07/23/1956 .....' .,..... . '~ " ..'.' -'. ,'" nO.' .., .~...-. I. ..;..,_.... .. . _ ....~. ~ _ ~_'n'.. .. -i'. _ '. /..?/)'d ~~..7' CI'..I.'Y CO.fl1iUSSION MEF.'l'IKG July 23, 1956 the City Commission of the City of Clearwater me~ in spacial session at City Hall, Ivlonday, July 23, 1956, at 1:30 P.I',~. with the following members present: Herbert i-i. Brown w. E. ~trang J. N. Bohannon C1e vel:md Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Mayor-Commissioner Conunissioner ComIni Se :i 0 1H~ r' Commissioner Comrniss ioner ,,';~ It-) . ',r"''''"'> " '1,' '~ Also present were: }'. c. ivlidd let on Ben Krenl.zrnan G. 'J.'. l~cC lamna .). Lic kton Cit.y Manag~r City Attorney Chief of Police CiLy Engineer The iJiayor called the meeting to order and announcod thll t the Gomrdssion had chosen Mr. John L. ~ullivan, City ~ana~er of Alice, !exas, ~o be ~he new City i'-lanager of Clearwatr~r t.o replace !Ijr. Middleton who is retiring. He reported that Mr. Sullivan had accepted the Fosition and would start about September 1st. By oonsont, t.he appointment of I~r. John L. :3ullivan as Cicy Manager effect.ive 3eptember 1st. was a~proved. 'l'he City !'lJ.atlager report.ed that five bids had been received for the cons~ruction of sanitary sewer in LaSalle Street. from Greenwoocl easterly 1,:;18 feet. 'L'he bids were read as follows: " . " ' l!:. H. rl01COlUb, Jr., Clearwat.er E. I. Hutledge, St.. Petersburg Hay &irkbeck, Dunedin Scansfield Const.r. Co., 'l'ampa E. C. Owens, Contractor, '!'arnpa ~,4 , 8 J 7. 50 5,645.00 5,598.00 4,402.50 4,627.50 After tabulation, the Cit.y Manager recommended accept.ing the low bid of ~4,402.50 from ~t.an8field Con5~ruc~ion Company of 1ampa. Commissioner Scrang moved on the recommendacion of the Git.y Nana(;er and the City En~ineer that t.he bid for the sani~ary sewer in LaSalle Street be awarded LO Stansfield Construction Company in the amount of ~4, 402. 5Q. i-lotion was seconded by COl1iIlliss ioner Insc 0 and carried unanimously. It was reported by the Manager that four bids were received ~o pave Norch and 00uth Hibiscus Circle. The bids were read as follows: Black ~op Paving Co., St. r-et.er5bur~ Harris Paving Contract.ors, S~. Petersburg; ~. H. Armston & Co., Inc., Dunedin E. H. Holcomb, Jr., Clearwater ~9,ee7.60 9,217.20 15,478.00 10,648.00 Aft.er tabulat.ion, t.he City r'1anager recommended ace epting the 10\'01 bid of $9,217.20 from Harris Paving Cont.ractors, St. Petersbur~# Co~nissioner Strang moved on the recommendat.ion of t he City i'lanager and the City Engineer that the CI\Iard of the paving of Hibiscus CiJ7cle North an d South be awarded to the Harri s Pavi ng Contract.ors in t.he amount of ~9,217.20. i"lotion 'Was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. 'J.'he Cicy M::inager reported tha t five bids were rec eived (,0 pave the street ri~ht of' "Ways in the Greenwood HallS ing Iroject. '1'he bids 'Were read as follows; ~. H. Arms~on & Co., Inc., Dunedin Black ~op Paving Co., b~. Petersbur~ ~. Ii. Holcomb, Jr., Clearwater Har~is Faving Co., 6t. Pe~ersburg, Fla. Blackburn Paving Contrac~ors, Clearwater ;J22,377.50 20,776.00 20,$81.00 19,558.50 20:;130.00 'J.he Mayor explained that. ~he owners of the Greenwood Housing Project have certain monies in escrO\iJ t.hat are to be used to pay for t.he paving and the City is negociatin~ wit.h t.hem to get t.he funds released. He said the paving will be handled as a City project. 1.0 be paid b)' Lhese Lunds. He reported t.hat ~1r. M. R. Hirschber8, one of the owners, had stated that the money can be released immediately. Commissioner Strang moved ~ha~ the bids be Lurned over t.o ~he City Manager and the City Engineer with a report back on A.ugust 6th. i,lot.ion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. It was report.ed by ~he Manager that only one bid had been received for the equipment. to enlarge the lift station at Kings Highway and Overlea Street in order to better serve Highland Terrace, Betty Lane Heights 2nd Addition and St.evenson Height.s. It was reported that the developers of those subdivisions had agre0d to participate in payin,~ for t he project.. '!'he bid was read as follows: Yeolnan Bros., Melrose l'ark, Illinois ~8,033.00 Commission~r Strang moved that the equipment. for the Kings Highway lift station be awarded to Yeoman Brothers, tampa, in che amount of ~S,033.00 su~ject to the approval of the City Engineer. l'Jiotion was seconded by Commiss ioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. Continued , ; -?tIftu ____ ~::,~~.~it> :,J~\, " . "~., ..\ '. ': 'Ii,>; '. ~ * , ' " ' ,- ' " : " .,~: (: ,'\~~~,/:::~,:",::. , ' ~~ ~ ,:::~~~ , ,i:f;l~;'l I , ~\ "'n"'''~..t..'"' "s.:.::,.~\11 . .:~~~~fii;)L 't;'";",,),, ~ " t ~ , ,\ . '\ .. 1" ; \\ )':;f,j'; y'}'. ~","cj! . ',,: '. t', ,"" 1, '...." ,'," .~. " ", .., J ~.'; \,:~/~,~::~;.!:.~:.f~: :.~;t~~K'~' ,I, .......... , , .' ... ."~'. , ", " '. . ," ..-. ~ ,,' .. ~ . .'., ."" ~ , ,} .;'. ..,.,..".....~.... ._,.,...,... .~...'. - "-,' ~_.. _. "..'..:.. ... ~"~f''''-:>J~\>T'''''''''', "r....'l,.:" ,'; t:.:-<4't.~F.I -2- CIl'Y Cm:IJ"U:SSION MEE'l'Ir\G July 23, 1956 ,!'he l-J1anager presented a tabula tion of t.he bids opened on July 16t.h for the sound system equipment for Lhe Municipal Auditorium. He stated that he, the Purchasing Department. and the I::lect.rical Department joined in recommending accept.in~ t.he low bid of ~593.J6 from Goddard-Tampa Company which has officed in Clearwater as welL ,as 'l'ampa. Commissioner Roberts moved on the recommendation of t ha CiLy !J.an;.:rger and the furchasing Agent that. t.he Commi ssion accept the bi d of che uoddard-'J.'ampa ~oIllpany of Clearwatt;;r for t.he supplying of the sound equipment in "he Iv.iunicipal Auditorium in "he amount of ~593 .36. I'Jotion was seconded by Commission~r Insco and carried unanimpusly. 'l.'he ;"~ayor announced the request. of Hobert Lewis for a fifteen foot setback from .\lissouti r\.venue for Lo~ 11, Block B-2, Sprin8field Subdivision i'i.2. 'j,he City Attorney read l..he request and t.he !..oning; Board's recommendation that the request be ~ranl..ed since i'i.is::;ouri dead-ends nt l..he end of t:. his block. The Mayor inquired if there were any objec~ion~ and t.here were none. After having held this Public Iiearin~ and having heard no valid objeccions, Commi.ssioner uohannon moved that the recommendat.ion of L ho;;! wonin.,,; HOetrd to p'rant t..he request. be upheld. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner hoberts and carl ied unanimously. . " "... . A Public Heari ng was called on t.he request of Xftr. J. 'I. iVIcMullen on behalf of l'lir. Edwin h. baxon for a fifl.een foot setbakk from Grove Street for Lots 5 and 6, Block A, Crest. Lake ;;;ubdi vision. 'l'he Cit.y I\ttorney read the request whl1~h explained it was planned t.o build \:,wo houses facin~ Glenwood inst.ead of facing them on Grove btreet.. which is the front. of t.he lots. ~he Loning Boara's recommendationn was that l.he request be ~rant-ed as t.he siZE::! of the lots make it necessary to have a fifteen foot. set-back to make a reasonalhle use of' the lots. Mr. GuyKennedy, Jr. appeared on behalf of t.he applicant, Nr. Saxon. L'Jlr. John S. Hoghland, owner of Lots 1 and 2, block D, :md Kr. Gerhard J. Hoerbelt., O\'1ner of Lot 3, Block D, Crest Lake :3ubdivision, prot.est.ed the \~rant.in~ of t.he application. Mr. Kennedy stated he did not have a set. of t.he plans wit.h him but he would be willing; to meet wit..h prol.esting propert..y owners t..o ~o over the proposed plans wit.h them as the i.layor suggested. Aft.er having held this Public Hearing and hearing all objections per"aining t.o this request., Commission-.:r bohannon moved that the Public Hearing b~ adjourned t.oohe second meet..ing in Au~ust. (August. 20), and tha~ this request be ret.urned to ~he L.oning Board for a complete review due l.o the two houses in the block wi"h a t.\tJerty-five foot set.back and t.he objections we have heard and request the board t.o study t.he plans and hear t.heB~ object.ions. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously'. , : l <~ ' ~he Mayor announced a Fublic Hearin~ on the request. of Harriet. J. Eckert for.a seventeen foot six inch sel.back to screen in and roof the present patio: on Lot. 5, Block F, 3uburb beauLiful. ihe City Att.orney read the request and t.he Zoning Board's recornmendat.ion t.hCit. t.he request. be approved. 'lhe i,layor inquired if there was any objection and there was none. Having held this Fublic Hearing and having heard no valid object-ions, Commissioner Roberts moved th~t the' request of wr~. Harriet. J. Eckert for a 17' 6" seLback for t..he screening of tbe:porch be approved for Lot 5, block F, Suburb Beautiful on the ~oning Board"s recommendation. i"lotion was seconded by Commis::.ioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. 'l.'he ~'1anager request.ed approval of t,he purchase of the balance of 700 chairs remainin~ from t.he number ordered for Jack fiussell SLadium in December, 1954. He reconunended using l..hem in "he i".Lul1icipal Audi torium. Cornn:issioner Bohannon su.:;~ested orderin~ enough for t.he whole Auditorium at, the same time. By consent, the Manager was inst.ruc "ed ~o con"v ac l. t.he Convent ion Bureau \..0 sel~ how ;llany C ha irs were needed and '1.0 fi~d oUv from t.h8 Americ8n beaLin~ Gompany if the bid could be cxt.ended to cover eXl..ra chairs at t.he some price. ln reGard ~o ~he plan t.o locate a new fire suat.ion on t.he northwest carner of Dre\v St.rec::t ar~d ~;eber Avenue, t.he :;-.ana,,;er reported tnat.. t..he Gity OWnSl' acreage approxirna.t.ely 165 feet by 1, JOO feet exter.din~ from Drew Street to the Airport. He stated that. there is a windin~ road runni~g throu~h t.he property, the use of which has been discontinued except for trucks. He commented that thirt.y feet has been dedicat.ed to Weber Road on the east. side and su~gested that the City dedicate thirty feet. on the west 1,,0 make a sixt.y foot right. of way, and close the ala windil':!'g road altbget.ber. He presented a sketch from the City Engineer showing the proposed layout. of t.he fire stat.ion on the property. Act.ing Fire Chief H. C. Dobson approved t.he suggested plans. 'l'he !~lanager wat; directed to set up appointments before the next. meeting with sev~ral architects to select one 1..0 desi~n t..he fire station. By consdnt., t.he Co~nission approved t.he proposed site for the fire station, and direct.ed the City At.torney "0 check t.o see whet.her it would be necessary to senti a hardship application to the ~onin~ ~oard and hold a fublic Hearin~ sinoo the area was zoned h.-4 and not. Business. 'l'he City ..lanager inquired if t he Commission would p.;i ve some inst.ructions as, to what. port.ion of t he Crest Lake f'&rk imprevemer:ts should be in~luEied in the first work order. the Mayor sug:~ested t.hat. the plans for development. of t.he park from ahe Flanning Boar~ be "urneu over to the City Engineer LO make working drawings on it. Commissioner Ir.sco moved that. the City ~anager call a meeting of the Park Corrrnittee, the City Engineer, ~.~. Ort of the Elecl.rical Department and !,:~. Dobsdm, PDrks Department Superint.endent, to discuss the plans and come back with a recommendation; in the meant.ime, t.he plan be t.urned over to the City Engineer. i~iotion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts 'and carried unanimously. ~~. Dennison Parker, speaking for the Elks Club, point.ed out that the Cit.y was wit.hdrawing support of the Elks Club Nursery in the amount of approximately $5,000.00 and asked that the City give t he building located at the southeast corner of Cleve- land Street and Pierce Boulevard t.o the Elks Caub, and also asked permission for the Continued , ':. ,\ . ~ ~. r.t.. ,"--~- :.r:':\:";':'.k,/,.' ','; :." .',1...:.....//; ,> ! ;"\ 7,."" "., ~ij~ $~~~ ~... "'k' . ';..,' :1'''' "... . _:.....~.. ...,.-, ,"' ...., . '.. ......... N'." .. ? . . ....... ...<< '... .,.;..~. ~.". ... '.'" ..,.:' .. '.' . ..,', //"r.::"'? ~jG -3- ClfrY Cor"~,i.lSSION MEE'l'ING July 23, 1956 building tiO remain on tihe present site until the Elks Club could secure a new loca~ion. Commissioner Bohannon recommended that the present Committee continue to work with these representatives from the Elks Club as to the time of removal of the building. ~he i~~or commented that the City would like to have the space in order to build more tennis courts by the Municipal Auditorium. Uommissioner Insco suggested that the same Committee also work with t re 'l'enni s Club on enlargin~ the tennis facilities, Commissioner Bohannon reported tbat the Committee could' study a list of City-owned properties to see if: there was some unused l:and which migh\.. be suitable for the nursery building. By consent, the Commission referred 'tihese matitiers to the Committee composed of Commissioner Strnng and i'4ayor lirown for study and recommendations. In regard to the bid of ~2,OOO.00 pEr acre for approximately forty acres of Ci ty -owned proper\'y (Lo\, s 5-12, Pine llas Groves), COffimi s~,i oner Bohannon reported that he was in favor of acceptin~ the bid from ~~. hancock but he understood some of the area was still being used for sanitary fill. 'l'he ~.1ana~er reported tha t operations on that acreage would be finished in ten days. i-lr. Han cock was pre- .sent and durin:; the discussion of tre terms said he would be willing to release l.he -itS,ClOO.OO deFosd:t \:,0 \..he City before the closing date of the sale. He explained if under t.he \:,errns of the contract he was permitt.ed to sell some of the land, he would be able to make the paym~nts to the City sooner than the terms required. Commissioner bohannon moved on the recorni:.endai:. ion of the City ;,lanager that the offmr of t.!!,. hancock's at ~2,OOO.OO per acre be received and that the City accept the contiract dated July 16, 1956, wit.h J. Frank Hancock, Jr., covering purchase by him of certain cil.Y proJ:erl.Y loc''ited in Pinellas Growes, that the proper City officials be aUl.horized l.0 execute C(Il)nt.ract and that the proceeds from said sale be used as received ~o repay ~he General Fund of. the City for amounts advanced to- ward the purchase of the Constantine property, and that the balance remaining after payment to the General Fund be desi?;nated "Constantine Purchase Escrow Fund", and thereafter be us ed as requieed tioward the final payulent for the Constantine purchase. Illotion "'Jas seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. Corrmissioner Jt,~ang suggested that a Committee be appointed t.o help obtain new areas ~o use for sanitary fill. Commissioner Stran~ movmthat the Mayor appoint such a Comrrdt,tee. ~otion was seconded by Co~nissioner Bohannon and carried unani- mously. lhe ~ayor appointed Commissioners Strang, Insco, the City Manager and the City Engineer to serve on t,he eommittee. .., 'J.he City Manager presented a Resolution assessing the cost of const.ruction of a thirty foot pavement, curb and necessary drainage in Poinsel.tia Avenue fDom Papaya 'tiO Baymont \:'0 l.he benefited properties. Commissione r Strang moved the Resolution be passed and adopted and the prope1' officials authorized to execute it. l,lotion was s~conded by 00r[U'nissioner noberts and carried unanimously. Commissioner Bohannon repDrted that t,he City had received an offer from I.ir. Kick S~gonias to \'rade Lot.s21-25, Block A, Navajo Fark, which adjoins the Stevenson Creek park fill for Lo~ s )7-40, and 43-49, Block D, l\avajo htrk, \'~hich are City owned, wi~h a cash consideration fro!n him of ~750.00. Gommissioner Bohannon moved that the offer of Nick ~a\onins be rejected and that ahe Co~nittee and the Cit y hanager be open 'tio c ontinued rle'~oti8 t,ions as required. i'!.i:otion was seconded by Gomaissioner Insco and carried unanimously. 'rhe IVlayor appointed Commissioners Bohannon and Insco on that Committee. the problem of plan\..ing~ass on the new Stevenson Creek fill was discussed and i:.he i"lanager report,ed tOOL the County Agricultural Agent had advised the City it would be necessary ~o put from four to six inches of top soil on the fill before plan\..ing grass. By consent, the ~ilanaE.;er wa~.. r:lirected to have about 25 pounds of Bahia grass plr.l.n\:,ed on the fill on an ex~i~irnen'tia1 basis. Commissioner S\,rang presented Chan~e Order ~l on ~he contract with Clearwnter Construct.ion Compa.ny for t. he ~.lunicipal Audi toriu.'1l which \vould save the City ~2, 100. 00 in the int,erior remode1iruj. Co~nissioner Strang moved that ,che Chan~e Order be approved and tre proper officials be authorized to execut e it in tre amount of <jt2, 100 .00. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. the tJ1ayor reported that during discussion on the new budget the Commission had decided to discon~inue the services of ~w. Frederick Bell, ~he City's traffic Engineer. Commissioner Insco moved that ~~. Bell be notified that his services have been discontinued by the City effective July 1st. and that the City appreciates the work thal:. he has done and t. re contribution that, he has made. ~Jlotion was seco ndOd by Commissioner hob erts ard carried unanimously. 'i'he City Al.torney present,ed a Resolution he had prepared on the reauest of t.he City ~reasurer to permit r,he City to borrow a sum mot exceeding tl75,OOO.OOwith interest at 3~~, payable in equal annual payments on or before five years from dat e liO be used for paYl.!lent, of capital improvement s 'Co the l'lunicipal Auditorium t.o be repaid from ad valorem taxes. Commissioner Roberts moved on thi' recotr;:nenq.ation of 'the treasurer that the Resolut. ion for 'the borro\oJing of t his money be adopted and the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Insco ana carried unanimously. 'J.'he Clerk repDrted that a correction to t. he minutes of June 25th had been sent out concerning the awarding of the bid for the paving of the Coachman Park parking lot. (;ommissioner hoberts moved that the minutes of June 25th as corredted be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hohannon and aarried unanimousl y. Continued ~~--.-... ':,:r~:~~~"f.~~?i~.t. ',. . . ~.'. , ",':: ~ : I', ,': ~ i I ! t i . ,,' . , ".1t;'f.}!~1f:'~:;;;:: 1 ~'r~~'~~.r; ~71f~"'1,~P\':~~1~~'i(~~"}..1tf~ , . .~.'. ' ':'" ~,;.,~ ~ .- . '<. "'I; ;.' ,,,.' :~ ,.....;;,,,.<' -4- C1TY COMMlSSION MEETING July 23, 1956 'Eho Cit. y At~orney ex.plained t.hat. it. will be necessary for tbe City to borrow $20,000.00 t.o p~y ~be Cit.y's share in the seawall and groin project on Clearwater Beach. He reported ~ceipt of a letter r~m Mr. J. Tweed Mc- Mullen, attotlney fortha owners of Block 21, Mandalay, (t.ne old hotel property) whicn indieated t.hat t. hey prefer to have t.he City advance tl1e anoWlt needed to cover t.heir share of t.he project -- $34,100.00, in return .for a mortgage on ttltl1r real property with payment to be made in t.hree years at. not over 4% interest. He stat.ed that the Re8olution was worded to cover the tatal ~ount needed -- $55,000.00 at an interest rat.e of )~ to be repaid in annual installments on or before five years.. COlllllissioner Roberts moved t.lB, -Resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to borrow up t.o ehe maximun of $55,000.00 for the 8ea~all and froin project on Clearwater Beach be adopeed. Motion was seconded by Oommissioner Strang and c arriad unartimousl y. Conmissioner Roberts moved that the tobal sum not to ex.ceed '34,100.00 be advanced for the use of the O\ine rs of Block 21, M8.llcialay Subdivision, in completing the installation or groins and seawalls adjacent to their proporty as a part of the project now under way upon the execution and delivery, by the owners ~hereof to ~he City of Clearwater a promissory note or notes payable on or before three years from date witl1 in~erest at ~he rat.e of three per cent per annum, said promissory note to be secured by a first mortgage on Block '21, Mandalay Subdivision, providing t.hat the owners of said property pay all actual eXRense in connection with the execution and delivery of said promissory note and mortgage. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonannon. Commissioner Strang was opposed to tne idea of charging tne ownero of Block 21, less int-erest that the bank is chargdi1g other people involved in the project. Upon the vote being taken, ~ommi8sioners Bohannon, Robert.s, lnsco and Brown voted "Aye." Commissioner S~rang voted "Not' Motion carr-ied. Commissioner Insco reported it was necessary for the Mayor, the City Manager and the Cit.y Attorney to ~~~end tbe Federal Power Commission hearing in WaShington, D. C., on the Houst.on ~exas Oil Corporation's application to supply natural gas to t his area of Florida. COlDll1issioner Insco moved the authorization of t ra vel ing expenses of to he City Attorney, the City Manager a nd Mayor Brown to attend t.he hearing 06 Friday a~ 2:00 P.M. Motion waG seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Commission now adjourned as the City Commission and acting as trustees of t.he ~ension Fund, admitted Rufus Rowe, Laborer, Public Service Department., to mem- bership in ~he Pension Plan on a motion by Commissioner Strang w~ich was seconded by Commissioner lnsco and carried unanimously. There being no further business ~o adjourned at 4:10 P.M. come before the Board. the meeting was 'Z~~ ayor-Comm ssioner A.tt est: :, ".' .. ."',';';".....;.""..:).>..,;':.:-.n'" ;..," ..-":"":"~ ;1;.:t.~. . .- .., 4'; 1"1.: (~(.);; ;)~~f~;1, "."l""d~'" "'.:"~_"'t""",,',1 .:!:1.!~.{i(/"~ :~:..: -,' ;,;:," " ~l '. - . \.... .. '::..'.'.r;"". . ,'....' .. ' I: . :?: ';~( - t. " ;'''. '.': ,;:' ~ l:' ~ '.. ',' ; ", ..<~v ,,/ ), ,;~ ~'oI!-:':' CITY COMMISSION MEETING July 23, 1956 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown July 19, 1956 CoDlllliss1oners: w. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Gent.lemen: The Ci~y Commission ~ill meet. in Special Session on Monday Afternoon, July 23, 1950 in the Cu~y Hall Auditorium for ~he purpose of discussing t.he items list.ed on t.he att.ached agenda. Meeting time ~Ll1 be at 1:30 P.M. Ver, t.ruly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton City Manager ------~-----------------------~~.---~~~----~-.---------------------------------- Agenda - City ~ommission Mee~ing of July 23, 1956 Cit.y Hall Auditorium 1:30 E."M. 1. Invocat.ion. 2. Opening of bids for: A. Sanitary Sewer in LaSalle Street. B. Paving of North and South Hibiscus C~rcle. C. Paving of Greenwood Housing Projec~ Streets. D. Equipment for Lift Station at Kingshighway. 3. Awarding bids: A. Sound Equipmen~ for Municipal Auditorium. 4. Publ'c Hearings: A. Request of Robert Lewis for a fiftenn foot setback from Missouri Avenue for Lot 11, Block B-2, Springfield Subdivision #2. Propert.y is on the northwest corner of Palmetto and Missouri and zoned R-2. B. Request. of J. T. McMullen ~or Edwin R. Saxon for a fifteen foot setback from Grove Street for Lots 5 and 6, Block A, Crest Lake Subdivision. Property is on the nor~hwest corner of G1enwood and Grove St. and Boning R-l.. C. Request of Harriet J. Eckert for a 17' 6" setback to screen in and roof the present patio on Lot 5, Block F, Suburb Beautiful. Property is at 702 Phoenix Avenue and zoned R-l. 5. Commission's consideration of: A. To purchase bal.ance of chairs (700) on bid advert.ising December 1954. B. Plans for Fire Station to be located on N. E. corner of Weber Road and Dre~. C. Work order to start improvements in Crest Lake Park. 6. Items from City At.torney's Office: A. Assessment. Resolut.ion for improvements on Poinse~tia St. B. Consideration of Hancock bid for City owned propervy. 7. Any bther item not. on che Agenda will be considered Wit.h the consent o~ the Comm1ssion. Adjournment. Commission meeting as ~rustees of Employee Pension Plan. .--~~--~-~----~-~--~-~---~-~---------~-~-~~---~--~-------~---~-~-~~~~--~-~~~~~---~ To Mr. F. C. Midd1e~on, City Manager FrQm 011ver H. Anderson, See'y. Zoning Board Subject REQUEST OF E. R. SAXO~, Lots 5 & 6 Block A, Crestlake It is~e Zoning Board's recommendationthat the application of Mr. Saxon for a 15' set. back on Grove S~reet be granted for, the reason that ~he size of the lots in this area makes 'it necessary to have only a 15' set. back in order to make any reasona&le use of said lo~s. At.tached hereto is original letter and set-back sketch. OHALbk ------------~~~-----~~~~-~----~~~--~~-----------~---~---~~-------~-------~-------- .:?,'. Zoning Board City of Clear~ater Clearwater, Florida Gent1emen: I am writing you at ~he reques~ of Mr. Ed~in &. Saxon, who has recently purChased Lo~a 5 and 6, Block "An of CrestLake Sub4ivision. Both of t.hese lots presently fron~ on Gruv,e S~reet, and Lot 5 adjoins Glenwood Avenue. BeC8lDe' o~ the fact that the presen~ dimensions of these lots do not give adequate space ~o erect ~wo modern ~a, Mr. Saxon proposes to turn them around so that they face on G1enwood Avenue. He also plans to ereet two homes, each of which July 11, 1956 Continued ~"..'. ~.,_.- ,'.'. '.' ~ ,", ". ~', ! _' . ',..'. l....._.;.I.\~<.> ~ i;l~IB.{;f1i~~i~, 4: . , - ',,' .' . ~5ii~~i~~~r.'..'~:t..;{:'~~,,;:,,~,...~....':L,-,:i;i;\0l'CU:.<'~':C:;;";!),,,Jk~~V;"':~~;;~;;i!&L;;j~,;i!~~~jfltt~~t\\~~:~. r) /.'-(:7 c.::y/.....J 7' CITY COMMISSION MEETING July 23, 1956 (Continued) would face on Glenwood. It is Mr. Saxon's request that he be permitted to erect a house on the corner lot with a fifteen foot setback on Grove Street. A setback of twenty f~~e feet would be observed on Glenwood Avenue in both instances. Mr. Saxon has prepared and I attach hereto, a sketch showing the locaaion ot the houses which have already been constructed in this area, and ~ivin~ the various setbacks which have been observed. You will note that the houDe on the Northeast corner of Glenwood and Grove has a s~tback of only fifteen feet, as well as other houses on that side of Grove west of Highl~nd and thus Mr. Saxon's proposed building would not be inconsistant. Another factor which has influenced Mr. Saxon in deciding to front both houses on Glenwood is that he can hereby save a number of oak trees, some of which are quite large and beautiful, and all of which would have to be destroyed if t he lots were un- changed and faced on Grove Street. It is respectfully requested that consideration be given to this request for a fifteen~ot setback on Grove Street for the lot which will be on the Northwest corner of Grove Street and Glenwood Avenue. J'J:M: bjk Enclosure 1 Respectfully submitted, /s/ John T. McMullen --------~---------~-------------~----~----------------------------~-~--~-~-~------ 7/13/56 To Mr. t'. C. Middleton, City Manager From Oliver H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board Subject REQUEST OF HARRIET J. ECKERT (Lot 5, Block F, Suburb Beautifuly It is t he Zoning Board t s recommendation that the request of Harriet Eckert to extend her porch be granted under the hardship ruling. Attached hereto is original letter of request wi~h set-backs and shapshots offresidence. OHA:bk -----------~-------------------------------~-----------------~-------------------- Hardship Ruling Zoning Board 415 GardentAvBnue Clearwater, Florida Dear Sirs: 702 Phoenix Avenue Clearwater, Fla. June 27, 1956 I own Wy pnpperty at 702 Phoenix Avenue, Suburb Beautiful, Block F, Lot 5. I would ver~ much like to have my front porch screendd in and a Shingle roo~ put over it. The concerte porch with railing are already there. In~the same block ~o the north there are two houses with screened est ended porched, that extend out beyond the present limit. I am past my 82'nd year and I wish very much to have the pleasure of enjoying my porch, espicially evenings when our bugs are so terrible. Please give this plea your earliest and best a~tention. Sincerely - _ /s/ Harriet J. Eckert ----~------------------------~-------~---------------------------~-------------- 7/13/56 'r'o Mr. t'. C. Middleton From Oliver H. Anderson, Sec'y. ~oning Board Subject REQUEST OF ROBERT LEWIS Lot 11, Block 2 Springfield Sub. #2 It is the Zoning Board's recommendation that we grant the request of Robert Lewis for a 15' setback on Missouri Avenue. The reason for this decision is that. Missouri dead-ends at t.he end of this bloak. Attached hereto is original letter with Bet-back sketch. Otkt-:bk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-. 7/5/56 To the ~oning Board Members Dear Mr. Chairman I have a Small Lot on the corner of Missouri and Palmetto St. size of Lot '4S.:x 106 ft. now as the City's code requires to set back 25Ft. from "each St. line and 5 Ft. in side the Lot line that would only Leave me an 18 Ft. ~pace in width to Build on So I am asking you all to allow me to set Back 15 Ft. on Missouri and 25 ft. on Palmetto and that would give me a sapce of 28 Ft. wide. Continued , ' ',: ". 1__:. . -'. - , .. '''.,,'' ,- - '.. ';' !..... ~""..~-.. .; '.'. ': . ,"'" 'J, .,...,.:.:'...,.... :1.'. . ., ~.." ,';"~.i;.;?~:. :f/:',1;;1~~'1.>~ '.I~l:'~\'~.'l.f,";r.. :;;:.:..:;." , ' . '.' . . , .".. ... ~', .'~. . .;"" ,. " " "__,,, '.<' :;.......,.... ',,.~ .......~, f., CITY CO~~lISSION MEETING July 23, 1956 (Cont.inued) Now please consider my case as it is'a hard shipe case Very t.ruly Is/ Robert Lewis -~---~------------~---~--------------~--------------~-----~---~----------------~ !iE201.!l.:!.I9.!i VJHEHEAS, after Public Hearin~ on the 7t.h day of November, A.D., 1955, t~ City Commission of t.he City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain \\tlrk and improvements hereinafL~r described should be done and made, and WHLREA~, pursuant t.h ereLO said improvements ha ve been made as follows: Construct a 30 foot pa vernent with curb a nd necessary drainage in Poinsettia Avenue from the north line of PapaYrt Street to the south line of Baymont St. . AND \'JHEHEA~, under t.he provisions of .gectj,o n 123 and othe r pertinent provi sions of t.he City Charter, after said improvemer:ts shall havu be':jn completed, the City Commission shall assess t.he cost thereof against t.he properties facing and abutl.ing and receiving benefits from said i ilprovements so reade, and WHEREAS, cert.ain parcels of real estate facing and abutting and in the vicinity of said improvements have been benefited t.h(~reby and t.he pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed agair,st. said parcels. tW'tJ, 'lH}<:ld~FOhE, BE 1'1 R~::)OLVED by t he City Commission of the City of Clearwater Florida, in session duly and re~ulRrly assembled as follows: 1. Tha L the above described i:/ provements in Poinset.t.ia Ave nue be and the same aee hereby accepted and approved as having been aompleted. 2. .l.hat t.he following described propert.ies facin~ and abutt.ing and in the vi ciniLy of t. he aforesaid improveme nts ~,are he reby deemed to ha ve been })enefit.ed by said imprQveffients in the following pooportions of the cost thereof and the same are he reby assessed in ac :~ordance wi th t 113 following schedul~: ASS E SSM E N T Poinset.tia Av~nue Pavement from Papaya Pavement: Total Cost ',L'otal Front-age Cost per Front Foot S~reet to Baymont Street ;;;.8418. LO 1500 feet 5.61 Property lieplat. Clearwater Block A Lot 1 Owner Beach ~ark 1st. Addition Feet Amount ;.L'homas A. 1Jlitchell Route 1, box 466 Lar e;o, Flor ida ~~s. Alice Virella 4g6 foinsettia Ave. G.:le~:lD'water, Fla. 50 ;~280. 62 50 $280.62 50 $280.62 50 $280.62 50 $280.62 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot. 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 (, Lot 7 Loti 8 Loti 9 ~~s. Alice Virella ;,lrs. Alice Virella ~,irs. Alic e Vire lla Glen E. Wilson 470 Poinsettia Clearwat.er,1 Florida Beach 50 ~280.62 Gle n E. Wdllson 50 50 _280.62 ~280.62 Geen E. 'I'Jilson Henry H. ~altring 462 Poinset.tia Clearwater Beach, Florida Heney H. Walt.ring Henry H. ~iltring Jefferson B. Howard 454 Poinsettiia Clearwater Beach, ilorida Jefferson B. Howard 50 50 :;P280.62 $280.62 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 50 50 50 $28Q.62 ~280.62 $280,62 La t 13 Loti 14 William R. Hiltv Cor. Papaya & Poinsettiia Cle arwater, Flat' id a William R~ Hilty 50 50 $280.62 $280.62 Lot 15 , . . .-.. ' Contiinued .,',' . :.:,.:;.'<.:'t :,~. . hf:i~~j~i. ~ ~/~,: ',~;~j: \ '.~'1/):~.t>,~,~:-"~~'}f~~'~\'" - . i:~~tirf~;\;;~:\f:}Y:;fS~~I;;:';:' " "'{: .. ".. ,. !;~~l~:Jr:',~jt}~,:~ ,~::_ ~;'L;.,~: '_.~~.... , ", '",'" ,~. '::, t,'. , .:: ~. ~.:\':-,' ,> . '~~~".'" ""..;',~.~: ,~::::,..~:."t~\~ ; . .: .~,." '. ,..... ,._,. ,.,'_'.!fi2~illd;:~L62~:~~.'.::.::~ili::Lj;d/_.i~:;tL.t:~::;:~(~~>i:~1~:~{~J2i;': "" :"'ji::"]~~t{il%~~~ '"," .' "., .;:(~/: C1'l'Y Cm.l.,;rS$!ON ME!!~'l'ING July 23, 1956 (Continued) BLaH" B Lot. 1 'l.'horna s G. Lee 51 Baymcnt Clearwater Beach, r'lor id a j"lari a A. HulJio l~8 5 Poinsettia Glearwat.er 13 ea ch , L'lorida i"la ria f, . Rubio iV~aria A. huhio . i-1ari a A. Rubio !'!Bria A. hubio 50 $280.62 50 $280.62 50 ~280.62 50 ~280.62 50 ~280.62 50 ~280.62 50 :a:280.62 r.j t~A ~.{ , '. :;t:...: Lot. 2 Lot. 3 Lot. '-1 Lot. 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot. 8 !Vlaria A. Hubio Mamac Properties, Inc. 462 Last ~hore Drive Clearwater, beach, Florida Mamac rroperties, Inc. A. B. ~lcDerrnon 462 East Shore Drive C learwar. er, I en c h, .Fl or ida Lot. 9 Lo1. lQ 50 50 280.62 ~~,280.62 50 $280.62 50 $280.62 50 $280162 50 $280.62 Lot 11 Lot 12 A.b. jvlcDermon Albert L. Mason 1550 Cleveland Street ~learwEll;er, Florida Lot 1.3 E. Gonatos 449~ foinsettia Clearwater Beach, Florida 50 $280.62 Lot 14 Mrs. Jean M. Brown 446 Eas~ Shore Drive Clearwat.er Beach, B'lorida D. H. Geist 440 East Shore Drive Clearwater Beach, Florida 50 ~~.2 80 . 62 50 $280.62t; Lot. 15 '1'0'1 ALS '". 1500 feet $8418. 60 3. That if assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date hereof, the City treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell Cer~ificates of Indeb~edness under Section 124 of the City Charter, ~hich cer~ificate5 eball bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum against the fore- going propcrti~s for the assessments herein made immediately upon t.he expiration of ~he foregoin~ vhir~~-day period. PASSED AND ADOP'i'ED thi s 2~ rd day of' (July, 1956 /s/ Herbert M. Brown ;.:A YOR- COlVh"1ISSIONER Al'.I.ES'l' : /s/ R. G. Whitehead CD:! AUDl'l'OR AND C 1~ltK -------~~---~--~-----------------------------------------------------------------~-- HEE.QL~11QN WijEREAS, the City Comnission o~ the City of Clearwater has authorized the construction and complet.ion of a lar~e nwmber of civic improvements within a ahor~ period of time, and WHEREAS, the City is in need of funds to finance capital expenditures in irnpro ving the municipal audi toriurn and for other purposes; NOW, ~HLREFOI~, B~ It RESOLVED by the City Commission in the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly ani regularly assembled as follows: 1. That. the proper officials of the City of Clearwater are hereby authorized to borro~ a sum not exceedi~~ ~175,OOO with interes~ at. t.he rate of 3% per annum on amounts borrowed, payable in equal annual payments of principal and interest on or before five years from date, ~ith the proceeds to be used for pa~ent of capit.al improvements \'0 t.hernunicipal auditormurn of the City. C ont inue d '.~"":'":~~"" .~.., '.. t ,. ~C\I~~~:~;rlLL! ....' ,..b.1,. " t ''':. ,~" .,~':,.--~.~~~,~~~~--~~:~_._---~--:--'/;:;,..t~,~;~~,~{i~::;.~J~;.:~';'~::;:'].'.::'~"N~~f~~~~<~"-~'7,r.~..~".- :1,:LLL.:~:L.:~;",:,u~:,,',~~ ~j~::,~~t2:'~L.:_ ~",;. '.:~L,:."; :;\~;';~:::0;fifi:Itt~(.ji;:;:";'.';;'/"':'; CItY COMMISSIO~ MEETIKG Jul~' 23, 1956 (Continued) '~~~t~ 2. Said obligation shall be repfJid from ad valorum taxes for the year 1956 and subsequen~ years. ,",~{l~ ! .~,~~+~z. l~~~:'t ':~/K".:;,.ft);'!;~\,',:L ' ,"", "!,.,,.t',,\.., '0 -:;;:}r~~;~;j;~~~:~(?':;<~~,: ,~.-l,.:" :>~':, ':,!-,: .' , ,.,-.1 "'H..'ol~.I'-"h"" \, . "p 1,,".,1-)1 :i.;~;!ilt1~r":" '.~ ~i)itt~fJ~fil~',; ):I!J~~~f~J~' }':-~: ~h ~,',~~{.~".~;"~;~: ' 3. 'lhe proper off'icials are hereby authorized to execute such note or notes and other Ei~(Ilents as loay be rer;uired to accomplish the borrowing of such amount for the Furposes indica~ed. PASStD A~U ADOP~BD ~his 2Jrd day of' July, 1956. ALl, est: /s/ U. G. Whitehead Git.. y Audi tor and Clerk Is/ Herbert.. lvi. Brown ~ayor-Commissioner . I .. II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.li2.0L.!l110li V:HEHEA,s, t.he City of C1carwc.lt.er, Florida, has entered into a contract for the inst.a1la tion of' r;I'oins and dulk he ads on (; learwa ter Beac h, for the purpose of pre servi ni; E1dorado Avenue and the~street erd s which run from Eldorado ft.venae to the OulC of Mexido between Lot $, ~lock 2, Mandalay Subdivision on the South, and Lot 6, Block 61, Mandalay Subdivision on the North and, vJHEREAS, it is necessary that the City ray its proportionate J:art of the cost of said groins and bulkheads for said s~rect end8 and, in addition, to advance certain monies '-0 be used in payir ~ t.he cost of certain improvement s to other proper1JY which is 11 Far'- of said project, the said monies t.o be recovered by the City eiLher by the ref-aymer:t of' loans or by condemnati~'m proceedings, and ~HEH~A~, tt~ City is temporanily in need of' funds for said pu~)oses, NO'.", 'lHEHSFOR.E, BE 1'1 H.J.i,::';()1V~lJ by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly ar.d regularly ass ern bled as follows: 1. ~he proper off'icials of the City of Clearwater are hereby authorized to bor:row a sum not, exceeding ~_2..hOOO.OO to bear interest at a rate not exceedirg J ro for rraking said improvemenLs wit.h said loan t.o be repaid in annual ecual in- stallrr~nts of' principa~ and inGerest on or before f'ive years. 2. Said obligat.ion shall be repaid from ad valorum taxes for the year 1956 and subsequen~ years. 3. 'l'he proper officials are hereby authorized to execute suchrot.e or notes and other doculi1en ts as may be required 1:.0 ac,;o~rlish the borrowinG of such amount for the purroses indicated. FASSED AND ~DOPIED this 23rd day of July, 1956. Att est: /s( H. G. Whitehead City Auditor and Clerk /s/ Herbert M. Brown ~~yor-Commissioner -------------------------------------.------------------------------------------- July 13, 1956 Honorable Cit y Commissioners Cle arwater, Florida Gen tlemen: As '.L'rustees of the City of Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund, you are h3 reby notified that Rufus Rowe, Laborer, Public Service Dept. has been duly examined by a local physician and desi~na~ed by him as a "First Class" risk. ~he above em~loyee began his service with the City on January is uner 45 years of age lborn July 4, 1921) and meets the reruirements Civil Se rvice. It is he~y recommended by the Advismry Committee that accepted in~o membership. 2, 1956 of our he be Very t.ruly yours i Advisorv Committee of (i'he K.pioyees' Pension Fund. /s/ Paul Kane, Chairman Dorothy Roth Dic k Nelson --------------~---------------------------------------------------------~-~----- CI'1Y COlyi;i9:TS5I0N I��IEI•;11fiG July 2�, 1956 `1'he CiLy Commission of the Ci�y of ClearwaLer met in spacial session at City Hall, Monday, July 23, 1g56, at 1:30 Y.i�.. vaith the following members�,present: iierber.•t i�,. 8rown Lti. E. strang J. N. �3ohannon Clevelar.d Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Also present �aere: F'. C. ��Iid.dleton Ben Krentzman G. `i`. McClamma 5. Zickton Mayor-Co�missioner Corr,missioner Gommiswioner �ommissioner Comrnissioner City I�fanager Ci�y kttorney Chief of Folice Cit y Engineer 'Phe iulayor called the meeting to order and announced that the Gomr,�ission had chosen Nir. John L. Sullivan, Citv �iana�er of Alice, i`exas, to be th� new City 'i�ianager of Clearwater to replace i�ir, I�Iiddleton who is retiring. H� reported that Mr. Sullivan had acaepted the position and would start about September lst. By oonsent, the appointment of Mr. John L. Sullivan as CiLy i�fanager effective September lst. was a�proved. `1'he City va�ager reported that five bids had teen received for the construction of sanitary sewer in LaSa� le Street from Greenwood easterly 1,37-$ i'eet, T'ne bids were read as follows: E, h, Ho"lcornb, Jr. , L'learwater E. 1. Fiutled�z, 5C. Petersburg �tay Birkbeck, Dunedin StansfieTcT Constr. Co, , `l'ampa E. C. Owens, Contractor, '1'�mpa �4,837.50 5, 64.5. 00 5,59$.00 4,4oz.5o 4,b27.5o Nfter tabulation, the City Pranager recommended accepting the low bid of �4,1�02.50 from Stansfield Construction Company of Tampa. Commissioner Strang moved on the recomrnendatinn of tl� City �a�aager and the CiLy F'n,gineer that the bid for the sanitary sewerrin I�aSalle S�reet be awarded tio Star.sfield :%onstruction Company in the amounL of .��.,402.590 i�lotion was seconded by Coaunissioner �nsco and carried unanimously. It was reported by t he i�anager that four bids were received t� pave horih and aouth Hibiscus Circls. The bids were read as follows: Black 1'op Yaving Co., St. FetersL-ur; �:9,$3'].5G Harr is Paving Cor�tracLors, St. Fetersburg 9,21%,20 1V. H. Armston &e Co., Inc., Dunedin 15,1E:7$.00 E, H. Holcomb, Jr., Clearwater 10,64$,00 Af�er i;atulation, the City Ivianager recommended acceptino the low bid of ��`.9,217.20 fron; Harris Paving Contrac�ors, St. Petersbur�� Corunissioner 5trang moved on the recorunendation of the City i:�anager and the City Engineer that the avard of tihe paving of Hibiscus Ci�cle North an d South be awarded to the Harris Favinu Contract;ors in the amount of k9, 21'7, 20, i�iotion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimousiy. `1'he Cit3* Manager reported that five bids were received no pave th� street right- of ways in the Greenwood Housing Frojec�. 1'he bias wer•e read as follows, W. H. erms�on & Co., Inc., Dunedin 5f:22,3�7,5p Black rop Paving Co., 5t. Yetei=sburg 20,�76.00 E. ii. Holcomb, Jr., Clearwater 20,$$1.00 Harris Faving Co., 5t. Petersburg, Fla. 19,55$.5� Blackburn Paving Contrac�,ors, Clearwater 20,130.00 lhe i�Iayor explained that the owners of the Greentvood Housino Project have certain monies zn �scrow that are to be used to pay for the paving and the City is negotia�ing wiL h� hem to get the funds released. He said L-he paving will be hamdled as a City projeci Lo be paid be chese funds. He reported that ��r. hi. Ii, liirschber;, one oF Lhe owners, had stated that the money can be released immediately. Commissionar Strang moved that the bids be turned over to tihe City NIanager and the Cit y Engineer with a report back on Auoust 6th. i3otion was seco�ded by Commissioner IIohannon and carried unanirnously. It was reported by the i��anaoer that only one bid had been received for the equipmenL t,o enlarge the lif� station at Kings High�aay and Overlea Street in order Lo betLer serve Hioliland Terrace, Betty Lane Heigh�:s 2nd Addition and Stevenson Hei�hts. It was reportad ihat the ddvelope:s o�'those subdiv9.sions had agreed to participate in payin; f or the project. 'Phe bid was read as follows: Yeoman Bros., NIelrose Yark, Illinois �$,033.00 CommissionCr Stran� moved that the aquipmant for the Kings Highway lif� station be awarded to Yeoman Brothers, 'Pampa, in thc� amount of ��,033.OU su�iject to the approval of the Cit_y Engineer, i�.otion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carrie d unanimously. CantinLted _2_ CIi'Y COTti1i�lI5SI0N �IEE'J'II�G duly 23, 1956 `1'he ��ianager presented a tabulation of the bids opened on 3uly lbth for tlle sound system equipmen� fnr Lhe l�7unicipal Auditorium. He s�ated that he, the Purchasing Department and Lhe �lectrical Department joine�i in recorrunending acaeptin� the low bid of ��593•36 from Goddard-Tainpa Company which has officed in Clearwater as welL.as rPampa. Commissioner Roberts moved on the recorrunendai;ion of the City Nianaper and tlze Furchasin� Agent thaL the Commission accept the bid of �he Goddard-'1'ampa �ompany of Clearwater for the supplying of the sound equipment in the Niunicipal Audiiorium in the amouni: of �:�93.36. P�Totion was second�d by Commissioni:r Insco and carried unanim�usly. '1'he i��apor announced �he requesL of Rcbert Lewis for a fifteen i'oo� seLba�k from �47issou�i Avenue far LoL- 11, Block B-2, Sprin;field Subdivision ;�2. Yhe City Atitorney read �he request and the Goning Board's recommen�ation tha� L he request be granted since ��iissouri dead-ends at the end of til�is block. I'he i�fayor inquired Lf L�iere were any objec�ions and there were none. After having helci this Fublic Hearin� and having heard no valid objections, Commissioner llohannon movec] �hat the recommendatiion of t he �onin; �oard to grant the request be upheld. Motion was seconded by Commissioner koberi;s and carried unanimously. A Public Hearing ��as called on �he request of Nir. J. t. �IcMullen on behalf of Ivir. Edwin R. Saxon for a f ifteen foot setba�k from Grove Strset for Zots 5 and 6, Block tl, Crest Lake Subdivision . 1'he City Attorney read the request wh��h explained it was planned tio build two houses faeing Glex�wood instead of facing thetn cn Grove S�reet which a:s.the fronti of the locs. 1he �oning Boari'.'s r�commendationr. was that Lhe request be �ranted as Lhe size of the lots make it necessary to hav� a fi£Leen fooL setback to make a reasonaIDle use of the lots. Nir. GuyKennedy, Jr. a�peared on behalf of the applicant, Mr. Saxon. iKr. John S. Hoghland, o�aner of Lots 1 ar.d 2, �lock D, an� I�:r. Gerhard J. Hosrbelt, owner of Lot 3, Block D, Crest Lake Subdivision, protested Lhe ;rantinP of Lhe aFplication. b7r. Kennedy stated 'ne did not have a set of tiie plans wii;h him but he would be willin� to meet with protesting propertS� owners co go over the propose� plans wit h them as the P��a}or suogested. After having held this Public Hearir_g and hearing all objections per�aining to Lhis }�equesi., Commissionzr Bohannon moved that the Public Hearing be adjourned to:�he second meeiing ir. Augus� (AugusL 20), and tha�s this request be reLurned to Lhe Lonin; Board ior a complete review due to the t��o houses in the block zaiLh a twerty-five foot se�back and the objections we have heard and request the Board to stu�y the plans and hear the�� objections. Nlotion was seconded by Commissioner lnsco and carried unanirnously. `1'he T�Iayor announced a Fublic iiearin� on the requesL of Harriei: J. Eckert for;a seventeen foot six inch seLback to screen in and roof the present patio on LoL 5, Block F, �uburb Beautiful. 'ihe City Attorney read the request �rxl the Zoning Board's recommendaLion thai �he request be approved. 'lhe i��fayor inquired if there was any objection and there was nane. Having held this Public Hearing and hauing neard no valid object,ions, CommissionFr Roberts moved that Che ' request of 1''lrs. Harriet J. EckerL for a 17' 6" sezback for the scrser_ing .af tY�e;porch be approved for Lot 5, �lock F, Suburb Beautiful, on the �onin� Board"s recommendation. ;�iotion was seconded by �ommissioner B'ohannon and carried unanimauslyo '1'he •�lanager requested approval of Lhe purchase of the balance of 700 chairs remainin� frorn iae nuriber ordered for Jack Russell Stadium in Uecemher, 1954., He recommended using them in che i�iunicipal Auditorium. Comr�iissionEr Bohannon su�gested orderino enough for �he whole Audii�o�ium aL the same time, By consent, the Nianager wa.s instructed t;o contact the convention Bureau to see how tuany cl�airs were n�eded and Lo fir.d out ii'om Lhe American 5eatir� �ompa�� if the bid could be extended to cover exi,ra chairs at tk�e same price. Yn re?;ard to Lhe plan to locate a new fire s�ation on the northwest c,,rner of Drew Street and ��eUer Avenue, the i�:ana;er reported that the i:ity owns: acreage approximar.elp 165 feet by 1,300 feet extendir.g from Drew Str�et to the Airport. He stated �:�at there is a windiry road runnir�g throu�h the property, the use of which has been discontinued except for trucks. He counnented that thirLy fe�t has been dedicated Lo Yv`eber Road on the east si�e and su�gesLed that the City dedicats thirty ieet on the west to make a sixty foot rir�hL of way, and close the oTe windir_� road altbgether. He presented a sketch from the City En�ineer showing the proposed layout of the fire station on i;he property. Acting Fire Chief N.. C. D�bson a�,�roved zhe su�gested plans. `Phe P�anager was directed to set up appointments before the nexti rneet�.ng with several architects to select one to design the fire station. By cons�nt, Lhe Commission approved the progosed site for the fire station, and directed tlre Ci.ty A�torney to check to see whether it would 'oe necessary to sendi a harclship application to the 'Lonin; �oa.rd and nold a Yublic Hearin� sin� the area was zoned k-!� arici not Business. `i'he City i.ianager inquired if Lhe Conunission would �ive some insLructions as. �o rrhat poriion of t he Crest Lake Park improvemer.ts should be inuluded in the first worl� order . `lhe ifayor sug ;ested that the plans for development of the park from �he rlannir� Boarki be turned over co i:he City Engine�r to make working drav�ings on it. Co�nissioner Trsco moved that the City �:ana�er ca11 a meeti_ng of t he Park Ccmnittee, the City Engineer, :Y�r. Or� of the Eleczrical Department and i�ir. Dobsa�n, Yarks Department Superir.tendent, to discuss the plans and come back with a recommendation; in the meanLime, the plan be tUrned over to t he Ci*.y Engineer. ielotion v�as seconded by Cor.¢nissioner N.oberts and carried unanimously. rnr. Dennison Parker, speal�ing for the Elks Club, pointed oui: that the City was withdrawing support of the Elks Club Nursery in the amount of approximat�ly ��,OOO.OQ and asked that t�he Gity giv� the huildin,� located at the southea,st corner of Cleve- land Street and Pierce Boulevard �o the Elks C�hub, and also asked permission for the Continued ��� -3 - C�2'Y COPf1:•iTSSTOI� N`_EF`PING J'uly 23, 1956 building to recnain on the present site until Lhe Elks Club could secure a new location. Commissioner Bohannon recommended th�t the present Corr,mitiee continue to work with these representatives from the E1ks Club as to the timE of removal of the building. `t'he i�sa�Cor commented that the City would like to have i;he space in order to build more tennis courts by the x+Iunicipal Xuditorium� Commissioner lnsco suggested that the same Committed also work �dith t he iennis Club on enlarging the tennis facilities, Commissioner Bohannon reported Lhat the Committee cculd si:udy a list of City�oeuned properties to see if:-there was some unused land which might be suitable for t he nursery building. I3y conser.t, Lhe Commission referred Lhese matLers to the Comrnittee composed of Commissioner Strang and i�ayor �3rown for study and recommendations. In regard to the bid of �y2,0U0.00 pEr acre for approximately fort� acres oi CiLy-ownc:d property {Lo�s 5-12, Pinellas Groves), Commissioner Bohannon reportecl that he was in favor of acceptin� the bid from Nir, riancock but he understood some of the area was still being used for sanitary fill. 'lhe t•1ana�er reported tlx�.t pper�tions on that acrea�e would be finished in ten ci ays. iu1r. Hancock was pre- sent and during the discussion of tY�e terrns said he wc�uld be willing to r�lease the �:$,000.00 deposi:t Lo i:h� City before the closirxg aate of the sale, He explained if under tne terms of the contract hs was permitted to sell some of the land, he would be able to make the pa�ment;x to the Cit3r sooner than ihe terrns required. Commissioner i�ohannon moved on the recora::.endaLion of the City =��ana�er that the off�r of �ar, hancock's at w2,000.G0 per acre be received and that the Gity accept the contract dai;ed July 16, 1956, wii:h J. F��nk Hancock, Jr., coverin5 purchase bs him of cer�ain city pro�erty located ir_ Pinellas Growes, thati the proper Ci�y officials be autharizzd to execute ct�n�ract and t�at the proceeds from said sale be used as received Lo repay �he General Fund ofi the �ity for amounts advanced �o_ ward the purchase of the Constanf�ine property, and that the balance remaining after payment to the General Fund be desi�nated "C�nstantine Purchase Escrow Fund", and therea.fter be us ed as requiEed toward the final payment for the Constantine purchase. I�lotion vaas seconded by Commissianer �.oberts and carried ur.anicnously. Commissioner ;:it�an� suogested thati a Committee be appoinL ed to he1N obtain new areas �o use for sanitary fill. GoIIunissioner 5tran� move3 that the biayor appoint aueh a Committee. Iviotion was seconded by Commissioner Bohar.non and carried uaani- mously. lhe �%�ayor appoinLed C;ommissioners Strar�;, Insco, Lhe City :Fanaoer ar_d the Gity Engineer to serve on tihe �ommittee. '� 'lhe City PJlana�er presented a Resolution assessirig the cosL of consiruction of a thirt}� foot pavement, curb and necessaxy drain�ge in Poinsettia �venue fnom Pap:�ya Lo Baymont co Lhe benefited properl:ie�e Commissioner 5trang moved the �;.esolution be passed and adopted and the proper officials aui;horiaed to ekecute it. i•iotion was s�cor.ded bg �arnmissioner noberts and carried unanimously.. Commissioner Bohannon rep�rted that Lhe City had received an offer from lir. I�ick Sagonias i,o i,ra.de LoLs21-25, Block k, Isavajo Fark, which 2djoins tne Stever_son Creek park fili for LoLs }7-1�0, ar.d 43-4g, Block D, l�avajo Park, which are City owr.ed, wiLh a cash consideraLion from hzm oi �:750.00. �ommissioner Bohar_non moved that the offer o£ i;ici� Sa;orias be rejected and �hat ahe Committee and t he City l�jar_ager be open Lo continued ne;otiations as required. N�otion was secor_ded by Convaissioner Iasco and carried unanimously. 1'he i4:ayor appointeci Commission�rs Bohannon and Iasco on that Commii.tee. `L'he problem of planting �ass on the r_ew Stevenson Creek fill was discussed and the :+�anager reported thaL the County A�ricultural Agent had advised the Gity ii v�ould be r�ecessaiy to put from four to six inches of top soil on the fill befure planting grass: By co,-�senL, �he iianager wa � irected to have about 25 pounds of Bania grass pl�ni;ed on the fill on an ax�f�i�neaLal basis. Commissioner Strang presenLed Ch�ge �?rder �l on �he con�ract wiLh Clearwater Construction Comp�ny for t he :�3unicipal Auditorium which �vould save the City w2,100.00 in �he inGerior remodeling. Commissioner Strang moved that.�he Chan�e Order be approved and tl�e proper off icials be authorized to execut e it in tl� amount of �:2,100.00. yiotion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimouslv. 'the i�la;�or reported that during discussior. on Lhe riew budget the Corrucission had decided �;o discontinue the services of iLir. Frederick Bell, the City's 'Praffic En�ineer. Commis�ioner Insco moved th�t if;r. Bell be notified that his services have been discontinued by Lhe CiLy effective July lst, an� that the City appreciates the work that he has done and t,he contribution that he has made, i�lotion was second�d by Commissioner koberts ard carr�ied unanimously. '1'he City At,torney presented a Resolution he had prepared on the re^uest of �he Ci�Gy 'i'reasur�r Lo permit L'he City to borrow a sum mot excc.eding r175,000.OQ with interes� at 3io, payable in equal annual payments on or beiore five years from date xo be used for pa�ient of capital improvements to the i�iunicipal xuditorium ro be repaid from ad valorem taxes. Gommi�sioner Roberts moved on th� reco�:nenc�ation of the '1'reasurer that the Resolution fer the borro��ving of Lhis money be adopted and Lhe proper off icials be authorized t o sign it. Motion was seconded by Cnm- missioner Tnsco ana carried unanimously, '1'he Clerk repDrt;ed that a correction to the minutes of June 25th had been sen� out concernin; the awarding oi' the bid for the paving of the Coachman Fark p2rk_in; lot . �ommissioner ltioberts moved tUa�: the ,�inutes of June 25th as corredc,ed be approved. i�iotion taas seconded by Commissioner bohannon and aarried unanirnousl y. Continued ��� CITY COMMISSION MEETING July 23, 1956 The Cicy Attorney explained that it will be neceasary for Lhe City to borrow �20,000.00 to pay the Citp's share in the seawall and groin project on Clearwater Beach. He reported receipt of a letter frora Mr. J. Tweed Mc- Nullen, attgnney forthe owners of Block 21, Mandalay, (the old hotel property) which indieated that they prefer to have th� City advance the anount neer�ed to cover their share of the project -- �34,100.00, in return for a mortgage onti�bir real property witn p�3�ment to be made in three years at not over l�o interest. He stated ihat the Pesolution was wordefl to cover the t atal amount needsd -- �55,�00.� at an interest rate of 3� to be repaid in annual installments on or before i'ive years.. Co�nissioner Roberts nioved tk�. •Resolutinn authorizing the City Treasurer to borrow up to Lhe maximun of �55,OOQ.00 for the seawall and �roin projec't an C1ea�tivater Beach be adopted. Motion was seco nded by �ommissioner Strang and carried unanimousl y. f' �' �� !I ��� Coffinissioner Robert�� moved that the total sum not to excesd �3k,100.C10 be advanced for the u�e of t he owne rs of Block 21, Mandalay Subdivision, in completing the ins�Gallation of groins and seawalls adjacent to their property as a part of the project now under way upon the zxecution and delivery.by the owners thereof to the City of Clearwater a promissory note or nates payable on or before three years from date with interest at, the rate of three per cent per annum, said promissory noLe to be secured by a first �ortgage on Block 21, Mandalay Subdivision, providing that the owners of said property pay a11 actual ex�qense in conn�ction with tre execution and �elivery o£ said promissory note and mortgage. Motion was seconded by Commi�sioner Bohannon. Coimnissioner Strang was opgosed to t he idea of cl�arging the owner5 of B�ock 21, less interest that the bank is chargi:iig other peopTe involved in the project. Upon the vote being taken, �omniissianers Bohannon, Roberts, Insco and Brown voted "Aye." Commissioner 5trang voted «Na: Mation carried. Commissioner Insco reported it was necessary for the Mayor, the Ci.ty I�ianager and the City attorney to �tt��i�d Lhe Ferieral Power Conunission hearing in Washington, D. C., on t he Houston Texas Oil Corporation's application to supply natural gas to t his area of Florida. Commissioner Insco moved the authorization of travelir�g expenses of the City At�orney, the City Manager and l�ay�r Brawn to aitend the he�ring on Friday at 2:00 P.P4. Motion was seconded by Gommissioner �trang and carried unanimously. The Commi.ssion now adjourned as the C�ty �ommission and acting as Prust�es of the �?ension Fund, arimitted Rufus Rowe, Laborer, Public Service Department , to mem� berstlip in the Pension Plan on a motion by �ommissioner Strang which was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carr ied unanimously, There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 P.I�Zo �Y�� ayor-Commissioner � Att est : � City ditor and Clerk � � r �-.�*- �� ��r� CIZY CQi�i1I�SI0N MEETING JulY 23, 195b Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: Gentlemen: W. E. St;rang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Tnsco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts July 1q, Z95h The City Commission will meet in Special Session on N�onday Afternaon, Ju].y 23, 1956 in the Cuty Hall Auditorium for the purpose oi discussing the items listed on the attached agenda. Meeting time wi].l be at 1:30 P.M. Ver� truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middle�on City Manager Agenda - City �ommission Meeting of July 23, i956 City Hall Auditorium 1•30 E.i+�. 1. Invo�ation. 2. Opening of bi�s for: A. Sanitarp 5ewer in La�alle 5treet< B. Paving of North and South Hibiscus Circle, C. Paving of ^vreenwood Housing Project� Streets, D. Equipment for Lift Station at Kingshighway, 3. Award.ir.g bids: A. Sound Equipment for Municipal Auditorium. 4, Publmc Hearings: A. Request of Robert Lewis for a fiftean foot setback from Missouri Avenue for Lot 11, Block B-2, Spring£ield Subdivis$on #2. Property is on the northwest corner of Palmetto and Missouri and zoned R-2. B. Request of J• T. McMullen for Edwin R. Saxon �or a fifteen foot setback from Grove Street for Lots 5 and 6, Black A, Crest Lake Subdivision. Property is on the northwest eorner of Glenwood and Grove S�, and soning R-1. C. Request of Harriet J. Eckert for a 17' 6" setback to screen in and roof the present patio on �ot 5, �lock F, Suburb Beau�.iful, Property is at 702 Phoenix i�venue and zoned R-Z. 5. Commission's consideration oi: A. To purchase balance of chaars (�QO} on bid advertising December 1954. B. Plans for Fire Station to be located on I�. E. corner of Weber Road and Drew. C. Work order to start improvements in Crest Lake Park. 6. Items from Ci�y Attorney�s Office; A. Assessment Resolution for improvements on PoinseLtia St. B. Consideration of Hancock bid for City owned properiay. 7. Any bther item not on the Agenda will be considered With the cn�nsent of the C'ammission. A3,journment. Commission meeting as trustees of Employee Pension Plan. To Mr. F. C. Middleton, City M3nager From Oliver A. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board Subject REO,UEST OF E. R. SAXON, Lots 5& 6 Blocic A, Crestlake It isthe Zoning BoardTs recommendationthat the appZication of Mr. Saxon for a 15' set back on Grove S�reet be granted forr the rezson that the �ise of the lots in this area makes it necessary to have only a 15' set back in order to make any reasona�le use of said lots. Attached hereto is original letter and set-back sketcho OHALbk. �oning Bt�ard City of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida �entlemen: July 11, 1956 I am writing you at the request of.' Mr. Edwin R. Saxon, who has r.�ecently purchased Lots 5 and 6, Block ��A�� of CrestLake Subdivision. Both of these lots presently front on Gr�ve S�reet, and Lot 5 adjoins Glenv�ood Avenue. Be.cause� of t he fact tha� the presemt diraensions of t hese lots do not give adequate space to erect two mod�ern i�o�,sses, Mr. Saxon proposes to turn them araund so that they face on Glenwood �lvenue. He als� plans to erect two homes, each of whir,h Gontinued �: /1�}P� �'� b.. C�TY Cc�.N1MISSION MEETING July 23� 155b {Continued) would face on Glenwoo�. It is i�Ix�a Saxan's request that he be pErari�ted to erecb a house on the corner lot wzth a fifteen foot setback an Grove Street. A setback of twentg f�u�e feet would be observed on �le�wood Avenue in both instances. A'Ir. Saxon has pregared and Z attach heret�a, a sketch showing the 1ocaQion of the.houses which h�ve already been constructed in ���is arear and �ivinr �he variou3 setbacks which have been ohserved. You will note that the house on the Northeast corner nf Glenwood and Grove has a s�tbackc of only fifteen feet, as well as other houses on that side af Grove west of High�and and thus Ntr, Saxon's proposed building would not be inc�nsistent. Another factor which has influenced iytz�. Saxon in decidinC to front both rause� on Glenwood is that h� can hereby save a number ef oak trees, some of which are quite large anci beautiful, and al� of which wou13 have to be des�royed i£ t he lots were un� changed and face� on Grove Stmeet. It is respectfully requested that consideration be given to this request for a fiftieen�oot setback on Grove Street for the lot which will be on the Northwest corner of Grove Street and Glenwood Avenue. Respectfully submitted, JTM:bjk /s/ John T. MeNlullen Enclosure 1 To Mr. �''. C. Middleton, City Nlanager 7/13/56 From Oliver H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zonin Board Subject REQUEST OF HARRIE^1 J. ECKERT �Lot 5, Block F, Suburb Beautiful� It is t he Zoning Boardts recommendation that the xequest of �iarriet Eckert to extend her porch be granted under the har�ship ruling, Attached hereto is original letL-er of request with set-backs and shapshots offresidence. OHA:bk �02 Phoenix Avenue Hardship Ruling Zoning Board �l�arwater, Fla. Li.15 GardentAvenue Jun�e 27, I956 �learwa�er, Florida Dear Sirs: I own �ny p�Qperty at 702 Phoenix Avenue, Suburb Beautiful, Block F, Lot 5. I wou?3 ver� much like to have my front porch screen�d in and a shingle roof put over it9 The concerte porch with railing are already there. Int�he same block to the north there are two houses with screened e�tandecl porched, that extend out beyond the present limit. I am past my $2'nd year and I wish very much to have the pleasure of enjoying my porch, esp�cially evenings when our bugs are so terrib�e. Please �ive this plea 3rour earliest and best attention. { Sincerely - /s/ Harriet J. Eckert 7/13/56 To Mr. F'. C. MiddletAn From Oliver H. And�rson, SecTyo �oning Board Subject REQUES�P OF ROBERT LEWIS Lot 11, �lock 2 Springfield Sub. #2 It is the Zoning Board's recommendation that we grant the request oi Rober;, Lewi� for a l5' satback on Missouri Avenue� The reason £or this decision is that Missouri dead-ends at the end af t his bloak. AttacY:ed hereto is original letter wzth �et-back sketch. OH�:bk 7/5/5� To the �oning Board Members Dear Mr. Chairman I have a Small Lot on the corner oF Missouri and Pa].metto St. si�e of Lot 1�$�x 10�i ft. now a5 the Gity's code requires to set back 25Ft. from �ach St. line and 5 Ft. in side the Zot line that wo�xld only Zeave ane an 18 Ft. �pace in width to Build on So I am ask3ng you all to allow me t o� et Back 1,5 Ft. on P�tissouri and 25 ft. on Palmetto and �hat would give me a sapc� of 2$ Ft. w3de. Continue� CT`l"Y COMMI5STOh T�EEY'IN� Julp z3, 195b (Continued) Now please consider rny case as i� is a hard shipe case Very truly �s� Robert Lewis R� 5 0 L U T I 0 n WHEkEA5, after Public I-learing nn the 7th day og Noveznber, A.D,, 1955, tl�e CiLy Commission of tihe City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvemei�ts hereinafter described should be done and made, and Vv'HbREAS, pursuant �hereto said improvements havs been rnade as follows: Construct a 30 foot pavement vtith curb a nd necess� y drainag� in Poinsettia A�enue from tihe north line of Papaya Street Lo the south line of Baymont St . AND u1HEHEA�, under 1.he provisions of Qectio n 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, after said improvemerts shall have be�n completed, the City �ommission shall assess +:,he cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting and receivirg benefits from said i.nprovements so r�a.de, and ti'1HEREAS, certain parceis of real estete facing and abuLting and in Lhe vicinity of said icuprovemenLs have been benefited thereby and �he pro-ratia cost thereof shall be assessed agair�sz said parc�ls. I�OTtJ, '1HEkEFOkE, BE Ii' RE;iOLVFn by th�: City �ommission of the City of C1earWater Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as f o11ow s: 1. 1hat, the above descr5.bed irr.provements ir. Poir_seitia Avenue be and the same ase hereby ac;,epted ani. approved as having been aompleted. 2. lhat the followin� described properties facin� and abutting and in ihe vicinity of the aforesaid impr�vements.,are hereby deemed to have been 1Senefited by sa,id impr�sveuients in the following pnoportions of the cost thereof and the same are he reby assessed in ac:orr�ance with t he �ollowing schedulg: A j S E S S i2 E N T Yoinsettia Avc nue PavemenL from Papaya Street to Baymont Street Pavement: Total Cost �$41$.t,0 't'otal Frontage 1500 feet Cost �er Front Foot 5.51 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Loi; 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 I,ot $ iot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 LoL 13 Lot 1/� Lot 15 i'homas A. i�itchell Route l, �sox c�66 Largo, Florida ��irs. klice Virella 1��?6 Poinsettia Ave. �1:�a�tiaaL-er, Fla. �rirs. Aliae Virella :�1rs. Alice Virella i�;rs . i�lic e Vire lla Glen E, lti�ilson 470 �oinseLt ia Cl�ar�vat;er,� Florida Beach Glen E, t�7�nlson G�en �. 4Vilson Henry H, ?�:'a;.�ring �.62 Poinsettia Clearwater Beach, Florida Henr_y H. :.'altring Henry N. �altrin, Jeff erson B. Howard 454 poinsettia Clearwater Beach, r'lorida Jefferson B. Howard ;�7i11iam ft. Hilt�r Cor. Fapaya & Foinsettia Clearwater, Floz•ida 4v'illiam k;. Hilty 59 wz$O.bz 5 0 �,�` 2£30 . 62 50 x2$0.62 SO �2$0.62 50 �:2$0.62 50 �2$0.6z 50 �z$o.6z 50 „280.62 50 �2�f . 62 50 k�2$0.62 50 ��2�0, 62 50 .�','p2$0. 6z 50 �2$0.62 5� 5� Continued �z�0.62 .;�2$0.$2 � � ��� CIYY C0:1,•.IS�IOn MEE`tING July 23, 195b CContinued) BLO(:IC B Lo� 1 '1'homas G. Lae 51 Baymont Clearwater Beach, 'r'lorida 50 �'2£30.62 Lot 2 Nlaria A, N.ubio �k$5 Poinsettia Clearwater F3each, i"lorida 50 �j2$0.62 Lot 3 A'Iaria :1. Rubio 50 �2$0.62 LoL 1�• jtilaria A. Itubio 50 $;,2$0.62 LoL 5 ,varia A. Rubio 50 w2$0.62 Lot 6 ;�iaria A. kubio 50 �:2$0.62 Lot 7 i�iaria A� Rubio 50 �2$0.62 Loti � lTamac Progerties, Inc. t�62 East Shore Drive Clearwater, Beach, Plorida 5� 2$0.62 Lot 9 inamac Froperties, Inc. 50 y;2$0.62 Lot 1� k. B. NicDermon 4,62 East Shore Drive ClearwaLer, Le�ch, Florida 50 '�j2$0.62 Lot 11 x. B, i��IcDermon 50 �2$0.62 Lot 12 albert L. P�lason 5� k�2�01�2 1550 Cleveland Street �learwaLer, Florida 50 �2$0.62 Lot 13 E. �onatos t�4.92 Foinsettia Glearwater Beach, Florida 50 �p2$Oa62 Lot 1L. I�irs. Jean �I. Brown 44.6 East Shore Drive ClearwaLar Beach, F'lorida 50 w�2�0.62G. Lot 15 D. H. Geist ' 41�0 East Shore Drive Clearwater Beach, Florid.a 50 w2$0.62 TaZALS � ;• 1500 feet ��4.1£�.b0 3. lhat if assessments nerein made are not paid within zhirt�y (3U) days from the da�e hereof, Lhe City `�reasurer �s hereby directed to issue and sell CerLificates of Indebtedness under 5ectio n 124 of the City Gharter, which certificates �ta ll bear interest at t he rate of $% per annum against t he fore- going properties for the assessments herein ma:�e immediat;ely upon the expirazion of the forsgcin, �hirtv-day perzod. , PASSEU AnD ADOr`iED this 23 rd day of dulv , 1Q56 �s/ Herbert :�t. Brown A�l,.ES'i': i�7AY0R- COP,��LCS�IOI�rR �s/ &. G. Vdhitehead CI'1'� AUDI'lQit �1ND CL�kK 1tE�30I,�1'1' IJN t�'H�'R�h3, the City Gormmission of the City of Clearwater has authorized the constxuction and cornpletion of a lar;e number of civic imProvements within a ahort periorl of time, and `stirIEREAS, the City is in need of funds to finance capital expenditures in irnprovin� the municipal auc7i�orium and for other pur}�oses; ItiO�°�, 'iHLREFOkE, BL I`t' R.�SOLVED by the City Commission in the City of Clear�aat�r, FZorida, in session duly and regularly asspmbled as follows: 1. 'ihat the proper ofiicials of t he Git y of Clearwater arE hereby authorized to bor.row a sum not exceedinP �175,000 with interest at the rate of 3% per annum or. amo�nts bor�owad, pa�zaUle in er,•ual annual payments of principal and interest on or before fi�;e years from datie, with �he procesds to be used for pa�ent of capital improvenents t.o thernunicipal auditor�:��m of the Cit;T. C ont inue d � �%� CTtY COMNIIS�IOIv r2EE`PING Ju�.Y 23 , 1956 (Continued) 2, Said obli�atioz� shall be repaid from ad valorum taxes for the year 1�}56 and subsequent years. 3. 'i'he proper officials are herebg authorized to execuL-e :.uch note or notes and oLher do`,�imen�s as rna;� be required to accomplish the borrowing of such amount for the pur�oses indicated. YA.SSED AI�y ADOP'1'Ev Ghis 23rd day of July, 1G56. Attest: /s� Herbert I�I. Brown �s� R. G. w'hiLehead Mayor-Commissioner City Auditor and Clerk R E S ID L U'1' I 0 I� ti'JHEREAS, the City of Cle�rwaLer, Florida, has entered into a contract for the ins�allaiion of groins and .,ulkheads on Clearwater Beach, for the purpose of preserving �I.dorado avenue and the„street ends which nzn from Eldorado Pvense tio the Gulf of iUlexi�o between Lot $, Block 2; Mandalap Subdivision on the South, and Lot 6, Bl�ck 61, Mandaiay Subdivision on the I�'orth and, ',r,HEREAS, it is necessary that the City �y its proportionate part of the cost of said groins and btzli�heads for said street ends and, in addiiion, to advance certain monies to be used in payir; the cost of certain improvements to other property which is a part of said project, th� said �onies co be recovered by the Cit}r either by the repaymen� of loans or by condemaatic,n procsedings, and ti^�HEN.EAS, �he City is tempora�ily ir. need of funds for said pur�;oses, NOtJ, 't'HEREFOFtE, B� I'r kEUOLVEU by the City Commission of the Cit3r of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as foll�sws: l. i'he proper oi'ficials of the City of Glearwa�er are hereby authorized Lo borrow a sum not exceedin� � 5�.G00.00 to bear in�eresL at a rate not exceedir�� 3 �o for maki:ng said �mprovements w:�Lh said loan to be repaid in annual ecual in- stallments oi grincipai and inLerest on or before five years. 2. Said obligation shall be repaid from ad valorum taxes for the year 1�,-'Sb ar.d subsequent years, 3. '1'he proper officials are hereby aut,horized to execute suchmLe or noLes and other documer.ts as may be reau�red to ac:.amplish the borrowing of such amount for the gurposes indicated. FASSED AND :�DOP'i'ED this 23rd day of �Tuly, 1955. Attest: �s/ Herbert M. Brown �s� k, G, Whi�ehead i�,ayor-Gommissioner City Auditor and Clerk July 13, 1956 Honorable City Commissioners Cle arwacer, Florida Gentlemen• As 'Prustees of Lhe City of Clearwater Employees' Fension Fund, you are 1� reby notified that T�ixfus Rowe, Laborer, Public Service Dept. has been dulv examined by a local physician ar.d designaLed �y him as a i'First Class" r5.sk. 7.'he above employee began his service with Lhe City on January 2, 1�56 is uner y.5 years of aoe �,born Ju1y �., 1421) and meets the renuirements of our Civil 5ervice. It is he��b;� recommended by the Advismry Committee that he be accepted into membershig. Verg truly yours, Advisory Committee of ^ihe E.:.ployees' Pension Fund. /s,� Paul Kane, �hairman Dorothy Roth Dick Ivelson �