07/09/1956 . I ~ I" . ~-~~-----~._----~----~--:--~--------.-~------~~,..----.-------~-_._-'-~--~'-"'-~~~~~'.-~#--':--,:;,"""'-- " . ',. . J' ~ r . 'J ..,:" ;"!' '''',' .+.> ,:,;~:~t~t<,~~...~\!~,t'5.i~??,~~:;'~,~~~:r~.. .....h ".:" .,,;..:'. .:. ..~.,~.\..~,:....': ;.,.~:..,"...-, ~,,~'.;;... .~ "....: '-.~~';:~~~~!~i;~,':~::'~~.~~:;..w..:~::i'~,;":"~",,~~,;r;u, ':"'o~~":.';~'~'~:~~';-:';~~~;;~$~"':')~'I~.~~"t~~., ,': /- '12.. CITY COr~SSION MEETING July 9, 1956 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater, met in Special Session at City Hall, Monday, July 9,1956, at 1:30 P.M. i'llth the follO\dnc; members present: Herbert M. BrO\'m W. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Mayor-Commlssioner COl11lJlis s:l.oner COlrun1s sioncr Corrunis oioner Corruni B si one r nlso present were: F. C. Middleton Owen Allbritton, III G. T. ~1cClamma S. Liclcton C1 ty ManuQ;cr Asst. City Attorney Chicf' of' Police City Engineer The Mayor opened the meetinc; and aslced the ^soistant C1 ty Attorney, O\'/en S. Allbritton, III, to give the invocation. The Mnna~er announced that the meetinG: vms for the purpose of receiving bids f'or Comprehensive Liability 1\utomobile Insurance f'or the City fleet of vehicles and stated that the bids \'lOuld be a\'larded at 1.1 later meeting. The bids 'were read by the City Manager as follows: L. G. Abbett Ins. Agency, City Condon-Meek Ins. Agency, City General Ins. Agents Assoc., City Ho.rnham Ins. Agency, City Ropgers, Rodgers (..; Cummings, Inc., City Cloninger Ins. Agency, City $2,637.87 2,631.24 2,701.75 2,956.69 2,623.67 3,118.57 The Manager suggested that the bids be tabulated and awarded at the meeting of July 16, 1956. Co~nissioner Roberts requested that the names of the Insurance Companies be put on the tabulation sheet. COIMlissioner Roberts moved that the bids be tabulated and be awarded on July 16th. Commissioner Bohannon seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. The City Manager asked for instructions relative to hauling dirt f'rom the Ci ty sanitary fill to Seaboard J\irline Railroad property which the City had agreed to fill wi thin a stipulated period. He asl-ced i'rhether the Commission would rather approve \'lOrk orders periodically or one blanl<:et work order for approximately $1,000.00 for this purpose. Commissioner Strang moved that a work order be approved up to $1,000.00 to haul dirt for filling under the agreement with Seaboard Airline Railroad. Commissioner Roberts seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Cornmdssioner Bohannon reported on a condition he had found in the colored section \'1here working par8nts lef't their children with neighbors or others. He felt that this situation could be improved and had flucceeded in getting the Primitive Baptist Church to agree to establish a Nursery School to serve the entire Negro community of all denominations. The Health Department had stopped them f'rom opening until approximately $485.00 worth of worl{ had been done to the building. Commissioner Bohannon asked the possibility of City financial aid for this project. The Mayor suggested that the matter be turned over to the Junior Service League and Commissioner Insco suggested that the various service clubs, like Kiwanis, be contacted f'or donations. Commissioner Bohannon further stated that once the group got over the hurdle of this large alnount they could carry on for themselves. Commissioner Roberts approved the project and did not wish to deny possible City aid at this time. The Mayor believed the amount could be raised through donations and offered to help. Commissioner Insco offered to solicit the Service Clubs for donations. By consent, it was agreed to defer final action until it was known what can be done through donations. The Mayor announced receiving from the International Association of Chiefs of Police a certificate of achievement f'or police traffic supervision for 1955 for cities with 25,000-50,000 population. He presented this certificate to the Chief of Police to hang in the neVI traff'i croom. Cornmdssioner Bohannon suggested bringing in three applicants from out of town to interview with reference to the City Manager's position. The Mayor suggested writing them a letter requesting them to come for an interview at their own expense. There being no further business to come bef'ore the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 2:03 P.M. ~4ddia~ Attest: a~t~ T ~L~ ~,-~--~.""",. ". ~ . ; . ... " ~! . l. I : ." . ".,;.'.:' f i i t' ' 'e' ';. . , ~, ,. '.' , '~j;Y:':~~'<i(:,'(:f'~\}ji~;:~~:.rll"''':f' <,:1' ,,;,\:;?!i I ' ',,':';', , 0, 'W;:(fi'?,~v,;'n'.?i~~~' ;r~:;""\'~;' ~<.,:;r..::;,,,1 m?m'~>lur<<d~W.i\\::~Y!.~~:a'~~rJ:<j,;:d;fa,.-r~~~\.."i;,,},;~;o,.' ;",:;~;".j"'{:,:"''\i!I1f1\~,li1''';;t1>:~'i~~i''I~'~!\''''f.''''':!{;*?i. '~~'~~~~~0~jr ",' ~10~ '.~0_ ., Sossion on Monday Afternoon, at 1:30 P.M. for the purpose Automobile Fleet Insurance for ------------~-_.--------------~--~~---------~-~--~---~---~-----------~-~--~-- CITY CO~~ISSION MEETING July 9, 1956 '~yor Commissioner Herber~ M. Brown COl1lllissioner s: w. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. ~ob~rts Gentlemen: '!'he City Commissi on';will meet in Special July 9, 1956 in the Ci~y Hall Auditorium of receiving bids covering Comprehensive t.he City of Clearwater. Very t.ruly yours, F. C. Middleton Ci~y Manager FCM: s Note: ~o Commissioners This will perhaps t.ake only fifteen minut.es. FCl-1 - ,~." .~ July 6, 1966 ',," ~'" :..~~..- 11~',.. CTTY COMM:LSSIOAi MEETING Jtz1f 9, 1956 Tl7e City Comm2ssion of the Ci�y of C"learwater, met in Spacial Session at City Hall, Monda.y, Ju1y 9, 1956, a� 1:30 P.M. with the following members preserzt: Herbert M, Brown 4J. E. Strang, Jr. J . II . Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Robert.s t�lso present were: �'. C. Middleton Owen t�llbritton, III G. T. McClamma S . Li c�eton Ma.yor-Commissioner Commission�r Gommissioner Commi.ssioner Commissioner City Manager Asst. City Attorney Chief of Police City Engin.eer The Mayor opened the meeting and asked the Assistant City Attorney, OvYen S. Allbritton, III, to give �he invocation. The Manager announced that the meeting was for the purpose �f receiving bids for Comprehensive Lia,billty Automobile Insurance for the City fleet of vehicles and stated that the bids would be awarded at a later meeting. Th� bids tivere rsad by the City Manager as follows: L. G. Abbett Ins. �lgency, City $2,637•87 Condon-Meek Ins, Agency, City 2�(31.24 General Ins, Agents Assoc., City 2,701.75 Harnlza,m Ins. Agency, Cit� 2, 956.69 Rodgers, Rodgers & Cummings, Inc., City 2,523.67 Cloninger Ir_s. Agency, City 3,118.57 The Manager suggested that the bids be tabulatecl and ataarded at the meeting of July 16, Z956. Commissioner Roberts requested that the names of the Insurance Companies be put on the tabulation sheet. Commissioner Roberts moved �nat �he bids be tabulated and be av�arded on July 16th. Commissioner Bohannon seconded the motion which Uras carried ananimously. The City Manager asked for instructions relative to hauling dirt from the City sanitary fill to Sea�oarci Airline Railroad property which the City had agreed to ,fi11 within a stipulated pe�^iod. He asked �,vhether the Commission would rather approve work orders periodically or one blanlce� work order for approximately �1,000.00 for this purpose. Commissioner Strang moved that a work order be approved up to �1,000.00 to haul dirt for filling under the agreement rlith Seaboard Airline Railroad, Comrnissioner Roberts seconded the motion and it carxied unanimously. Commissioner Bohannon reported on a condition he had found in the colored section where tivorking par.ents left tr�eir children with neighbors or others. He felt that this situation could be i.nproved and had sueceeded in getting the Primitive Baptist Church to agree to establish a Nursery School to serve �he entire Negro community of all denominations, The Health Department had stopped them from opening until approximately ��}85.00 vrorth of work had been done to the building. Commissioner Bohannon asked the possibility of City financial aid for this pro,ject. The Mayor suggested that the matter be turned over to the Junior Service League and Commissloner Insco suggesteT that the various serv�ce clubs, lil�e Kiwanis, be contacted for donations. Commissioner Bohannon Further stated that once the graup got over the hurdle of this large amount they could carry on for themselves. Comm9.ssic-r.ier R�berts approvPd �he pr+�ject and did not wish to deny possible City aid at this time. The Mayor believed the amount could be raised through donations and offered to help. Commissioner Insco ofiered to solicit the Service Clubs for donations, By consent, it was agreed to defer final ac�ion until it was lmown what can be done through donations. The Mayor announced receiving from th.e International Association of Chiefs of Poli,ce a certificate of achievement for police tra;ffic supervision ior 1955 for cities tivith 25,000-50,000 population. He pi:esented this certificate to the Cl�.ief of Police to hang in the new traffic room. Co�nmissioner Boharinon suggested bringing in three applicants from out of to�vn to interview w3tlz reference to the City Manager�s posiLion. 'Phe M�.yor suggested writing them a le��er requesting them �o come for an interview at their own expense. Tlzere being no further Uusiness to come before the Commission, the meeting tivas adjourneci a.t 2;03 P.M. �lttest: ' G!� �- �� C y u�or a---��� CleY+k �_' �� � Mayor- 'ommissio r • . � - � 4i i.a • ' _. � � �r'`�j � CITY COiti�1IS5I0I�T PQEE`l'IhG July 9, 195b fu�ayor Cormnissioner Herbert M. Brown July 6, 1g56 Comntissioners c W. E, Strang, Jr. J. N< L'ohannon �leveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J� noberts Gentlemen: ' '1'he City Commissior__.will meet in Special Session on ylonday Afternoon, July 9, 195b in the CiLy Hall �uditorium at 1:�� P.iK. for the purpose of recei.ving bids covering �omprehensive Automobile Fleet Insurance for �he City of Clearwater . Very �ruly yours, F. C, Middleton City Manager FCNI • s Iv�ote; �o Commissioners This will perhaps take enly fifteen mir.utes. FCb7