09/18/1956 '") :J . .:5'7ft;:) I 'J ...~ ~ '. , ....",. , ~:'.:1- ......: , . ~:( . .......":. " . t. :',/: , . '1' '.' ,. ,',' ....' ", ..'. ....~ ;;'!,:;' , ..i,j' . ,','~ .. . "-,' ""\:. ' ~ ~;,~.;, ,.,:'" :. :}'Y''''7:'::'':<~>'~'': ~.~;!/L1:~~:~:J;>}),;r .~J~[tt~;U'M;;l:'}L~'~,;"~_:";,,~,,,,.:~~>,'" CITY COr~SSION MEETING September 18, 1956 Thc City Con~lGnlon of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Tuesday, September 18, 1956) at 1:30 P.IvI. i'11t11 the follm'1ing members present: ...., .,. ------.-.-- Herbert fll. BrO\'!l1 W. E. Strans, Jr. J. N. BohL1.nnOn Cleveland 1noco, Jr. Samuel J. Robertu I/lnyor-Conmli Gsloner COI1Ulli s:3:i.ol1or ConUlu so:i.oncr Co 1 llllLl G 01 oner COIlU1li o810ner ,; ,.' A1DO Vl"'eoent ';Iore: i / ,~ . John IJ. ':;u11:L vall Ben Kron b~lil;_tll :J. L:i. CJ. tOll CJ. ts I\1:tn:J.[~er C.i. ty A I; t.;orney Cl. t;J En[;lneer ,. k 'rilc (,bY011 caLl.ed the I:lCctJ.ll[; "L(J order ~lild ::tllilOtlllCecl it \'laD called to c()l1oidcr the prJCJl':L t;,/ or 8tl'C~Ut:.i t.o be bu1J.t Or' r'(;~:;llr'l'aGl~c1 1.1JJcler' the County 10 ::.lccondary road proGram. J\ IJot of :.;Lrcct:] to 1JC fJl'C:JClltt;cl. tu tlH.; County COlfuniu~Jion ViLla mude up for llllJCrtJo:l .i.ll a ne:.ioluti('ll t(1 1)(; 111l1';11)(Jl'(..:d jl)-l 3, tlw c;~act 1)1"101':1 ty bcln(; tak:en up Jater ill tile lIlocU.lIL.:. It ~.t:.l:.: dc~dJ.dcu to J.ncl1..l11lJ in tlw l'c~.iolutlon that. i'undn for _ rJ.0ht:J of \'Ia~r be lJIJl)v:Ldccl. Comni uu:i.()I1Cl.... :Jtpan[~ moved the appro'i:ll ()f RC301utlon 5CJ-13 ancl the pr'opex' o1'l'JcJ.:-tlu bc aut:lOI'j ~~(:cl tu cxet::d.;c ll. Hotlol1 .,'laD Docondoc1 by Comm:lGf3:i.ollcr Bohunnon aud carJl':ied Uila,:1j:lOl...lf.iI:~r. " ',.. ~ 'rhe C1 ty J\ttorne;::l l'eported tlu.tt i t.; .i G IJ()sG:J.blo for tile Cl ty to purch1.1.se Lot 2" Block 52, Iij:J.ndaluy, 1'1101;1 IfJr'. ;":). H. RO::,hJnbc..;l'C, and Lotu 3 and II, Block 52} from I.lrs. ft'annic HarL:3 at :.~. cost of :lj5,~OO.OO each :'Lnotead of continuing i'lith the eondemna tion proceccUnc; G asainst the 80 late :1.11 Cll'UOr that they can be lncl udcd I'll th the seavlall and [;ro.1.n 1)1'0 jcct ~.n till8 area. It '.las reported th~t t f.lx'. Ita senbcrg ~'Toulc1 accept: payment 011 OlJ bcfore lJo'/embcl' 15th and I.lrG. r:Iarlc8 \'lould ';Tal t until January, 19:::.7, for paymen.t. Tile City i\ttorney reported that he had prepared contract::J i'li 'eil eac!l of' tl103(; O':lllcr:3. COliu1l1 G8~_ Oile1' Insco moved tila t the cOlltrac tD be approved and the prayer' ol'i':Lcj.D.l~: be al...ltl1or:Lzecl to cxec~lte them and t~lat the lot;;; be inc1ucled lil tllO 0ro~.n alld bul;'~jlCac1 proJect 110\'1 1~'1 pror.:;re:JfJ nnd that t~e C:Lty pay the C03t of' JCl1C :.:;ea.':mll. [.loU.on \!:.Lf..i f.ioconc.led by Conunio:3ioner Robert3 and ca:r.ricd UnanlJilOLlf.lly. ... .~. . "'1" .., , ~ .~ ,:;';.' ~:4~:::\:'.~~':.: ~~t.II~lfA:( . ,':'''' I~'t~"l . ,~\... "I." COlllllllGs:Loner SJcrnll2; left the 11lCct:i.110 at 2:20 P.I-1. ^1'tcr el:L GCU8si.on, t11c f0110i'r:J.dt; pl':Lorl t;,/ \j[~S asreed uIJon 1'01" the strecJc pr'()2:rar.l to be included 11:. HeGolut:Loil 5G-13: 1 . J.l;Yl..,t1e Avenuc i"iideninGJ l)D.VJ.l"lG ane} l.":L[;l1t of \"lay from Drei'T north Stevenson Crce;;. to connect Vl:i. 'ell I:lJ.J. ';lan]cee and al so connect I'd th Harrison. Druid Rond 11 II across Fort 2. l"esur1'D.c:~nG 1'rO::1 Bel1calr 1i1:1i1:;8 to Fort H:.::.rrison; ~'lideninG, reG' 'r:['c~c:ll1CJ curb \'11 t1'1 1.1.0 foot pavement from Fort Harrison to Belcher; 11 1'1"'OL1 Bel cller to U. s. ]. 9 - Guburban t~Tpe rOD..d. Street from Gulf to BLY to I,li88cur:L - I~O f'oot pavement" '\'liden1ng" t1 8. 9. Court curb. D1"'e'\'[ Street vlJ.dcll:Lns, pav:LnCJ l."cGurf<.:.cinG from I,tLsGour:i. to Cleari'lnter Bay and sout.h to Cleveland. Bel cher Road from Coachman to JSunset Po:Lnt - ::;uburban typG. Sunset Point frmn North Fort I~rrison to Kelley Road - urban type; from Kelley to U. s. 19 - suburb::m t;ypc, to 1nc1uc1e r:J.ght of' ....'lay, wideninG: paving, resurfacinG" LakeviCl'l Road from f.'Jyrtle to Keene Roau and acrOS8 to meet proposed Hercules extension per !':ITI-I and Hercules from Druid to La~:evie\'l extension suburban type. Betty Lane from Dre';T to connect ~'T1 th H1hmulcee per f,m-l - urban. Armston Road and Douglas ;\.venue east to Dunedin 11m1 ts - resurfacing and widening - urban type. !~ . 5. 6. '7 . ~layor Brown extended the thanl-::s of the COl1lmissj.on to Plannlng Board members for their worle in setting up the master highvTay plan rl1R-l as it made it easj.er to compo se the priority list. There beJne; no further business to C01':1e be1'ore the Board, the meetinl3 1'las adjourned at 2:55 P.M. ~~~ Attest: iI?~~ C1 ty tJfl or an erh: r _. __ --~ l. ."_L;'1;,,,~1l~.~Ji;Sb2t~;~~2J)~~~~?"~~!?2~ :,t;' '~ '.. " ':. ~ <il':'" \ " ,;~~ti~~~~;~;.-~~:~.;~..;.;;.:..~t._< ~....~. .... ~. .:-~:;.._ ',~ ..)...:. .~. '..::_ ...~._.- ~ ..' \~:. .-~>~; ).':_'1 .:...'.:~~::..~~'~.\'~'.~',. ;.....: ,.... .~,,~ _ . :;, ..........::.:.../. CI~Y CO~~ISSIO~ MEE1ING September 18, 1956 ~., '<:;.;1f ,;H,:, .r,,,~t;') ." '(e' ~'f.'pi':{',,;,:, '''L ;Yi~'l~%t~Jr.fi!:}.~{::J '"I '." \'JAl VEH. OF S IJ;::CIA1 CO~'JJr1IS::iION lVi~L"ll!\G Know all persons t.,hal, we the undersi:;ned Comrniss5:eners of t he City Commission of the City of Clearwa~er, Florida, do hareb~ waive notice of a S~ecial Meeting 6f said Cit.y COCOOlission which was held at the Cit.y Hall in the City of Clearwater Florida at 1:)0 p.m., 'J.'uesday, September 18, 1956, and we do hereby specifically waive no~ice sel, ouL in SecLion ffla of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and we do hereby severly consent to said meetin; at time and place before said. /s/ Herbert ~. Brown ~ayor-Commissioner /s/ W. E. Stranl~, Jr. Commissioner /5/ Sall1uel J. Roberts COlllmiss ~~('ne r' /s/ Cleveland Inseo, Jr. Gomrnissioner / s/ J. I~. i3ohannon Cemeni 5S ion er .'. ---------~---------------------------------------------------------------------- R~~OLQ'f.1Q~ 56 - 13 ~HGREAS, the Ci~y has been requested by ~he Board of Coun~y Commissioners or Finellas County, Florida, ~o present to tne Board in resolution form, its needs and priDrities insofar as a secondary road pro~rarn for incl usi on in t.he proposed county bond pro~ram is concerned, and WHEREAS, t.he Ci~y wishe~ to do so, and WHEltEAS, the C it Y C omIn issi on has heretofore adopted a proposed hi ~hway and ~raffic plan for the City of Clearwater and vicinity which has been designated as ~w1R.-1, v'lIhich said plan was prepared by its P1anr.ing Board and has been approved by several municipalities adjacent t.o the Cicy of Clearwat.er, and 1tJllEHEA::l, because of its raFid ~ro\'lt.h and expandins population the City has serious need of addit.ional ~hrou~h ~horoushfares to connect with adjacent municipali1ies and provide routes throu~h trafric and tl~ assignment of priorh..ies ~here~o is difficul\:', and 'i.'HEREi-\.S, the Ci~y has been specifically requested t.o give priorities to its needs and will do 50 wlit.h the understandin~ abat all of the needs herein- after se~ out are of almost e~ual priority, .~ ...> . Na,/, .! HE;R~FOHE, BE 1'1' RLSOLVEO by che City Commiss ion of' the City of ~learwater in session duly and re~ularly assembled as follows: (a) '.l'hat the needs and priort.ies of the City of' "'learwater as requested by 'the Board of County Commissioners of' Pinel.las County, Florida, for inclusion in its proposed counLy bond program for second8ry road improvements are as follows: (1) The con~inuation of' l.'iyrtle Avenue from Dre\'1 Street North cro ss Steli!ensons Creek \,0 its intersection wi. t, h !Vlilwaukee Avenue and a connect; on with F. Harrision Avenue t.o include all necessary land aCfJuisition, widening, pavin~ and development as an Urban 1:.ype road aCc ordin,p; to coun~y specifications. (2). 'J.he resurfacing of Druid .'oad from the Bellair City limits to Ft. Harrison Avenue and Lhe improvement of DruEid Hoad from Ft. Harrison Avenue East. 10 Belcher Hoad to inc lude widening, drainage, pavEihg and development as an Urban type road, and the further extension of Druid Road from Belcher Road East to U.S. 19 wit.h Suburban t.ype construction. (j) ',L'he irnproveJr.ent of Court. Street from Gulf-to,.Bay Boulevard to Nissouri Avenue to include "Wideninrs, pavin~, drainage, ani resurfacing where neces- sar y to pro vide a 40 foot Urban type. construct ion. (4.) The improvement arrl extension of Drew Str~:\}t from Niss::> uri Avenue West t.o Clearwater Bay, curving South along the Edge of' Clearwater Bay to the ent.ranc~ ,ocr l.jemorieil Causeway \'0 include wider;in~, pavirlg, resurf'acing and const.ruc tion of en Urban type. ( 5) The improvelll ent of Belcher Road from Coachman iI.pad to Sunset l'oint road wit h a Suburban type construct ion. t 6) '.1.'he improvement of Sunset Point road f'rom North Ft.. Harrison Avenue East to Kelly Road to include ]and acquisition, widening, pavi~ and resnr- facing ard Urban type co nSLruct,ion, and its furt.her continuat.ion to U.S. 19 with a Suburban typy construction. (7) The improvement of Lakev:ie-w Road from its intersection with Myrtle tlvenue as propose d, East to Keene Road and acro s s Keene Road to a n intersect. icm with Hercules Avenue as proposed, a rd the improvement. o€ Hercules ~venue from Druid Road to its intersection with Lakeview Avenue as proposed, to include all necessary work for Suburban type construct.ion. Cont i nued . ,> ,'j. 't" , ., '" ,,,", ,', ">"'f. ','_ ,\ "f",~,' ,.,: :>:;;t'; ~ . }:';'5'~l~'};/ '~,:':\;:p' ., :;~~'W;" ,j' ~:;,t:\:<,:' ":";~ ~:;"{W::\'.":;: ',,::;. ~':';~':;:N;;~:~.'~; j:;;~~f:i ,i"~;'~:(~~ ,. . ;':1~'~~; 'j, '.' IP:~7~';:'f[; ,;",~:,,:I,.,t,::;~.~t\'.'t:;::r":it{:-~~::':~~~':' , ;~.jjrl~~~~;;1g:""'~":' CI'l'Y cOr-nVUSSION MEE'l'ING September 18, 1956 Cont i nued (8) UH l'he improvement of Betty Lane Ave nue from Drew Street North to its intersect.ion with Milwaultee Avenue in accordance ~ith Clearwater Cit.y development. plan MR-l, to include all qork t.o provide Urban type construction. (9) The improvement of Annscon Road from its intersection with Bettij Lane Avenue to Douglas Aver.ue, and Dou~las Avenue to the Dunedin city limits, to include widening, resurfac in,~ a'l d improvements for Urban tJ'pe construction. (b) that the above improvements are urgently required in order to alleviate the seriouj) traffi con~e8tion within the limits of tihe City of Clear'water and provide necessary through routes East and West and North and South through tDe City. that the priorities given above by Nos. 1 through 9 are assigned because of the request. by the Board of County Commissioners that such be done, but that said improvements are all required almost without priority among them. (c) that tae City indicates its willir.gness that the roads, streets and avenues for which improvemen \"s is herein requested be desi~n ated county roads and ac~ept~d for maint.enance by the county. (d) 'l'hat a certified copy of this Hesolution, together with a copy of the traffic plan for t.he City of Clearwater ani vicinity 1t.hich has been designated J.1R-l be delivered to the Board of County Commissioners of Pine lIas County, Florida wi th t.he request that t hey be cons idered at its hearing on September 20, 1956, ani thereafter in conne ct ion wi. th r.he Jropos ad bond :~~program for improvement of secondary roads wi thin t.he County. PASSED AND :\iJOP'J.'ED 'J-HIS 18th day of September, 1956. Attest: /s/ R. G. Whi\" ehead City Auditor and Clerk /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner , '. . ~ ' .. '.-~ht.. ..-....,I.."'.~J .::>O'V.li..'~~',,,:,,,,,.~'i")"'r ....., .. ~~ . .... I' /" . ��) CITY COMMISSION NIEETTNG September 18, 7:g56 The Ci�y Cor��rnl.usion of the Gz�y of Clearwater met in special session at City FIa].1, Tuesday, September 18, 1956, at 1:30 P.M, vlith the i`ollowa.ng rnembexs pr�sen,t: Herbert r�i. Bro�^m t�d. E. Stran�, Jr. �7. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Also preaent were: John L. Su1.l�.van Ben Ki entzrnan S, Zicl.-�on Mayor-Commissioner Cotnm:i.ssioner Gommis�ioner Carnm3.usionei Corrunissi�rier City P,?.a,nager C:i.ty At corney City Engineer `�he P�fayor callecl the me��in� �o order and an;lo�.tnced it ti•�as ca17_ed to cons� der the pr:iox�ity oi' stree�s to Ue �uilt or reaurfaced under th� County�s secondary road pro�lam. A list of streets to be presentecl �o the Couzzty Comrnisslon was made up for l.i�,;�ertion 3.ri a liesolutian ta be nurnberecl 56-13, the exact priority being ta:':ten up ].ater :tn �11e meeLin:g. I� was dedicled to incltitde in the resolution tha�c funds for ri;;hts �f' v�ay be providea. Coinr;�.ssioner Str.an� moved �c_ze ar,,��roval oi Reso�u'cion 56-13 and �Ehe proper officials be authorized to e�ecute it. l�otion was seconded by Coinr:ussiorier B�hannon and carriecl ui�aizimousl;r. The Ci y� Attor.le�* reported Lhat i� is pous-? ble for the City to purchase r ot 2, Bloclr. 5?_, ��'IandalaJ, from t2r. S. H. Roseriberg, and Lots 3 and 4, Bl�ck �2, frO1T1 RYrs. Fannie Marlcs at a cost of' �5,500.00 each instead of continuir�� with the coildei�nation proceecLn�s a�ainst these lots in order that they can be �ncluc3ed a�ith the seatval7. and �roin pr� ject in this area. It r,vas reported tha� b7r. Rosenberg c�tould accept l�ayment on or �eiore P3ovember 15th and Nirs. T•4arl�s rrould wait until January, 1g�7, for pa�ne.z:c. The City Attorney reported that he nad prepared contracts ���i�h eac� of tlzese ov�ners. Commissioner Insco movecl ttlat ti,e con�racts be approved and tlae proper officials be authorized to execute them and t�.ati t_ze lot�; be iizcluc7�d -�r the �roir anc� bLzli��head projeet no��t in �ro�rass ar_a tlzat t�e Citiy pay tlze cost oi" i;l1e seavaall. ZQotion t�ras seconslecl by Comm=ss�or.er Roberts ana carried unaniriously. Gominissioner S�x�ai�� le#'t the zneeting a�G 2:20 P.F•7. tlf'cer dtscuss_on, tize fi'olJ.otlii�; priorit�r rras a�reed upon for �11e stree� F�ra;rani to be includ�d in ResolL�tio,1 5�-1°,: 1. Priyrtle Av�rnte �•7idening, p�,v-�no a�d r3�;1;� o�' i�;ay from Drzw nortn across Stevenson Cree�� tp coru�ect taitl? T�1il;•rau?cee ana also coiz�ect t�ritYa Fort Iiarri sor, . 2. Druid Road resurPac� n� frai;z Belleair liinits to rort Harrison; �-"-- ��idez�iiz�-• re5i�.r:a .. - d, cin�, curb 71t1_1 LI-O i'OOL pa�renen� fror,i �ort Harrison to Belcher; " " fro�a Belcher to U.S, l� - suUurbari ts7pe road, 3. Court Street fiorr� Gu1.i' tc Bay to P4issouri - 40 foot pav�sii�r_t, �:rideniz�o, curb. �. Drew Stree�. t�ridei,in�, pav-in�, resurfa.cii�� from T�Zissouri to Clearrratex Say and soutl? to Cleveland. 5. Belcher Road �'rom Coaci�an �a Sunset Point - stzl:urban tyn�. u'. Stnzset Point frorn North For� Harr�.soz� to I�ell.ey Road - urban t�pe; irai� Ke11ey to U. S. 19 - s�aburban �c�*pe, to incluc�e r� gh� oz t�ra�r, widetv.ng, pavin�, re�urfacing, 7. I,alcev'ietv Ro�.d frosn P��yrtle to Keene Road aizd across to mee� proposed Hercules extetzsion per t1t"2-1 and Hercules from Druid to Lal�evie�r extension - suburuan �E.ype . 3. Betty Lane froia Dre'vr to ,^,onnect ;�ritii r•Zilti•1aul�ee per i�ZR-1 - urban. �!. Armston Road and Dou�las <�venue eas� tc Ilunedin l��nvits - resurfacing and vri.denin� , urUar� type . Mayor B�ot��z extended the i:I�anks of �he Camntission to Plannin� Board members for tlYeir troric itz settin� up tiZe master hi�h�•�ay plan h1R-1 as it made it easier to compose �ize px:iority list. Th�re be � n� no fui tizer business �o coma before the Board, the ineetin� tvas adjoixrized at 2:55 P.M. l�ttect : //�. �. j��%���,�.c.� Ci -y itor a,n erlc i, i T yor-Comniissio /� .�"'i�+, � d CT`l`Y CO��IISSIOI� hSEETII�� 5eptember 18, 1956 VIAIVER OF SP�;CIAL COi+1lYiISSION M��'1II�G Ifnow all persons that we the undersi�ned Commisst�aners of t he Gii;y Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, do Y�reby waive notice of a Sgecial Meeting 8f said �ity Conmission which was held at the Ci�}T Hall in the Ci�y cf ClearwaGer Florida at 1:30 p.m., 'iu�sday, September 1$, 1956, and we do hereby specifically waive noLice set out in Section �l$ oi the Charter o£ the City o:£ Cle�rwater, Florida, and we do hereby severly consent to said meetin; at time az�d place before said. �s! Herbert ii. Brown i�ayor-Commissioner �s� W. E. Strang, Jr. Commissioner �s� Cleveland Insco, Jr. Commissioner R, E 5 0 L U i I 0 I� 56 - 13 �s� Samuel J. Roberts Commiss ioner • �s� J. Tv'. �ohannon C ommi ss ion er t�'HEREAS, the CiLy has been reque sted by the Board of CounLy Commissioners of Pinellas CounLy, Florida, Lo present to the l3oard in r�so'lui:ion form, its needs and prinrities insofar as a secondary road pro�ram for inclusion in thz proposed county bond ��ro�ram is concerned, and WhEREAS, the City wishe� to do so, and V�HERENS, the City Commission has heretofore adopted 2 proposed hiPhway and tiraffic plar_ for ihe City of Cleaxwater and viciniLy which has been designated as i�iR-1, which said plan was prepared by its Planr.ing Board and has been approved by several municiFalities adjacent Lo the City of Clear�n�aLer, and 4VHER�AB, becauee of its �apid growth ar.d expanding population the City has serious need of additional throu�h thoroughfares to connect with adjacent muni�i�alit;ies and provide routes throu,h traffic and tlle assign�ent of prioriiies thereto is di£f ic ult, a nd Y�HEREaS, the City has been specifically requested to give priori�ies Lo iis r_eeds and will do so wfith Lhe undersianding �hat all of the needs herein- after set out are of almost e�ual Friori�y, l�OV7, iHEFt�FOR�, flE I1' R�SOLVED by the City Gommission of the City of �learwater in session duly and regularly assernbled as follows: (a) `1'hat the needs and prior�ies of the City of �learwater as r�quested by the Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County, Florida, for inclusion in its proposed county bond program for secondary road improvements are as follows: (1) `1'he continuation of i�;yrt,ia Avenue from Drew Street North cross Ste�ensons Creek to its inzersection wit h inilwaukee Avenue and a conneet�.on wztih F, Harrision Avenue to include all necessary land acquisition, widenv�n;, pavin:; and deveZopmenc as an Urban Lype road accordir� to county specifications. {2). Yhe resurfacin� of Druid ��oad from t� e Bellair City limits to FL. Harrison Hvenue and the improvement of Druuld Road from Ft, Harrison Avenue East io Belcher Road Lo include widenin�, drainage, pavaizg and development as an Urban type road, and t ne further extension of Druid Road from Belcher Road �ast to U.S. 19 with Subur�an ts•I�e construction. (3) i'he in;�rov�rrent of Court Street from Gulf-to-Bay* Boulevard tb Plissouri Avenue to include widenin;, pavir.;, drainage, and resurfacin� where neces- sarp to provide a!�0 foo� Urban Cype.construction. (�.) The improvement and extension of Drew Str�tt from Mis�ouri avenae ktest to Clearwater Bay, curving South along the alge of Clearwater Bay t� �;he entrarice c� l,emorial Causeway �o inclu�e widenin;, paving, resurfacing and coastruction of an Urban type . (5) The improvement of Bel.cher Road from Ccachman lt�ad Lo Sanset �aint road wit h a 3uburba.n type constract ion. (6) the improvement of Sunset Point road irom North Ft. Harrison Avenue �ast Lo Kelly Roacl to iriclude ]and acquisition, widening, pavir, and resur- facing and Urban type consLrttct�on, and'its further continuation to L`.S. ls with - a Suburban ty�� construction. d .�. (7) ihe imgrovement of Lakeview Roa.d from its intersection with iiyrtle Avenue as proposed, East to Keene Road ar.d across Keene Road �o an intersectian �aith Hercules xvenue as proposed, ar�d the im�ro�remeni; o� 'Hercules �ven�e from Druid Road to its intersectio:i with Lak eview Avenue as proposed, to include all necessary wor� for Sub�mban type consi;ruction, Gont inued CITY COMt�1ISvI0N r1IE&:TII�G September 1$, 1956 Continued �$'1 i�� `!`he improvement of Betty Lane Ave nue from Drew Street North to iLs inLersection wiGh ,��filwau�ee aivenue in accordance �ith Clearwater City development plan P�TR-1, to include all qork to provide Urban type r.onstruction. � �9) ^lhe improvement o.f' tlrms�on Road from its intersection with Bett� Lane Avenue to Dougla.s xvenue, and Dou�las Avenue to the Dunedin city limits, to include widenin�, resurfacin; and improvem�nts ior Urban Lype construction. (b) 1'ha� the aiaove improvemenLs are urgently required in order to alleviate the serioufi traffi congeation within the limits of the City of Glear•w�ter and provide neceSsary through routes East and IVest and I�orth and South throu;h t�}e City. 1'hat the priorities given a�ove by Nos. 1 through 9 are assi�ne;i because of bhe request by the Board of Cuunty Coimnissioners thai such be done, but that said improvemen�s are all requi.red al�ost wiLhout priority among them. (c) That the City indicates its willir:�ness that t he roads, streets and avenues for which improvements is herein requesLed be designa.ted counLy roads and ac,:e�tad for mainLenance oy the r,ounty. (d) That a eertified copy of this Kesolntion, together wit h a copy of the Lraffic plan for the City oi Clearwater ar� vicinity which has been designated i7R-1 be delivered to �he Board of County Gormnissioners of Finellas �ounty, Florida wizl-i the request tha�; they be cons idered at i�s hearin� on 5eptember 20, 1956, and thereafter in connection with the �oposed b�nd -^pro;ram for improvement of secondary roads within �he County. PASSEU ANU :illOF`l'ED 1HIS lgth day of September, 1956. Attest: �s� Herbert N�, brown fs� R. G. �Ahitehead t7ayor-Commissioner Cit y �uditor and Clerk