C:i. t;j r,1:lnai~Cl'
C:i. to'/ At t'.lrn c,y
Cili e1' 01' PoLLee
C:i. ty En~:;J noel'
!\fJ:.;t. to C:1.ty r.lana:.".cI'
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October 8-, 1956
The City Commission of the City of' Clearwater ~et in special sCGsion at City
Hall, Monday, October 0-,1956, at 1:30 P.N. ~'11th the follow:1ns l:J.ombcrn present:
Herbert N. BrmTn
','1. E. StranG, Jr.
,J. N. Bohannon
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
Samucl .T. nobert8
r.lnyor-CollU1LL 33:1.oner
COlilmi S 8i oner-
ConDlli s 8i onel'
COlll:ili G 0:1. Oller'
! ,. "
, "
, ,
, "
\ .
Al3a prcnent were:
~Tollll 1J. SuJ.ll van
Ben Kroll tZl".iC'l.n
G. rr. r,lc ClaLil,l<..:1.
s. JJicJ~ton
II. Dunn
,~;. .;.
" ,:
"... ,
~. ,
. :', "
r1'lle [,1<1yor caLLed t:1C ;.lectL1C t.o order a:1<..l. <.lnrJ()UJ lec:u. that the fJrGt :L tem on the
agenda \'laU iJ.'ilapd:i.nr; the bid for f.ire !lOGe.:. rrll<; C:i. t;'1 Hanugcr peCOlill;le! ld.ed aceept:Ln[;;
the 10\'1 bid of' ~i7{)2. 50 frOl:l the General Detrnj t CC)Pl.loratlon) :\tlnnta) Goor'c;:l.a.
C01~11:l13S1(lner Doh::J.nnon !':Q'Jed GlJ tile r'(;cn:.1l.:uJ:daLi \)Jl 0,[' ti 10 C:L t,\' r,janac;(;I' t ha t the proper
au thorl tJe s a'\'lCl.rd tl1e b:i.d tr) Lila Gcnel"~l De Ll'(,:i. t Corpor>:.l Li.ol: for .:i'((:;2. 50. r,loti on \'las
seconded b:/ COlnmiss:i.oner> Roberts ;uld cnrr:!.erJ u:lr::'ILtI;:(~u.f.)I;~',
,./ "
In I'c[!;o.r>cl to ti'lC b:iuo ()l)(:l:'~cl nt :.1. pl'cv:i.c:I1.:.J ;,:f":Cti.!l;; for' \'f;ll;(:r\':orli.:':; brass c;oods,
the C:i.ty r.lalla.eer r'ce(\l,l.:0i'\llcd '1CCI::r/c:i IlL the In,} i):Ld or "il,'('Y5.00 fPOlil the r,lueller
COI,lpany, Decatur, II1:i no.i S. COJ:u','..i.:J:::iO:1C:I' 130; trli:i1(J! 1 l.l(-,',ci.:d on the PCeOLlll1Cnda tlon of
the City r.1am1sep t21;:d~ tile ~-)ro~jel' C.7_ t~r ol'f,LeJ~l.j b,; iFttllOrl?..:ed to ::;1 '.TO tlle ol"'clcr to
tile rIueller Cor.1pany-, Decat1.lr, Il.lLlois, .:.1 'G:.ll: ::~;,:Oi:I,t; l)f ;;il,7(J5.00. notion wns
seconded by COr.1JllJ~:;81o:1cr Robcpts ili 1(1 e::n'l'~cd 1. ,];1:1.]_il.'): tGl;::;.
". n> _
The C:i.ty r,In.n:..l.ijcr l"CCOL::'.C,l(i.t.;tJ. ~llC adol,'c.ic'i: (jf' t:lC i):"!.~/ plan as submi tted a,nd
recoliU1lendcd that the Co:,:.:::l ;J;Jl.:w :ljJ,LJr-:wc tilO :).j)jJ!'Ol-,Y'J3.tJon of D.. toto.l ar.1onnt of
:ii5G,6oo.o0 to put tile pliW :into c:f.Lcct au VI.Of:;Cl....t0d) ':::i.til ~ill,20G.Do fro1',1 the
utilIty TIe'/onuc Fund and ::>~IS', 393. 20 froLl t2re G(~t'.\el'"'al Operat:Lnc: Fund, and that the
r)[l.~/ ra:1.oec "be rctr'oac ti ve Lo Jul~{ let, 195;.~;, T!lC r!~anaGL'r recol:'Jnenc1ed under the
elassJfi ca tJon plan that pl"Ov:U.>Jon be r,~ao.e f0l1 tJ.il i\G 31 stant I\ecl'ca ti on Superintendent
to be class:i.i':Lec1 an S-S:'. 7,11'"', tToe Bee::) \T:tco-Pref:;;JC)(~!lt 01' t:w C:Lt~T Employees
Associatio1'~, sn.id tlw.t t\w l\~:;soc:Latiojl ','!.').D :i.tl fa\.'or of thJf] plan hut that there waG
a cOlilplaint tiu..'l.t lonGcv:1.ty in fJervicc \'lClfci not l'c','larclcd 1.>;;' ra.!.~c:3. lIe Gtated also
tha. t tllere ':las some quost~ion. o..s "co \'.rho 1'laD to have tl1e au \.;;1Ori t~.. for adJnJn:i.stering
tiLL s plan n.nd l1e [l.s~c8d tl1e opin1oi1 01' t!w C1 t~' l\t torne;;' OIl tl1J::> Gub.j eet, 'rl1e
I>Ianac;er sta ted tll.2 t ther~ ;'il:l['::lt be a f.'e:'J c.-l.Gef:; ','lhere the rJalary n,dJnstr,lcnt s or the
clnss:Lf:Lcation W.1.S unfair and 311g(jCstod a t~h:Lrt::/ day period after adopt~.o(l of the
plan in \'1111 Cll any eLlployce cI:;ul d COJllpla.:l.:: :1..1' he Has not sati Df'l.ed. 1.11". Grover
Eldridge, C1 v.i.l Servi ce B,):'l.rcl CIlCllrnlai1, 0.1 so o..slwd that the C1. t~r A ttornc:/ clarify
the question as to \'/110 has the res,pons.i bility for adr:ti.nj,stcring tllC plan. 'rlle C:L t~l,r
Attorney stated that the Civil Service Act places the primary responsibilltv jointly
\'/i th the Ci viI S8rvice Doard and t~le appoil1tj.ne a utilOr'J t~/ (the C:1. ty r'lanager) to
administer the Act and docs not Ci '.Ie oi thcr one of' thOlil primo.ry responsibil:Lty j
hO\'leVOr, he stated the ultimate de ei sJon as to l1o~'1 mucll money can be spent in
authorj.z1nG the pay ra:Lses 1',mst. rest \,.]ltb the Cit~1 Cor:uniss:i.on. Hr. Ne'\'lton Barlo'tl
and r'lr. Hiehae1 SIn. tel', C:L viI Service BOD-I'd members, spoke ill favor of adoption of
the plan. Conu~l:Lssioner Bohannon }';loved, 'chat thc COliU'ilission havinc.; consideredtl1e
Nana[;er IS recor,unendation reGn.rding the LJay pIan -' tl1a t h:i.s reCOl~lr.lendat:i.on be approved
including the pay ranGes set out in the pIa,'! a.;ld t11a.t the sum of i?56,600.oo be
appropriated of \'lhicl1 :;>11,206.80 13 to e()ll1C froY:! the UtJlity R.::vcnue Fund and
$45-,393.20 is to come from the General OperatinG Fund-, and that the plan itself and
the method of' payment as prescribed also be approved. I.lotion \'ras seconded by
Commlssioner Strang and cal"ried unan:lFlousl-:l. Hr. :Jd\'/in Blanton, President of the
City ~~loyces AssociationJ expresncd appreciation to the Co~~:Lssion for adopting
the pay plan.
Hayor BrOvTll. in.troclueed l/Iayor Itaru Eurasl1il;lC..l. or IJocano, Japan, \'lho expressed
throuGh his interpreter, Key l(obayashl, his appreciation of V:le1'linc; democratic
government in act:i..on and noted the peacef'ul 3ettlenent of the lively discussion on
the pay plan.
The City Attorney presented Resolution 50-20 authorizing the payment of
$1,038.62 to Briley, \lild <'.,; I\.ssoc1ates for services 10 connection 1'litl1 the 'water
improvement project) storm seHer project and the se\'lace sludGe d:tgester.
Conunissioner Strang moved that Resolution 56-20 be adopted. Notj,on \'J'as seconded by
Conunissioner Insco and carr:led unanimously.
The City 1\ttorney reported that tl1e letter-contract dated September 17, 1956,
from Btiley, Wild and Associates for reside\1t supervision of' construction of the
seNage sludge digester had been checlced by him and he recor.unended approval,
Commissioner Strang moved that the letter-contract concerning resident supervision
on the sewage sludge die;ester by Bl"il ey, \oJild be approved on the reeonU11enda tion of
the City Attorney. r,1otion vias seconded by Conuni ssloner Bohannon and carrj.ed
. \
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October 8, 1956
Commissioner Bohannon reported that the City of St. Petersburg had forwarded
a Resolution to the State Internal Improvement Board requesting it to deed all
Bubmerged land \11thin or ad,1 acent to the Oi ty limits controlled by the Board to the
City. Commissioner Stran~ commented that CleUl"\1ater had made a similar request by
Resolution several years ago. The r1ayor reconunended that the City Attorney be
empowered to draft a Reoolut.ion renewing the request. Commissioner Bohannon moved
that the City Attorney prepare the Resolution alld the proper officials be authorized
to sign it and that the Mayor and the C:tty Attorney go to Tallahassee, if deemed
adv:lsuble, to present the Resolution to the Internal Improvement Board. Notion
was seconded by Conunissioner Stranc; and carr:ted unanimously.
Mr. ~'iilliam \'l:tghtman rcpresentlng Clear\'lUtcr Bay ~1arine\'lays presented a plan
showing \.that was thought to be a conflict j.n the deeds of the City and Marineways
which apparently :tnd:tcated t.hat both parties had title to submerged land west of
an extension of Seminole Street \'there the City is planning to do some fill work.
He suggested an exchange of deeds be ~ade to clear the title for the City and give the
14arin.cways nome filled land for expansion purposes. They ar.;reed to bulkhead from
the presen.t shore line westerly to the City property at no expense to the City.
fi1C question of the Power Squadron lease of City property to the south of Seminole
street extension \'/US discussed. By consent, the City Attorney was :l.nstructed to
checl-c the matter.
There being no further business to come before the COllunission, the meeting vias
adjourned at 3:55 P.M.
tor an Cler{
. .
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October 8, 1956
October 4, 1956
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Bro~n
l.iolDillissioners: W. E. Stra.IJg, Jr.
J. N. Bohannon
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
Samuel J. Roberts
The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday, After-
noon, Oc~ober 8, 1956 at 1:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditorium for the pur-
pose of discussing tihe items listed below.
1. Awarding of bid for:
A. Fire Hose
~. Wa~er Works Bra~~ Goods.
2. City Classification and Pay Plan.
3. Resolution from ~rileYt Wild and Associatee~
Yours very truly,
/s/ John L. wullivan
City Manager
56 - 20
WHEREAS, Bri ley, Wild am Associates 1tIere retained by the City of
~learwa~er as Consulting Engineers by contract dated November 10, 1953, and
WHEREAS, the said Consulting Engineers were retained for Eesident
supervi aion of constructi on under letter dated DecembLr 29, 1955 t which was
awroved by the City ~oornission of the Cie y of Ole~rwater. tlorida, on
February 6, 1956, and
WHEREAS, said Engineers have perfonne d services in t he nature of
consultatio n during construction and in accordance witih t he terms of said
contract and have performed services of supervision of construction according
to the terms of said leti~er, and
WHEREAS, th~re is due and payable said Engineers fromthe City of
Clearwater~he sum of $1,038.62 for the foregoing considerations, according
to the statewent of said Engineers dated September 29, 1956. a copy of which
is h~r8to attached andQr reference made a part hereof.
N~. lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the Cit.y of
Clearwater, !t'lorida, in session duly and regularly assembled, as follows:
1. 'fhat the sum of il,03S.62 be paid from the Construction Trust
Fund by the First National Bank of Clearwater, Florida, Trustee t ha reof of
Construction trust ~und Ageeement dated November 28. 1955, which Construc~ion
~:rust lIund is derived from pro ceeds of t m sale of Utility Revenue Certificates,
Series or 1955.
2. '{'hat a certified copy of th is Resolution be delivered forthwith
to said Arustee, Which said certified cbpy shall constitute the direction of
the Oft y of \.ilearwater ~o said 'l'rustee to pay the foregoing sum directly to the
said Engineers forthwith in compliance with Section 3(b) and other proVisions
of said Construction Trust Fund Agreement.
PASSED AND ADOP~ED, This ath day of Oc~ober, 1956.
IsJ R. G. Whitehead
City auditor and Clerk
/s/ Herbert M. Bro~n
Mayor -Commissione r
",,-.', :
October 8, 1956
- - 1107 56:2r - - -
WHEREAS, the City ot Clearwater is bounded on the west by the waters
of Clearwat.er Harbor and ~~e Gua or l~exico, and
WHEREAS, a cons:l.d erable portion of Clearwater Harbor is within the
City limits and the City has, through the years, acquired ownership to a large
amount of the shore line in order to preserve the waterfront for t.he public. and
WHEREAS, much of t.he submerged land in Clearwater Harbor within the
limit.s of the City is still owned by t.he St.ate of Florida, and it is desired
t.o request. the 'l'rustees ot the Internal Improvement Fund of the St.ate of Florida
to make said pubmerged land avails ble to the Cit.y of Clearwat.er for public
purpoa es, onl,;
CLEARWATER, in session duly and regularly assembled, as follows:
1. That the Trustees ot the Internal Improvement Fund ot the State
of Florida are r~quested to make available to the City of Clearwater the use o~
all submerged lands within the City ot Clearwater, still owned by thr; State of
Florida, tor public purposes only, including protection and preservation of its
natural condition and of wild life within t.he area.
2. That said lands be withdrawn from sale or other disposition by t.he
State, and that the use thereof be dedicated t.o the City of Clearwa:er under such
conditions as would make proper provisions fer 'the protecti.on of t.he riparian
right.s of individual owners of propert.y along the shore line ot and wit.hin the
limd:tss of the Clearwa~er Harbor.
3. That a certi~ied copy of this Resolution be turnished the Trustees
of the Int.ernal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida.
PASSED AND AD(JJP1'ED this the 8th day of
October, 1956.
/s/ Herbert. M. Brown
Mayor -Commissiom r
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
Cit.y Auditor and Clerj
.' \ ;",
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October F3, 1956
The City Conuni�siozz of the City of Cleartvater met in speclal session at Ci�ty
Hall, t�ionday, October 8, lg5G, at 1;3Q P,M, wii;h the follotivin� rnembers presen,t:
Herbert F�I. Brown
ti�J. F, Strang, Jr.
J. N. Bohannon
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
Samuel J. Roberts
Also present vrere:
John T� . Sullivan
Ben Krentzman
G. T. trcClai�u�a
S, Lickton
H. Dunn
City Mana�er
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
1�sst , tq City P>Zana�er
The t7ayor calJ�ed the meetin� to orcler and announced tha� the first iter,l or� the
a�enda v�as avaar.ding �he bid for f'ire hose. The City Manager reconuneildFd accepting
tlze lotv bid of �,762,50 from the General Detroxt Corporatior�, Atlanta, Georgia.
Conua:Lss3oner Bohaiznon z�oved on the recor,u:lendation of the City P+Ianager -Ehat the proper
authoriti�s award the b7.3 to �he General Detroit Corporation for �762.50. P�toti ari was
sec;on�.ed by Commissioner Roberts and carrie� uria,nimousl�r,
In re�ard to th� b;ids opened at a previous i�neetin� ior �vatertvorlLs brass gaods,
the City P�Iana�er recor,miended accepting zhe lot�r bicl of p1,735.00 irora the P2ueller
Coiiipany, Decatur, Illinois. Conuiiissioner Bohannon noved on the recor,uaer_dation of
the City IRanager that the proper City officials be authorizec� to �i.ve the crder to
the PZueller Company, Decatur, Illinois, in t?ze amount of w1, 7F35 , 00 , t�lotion Uaas
seconded by Colrunissioner Rol�erts and carried unanir,iously.
The City T�lana�er reconunended the adoption of the pay plan as submit�ed ai�d
recot�uiiended that the Comriission ap�rove the appropriation of a-�otal anount of
a56,600.00 to put the plan into effect as preser_ted, ti•�.th �11,206.30 fron the
Utility Revenu� Fund and..ti,,45�393.2� froni the General Operatin�; Fund, and �hat the
pay raises lae retroactive to July lst, 1g5�. The Nianager reconraended t=:;�.der the
class3fication plan that provzsion be �;?ade for an Assistal�t Recr�ation Superintendent
zo be classified as S-�, PlLr. Joe Beclt, Vice-Prssident o�' tlze Cit�r Er�ployees
Association, saicl tkiat the Associatio:� i•aas in favor of tlzis plan but that there tvas
a complaint that 1on�evity a.i� service was not retva-rded by raises. He stated also
tliat tlzere vlas some qLtestion as to who �vas to have the aLtthority fur administ¢rii7g
this plan and he asked the opinion of the City Attorney ar. this �ubject. The
T�fai�a�er stat�rl that there niight be a few cases tivhere the salary adjustments or the
classiilcation was unfair and suggested a thirty day period after adoption of the
plan in �+rhich any ezuployee could complain if he j+ras not satisfied, t1�. Grover
Fldridge, Civil Servic� Board Chairman, alsa aul�ed that �he Ci�y Attorney clarify
�he question as to ti^�ho has the iesponsibilitf i:'or administering the p1an. The City
Attorney stat�d tYiat the Civi1 Service Act places the primary responsibilit jointly
w:i.th Lhe Civil Ser•vice Board z.nd the appointing authority (the Cit3 Mana;er� to
adrilinister tlze Act and does noL give either ona of them priraary responeibility;
howe�rei, he stated the ultirlate decision as to lzotiv niuch money can be spent in
au�horiz�ng the pay raises n�ust rest vaith the City Conunission. Mr. Neivton Barlo�rr
and T�Tr. A�3.chael Slater, Civil Service Board iner.ibers, spoke in favor of adop�ion of
tl;e �lan. Comriissioner Bolzannon moved, thaz the Coinr,�ission havin� consideredthe
P�Sana�er � s recor�un�ndation regarding the pay plan, that his recar�uaendation be approved
including the pay ranges set out �.n the pla�1 and that the sum of �5'0,600.00 be
appropriatecl of which pll, 206 .80 1s i:,o come i'ror,i the Utility Revenue Fund and
��5� 393.20 a.s to conie froi;i the General Operating Pund, and that the plan itself ar_d
the raethod of pa;�ment as prescribed also be approved. Motian was seconded b�r
Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. Mr. Edwin Blanton, President of the
Clty EmployeeN Association, expressed appreciation to the ComrLi.ssion for adoptin�
the pay plan.
Mayor Brovm introduced Mayor I�:aru Kurashinta of Nobano, Japan, ivho expressed
througl� his interprei;er, Key Kobayashi, hi.s appreciation of vietiaiile democratic
�overizntent in aetion a��d i�oted tYie peaeeftzl settlement of the lively discussion on
the pay plan,
The City kttorney preseizted Resolution 56-20 authorizing tlle 7�ay,�,ent of
�1,038.62 to Briley, C•J^.ld w Associates for services in connection ivith the tivater
ir;lprovement pro,ject, Storm sewer project and the sewage slud�e digester.
Con�nli.ssioner Stran� mo�red that Resolution 56-20 be adopted, T+�Iotioiz was seconded by
Gonun�lssioner Insco and carried unanimouSly.
The City Attorney reported that the letter-contract dated Sepi:ember 17, 195�,
from B'ril�y, Wild and Associates for reSident supervision oi' construction of the
setvage slud�e digester had bEen checked by him and he re�ormnended approval.
Conu�nissioizer Strang movEd that tk�.e letter-con�ract concerning resident super�•i sian
o�.� the sewage sludge di�ester by Briley, I�dild be approved on the reconunendat�,on of
the C;ity Attorney. P�iotion T,vas seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried
. . � �..,:. �
cz� con�usszorr r+�TzrrG
oc�ober �, 195�
Commiss3on�r Bohannon reported that the City of St. Petersburg had forwarded
a�iesolution to �Lhe State Internal Impraveinent Board reques�ing it to deed a17.
subnierged land iv3thin or adjacenL- to the City �im3,ts cqn,trolled by the Board to tY?e
City. Camnlissxoner Strang conunented tha� Cleartiva�Eer had made a sln�i.�.ar request i.�y
Res�lution several years ago. The E1a�r�r recommended L-h�.t the City Attorne�r Ue
ezr.powered to draft a Resolution renstiv�:ng the request. Comr�isslon�r Bohannon moved
�lzat the City Attorne,y prepare the Resolution and tize pioper o�ficials be rzutlzorzzed
to sign it and that �he 1�Zayor and the City Ati;orizey go tu Tallalzaseee, if deemed
advisable, to present tY�e Resolution to the Internal Improvenient Board. Motion
was seconded by Comnissioner Stran� and carrled unan:Lrnously.
Mr. Glilliam Vdightman representir.g Clc-arurater Bay M�rineways presei�a�ted a plan
shot� n� tiahat was thought to be a conflict in th� deeds of th� City and Marineways
ti•r�zich apparently indicated that b�tl1 parties had title to subiuer�ed land west of
an e:�tension of Seminole Street tvhere i;he City is plannin� to do sonie fi�1 tivork.
Iie sug�estcd an exchan�e of deeds b� made to clear the txtle for th� City and give the
l�arineZvays sorae filled land for expansion purposes. They agreed to bulichead f�oin
the piesent shore line j+resterly to the City property at no expense to the City.
The question of the Pojvex Squadron lease Qf City property to the south of Ser,iinole
Street extei�sion ivas discussea. By coi�sent, the City Attorne�r was instructed t�
check tlze matter.
T12ere being no fur�her business to coi.le before the Cor�mi:3.ssioiz, the meeLir_g tvas
adjourtied at �:�5 P.P�Y.
Git;y uditor and Clerlc
►.' `
���� . ___ . _
C Tl Y C Oi�iI�;.I 5 SION T�i��`II�G
Qctober $, 1956
October 4, 1956
Mayor-�ommissioner Herbert M. Brown
�o�n;aissioners: W.E. Stra;�g, Jr.
J. I�T. 3ohannon
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
Samuel J. Itobert�
The City �oromission will meet in Specia:l Session on Monday, After-
noon, October $, 1956 at 1:30 P.I�i. in the City Hall Auditorium for the pur-
pose Qf discussing the items listed below.
l. Awarding of bic� for :
A. Fire Hose
�. waLer Works Bra�� G�ods.
2. City Ciassification ar.d Pay Plan.
3. Resolut;�on from �riley, �ild and Associ�tes:
JLS:s Yours very truly,
/s/ John L. Jullivan
Enclosures �ity P+Ianager
R E S� L U T I O N
56 - 20
WHEREAS, Briley, SVild and Associates were retained by the City of
�learwa�er as �onsulting Engineers by co ntract date3 November �0, 1953, and
WHEREAS, the said Consulting Engineers were retained for sesident
supervision of construction under leti.er dated Decemb�r 29, 1955, wYaich was
approved by the Gity 4o�nission of the City of �1e �rwater, �'lorida, on
Fsbruary 6, 1956, and
i9HEREAS, said Engineers have performe d serviGes in t he n�ture of
consultatio a during construction and in accordance with t he terms oi said
contract and have per�ormed services of supervision of construction according
to �he terms of said let�,er, and
WHEREnS, there is due and payable said Engineers fromihe Czty of
Clearwaterthe sum of �1,03$.62 for the f oregoing condiderations, according
to the state�aent of said Engineers daLed September 29, 1g56, a copy of whic h
is h�reto attac�ed and t�* reference made a�xirt her�of .
ATCSt�T, 2'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bq the City C�mmi.ssion Qf the City of
Clearwater, �''lorida, in session cluly and regularly asssmbled, as �ollows:
1. That the sum af �1,03�.62 be paid from the �onst�.t�tion Trust
Fund by the �`irst Nat io na 1 Bank of C learwat er, Florida , Tru stee t t� reof of
Construction 7'rust rund �,g�eement dated November 2$, Z955, which Construction
`!'rusL rund is derived from proceeds of tl� saTe nf Utility Revenue Certificates,
Series of 1955.
2. That a certiiied copp cf this Resolution be delivered £orthwith
to said Y'rustee, rvhich said certified cio�y sha7.1 constitute the direction of
the Cit y of �learwater to said Trustee to pay the foregoing sum directly to the
said Engineers farthwith in compliance with Section 3(bJ and ather provis�ons
of said Construction Tru�t Fund Ag:aement.
PASSED AND ADOY`l'EII, This $th c3ay of October, 1956.
A�test• /s/ Herbert �i. Brown
,�s,� R. G. Nahitehead Maynr-Commissioner
City Nuditor and Clerk
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October $, 195b
R E S � L U T I 0 N
— No. 56=21 — — —
WHEREA9, the City of Clearwater is bounded on the west by the waters
of Clearwater Harbor and the �ul� of Mexico, and
4�rHEREAS, a considerable portion of Clearwater Harbor is witlxin the
City limits and the City has, thxough the qears, acquired ownership to a large
amount of the shore 'l,�ne in order to pres�rve the waterfront for the public, and
WHEREA$; much of the submerged land in Clearvrater Harbor within ttie
limi.ts of the City is still ovaned by the Staie of Florida, and it is desired
to request the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of F].orida
to make said �ubmerge� land available to the City of Clearwater fo•r publi�
purposes, onl�;
CLEARWATER, in session duly and regularly assembled, as follows:
l. That the Trustees of the Internal lmprocement Fund of the St�:te
of Florida are requested to make available to the City of �learwater the use of
a].1 submerged lands within the �ity of Clearwater, still owned by the State oi
Flor�da, for public purposes only, incZuding protection and preservation of its
natural condition and of wild liie within the area.
2. That said l�nds ba withdrawn from saie or other disposition b} the
S`tate, and tY�aL the �ase thereof be declicated to the City of �%learw�r under such
conditions as would make proper provisions far the p�°otectzon of the riparian
rigYets of individual owners qf property along the shore line nf and within the
lim��ss of the C1ea�waLer Harbor.
3. `Phat a certified copy of tk�is Resolution be furnished the Trustees
of the Internal Improvement Fund of tiae State of Florida.
PASSED AN� ADmPTED tY3i.s the ��� day af October, 1956.
A.ttest: /s/ Herbert M. Brown
/s/ R. G. Whitehead i�Qayor -Commissione r
�ity Auditor and Clerl}
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