"')i![;l~/. ,...~'?,l' (r:1C r:I:l~:':n' e:L1Jl:c1 ~l P\\I)UC :[L:aT'1:1,~ OJ: li10 l',~(~'l~;ji~ ul' n1'. D. 1L TIedno:1cl, C]cal".Jatcl' n::-\" i,!()1;(~l, f'.::J1'l c1:Lr..~..\;::"t:i~);l ();:' a tl:., ro,:l: r;t':tt~'.e~'~ i'l"')l~: north Fort ii;~ rp,L ~:;(1. 1 1\ '1~ n~ll:, \;: 1;:: i.t~'C:~ be:.i.: I,':'; pro C (.:ll!; :I,', :~( lJ l C' t1 H - j 'i . '.L'jJ (: C,~. t J 1\ t t orn c~' l"C nel tl1 e re(ll'C~J'~ ':!I1:i,cl1 (;X1'1:.t:L::od t;,lL1.t kl'. HC)lU,l(,nct .,I,:t:>:cd 'cl) :l.<ld :t [j,Jj L1UiJl:"; l)ool tc J1:Lu motel ,11,(,1 llocclcfl ;,tll ac.1cl:it:i,": e" Jc::(~ 1:(;1't:1 :::L~.;....: ,";f l~ll,: 1':')1;(2: t", l10~![';(~ tIle: j;ncI11ncr,\' 1'01' the ::~;'JJLu;L~,n,,; YJoJ. 'r:1C :~n,l:I,\<~ Bo::n'd I'C~C01:;;',lC\I';l('d til(~ r'(;c:il(;;.;t iJe (teillcd [1.f> the ten foot r;c:tbac': 1::; n~:~Q[;;J:1.r~' 1.'1':1" tr:i.fr~c j)P(/GC:()';~:,')li" .\:Ctc:l' :1~l\!j n:.; 118Jcl till:] Pub:1.ic HCl:Lril1J a:ld :IC:lll"c] 8uff':i.c:ici:l; '/a:L:Ld ''';J.:cctJ():l 1.'l'UI:l tite ;~i!ILl.JI~~ DOilrd, :In :i.ts rccoJnmenrJatj.oll tl1:c~t :~.t be <len:~e~J.,. CCJl:ll;!:i_cs:~.oncl' .3tr'l.tn~: riloved tile rCq1!'~!fjt of r,D.~. B. 1'1. RedJ:'iond" ClcLl.!'/78.ter J3a~: 1,,10\:'01 ~ 1'e\I' e1.i,l:::Ll11U,();'i of' <J. t8:1 foot ;:"ctbac',: fl'Ol:1 Horth Fort lIarrison :\ ven uc be dcni cd :in :J.C cnp(.lc~;.:cc ',11 ti 1 GI, Le ~'.'.lln:Ln;:,,: Board ree :Jr,:;:;c!lclat::i.c; 11. f.1oti on i.'ln. s GCC01KlccJ. li.:/ Comm:L :JGlor~cr Iili.;cci :lncl. e:lrr:l.cd l.li'i[Lll:i.mcl,l81y. """"1 1\ Publl c HC~U':J.ll:,; ',';:">":':; c:.t~1.1(:c1 nn tI1C rcq:)c:';'c of' Cile:,;r:.1..!t; '::: Lec for I'8zor~inc IJ,,)trJ C [;l,nd '(" RUG:J8:L:l,f..i :::\.l;xt; "1:1 ::;:~(;ll Un:iJc I" t" H-2 clupJ.ez: rcsJdcnce, tile pr0pert';'/ J)eln.::; 9re[lcntl;y :~()Lcd H-1. (L'l10 Cil:/ At'\::;<)rnO;~i rc;:,d tile PCC~'Je[; t and t11e ZonJn;.; B()(:trd' ~j recol:u:lC;tclat:L.:m ti'lai:; t;w I'r:~qUC[3t bc rcfc:rrceJ. V, :t :,:o11,Ln,": rcd,'(~l"(:nduJjl. l-Ir. J. r.:. Sl:eld:i..n;...: appen.rc::cl lor C~1o:::;(r,.\t .:'; Lee D.ll.J ["tatc:<.l t;la1; it had ])cej', .1,r,l}Jo::;s:Lble to SCC1,lre plnns for t.\1,0 pl"'")po;~c:d d;')1e:i: to p:pC:~jcnt J.\~ t,ile l::~e'c,in.:_; and requested thr:lt tile lllLlttcr ])0 dcrerI'~(1 to an0t~lCI' liloc:t:i fl,.: top t'nt l."C:.1.SOll. ;11". :;:::d':Iin Tietz, Oi'!2.1er of LI,')tfJ 9 and 10, of' t;iC S:J,r.lC 'ul,)c~~, :J)ca;;,:.il:_: [,)1' i1ir,:~Jcli' <:t;,d. oth(:1' neiGhbors;, EU31z:cd t:ia'c t;w r(:ou:ct be 6-<:: j,cel :,lG ::t lFJu.lc", lc;':er tile [Jl~cniept val',lCs and cxnlaincd tilat thesc t'..Jo 1. otG arr,) ti1C on1'" l,ndcvul,),')cc1I)l'c),)crt'l :1. 11 tl,o 'Ji (.c:~ <.l.ild that the , ~ v.... .... _ ~, oti'lCX'S all 11[1.I[C ::d.<;le fD.Ll:LJ~/ re::::::"clc,:eQ:~ C.'ll tiWLl. .'.ftcr llD:"r:\.ll:~ :'leJJ.l t;l:is Jlubli c HCD.rj,n~ and on the lJas';,c of the (1:i.saplJrcvt.'..J, of t:1C :"-;on1n;:,; J3c.:rtrcl o.nd the DbJections of the l"C::"ij,dents :i.n tili.'.t o,):,e:J,) CCiEu,1:l.f..JDJOJiCr' Hobert::; J::()\~cu. that the 8.1Jpl:i.cat:Lon i'or ." ~. ",'." .(.> L ...."" '-:- .-,..,' ,.. r' "0' :;lJ'" ~, bel'"' 'i p'i ,', u'}" t I 1)"" d' i e 1 fl t,. ,"1-' "'J'~" lCi'JO<l,Ll1G 0.1. Ol...J U ".,,0. {, n.U'Jul:..o.,} dU ,LJ._u..C!,l .1, ." ,'''' cn._ c. ' 1,)_ ,'Ct.,) seconded by ConU';l:LCij:LOnC1" Stran:,.; 2.i1d carr:i.ecl U!1~1jlil~101,lSl:/. The rIayor nnnouncccl :J. Public :Icad.n,...: Ol'l the l"CClucst of 1-:1....3. :F. Il. VEUentir.e, Cho..:Lrl1lClll eJf the Bu5.1d:LIIL:: Comr,~:i.ttcc, for t11c Y.!CJ\ to 113.VC a ten foot sctlJac:{ on B1ocl{ Y, Hlbiucus GardClO[; SnbcUvJ.sioJ";. lJ.'i~e City Attorney I'cad the request Il11ich s ta ted 'chat the pr01JCrt:r ls lJrCGC~ltly ullzoned. Tit\.: Zon:L1[; Boo.rd I U l"cconuncndatj.on i'TaS that the reques t be Granted. Ex'. Ro IJert Lovlf;;ol'l, f~rchi teet, l)r'C sen tcd a plot plan of' tIle proposed bUi1d:i,nL; fer tile Y:ICl\, '1':le HClYoI' inquired if there wer'e allY o bj ectlcns D.nd there ;'Icro none. ED. -.;ill:; iwId '..;h.i.:::; l)ubll c H(;~[l.r:i-l1C and ha vi ng heard no valid ou.:iect.lon, Cor;mlJs::doner Insco noved en the I'0C01:1J'"cndation 01' tlle ZoninL; Board that the request of rh":J. 'if. If. Val<::ntine for 'chc Y:ICl\ for Q. tCi1 1'00 t setbacl{ on Bloc]\: Y, Hib.Lncus G:::trctens Subdi\!ision, be Granted. Iolotic.l1 l'm3 seconded by COl1'unissloner Stro.n[; and carried 1.ln1.tl1ililously. 1\ Public HearinG :'10..::': announced (In t11e request of tiil'. 'l111GI,1aS Ham:i.l ton and others for l"ezo':-lint=; of' Lut s 8 ~ 9 and east 02 i'cct 01' Lot 10 J BlocL 3; 2nd Lots 1" 2 ~ 3 and east 50 feet of Lots hand :;, BIG cl-:: L~, ;'/allace Add:L tion, tG R-1.~ zonin6" the property beinG presently zcned Business. The City Attorney relld the request in the form of' a petition s.i.;:;ned by five pl"'l!pCl"t:/ O\Tllers. (,PiLe ZoninG BOClrd recommended tha t the request should be referred to a zon:LllS ref'8rc::ndum. rdr. Hamil ton explained tha t there V-lCl"e re::;iclenccr:; Oll o.lJ. oi' tIle l)roport;y c1eDcribcrJ. H:;'. l'/m. Goza, representinG 111". Larry Dimy.litt, 0\1118r' of' ti10 cast hal.f or Lot:::; u and 9 :in Blocl( 3~ complained that thin i'Ias nut 0. ho.rdsl1ip case and tlla t the CltJ Comr.li ss.lon did not have ],JOVier to rezone arC3.G. (1'l1e C1Jcy Atte.rney concurred i'li t:l Hr. Goza t s opinion. Nr. Hamilton requested tl1i.::.t the matJcer be put on a zoninG re.fcl'endlun. COrTh-:llss:10ner strang moved that t118 Conunission deni tIle application and rci'el~ tll::"s l:1atter to the City !'1anager and the City 1\ttorney to ])(:: included D.m,m[:; the items to be S'uDlnitted at the Public Hearing on the Zonin~j Ordinance. r.1otion "'m.s seconded 1JY Conunisslcner Roberts and carried ui'lanilllO,).uly. Nr. D. A. Salls addressed tlw ConuniS::.::i.O;1 rcquost,:.nG an adjustment on the asuessment of ~~3-, 385.59 i'or t~le north 120 fcet of' aCl~erJ.ce be O,'lnS on tne south side of' Druid Road on the basi3 that the land i'J:l,tl1 the exeepti'Jn of the portion his house is located on l'laG beJ.n::.:; used f'oI' pasture land. In reply tc a question" he stated that he did net object at the Public Hcarine on the proposed sewer. The Ci t::l Attorney pointed out that althouGh the Se\'IOr i'laS not be:i.ng u3ed at tll.e pl'esent time, the property would be benefited as it could be developed into a subdlv~s~on at any time. Gonunissioner Strang moved that r'll'. Salls' request for adjustlnent on his assessment be denied" it appearing that he made no objection at either or the Public Hearings at the time the project i'laS appl~oved or at the time that the assess- ment '.'[as levied and that the property had been benef:L ted. Notion ,';as seconded b;; Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. ,- ..,.---.. -, , .... ,,:~:~'\,::~,~,~":~~"'{?::'~'~.;lr J.~t?~~~t?;.., t' '" ,,', :.\ ~:.. ,- , ' I , , . . '" , :, t, I " 'o~.I, ':~~:1~~:.rji~j.~":",,_,~~~;;C.~.__'-"~"i:d'!~'i';' f""C;';~:';{;"~i~'.G;ii'ic""",,,,,~,,>","",,,",;~:,~~[~~i~;;;;~::;:':i";~;:;";~~i~ ~', '.' ;:.. ,~.. --' _/ (--:~y"" /' , v' ,." , )./, ": " ...._.~-(,....... ....J" ., - .)- CITY COr~TISSION ~mETING Octubcr 22, 1956 In connection \1J. th a propo~)ed Rc solut:Lon conCCl'i.lill[; tilC r,laG ter Roadv.JaY Plan 11 NR-11I by the Plannlllg BOllrd, Nr. Arthur Kl"'usc, ChaIrman of tile PlanninLj Board, ai3\.;:cd that it be ueferrcd t','IO \'1C(~'(:J. Hr. Krtwe au[;;.:;cutcd that 11e 1'1Ould like to dJ.nCl.trJ8 \'lith the ZonlnL~ Board in:p1ement.:Ln[; certcdn feature:.; of riIR-l in the 20nJ.n[; l'oferundurn Duell :.1.:3 GetbacJw, etc. COllun:LosJOl1cr InGco offcrcd to appear at thc next ZonillG Buarll meetinc \'/i til Mr. Kruse and a l'lcpre uenta t:1. va i'poln the L~iSUl DeptH'" tlllent to tl.L:,:jC \l[:J:J t i 11:J ','/i t1'1 t.he Zon.l.ni:': Bc,;n"u. By COI1:JCllt, the Conuni;j s:i.on accepted Gila offcl'. III r'c~~{ll'd to the peque8t t)f Ill2,:I'Ulll O:i.l COJ.lpallY, hkm Gull.' 1..0 13 lY Doulevard, 1'01" Ll.lld.l tlun tu G1Cn, tlw C:Lty f\ttorncJ' l"ead tile ~c'll.i.n;; BIX.lrdl :.; l'CeliJillilClldatJ.011 that tlw l'equc:.;t be dcm:i.cd au the Board 11ad already apl)l"()'/Uu 1;\/(, :J:iCn:3 of tl1at nature at t;l1:J.~ IIJeu.t.l 1m. /\ftcl:' d:i.scUuG.lon, CC,lill,Li,G:3iollC1" 0tl"~llr~ lilC,vcd that'. the I'equeGt be rcl'm'l'lJlL \"0 tile C:L l;y I...tt()l'lh~~' .cor i'ul'Uwr :Lwef,;U,;..:at,i,('ll. j:k;t:i.( Jll \la:J Gc:conlled by Comlili :';8J.,)1101' In:.icu and l..;al'1."1cd L11 lellLLll[(,'! ul~' . 'I'lw City i\tt')n.c,l.~ l:'(;~J()l'l-L:d t~lat lll'. n. .1,. nal\,CI' ilad ;/:i.l;11Cll'a',';'l [lID request r'.'or tiw rC;~()ldlli.; ,,1' 'l'ra..~t:.J :\ ;L!'ld 13, ~'f:y)dl::erc lW1Jlat. ',rile' r'uqLlest oJ.' HI'. :!. If. L:1n,;e 1'01" l'U2Ullin.' 01' Lot:.; 1 and L~, EI].,;c;i. J, ll.i.\)J.uC1:~U Garti~llU :,lcllicti.'l:i.:Li.,),I, '.n,~~ (tl:;<:l~~):~Cc.t a!ld L:le Clt~! ;\tt(Jrr10,J' :l:Hl.i.cateu that; L! lC r'~t~Ll,~;j ~ j1: ~u. I;Ct~J: 'uci.'ul'(.: ~~l(j C,':l,u"l we :;,(;!l ~Jl'll'/~~()uL51;; :J.nu l1:'1.d beell 11 ::.:ted 1'1'1 th :1 tems for a zOllL1:"; l'ci'uPCl!l.hc;(l at Ul:1 0 t,i,i.le. 1-\ rcqll8D"'v 11'1i..1..:~ l~l;,'..d fJ:'()Ll I.Ir1u. j~.LC;lr~;.)r. L. SLL1.111.: a~3;,:j.11~ f~.11 .G11(~ 11CZ011111L:; 01' Lc,t 'T, BlocL l~, Sj~~:el'c[jt 'l\:I'l"lce [\, 'd.i,t.;,.ll ,/1" to aeCOlili.~()datc all u.clclitlc)n to c.n exj_stinG houlJC. 'rile Cj. t,y J\tl~ornl~Y LJOidtcd out t11:,tt t1le r(~qLlC:..;t did l'!C.I t lndlcCt tc exactly \lhat 'llsa[:;c Dl1e ;[:i. ~;l1ed t<.' Id,.t1 ((: u1' ti1e ppopcrty, \'/i1Gthcl' for duplex (II' multiple uni ts. 'rhc Zon.Ln;; Board l'c.:CULJ.i',:md(~d tila'G the rcque3t be r:)1'C:JI'X'cd to l'cfcrcnduli1. The.ci ty Attol'ney's opinion \1<.1.;J that ::,;1ncc tilC 1>utiU,un cov8J:'od onl;y one IDt it i'/<J.S a propcr subject f()l'l a 11<.l.rd:JiLi.l~' ea:Je :Lf lilore :Lnfurmat:Lun co'.tJ.C\ be secured. By consent, the City Nana[.;0l'" i'/aS d~i rcctod 1.;U :.Jccurc mope exact Infl.:rli\:lt:i,un from the n.pp1icant, ret1).r'tl ti 18 ma t tel'" to the ZOl'll11L; :GoLlrd and GC!lod,),lc a Publ:i.c HearinG latcr if neccsfJary. The Ci ty Attorn0~r l"C:-l.<.l l\(!;.;olutlc,(t 50 -26 :.'.8:.:;e :.:;811'10 the co st of tilc san:i. tary sewer on the north GJc1c u.C Guli'c<' Ba::l D(....ulc'-fi:tl'U from N:i.mbu8 Avenue easterly to Lot 5) Blocl~ A, GUllil'S Ad<..lJ'cior;., o.L;;aiJJDl; tile bcnefited pl'lopert1es. COlluni8s:ioner Str.unt; moved that Her301utlun 5G-26 be pusfJed ~tnd aduptec.l and the proper officJals be authorized to siGn it and that the aSGcssnlcnt be spread. r,IotiJl1 1.'I;]'S seconded by Conui1iss10ner Robert3 and carrled unan:Ll1louGl~'. r~rhe r'Iana;;er reporteci. d1~tt he had a ',lire from Hr. 'A. Spra;;ins, Fiscn.l Agent) reconu',1cndint; ':.Jec\.nesdc:ty, November 23th" as the cbl;e for tile salo ()f the 4i2, 000,000.00 issue of revenue ccrtificutes. The Manager sU~Gcsted that an alternn.te bid could be asked on $1,000,000.00 \'Jortl1. of eerU.fica to s to cuver :Lnulled:.La te needs such as the r'larsl1all Street :JCHel' plaut adcli ti(,l1 llnd tile Cle3.r-,'m ter BeiJ.ch sei'ler plant if the bid on t~1e full anwun'C '.Jas tea i11[;h, The r.jun:J.Gcr po1nted out that the storm se';1or project on Drc\J Street r-Jl1ould also be started. COrilYnis3ioner Roberts moved that the Conunission offer 1'01" sale reVClllle ccrt:.Lficates in tile amc)unt of one million dollars but at the GalliC tJlilC uff'er 0.8 an a1 tcrna te to sell b/o million dollars in revenue cortin.ca'ces on Novembcr 28th and that the bids for the eOl1struct:Lon of the r,Iarshall Street plan'c be ac1vcrcised for December lOth. Hot:Lon VIas seconded by Conunis 0:l.on81" Stl'Ctl1L: and co.rr'ied unanimously. The City Attorney stated thut l1e had received a letter from r,ll'. Harold Briley requesting that the Briley, Wild firm be authorJ.zed to prepare plans on the new Clearwater Beach 3e\'/er plant under the conditi.on tllat the Cit~r Hould not be responsible for payment unless t~lC ccrtifJ.(~a'cos \':ere suld and the .\'Iorlc author:l.zed to proceed. COl1ull:i.sDioner StranG moved that Briley, 'o'1ild be n.uthorized to dra\'i the plans for the Clear\later Beach treatment pln.nt on the conditional basis that if the City builds it, they ',lill be pai (l for it under the contract for that type of \'lOrJ-::. Notion \'/3.S seconded by Conuniss:Lol1cr Roberts and carricd unanimously. Nr. Robert A. Freeze, attorney, 0;'1 behalf of r,1r. J. VI. BecJcer" asked if the City Attol'lney had a report ready on the re-.issuinG of CI. deed to Hr. Becker for Lots 1 through 10, Bloc;: 5, r,1agno1ia Heights. Tile City .Atturney said he had not had time to complete his research and requested that the ml.l.tter be defertwcd. Conuni ssioner StranG requested that Druid Acre::: 1 st l\ddi tion drainaGe be put on the agenda for next ~lon.day ~ October 29th. The City Manager reported that he and Commissioner Roberts as a Conmlittee had selected the furniture for' the ladies lowlse at the f.lunicipal Auditorium consistinc; of one settee, one extira chair and one corner table. He aslced approval of Resolution 56-27 covering the total cost of $250.00 for this purpose. Crnruldssioner Strang moved that Resolution 56-27 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion 1.'laS seconded by Conunissioncr Insco and carried unanimOUSly. The City Attorney stated that he had a report rcady on the vacating of Shorc Avenue between Dempsey Street n.nd Lake Bclleviol'l if the Conuni ssion wi Shed to hear it. Conmrlssioner Roberts sugGested the report be deferred to the next meeting. There being no further business to comc bef'ore the CommiSSion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:05 P.M. // / -/fA Attest: ~~::~. - , ".. '1f?.t2~ ,I O;t:tY'Af.()ffir and "-,-- ~: ":~'~:~:A:!~1i~lJ~~0(;iJ,(:f';;~7~:\':;':::!;j:~T:,: j~~<'ii'" .",',: 'r ; ,.; . . ',.. ' .,' .. <;, ~. ; ".. "-':', .... ... I " '.' ( .'. ~ ( :;.;:~~~.\:~,~:r?t }'~':'/~ t'1?~~::~~;:r.~1::' >~ ,::::',~~; :., " ".:".,("',::.,, ~",~,~"~:,,;,,~;;,:;~:,;,:~:~\,:,,,;,:,,:~~,<~'>';';i,"c:~;~~;;;'~;;J;;.~,~c,; .\,; "i;:"~~j:~;,,,.~i"'.,,~::.;(;:.,,::~;:.,-,,: ":::":'~'::'~'I:;:,.\,;,,::,,;;j0~;~~:~~~~i~i2i,~Ji~~~~~~~t~j~;;B;;,~~;ttt; , CI'l'Y CG1MISSION MEE'l'ING October 22, 1956 ., ..... \.. I .. $' ,,' (',~'.' I (~~~.)' ;~(~ ~~~:1,~;'ii ~: , ~~; ~:~g~ ". ..,,:)..,..:{ ~~,~~)1~~\,:,;#I~~~W~i{ .' , ''''\,'' '''\C'h'f'&,''''''~ 'i~~~i:'INU\~r', ,', ,', ; jI,Y:t:;~ ,~'~;~y\t{:,~:~:.:~. :..:~~,'. . '~" ':''',~-:) ':1",', ,.e;,',., ~..."" Mayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown October 18, 1956 Commissioners: w. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Hoberts Gent.lemen: the Cit.y Comnission will meet in Special Session on Monday afternoon, October 22, 1956 in t.he City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of discussing the items listed on the attached agenda. Meeting time will be at. 1:;30 P.M. Yours very truly, /s/ John L. ~ullivan City Man ager JLS:s ----~---------------~------------------------------------~--------------~------ Agenda - City Commission Meeting of October 22, 1956 Ci~y Hall Auditorium L:,30 P.M. SPECIAL 1. Invocation. 2. Opening of bids for Pressure Reducing Valves. 3. Awarding of bid for split hickory broom fibre and gutt.er broom wire. 4. Pub lic Hear ing s: A. Request of Mr. J. A. Fulkrod for a four foot setback from the side lot line of Lot 25, Block H, Navajo Park. Propert.y is located at 1009 Mohawk Street. B. Request of Mr. B. M. Redmond, Clearwater Bay ~otel for elimination of a ten foot. setback from North Fort Harrison Avenue. Property is on the n~hwest corner of Nort.h Fort Harrison and Venetian Drive and is zoned R-M. C. Request of Chesnut. & Lee for rezoning or Lot.s 6 and 7, Russells Sub- division, Unit. 1, to R-2 duplex rusidence. Property is now zoned R-l. single family residence and is on the north'.eaaL corner of Hillcrest Drive and Laura St.reet.. D. Request. of Mrs. W. H. Valentine for Y.W.C.A. for a ten foot setback on Block Y, Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision. E. ReqlE st of Mr. 'i'homas Hamilton and others for rezoning ~ Lots g and 9 and east 62 feet of Lot. 10, Block 3, and Lots 1, 2, 3 and east 50 feet of Lot.s 1+ and 5, Block 4, Wallace Addition to R-4 multiple dwelling. Property is located on Pine St.reet between South Fort Harrison Avenue and the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and is now zoned Business. 5. Commission's consideration of: A. Request of D. A. Salls for adjustment on assessment. B. Resolution concerning Master Roadway Plan "M R 1" by Planning Board. C. Request of Ingram Oil Company for adJition to si~n. D. RJquest of Mr. W. V. Lange for rezoning of Lots 1 & 2, Block J, HIbiscus Gardens. E. Request for zezoning of Tract. A and Tract B, Woodmere Replat by Franeis R. Jackson. F. Request of ~~s. E. S. Smini for the rezoning of Lo~ 7, Block K. Skycrest Terrace. G. Assessment. Resolution on sanitary sewer in Gulf to Bay Boulevard from Nimbus Avenue east.erly for 262.2 feet eas~ of Mercury Avenue. H. Report on proposed sale of 1956 Revenue Certificates. 6. Any item not on the agenda will be considered wit~he consent of the Commission. Adjournment ---~~-----------~-----~---------------------~----~------------~--------------------- SUFPLEMEN~AL AGENDA For Meeting of October 22, 1956 1. Propesed Ligh~ing of Drew St.reet from Missouri Avenue west to Mercury Avenue. 2. Propesed Lighting of Gulf ~o Bay Boulevard and Cleveland Street trom Clearwater Bay to U. S. #19. 3. Report from the Merchants Association with reference to off the street parking. 4. Resolution appropriating money for one additional Engineering Aid. ----------------~~----------~-----~------~-------~--.----------------------------~--~ ,~ ...,~~.,' .'.....:/' .; , .\ --.. ~, t I' , ; !., I ". " " '.. " " . ~ , 0, I i , I I ':.~:.~.t."~'~~'.,:::.<,. !",. ,',~.',: ! .'~ r' .... . '. ~.......,' . l~.~~Wlji;il;.:t-~~t1tt~~jr;?~INr.~;1i.~~.'~~:':i'.. ,\.,t<\, ';ic..\l;\~>;2;;:~~~~~~:~I:'i''':'''':'''';''''~';;'\:'iJ:'''''~~'"':'_!~ ;,;;':,.,; " , . I.' . . ""'......:..,..."'.:-.... ...... ..~.,",s".;;,ilij~~t~~s_:i,,;,,:"\~~;~:;sr~,. ~: .<.:;'.;~ ;.'. ..'-,~:'..<t::':;... ~",~~, ;;.:.,. ,:.:. ~"'\':"-"':;:tJ'_"-~'~'" :~;.". ~:.. .~.. CITY C~ ISSION MEETING October 22, 1956 ':-." /(::..) (:,.- (;/ I 10/12/56 Mr. John L. Sullivan City Manager Mr. O. H. Anderson, See'y. Zoning Board REQUESt OF J. A. Fulkrod. ILot 25,26 Bl. H. I Nava jo Park It is ~he recommendation of the Zoning board tha~ we grant the request for a 4 foot set back under the hardship ru1i~. '1'0 From Subject Attached hereto is original letter of request. OHA:bk --~-------------~------~-------~----~-~---------.--~-----~------------~--------- Clearwater, Florida 10/10/56 Gentlemen of t he zoning Com. Clearwater Fla. Dear Sirs. I am requesting permission to en1ar~e my rear porch and am attaching hereto a sketch of our house and porch givin~ you the dimensions, showing ~hat the present porch stands four feet from the property l~ne and I \~uld like to line up the new addition to the present porch. I would appreciate your iIvestaging and ask for your approval. Thanking you for a~tention and await hearing from you, I am, Very truly yours /s/ J. A. Fulkrod 1009 Mohawk St.. -------~-----------~-------.----------~---.~~------~---._._--~--~-~-~------------~- 10/12/56 '1'0. From Subject Mr. John L. uullivan, City Manager Mr. o. H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zonin~ Board REQUESt OF CLEARWA'i'ER EAY MO'l'EL POOL (rt1l'. iedmond i It is the recommendat ion of the Zonir:g Board that ~e deny t.he request of Mr. Redmond to build a utility room on the end of his motel, for the reason that North Fort' Harrison is a main entrance to the City of C1ear'Wa'ter, and the required set-baC.k of ten feet is necessary ~or traffic protection. At~ached hereto is letter of reques~ ~ith drawing. OHA:bk ------------------------------~---~~------------~-------~----~------~-------~-~-~- Sept.ember 26, 1956 Honorable ~oning Board, Mayor and City CommissiontJrs City of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen : I appeal to you under the hardship provisions of the zoning ordinances of the City or Clearwater and ask thac you give your favorable conside~ion to the following request: As you know, the mo~el business here in Clearwat.er is becoming more comp:lt.itive every day, and we believe t.hat we have operating at the present. time a motel that. is a credit to t his very fine cOlllnunit.y in which we 1i ve. It has become apparent, however, that t.o maintain a success~ul operation, t.he motel owner nas to increase his services from time to time to the visiting illotorist, and the one that does the best is the one t.hat offers the rnost. service to these people. It is my desire 1:.0 const.ruct a very lovely swiuming pool. in the cent.er of the court formed by the "\1" shaped construction of my motel in accordance with the attached diagram. or course, you gentlemen are' a~are or t.1e requirement s of the S~ate Board of Health in t.he City of Clearwater insofar as a sterilization, chlorination and filter system is conceraed. This machinery requires considerable housing space, and my con~ractors advise me that about ~he only place lef~ on my premises to :install this bulky and expensive machinery is on the east end o~ the noDth wing of my building. As you know, 1 an set back at this point from the street Bight-of-way some 10 feet, and it will require my constDucting an additiael 10 feet of tiui1ding to house this unit in that location. I realize that while this is not an encroachmert. on tlle street, it. does take up t.ho setback at that location. It is contemp1at.ed by myself to construct this addition to my present building in the sune .frchitect.ura1 desiga that 1 have followed fer the balance of my building in the :ijteres1B of symmetry and aesthetic design. I l'Iill do 'this at Continued ,;' ~ \ , ' , , :< . :..;'.:; , . :~. .~..:. /.-~~ ' "',: '--,,-,:, " . . ,,' ,.' r' . .. . , ;, ~~"~~iV!-o.;p"! ;;r,~.',,~~ .,....-A!1'... t.l (( .. i:,;k-.;. ~.;. : . ~ , ,r ." , .: I . , '.' :t. {.. ~ ~ .' ~{ . .,.',.' , '.~ .;';.1 . '/': . . ,-'~' .. .:" ",:,':"~..., ' I ..,. ~:;:,,;,>~;! :~~.~.ot':':':',":' \(~?~~;1.;",:~<~1,~,,:~~:~;,~~,~'~~:~,:.,;t~,}~,.~;:' ~!#;~1:1.':''i:~;~:~~tW!~;'..'::~:iT /i"\,.>i!;;";" , ~~;S~".jij",'::;;li:";':'~.,,," '..l;J';',~,",;,.,.~....;c.,.. .i..o.,..""..w';'C';,<~,,;,;,,,,,",;",;,;,,,,2.,",,";';;'''c,,.,;L''fO;c.iJi,)j"j'~kiiif.w~)j;~~~;:"';;;i4b''''''''i ;i~ C IT Y C OMMISS ION MEE'1' ING c'. I Oct.ober 22, 1956 Conti nued considerable e~tra expense to myself to preserve the beaatp of the building and for the prot.ectiag of ~y neighbors as well. I ~ould appreciace a very careful revie~ of this hardship by your Honorable Boards, and ur~e that you give me your early apT-roval o:f t his matter ina8m\lch as I 'Would like to pat the cant.ractors to ~ork and have the pa~l ready :for the winter business. I ~ou1d appreciate being notified of the heRring before the Zoning Board and the City Commission. BMR:a Respectfully submitted, /s/ B. M. Redmond Owner -Operator Clea~ater Bay Motel Enclosare --~---~-_._-----_._-----------~~-------~~-----.-~----~---------------~------_._----- 10/12/56 '1'0 From Subject Mr. John L. ~ullivan, Ci~y Manager mlivar H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board REQUES~ OF CHESNUl & LEE (Lot 6 & 7, Russells Sub. ) It is recommended ~ha~ the request of 6hesnat and Lee ~er re-zoning of lots 6 and 7 of Rassell's Sub. to R-2, Duplex, be referred t.o Referendum. Atcached hereto is original letter of request. . OKA: bk --~-------~~--------------~~------~--~---._-----_._--------.~-------~-----------~~-- October 11, 1956 Honorable Zoning Board Mayor aerbert M. Brown City Commissioners City of Clean-1ater Ge ntleDen: We are appealing eo you under Che hardship proYisions o:f the zoning ordinance of che City o~ Clearwater and hereby request t.he following: 1. ~nat a waiver of the zoning on lots six (6) and seven (7) of Russe1ls Sabiivision, Unit 1, be considered for the purpose of erecting a double residence; one to :face Hillcrest Stre~c and one to face Laura Street. ~he archetectura1 drawing accompanying this appeal provides for a duplex which has t.he appearance of a single dwellin~ when viewed from either street. It is our unders~anding ~hat the zoning of tihe prope rt.y directly west J on Hillcrest, has already been \Ilai ved to permit the construction of an apartment house ~hich presently stands on the corner of Drew and Hillcrest and extends so~n a considerable dist.ance along Hillcrest opposite the proIS rty wi th ~hich t.his llktt.er is conceraed. According to t he Zoning map there is R-4 zoning on the Sout.h side of Laura Street. Chesnut. and Lee is the real estate agent representing Mr. & l~s. Eernard Wfider who are the purchas~rB of ehese t~e lots and in Wbose name this request is made. Mr. ~ Mrs. Wilder contemplate expenditures for the buildi ng construction alone to be up to i28,OOO.OO, which expendit.ure and proposed ~led consttuct1on will be a credit to the entire neighborhood. May we request that your board hear this matter as soon as possible since a time limit has been incorporat.ed into the purChase cont~act ~Btch our office hdds in its files. JMS:mc Respect.fully sabmitted. CHESNUrr AND LEE 75/ J. M. Ske1ding, Man ager Rea1 Estat e Department. -----~----~------------- -----~---~~--~---------------.---------~~--~------~--------~ '1'0 From Sabject Mr. Ilohn L. Sullivan, City Manager Oliver H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board REQUEST OF MRs. W. H. Valenti re , (Y. W. C.A.) 10/12/56 1& is the ~oning Hoard's recomaeDdation chat we grant the t.en foot set back on ~he property known 2S Block Y of Hibiscus Gardens. Attached hereto is ori~al letter of reques~. OKA: bk ~__~_~_~~____~___ft________~._____~________~_~~______~_________~~________________~__ " , l.. ~_, " , CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 22, 1956 ...." /) / ") :;..; / (~:::::-"( I,. September 21, 1956 The :Goning Boa rd C1 'ty Hall Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: Re: All of Block Y of Hibiscus Gardens. Pine 118 s Count. y . 14'la . We understand the .above described property is unzoned. If it is agreeable with the Zoning Board we would like to place our buildings with a ten foot setback. 1his ~ould give us more recrea~ional area for the proposed . activities program planned for the youth of th1s area. We are pleased ~o see that the st.reets are being completed aroun~ our property and we plan to start our activities building as soon as we have approval of the zoning and O\r completied plans from the architect. Yours very trul v ~ /s/ Modelie ~. Valentine Mrs. W. H. Valentine Chairman, Building Committee MEv/mr ------------~~~--------~-~------------------------------------~-~--------~----------- 'l'o From Subject Mr. John L. Sullivan, City Manager Oliver H. Anderson, Sec'y. ~oning Board REQUE0'l' OF JUDGE HAl-1IL'l'ON 10/12/56 It is recommended that the request of Juige Hanilton for the rezoning of the West 54JD feet of lots 8 and 9 Less the West 54.10 ft; the East 62 feet of Lot 10, Block 3 and lot.s 1,2,3 and the East 50 ft. of Lots 4 am 5, Block 4 of Wallace's Addn. from Business to R-4 Multiple Resident Dwelling be referred to Referendum. Attached hereto is copy of Peti'tion. OHA:bk --~--~~---------~--~~--~-----~-----------------------------------~----------~------- October 12, 1956 Honorable Zoning Board Clearwatp,r, Florida Gentlemen: In accordance with a suggestion of one of the members of your Board at your~ meeting last evenin~, I am writing 'this letter to be attache.d to the Petition filed by the propert.y owners of the 500 Block of East Pine St., vlearwater, re- questing a change in 'the zoning classification from B. or business, to R4, Multiple Residence dwellings, on the following described property: ~he West 54.10 feet of Lo'ts g & 9; Lots g & 9, less che West. 54.10 ft; The East 62 ft. of Lot 10, Block 3 and Lots 1, 3, 3 and East 50 Ft. of Lots 4 & 5, Block 4,of WALLACE'S ADDITION, to Cle ,rwater, Florida. It is futher requested by ~he undersigeed, on behalf of those signing the petition, t.hat 1h is l.etter be attached to the pet.i~ion and should an yone apply for any permit. for busine ss buildin~ in the 500 Block of Pine Street, that the undersigned be notified and that the peDitioners have an opportunity of a hearing. 'l'H-a ",espectfully, s/ Thomas Hamilton Attorney for Petitioners 509 Piee St.ree - Phone 3-12gg -~-----~-------------~--~---~~-------------------------------------~~----~---------- Oct. 12, 1956 To From Sub j ect Mr. do an L. ~ullivan, City Manager Oliver H. Anderson, Sec'y. ~oning Board REQUES'l' OF Nrs. E. S. Smink (Lot 7, Bl. K, $:yerestE:Terr. It. is 'the Decommendation bhat the reQuest of Mrs. Smink for the re-zoning of the above lot be referred ~ referendum. ' Attached mreto is original letter of request. OHA:bk -------~-------~--~-~-----~----~-~------~---~~---------~-----------~------~----------- City Zoning Boa. rd City Hall Clearwater, Florida. Clearwater, Florida 1450 Gulf to Bay Blvd. September 29, 1956. '1'he purpose of this letter is to reoues't re-zoning for one lot located in ,S~:y:cre,st Terrace, Acldition ilL - Specifically Block "K" lot #7.,#211 Kerry Drive. Con'tinued '-..-;~ ............. ._- .,' "::"'.i" " '" ,.'.'::;'::.. " : ;';J" ','. ':":';' ... , ,',.. ~.... >';:' -:' "~ . ,I';,. I.i : .., :t. ':...~ ,.: .' '. ',. " " ",;'.~ ~ ,:> '.f'... . ~:.,.:' . . , . . '. .. . ." . '. _:,_,.,.,~,,:..i-''',; .",. .,,' ,: ,,:. ;:~i.,,".. ..-,~J..~,"~"".:.._L;:':.~~,,,.:<~..., h.,.,.L:.,~.'L..,.~..~~~~..,_,.,::, .~..;.:,,~.,..~.::.;,,;,L;,::~:::Lg~jrlct~f:Ji.il1E~~J~~~;{~{jjI~i~!~~i~'" ,~~ T~,{I;. ~;;'i:, , ; 'V'h,' ,,'" j 'y;,j)'f~J~t;"1 ;;~' ).H,~',~:,;~:}{;~:X:.,.:; ',' CITY COMMISSION MEETING Octo ber 22, 1956 Continued /:,..: /..~~;;7r.:~';":' ---') .:..-;, ./ ,~.::;,:, / (:.'7"--.. The reasons this particular lot may be rezoned, in my opinion are: 1. The frontage on KerwDrive is l07i ft., larg~ enough to accomadate the addition we have in mind. 2. It (#211 Kerry Dr. or Lot 7) is the last lot in the block. 3. It immediately doine a large lot zoned for "Duplex-Apts or Motel" 4. It faces Duplex lots emmediately opposite. 5. Our proposed addition would tie in with the house prOJB r and would give the appearance of a Ranch-type house, as one unit - and not as an "aased to _ afterthough t. We sincerely hope you will consider this request, .nd will await your secision. Sincerely, /s/ Eleanor L. Smink (Mrs. Earl S. Smirk) -~---~-------~-----~~-----~--------------------~~---~-------~---------~--------------- RES 0 L UTI 0 N - - -55 :- 26- - - - \'ffiEREAS, after Public Hearing on the 7th day of May, 1956, the City Commission of ~he City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain ~ork and improvements hereinafter described shouJd be done and made, and WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been aade as follows: Construct an eight inch sanitary sewer and a::purtenance on the North side of Gulf-to-Bay Bouldvard from the existing sanitary sewer at Nimbus lwenue, Easterly to the West line of lot 5, Block A, Gunn's Addition; a distance of approximately 430 feet. The properties facing and abutting these improvements are deemed to derive special benefits bl1el"~f'rom~i:"',,.:2 WHEREAS, under provisions of Section 123,and other pertinent proviSions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, &he City Commission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting and receiving benefits from said improvements so made, and \'kIEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and cDutting and in the vicinity of said improvements have been benefitted thereby and pro-rata cost t.hereof shall be a ssessed against such property, NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, BE I'l' RESOLVED, by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That th e above sescribed improvements on th e North si de of Gulf-to- Bay Boulevard from the existing sanitary sewer at Nimbus Avenue, Easterly to the West line of Lot 5, Block A, Gunn's Addition, a distance of approximately .30 feet, be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 3. '.L'hat the followirg described jroperties facing and abutting and in the vicinity of the aforesaid improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improvements in the following proportions of the cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule: ASS E SSM E N T ---------- ~anitary Sewer in Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard from Nimbus Avenue easterly 262.2 ft. east of Mercury Avenue. Sewers: Total cost !otal footage Cost per front foot $1,997.89 542.41 .3.68 plus , .. , ,~, ::~{t;:: {~;.~;::~~~.~:~,.;;? \~4~;~~f\~Y4:ft ~~~l:~~~l;::c",",~."';;~"J~~"'i"'~;~,"';",~,"<i~C>~Z~~",,"~.J"~""5~""i,~J~:.~~,=.w~~~~::~"r'f,":;(~::j":C';2\r~~:i'\.~~'" .....- ,;,.. i ,,--, ,.,,//, ,;, ,-", '.." '., ~ . , / . (~. :::/0. I' c..::.:;..; CITY COMMISSION I~..ETING Oc~ober 22, 1956 Continued Pro Der'ty GUNN 'S ADD I'll ON Block A - tOli) O".ner s Feet Amount i George Rohrhuber et a1 2070 Gulf-to-Bay Clearwater t i'lorida 60 221.00 *Also .01 per sq. ft. for se".age treatment. planli. Lot, 4 George Rohrhuber 60 ?a.oo 221.00 *Also .01 per SQ. ft. for se".age treatment plant. Lot 5 *Also .01 per sq. ft. for se~age ~reatment plant. ?a.oO George Rohrhuber ~6.2 207.0:1: "z...~ Seaccp No. 5637-D aegin in N. bdry of Gulf-t.o-Bay Blvd. 590.02' E. of W. line of SWJ/4 of NE l/~ run N 0037' 47" W parallel to said bdry 150' then Eo Parallel to Gulf-to-Bay 110' then S. 00J9'~7n E. 150' t.o Gulf-tc-Bay t.hen 'II along N line of Gulf-to-Bay 110' t.o POB -Sec. 13, ~nsp.29S-Rge. 15E Kate Lubelsky Spring at King! Charlest.on, S.li. (la) 110 405.17 (. Tot a 1 *For Sewage Tr. Pl. GRAND TOTAL 543.41 $1997.89 230.06 '2227.95- 3. That if assessments herein made are not paid wit.hin thu.ty (30) days rrom ~he date hereof, ~he Cit.y Treasurer is hereby direeted to issue and sell certiricates of indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, w~tnh certiricates shall bear interest at t he rate of a% per annum against t he fore- going propert,ies for the assessments herein made ilID1ediately upon the expiration o:f the f'oregoing t.hirtyday r~periodo PASSED AND ADOP'l'ED this 22nd day or October, 1956. /s/ Herbert M. Brown t' Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Auditor and Cler~ -~-~-----~-------~--~----------~~-----~-~------~---~--~---.---------------.----.-------- 1'0 From Subj ect Mr. John L. Sullivan, City Manager ~. O. H. Andesson, Sec'y. Zoning Board REQUES'!' OF INGRAM OIL COMPA~Y (Sign) 10/12/56 It is the Zoning l10a rd' s recommendation that we den y the request of the Ingram Oil Company :for an additional sign, as the Board ~eels that the original appli- cation approved by the' Zoning Board on 6/15/56 is adequalie for Business in this location. Attached hereto is drawir.g. OHA:bk P.s. 'J:he Board has already approved two signs ot t.his nature at this locat.ion. ~--~--~-------~-----~----_.--~-------~.-~---~-------.---~-----~-------~-~------ R!.2QL1!110!! No. 56-25 WHEREAS. it is desired 'to appropriate the expenditure of the necessary fUnds for ~he following items, which are not speci6ically included in ~he current budget o~ the Ci~y of Clearwater, which appropriation is deemed necessary and proper; Continued , ~" '<,',,, ..'" ~ "){~;7~<:' />/\~'-;~:'i/' ';'C~'f~~~'>"~;;,\i;f~""\'h"')~'i=;"~f~;!:2~~g:~)\f~~~~'~;~~~:5?~~~\'7;~':::i:;~\~~'~~f~~:~~: "'~~.;;~;~~""""~~\~~~]J~~tr~~~;>";~' CITY C~SSION MEETING Oc~ober 22, 1956 Cont inued NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by ~he City Commission of ~ne C1~y ot Clearwater, in session duly and regularly assembled ae follows: 1 1. That the sum or $1,779.28 1s appropr1a~ed oat of General Fund, for ~he following purpose: (lJ Additional Engineering Aid to ~he Engineering Department tTbis amount to cover balance of Fiscal Year) 1st. 6 Months _ $206.18 then $216.88 per mon~h. From October 15, 1956 6 Months @ 206.18 ----------------$1,237.08 21 Months @ 216.88---------------- 542.20 ILlotal ~1,779.28 2. That expenditure for the same 1s authorized. PASSED AND ADOP1'ED, this 22 day of October 1956. Att est: /s/ R. G. Whitehead City Clerk and Auditor /sl Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commiss 1 one r --~------------~---~~------~-----------~--~--------------------------~-----~---- RESOLU'l'ION - - - No: '56::27 - - WHEREAS, it is desired to appropriate the expenditure of ~he necessary funds ror the follo~ing items, ~hich are not specifically included in ~he current budget of the City of Clear~ater, which appropria~1on is deemed necessary and props r; NOW ~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci~y Gommission of the ~ity of Clear~ater, in session duly and regularly assemlJed as rollows: 1. That the sum of $250.00 is appropriated ou~ of General Fund, for the following purpose: Furniture for Ladies Lounge in Municipal Auditorium. 2. That expenditure for the same is authorized. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 22nd. day of October, 1956. /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor.Comndssioner , Att.est: /s/ R. G. Whitehead Ci~y Clerk and Awjitor ;., ' .11. .:.,~~, '. :....,..,~~ .......'I"'.....:'t"""'.......i':-..,,,...~:..-,..'-<,.;":..';r.....-_,',~ }-~..,-.~ ,'~J;'."':.,' " ", (~r J~:' ' ,k };~~~.:'t...11.1 , ,~'{~,!.;)" ~ t' '''';fD', ft''''ll' ' l.f~~\rf~J:JS~;;~' ' I"",l~:";')';'~ir}<l', .- ..~;.~,., ." <.'" , '~.\"t~. 1 ~ ~. .<." ~ . ,\~f:. " ,. .'.'. , , .. _ ,, __ , , __ +,� , -r--;,-. CITY COMM�SSTON MEET3I�G oc�ober 22, 1956 TIZe City Car.nmml.usion nf �h,e City oi' Clearvrat�r met in special �ession at City Hall, Moriday, Octolaer 22, 1956, at 1:30 P.M, vai�h �ize foll�irin� mer.ibers present: Herbert M. BY�orrrn ld. E. Stran�, Jr, ClevalaAzd Insco, Jr. Sa.muel J. Roberts l�b5ent : J , i�t , Hohani�on Also �resent were: Jol�n L, Sul1-ivan B�n Kreiz'czman G. T. MeClarnma S. Lickton II . Dunn t+Iayor-Commissioner Commiss'ioner Cortmissioner Comr,2issioner Commi�sioner City T�iana�er City l�t�orizey Chief of Police c"� �J En�in��:r Asst . to Ci�y T�tanaver The f�fayor called the meetin� to order. F•Zr, Aubrey Ort, E7.ectr�+ca1 Departr,ient Su�erin�endent, descril�ed the proposed li�;htin� far Drei•r Street from P��.ss�uri Avenue �o Goachrnan Road ,�rit17 an estim.ated cost af �;�873.00, the Florida Power Corporatinn bearin� th� remainder of tYze coUt. Commissioner Insco moved o� t'ne reco:nnendation of the Electrlcal Deparbment and the Ciby t��aiza�;er tnat the cosL ��' �v373.00 be app:�oved for the libhi fixtures to be placed on Drer� Street. T'Iotion r�ras seeonded bJ Cominiss:�oner Raberts ar.d ca-rried ixna�limously. ns. Aubrey Ort out].ined bhe proposed white [��ay li�htins system ior Clevelard Stree�c and Guli to B�,�r 3oulevard, e�;plaining �ize Florida Po�•jer dici not participate in �rojects where ur�der�;round cable was bein�, used. He estir?ated tne cos� of tne tloriL usiiz� City crei-as as zallovls: Clevelan�l fron� Pierce Blvd. to Osceola Cleveland from Osceola to P.i� rtle Cleveland from �rrile to Missouri Cleveland froin P�ti.ssouri to Gulf to B�,;� and Guli' to Basr fram Clevel�.nd to Higizlaizd Gulf to Bay from Hi�hlaizd ta Hercules Gulf to Bay from Hercules tQ Belcher Gul�' to Bay fror;z Belcher to Route l9 In�ersectiozz of Gul? to BaJ and. Rout2 19 Total �4,pQ0,Od �,000,00 Z0,000.00 16,000.00 23,000.op a,500.00 ��,500.00 2,950,00 � ��� 95�.�0 Coi�uaisNioner Roberts comi,�ei�ted that �.t t�rct�ld. be necessars= to :nave il�e t�*cr3� cione in uteps as t�e Commiss-t otz 11�.d plaruzed to use o�l� ;�50, 000.00 irom the i'und for i;�pro re- ments crea�ed by tne special two mill tax 1ev�� . The T�7a;;�or sL?bdested �hat the pro ject start at tlze intersecti�iz T�rith Route 19 and run t•re:s� as those areas have either no liUL ;in�; or inadeq��ate 1i�iitir_�. I•Tr. Ort r�conu:cenc:e@ tnat tile t�ror_c cn Cl�eve� arid from� Osceola to Pieree Bataleuard be ir.cluded. Couun-� ssioner Roberts moved tlzat t11e Cormfussion use up to :; 50, 000.00 from the Special In_arovernent Fund Lo cor.iplete the part of the stree� li�i�tin� ��1.ar_ from Osceola to Pierce Boulevard as one unit, and that the balance af the �50,0�0.00 be spen� in campletin� �1�e unit a-t the :Liitersection of Rottte l� and Gulf to Bay aild as far as it ,r331 �o ��test on Gul�' to 13ay froau Route 19 ���hich should be nearly to iii�h,land Avenue. P�Iotion rTas seeonded b� ConutLssioner Znsco and carried unanimously. A letter tivas read f'rom the Clearcvater �4erclian�s Assc�ciatic�tZ askinb tlze Commission ta esta�lisli more oii strc:st par?iins facilities in iiie dotvnt�wn area. Tlze P�iayor su��ested it riighi: be necessary to iss�e revenue certificates tQ prcride the excra money ilecessary ta procu-re the parlein�• areas ,^rith the rece3.pts from the inetered paritin�; to pay ofi the c2rtificates. Conurissioner Insco r:loved i,i�at ilze t•�Tay�r apooint a Commit�ee and on ti1a� Comrn3.ttee to �et tIie infor;r.ation ior the C�r.miissioil tivould be ap��:Lnted tne Ci�y P�Tana�er and the Finance Ofiicer, rTr. E1ber�zatliy . 1�Sotion was seconded by Comntissioner Stran�; and carried ttnai�imousl�; , The T�Zayor a.bpoinl;ed the Cit�r AZana�er an� the Treasurer to serve ol? �his ComnLittee. The Ci�y l�Tanaver recor,uuended the appr�priation of �p1,7fg,00 1a�r Resalution 56-25 ta cover salt�.ry far one additional Engi�zeerin;; Aid and stated �Izat o�.1e in�mediat� projec� for tl�e extra nian �Tould be tlie c�n�pil;i,�` of pians o? u�ilicy entensions as tl�e;,r are actuall�r Ueiz�� made. Commissaoizer Stran� moved thwt Resoluticn 5u-25 be �assed a.nd ado�ted aizd tlie pr���er officials be at*thorized to s:ien it, P<Totion taas secc�i�ded )�y- Cor,mLissio�ler li._bertN aiid csrried ui7animously. The rlana�er r��or�ed three '�-; cls nad beeiz rece:ived for nressure reducit�; valves to be tzseci at ta':ce oif ,points fbr the Cit�� fron� tlze Couni�- rzater niain. The bids iral e reaci �.0 fol� oc1s; � Ross Valve Cc�., Troy, N.Y. Golder, 11i��.erso�z Va.lve, Pit�sbur�h Cxa�ze Co . , T�,r,ip�, 10" 20" Total ��� 9 � �ii2 �17.ao 4;3�.50 G18.o� 2�7�.00 2995.0� CorvZ�.;�sio�ler Stran� n,�v�d i;ilat ttie b:.�.ds be ref�rred to tiie i�Ta�a�er a�id the Cor�sultin� .�t�E,,�zxeer foi tabit].ati4�x� �rid repor� b�,c'_t at tiie i�ext n:aeti.n�. P��Zotic�i� was secc,nded �;; Co,;u�,:i.s�:toner RoU�rts and carried unan:i.maus7.5-. ■ � ' , � -2- CITY COn7P12SS��JP1 I�TE�'IATG October 22, 195u' Tr! re�;ard to tiie Lids opened at a t�resrioua meetin�; �'or broon� fibre aild yu�;i;er braom t�aire, the I�Zana�er recoi,miended accepta.iz� tlze lota bid c��' :�71G .],0 �'i �r,i 11. Steiez°� �. Son, Ai�rr�? stota�z, Peilizsylv�n:i.a. Cc�iiu:�a.ss:Loner Stranu iitoved osi the reca�iLmezzdatio�7 of i:lie Cit�,T h2aTia�er t11�.i; A. Steierc w Sor�a Norl�isi;c?tv�i�, S�n�isu�� v�::�:�a,, be a:�taxded �lze U? d�Fcr tlie Sp1:i.� 11:i.Cl:OS'Sr karoor,i fi,bxe �nd uu�: ��z Uroor,i t�r�.re :ixz t_ie a.raotant af' y�716 ,10. T�Zotian t•�as seconc�ec� by Cai:unissi�:ie� Ro}aei�{;s ancl carx:ied u?Ya;�irii�u �].y . Tk�e a•1a3-or a�zno�,t�iced a Fublic Hearira� c�z� 1:1ze � eques� �s" PTr, J. �!. Fullcz c�d i'or a. fot�r faoi: se�cbacic from tiie s:ide lot l�i�ze c�i Lot 2�, B1acic H, Navajo Paxi�, 7,'he Ci�;;; A�t�araie�r r�ad the request and tlle Zoni.i�; I��ard� s reconu�ieizc�at:i.ol� tkiat tlie requcst iae �ra,il�tecl. P�Zr. Fullcrod k•aas nrese;�t. Tlie T<Ta�*or atic�tii:ired if tliere i�rere �.;i�� ab;jeci::l.�ns aizcl f;izere t�eie no�ze. Cor;u;i:Lssioner Insco z,iaved ai� the recanunendatl..�z� oi' t11e ��n.Ii�� Board tllat the rectues� of x,ir. Fullcrod fc�r a�'c�ar i'oot setUaelc f'rpm tiie s? cie lr�t Ii:�e for t:�ie addiLio:z o�' a, pox�cll be grant�d. Tiction taas s�eanded u5 Conun3.saioi�aer �c,berts aild carried unanimously. Tp.e r2ayo� cal.led a Pi?k�Iie Hearin� on tlze r�quest of t�1r. B. T�I. Reclr.r�nd, Clear.�ater Bay T=Iosel, for elimination oP a teii foat setbaalc frcanl P?oz°tl� Fort; Harris�.z AvenL�e, tiie area bei?z�; preseiltly zonea R-T�1. Tiie C3tSF t�tt�rrse�* i ead tl�� reruest :�rhicll explained th�.t P,Tr. Redr�ior_d l�lan,�ed ta add a s��ainn�iiti;; 7001 �o liis mc�1:e1 and neecled a�z additic�i� tv t'ze ��ertll �vin� of the is.otel t� lio�,se tlze macii:in�ry for tlie stirir�L�v_n� �o�l. Tize Zanisl� Board recomr,i�nded the request 'ue dei�ied as the -�en fooi; setbac>> :is necessary f�r zraffic protect� oi3. After izav�.n� lzeld th�:s Public H�•_�riz��; azzd 1x�ard suff� cier�� valic7 au�jectio:z froT:� the �o�in�^ Bo�.rd ii� its recommenciation �iiat -_t ue c�en:i.ed, Coz:i?�.ssianer Stran� �noved the r�qu�st of' r:1r. B. nT. Redr,�.oi1d, Clea.rvr�.ter Ba�- S•1ote1, for elii:�i:2ai.ion of a ten foot setl�ac?i �'rora No�th �'ort I3arrisozz 4veizue Ue denied in accoivarice Z;ritlz �iie 2onin� $oard recoiivaendation, P��ot�.on �•aa,s Se�o��a�a �;� GormtLi.ssion�r Ii�sco and carried ui7ai�imously. :� Publ_c Hearin� �ras called on the reques� of Chesn�.t �- I,ee i'or rezonin�; Lcts o' and j, Russells S�.zbdivis�on Unit I, to R-2 di��lex residence, the pro ert k�eii.;; �oresentl�j zoi�ed R-1, The City Attor��cu; x�Pad the r�quest and {�lie Zonin�; Board� s recoi:uaendat:io�z �chat the request be refe? ied to a zor.in;; referendum. Nir. J. M. Siceldii�;� a�pearec? f'or Cties��ut �c LeE and statec? tlzat it had been impossible to sec�se plans for tize pro��osecl duple ; to present at tlze neet:in�; and xequested that tlze ma-cter be def�rred to a�1oi.Izer meeti�7�� Por tiiat r��,son. Air. �dwin Tietz, owner oi' Loi,s � a?�d 10, oi tlze s�ite blocl•�, spea?;.7n� �or Iz:i,mself and otl�.er neighbors, as_,ec� 'clia� ti�e reqL:est ue de»ied as ; t tirould IoiJer the pro��rty values and explz�.ined: t11�c tilese t.10 lots a.re ti�e on15� nrideveloped �rone.rzy in th� block and thai, the otizers all have sin�le fa!:+sl; residences on tlzeni, t`ifter having kzeld tlzis Public Hearin� ancl on lhe }aasis ei' th.e disa�_�roval of tlze Zoninb Board and the oujecti�ns of tiie resiaenLs in tlz�.t area, Cor,u.Liss�ioner Roberts moved that the a�plication ior rezonin�; 02 Lots 6 and 7, Russells �abdivis�_Qn Unit I, be denied. M,tian ivas seconded Uy Conu:�.issioner Stranv annd carriecZ una�ii?uously. 'I'ize P�layor announcec7 a Public Hearin;_; on the request of P��rs, ;V. H. Valentiize, Chairma�� af �he Buildi2z� Cc:ru;�ittee, for ttiz� Y:JCA to have a t�n foo� s�tback on Bloc'_� y, �iibxseus Gardel�s Subdivisioi�, Tize City Attorney read i;I�e request cahich stated 'uhat tlle pro�ert;� is presently Luzzoned. Th� Zonin� Board's reconunen�ation 4vas thai, �he reques� be �ranted. NLr. Robert Levison, Architect, presented a plot plan of �he proposed Y,uild? n� for tize Y�JCA. The P�Zayor inquired if tllere ,vere any objecti�ns and there t�aer� none. Having held tl�is Publ.ic FIearin� and havinb heard i�o valid objection, Conmiissianer Insco �Zoved on the recommendatlun of the Zoning Board tiha� the requesi-: of T�1rs. t�1. H, Valentine for the YUICA x"'or a ten foot se<,bac:� an Block Y, Hibiscus Gardens Subd�vision, be �ranted. Motian was seconded by Coiru:.issioner Stranb and carried unanirl�usly. A PuY�lic Hearing vvas announced on the request of 1'ir. TlZomas Haniil�on and others Tor iezoning of Lo�s 8, 9 and east 62 feet of Tot 10, Bloc]; 3; and Lots l, 2, 3 ancl east 5d i eet of Lots 4 aild 5, Blcek 4, 4^Jallace Addition, to R-�F zonin�, tlze propert;� bein� presently zr�ned Busitzess. The City Attorney read the reqLtest in the form o:� a pe�ition s��ned b;� five prop�rty ovaners. �he Zoninb Board recommended �hai •the reqizest shculcl be referrecl to a zoniai�; referendum. Mr. Hamilton explai�Zec1 that there tivere z�esidences on all of �he propertiy described. Mr, tam. Goza, represen,tin� Mr, Larr;� Dirr,mitt, ot�mer oF the �ast nalf o� Lots 8 and g in Block 3, c��mplained tha� this taas izot a hardship case and �Eizat the City Convnission did not lzave pr�t•rer to rezoi�e areas. The Ciiy Attorney concurreci tivith Mr, Goza � s opir�7oi�, I�Zr. Hai�u.lton requested that �he nlatter be �ut oiz a zonin� referendiun. Comntissioner Stranb iaoved that the Corrunisaion deny the app� ication ancl re�er this inatter to the City DZana�;�r and t-he City l�t�orney to be included ar,lon� th� items to be �ubmitted at the Public Hearing or. the Zonin� Ord:inai�ce. Mction vras secoi�ded by Comriu.ssioner Rob�rts and carried uilaninioL�sly. Mr. D. A. Sal1s addressed the Com�uissio�z requesting an adjustr�e�it oi� the assessment of y�3, 335.59 =��' tize north 120 �'eet of acrea�e he ovrns on the routh u1.de ot' Druid Rpac� on the basis tihat the land ti��:tth the exception of �he portian h:Ls hause :Ls locat�d on ti��au l�e-Wn� used for pasture lai�d. Tn reply to a c�ues�ion, he utated tI-iat he did no� object at the Public Heaxin� on tlz� pxnpased ��w�r. The City AL-torney pointe�. out tha1; althou�h the ae�ler t•aas not being u�ed at the pre�enc tir,ie, tne property i•�c�uld be benefited as lt could be develcped ln1;o a subd:iv�isiorz at a��y time. Cotiu�iu.ssioner Strang moved tha�t Mr. Sa11s� rec�uest for adjustnlei�t �n his a�sessment be cleniecl, =t apPearin�; chat ize riade no objection a�t ei:;Izcr oi th.� Pub7.ic Hearir��;s at the time the �rojecL vra� approved or a-G th.� t'�i,me that �;he �,sse�s- ment i-ras leviec� a.�d tlza� the prcPer�y l:ad 'beerz '�en�£__ted, t�irtion t•1as �econdecl by Cor,vnissioner Tnsea and carried unanlnicusly, `� s. ._�` � ' ��- CITY COMMISSI�I�J MEETZT�TG Octuber 22, 1q56 Zrl ce�nneet':lai7 t�r:ith a propo:;ed Resalution cailcernin� th� Dlaster Road,aay P1an "P�II�-1" l�y �l�c F1ani�i,7� �oarc�, PQr, Arthur Kruse, Cn.aixma.n af tize Plannin� Board, aslYed tlxai :L� be dcferrcci t�•Jo �vee?,s. P��r. Kruse su�;�ested that I7.e ,•rould 1i?�E tp d:iscu�s vTith t;he Zc�n�n� 13oard 3.n�plemen�i.n;� ccrtaii�: features of T�7R-], ln the zonin�; rei'�L endurn sucYz as setbacks, ei:c . Com7i2iss_C�ner Insco ofi ered �;o aPpear at the n�xt Zonin�; 73oard meetin� yvith Mr, Kruse and a-representative fi'rom the Le6a1 DeparLnien� tv d:Lseus;; cni� ,rith the Zonin� Bc,ard. By ec�nsen�L, the Corr�mission acce��ed chc o,fi'er. In re�ard �o thE r�quest oi' In�;rani Oil Company, lcic3r� Gulx' to B�,y Boulevar•d, f'oa� acldi cio,l �o a�,�n, ti�.e City A��c�rney reacl the Zoriin�; Board' s recormierdation tlza� tlie r. ec�ue;�t be clenlecl ac �he Board Iiad already approv�c� 1�oro sy�ns oi' t:aat na�ur� at t?aat locatinn., l�iter cliscu�sion, Cutrui�isainn�r 5t-rarz� moveti tt�at �he r�quest be ref'era rid f;o the Ci�y Attarney for further investi�ation . P�Zct'± c�iz vras seconcled b;� GonuuiNa�oner Insco and carried ui�aninicusl�, Tize City Attorz�e�� reported �iiai; TIc. R. L. 1�ai�ex� r��d ;riclic:�ra.� fi:i„ reqttest :f��r tiii rt�ol�ii�,; �f Tracts !1 and B, i^lood-�.ere Re�1at, mile reques� of I.Tr. :!. 5T. I�ari�:�e f'e�r rezoi�in, of Lvts 1 and 2., Blc;cit J, 'J U :Z.1!'11.;;CL ' �i'�7"C�.Ei:u �%tK7C�.:Lxi1a7.�?1� r�>`u' C1�i.SGUB:�G'C�. a.Y1C3 Li1� CZ'G� i:t'f'.C�l'i1�;j :L.1C3i.Cil't.C�Q. t'`."lc1'i. t�ie ,,cc��}�a� ti�id 'uect� uei�-re �n.e Cor,u>�:i.�si�i� i�revi�usl�r and lzacz been �i�ted :-rith itcros i'ar a zc,r_,.� rei erei�clw��i at ihac t:i.me . H x�equ�s� �aas ieacl fra�il I�Tr�. Elea.nor L. S�zl��: as",:ind fc.r �I2e rezcninb af La� f, Lloc'�:: TL, Sir„rcrest T�rrac� A:!c�ition ;�'l, to a.eccr�u..:�rlat� a,n additi�n �o an existino tious� . T��e C� ty Ac corne f �,oisited ovt t_za� the requEst did ��c�C iizdicate exactl� �ri7at usa�;e siZe sr� sl�ed t�� rnal,e of tiz� pro�erty, i�r�iether f'or dv�1e< cr rnul=�if�1e ui;ii,s. TIZe Zc�ni.�zg Board recotiuuei�ded tha� the reauest be re_�rreci Lc re�'erei�dur,1. T�e �Ci�;� A�t�rrie�7� s oa`i,z�an z�ras �hat Nince �Ghe pet-��1G�1 cov�-red onl;� of�e l�i, �t was a�roper sub je�t f�z a harc�sizip case if r.:are iizforinatiaiz could be secured. City i�7ana�er ��ras cL.reci;ecl co seeure r,�ore e;;aet i�?icrmatioil �r�r� the appliea:nt, ���e rei,urix Lize ma�ter to tl�e Z��zzr�� B�ar' aizd sc;neclule a Pu'hlic Hearinb lat�r ii necesaary, The �ity Att�r�le� read Resolu�ioiz 5u-26 a.ssessino the cest of the san.i.tary se,�ter on the north sic�e of Gu1f i,c, Bay Boulevard from Nimbus Avenue easterl�r ta Lut �, Bloc?> A, Gunn�s Addi�icn, a�ainst tlze benefiiecl properti�s. C�mmi.ssioner Stran� ii�avecl that P�esolutioi2 5�-2u t�e passed �.nd �,dopi;ed and tne proper oificials be au�horizer� to s3.�n it aiZd tlzat tl�e assessraent be spread, t•iat•ion jaas seccnde�. b;r Caiiu�liss:oner Roberes and carriecl unanim�usly. The P•lanaeei relaorted -clzat n.e had a rrire irorn T�Zr. yd. Spra;�ns, �iscal Aoent, recoiw;�endiil� ;1ec�izesday, Novei�iUer 23tn, as the dace for �ne sale or �he ,�p2,000,000.00 1SSL12 of revenue c�rtif'� cai.es, The P�iana�er sLt�oested �l1at an alternate bid coula be asl�ed ox1 �pl_, 000, ��0.00 riorth oi cert� ficates �a c�ver irm�eclia�e needs sucli as �i�e Tlarshall Street set�er ,�laizt addi�iun and ti�e Clear�aater 3eacn serrer pla�t if tile u:icl on tize f ull a?uouiz�c ;�as tco ni�h. 2i12 i�iana;�er ��oi�zced �ut �hat the storr,� setrer y�roject oiz Dretr Stree� si�ould also be started. Cor�missioizer Roberts mcved i;iZa� �he Coiiur�iss:Lon o_fer for sale revenue cerLificates 7n the ani�tint of` one riillien dollarM but ac tne ual;ie t7tue offer as a�z al�ernai,e to sell -��ao „iillicn dollars in reveizue certizicates on November 2uti� and that t,11e b_i.1s fbr the coi7siruction o�; ti�� T�Zarshall S�reet ��lan� be adver�cised for Decernber lOth. P�Totzcn �ias seco,lded by Cor,u�7iss:i.or�ei Stran� and car�ied uzzanir.�ous� �. Ttze City Attor�iey s�cated �I�ai; he nad r�ceiJed a�etter iz�:a P4r. Harold Briley requestii�G that the Br� 1_ey, ;•lild firri be autharized to prepare p� arls on tne neia Clea,z wat�r Beach setter plant u�ader the co��dit � ot� �h�.t the Ci �y Yrculd not b� .respoiZsible for payiiient unlesN tile certifica-ces iter� sold aiid tne 3��or�� autilorized to �roce�d. Coim7Lssi.ozler Stran� moved ti�at Briley, ;�Jild be a,vti�orized to dra�v tiZe pla�zs i'or che Clear:tater Beach treatrzent �lant oiz �he conditional basis that if �lie City builds it, ���ey .ril1 be paid for it under ti�e cantract for tlzat type �.i t•roiic, rlo�ion cva.s secondea by Coziu��Lissiaizer Rober�s anc� carri�d Ltila:�ir,�ausly . T�'ir. Rober� A. Freeze, a'ctorney, oiz bei�alF oi' ATr. J. ;d. Becl�er, as2ced if tile City Attoiizey had a report ready on the re-issuin� oi' a dsecl to I�Ir. Bec'_ier for Lots 1 tlZrou�ll 10, Blcc:� 5, Magrzc�lia Hei�hts. The City Attc}rnejr sajd he had not ha,d tii�ie to camplete his research and reque�ted that i:;1e iiia�Ler be deferred. Conmu.ssioner Stran� rec�u�sted i;ha•� Druid Acres 1st Addi�ion drainage be put oii the a�;enda far i�e<,t P�Tonday, October 2gu1z. Tlze City N1ana�er re�orted �lzat �le and Coruuzssioi�er i�oberts as a Uominittee lzad seleated the furniture i'or �che 1.aclies lour_�;e at tlze I�Ttinicip2.l AUdltoriurt consistir� of on� setze�, oi-�e e�i;ra cl�.air ancl one corrzer j:,able. He asl;:ed ap�raval af 1?esolu�ion 5G-27 coverin�; the total cost of j�250.00 fc�r �his purpose. Carmlu.ssioner �tran� novecl �;hat Resolution 5u-27 be passed and adopted and the proper offlc3.als be aut�iorized to execL.te it. Moti�n �aas seconded by Comniissioiier Insco and cairied unanYmousl;,r, TlZe City Attor�ley stated �Lha�; he had a report ready on the vacatin� of Shore Avenue be�t�reen Dem�sey S�f;i eet and Lal�e Bellevie�+t if �s�e Camnission tvisned to hear it � Go7uni;�NiorZer Roberts sug;;estPd the ieport be deferred Lo tk�e ize>t nie�tin�. There beii�� izo further business ca coi,ie before ta�;e Cor�mii.ssion, tlze mee�in� C•ras adjourized at � : �75 P . M, Attest: �--� P�Zayor-Cor,uaiss' ner r ��/ City A Lcdr �uzd Clerle � 1 CITY COMI�IISSION MEE'1'TNG Oc�ober 22, 19$'6 P�fayor Commissioner Herbert N. Brown Commissioners: W. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J� Roberts October 1$, 1956 Gent lemen• � The City Comnission wi11 mer�t i;n Special Session on Monday aiternoon, October 22, 1956 in the City Hal3 Aud.itorium £or the purpose of discussing the items listed on the attached agenda. 14Ieeting time will be at 1:�0 P.M. ]ours ver�r truly, /s/ John L. 5u�.livan JLS: s City Man ager Agenda - City Cammission Meeting of Oct-ober 22, 1956 Cizy Hall Auditorium 1:30 P.N. SPECIAL 1. Invocation. 2. Opening o� bids for �'ressure Reducin� Valves. 3. Awarding o.f bid far split hickory broom fibre �nd gutter broom wire. 1�. Public Hearings: Aa Request oi Mr. J. A. Fulkrod fo r a four foot setback from the side lot line of Lot 25, Block H, Aavajo Park. Pro perty is Zocated at �1009 i�iohawk Street e B. Request of Mr, B, �. Redmond, Clearwater Bay NIotel f4r eli�inatian of a r en foot se�back from North Fort Harrison Avenue. Praperty is on the no�hwest �orner of North Fort Harrison and Venetian Drive and is zoned R-M. C. Request of Chesnut Sc Lee for rezoning of Lots 6 and '7y Russells Sub- division, tinit l, to R-2 duplex resi.dence. Property is now zoned £c-1, single far,�ilp residence and is on the north:ear� corner of Hillcrest Drive anc? Zaura 5treet. D. Request of Mrs. W. H. Valentine for 'Y.W.C.A. for a ten foot setback on Block Y, Hibiscus Gar3ens Suodivision, E. Reque st of vlr. ^lhomas Hamilton and o�hers for rezoning af iots $ and 9 and east 62 feet of Lot 10, Block 3, and Lots l, 2, 3 and east 50 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 4, irTallace Addition to R-i� multiple dwelling. Property is located on Pine Street bEtween South Fort Harrison Avenue and the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and is now zoned Business. 5. Commission's consideration of: A, kequest of D. A. Salls ior adjustment on assessraent. B, Resolution conc�rning Mast:�r Raadway Plan T1NI R 1�� by Planning Board. C. Request of Ingram Qil �om�anq for a3ditica to sign. D, R�quest of vir. W. V, Lange for rezoning of' Lots 1& 2, Block J, Hibiscus Gardens. E. Request for �ezoning of Tract A and Tract B, Woodmere Re�1at by Fran�is R. Jackson. Fe Request of Nlrs. Ee S. Smin� for the rezoning of Loti 7, Block K. Skycrest Terrac�. G. Assessment Resolut ion on sanitary sewer in Gulf to Bay Boulevard �rom Nimbus P�enue easterly for 262.2 feet eas� oi Mercu.ry Avenue. Ho Report on proposed sale of' 7.956 Revenue Certificat es. b. Any item not on the agenda will be considered wit!,�the consent of the Commission. Adjournment. SUPPLEMEh 1'AL 9GENDA For �ieeting of Oc�oh�r 22, 1956 1. Propased Lighting of Drew Stree� from Missauri Avenue vrest to Mercury AVenue. 2. Propesed Lighting of Gulf to Bay BoulevaL� and Cleveland Street from Clearwater Bay to U. S. �19. 3. Report from the Nierchants Association with. reference ta off the street parking. 4. Resolutian appropriating money for one addi.tional Engineering Aid. � CI7'Y COMi� ISSIAN MEETING October 22, 1956 To Mr. John L. Sullivan, Gity Manager 10�12/56 From Mr, Oe H. Anderson, Sec�y. Zoning Board Subject REQUESZ' OF J. A. Fulkrod,�Lot 25,26 B1. Ho � Navajo Park I� is the recommendation of the �oning hoard that we �rant ths request for a 4 foo� set back under the hardship ruling. Attaohea her�eto is original letter of request. OHA:bk Clearwate�r, Florida 10/10/56 Gentlemen of t he zoni� Com. Clearwater Fla. Dear Sirs. I am r.equesting permission to enlarge my rear porch and am attacning hereto a sketch of our house and porch giving you the dimensions, showing that the p�esent porch stands four feet from the p�ope�ty I�;ne and I iaould like to 13.ne up the new adc3ition to the present porch. I woul�l appr�:ciate your ii8estaging and ask for your approval. Thanking you for attention and await hearing from you, I am, Very trul}r yotars 1009 Mohawk St. /s% J. A. Fulkrod l0/12/5b 7.'0. Mr. Jo1hn I,. �ullivan, CiLy Manager From Mr. 0. H. Anderson, Secty. Zoning Board Subject REQIJES�' OF CLEARHIA7'ER BAY MOTEL POOL (P�ir. IIsdmond� It is the recomrnendaticr� of the Zonirg Board that wa deny tne request of N3r. Redmond to build a utility room on the end of his motel, for t he rzason that North Fort Harrison is a main entrance to the City of Clearwater, and the requixed set��ac.k of ten feet is necessary for traff ic protecLion. Attached her eto is lett er of request with drawing. OHA:bk Honorable 'Loni.n� 1� �eptember 26, 1956 0 oard, Mayor and City �ommissioners City of Clearwater �learwater, Florida Gent lecnen : I appeal to you under the hardship provisions of the zoning ordinances of the Clty af Ulearwater and ask that you give your favorable consider�ion to the follow ing requestc As you know, the monal business here in Glearwatier i.s becoming more competitive every day, and we believe that we have operating at t he present time a motel that is a cx•edit to t his very iine corr�unity in which we Z� ve. It has become apparent, hawe�er, that to maintQin a successful operation, the motel owner has to increase his services from time to time to the visiting motorist, and the one that does the best is the one that off ers the most service to these people. It is my desi,: e to donstruct a very lovely swi�¢ning poo� in the center of the court .formed 'oy tha t�b'� shaped const;ruction ot my motel in accordance with the attach�d ci�agram. Of course, you g�ntlemen arQ' aware af tl� requirements of the State Board of Health in the City of Clearwater insofar as a steril.ization, chJorination and filter system is conceraed. This machinery i�quire3 considerable housing space, and my con5ractors advise me thai; about the only place le£t on my premi.ses to �nstall �hi� bulky and expensi�re machinery is on the east Qnd of the no�th wing of my building. As you know, I an set back at this po:int fYom the street sight-of-�aay some 10 ieet, �d it wi11 require my co�zst��x�ting an additiaal 10 feet of �uilding to house this unit in that location. I z•ealize that while this is not an encroachmer�t on t, e street, it does take up thc setback at L-hat location. It is cnnte:;,plated by myself ta constrnc� this addition to my present building in thesame architectural desig� that i have followed fcr the balance of my building zn the i�`�erests af symmetry and aesthetic desi�. I will do this at Con�tinued �' � -� '" :d � CITY C OMNiISSION MEETING October 22, 1956 �onti nue d �£,� ,^ � � �- considerable extra expense to my�self to preserve �he beaut� of the building and for the protectinr� of my neighbors as well. I would appreciate a very careful review of t h?G hardship by your Honorable Boards, and urge that you give me your early approvaZ of L-his m�.tter inasmuch as I would like to put the cantra�tors to work and have the p��l ready far the winter businoss. I would appreciat� being noi;ified of the hearing before the 'Loning Bcard and �he City Commission. BN1R • a Enclosure Respectfully submitteri, %s/ B. M. Redmond Owner -Operator Clearwatar Bay Motel l0/12/55 To Mr. John L. Sullivan, City Manager From fD�iver A. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board 5ubject REQUEST OF CHESNiIT & LEE (Lot 6 8c 7, Russ�lls Sub. ) It is recommended that the raquesz of 8hesnut and Lee 16�r re-zoning of lots 6 and 7 of Fussell's Sub. to R-2, Duplex, be referred to Referendum. Atzached hereto i� original letter of request. �H A : bk October 11, 1956 Honorable Zoning Board I�'iayor Herbert M. Brown City Commissioners City of Clearwater Ge nt leme n: We ar� appealing to you under the hardship provisions of the zoning ordinance of the City of Clearwater and her�by ;-�quest the following: l. That a waiver of the zoning on lo�s six (6) and seven ,7) of Russells Sub�livision, Unit l, be considered for the purpose of erecting a double residence; one to face HillcresL Street and one to f ace Laura Street. The archetectural drawing accompanying this appeal provides for a duplex which has the appearanee af a single dwellin� when viewed £rom either street. It is our understanding that the zoz�ing of the propert� directlp wesz, on Hill��st, laas already been waived to pErmit the construction of an apartment house which presently stands bn the corner of Drew and Hillcrest and e�ends sou�h a considerable distance along Hil.lcrest opposite the property with which this latter is concersed. According to t he �onin� map thera is R-1� zoning on the South side of Laura Streete Chesnut and Lee is the real estate a�ent representing Ms°. & MY�s. Bernard VJitier who are the purchaserB of these twe lots and in whose r_ame this request is made. i�+Ir. & Mrs. Z+Tildzr contemplate expenditures for the building construation alone to be up to �28,000.00, which expenditure and proposed �,�led cons�Ma.ctian wi.11 be a credit to the entire neighborhood. May we reque5t that your board hear this matter as soon as possible since a time limit has been incorporated into the ptu�cha3e con��act wh�ch our office hdds in its files. Respectfully suLmitted, CA�SNU^1 AND L�E ,��� J. M. Skelding, Manager JMS:mc Real Estate Department 10/12/�6 Z'o Mr. tiohn L. 3u1]i.van, CiLy Manager From Oliver H. Anderson, Secty. Zoning Board Subject REQUEST OF lUIRs. W. H. Valentir�, (Y.W.C.��,.) Is is the �oning Board's recommeadatzon bhat we grant the ten foot set back on the property known as Block Y of Fiibiscus Gardens. Attached hereto is ori�nal letter of request. OHA:bk CITY COMMiSSION �IF.,ETIYdG October 22, 1956 The �oning �3oa rd City kIall Clearwater, Florida September 21, 1956 � ���"J �:` t'� ^ ` Re: AlI of Block Y of Hibi�cus Gentlemen: Gardens. Pinellas Countv, �`la. We understand the.above desaribed property is unzoned. If it is agreeable with the Zoning Board we would like te place our buildings with a ten foot setback. `L'his would give us more recreational area for the proposed activitiss program plannQd for the youth of this area. We are pleased to see that the streets are being completied aroun� our property and we plan to start our activi�ies building as soon as we have a�proval of the zoning and oir complet�ed plans from the architecto MEV/r,�f Yours very truly, /s/ Mfldglle �i, Valentine Mrs. W. H. Valentine Chairman, Building Committee 10/12/56 To Mr. John L. Su],livan, City Manager From Oliver H. Anderson, SecTy. �oning Board SUbjeCt REQUEST OF JUDGE HAT�IILTON It is recommended that tYie request of Ju;ige Hanilton for the rezoning of the West 54�U feet of lots $ and 9 Less the West 54,10 ft; the East 62 feet o£ Lot 10, Block 3 and lots 1,2,3 and the East 50 ft. nf Lots l� and 5, Block 4 of. Wallace � s Addn. from Business to R-1� Multipie Resident Dwelling be referred to Referendum. Attached hereto i� copy af Petition. OHA:bk Honorab].e Zoning Board Clearwater, Florida Ge nt lemen : October 12, 1956 In accordance with a suggestion of one of t he merabers of your Board at your�a�eeting last evenan�, I am writing this letter to be attached to the Petition filect by the property awners of the 500 Block of East Pine St. , �learwater, re- questing a chanoe in the zoning classification from B, or business, to Rl�, Multiple Residence dwellings, on the followin� described property: 1`he West 51�.10 feet of Lots $& 9; Lots $& 9, less the West 54.10 ft; The East 62 ft. of Lot 10, Block 3 and� Lots l, 3, 3 and East 50 Ft, of Lots 4& Ss Block l�,of WALLACEtS ADDITION, to Cle-:rwater, Florida. It is futher requested by Lhe undersigaed, on befl�alf of th�se signing the petition, that i�iis letter be attached to the petition and should anyo�}e apply for anX permit f'or business buildin� in the 500 Block of Pine Street, that the undersigned be notified and that the pe�itioners have an opportunity of a hearing. �espectfully, s� Thomas Hamilton Attorney for Peti�ioners '1'H-a 509 Piae Stree - Fhone 3-12$$ Uct. �z, 1956 To Mr. �taH� L. 5ullivan, Cit y Mana�er From Oliver H. Anderson, Sea�y. Zoning Ba�rd Subject REQUEST OF Mrs. E. S. Smink (Lot '], �sl. K, �y�rest�:^1ex�r. It :is the �ecommendation �hat the request of Mrs. Smink for the re-xonino of thz above lot be referred to refer�ndum. Attached hereto is original letter of request„ OHA:bk �learwater, Florida 1450 Gulf t o Bay Blv�. September 29, 1956. Gi�y Loni.ng B�rd City Hall �le arwater, Florid�. Gentlemen: '!'he purpose of this letter is to renuest re-zoning for one lot located xn SkycresL Terrace, Addition #i, - Specifically Block �'K'� lot �'�`7., #21.1 Kerry Drive, Continued � CTZY COiKMISSION MEETING ` ' ` October 22, 1956 �ontinaed The reasons this particular lot may be rezoned� in my opinion are: l. The frontage on Kerx3 Drive is 107� ft., larg� enough to accomadate the addition we have in mind. 2. It (#211 Kerry Dr. or Zot �} is the last 1ot in the block. 3. It immediately �joine a large lot zoned for "Duplex-Apts or Motel�t �.. It fa�es Duplex 3ots emmediately opp�site. 5. Our proposed addition woald tie in with the hoiise propar and would give the appearance oi a Ranch-type hause, as one unit - and not as an �'added ta - afterLhought,. We sincerely hope you will consider this re�ues�, and wiJ:l await yaur decisian. Sincerely, (I�+Irs. Earl S. Smirk j /s� Eleanor L. Sm ink R E S 0 L U T I Q Ai 5�-_2b --- �df�REAS, after Pubgic Hearing on the 7th day of May, 19g6, the City Commission of the C�tg of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and WHEREAB, pursuant thereto :3aid imprave�ents have been sade as follows: Gonstruct an eioht inch sanitary eewer and arpurtenance on the idorth side of Gulf-ta-Bay 9oul�vard from the exi��Gin� sanitary se'wer at Nimbus tivenue, Easterly to the West line of lot 5, Block A, Gunn's Addition; a distance of �pproximately �.30 £eet. The properties facing and abuttinQ these imgrovement s are deeffied to derive speaial benefits �:�iere�rom;.�.:_.�:� � WHER�AS, under provisions nf Section 123,and other pertinen t provisions ef the City Charter, after said improvemen�s shall have Ueen completed, ihe City Commission sh.all assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abu�ting a.nd receivino benefits from said improvements so made, and 4�'HEREAS, c�rtain parcels of real estate facing and abutting anci in the vicinity of said improvements have been benefitted therebq and pro-rata cost Lhereof shall be a ssessQd against such property, NOt�Jr i'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly ass�mbled as follows: 1. That the above described i�provements on th e Narth side of G,�lf-to- Bay Boulevard from 'che existing sanitary se�ver at Nimbus Avenue, Easterly to the West line of Lot �, Block A9 Gunn's Addition, a distance of approximately �.30 feet, be and the same are herebp accepted and approved as having been coarpletesi. �„ �i'hat tkxe follo�u.z� described prog�rties facing: and abuttino and in the vicini.ty of th� aforesaid improveroents are hereby deemed �a have heen benefited by said improveffients in the following proportions of the cast thereof and the same ara hereby assessed in accordance with t1�e following scl�e;:ule: A S S E S S M E A T �anitary Sewer in Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard from Nimbus Avenae easterly 262.2 ft. east of iKercury Avenue. Sewerse Total cost 5�1,997.�9 loial footage 542.41 Cost per front foot �,3.6$ plus Probez�� Owners Feet Amou�t Search No. 5637-� 3egin in N line of Gulf- to-Bay Blv3. 700.02 Y �. of W. line of SW 1%4 of NE �./4 far P�B, run N. 2$Ot tlaen E111.39' then S 2$0' then W along N line of Gulf- tio-Bay Blvd, 110.21� to POB, Sec.13, �asp, 295, Rge. 15� N�alter H. �hristy 201F0 Gu]f'-to-Bay Clearrvater, Fla� 110.21 $�405•94 Sea�ch No.� '1'he S. 25�1' of W 146' oi E 472. 2' of t he S 674, t of t�e SW 1/4 of NE 1/l� less B 50' Sec. 13, Tnsp. 295, Rge. 15D D, L. Stuppl.ebeen et al 206y. Gulf-to-Bay C].earwater, Florida 11�6 Continued 537.77 , CITY COMNIISSION MEETING October 22, 1g56 Continued Property�,_� Owners _ Feet Amount GUNI�'S ADDI`i"ION Block A Lot3 George Rohr.huber et a� 2070 Gulf'-to-Sap �learwater, �'�lorida �Also .Ol per sq. ft. for sewage treatment pl�,nt. Lot 1� Geor;e Rohrhuber �Also .O1 per sq. ft. for sewage treatment plant. Lot 5 George Rohrhuber �Also .Ol per sq, ft. for sewage treatment plant Sea�ch No. 5637-D Begin in N. bdry of Gulf'-to-Bay Blvd. 59�•Q2� Eo of N1. line of SWlf4 of NE 1/!� run N 0�37' 47" W parallsl to sai3 bdry 150' then E. Parallel to C�ulf-to-Bap 11.Ot then S. 0°39�1�%rT E. 1�0' to Gulf-to-Bay then W along N line of Gulf-to-Bay 110� to POB �Sec. 13, Tnsp.29S-Rge. ].5E Kate Lubelsky Spring at King, 60 221.00 7$.QO 60 221.00 7$.00 �8,2 �0'7e01 %/�+. � Charleston, S.C. (1$) 11.0 405.17 , Total 54�.'�1 �1997.�9 �For Sewage tr. P1. 230.06 GRAI�D TOTkL 2227095 3. That if assessments herein made are not paid wzthin thirty (30) days from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby direeted to issue and sell certificates of indebtedness under Section 124 �f the Gity �barter, wh�Bh certificates shaLl bear interest at the rate o£ $� per annum against the fore- going pro perties for the assessments herein made imonediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirtyday +`peri�d, PASSED AND ADJPTED this 22nd da y of October, 1956. /s/ Herbert M. Broi�s r Attest ; i4Iayor-Commissioner /s/ R. G. tihit,ehead City Auditor and Clerl� l0/12/5b To Mr. John L. Su3.livan, City Manager From Mr. Oe H, rndesson, SecTy. 'Loning Board Sub j ect REQUE S`1' 0�' INGRAbi QIL COMPANY { Sign ) It is the Zoning �na rd's recommendation that we deny the request of the Ingram Oil company for an additional sign, as the Board feels that the original appli- aation appr�ved by the Zoning Board on 6/15/56 is adequate for Business in this location. Attached hereto is drawir�. OHA:bk P.S. 7`he 1�o3rd has already approved two signs of this natur� at this Tooation. R E S O L U Z' I O N Ivo. 56-25 WHEREAS, it is desired to a�propria�e the expenditure of the necessary funds for �he following items, which are not speaiffiically included in the current bud�et of �Ghe City of Qlearwater, which appropriation is deemed necessary and proper; Continued �_. � f �''�"_ CITY COMNIISSIOA MEETING ` � Oc�ober 22, 1956 Continued NOW, THEREFON:�, BE I�' RESOLVED by the City �ommission of the City of Glearwater, in session duly and regularly assembled as f ollows: 1. That the sum of �1,779.2$ is appropriated o�it of General Fund, for the following purpose: ' , (1� Additional Engineering Aid to the Engineering Department $This amoun�c to cover balance of Fiscal Year) lst. 6 Months ��206.1$ then �216.$$ per month. From October 15, 195b 6 Months L 206.18 --------�----- --�1,237.0$ 2� Months @ 216.$$---------------- 542.20 Total �1,779.2$ 2. That exp�nditure for the same is authorized. PASSED AI�D ADOrTED, this 22 day oi October 1956. Att est • /s / Herbert M. Brown /s/ R. G. Whitehead Mayor-Commissioner City Clerk and Auditor R E S 0 L U T I 0 N — No. 56=z7 — ZVF�REAS, it is desired to appropriate the �xpenditure of the necessary �urids for the following items, which are not specifically include3 in the current budget of the City of �learwater, wh:�ch appropriat�.on is deemed necessary and prope r; NOW THEREFORE, EE TT RESOLVED by th e City Commission of t he �zty of �le arwater, in session duly and regularly assemt�d as follows: 1. 1^hat th� sum of �250.00 is appropriated out of General Fund, for the following purpose: Furniture for Ladies Lounge in P+iunici�al Auditorium. 2. ^lhat expendicure for the same is authorised. FASSED AI`D ADOPTED, this 22nd. day of October, 1956. Artest: /sj Herbert M. �roen /s/ R. G, Whitehead Mayor-�ommissioner City Clerk and Au�itor 0