06/27/1956 . ~:..". ..:,' -"j' , .. .... ." ...,....,./:.,~~~:::~::~.~;~~'!:~?~.!~.J.'<1{n\~t . . ....."'....... ,. .,...,:..- ...........", ".d.'::..,~ j ., ':'.' , . _.' .' ',. '.', > .. .," . . ,\,':". . '..'..." , .' ..^ ..'I.__".~..,: .. 22~ 'tJ; tl%~;l;;\;J~1 c'.I;... ,". '.n'^'.' . "',' , .'. ,j :~r:'i~,:;:{-;(\'.r;/},:/ '::.~,. ;.l .;r~J'rtC:; ...... ".\',1"""'1,''';'''' ~ ;:t;;i::/X:......,~,,,! ) '. . "..'.' ... . . ..1 . . . . ~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 27, 1956 The City Conunisslon of the City of Clearwater met 1n special session at City Hall, ~'/edneoduy, June 27, 1956, at 1:30 P.M. \'rith the following members present: Herbert M. Brm'Trl w. E. Stran~, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Mayor-Con~lss1oner Conunissioner Conunis sioner Conunissioner I\bscn t: Samuel J. Roberts Commissloner 1\160 present "\Ilere: F. C. Middleton Ben Krentzman G. T. McClamma Franlc ,\.bernathy City Manager City Attorney Chief' of Police City Treasurer The Mayor called the meetin~ to order and announced that the special meeting had been scheduled for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing with reference to the 1956-57 General Fund Budget and the final adoption of same. Copies of' the proposed budget were distributed to members of the audience. The Mayor explained that the proposed total millage remained the same as the millage for last year, 14.2 mills or a levy of 10.8 mills for operational expense and a levy of 3.4 for debt service, and that the two mill assessment earmarked last year for improving and resurfacing some of the major streets \~ould be continued in this year's budget but that it was planned to use some of the fund to provide white way lighting along part of Gulf to Bay Boulevard and in some of the downtom1 section. < The Mayor inquired i~ there were any questions or cOlrrments f'rom the audience. Mrs. Marian I<eith complained that her taxes were already too high and questioned raises in some of the Department budgets. The Mayor answered these questions and other questj.ons from menillers of the audience by explaining some of the various Department budgets more in detail. Mrs. Florence Gilbert of the Clearwater ChapterJ American Association of University \'Jomen, and Mrs. vIm. H. \'iilliams of the Clearvlater ~loman's Club questioned the cut in the budget for the Library and asked that it be restored. The Mayor explained that part of the budget for the Library last year included an appropriation for the operation of the Library Annex Building which l.'las never used; thereforeJ that amount ViaS reuuced 1n this year's budget as there is still no worl<:ing plan for using thi s space f'or Library purposes. The City Manager stated that the actual operating budget of the Library was being increased by $5-,000.00 over last year's expenditures. The ~1ayor and Commissioner Bohannon spoke of plans for the expansion of Library facilities in the future. Major Oswald Kluegel, Vice President of the Clearwater Federation of Civic Clubs, read a letter from the Federation approving the budget and congratulating the Commission on its preparation. Commissioner Insco moved that this Public Hearing having been held and the objections and suggestions having been heard by the Commission and duly considered that the budget Resolution adopted on the 25th day of June, 1956J be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the millage as levied and set out in said Resolution be set and determined as the millage ~or the ensuing tax year. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. Co~ssioner Strang complimented the people in the audience on the interest they had Shown in the budget and the Mayor also commended them for coming to the hearing. Cornmdssinner strang announced that the Public Hearing to be held by the Florida Railroad Commission with reference to Peninsular Telephone Company rate increase had been postponed indefinitely. The City 1\ttorney recommended that the Commission not take any action until such time as the City was informed of the amended request. Commissioner Strang reported that the proposed rate increase would be discussed at a meeting of' the municipalities in the Sun Coast League on July 7th at St. Petersburg. The City Manager presented a list of ~as main extensions that had been made under $300.00 each, totalling $lJ305.00. {This list is set out in the following pages or these minutes and by reference made a part hereof.) Commissioner Strang moved that the wo~c order be approved in the amount of' $1,305.00 for gas main extensions. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City Manager presented a list of' water main extensions that Nere made under $300.00 each, totalling $2-,085.00. (n1is list is set out in the following pages of these minutes and by reference made a part hereof.) Commissioner Strang moved that the worle order in the amount of' $2J085.00 f'or \'later main extensions be approved. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimOUSly. Commissioner Strang stated that on the recommendation of the ^uditorium Committee the Commission awarded the bid of' $128,374.00 on June 25th for the interior of' the ~uditoritun remodeling plus the air conditioning. He said by error the Bid 1)2 including the exterior \'lork on the canopy was not awarded in the amount of approxi- mately $15,000.00. By consent, the matter was deferred to be discussed at the meeting on Monday, July 2nd. ,', , , ," .':::h.}~~""~'g?j;,~~:.:f;:i:)i'1. z..;. :,"'Liif/:"?" ~.~l;,<:; . "<'.:':' '" .~. "~-"",:: '.' ....- .. )'1 :: ~,.~, '/,' , .~ .~~ : .":,.. ,. ., r . :; ,. -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 27, 1956 The City Manager presented for approval a work order in the amount of $680.26 to cover the hauling of the sand pumped out of the Marina basin to the street ends on north Clearwater Beach where it is planned for the City to participate in a seawall and groin project. Commissioner Bohannon moved that the work order be approved. Motion was seconde~ by Commdssioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Manager recommended as an emergency measure the approval of the purchase of two l~ ton air conditioning window units to be installed including the wiring and installation in the Municipal Court room in the Police Building. Commissioner Bohannon Inoved that the recommendation be authorized. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the nleeting was adjourned at 3:10 P.M. ::t~- ~ Attest: ~,,~ .', , \.; I , . I:, ~j;j~iZ~. "_~_. ~.__ ~~"" :,'.."',., _. ".",c~, .;c" . ....., .~~;,:_ :.., ,;_...,~;,~"~,~~.,,~.., _,: L__:'. .~:;:;:jLj!Ji;~;:';' .~:::"~~fi"~:'ir'r:.,,"' 230 CIty COW4ISSION MEETING June '2.7, 1956 Mayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown June 26, 1956 Commissi oners: W. E. S~rang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. ~oberts (Jl::,'.,I .. ..1... ,t.'. . ..::";,/ "4:,;:W.... Gentlemen: 1he City Commission will meet in Special Session on Wednesday afternoon, June 27, 1956 at 1:30 P.M. in che Cicy Hall Auditorium for the purpose of discussing the it~ms listed below. 1. Public Hearin~ with reference to 1956-57 General Fund Budget covering mainten~Qce and operation of City Departments and the final adoption o~ sarne. 2. Commission's consideration of not.ice from Florida Railroad Commission with reference \:'0 Peninsular 'l'elephone Company rate increase. ). Utility Improvements. 4. Work orders. Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton Cit y Manager FCM: s ~-~------------------------------------~------------------------~--------------- 'fo: Hon. Mayor H~rberc Brown City Commissioners: John Bohannon Sam noberts Cl~veland Insco 1homas Strang, Jr. June as, 1956 Cit y Manager: Francis Middleton Finance 6f'ficer: FranR Abernachy Bear Sirs: Having had the honor and privilage of meet.ing wit.h Cit y r~anager, Franc is Middleton and Finance Officer, FraEk Aberna~hy in discusaing t.he newly prepared City Budget; and after caref'ul examinAtion and discussion of each item, we are most. happy '(,0 be able t.o bot:.h approve of, and to congrar.ulate you for a most comple~e and economical budget.. We wish co add tha~ chis increased budget wa~ comJ.il" and approved wil,hout l.,he increasin~ of the tAx:.,.:nill,(age .This in our opinion is a most remark...)3.ble piece of' ;ood f;overmuerl r. and an achievement. llhat has taken much study and a great. deal of cime. We now take the grea t.est pleasure irlthanking you one a nd all for t. h e patience, interest and effore so unselfishly ~iven in preparing this 1956-57 Bity Budget. Again vlease accept our most sincere best wishes and our humble ~ratitude for your most acceptable budge~. SincElrely :' ours, /s/ W. E. Eigenmann Federation of' Civic Clubs Warren E. Eigenmann, Pr9~. ~~jor Oswald Klugle, 1st.V. PEes. Chris Christiansen, 2nd. vI Rres. ----~-----------------~--------------------------------------~-----------------~-------- \'1A'l'ER :.iAINS 1. 264' of' 2" water main on Pierce St. east. of Lincd.n Avenue. (Approximate cost $235.00). '.1.'0 connect:. ~o t:.he present 2" main. (\vill serve eight other connect.i ons). 315' of' 2~water main on Miller Avenue south of Bellair Street. ( Approximate cost ~275.00). 10 connect to the present 2" main. Will serve ten other connections. 2. 3. '2.10' of' 2" water main on Bel1air Street be'!1ween Washir.;.gt:.on and Michigan .Ave. (Approximate cost *19~.OO). '.1'0 connect. to t.re present 2" lIlain. Will serve ~wo other connect.ions and to tie in three deaa end mains. 4. 210' of' 2" wa~er main on Fairburn Avenue sout.h of Engman titreet. (Approximate ':, . .,cost $190.00). 'l'o connect; \"0 the present 6" main will serve theee connections. 5. 310' of' 2" water main on Ensley Avenue sou~h of Auburn Stree~. (Approximate cost ~295.00). '1'0 connect Lo ~ he present ~"main. ~il1 serve seven other connec L.lbons. 6. 126' of 2" water main on Ewing Avenue north of Jeffords Screeto (Approximate cost. t,125. 00). to connect to the present 6" main. Will serve seven other connections. Continued , l.' .', ~-----. - .~ -..-.............. " ~~~~i~{0r~f.!~~:Ii":;~;!;~~1/;:(:" . ,'.' "":.'.' '.: .... ,.. , . ..;, '. :.::.';.'.!:";i;;~;~:":':;:;';;'/'?;;':t":;r~V'~~(J:;~:~'~'ii~~::'~:;t.'Ji.;;.:!;r'~~r'\7r?r~\1~~,~;~~~~.t;?: '. .' ..\ ..'.. . ;;;"J~~~~~tMJ1~i:~ai~~ifiiill:;~~~~is;.8:b.k&:;~Lif4~~~~~~i{~;i:::~;:i{1~:~:;;;i;:'i;L:f~:.~(.,.~i:L~>ir;:;~~~~~:~~L>J~~0;i1~~ji:~; CITY COM~rrSSION MEETING June 27, 1956 (Continued) 7. 147' of 2" 'Water main on Rainbo~ Drive \'lest Qr Keystone Drive. (Approximate cost i.120.00). '1'0 connect to the present E" main. Will SE~rve three connections. 8. 189' of 2" water main on Id1ewild Drive east of Poinsett. ia Avenue. (Approximate cost. $170.00~. '!'o connect to tihe present 2" main. Will serve one other connection. 9. 210' of 2" WQ\.er main on Missouri Avenue sout.h of Hibiscus Circle. (Approximate cost. $170.00). '1'0 connect to the presenl. 2" main. Will serve t.hree other monnec\.ion~. 10. 189' or 2" gal pipe on Metto St. west o~ Penn. Ave. Connec~ to present 6" main. (Approximate cos\. ~180.00). vJill serve one ot,her connecl"ion. 11. 1e.9' of 2" water main on Balm Bluff east or Greenwood Av~. (Approximat.e cost $170. (0) . Connect \'0 the present:. 2" main. 'Will serve six other connect.ions. -----~------------~------------_._-----~--~------~~-------------~-------~------ 1. GAS MAINS 18e' of 2" gas main on Engman Street. east. of Gret:nwood Afenue. (Approximate cost .jji155.00), '.l'o connect. to the present. 2" main. lJ'fi1l SlB've nine other cormections. 2. 190' of 2" gas main on hngman St.reet at the Corner of Penn. Avenue. (Approximate cost $155.00). '1'0 conr!ect t.o the present 1" main. Will serve five other connections. 3. 420' of 2" gas main on Duncan Avenue south of Druid Road. (Approximat.e cost ~355.00). '1'0 connect. to the present 2" main. \~ill serve four other connectionsl. 66' of 2" gas main on Me\.to Street east or r-iyrt.lhe J\venue. (Approximate cost $70.00). ~o connect to the present 4" main. Will serve one other connections. 210' of 2" gas main in ~he easement on the east. side of Orion Avenue sou\.h of Rainbow Drive. (Approximat.e cost i170.CO). To connect to the present 2" main. Will serve thf!ee other connect.ions. 168' of 2" Gas Main on Carlton St.. east of Greenwood ave. (Approximate cost i-140.UO). To connect present 2" main. 'Will serve seven other connections. 189' of 1" gas main on !\flango St.. west of Myrr,le . AfJe. Will connect. to t.he present 4N main. (Approximate cost $130.00). Will serve five other connections. 147' of 2" gas rmin on Carlton St. east. or Greenwood Ave. (Approximate cost $130.00). '1'0 connec-r. co the present. 2" maim. Will serve seven other connections. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. -----------------~-----~----~------~---------------------------~---------------------- -,'.~.....H.\...,..l.....' .... ,,,...,,.,,-~ :. ,..-'~.~." ".... ,.... F � CITY CONll4ISSI0N MEETING ,Tune 27, 1g56 Th,e City Commission of the City of Clearwater met ln special session at City Hall, Ulednesday, June 27, 1956, at 1:30 P,P�I. Urith the �"ollo*r�in� member� present: Herbert M. Brovm MG;,ror-Gommissioner W, �. S�rang, Jr. Commissa.oner J. N. Bc�hannon Commissioner Cleveland Insco, Jr. Comm:i.ssioner Absent: Samue], J. Roberts Also present were: F. C. NLiddleton 13en ILrentzman CT. T. McClamma Frank Abernathy Commissioner City Manager City Attorney Chief of Police Cit;� Treasurer � �� The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that the special meeting had been scheduled fcr the purpose of holding a Public Hearing with reference to the 1956-57 General Fu.nd Budget and the final adoptipn of same. Copies of' the proposed budget were cli stributed to members of the audience. The Mayor expla_ned that the proposed total millage remained the same as the millage for last year, 1�k.2 mills or a levy of 10.8 mills for operational expense and a levy of 3.�} for debt service, and that the two milL assessment earmarkecl last year for im�roving and resurfacing some ef the major streets Nrould be continued in t111s year�s budget but that it was planned to use some of the fund to provide white v�ay lightin�__ _ along part of Gulf to Bay Boulevard and in scme o�' the downtown section.� The Mayor inauix�ed if tlzere N�ere any questions or comments from the audience. Mrs. Marian Keith complained that her taxes were alread3r too high and questioz�ed raises in some of the Department budgets. The Mayor answered these questions and other ques�ions from members of the �.udienc� by explaining some oF the various Department budgets more in detail. Mrs. Florence Gilbert of the Clearvaater Chapter, American Association of University 4domen, a_nd Mrs. L;Im. H. Williams of t1�e Cleart�rater irJoman�s Club questioned the cut in the budget for the Library and asked tha� it be restored. The Mayor explained that pa,rt of the budget for the Library last year included an appropriation.for the operation of the I,ibr2rf Annex Builaing which taas never used; therefore, that amount was red.uced in this year�s budge� as ihere is still no worlting plan for using this space for Library purposes. The City Manager sta�ed that the actual operating bL�dgeL o�' the Library was being increased by �5,000.00 over laut year's expenditures. The Mayor and Commissioner Boha_nnon spoke of plans for the expansion of Llbrary i`acilities in the future. Major Oswald Kluegel, Vice President of the ClearNrater Federation of Civic Cluba, read a letter zrom the Federation approving the budget and congratulating the Com.mission on its preparation. Commissioner Insco moved th2.t thia Public Hearing having been held and the objec�ions and suggestions having been heard by the Conmission and duly considered tha� the budget Resolution adopted on the 25th day oz June, 195�� be and the same is herzby confirmed and that �ne milla�e as levied and se� out in said Resolution be set and deter[nined as the millage i'or the ensuing tax year. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang complimented t12e people in the audience on the i,nt�rest ir�ey had shown in the 'Uudget and the Mayor also commended them i'or coming to the hearing. Coanmissinner Strang announced that the Public Hearing to be held by the Florida Railroad Commission with reference to Peninsular Telephone Company rate increase had been postponed indefinitely. The City Attorney recommended that the Cammission not takP any action until s�;ch time as the City tivas informed of the amendecl request. Commissioner Strang reporteci that the proposed rate increase would be d:Lscussed at a meeting of the municipalities in the Sura Coast I�eague on July 7th at St. Petersburg. The City Mariager presented a list of gas main extensions zhat had be�n made under �300.00 each, totalling $1,305.00. (This list is set out in the following pages of these minutes and by reference made a part hereof.) Commissioner Strang moved that the trork order be approved in the amount of $1,305.00 for gas main extensions. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City Manager preaented a list of taater main exteneions that tivere made under $300.00 each, totalling $2,085,00. (This list is set out in the following pages of these minutes and by reference rt�a.de a part hereof. } Commissioner Strang moved tlzat the work order in the amount of $2,085.00 for trtater main extensions be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carzied unanimously. Commi.ssioner Strang stated that on the recommendation of the Audit,orium Committee tl�e Comm7.ssion awarded the bid of $128,37�F.00 on June 25th for the interior of the Auditorium remodelino plus the air conditioning. He said by error the Bid �{2 including the exterior work on the canopy was not awarded in the amount of approxi- mately �15,000.00. By consent, the matter was deferred to be discussed at the meeting on Monday, July 2nd. 2�9 -2- CITY COMNQSSION MEETING June 27, 1956 The City Manager presented for appioval a work order in the amount of �680.26 tc cover the hauling of the sand pumped out of the Marina basin to the street ends on north Clearwater Beach iyhere it is planned i'or the City ta partic3pate i.n a seawall and groin project, Commissioner Bohannon moved that the work order be approved. Motion vaas seconded by Commissioner Insco and carr3.ed unar�imously. The M�.nager recommended as an emergency measure the approval of the purchase oF two 12 ton air conditioning jvindow units to be installed inc],ud:Lng the wirin� and installa�ion in the Municipal Coux�i; room in tlle Police Buildin�. Gommissioner Bohannon moved that the recommendation be authorized. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. There being no further busine;�s to corie before the Commission, the meeting tvas adjourned at 3;7.0 P.M. ,� ����/i«� . . ..• Attest: , w i T Au itor an Clerk CITY COMI�+IISSIbN MEETInG Jun� 2�, 1�5b Mayor Co�nissioner Herbert M. Bro��n Commissi �ners: W. E. Strang, Jr„ J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. noberts Gentlemen: June 26, 195b 1'he City CommiSsion will meet in SFecial Session on Wednesday afternoon, June 2%, 1956 at 1:30 P.M, in the Ci.ty Ha11 Auditoriwn for the purpose of di;scussing �he itams listed below> l. Pul�lic Hearing with reference to 1$56-5� General Fund iiudget covering maintenance and operation of City epartments and t he final adoption oE same. � 2. Commission�s consideration of noi:ic e from Florida �ailroad Commi.ssion with reference Lp Peninsular 'Pelephone Company raLe increase. 3, Utility Improvemenbs. 4. Work orders. Very truly yours, �s� F. �, Middleton Cii; y Manager FCP�I: s To: June �i, 1956 Hon. i�fayor Herberc Rrown City Mana�er: City CommissionPrs: Francis I�Iiddleton John Bohannon Finance �fficer: Sam noberts Fran� nt�ernathy Cleveland Insco '1'homas �trano, Jr. Dear Sirs: Having had the honor and privilage of ineetin� with Cit y P4anager, Francis i�iiddleton and Finance Officer, Frank Abernathy in discus� ir� tihe newly prepared Cit•,y Budget; and after careful examination and discu�sion of each item, we are mosi; hagpy �o be able Lo botli ap�rove of, and to :.ongratiulate you for a most complete and econoraical budget. R'e eish io add th2t Lhis increased budget was comx;?I@c� and approved wi�.hou� the increasin� of the �:s:x.::�i11,%ge.lhis in our opinion is a;nost remark�ble piece of �ood goverrunenc and an achievement �hat has taken much study and a great deal of time. We now take the greaiest pleasure i h�nking you one and all for the paiience, interest and effort so unselfishiy �ven in preparing this 1956-57 6ity Budgat. Again please acceFL our most sinc�re best wi�hes and our humble pratitu�e for your most acceptable budget. 5inc�rely j.ours, /s/ W. E,�Eigenmann Federation of Civic Clubs Warren E. Eigenmani�, Pras. �_ajor Oswald Klugle, lst.i�. Pr�s. �hris Chrisiiansen, 2nd. y� �Es, WA'i'ER �•lAINS � 1. 2bi�� of 2'T water main on Pierce St, easL of Lincoln kvenue. (Approximate cost �235.00). To connect to Lhe present 2" main. (��:ill serve eight other corviecLions } . 2. 315T of �"'water mazn on NIiller tivenue soui�h of Bellair Street. ( Approximate cosi: �2�5.00). 1'o connect to the present 2tt main. W�li serve ten other connections. 3. 210� of 2" water tnain on Bellair Street be�ween Washirgion and Michigan Ave� (Approximat•e cost :�19�.00). 'lo connect, to tl� present 2r' mair_, �Vi11 serve two other connecti ons and to tie in three deaa en�l m3ins. 4. 210' of 2" wa�.er main on Fairburn :�venue south of Engman �treet. (Approximate �ost ;�190.00). 1`o connec� i,o the present 6" main will serve th�ee connections. 5. 310T of 2�t wa�er main on Ensley �lvenue sou�h of AuY,urn Sbree�. (A�proxiu,ate cost �2�5.00j. To connect to t he present 2�' main. will serve seven othex connecLmons. 6. 1261 of 2'� water main on Ewing Avenue north of Jeffords Street. (Ap�,roximate cost �125,00). to connect to the present 6" main, i�v'ill serve seven other connections. Continued ;' ,� � f 23l CITX COMI��SSION MEE1'ING dune 27, 1956 (Continued) 7. 1�.7t of 2�� water main on Rainbow Drive west of I�eystone Drive. (Approximate cast ��20.00). lo connect to the present P�t main. t�rill serve three connec�ions. $0 1$9' of 2" water main on Idlewild llrive easb of Poinsettia Avenue. (��pproximaLe cost $1�0.00�. 10 connect to the present 2'� main. Will serve one other connection. 9. 210' of 2« waLer main on Miss�uri Avenue souLh of Hibiscus Circle. (Approximate cost �1�0.00). 2b connect �o the present 2" main. t11i11 serve Lhree other �onnzctions. 10. 1�t9' of 2TM gal pipe on Metto St. west of Penn. Ave. Connect to pr.eseni; btt main. (Approximate cos� $�1$0.00). Plill serve one other connect;ion. l�. 1$9' of 2" �rater main on �'alm Eluff east of Greenwood Ave. ( Approximate cost �1%0.�0). Conne�t to the presenL 2" main. Will serve six other connections. GAS MAINS 1. 1$$' of 2t� gas main on Engman Street east of GreCnwood A�ienue. (Approximate cost .�155.00), 2'o connect Lo the presznt 2" main. 6+Ti11 s�ve nine other connections. 2. 19Q' of 21t gas main on �n man StreeL at the Corner of Penn. Avenue. (Approximate cost �l».���. To connect to the present I" main. will ser�e five other connections. 3e �.20' of 2�� gas main on Duncan Avenue south of Druic Road. (Approximate cost �355,00). To connzcz to the present 2t� main. 4:Ti11 serve four other connectionsl 4. 56t of 211 gas main on Metto Street east of rnyrL-IDe tivenue. (Approximate cost �7G.00}. To connect Lo the present 1�'t �rain. Will serve one other cor_nections. 5. 210' of 2" gas main in the easement on the east side of Orion Avenue souLh of Rainbow Drive. (xpproximate cost �170.G0). To connect to the present 2�� main. Will serve thEee other connecLions, 6. 16$T of 2" i�as I�iain on Oa�lton St. east r�fGreenwood ave. (Apgroxicna�e cost �1i�0.C�0). lo conriect present 2t� main. Will serve seven other connections. 7. 1$9� of 1" gas main on I�:ango St, west af My�' Lle-A�e. Will connect to the present 4j� main. (Approximate cost �130.00). 4dill serve fi�e other connections. $., 11�7 � of 2�� gas main on Carlton St, east of Greenwood Ave. ( Approximate cost �p130.00). 2'o connecti to zhe present 2" maim. Vvrill serve seven obher connections. 0 s � . . �:.'-,� � : ( ; L _;