The City ~mnaeer reported that five bids h~d been received for paving the
Coachman Parle parl<:ing lot on the bayfront, the cost of which was to be covered from
the escrow fund set up w'i th funds from the sale of property to r.1aas Brothers, Inc.,
as part of the agreement with Maas Brothers. The bids were read as follows:
Herbert M. Brown
w. E. Stran~, Jr.
J. N. Bohannon
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
Samuel J. Roberts
Conuni ssioner
Commiss~i oner
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June 25, 1956
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City
Hall, Monday, June 25, 1956, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present:
F. C. Middleton
Ben Krentzman
G. T. tJIcClanuna
S. Liclcton
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
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Also present were:
The Mayor called the meeting to order and annou:!ced that the first item would
be the consideration of the new budget for 1956~_l957. The City Manager reported
that while the proposed budget included the three-tenths mill granted last year
by the State Legislature and approved by referendum for the Firemen's Pension Fund
that the total millage of 14.2 \'1ould remain the same as last year with a levy of
10.8 mills for operational expense and a levy of 3.4 foI' debt service. The City
Attorney read the Resolution which would set up a Public Hearing on Wednesday,
June 27, 1956, at 1:30 P.M. on the proposed budget and proposed tax lery.
Commissioner Strang moved that the Resolution be passed and adopted and that the
proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Insco and carried unanimously.
Hancock Constr. Equip. Co., Clearv1ater
\'1. H. Armston & Co., Inc., Dunedin
E. H. Holcomb, Jr., Clearwater
J. W. Conner & Son, Inc., Tampa
Blackburn Paving, Clearwater
25, 4L~ 3. 34
Upon Commissioner Strang's sugc;estion" it was agreed that either cable or conduit
(whichever the Engineer and the Electrical Department recommend) should be installed
prior to the paving to provide l:i.ghting for the proposed parking lot. After the
tabulation of the bids \~as received toward the close of the meeting, the City
l\1anager recommended accepting the low bid of $25, 3L~6 .60 from Blackburn Paving
Company if the specifications provide for cleaning up after the job. Conllllissioner
Roberts said he thought the past performance of the company should be considered.
The City Attorney said the Commission could accept the lowest, best and most
responsible bid. Commissioner Roberts moved on the recommendation of the
Engineering Department that the bid of ~'J. H. 1\rmston & Company of $25,L~43.34 for
the paving of the parking area in Coachman Parle be approved, that being the lowest
and the best bid. Motion was seconded by Conunissioner Insco. Upon the vote being
taken, Commissioners Roberts, Insco, Bohannon and Brovm voted IlAye". Motion carried.
(Commissioner Strang had left the meeting before the vote was taken.)
The City Manager suggested that the remainder of the project in Coachman
Parle, the constructing of a bandshell using money from the same escrow fund rrom
Maas Brothers, be placed in the Engineer'S hands to be brought along parallel
\'li th the Auditorium remodeling and be brought back to the Conunission as soon as
possible. He said that Mallorie & Vasconi in conjunction with the JayCees had
prepared preliminary drawings of the project and recommended that they be
authorized to proceed. Commissioner Roberts mo~ed that the firm of Mal10rie &
Vasconi be authorized to proceed \'1i th the draN"ing of plano for a bandshel1 the
cost of which 1,'li1l coincide ~'li th the balance in the escrow fund after the paving
jobj that the proper officials be authorized to execute the contract with the
architectural firm for this project; and that the plans proceed under the super-
vision of the City Engineer. Motion Nas seconded by Commissioner Insco and
carried unanimously.
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June 25, 1956
In reporting on the bids for the Municipal Auditorium remodeling, Mr. Robert
Levison, Architect, recommended accepting the low bid of $128,374.00 from
Clear\'l1lter Construction Company, which included the interior remodeling and the
air condJ.tioning. Commissioner Strang reported that the Conunittee concurred with
the Architect's reconunendation. He stated that as the construction proceeds, the
City has plans for installinB u lift station to take care of the whole area to be
financed by a contribution from the City for the City property and also be parti-
cipated il1 by adjacent private property owners. Commissioner Roberts moved that
the Clearwater Constructioll Company's bid for remodeling the interior of the City
1\uditorium in the amount of' $128,374.00 be approved and that the proper officials
be authorized to s:i gn the contract. Mot:l.on \'l:lS seconded by Conunissioner Bohannon
and carried unanimously.
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In dlscunslng the electrical equipment for remodeling the Municipal Auditorium,
the City Manager said it Via:; planned for the installat10n to be made by the
employees of the Electrical Department as the \'Iork progresses and separate worle
order:J \'lould be presented. The Manager reconunended accepting the low bid of
$9,800.23 from Hestinc;house Electrical Supply Company for the electrical equip-
ment. Conuniss:Joner StranG moved on the Manager's reconunendation that the electrical
equipment bi d for the City 1\ud.L toriu.m in the a.mount of $9,800.23 be aVJarded to
the V1estJ.nghouse Electrical Supply Company, that being considered the best and
lot'lest bid. Motion was seconded by Commiss:1.oner' Bohannon and curried unanimously.
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Since the \vestinghouse Company did not bj,d on the luminous ceiling for the
Municipal Auditorium, the Nanager reconunended that that portlon of the electrical
equipment be awarded to Raybro Electri c Company at the 10\'1 bid of $1,162.50.
Commissioner Strang moved on the Manager's recommendation the avtard of the bid
for the luminous ce1ling to Raybro Electric Company in the amount of $1,162.50,
this being considered the 10\'I8st and best bid. ~10tion vms seconded by
Comm:i.ssioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
" .
The Mayor announced the Public Hearing on the request of Mr, David Brot'ln
for a t\'ler..ty foot setbac;~ f'rom Edenville Avenue for main building and a twelve foot
setback for carport on Lot 11, Block A, and Lot 12, Block B, Edenville. The City
1\ttorney read the request and the Zoning Board's reconunendation that the application
be granted as it would be in conformity ~~ith all of the other houses in this area.
The Mayor inquired if there were any objections from anyone in the audience and
there were none. After having held this Public Hearing and having heard no valid
objection on the request of' Mr. David Brown for a tVlenty foot setbaclc from Edenville
Avenue for the main building and a twelve foot setback for carport on Lot 11,
Block A, and Lot 12, Bloclc B, Edenville Subdivision, Conunissioner Strang moved
that the request be granted according to the Zoning Beard's recommendation,
Motion vms seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously.
The Mayor called a Public Hearing on the request of Mr. David K. Lewis for a
21.5 foot setback from F::d.rmont Street and a 22.5 foot setback from Harbor Drive
for Lot 9, Block C, Fairmont Subdivision. The City Attorney read the request and
the recommendation of the Zoning Board which was that the request be approved as
it would be in conformity with the setb8.c1cs of' other houses in that area. The
Mayor inquired if there were any objections and there were none. After having held
this Public Hearing and hearing no valid objection, Commissioner Bohannon moved
that the request be gral1ted on these setbaclcs for the property of David K. Lew'is
in accordance with the recommendation of the Zoning Board. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
A Public Hearing was called on the request of Mrs. Lela M. Robinson for a
fifteen foot setback from North Greenwood Avenue on Lot 8, Block F, Avondale
Subdivision. The City Attorney read the request and the Zoning Board's recommendation
that the request be granted as the setbacJ{ of the residence directly north has a
thirteen foot setback. The Mayor inquired if there was any ob,j ection and there
was none. Having held this Public Hearing and having heard no valid objections,
Commissioner Roberts moved that the request of' Lela Miller Robinson for a fifteen
root setback ror the building of a house on Lot 8, Block F, Avondale Subdivision,
be granted in accordance '1ith the recommendation of the Zoning Board. Motion
was seconded by Comnissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The Mayor announced a Public Hearing on the request of Mrs. Charles Howard
for permission to construct an apartment over the present garage and carport on
Lot 71, Block G, Sunset Point 2nd Addition, the property being presently zoned
~-2. The City Attorney read the request and the Zoning Board's recommendation
that the application for a setback of only sj,x inches be denied as construction of
living quarters on the second floor close to the lot line is considered'to be
undesirable and detrimental to the area. A letter of objection to the granting of'
the request was read from ~w. Lloyd C. Mosley written on behalf of Mrs. Carrie J.
Proctor, 1943 Overbrook Avenue (owner of Lot 54, Block G, Sunset Point 2nd Addition),
because of the unsightly appearance and crowded condition that would result. Mr.
and Mrs. Franlc Heany, and Mr. Noel Malin, arfected property 01~ers present, objected
also. Commissioner Insco moved on the recommendation of the Zoning Board that
the request o~ Mrs. Charles Howard be denied. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Roberts and carried unanimously.
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June 25, 1956
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A Public Hearing was called on the request of Mr. R. J. McDermott on behalf
of Mr. Samuel C. Campagna, Jr., for a ten foot setback from the front lot l~ne o~
Lot 2 and a fi ve ~oot setback from the front lot line of Lot 3, Bloclc F, Keystone
Manor Subdivision. The City Attorney read the request and the Zoning Board's
recommendation that the petition be granted as the failure of the palfed street
to correspond with the curved street as platted makes it necessary to varY' the
ordinary setbaclt. Mr. McDermott was present representing Mr. Campagna. The Mayor
lnquired ir there were any objections and the~were none. After having heard
this Public Hear1n~ and having heard no valid objection, Cornrndssioner Strang moved
on the reco~nendation of the Zoning Board that the request of R. J. McDermott for
Mr. Samuel C. Campagna, Jr., be granted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Bohannon and carrIed unanimously.
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The City Manager reported that there had been numerous requests from owners of
businesses in the vicinity of Lincoln Avenue and Cleveland Street for a traffic
light at tllat intersection. He stated that the light was approved by the Tra~rlc
Department and the Police Department. Commissioner Strang suggested that there be
a through line with a continuous green lieht on the north side of Cleveland Street.
for westbound tru~fic as Lincoln 1s a dead end street. Commissioner Bohannon moved
on the recommendation of the City Manager that the request be granted. Motion
was seconded by Conunissioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
The Mayor requested that Item 5-C, Appointment of member to the Civil Service
Board, be postponed.
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The City Attorney read 11 letter from Mrs. Fan Marks and Mr. W. A. Walker
requesting that Turner Street from Madison Avenue to Missouri Avenue be rezoned
as business property. He also read the Zoning Board's recommendation that the
request be held for the next zoning referendum. CommisSbner Roberts moved that
the request of W. A. Wall<er and Fan Marks for the rezoning of Turner Street from
Madison to Missouri Avenue be placed in the referendum file for future consideration.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
, 't'
The City Manager presented an application to erect a sign at the Glass House
Motel addition 229 Gulf View Boulevard. The Zoning Board's recommendation was
that the application be approved according to the attached drawing but that no
portion of the sign extend past the existing marquee. The City Attorney reported
that Mr. A. T. Cooper, representing Mr. Daniel Boucher and others who have filed
suit against Mr. Novotny and the City for an alleged violation of the zoning laws,
had asl<ed him to call to the Commission's attention the fact that he was objecting
to the granting of this application on the grounds that the legality of the marquee
itself is now in Court, and if the Court rules the perm:l.t for the marquee is invalid,
that the sign on top the marquee would increase the damages suffered by his client.
It was the City Attorney's opinion that according to law the sign could be put
there whether the marquee was there or not. It was the consensus or opinion that
the matter should be referred bacl{ to the Building Inspector, and that if the sign
conforms to the laws and ordinances governing signs, then he can act accordingly.
^ petition was presented from Mr. R. A. Dempsey, Jr., and Mr. Sam Jerkins,
owners of property on both sides of Shore Avenue from Dempsey Street to Lake
Belleview, requesting that Shore Avenue be vacated in that area as it had never
been opened for public use. The City Engineer's report showed that there were no
utilities in this street but recommended that the City should be reluctant to give
up any waterfront property. Commissioner Bohannon recommended that the matter
be referred to the Pa~cs Committee and the Planning Board to work on and d~scuss
the possibility of acquiring some of' the property adjacent to the lalce for a park.
There was some discussion as to whether this was a private lake or whether the
public had access to it through the street ends. Comrrdssioner Strang moved that
the matter be referred to the Engineering Department ror a map Showing property
ownerships and brought bacl{ to the Cornrrdssion for a policy decision. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
A letter was read from Mr. Hallard J. Greer, attorney in St. Petersburg,
presenting a request from Mr. Robert Creal ~or a zoning change on Lot 12, Block 3,
C. E. Jackson Subdivision, to permit the erection of a funeral home. The Zoning
Board'S recommendation was that the application be granted as the lot adjoins a
business area. BY' consent, the City Manager was directed to set the request up
for a Public Hearing under the hardship proviSions in the Zoning Ordinance.
The City Manager said he had no report to malce with reference to the request
for a rate increase by Peninsular Telephone Company as he had not received a reply
from the Chamber of Commerce or the Merchants Association as to their attitude and
that the City Managers or other cities he had contacted had not met with their
respective City COIMllssions on the subject yet. By consent, the matter was deferred
to the ppecial meeting on WedneSday, June 27, 1956.
Commissioner Strang left the meeting at 3:35 P.M.
The City Attorney presented f'or its first reading Ordinance 712 declaring
the City's intention to annex acreage to be lcno\'ffi as East Druid Estates Subdivision.
He read the Ordinance in full. Commissioner Roberts moved that Ordinance 712 be
passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Cornmdssioner Bohannon and
carried unanimously.
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June 25, 1956
Commissioner Bohannon moved that Ordinance 712 be considered on its second
reading by title only by unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Insco and carried u,nanimously. The City 1\.ttorney read Ordinance 712
by title only. Commissioner Roberts moved that Ordinance 712 be passed on its
second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon
and curried unanimously.
Conunissioner Roberts moved to consider the passage of Ordinance 712 on its
third and final reading by the unanimous approval of the Conunission. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City 1\.ttorney
read the Ordinance in full. Commissioner Roberts moved that Ordinance 712 be passed
on its tllird and final reading and adopted and that the proper officials be
authorized to execute it. Motion vIas seconded by CommissIoner Bohannon and carried
The City Manager reported that last July some improvements to the Lawn Bowling
Club were discussed with the Commission and that the work had been done but
official authorization of a worle order vms lacking. He said the worle included
painting inside and out, a concrete patio, some electrical worl<., roof repairs
and a drinking fountain, and improvements to ~:-he courts, at a cost of $2,610.46.
Conunissloner Roberts moved that the work order for $2,6l0.l.t6 on the La\'ffi Bowling
Court be approved for tne record only. Motion was secondeu by Commissioner Bohannon
and carried unanimously.
The Manager presented a work order for $547.50 for some dragline work around
the Marshall Street Disposal Plant of an emergency nature. Commissioner Bohannon
moved that the work order be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Roberts and carried unanimously.
The City Manager requested authority to proceed with the sale to 1\.erosonic
Instruments Corporation of a portion or City property fronting on Hercules Avenue
immediately south of the acreage recently sold to Metal Industries, Inc. The
Manager suggested that the part under lease to the Pistol Club be taken out of
the proposed area to be sold so it would be necessary to change the west boundary
line. It was pointed out that the Commission had formerly discussed selling the
land at $1,000.00 an acre, the same price as that sold to Metal Industries, Inc.
Cornmdssioner Roberts moved that the City Attorney and various other City officials
proceed with the preparation of contract for sale of the property to Aerosonic
Instrument Corporation and order the title insurance on same. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
Mr. R. W. Spragins, Fiscal Agent, made a progress report on the feasibility
survey for the proposed second Causeway and said the Engineers indicated the feasi-
bility report would be favorable. He reported that he had instructed Caldwell,
Marshall, Trimble and Mitchell, the New York bond attorneys, to proceed to draw
. the Resolution for the utility improvements in blanle dollars which will save the
City a month and a half in time. He reported that Mr. Harold Briley, Consulting
Engineer, would probably have figures available on the proposed improvements at
next Monday's meeting.
The City Manager recommended the assignment of the lease for Room 7, Marina
Building, from f.'Ir. and r.ws. W. F. Caney to Mrp. and Mrs. JOihn B. Pierson.
Commissioner Roberts moved on the reco~nendation of the City Manager that the
trans~er be approved subJect to approval by the Legal Department. Motion was
seconded by Conunissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
It was reported by the Manager that Mr. Ross F. Welhor, owner of the
Fleetwood Apartments had indicated that he would liJ{e to discuss dedicating the
streets ror public thoroughfares with a Comrrdttee from the Commission. The Mayor
recommended that the Manager set up a meeting with the Commission as a Committee
of the wLole to discuss the matter. By consent, the Commission agreed to this.
Commissioner Insco reported that a Comrrdttee of Mayor Brown and himself had
met with ~~. J. S. WilenslQ{, ~~. M. R. Hirschberg, Mr. Brannon Casler, Attorney,
the City Manager and the City Engineer in the Manager's Office at 9:30 A.M. on
June 22, 1956, to discuss the streets in the Green\~ood Housing Project. He said the
group considered the fol1m'ling a fair solution of the project paving:
1. That the City pay one-half the cost of paving the area adjacent to West Street
(Which is on the East side of the Project) which said pavement is supposed to
be 24' wide I'll th a concrete breaker strip.
2. That all alleys be paved to a width of 12'.
3. Alleys extended through the. parking area \'1111 be paved 12 I .
4. The o\~ers will post in escrow, the estimated cost of construction.
5. The City wi11 ask for bids on July 16th or as near thereafter as possible.
6. The Ovmers reserve the right to wi thdra\'l ~rom the proposition in the event
that they are unable to post the estimated cost of the bid -- it being under-
stood that an agreement of FHR and Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of
Newark, N.J., is necessary.
7. It is intended that easements meeting the City Attorney's approval shall be
granted over the paved area and that the City will thereafter assume main-
tenance of the streets and alleys and the City pass a Resolution to that
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June 25, 1956
The Committee reconunended acceptinc; the above suggestions. The Manager reported
that it \'lUS necessary for the C:!. ty to ,join in paving vlest Avenue IOn the east
as there io a n<1rro\'I tier of lota there vii th all of the hOl1ses facing the next
street to the eust. Conm1J.ssioner Roberts moved that the Conunittee's report on the
street :' mprovemonts in the Greell\'/Ood Apartments be accepted and the City Manager
and the City 1\ttol'ney be atltllOrJ zed to \'Iorl~ out an eocro\'/ agreement and all the
detailD, and advertine for bido UD 00011 us it Decms appropriate by the City Manager
and the EnGineer. MotJon \'1::tD oecondell by COllun:Loo.loncr Bohannon and carried
'rhe r.1anuGer rcported that Colo11el JamelJ ';/a tJd no, CJ vll Defense Director, had
received formal approval from the Federal Government for the expenditure of
*20, '(86 . '(6 for I'udJo ~qulpl11en t from CJ. v:i 1 DefenDe fUl1do under the plan \d th the
CJ.ty pnyJnr; half i1nd the Government Pn.y:lllL; 11<111'. COllunloGJoncr Bohannon moved that
Colonel Hatlci,no ao Director of CJvl1 DefenGe for the C:l.ty be author:lzed to execute
on behalf of the C:1.ty the project appl:l.eatJ.on \'1-i. tl1 the Federal Government wherAby
addl t.;,onul radio eqldpment i a to be purcha.Gcd from t:l.me to t:tme on a matching fund
bas:l o. Motion wao Dcconded by Conun:1. oDlaneI' Roberto and cnrrJed unanimously.
Colonel \'1atlcino :tnqu:lred 11' the propooed plana for improvements to the Ground
Obaerver Corpo poot at the Clear\'1:l.ter Marina had been approved. By consent, the
Manae;er N<.U3 d:trected to put the J tern on the aGenda for July 2nd.
Commlas:loner Bohannon aald he had been informed that the County had agreed to
furnJGh the material for the proposed sJ.dc','mllt on Gulf to Bay Boulevard near
Clearwater Hie;h School and that the State Road Department had aGreed for it to
be put across the creek if the Clty would do the actual \'101'1-:: durinG the summer
months. By consent, the Manaeer \'laS instructed to checl.;: to see if the County had
placed any money in the new budget for ouch a purpooe.
In regard to the sand blov-line; from the new Stevenson Creele fill, the Manager
reported in order to plant grass it would be necessary to have four inches of fill
dirt on top at an estimated cost of $800.00; in addition, the City would have to
put in a sprinkling system \'1hlch may cost about *10,000.00. Mr. Arthur Kruse,
Planning Board Chairman, reported that a sketch of a proposed layout had been prepared
but the Board had not met with the Garden Club and other interested parties.
Conunissioner Insco suggested that a meetine; be held to formulate the plans to get
started on the basic things needed r1ght novl; however, he felt the development of
Crest Lake Park should hQve priority. The Mayor requested Mr. Kruse to call a
meeting of the Parles Conuni ttee, the Clear\'13. ter G:lrden Club, and the people 1n
that area with representatives from the Recreation Department and the Little League
present also to discuss the basic plan for development.
Conunissioner Insco suggested that it ':las nO\'1 time for the Commission to
investigate the situation of facilities for the City Hall and stated that the
Commission had been studying whether to add to the present City Hall or to build a
completely ne\'1 one. He suggested using the present City Hall for the Police
Department and building a new City Hall on Court Street near the present Farmers'
Market. The Mayor reported that the Commi ss10n had intervie\'led various architects
and recommended that the architect be designated for the new addition. Commissioner
Roberts moved that the architectural firm of Mallorie and Vasconi be appointed for
this project i'lith the understanding that \'lhen a decision is made to go ahead on the
project, that the Architect start charging his time. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting
was adjourned at 4:40 P.M.
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June 25, 1956
June 21, 1956
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Mayor Comlllissioner Herbert. 1-4. Brown
Commissioners: w.~. Strang, Jr.
J. N. Bohannon
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
Samuel J. lloberLs
!he City Commission will meet in dpecial Session on Monday afternoon, June25,
1956, in ~he City Hall Audi~orium for ~he pUDpose of discussing the lterns listed
on the att.ached agenda. Met-;t.ing time will be at. 1:]0 P.r4.
Very truly yours,
/s/ B. ~. Middleton
City l"!anager
Agenda - Cit.y Commission Meeting of June 25, 1956
City Hall Auditorium
1:30 S.M. ~BCIAL
1. Invocation.
2. Opening of bids for paving of Coachman Park Parking Lot.
3. Awarding of Audi~orium Improvement bids.
4. Public Hearings:
A. ~equest of Mr. David Brown for a twenty foot setback from Edenville
Ave. lor main buildin~ and a twelve foot secback for carpoDt on Lot
11, Block A, and Lot 12, Block B, Edenville Sub.
B. Request of Mr. David K. Lewis for a 21.5 foot setback from Fairmont
St. and a 22.5 foot setback from Harbor Drive on Lot 9, Block C,
Fairmon~ Subdivision. Property is on the south~est corner of Fairmont
St. and Harbor Drive.
C. Request of ~ws. Lela M. Robinson for a fifteen foot setbadk from North
Greenwood Ave. on Lot S, Block F, Avondale Sub. Property is on the
nobthwest corner of Nort.h Greenwood Ave. and Beckett St.
D. Request of Mrs. Charles Howard for permission to conscruct an ap~~t~-
ment over present garage and capport. Property is at 19~0 Overbrook
Aie., Lot. 71, Block G, ~unset Ft. 2nd Addition and is now zoned R-2,
uuples Residence.
E. Request of Mr. R. J. McDermott for Mr. Samuel G. Cappagna, Jr., for
a ~en foot setback from the front lot line of Lot 2 and a five Coot
setback from the front lot line of Lot 3, bot~n Block F, Keystone
Manor ~ubdivision. Property is on the southeast corner of Keystone
Drive and Laura ~t.
5. Commission's consideration of :
A.' Ap~roval of Budget for 1956-57 and date of Public Hearing.
B. ~raffic light a~ Cleveland and LincCln Ave.
C. Appoir.tment of member to the Civil Service Board.
D. Request from W. A. Walker Const. Co. for chan~e in Zonimg.
E. rtequest for Glass H~use MoteJ~Sign.
F. Request for vacating that part of Shore Avenue between Lake Belleview
and Dempsey St.
G. Request for change of zoning for erectionof a
H. Report by City Manager with reference to rat.e
'j:ele phone Co.
I. Ordinance #712, intention to annex Eas~ Druid Estates.
6. Utility Improvements.
7. Any other item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent of
the COIllDlission
i"uneral Horne on Lot l~ Bl. 3 o. E.
increase by Peninaular Jackson
To Mr. F. C. Middleton, City Manager
Frome Oliver H. Anderson, ~ec'Y. Zoning Board
Subject DAVID BROWN (Edenville 5ub)
It is the Zoning Board's recommendation that the application o~ Mr. David
Brown for set backs of 20' for the main building and 12' for the carports on
lots 11 Block A and Lot 12, Block B, of Edenville Sub. be gran~ed. fhe
reason for this is trut modified setbacks will be in conformity w.i t~all of the
other houses in this area.
At~ached ~ereto is original le~ter of request.
,~.' t. .'
To the Zoning Board
Clearwat'.eI', "'lorida
I berewith request your permission ~o deviate from the required set-back on
Locs 11, Elock A and 12, Block B in Edenvi1le Subdivision. ~hese 10&8 face
1039 Sunnydale ~treet
Clearwater, Florida
June 1~, 1956
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June 25, 1956
(GO nt.inued)
each othar on OPPOsiUDsides of stree~.
I ha ve built t'Wellt.y-eight houses in t.h is bloc k wi ~h a set. back on each o~
20 feet ~o the main building, with the carport ex~ending an additional g feet.
these are ~he only vacant lo~s remainin~ in this block and as they are in
the middle of the block wi~h houses on bot.h sides, I ~ould like to koep the
proposed two houses to be built in line with all ~he oLhers. I feel it
would spoil the alignment were these houses to be set in further hack.
Also, Lo~ll in B~ock A is a 70.75 lo~ by 94.95deep includin~ a county drainage
ditch. therefore, usi~g the regular sebback would bring this house back ~oo
far on the lot fOI:l. 'good appearance of a back yard.
'~he houses that are already built were ~ll constructed before the annexation
of Edenvil1e Subdivision to t,h~ City of Clearw~ter.
I would apprecia~e your consideration of my reques~ and would be much
pleased by your favorable reply, so t}rJ t I can ~o ahead and build these tW0
houses in line with all ~he o~hers-- tha~ is wi~h a 20 foo~ setback for the
main building and wiLh the e~tension of the car port a feet.
I bbank you.
Very truly yours,
/sl David Brown
To ~. F. C. Middleton, City ~nager
From Oliver H. Anderson, Sec'y. ~oning Board
It is the Zoning Board's recommendation that the request for a 15' set back
on Lot a, Avondale Sub. Block F. be ~ran~ed.
the reason for this iB that ~he building line of the residence directly north
has a lJ' set back.
AtLached hereto is request ~ith set-backs.
Dear Sirj
My husband and 1 wan~ to buld a house on lot ~g Avondale Subdivision
Block F. Our house to be )0 ft. by approx. 52~t. In order ~o do this we are
asking cha~ ins~ead of the 25 ft. set back tha~ we need 10 ft. more making ~he
setback 16 ft. from the lot ~ine on North Greenwood Stl as shown on platt.
rr hank you.
/5/ Lela Miller Robisson
17 Aldrich St.
Aiken, S. c.
To ~. F. C. Middleton, CiLy Manager
From ~~. O~iver H. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board
Subject REQUEST OF O.K. LEWIS (1650 Harbor Drive)
It is'the Zoning Board's recomn~naation that. ~e approve ~he request o~ David
K. Lewis to build a house according to the set back as shown on t.he attached
plat plan, for the reason that the lot is small and irregular shaped, and ~here
are other houses in t~at area that. are seL back only 20' and will con~orm to
the set backs in ~hat area.
Atbached hereto is oroginal let.ter of request with plot plan.
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Lewis
l7g9 Harbor Drive
Clearwater, Florida
June 4, 1956
Ci~y ~on1ng Board
City Hall
C1earwa~ er, Fla.
RE: ~650 Harbor Drive, vacant lot
" We are the owners of the above property and are negotiating; ~ith Home
Builders, Inc. of Clearwater, Fla. to erect us a home on this lot.
..-.....----- ~_. -",
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June 25, 1956
We would like to have the 25 ft. set back restriction waived for this
lot in order than we may secure financing under the Federal Housing Adminis-
t.ration - we belivve t.h~ set bacl<s shown on the attaced plot plan would meet
FHA requirements. FHA requires a 15 ft. set back, as shown on Sou~ side of
property on plot plan.
Unless this permission ~s granted it will be ilapossible tor us to build
a home of our choice under FHA requirements on this lot.
Any consideration you may be able to ~ive us will be greatly appreciated.
Very truly yours,
/s/ David K. Lew1s
'i'o Mr. F. C. Midilleton, City l'lanager
From Oliver H. Anderson, Sec'y, Zonin~ Board
It is the Zoning Board's recommendat.ion that the application for a set back of
only six inches 6" be denied, for the reason thatthe construction of living
quarte~s on the second f~oor, so close to the lot line is considered to be
undesirable and detrimental to the ar~a.
Attached hereto is original letter of request and sketch.
OH Al.bk
City of Clearwater, zoning board
Clearwater, Florida
Clearwater, Florida
June 12, 1956
6aar Mr. Anderson:
Re: Addition to garage.
We own a home at 1940 Overbrook Avenue, Glearwater, Lot 71, second addition
~o Sunset Point. We have a one car garage, with can' port on side, and
would li~e permission to build a three room apartment over it. The rooms
would be living room, bedroom, and bath.
~his is not, and will no~ be for rental purposes. We own four other houses,
here, so know what the problems are that ~o with renters, and certainly do not
want anyone else living in our own yard.
My Aunt, who is 73 years of age, took care of me, from a littl~ child, through
high school, so I feel that I own her a great deal. My parents died when I
was small. She now lives in Michigan, and wants to come here to live. We
do not wish her t.o live in the same house wich us, but do want her to be '
clese to us, she is not able to live alone, I have to go to Michigan on 6/23/56
to see about getting her moved down hereo The place would be for her. It
no doube would be better for her to live on the ground floor, but we cannot
arrange it that way. For the present she can go up and down stairs well, and
should it come to where she cannot, by having this additional room, we can
easily give up some of our own house to make it convenient for her to live there.
She would be eating with us, so there will be no kitchen.
I am enclosing a very crude sketch of this, but if permission is granted, a
better.sketch will follow.
'J.'hankfyou much for this consideration, ahd hppeing ti~a t you see fit to grant
this wish. ~he apartment will be nicely finished, 50 it will be an asset to
the property.
/s/ Mrs. Charles Howard
Rooti 208
Coachman Building
State Farm Insurance office.
The present garage is almost'on line
but more than 25 feet from front, we
would hB>>e to build it within l~2feet
from line, same as garage is now.
June 25, 1956
City Commission of the
Cityof Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
RE; Request of Mrs. Charles Howard
for permission to construct an
apartment over present garage and
carport at 1940 Overbrook Avenue,
Lot 71, Block ft,}", Sunset Point
2nd Addition.
Cont inued
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June 25, 1956
( Continued )
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Mr2. Carrie J. Proctor, a widow, whose home is at 1943 Overbrook Avenue,
Qlearwater, Florida, has asked thae we advise you, by letter, of her objection
to the above rerer~nc~requeet. !;~s. Proctor states that she does object to
the granting of tD3 relief sought. becauae or t he uns ig;htly appearance and
crowded condicion taat will result should ~~ re~uest be granted. SbQ says that
it would increase the fire hazards in that an~ would in fact, greatly depreciate
the proper\.y belonging to !:lr~. Froctor.
For the above reasons it is respecefully requested tba~ ~he arplication of
r.ws. Howard be denied. 0ince Mrs. Pnoctor cannot be pr@sint ~\ ~he hearing on
t.his aprlication because of her job, pleased consider t.his letter as her response
t.o your not.ifica~ion of such h~ariD~
LCI1: dgl
Very truly yours,
/s/ Loyd C. Mosley
'.1'0 Mr. F. C. Middleton
From Oliver H. Anderson, 0ec'g. Zonihg Board
Subject HEQUES1' OF Sam C. Campap;na, Jr.
It.. is the ~oning Board's recommendation that the application for a change in
set back on lot.s 2 and J, Block F, KeysDone ~anor, be gran~od in accordance
with the re quest. submi e 1.e:1 by il!r. Campa;sna. The reason for t. his is tha t the
peculiar location of these lo\.s and the Pchllure of the paved street to corres-
pond with the curved street as platted, makes it necessar'y to vary the ordinary
set back requirewen~s in ~his area~
AttAched hereto is original letter with at.tached list of n~nes0f persons
havd:ng 1-,0 objecti or,s.
June g, 1956
N~. Horace Hamlin
Chairman of Zoning Board
City Hall
Clearwa\.er, Florida
Re; Samuel C. Campagna, Jr. - Application for Relief under the
hardship provisions of our zonin~ law for a setback of
propert.y described below
Vear i~~. Hamlin:
I would appreci a~e' .your con',iderir: g this a lett.er for applic ation of
~~. Samuel G. Campagna, Jr. and Helen Cctmpa~na, his wife, for relief under
the zo ning re.gula ti ons bee :luse of undue hardship in co nnec ~i on 'W ith
const.ruct.ion of dwealing~ on the lots described as followss:
Lots 'lWO (~) and Three (J) in Bloc k "F" of
Keystone I'lanor dubdivision, accordin~ t.o the
Nap or Plat thereof as recorded in Flat. Book
10, Fage 71, of t.he public records of ~inellas
County, l"lorida.
~~. Campagna is desirous of being able t.o const.ruct on Lot two (2) a
dwelling with a se\.back of only Ten (10) feet 85 agai~st the required
'.L'wenty-fi ve (25) feet. He is also desirous of construe t..ion a dwelling on Lot
'i'her,.; (J) wit.h a se~oack of Five (5) feet. as against. the ~5 feet requil?ed
by the zoning oridnance.
Enclosed with Lhis application and considered a part of same, you
will find t.he ma..p tlhai.. discloses l.he proposed locations of the dwelling s
t>h8t.he:)louB~;a5'...above aescribed. On surveying this map it. clearly indicates
that t.o cause t.he woner to build dwellin~s with 25 feet as the set.back
would create an undue hal'dship on him.
You will also find herewieh enclosed Waiver and Consent withh had
been circulated in t.he adjacent nei~hborhood and si~ned by the various
property owners that are immediately concerned.
~e would appreciat.e your giv~ng this considerati0n on you neetimg,
Thursday, June 14, so that there will no~ be undue delay in proceeding with
the const.ruct.ion if t.his applic1tion is approved.
Very truly yours,
/s/ R. J. McDermott
'.1'hank you.
"'.j. .......
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to Mr. F. C. Middleton. City Manager
From Oliver H. AndErson. Sec'y. Zoning Beard
Subject REQU~~~ OF W. A. WALKER CONST. CO. (Fan Marks)
It is the Zoning Board's recommendation that this request be held for the
D~xt Referendum meeting
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June 25, 1956
Estimated Miscellaneous Revenues
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OHA: bk
, .
to the Zoning Board and City Commissioners
City of Clearwater, Florida.
June 13, 1956
We have found, that on account of present ~raffic conditions that
there is more and more demand for parkin~ space for cars and trucks at stores
and warehouses on highways and thru stree~s, also since it bas become known
tha t 'J.'urner St. is Going t.o be opened up from, .Greenwocxi Avenue thru to
Missouri Avenue there has arisen a demand for businesli pro party on lower
turner ~t. BeLween Ma~ison and Mis~ouri Avenues.
':-">. '.:',~,.<.~ >)
1herefore we would petition you ~o rezone Turner St. from Madison S~ to
Missouri Ave. as busines~ property, that ~his proFerty might be used for
business buildings ~r apartmen~s or business buildings with apartments
over ~ hem.
Respectfully submiLl.ed for your consideration.
/s/ F~ Marks..
W. A. Walker
June 15, 1956
To Mr. F. C. Midd2~on, City ~~nager
From Oliver H. Anderson, Seery. Zonin~ HoarD
It is Lhe Zoning Boar~'s reoommendation that we approve the application
of Mr. Novotny for ~he erec~ion of an owner identification sign Glass
House Motel according ~o the attached drawing, but that no po~tion of the
sign shall extend past ~he existing marquee.
At~ached hereto is drawing of proposed sign.
OHA : bk
W~REAS, the City Manager of ~he City of Clearwater, Florida, has submitted
an estl.mate ofkhe amount. of money necessary to (Carryon the City Govm:nment ~SJ,r
the fiscal year beginnin6 July~lst, 1956, and ending June 30Lh, 1957, and
WHEREAS, the City Commis~ion had, in special meeting duly assembled,
examined. carefully, considered, and approved the same, and
WHEREAS, t.he 'fax Assessment Roll has been submitted to the Ci ty Conunission
in acceptable form.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'oll RE~OLVED by ~he City Commission of the City of
Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows:
1. 'J.'hat the City ivlanager's Annuil' Report. and Budget for the fiscal year
b~~inning July 1, ,1956, and endir1g June 30, 1957, a copy of which is on file
wi~h the City Au~itor and Clerk and is by reference made a part hereof, and of
wh~ch the followl.ng schedule is a summary, is hereby adopted as the Operating
Budg~ for the City of ClearwaLer:
City Manager and Assistant
Engineering Department
.,' ,
. . '~, ,i ...
4_ 1 --':a. _~.
_......._~--. ..~;.
June .25, 1956
Cit.y Hall
Civil Service board
8.,,4-46.00 9,b39.00
4,060.00 4,5e5.00
21,575.00 43,4-00100
13,025.00 14,975.00
39,600.00 43,151.00
13,075.00 13,350.00
3,300.00 3,300.GO
3,125.00 3,725.00
13,4-00.00 12,615.00
198,670.00 226,950.00
44,275.00 56,295.00
'1,450.00 7,325.00
130,610.00 140,085.00
21,215.00 21,090.00
281,770.cO 29~,O75.00
16,905.00 21,1$5.00
28,325.00 32,475.00
33,975.00 32,525.00
,,56,310.00 66,225.00
Q,525.00 6,550.00
68,645.00 75,380.00
9,750.00 7,000.00
63,950.00 76,585.00
73,309.00 64,342.00
32,900.00 35,750.00
450.00 450.00
4 ,aoo. 00 4,SOO.00
5,500. CO 2,S35.00
11.730. 00 J.t,S40.00
*,,1,277,774.00 $1,41 ,Olf 7.00
· 166!, 400 .00 297,476.00
100,000000 107,367.00
30.g~4.00 6~,3l2.00
$1,575,06 ~OO $1,88 ,202.00
272.0001.00 2091520.00
$1,847,068:"'00 $2,157,722. no'
f!;mpihoyees Pension, li'iremen' s Pension
& ~ocial Security
mepartment of City elerk & Delinquent
Department of Finance, Auditing
& Collecting
Legal Department (CiLY Attorney)
Prosecuting AtLorney
Municipal Police ~ourt
Police Department
traffic uepartment
Fire Department
Inspection Department
Public ~ervice DepartmenL
City Garage - Machine ~hop
Municipal Buildi~~s & Docks
Library Dept., ColDred Library &. i<iuseum
8lectrical Bureau
Public Welfare
Sr. Chamber of Commerce
Jr. Chamber of COillloerce
Parks & Cemetery
Recreation UeparLment
Civilian Defense
s. P. C. A.
Planning BoaI'd
Colored Recreation & Pool
(Sub-~otal Operating )
Capi~al Expenditures & Contingencies
dpecial Improvement Fund
Mortgages & Vontracts
Debt & Interest
GRAND fl10'1'AL
2. That it is hereby determined that a tax of 10.8 mills upon all real
property and personal property w.ithin the CitY./si~;~~~~t~from taKacion by
law, shall be necessary to raise the said sum~ ""'" rfr operating purposes
and the said rate of milla,:;e is hereby assessed em'. all. r.ea ~nd personal property
upon said tax assessment roll no~ exempted by law from ta acion.
3. That it is hereby de~ermined that the following rates of millage
shall be necessary to raise the necessary SWjS for debt service on the City'S
outstanding bonded indebtedness, ond said Date of milla~e is her~y assessed
against the property included in said tax assessment roal as follows:
All real estate and personal property within the Cit.y
of Clearwa~er - 3.4 mills.
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City Commission Meeting
June..25 , 1956
BE IT Fu~rHER RESOLVED that the foregoing schedules and tax ,rates shall
be published 1n the Clearwa~er ~un and ~hat the City Commissi9n shall meet in
the c.:i1?;Y Hall'~',Cit'YJor- Clearwat.el", at 1:,30 P.M.. June 27, 195b, for the purpose
of holding a public hearing upon said intended tax levy, and the City Auditor
and Clerk is hereby required to publish a not.ice 86 SUch public hearing, setting
forth the time and place aforesaid for holding such meeting, together with the
proposed budget and nax levy as herein set forth, and unless, sufficient oBjections
shall be male at ~he ~ime and place stated in said notice, said budget and tax
levy shall stand for the fiscal year - beginning July 1, 1956, and ending _
June 30, 1957.
/s/ Herbert M. Brown
Mayor- Commissioner
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
City Auditor and Cle~k
. '. . '. . .
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Section 1. '.i.'he eit y of Clearwater, Flor ida, act.! ng by and t.hrough its
Ci~y Commis~ion, hereby declares its intention to annex into the corporate
1imiss of the City of Cloarwater. Florida, the following described lands lying
con~iguous to the terri~orial limits of said City, which lands 40ntain leas
t.hQD ten (10) registered voters::!
~ ~
From the Northwest corner of the SOUTHEAST QUATER (SE~) of Section 13,
Township 29 South. Range 15 East; run South 0 deg. 39' 55" Eas~ along
~he North and Sou~h Center L1ne of said Section 13. a distance of
1329.43 feet to to 1:2 40 acre line; thence South E39 deg. 1)' 51" East.
along the 40 acre line )1.0 feet for p.a.B.; thence South 89 deg.
13' 51" East, along the 40 acre line 451.14 feet; thence Soath 0 deg.
29' 47" West 260.0 feet; thence South 89 deg. 13' 51" East 210.0 feet;
thence South 0 deg. 29' 47" ~est 420.0 feet; thence North 89 deg.
13' 51" West 663.22 Fel.1t; thence North Ohdeg.. 40' 15" East 630.0 f'eet
to P.O.B.; less the North 330.0 feet nowrying within the City ot
Clearwater cit y 1imi's.
Said properties constitu~ing a portion of lands which the owners have
indicated ~ to be platted and known as East Druid Estates.
Section 2. 'rhe eit y of Clearwater, acting by and through its City Commission
intends to annex t.he foregoing lands according to the provisions of Section 171.04,
Florida Stat-utes. 1955. and ~o that end, tl'e City Auditor and Clerk is hereby
directed to publish this Ordinance in t he Clearwater. Sub, a newspap&r published
in ~he Ci~y of Clearwater, once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks immediately
after the passage of ~his Ordinance.
Section 3.
''chis ordinance shall becoDS effective immediately upon its
June 2 5. 1956
June 25.. 1956
June 25.. 1956
A '!"J.'l!~ ST :
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
C1t y Audi.tor and Cle rk
/s/ "erbert M. Brown
Mayor - Commissioner
" I,'
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.~~4j1ttr,fvtt'f~;~~4~~~~~;";:i:t:'~~!i~;.~"~~kt;'.;~ .t::
Before me, ~hQ undersigned au~hor1~~. personally appeared JOHI F. SEVER,
who upon b~1n~ by Ole duly sworn, deposes and'lIays:
.1.. Ula t. he has persona 1 knowledge as to t.he occupancy of 'the land
emb.aced in the following deacr1bed proparey:
EAS'J: DRULD ES'rA'l'ES, be1~ a Subd:lvi13'on of F8rt of tibe SW~
oE Section 1), Township 29 Sou~h. Range 15 East, Plnellas
County, Florida.
and that said subdivision, a portion of which :1.8 no~ ~1tihln the oorporate limits
of t.be Cit.y of Clearwat.er, and which port.ion t:.he said C1t y proposes t.o annex
int.o t.ho corporat.o lir~it.s of 1ho Baid CiL y of Glearwilccr cont.ains les8 tha t
ten (10) reg1s~ered voters.
2. that. this arfidav1t 1s made in compliance wit.h Sec~1on 171.04.
Florida Statu~OSt and is made to 1ndu~e ~he City of Clearwater to annex ~he
foregoing t.ract in~o its cor~ora~e l1mi~8.
Furt.ner depon~nt. saye~h not.
WITNESS my signa~ure and official seal at Clearwater in 'the Coun~y
of Pine l18s and the S~ate of Flor ida t.h1s 22nd day or June, A. D. 1956. .
SWOR~ TO AND SlJBSCHIDED before me ~his
John F. Sever
22m day of June,
Deryl F. Sydnor
l'iotary Pub 11e
.' .'
"-;~:""~". .'''.~''n
. d '. . ~'''''''~'l''~!''''''''''''''~;''~~~'~''<>W'''1''!.'(:f''t,}'''~ ."".T",,~"J.::-:..:"-_.:- ,1~j .' ,.,' ...._,
June 25, 195�
The City Commission pf bhe Ci�y of C];sarwater met in wpecial sess3on at City
Ha11, Monday, June 25, �956, a'� �-:30 P.M, with the i'ollowing members present:
Herbert M. Brown
W. E. Strang, Jr.
J. N. Bohannon
Cleveland Insco,
Samuel J. Roberts
A1so present were:
F. C. Middleton
Ben Krentzman
G. T, MeClamma
S . I,ickton
Jr. Commissioner
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
The PQayor called the meeting to order and annou�:ced that the first item v�ould
be the consideration of the neUr buclget for 1956,_1g57. The City Manager reported
that while the proposed budget included the three-tenths mill granted last year
by the State Legislature and approved by referendum for the Firemen�s Pension Fund
that the total millage of 14.2 would remain the same as last year with a le�y of
10.8 mills i'or operational expense and a levy of 3,4 for debt service. The City
Attorney read the Reso�ution which vrould set up a Public Hearing on L�Jednesday,
June 27, Zg56, at 1:30 P.M, on the proposed budget and proposed tax la�y,
Commissioner Stran� moved that the Resolution be passed and adopted and that the
proper officials be authorized to execate it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Insco and carried unanimously.
The C.;.ty n�a.nager reported that five bids had been received for paving tYie
Coaclvnan Park parking lot on the bayfront, the cost of which was to be covered fr�m
the escrow fund sei; up with funds from the sale of property to Maas Brothers, ?nc.,
as part oi the agreement witi7 Maas Brothers. The bids were read as iollours:
Hancock Constr. Equip. Co., Clearc�rater
tid. H. Armston & Co,, Znc., Dunedin
E. H. Holcomb, Jr., Clsarwrater
J. W. Conner & Son, Inc,, Tampa
Blackburn Paving, Clearwater
Upon Commissioner Stran��s suggestion, it was a�reed that either cable or conduit
(t�hichever the Engineer and the Electrical Department recommend) should be installed
prior to the paving to provide lighting for the proposed parking lot, l�fter the
tabulation of the bic�s ti�ras received toc�tard the clase of the meeting, the City
Manager recommended accepting the low bid oi' �25,346.60 from Blackburn Paving
Company if the specificatioils provide for cleaning up after the job. Commissioner
Roberts said he thought the past performance oi the company should be considered.
The City Attorney said the Commission could accept the loUiest, best and most
responsible bid, Commissioner Roberts moved on the recommendation of the
Engineering Depariment that the bid of .+1, H. Armston & Company oi �25,�-�+3.34 for
the pavin� of the parking area in Coachman Parl{ be approved, that being the lowest
azzd the best bid. Motion tivas seconded by Commissioner Insco. Upon the �.rote being
�alten, Cammissioners Roberts, Insco, Bohannon and Brown veted "Aye°. Nfotion carried.
(Commissioner Strang had left the meeting before Lhe vote was taken.)
The City Manager suggested that t.?ie remainder of the project in Coachr.ian
Park, the construeting of a bandshell usin� maney from the same escrow fund from
Maas Brothers, be placed in the Engineer�s hands to be brought al�ng narallel
tivith the AudYtoriLun remodeling and be brought bac�� to the Commission as soon as
possible. He said that Mallorie & Vascoi2i. in conjunetion t,vith the JayCees ilad
pr�pa.red preliniinary drawings of the project and reconmended that the3r be
authorized to proceed. Commissioner Roberts moved that the firm of Mallorie &
Vasconi be authorized to proceed v�ith the dratiaing of plans for a bandshell the
cost of which will coincide with the balance in tlze escroiv fund after the baving
job; that tlze proner officials be authorized to execute the con�ract saith the
architectural i'irm fox� this pr�ject; and that the plans proceed under the super-
vision of the City Engineer. Motion tiaas seconded by Commissioner Insco and
rarried unanimously.
� � 7-
June 25, 1956
Iil reporting on the pids for the Municipal Auditorium remodeling, D'Ir. Rnbert
Zevison, Architect, recommended accepting the low bid of �128,374.OQ from
Clearwater Construction Company, tivlzich included the interior remodeling and the
air conditioning. Gommissioner Stran� reported that the Committee concurred w3:th
the Architect's recommendation, He stated that as the construct•lon proceeds, the
City has plans for installing a lift station to tal�e care of the whole area to be
financed by a contriUution from the City for the City property and also Ue parti-
cipated in by adjaceilt private property otvners. Commissioner Ro'�erts moved tl?at
the Cleartivater Construction Company's bid for remadeling the interior of the City
Auditorium in the amount of $128,37�.00 be approved and that the proper oi'�'icials
be authoi�ized to sign the contract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bolzannon
and ca.rried unanimously.
In discussing the electrical equipment for remodeling the Municipal Auditori,u.m,
the City Manager said it tvas planned for the installation to be made by the
employeea of the Electrical Department as the work progresses and se�arate �vork
orders would be presented. The Manager recommended accepting the loW Uid of
$9,800.23 from Westinghouse Electrical Supply Company for the electrical equip-
ment. Commissioner Strang moved on the Manager's recommendatian that the electrical
equipment bid for the City Auditorium in the amount of $9,800.23 be awarded to
the Westinghouse Electrical Supply Company, th�.t being considered the best and
lowest bid. Motion tvas seconded by Commissioizer Bohannon and carried unanimously.
Since the Westingnouse Company did not bid on the luminous ce�ling for the
Mur�icipal Auditorium, the Manager recommended that that portion of the electrical
equipment be awarded to Ra�rbro E1Ectric Company at the low bid ot' �1,162.50.
Commissioner Strang moved or, the Manager's recommendation the award of tlze bid
:for the lumi.nous ceiling to Raybro Electric Campany in the amoun{� of y�1,162.50,
this being considered the lowest and best bid, Motion was seconded by
Commi:ssioner Bohannon and carra.ed unanimously.
The Mayor announced the Pu'alic Hearing on the request of Mr. David Brovm
ior a twer_ty foot setbacic from Edenville Avenue for maiiz building and a twelve foot
setback far carport on �ot 11, Block A, and Lot 12, Block B, Edenville. The City
Attorney read the request and the Zoning Board's recorrunendation that the application
be gr�.nted as it would be in conformity with all of the other houses in this area.
The Mayor inquired if there were any objections from anyone in the audience and
there were none. Aiier having held this Public Hearing and having heard no valid
objection on the request of Mr. David Broum for a twent,y foob setback from Edenville
Avenue for the main building and a twelve foot setback ior carport on Lot 11,
Block A, and Lot 12, Bloclf B, r�denville Subdivision, Comriissioner Strang moved
that the request be gran�ed according to the Zoning Bca rd'S recommendation.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carr:�ed L�animously.
The Nfayor called a Public Hearing on the request of Mr. David It. Lev�is for a
21.5 foot setback from Fairmont S�reet and a 22.5 foot setbaek i'rom Harbor Drive
ior Lot 9, Block C, Fairmont Subdivision. The City Attorney read the request and
thc recommendat�on o�' the Zoning Board vrhich was that the request be approved as
it ti+rould be in conformitf t•�ith the setbacks oi other houses in that area. The
Ma�or inquired if there were any objections and there were none. After having held
this Public Hearing and hearing no valid objection, Commissioner Bohannon moved
that the request k�e gran.ted on these setbacks fer the pr�perty of David K. I.e,ais
in accordanee with the recommendation of the Zoning Board. Motion was sec�nded by
Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
y, Public Hearir_g was calletl on the request of Mrs. Ze1a M. Robinson for a
fifteen foot se�back irom North Greenwood Avenue on Lot 8, Block F, Avondale
Subdiv�_sion. The City l�ttoi�ney read the request and the Zoning Board's recommendation
that the request be granted as ',he setback of the residence directly north has a
�hirteen foot setback. The Nlayor inquired if there was any objection and there
was none. Having held this Public Tiearing and having heard no valid objections,
Coinmissioner Roberts moved that the request of Lela Miller Itobinson fbr a fifteen
foo� setback for the building of a housE on Lot 8, Block F, Avondale Subdivision,
be granted in accorda.nce urith the recommendation of the Zoning Baar.d. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The Mayor announced a Public Hearing on the reque�t of Mrs. Charles Howard
for permission �o construct an apartmen'E over the present garage and carport on
Lot 71, Block G, Sunset Point 2nd Addition, the property being presently zoned
�R-2. The City Attorney read the request and the Zoning Board�s recommendation
that the appl�cation for a s�tback of only six inches be denied as construction of
living quarters on the second floor close to the 10� line is considered'to be
undesirable and detrimental to the area. A letter o�' objection �o the grantin� af
the request vaas read from Mr. Lloyd C. Mosley wr:�.tten on behalf o£ Mrs, Carrie J.
Proc�or, 1943 Overbrook Asenue (ov,mer df Lot 54, Block G, Sunaet Point 2nd Addita.on),
because of the unsightly appearance and crowded condition that would result. �'fr.
and Mr-s. Frank Heany, arid Mr, No�l Malin, affected property oUmers present, objected
also. Commissioner Insco moved on the recommendation of �he Zoning B�ard tlz�.t
the requeet of Mrs. Charles Howard be denied. PZotion was seconded by Cor.unissioner
Roberts and carried unanimously.
June 25, 1956
A Public Hearing was �a1'ed on, the req,uest of Mr. R. J. McDermott on behal£
of Mr. Samuel C. Campagna, Jr,, for a ten foot setback from the i'ron� lo� line of
Lot 2 and a five foot setbaak from th� iront 1ot 11.ne of L�t 3, Block F, Keystone
Manox Subdivisi�n, Th� City Attorney read the reques� and the Zoning Board�s
recommendatlon that the petition be granted as the fai].ure of the paved street
to correspond with t$e curved street zs platted mal{es i� necessary to vary the
ordinary setback. Mr. PQcDermott was present representing Mr, Campagna. The Mayor
inqu3red if there were any objections and therewere none, After having heard
this Public Hearing and having hea,rci no valid objection, Commissioner Strang moved
on the recommendation of the Zoning Board that the request �f R. J, McDermott for
Mr. Samuel C, Campagna, Jr., be granted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Bohannon ancZ carrled unanimously.
The City Ma.nager reported that there had been numerous requests from owners of
bus3nesses in the vicinity of Lincoln Avenue and Cleveland Street for a traffic
li�ht at that intersection. He stated that the 1=ght was approved by the Traffic
Department an� the Police Department. Commi.ssi�rier Strang suggested that there be
a through line with a continuous green li�ht on the north �ide oi' Cleveland Street
for westbound traffi.c as I.�inc:oln is a dead end street. C�mmiasior.er Bohannon mov2d
on the recommendati:n.n of the City blanager that the request be granted. Motion
was sEc;onded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously.
The Mayor requested that Item 5-C, Appointmen� of inember to the Civil Service
Board, be postponed.
The City Attorney read a J:etter from Mre. Fan Marks and T�L:. W. A. Walker
requesting that Turner Street from Madison Avenue to Missouri Avenue be r�zoned
as business property. He also read the Zoning Board's recommendation that the
request be held for the next zoning referendum. Commiss�ner Roberts moved that
the request of W. A. Walker ancl Fan Marks for the rezoning of Turner Street �rom
Madison to Missouri Avenue be placed in the referendum file for future cor�sideration.
Notion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unar�imously.
The City Manager presented an application to erec� a sign at the Glass House
Motel adc�ition 229 Gulf View Soulevard. The Zoning Board's recommendation was
that the application be approved according to the attached drawing but that no
portion of the sign extend past the existing marquee. The City Attorney reported
that T�Lr, A. T. Cooper, representing Mr. Daniel Boucher and o�hers v�ho have filed
suit a�ainst Mr. Novotny and the City for an alleged viol.ation of the zoning laws,
had asked him to call to the Commission's attention the fact that he tvas objecting
to the granting of this appl:Lcation on the grounds that the legality of' the marpuee
itself is now in Court, and if the Court rules the permit for the marquee is invalid,
that the sign on top the marquee �aould increase the damages suffered by his client.
It was the City Attorney's opinion that according to law the sign could be put
there whether the marquee was there or not. It was the consensus of opinion thati
the matter should be referred back to the Building Insgector, and that if the sign
eonforms to the laws and ordinances governing �igns, then he can act accordingly.
.� pei,ition was presented from N�s. R. A. Dn,.inpsey, J'r., and Dir. Sam Jerkins,
owners of property on both sides of Shore l�venue from Dempsey Street to Lake
Belleview, requesiing that Shore Avenue be vacated in that area as it hzd never
been opened for public use. The City Engineer's report showed that there were no
utilities in this street but recommendE3 tha� the City should be reluctan'r to give
up any waterfront property. Commissioner Bohannon recommended that the matter
�e referred to the Parlts Commi.ttee and the Planning Board to tivork on and discuss
the possibility of acquiring some of the property adjacent to �he lake for a park.
There was some discussion as to tvhether this was a privaie lake or ,vhether the
public had access to it through the s�treet ends, Commissioner Strang moved that
the ma.tter be referred to the Engineering Depa.rtment for a map showing property
ovmerships and braught back to the Commission ior a policy decision. Motion clas
seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously,
A letter. was iead from Mr. Iiallard J. Greer, at�torney in St. Petersburo,
presentzng a request from Mr. Robert Creal for a zoning change on Loti i2, Block 3,
C. E. Jackson Subdivision, to permit the erection of a funeral home. The Zoning
Board's recommendation vaas that the application be granted as the lot adjoi.ns a
business area. By conser_t, the City Manager was d3.rected to set the requesL up
i'or a Public Hearing under the hardship provisions in the Zoning Ordinance:
The City Manager said he had no report to mal�e �vith reference to the req_uest
for a rabe increase by Peninsular Telephone Company as he had not received a repl�T
from the Chamber of Gommerce or the Mercllants Association as to their attitude and
tllat the City Managers of other cities he had contacted had not met with their
respec�ive City Commissions on th2 suUject yet. By consent, the matter was deferred
to the special meeting on Glednesday, June 27, 1956.
Corrunissioner Strang l�ft the meetin.g at 3:35 P.M.
The City Attorney presented for its first reading Ordina.z�ce 712 declaring
the City�s intention to annex acreaQe to be known as East Druid Estates Subdivision.
He read the Ordinance in full. Commissioner Rober,ts moved tl�at OrdinanGe 712 be
passed on its first reading, Moiion was secor_ded by Commissioner Bohannon and
carried unanimously.
,, �
�u�1e 25� 195�
Corrunissioner Bohannon moved �hat Orclinance 712 be cona3.dered o� lts second
reading 'Uy title only Uy knanimous cons�nt of the Commission. Motion was seconded
�y Commissioner Insco and carried vnan3mously. The Clty �lttorney re�.d Ordinance 7J.2
by title only. Commissioner Roberts moved i;hat Ordlnance 712 be passed on its
second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon
and carried unanimously.
Com*nissioner.� Roberts moved to consider the passage of Ox�inance 71Z on itw
third and final reading by the unanimous approval of the Conunission. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and cairied unanimously. The Ci�y Attorney
read the Ordinance in ful1. Comm3.ssioner Roberts moved �hat Ordinance (12 be passed
on its third and final reading and adr�pted and that the proper offlcials be
autliorized to execute it. Motion caas seco:�decl by Comsniss:Loner Bohannon and carried
The C3ty Manager re�orted that last July some imgrovementa to the Lawn Bowlin�
Club were discussed with the Commission and th�t the taor�t had been done but
official authori�ation of a work order was lacking. He said the warlc included
painting inside and out, a concrete patio, some electrical worlc, root' repaire
and a dr3nkino fbuntain, and improvements to ':he courts, at a cost of �"2,610.46,
Coimnissioner Roberts moved that the work order. ior $2,C10.�� on the Lai+m Bowling
Court be approved for the record only, Motior_ was secondEd by Commissioner Bolzannon
and carried unanimously.
The Manager presen.ted a �Jork order for $5�+7•50 for some dra�line work around
the Marshall Street Disposal Plant cf an emergency nature. Comm9.ssioner �3ohannon
moved that the work order be approved. Motion was �econded by Commissioner
Roberts and carried unanimously.
The City Mar.ager requested authority to proc.eed with the sale to Aerosonic
Instruments Corporation of a portion of City property fronting on Hercules Avenue
immediately south of the acreage recently sold to Ntetal Indusi�r:i.es, Inc. The
Manager suggested tlzat the par� U.nder lease to the Pistol Club be taken out of
the proposed area to be sald so it vaould be necessary to chang4 the west boundary
1ine. It was pointed out that tYa.e Commission had formerly discussed selling the
land at �1,000.00 a.n acre, the same price as that sold to Metal Industries, Inc.
Commissioner Roberts moved �that the CitS* Attorney and various other City officials
proceed with the preparation of contract for sale of the pro�erty to Aerosonic
Tnstrument Corporation and order the title insurance on same. Motion was
seconded by Comm:i.ssioner Bohannon �nd carried unanimously.
Mr. R. W. Spragins, Fiscal Agent, made a progress report on the feasibility
survey for thz proposed s2cond Cause�Vay and said the Engineers indicated the ieasi-
bility report taould be favorable. He reported that he had ii�structed Caldwell,
Marshall, Trimble and Mitchel'l, the New York bond attorneys, to pr.oceed to draw
the Resolui.ion for the utility improvements in blank dollars which will save the
Ci�y a month and a half in time, He reported that Mr. Harold Briley, Consulting
Engineer, c-vould probably have figures available on the proposed improvements at
next Monday�s meeting.
The City ManagEr recommended th� asSignment of the lease for Room 7, Marina
Building, from P7:r. and Mrs. W. F. Caney to Mr�`. and Mrs. J�hn B. Pierson.
Commissioner Roberts moved on the recommendation of the City Manager 1;hat the
transfer be approved subject to approval b�* the Le�ai Departnient. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and cairied unanimously.
It waw reported by the Manager tha� Mr. Ross F. Welhof, owner of the
Fleetwood Apartments had indicated that he would like to discuss dedl.catiilg the
streets for public tlzoroughfares �vith a Committee from the Commission. The Mayor
recommended that the Mana�er set up a meeting with the Commission as a Committee
of the whole to disctzss the mattei. By consent, the Commission agreecl to this.
Commissioner Insco reported tha.t a Committee of Mayor Brown anr� himself nad
met with Mr. J. S. ti�7ilsnsky, Mr. M. R. Hirschberg, Mr. Brannon Casler, Attorney,
the City Manager and the City Engineer in the Managsr's Office at 9:30 t�.M. on
7ur�e 22, 1y56, to discuss the streets in the Greenwood Housing Project. He said th.e
group considered the follo�aing a fair solution of the project paving:
1. That the City pay one-half �he cost of paving the area adjacent to West Str�et
(Urhich is on the East side of the Project) Tmhich said pavement is supposed to
Ue 24' vaide with a concrete breaker strip.
2. That all alleys be paved to a width of 12'.
3, Alleys �xtended throu�h the parking area will be paved l2'.
4. The owners will posi in escrow, the estimated cost of construction.
5. The City wi11 ask for bids on July 16th oi as near thereafter as posaik�le.
6. The Owners reserve the ri�ht to svithdraw frcm the nroposition in the event
thai; they are u��able to post the estimate� cost of the bid -- it bein� under-
stood that an a�rePment of Flil� and Mutual Benefit I,ife Insurance Company oi'
New�ark, Dt.J., is necessary.
7, Tt is intended that easements meetin� the City Attorney's appraval sha11 be
granted over the paved area and that the City vaill thereafter assume main-�
tenance of the streets and alleys and the City pass a Reso].ution to that
effect .
June 25� 7-956
The Committee recommended accepting the above suggestio�s, The Manager reportea
that it vras necessary for the City to join in paving West Avenae bn the eas�
as there is a nars�ow tier of lots there vtith al:, of' the houses facing the next
st�eet to the east. Camrnissioner Roberts movecl that the Commi�tee�s reporfi on the
street improvements in the Greenwoc�d Apartrnents be accepted and the City Manager
and {�he Cit; Attorney be author:tzed t;o work c�a.t an escrow a�reement ancl all the
details, anci advertise For blds as soon a� it seems appropriate by the City Manager
and tihe �n�3neer, Motion ,aas secancled by Cor.imissioner Bohannon and carnied
The Manager reported that Colonel James ti+latkins, Civil Defense Director, had
received formal approval from the Federal GovernmPnt £or `he expenditure of
�20,786.76 for radio equipment from C3v�.1 Uefense funds under the plan c4ith the
City payinU half and the CTovernment paying half. Commissioner Bohannon moved that
C�lonel Glatkins as Director of Civil Defense for the City be authorized to execute
on behalf of the City the project appl�cati�n with the Federal Government whereby
addit:Lona1 radio equipmer_t is to be purchased from time to time on a matching Fund
basis. Motion t�1as seconded by Comm�ssioner Itober�s and carried unanim�usly.
Colonel �latkins inquired if tne propased plails for im�rovements to the Grovnd
Obsexver Corps post at the Cleart�rater Marina had been approve&. By consent, the
Mana�er was clirected to put the item on the agenda ior July 2nd.
Commissioner Bohannon said he had been informed that the County had agreed to
iurnish the material for the proposed sidewalk on Guif to Bay Loulevard near
Clearwater Fligh School and that the State Read Department had agreed fer it �o
be put across the creek if the City woul.d do the actual wor�� during the svmn��r
month�, By consent, th� Mana�er ti�ras instructed to check to see if tne County had
placed ar_y money in tlle new budget for such a purpose.
In re�ard to the sand blovring from the new Stevenson Creelc fill, the Ma.naoer
reported in order to plant grass it *aould be necessary to have four inches of fill
diri; on top at an estimated cost of �SU0.00; in addition, the City i�tould have to
put in a sprinkling system which, may co,t abnut �10,0U0.00. Mr. Arthur Iiruse,
Planning Board Chairman, reported that a ske�.ch of a proposed la�out had been preparecl
but the Board had not met v�ith the Garden Club and �ther intere�ted parties.
Commissioner Insco suggested that a meetin� be held to formulate the plans to get
started on the basic th�..�os needed right nojv; however, he felt the development oz
Crest Lake Park sh�uld have priorit�. The D4ayor reques�ed rllr. Kruse to call a
meeting of the Parks Comm�.ttee, the Cleartaater Garden Club, and the peop2e in
that area T,�rith representa�ives from the REcreation Department and the Little League
present also to discuss the basic plan for development.
Commissioner Insco suggested that it was notv �ime ior the Commission to
investigate the situa�ion of facilities for the Cizy Hall and stated that the
Commissio� had be�n studyi:ng whether to add ta the present Ci�y Hall or to build a
completely new one. He suggested tzsing the present City Hall for the Police
Depar�ment and building a r��w City Hall on Court Stree� near the present Farmers�
Marl�et. The M�.yor repor�ed that the Commissinii had interviewed various architects
and recoirunended that the architect be designated for the new addition. Commiasioner
Roberts moved that the architectural firm of Mallorie and Vasconi be appointed for
this project t�7ith the understanding that ivhen a decision is made to go a_head on the
projec�, �hat the Architeat start char�ing his time. Motion was second.ed by
Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
There being no further Uusiness to come before the Commission, the meeting
���as ad j ourned at 4: 40 P, I�f.
Ci y iditor an C er
ayor-Co ' ssi _ �r
�� ' 1
June 25, 195b
June 21, 1956
Mayor Commissio�er HerberL M, Brown
�ommissioners; W. �. Strang, Jr.
J. N. $ohannon
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
Samuel J. Hoberts
; '1'he City Commission wi11 meet in Special Session on i�londay afternoon, June25,
1956, in the Ciiy Hall Auditorium for the puitpose of discussing the items listed
on the attached agenda. Meeting time will be at 1:30 P.i�i.
�ery truly yours,
/s� B. �. Middleton
FCi�i: s City 1°�anager
Agenda - City Commission Meeting of June 25, 195b
�ity Hall Auditoriur�
1:30 +B.M. BBFCIAL
� � �
1. Invocation.
2. Opening of bids for paving of Coachman Park Parking Lot..
3. Awarding of �luditorium Improvement bids.
4. Public Hearings:
A. �tequest of Mr. Aavid Brown for a twenty ioot setrack from Ed�„zville
Ave. for main buildin� and a twelve foot setback for carpont on Lot
11, Block A, and Lot 12, Block B, Edenville Sub.
B. Request of Nr. David K. Lewis for a 2 L 5 foot setback from Fairmont
St, and a 22.5 foot setback from Harbor Drive on Lot� 9, Black C,
FairmonL Subdivision. Property is on th.e southwest corner of Fairmont
St. and Harbor Dri•re.
C. Reqtzest of i�1rs. Lela VI. Robinson for a fifteen fooL setbadk from North
Greenwood Ave. on Lot $, Block F, Avondale Sub. Property is on the
no�thwest corner of I�orth Greenwood Aveo and Beckett Sta
D, Request of Mrs. Charles Howard for permission Lo aonstruct an apa�t--
ment o�Pr present garage and c-�}�port. Property is at 191�� Overbrook
A�e., Lot 71, Block G, �unset t't. 2nd Additiion and is now zoned R-2,
ilu�le� Residenae.
E, Request of hRr. R. J. NlcDarmo�t for Nir. Samuel C. Ca�upagna, Jr., for
a ten foo-t setiback from the front lot line of Lot 2 and a five foot
setbacl: from the front lot line of Lot 3, both�.n Block F, Keystone
Nlanor Subdivision. Property is on �he southeast corner of Keystone
Drive and Zaura Sto
5. Commission's consideration of :
A. �prroval of Budget for 1956-57 and date of Public Hearing.
B. `l'raffic li�ht at Cleveland and Linct�ln Ave.
C. Appointment of inember to the Civil Service Board.
D. Req_uest from W. A. 4'Jalker Const. Co. for chan�e in Zoni�g.
E, xequest for Glass Hc?use i�fotec�".�Sign.
i�. Request for vacating that part of Shore Avenue beLween Lake Belleview
and Dempsey St.
G. Request for change of zoning for erectionof a r�uneral Home on Lot 12 B1. 3 d�. E,
H. Keport by City i�lanager with reference to rate incresse by Peninaular Jackson
t'eleghone Co. Suba
I. Ordinance �']12y intention to annex East llruid Estates.
6. ULility Improvements.
7. Any oLher item not on the agenda will be consi�ered �ith the consent of
the Cammission
�o I�Ir. F. C. Niiddleton, City Manager
Fron� Oliyer H. Anderson, Secty. Zoning Board
Subject �AVID BROVIN �r�denville �ub)
It is the Zoning Board'� recommendation that �the application of Mr. David
Brown for set backs of 20' for the main bnildin� and 12' for the carports on
lots 11 Block �1 and Lot 12, Block B, of Edenville Sub. be gran�ed. The
reason for this is tiv t modified setbacks will be in conforraity witY�a11 of the
other houses in this area,
Attiached k}ereto is original letter o£ request.
To the Zoning Board
Clearwater, rlorida.
1039 Sunnydale �treet
Clearwater, Florida
June 14, 1956
I herewitk� request your permission to deviate from the required set-back on
Lots 11, Blc,ck A and 12, Ftlock B in Edenvil�.e Subdivision. 'lhese lots face
dune 25, 1g56
( � nt inue d )
each other on o�posit� sides of street.
I have built twenty-ei.ght house� in th is block with a set back on each of
20 feet Lo L-he u� in building, with �he carport extending an additional $ feet.
'1'hese are the only vacant lots remaining in this b]_ock and as they are in
the middle of the block wi�h houses on both sided, T would like to keep the
proposed two houses to be built in line with all the others. I feel it
would spoil the alignment were th�se houses to be set in further back.
l�lso, i,otll in B�ock A is a',0.�5 lot by 91�.95deep includin� a county drainage
di:;ch. 'therefore, using the regular sebback would bring this house back too
far on the lot fon��good appearance of a back yard.
'1'he houses that are already built were all constructed beiore the annexation
of Edenville Subdivision Lo the City of Clearw�ter.
I would appreciate your censideration o.f my request and �aou].d be much
pleased by your favorable repl�r� so tku t I can go ahead and build these t��r
houses in line wiLh all Lhe others-- that is with a 2C1 foot setback for the
main building and with the extension of t he car port $ feet.
I i�kank you. Very truly yours,
�s� David Brown
- - ----------�-------------------------------------------------------
Z'o IvIr. F. C. Middleton, �ity i�tanager
From Qliver H. �nderson, Sec'y. �oning Board
It is the Zoning Boar�'s recommendation that the request for a 15t set back
on Lot $, Avondale Sub . Bloc k F. be ?ranl�eci.
The raas�n for this i� that the building line of the resiaence direcLly n�rth
has a 13' set back.
Attached hereto is request with seti-backs.
Dear Sir;
My husband and I want to buld a house �n lot �$ Avondale Subdivision
�iock F. Our nouse to be 3Q ft, by approx. 52ft. In order to do this ive are
asking LhaL instiead of trie 25 ft, set back tha� wa need 10 ft. more making the
setiback 1� ft. from the lot �ine on 1Vorth Greenwood Sti as shown on platt
Thank 3ou.
� /s/ Lela 1'�iiller Robiason
17 Aldrich St.
Aiken, S. C.
To Mr F C. MiddleLon, �it � Manager
From N1r. Oliver H. Anderson, Secty. Zoning Board
Subject R�QUEST OF D.K. LEWIS (1650 Harbor Drive)
It is the Zoning Board's recommandation that we approve the request of David
K. Lewis to build a hause according La the set back as shown on the attached
plat p��n, for the reason that th� l�t is small and irregular shaped, and t here
are other houses in ��at area that are se�t back only 20' and will con�orm to
the set backs in that area.
Att�achea hereto is oroginal letter of request with pltat plan.
i�Ir. & Mrs. David K. Lewis
17$9 Harbor Drive
Glearwater, Florida
�Tune y., 1g56
City Lonin; Board
City Hall
Clearwater, Fla.
Gen�lement: RE: 1650 Harbo.r �7rive, vacan,t lot
We are the owners of �e above property and are ne�otiating ivith Home
Builders, Inc. of Clearwater, Fla. to erect us a home on this lot.
� � �
June 25, 1956
We would like to have the 25 ft. sei; back restriction waived for this
lot in order tha� we may secure financing under the Federal Housing Adminis-
tiration - we beli�ve th� set backs shown on the attaced plot plan would meet
FHA requirements. FHA requires a 15 ft. set back, as sho�n on Soub� side of
property on plet plan.
Unless this permission ms gra.nted it wi11 be impossible £ar us �o build
a home of our choice under FHA requiremer.ts on this lo�.
Any co nsideration you may �e abie to give us will be greatly appreciated.
Very truly yours,
�s� David K. Lewis
-------------------------------------------- ---------6�15/56 ,.----------------
To Mr. F. C. Mid�leton, City 1°lanager
From Oliver H. Anderson, SecTy, Zoning Board
It is the Zoning Boardts reeommendation that the applicabi�n �or a set back af
only six inches 6�t be denied, for the reason thatthe construction of living
qua�b�ss on th� second f�oc3"r`, so close to the lot line is considered to be
undesirable and detrimental to the area.
Attached hereto is original letter of rsq_uest and sketch..
Clearwatex•9 Florida
June 12 , 195 6
City of Glearwater, zoning board
Clearwater, Florida
Re: Ar�diti�n to garage.
�aar P�Ir. Anderson:
�,�e �wn a home at �91�0 Ov�rbrook Avenue, Ulearwater, Lot 71, secon3 addition
�o Sunset Point. Wa have a one car garage, with car�� port on side, and
would like permission to build a three room apart.ment over it. The rooms
would be living room, bedroom, and bath.
2'his is not, and will noL be for rental purposes. We own four other houses.
he;ce, so know what the problems are that go with renters, and certainly do not
wan�. anyorie else living in onr own yard.
My Aunt, who is 73 years of age, took care of ine, from a littl� child, through
high school, so I feel that I own her a great deal. My parents died when I
was small. She now lives in Michi�an, and wants to come here to live. We
do noc wish her to live in the same house with us, but do want her to be
clese ta us, she is not able to live alone, I have to go to Michigan on 6/23/56
to see about getting her moved down here, The place would be for her. It
no d;oube would be be�Ler for her to live on the ground floor, but we cannot
arrange it thati way. For t he present she can go up and down stairs well, and
should it come to where she cannot, by havi$g this additional room, we can
easily give up some of our own house to make it convenient for her to live t here.
She would be eating with us, se there will be no kitchen.
I am enclosing a very crude sketch of this, but if permission is granted, a
better.sketcn will follow.
Th�nJr�you much for this consideration, ahd hppein� Lhat you see fit to grant
this wish. i`he apartment will be nicely finished, so it will be an ass�t to
the property.
Sincerely, The present garage is almost�on line
/s/ I�+lrs. Charles Howard but more than 25 feet from front, we
Roo�i 20$ would �na�ie to build it withiti 1�2feet
Coachman Building from line, same as garage is now.
StaLe Farm Insurance office.
City Commission of the
CiLyof Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
dune 25, 1956
RE; Request of Mrs. Charles Howard
fer permission to construct an
apartment over �resent garage and
carport at 191�0 Overbrook Avenue,
L•ot %1, Blo�k ��i�T, Sunset Point
2nd Additian.
� ��
June 25, 1956
( Continued )
Mrs. Carrie J. Proctor, a widow, whose home is at 19y.3 Overbrook Avenue,
8learwa�er, Florida, has asked �hat we advis� you, by letter, af her objec�tion
to the at�ove x�a�er�nG�ire�u��b, i��irs. Proctor states thet she does object to
the granLing of the relief sought �aee�t��� �� t he unsi�htly appearance and
cro�+ded condition that will result should �l��e re�u�st be granted, a�i� s2ys that
it would increase t he fire hazards in �hat an�d would in f act, greatly depr�ciate
the property belonging to ifirs. Proctor.
For the above reasons it is respectfully requested �?k1�t the arplication of
P�irs. Howard be d�ni�d. Sinc2 Mrs. Fz�octor c�nnot be pY�es�nt �$ �he hearing on
this applicatiion because of her job, pleased con$ider this letter as her response
to your no�ifica:�ion of such hearin�
LCI�Icdgl Very truly yours,
/s� Loyd C. Iyiosley
'1'o Mr. F. C. i'�iiddleton
From Qliver H, Anderson, �ec��, Zoning Board
Subjeci RE�UES'P OF Sam C. Campa;na, Jr.
It is the Goning Board's recommendation that the applicaticri for a cY�ange in
set back on lots 2 and 3, Blcc k F, Y;eys�one Nanor, be grant,ed in accordance
with the request submitte�x by i>'ir. Carapa�na. ^lhe s�eason for this is tl�t the
peculiar location of these lots and the f�iilure of the paved street to corres-
pond with the curved street as platted, makes it necessary tio var� tne ordin_ary
set back requirernenus in Lhis area.
Attached herato is ori�inai letter vaith atitached list of namEs �f persons
17av�ng r.o objectior.s.
Nir. Horace Hamlin
Chairman of `Loning Board
City Hall
Clearwat,er, Florida
June $, 1956
Re; Samuel C. Campagna, Jr. - Application ior Relief under the
hardship provisions of our zonin� law for a setback of
progerLS� described below
Dear i�;r. Hamlzn:
I��uould appreciate� your con��idering this a letiter for application �f
Ivir. 5amuel C. Campagna, Jr, ar� Helen Carapa;na, his wife, for relief under
the zo ning re�ulations because of undue hardship in connec�ion w ith
cons�rizction of dwe�lings on the lots described as followss:
Lot s`zko (�) and 1'hree ( 3 j in Bloc k"FI' of
Keystone I�ianor 5ubdivision, accordin; to Lhe
Tiap or Plat ther�of as recorded in ylat Esook
10, Fage 71, of the public records of Pinellas
County�, �'lorida.
N�. Campagna is desirous of bein� able �o construct on Lot �wo (2) a
d�elling witn a set,back of only 'ren (10) �eet as against the required
'1'wenty-five (�5) fee�. He is also desirous of constxuc�ion a d�elling on Lot
`Pher� (3j with a set�a�k of Five (5) feer as against th e 25 feet r�quised
by the z�nin� bridnar�ce. `
Enclosed wiLh �chis application ar.d considered a pari of same, �.ou
will f ind tihe �ap �hat discloses L'ne propo�ed locati ons of the dwelling s
ba��th2alo;�s.:as:.above described. On surveyir.o this map i� clearly indicates
bhat to cause Lhe wor_zr to build dwellin�s with �25 �eet as the seLback
would creaLe an undue ha�•aship an him.
You will also find herewith enclosed 4��taiver and Gonsent wiLhh hac�
been circulated in the adjacent nei�hborhood and si�ned by the various
property owners that �re immediately concerned.
we would apprecia�e your giv�en� �,his censidera�irn on �ou nee�img,
`1'hursday, June 14, so thaG there wiii not be undue de3ay in proceeding with
the construcLion if ihis applic+tion is approved.
'1'hank you.
E�ncl .
Very truly yours,
�s� R. J, TncDermozt
Jun� 2;, 1956
`1'o Mra F. C. Middle�on, �ity Mana�er 6�14�56
From Oliver H. �ndsrson, Sec'y, Zoning Beard
�ubject REQUEST OF �. A. WALkER CONST. CO3 (Fan Marks)
It is the Zoning B'oard's recommendaL-ion thaz this request be held for t he
mex�. Referendura meeting
OHA: bk
`t'o the Zoning Foard and City Conmissioners Jur.e 13, 1956
City of Clearwater, Florida.
4Ve have found, that on account of present traffic conditions that
there is more and more demand for parking space for cars and trucks at s%ores
and warehouses on highways and thru straets, also since it has become knowr_
that Turner St. is �oing to be opened up from,.Greenwoal Avenue thru to
Missour� Avcnue there has arisen a demand for businEss pi�opertiy on Iower
�'urner 5t. Between NIa�lison and Mis�ouri Avenues.
'lherefore we would pe�ition you tio rezone Turner St. from Madison at, to
Niissouri Ave, as business propertp, that this pro perty might be used for
business buildin;g5 or apartments or business building s wiLh apartments
over t hem.
Respectfully submiLt,ed for your consideration.
/s/ E`ata: �aax�s..
W. A. 6Valker
June 15, 1956
1'o a'Qr. F. C. Midd�tion, City 1°�anager
From Oliver H. Anderson, Secty. Zonir� �oari�
It is Lhe Zoning Boar�3Ts re�ommendat,ion that we approve the application
of NLr. novotny for Lhe erectiion of an owner identification sign Glass
House Iviotel according to the attached drawir.�, but that no poxiion �� the
sign shall ex�end past the existing marquee.
AtLached hereto is drawing bf proposed sign.
OHA : bk
7'A�A^t IOAT
WHE REAS, the Ciiy N,anager of �he City of Clearwater, Florida, has submitted
an estimate of%the amount of money necessary tocCarry on the City Govemmen� �'or
the fiscal year begirnin.;� July�lst, 1956, and ending June 30ch, i957, and
BHEREA3, the City Commission had, in spzcial meet;.ng duly ass�mbled,
examineci. carefully, considered, and approved the same, and
V�iHEREAS, the 'i'ax f�ssessment Roll has been submitted to the City Commission
in acceptable form.
NOj�T, '1'HEREFORE, BE I'1' RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of
Clearwater, Florida, in session �3uly and regular].y assembled as follows:
l. '1'hat the City NZanagerTs Annu31 Report and Budget for the fiscal year
bi�;inning July 1„1956, and ending June 38, 1957, a copy of which is on file
with the City �udiLor and C1,erk and is b3� reference made a part hereof, and of
which the following sched.ule is a summary, is hereby adopted as the Operating
Budge�r for the Gity of Clearwater:
1955-1956 1956-195'�'
Estimated Uliscellaneous rZevenues 5�1,069•�.50.00 ��-1��p$,375.Op
i+�ayor-Coffinission 9,775.00 11,075.00
City Nianager and Assistant $,910.00 1�,950.00
Engineering Department 1�2,d�20.00 5�.,�j�0.00
� ��
'I i �
June.25, 1956
City Hall
Civil Service hoard
Emp�oyees Pension, Firemen's Perffiion
& Social Security
Department of City �lerk & Delinquent
Department of Finance, Auditing
& Collecting
Leg�T Department (Cii:y Attorneyj
Prosecutiing Atzorney
I�Iunic�gal Polioe �ourt
Police Department
'1'raffic �7ep�rtment
�'ire Department
Inspection Depaxtment
Pubiic Service Department
City Garage - �+Iachi,ne �hop
i�lunicipal Building s & Docks
Library Dept., Col�red Library & i+iuseum
�llectrical B�reau
Fublic 6velfare
Sr. Cha�ber of Commerce
Jr. Chamber of Cor�;merce
Parks & Cemetery
Recreation Department
Civilian Defense
S. P. C. A.
Planning Board.
Colored Recreation & Pool
{Sub=�'otal Operatin; )
Capit al Expenditures & Contingencies
�peci a1 Improvement Fund
Tdortga�es & �ontracts
Debt & Interest
$.,.�44� . 00
t�, 060.OJ
z�1. � 770. c.0
: •, 56,310.00
�?: 525.00
�2 `� 900. 00
° lbb;�.0��00
0 $ 4.-00
�v1��75r0 ,.00
2 2 OOOI00
�1,847,0 �.GO
L ��
4,5$5.00 ,
43 , 400:.00
�., $OQ. 00
� v v y R,v�..
,�..�„� .
2. 'Phat it is hereby determined that a tax of 10.$ mills upon all real
propert� and personal property wi.thin the Cit}� noo eoe���dfronz taxation by
law, shall be necessary to reis� the saic�. sums ��e� � r operating pur oses
and the said rate of mi1la.;e is hereby a��sesse� on a11.. r.��jand personal pr perty
upon said tax assessment roll noL exempted by law from ta.ation.
3. 1'hat it is hereby de�ermined that the following rates of millage
shall be necessary to raise Lhe necessary su:.�s for debi: service on the City's
out sianding bonded indebtedness, and said �ate of milla�e is her�y assessed
a�ainst the property included in said tax assessment ro�l as follows:
All real estate and personal property within the City
of ClearwaLer - 3.4 mills.
City Commission Meeting
6- � �
June..2�, 195b
BE I`i FUR'PHER RES�LVEIS that t,Y1e foregoing schedules and ta:t rates shall
be published in Lhe Clearwater Sun and t.hat t:�e Cit y Gommissi9n shall meet in
the C,i�y Hall'; City,of Clearwater, at 1:30 P.M., June 2'7, 1956, for the purpose
of holding a public hearing upon said intended tax levy, and the City Auditor
and Clerk is her�by required to publish a nntice 6fi sizch public hearing, setting
forth the time and place aforesaid for holding such meeting, together with the
proposed budget and ttax levy as herein set forth, and unless, sufficien� o5jections
shall be ma�e at the time and place stated in said notice, said budget and tax
levy shall stancl for the fiscal year - beginning July 1, 1956, and ending -
June 3G, 1957•
�s� Herbert M. Brovrn
Attest: PFayor- Commissioner
/s/ R. G�. Whi�ehead
Ci�y Audii;or and ClE�k
,� r-7-.%
OHDiN�IvCE N0. 712
#iCj�,L~i°FiGE FII�Ri1HFl�LL DL��iJGFIII]FiJJ� �4'HTCH XS �1 PJI�1.'TON OF� Afi.RE�GE ��IERL+'EIFT�Ft "t'0
BE �Lr�Ti`�D AND Kh06vtZ �S EAST DI�UID ES�A�'�S, INTO 2'fi� COIiPOP�ATE LIriiI15 OF
THE C�"il' f3F' CLE�IRS?'.�l;s'�'c, �LQRIDA, UF�2� TH� E�PTR,:1`PION OF' 1HIrZ'x'Y (30) DAYS
171.0la.,FLORTU� �TA�UTEs, 1g55; AND FROVIDSNG �OR 1FIE EI'T'BC'1'xUE I3AT� l7F
�� T`I' aRDt1INF:D BY `!'H� CI`rY t)Oi�iIS iIOtd OF I� HF CITY (3F C LLARIFIII'i'ER, FLORZ�I;;
Section 1. `ihe �ity of (;learwater, Flarida, acting by and �:hrou,�,h its
City Gommission, hereby deelares �ts intention to annex into the corpora�e
limi�s of the City of Clearwater, Florida, �he iollowing described lands lyin�
con�i�uous tio the Lerritorial linits of said City, which lands �ontain Z�ss
th�n ten (10) registered voters;
, s�
�'rom the Rorthti,�est corner of t he SOU"s°H�AST QU�1'iER ( SE� ) of Saction 1,3,
Township 29 South, Range 15 East; run 5outh 0 deg. 39t 55" �ast along
the North and 5oui:h Center Line of said Sectian 1�., a distance of
13z9•43 fee� to L� 40 aere line; �hence �outh $q deg. 13' S1TM East,
alang the 1�0 acre line 31.0 feet for P.O.B. ; then�ce 8out Yz �39 8e�,
13' S1s' East, along the �.0 acre 3ine i�51.11� fest; thence 5o�zth 0 d�g.
�9' 47" �Vest 2e0.0 �eet; thence �outii �s9 deg. 13t a1�t East 210.q feet;
thence Sauth 0 deg. 29T 47"ZtiesL 4.20.0 feet; Lhence North $9 deg.
13' S1" '�,iest 6f�3.22 �e�t; thence horth 4 rieg. �.0' 15� East 634,0 feet
to F.{�.8�,; les�y the Rorth 33a.� feet r,ow�Lying within tYt� Cit}� of
Cieaswaber ci� y limifis,
Said groperties constituting a p�rtion oi lands which the awners have
ind�:,ated a�� to �;e plattEd anc2 l�nc�s�n as East Druid Estatese
Section �, lhe City of Clearwat�r, acting by and through its Cit}� Gommission
i.nte�ds to ann�x th� fore�oir.g lands according to the provisions ai :�ection T%1.Oy.,
Florida Stztutes, 195�, and to that end, ti� City �luditos and C1erk is herek�y
direated to pub?ish this Ordinance in ths Clearwater, Suiz, a newspap�� publisheei
in �he �i�g of Gleart,rater, once a week for fpur (4j consecutive weeks immedi2tely
after the passa�� of this Ordinance.
Sec�i�n 3. This ordinance shall become sffective im.mediately upon its
FASS�D ON F�RST itEADI�� Jun� 259 19.56
PASSED OA� S�COI�'U ii��DlhG June 25, 195b
�tE_�DII�G AT"D �A�OPrFD June 2�. 15�6
�it � 5T :
%s/ k. G. t�hitenead
C�ty A�.�ditor and Glerk
PU�I,ISIiEi3: PR:70�' a� I'U:�LICAtYON
/s/ ��erbert i�Y. Broi�tn
�Qayor - Conmissioner
i� � r Z�.i' � ia �l� �. �'
��fore me, �he un�ersign�d aki;hori'ty, ,personally appeared JOti2d F. S��Fi,
who upon beizl.� by n�e duly sieorn, depases and saysz
l. lhat he has personal knowledge as to ihe occupancy of the 7and
emb�ared in the following described proper�y:
ERSfi DRO�D ES3't1TE5, beix�g a Subdivismon of p.rt of tha �t<�
of Section i3� rrOi911SI11jj7 29 Sort�h, Han;e 1� East, T'ir�lla�
Gounty, F?ori:da.
and that said �ubc�ivis5.on, a�ori;ion o� which is not within the eorp�rate limits
oi' the City of Clearwater, and .�rhzch portiion the said City pror.oses �o annex
into Lhe corkorate liraii,s of thc said Ci� y oi Cleartiv��er contains less tl�t
�en (J.C3) x�gis�ered voters.
2. �i'hat this afi'idavit is made in compliance with Section 1'�1.01�,
Fl.orida �tatuLes, and is made to induae �he �ity of C�.zarvrater �o annex the
t'oregoin� tract in�:o its cor�orate limits.
I�urther depon;�nt sayeth not.
�13`II�ESS �y signaLure and of�icial seal at Clearwater in tY� County
of Pine lZas and the State of F�or ida thi s 22nd day of �Tune , A. D. 1955. .
�s/ John I'. Sever
SoE�Fii� 10 �P�I3 SII�SGF�iBED before me this �2r�. day ai June, 1¢5E�
/s/ Beryl F, Sydnor
i�otary Fub3ic