03/12/1956 , "'\"'i~~~~~:h;;:::::~::':.,. 1>."...--- . ..1 .' '. ,;:. , """ '." ~"" '. , ,: {\~tM' t!i,I',tli0i.i.:u. .~'.' ;. ........... ... t\ ' -",' . .~: ;':' ':~":<' "~ '. ',' . , . " ~.:" "~~~ ,', ,., 'J . .~,~.., "~ ;:' '1,"; ..~<~.; :. r'~" ~;'''''~' " r.:.~. ';', ~'.:, ,~' ~~.. '~,~,~il~.'~..\)~)t(~;\;~:~:~F:~~!~~;~:~: ....:".' ":;"~ L~>.,;;_~""ij;,.;;;;~"dd~Lj::,/;':.::,~;ii;rt~~;;{~i;;i;&:,d&t,~~i{~}\k~fii:' ", ,:......;..: ".: ... '. ,~. . , . ~. ".'.. '.......h......,.....'.,.. "; .:.-:....,.'.: . ~;;;,.v:.~~".:..:.:; ':.". ".. . .---......' .'."" "",,~:. ::. zi CITY COMMISSIO~ MEETING March 12, 1956 The City Commission of the Cit.y of C1earwat.er met in speoial session at City Hall. Monday. March 12, 1956, at 1:)0 P.M. with the following mm;bers present: ~~h~ !!~(~~;jl;~)~r t ,", ,<~<::..:I..~,.. :, I, .~.:)~fi~:;'.::{., Herbert M. Brown W. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. 'Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberts Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Comissioner Conmissioner Also presen~ were: F. C. Middlet.on Chas. M. Pbillips. dr. G. T. McClamma S. Lickton Cit.y Manager Ci1;y Attorney Chief' of Police Ci1;y Engineer The Mayor called the meet.ing to order and announced t.he firet. item to be considered would be awarding the bid for Comprehensive General Ldability and Property Damage Insurance for the City for olle year. Tne City Manager reported that a t.elegram had been recoived from Mrs. Claire W. Anthony, Deputy Commissioner of the State Insurance Departuent.f indicating that the rat.ee bid by the American Fire & Caaaalty Company (General nsurance Agent.s Associat.ion bid) and the Travelers Insurance Company (Clearwater Associat.ion of Insurance Agents bid) were O.K. in accordance with tneir approved filings and that audits for the purpose ot adjust.ing premiums between act.ual and estimated expqsures may not be waived by any company. The Mayor pointed out that t.he bid of $7,865.27 from ~erican Fire & Casualty Company ~a8 present.ed as a flat. charge premium for one year not subject to audit., and that tbe bid of .9,215.04 f"rom the Travelers Insurance Company was subject to a\ldit for number of 1D1.1es of streets. Mr. John Gay. 1Ir. Y. F. Wedig and Mr. Bill Hayes of the AJDerican Fire & Cas\1alty Company ans~er8d questions or the Commissioners concerning t.heir bid and Mr. Roger Bouchard and Mr. Van Horsdale spoke for the ~ravelers Insurance Company. In response to an inquiry from the Mayor as to whether either bid could be considered irregular, t.he City Attorney stated ~hat he did not believe either bid was irregular and that ~he Commission could make a finding that either of these companies was the lo~sst. and best bidder because of the s~ill undetermined feature t.hat at the year's ~d ~h~ dollar cost of each policy was subject t.o audit on a f~ula basis. The City Attorney asked the represent.atives of the American Casualt.y Company if the req~irement that ~he policy would be s\1bject. to audit would cbange the amount of ~he bid and was informed tnat it would not. Conmissioner Robert.s stated t.hat he was interested first in seeing that the City recei~ed good protection, second, in saving money for the City. and third, be felt that the City insurance business should be spread aroand among the agencies. Mr. Bill Hayes presented testimonial letters from policy bolders with similar policies and the annual statement. of" the kBerican Fire &. Cas\lalty Company. COlIJDissioner Roberts commented t.hat everything being equal, he did not see bow the Commission could deviate trom the policy of accepting the lowest; bid. Commissioner Roberts moved tbat the Oommission accept the lowest bid in this case which is the bid of' t.ne American Fire &. Casualty Company for Comprehensive General Liability and Propert.y Damage Insurance of t.he City of Clearwa~er a~ an ann~al premium of .7,8~5.27 which policy includes proVision for audit as ruled by the Florida State Insurance Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonannon and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang IDoved that the proper officials be aut.horized to con~ac~ the Sta~e Insurance Commission to ask for an inves~igator to check allot the Ci1;y's lnsarance policies, make recommendat.ions, and to help the Purchasing Agent set up the proposal sheets. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Robert.s and carried unanimoasly. Commissioner Bohannon moved that when the representat.ive from the State Insurance Commissioner's office is here ~ha~ be give us a recomnendation concern- ing adjusting the Workmen's Compensation policy and the Public Liabili~y policy SO that they run concurrently. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read a list of requisit.ions for payment from the Construction Trus~ Fund to the following firms for materials for t.he Water Improve- ment Project. The City Manager 8ta~ed that the requisitions had been checked and approved by Mr. Harold Briley and tne Purchasing Department. 1'b.e list was as follows: Smith-Sweger Cons~r. Co. A. Stanley Mundy & Co. U.S. Pipe & Foundry Co. LOCk Joint Pipe Co. Sunshine Foundry Co. 416.101..31 22,112.56 49.373.41 37.080.51 aoo.oo Upon t.be recommendation of t.he City Manager, COD'lrlisaioner Str8llg moved that the requisitions in the amount.s stated by the At,torney be approved and paid and that t.he appropria~e officials be authorized to sign the requisitions and execute the document.s. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. ~~ --- .. ~'. '.':.1"' ...- _ ..' ;... I" ,. I t '. .'. , " , ~.~. ~',"... . .. IJ~~il(i~:'; ... ... . CITY COMMISSION MEErING March 12, 1956 A letter was read from Mr. J. O. Houze, President of the Florida Philharmonic Society, Inc., ~hich stated that last year the City of Clearwater gave the orcpestra 4300.00 per concert for six concerts or a total or tl,800.00 and requested a d~nation of .500.00 per concert this year or a total or .3,000.00 for a total or six concerts. A petition was read signed by forty-one persons protesting the giving of City funds to an out of town organization such as the Florida Philharmonic from St. Petersburg. A memo was read from the City Manager's office saying that Mr. Ross Windom, City Manager of St. Petersburg, had stated that the City of St. Petersburg had not given any funds to tne Florida Philharmonic for concerts in that City but that St. Petersburg did contr1bute the sum of $1,800.00 to the Clearwater Symphony Orchestra for concerts in that city two years ago. ~. Leon Poulopoulo8, Conductor of the Clearwater Symphony, e~plained that he hires as many Clearwater musicians as are qualified for his orchestra and that there are no Clearwater musicians in the F'lorida Philharmonic. Mr. G. E. Wadsworth, Mrs. Leon Poulopoulos, and Mr. C. L. Jaynes, spoke in favor of the City supporting only the Clearwater Symphony. Commissioner Insco commented that he ~as a member of the Board ot Directors or the Florida Philharmonic and he believed that both orchestras deserved support. In answer to a question from Commissioner Bohannon. Mr. Poulopoulo8 stated that his group did not receive 41,aOO.00 from the City of St. Petersburg two years ago but did receive $600.00 for giving a free concert. Commissioner Insco asked permission to refrain from voting on che subject since he was a member of ~be Board of the Florida Philnarmonic. Commissioner Bohannon suggested that the maCter be deferred to the first meeting in April to clear up the ma~ter of the $1,800.00 contribution to the Clearwater Symphony from St. Petersburg. The Mayor appointed the entire Commission as a Committee to check on the matter. By consent, the subject was deferred to the first regular meeting in April, a~~d the City Manager was directed to request Chat the Florida Philharmonic Society be represented at that meeting. , A letter dated March a, 1956, ~as read from Mr. R. W. Spragins, Fiscal Agent, stating ~hat he had received a request from the Commission for advice on a plan of procedure ~or financing the proposed enlargement and remodeling of the City Hall. In his letter, he advised that tne first step would be to ~ploy a firm of competent architects to work with the City Manager and himself in drawing plans for the illlprovements t.o ascertain the estiDlated cost, then he could set up the financing program. The letter stated that Mr. Spragins had previously reported that the remodeling ~uld be feasible by issuing revenue certificates. Another letter under date of March 12. 1956, from Mr. Sp~agins wa~ read stating ~hat he has an existing agreement with the City as Fiscal Agent which would cover plans for financing the construction of an annex to the City Hall and also the proposed construction of a second causeway to Clearwater Beach. The letter asked tbat tbe original agreement be extended ~or another 19 months from the expiration date of the present agreement (April 20. 1956) at the same fee of 1.55~. The City Attorney read a let.ter ~rom Mr. R. W. Spragins dated February 16, 1956, concerning the proposed second causeway to Clea~ater Beach suggesting that the causeway could be financed by revenue certificates without any pledge or obligation of the City from any other $ource and ~hat a toll of 15; or a round trip of 25t would be sufficient to retire all the revenue certificates within 15 years. The letter stated ~hat he would not recommend a lateral to Caladesia Island until after the proposed Dunedin Causeway is completed. Mr. Spragins' proposal was to do all the preparatory work for financing on a cont1ngency basis with his fees paid from the revenue certificates and suggested that he would be able to obtain the services of an engineering ~irm to make a tra~flc feasibility report also on a contingenc.y basis. A petition was read signed by 229 persons favoring the construction of a second causeway and suggesting that it be const.ructed to extend from Sunset Point on t.he mainland to K1pling Plaza on the Eeach. During the discussion, Mr. Spragins emphasized that if the report on ~he proposed causeway was that it would be unfeasible, there would be no cost to tne City for his services or the engineering survey. Commissioner Bohannon moved that the Mayor and the proper City officials be authorized to sign this agreement of March 12th which said agreement extends the contract of the City with R. W. Spragins, Fiscal Agent, at the same rate for another eighteen months. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. It 'Was requested that copies of Mr. Spragins original contract and extension be made ~or the new Commissioners. The Mayor appointed the entire Commission as a Committee of the whole to work and confer on the project o~ remodeling the City Hall. Comnissioner Insco lert the ~e~ing at 4:10 P.M. The City Manager presented a floor ~lan or the space in the Briggs Building now occupied by the Planning Board snowing the proposed distribution of the space between che Planning Board and ~he Bllilding Inspection Department. JIr~ Art.hur Kruse, Planning Board Chairman, approved the proposed space allotted to t.he Planning Board. The City Manager reported the Building Department would have the same amount of space on a square foot basis as it now nas in its present quarters in the Magurno Building. He stated that in the alterations the partitions would not extend to the ceiling as a work order would be presented shortly t.o cover air conditioning t.he entire space. He estimated the cost of the alterations, Bome additional furniture and the air conditioning at $1,000.00. Commiss1oner Rober~8 moved that the Commission approve this plan of integrating the Departments and doing the necessary repair and part1tion work to make it feasible and that a work order be brought in later ror approval. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. " ~ . '" ." ~ ' ; . ',;-;'::,"l" . 1.,' . ............::....... n' .' '. .~~ '. ~.:_ ... '.. ~ .':'" ...oj .',".1. ,,,'.. :"', . '.',... ..:.. .. -2- .~-> o. . . ~. 'IT__, - ... -....... ~..- - ~~ ,\ I, ' l ......'...., " ',' ., ., ,.' '.' , .. ! '" " ',\' , ,,>, ' :...-I' :,','.i(i;;;:'\';,,;",.-o/ J . -, '. I ,.>':', ' j , I i , 1 \ .::',i " ", . ._LS,~~~;;?;j)'<'~'~1::\ -)- CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 12, 1956 Commissioner Insco returned at 4:)0 P.M. Commissioner Roberts reporting for the Committee checking on the proposed lease of the City park in City Park Subdivision to H. Lamar Rankin and Robert Viall stated ~hat he and Commissioner Strang had checked the proposed layout on the site and had found that the lessee was making improvements to the existing small building on the grounds and was arranging to put lights in ,the palm trees bordering the outside of the area rather than stringing wires across to illuminate the miniature golf course~ He said he had received a copy of the layout but had neglected to bring it with him and would turn it over to the City Attorney the next day to attach to the lease and reported that the Committee approved the plan as outlined. He reported that the only objection from the owners ot the Pier Pavilion would be if the lessee would be permitted to serve hot sandwiches and other cooked foods. He recommended an amendment in the lease that there be no cooking permitted on the premises and that no additional buildings be built and that the present building not be enlarged unless approved by the Commission. Commissioner Roberts moved that the lease as amended by the suggestions today between the City of Clearwater and H. Lamar Rankin and Robert Viall, a partnership, for the construc- tion and operation of a miniature golf course on the described property of the City be approved, the lease to be effective as of March 1st, 1956, tor a period of five years. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported that the Commission had approved the overall plat of Brookhill Subdivision but omitted to approve the plat of Brookhill Unit 1 at the time the ordinance of annexation was adopted. He said the plat was previously approved by ~he ~oning ooard for R-l zoning and that the developer had signed an Ordinance 032 contract and posted bond for improvements. Commissioner Strang moved on che City Manager's recommendation that the plat of Brookhill Unit #1 be accepted and that the proper officials be authorized to execute it and that it be shown on the Zoning Map and other maps as required. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City Manager presented two agreements with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, one in which the railroad gives the City an easement to lay water main under the tracks at Druid Road and the ocher an easement to lay water main under the tracks at Cedar Street, Fairmont Street and Harbor Drive. Commissioner Strang moved on the City Manager's recommendation that the contracts and the resolutions with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execute them subject to the City Attorney's approval. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The City Manager presented copies of the report from Reynolds, Smith and Hill, Engineers, on the Gas Department with reference to natural gas and a memo from the City Attorney recommending that a meeting be set up to familiarize the two new Commissioners and the others with this report. He reported that Mr. Stanley, President of the Houston Texas Gas & Oil Corporation, is in the area and would like to meet with the Commission in the near future. The City Attorney suggested that it would be well to have a representative from the Reynolds, Smith and Hill firm meet with the Comnission to go over the report. By consent, the City Manager was directed to set up the meetings in che week beginning March 19th. Commissioner Bohannon reporting for the Committee checking on the proposed Sunset Highlands development by Rogers and Jackson stated that in order to enforce the recommendations of the Planning Board in regard to this development it would be necessary for the Commission to first approve the overall map regarding streets and arterial hi.ghways. Commissioner Roberts reported that the proposed extension of Myrtle Avenue would cut diagonally through this whole tract belonging to Rogers and Jackson although it does not touch the portion of the tract they would like to bring into the City now. By consent, the Manager was instructed to place on the agenda for consideration the Planning Board's complete street and highway map. Con~issioner Bohannon said some of the Planning Board members had inquired if the Commission would like a recommendation from the Planning Board on the newly filled area in Stevenson Creek. The Mayor commented that he thought the Commission would have no objection to receiving suggestions from the Planning Board on the subject. Commissioner Bohannon suggested that the City Manager be authorized to have a bulldozer level off the new fill area at Stevenson Creek, clean it up and get it ready for planting. Commissioner Strang reported for the Committee CheCking on the request of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, that Turner Street be widened between Oak and Bay, stating that he would like the City Manager to set up a preliminary hearing for all interested persons some time next week when he and Commissioner Bohahnon could be present. The City Attorney reported that a response had been received from the Clearwater Yacht Club concerning the possibili~y of locating the proposed new water tank on part of the property under lease to the Yacht Club. He said the Commodore ot the Yacht Club had asked that a Committee from the Commission meet with the Board of Directors on Tuesday evening, March 13th, to discuss the size, physical data, etc., with theml and had indicated that the Yacht Club would be willing to cooperate with the City ~ommission. The Mayor appointed a Committee composed of Commissioner Roberts, the City Attorney and the City Manager to meet with the group. i .' .' ,'" :;1" ;', I ! I " ! . " ':~ ',:' /.~ . . fl' '.'. ,\ '. !:':~i;':d}ii:, ,.: ,'$ '. . . . ~ ,t, "t'. t}<f~l;i~~,> , ..." ! ~ ~1~!t;;'I~~,F , -4- CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 12, 1956 Commissioner Strang moved on the recommendation of the Oonsulting Engineers on the water system that ~he City Attorney be instruc~ed to obtain the necessary documents, easements, or whatever is necessary to locate the new 300,000 gallon water tank on the east side or the Yacht Club property. Mo~ion was seconded by COmllli ssioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City Attorney stated that he was planning on the request ot the City Engineer to draw an Ordinance controlling driveways and curb cuts and also to excerpt trom the Seawall Ordinance the provision that required plans and specifica- tions tor seawalls and prepare a 8eparate Ordinance for those requirements. There being no further business to come betore the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 P.M. Attest: ~ yor- omm ss 0 - "t '. . ( '~ .: ,', '>~','"'' """"~':""~~'~J'l.'~,~,,,,,, ",,'~"""",.:" ",". . :"j'.1.'~~f ~,.:....~.~.,-,~,_ . . ~; ~. d. . i~;i;~j;~~t~;_~~-c.~::=,.".".c,,~ =C~~_~.,'~'''' ...,-.,~:=.\"~,,,:c,,".;.L:~Ji\.' ~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 12 fI 1956 May~ Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: W. E. S~rangt Jr., J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr., Samuel J. Rober~8 March 8, 1956 Gent lemen : The City Commission will maet in Special Session on Monday afternoon, March 12t 1956 in ~he City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of discussing ~he items listea on ~he attached agenda. Meeting time will be 1:)0 P.M. V.~ truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton FCM:a City Manager Enclosures _._-----------------_.__.----~----._---.-_.-----~-----_.~-------_.~-----.------- Agenda - City Commission Meeting or March 12, 1956 City Hall Auditorium 1:30 P.M. 1. SPECIA~ Awarding bid for Comprehensive General Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Work Orders to cover payment of invoices on material Cor Water Expansion Program. Letter from Philharmonic Orche8~ra requesting funds to conduct concerts. Letter from R. W. Spragine & Company with reference to construction of New Causeway across Clearwater Bay and addition to City Hall. Manager's report with reference to moving Building Depar~ment in with the Planning Board. Report from Committee with reference to leaSing Clearwater Beach Park property for Miniature Golf Course. Utility Improvements. Approval of plat, Unit. I, Brookhill Subdivision. Any other item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent of the Commis sian. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. ---------~-----------------------------.-------~--~.------_.---~---------~-.--~- Mr. Mayor and City Commissioners Clearwater Fla. March :3 - 1956 Gentlemen: The Florida Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Bernard Rosenthal has developed into one of the best Orcbes~ras in Florida. We were indeed for~unate in securing the services of Mr. Rosenthal who has had over twenty years oC saccessful conducting this included The Navy Hour which mos~ or us rember. He was recognized as one of the outstanding Orchestra Leaders in the country. 1his Orchestra has greatly added to the cultural development ot this section of the State. Symphonic music cannot survive on ticket sales alone it has to be underwritten by music lOVing individuals and City Govermen~ who are alert to tbe growing needs oC tbeir community. Orlanda Fla budge~s $100000.00 for 1~s Orchestra. The splendid Orchestras in Cbicago, Detroit, Cleveland Philadelphia Lousville in fact in most o~ leading cities are financed in par~ by the cities themselves. They recognize what the symphonies mean to the cultural developmen~ of their city. Last year you gave us $300.00 per concert for 6 concerts or a total ot $1800.00. We respectfully request you give us .500.00 per concert of a to~al ot 33000.00 for a ~otal six concerts. Sincerely yours, /s/ J. O. Houze (PreSident, Florida Philharmonic Society, Inc.) --~~-~-~--------~~--------.--.____________~__~____~o___________~___~~_____~~____ PE1ITIOI Clearwater, Florida March 12, 1956 To the Honorable Nayor Herbert Brown and City Commissioners: (For your attention at the time the petition ~or ~nds by ~he Florida Philharmonic 1s dis~ussed by your group) We, the undersigned, residents and taxpayers of the City of Clearwater, Florida arG opposed to 'city funds being given to an out of town organization such as the Florida Philharmonic which travels from St. Petersburg and does not represent Clearwater or ~ploy a single Clear~ater musician: Signed by f'orty-one pe!'SODS ---~- --- ~t) ,,..-, ,Ie. . "'1 , , , , i.,. . ~~~i:~\i~~L""_~:;:"'"'~~".~,:;".~:,"~~:",, ~.'.. ..",""~:.".;.:.:"C'-'!"~c::,_",. ........... ,.':::'::::::~)~~~'t;;k:.S;il~;~:,;~6~;;r';'';:%!I~i gq CITY CGSMISSION MEETING March 12, 1956 March S, 1956 Honorable Uerbert M. Brown, Mayor and the City Commissioners of the City of Clearwater City Hall Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: I am in receipt of a letter dated March 6 from Charles M. Phillipsl Jr., City A~torneYJ advising that the City Commission is giving serious cons deration to the proposed enlargement and remodeling of the city hall. They have requested that I advise them on a plan ot procedure and the steps necessary to set up the , program for financing. Tbe first necessary step is to employ a firm of competent architects to wark with Mr. Middleton and myself in drawing plans for the improvements in order that an estimated cost may be ascertained. When this has been done and a specific amount has been determined, I can then set up the finanCing program. I have staied in many of my reports that a remodeling of the present City Hall is feasible by doing such financing in the form of revenue certificates, which incidentally ~ll not require a referendum. This financing can be accomplished by the certifica~es being secured by a leased contract from the City to extend tbe life of the revenue certificates. The revenue certificates naturally will be subject to an early prior redempt.ion, making it possible for the City to retire these certificates whenever funds are available. This typo of loan i8 not quite as attractive as the utility revenue certificates which we recently financed. On tne other hand, with the ~ork already accomplished in familiarizing the invest- ment public of the soundness of the city'S credit and the "A" rating obtained from the various financial services, we can anticipate an exceptional low interest rate. I would like very much to have the commission set up a def1ni~e meeting to make proper studies and formulate a plan of procedure in this regard, and also to discuss the proposed second causeway as recommended in my let~er of February 16, 1956. Respectfully submitted, /s/ R. W. Spragins Fiscal Agent ---~._---~-~--.-------------~~------~--------~---------~--~-----------~-~----~-- March 9, 1956 Hon. Herbert M. Brown. Mayor and Members of the City Commission Mr. Charles Phillips, City Attorney Mr. Francis Middleton, City IVlanager City Hall Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: For many months I have given considerable thought to the congested condition on the causeway ~o Clearwater Beach and means by which this situation could be improved. There have baen many newspaper articles and general discussions &s to widening the present bridges and ~he possibility of a second causeway. I am not in favor of any causeway program to Clearwater Beach from Clearwater proper being involved in any coun~ry program. They recommend, if you will recall, a toll on ~he present causeway to be utilized to service the indebtedness on other cause~ays, which naturally would be detr1men~al to the City of Clearwater. In this case, Pinellas County would have control of ~he tolls to be charged and control or the operation and management. Clearwater Beach has grown far beyond the capacity for the present causeway to service. In ~he case of a sudden hurricane it would be very difficult ~o vacate the isla ncl. I think tha~ a new causeway at the north end of the island is the proper solution to this si~uation. It would fit in very conveniently with the proposed Bay fill and development, which apparently~ill be a reality. I understand that the developers are contempla~1ng the use ot an unusually large dredging facility, and the new causeway could be built considerably cheaper if this same facility 'Was utilized at the same time tor the causeway fill. I am of the opinion that the causeway is economically sound and tinancable without any pledge ot the obligations of the city from any source such as Ad Valorem Taxes or pledges o~ any other income derived by the city from other sources. My thought is that a t.oll of not over 15_ or a round trip of 25_ would be amply sufficient to service the indebt.edness. In fact, I believe that this toll will be sufficient t.o retire all of tb.e revenue certifica~es wi thin 15 years. We will provide that. so long 8S debt reserves are maintained ~be tolls can ba reduced at the will of the'COmDissioners. One Ddght say why pay a toll on that causeWAY when (Continued) ,~"'_........- , . " ~ .1 ~,1~;~'_":::_.".'~'.:.,..",~ ...... "~"". ,"':.~"I ',," .~':,:.: ,~.-','<:,:",~;.\ . l~ , ;~ ..' ". '., '.' .~t ~ .,~ IH'\-'''o;t..~~.:: '{ " ',-;~' .,.... "..: .:.~~( ii'.;. ~'~: 1'''; .~ , _'-~ "::;~';pi '~,~~;:I .l. ::.~)";"~:::~:~~~"~ 1.~-J~;f.~:!.:.~Lt:~ J<~'.}~::.";}wi:.~'}.-:'';.''~~~1~''''';:~~'~~'''' '~'~" . CITY COMMIS SION MEET! NG March 12, 1956 (Cont inued ) you can cross Memorial Causeway free. On the other pand, any person. travelling to the beach from the north area of Clearwater or Dunedin or on the proposed connecting link to Highway 19 would prefer paying a slight toll rather than go throu~h the congested area of downtown Clearwater to reach the beach. From the city's standpoint, it would be greatly beneficial to prevent the present traffic congestion in the downtown area. From the standpoint ot Clearwater Beach, it would greatly benefit those people who have residences on the north end ot the island and avoid ~heir having to go through the congested area of the business section of Clearwater Beach. I have made reference to a lateral to Caladesia Island. Under the proposed agreements which the City of Dunedin has negotiated for their proposed causewar and t;he fact that Caladesia Island has been made a part of Dunedin, I don't, th nk the lateral to Caladesia Island i8 beneficial to Dunedin and we might have 80me objections from them on this lateral until they have built their causeway. After their causeway is completed, a lateral would benefit both cities. I would like for the Commissioners to permit me to proceed to work on this program wi~h the definite understanding that any fees or expenses paid to me will come only from the procoeds of the toll revenue financing when it has been accomplished. Naturally, we will need the services of a nationally recognized engineering firm to make a traffic feasibility report. I am sure that I can ob~ain the services of such a f1rm on the same contingency basis as my agreement with the city. I would suggest that the Commissioners appoint a committee to work with me on this program and with the understanding that we will make every effort to obtain all possible state aid. I have had ample experience in bridge and causeway financing. All of you know that I pulled ~he Belleair Causeway out of the fire and certainly this program is sounder than that situation. Were it not for the confidence that I have in my ability to accomplish this financing under the proposed setup, I certainly would not be willing to commit myself to the necessary expenses to be paid only when, as and if the program is accomplished. I wish you gentlemen would give this letter proper consideration and give me tbe go-ahead signal. Naturally, no move of any type will be made on any commit- ments without the unanimous approval of the Commissioners. If you t.hink it advisable, you are free to release this letter to the press to get the reaction of the citizens before making any move. I think this might be very constructive. Kindest personal regards Yours very truly, /sl Wendell Spragins R. Wendell Spragins/pc cc: Mr. Charles Phillips, City Attorney Mr. Samuel J. Roberts, Commissioner Mr. W. E. "Tommy" Strang, Commissioner Mr. Francis Middleton, City Manager Mr. Cleveland InscoJ Jr., Commissioner Mr. John Bohannon, vommissioner ~-----~--~-~--------------------~--~-----~-~-~-------~-------~--~----~~-----~----~ PETITION Clearwater, Fla. March a, 1956 Honorable City Commission Ci~y of Clearwater Fla. Gent lemen j Whereas M~orial Causeway is woefully inadequate to handle existing traffic, and whereas any enlargement of the present causeway will only increase trafric congestion at the terminus of the existing causeway. Be it therefore resolved that a second causeway be constructed as far removed from the now-existing raci11ty as possible and be it further resolved that a second causeway be constructed so as to extend from Sunset Point on the main land to Kipling Plaza on tho beach. We the undersigned urgently request that the Honorable members of the Clearwater C1~y Commission give full consideration to the above resolution. Signed by 229 per sons. ~__~___________________~____________________________~_D____~______~_____~____~__ ',\ :; ~-...:---- - - 10 t r., ~< ri,: f"C :/r/ CIT� COMM:iSSION MEETING Maxch 12, 1956 The City Commission of the City of C�learwater met in sp�ecial sgssion at Gity Hall, Monday, March 12, 19Sfi, at 1:30 P.M. w�.th tikae followin� members prQsent: Herbert M. Brown W. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samusl J. Raberta Also present werec F. C. Middleto� Chas. M. Phillips, G. T. MeClamma S. Lickton I�dayor-Gommissioner Commissioner Commissioner �ommissioner Co�nissioner Citq �anage� Jr. Citp Attoraey Chief o£ Police Citq En�i,neer The Mayor calleca the meeting �o order and announced the f irst item to be considered wouZd be avrarding the bid for Gomprehensive General La.abilitq and Property Damage Insurarrce £�r the City for one year. The Ci�p Manager reported that a telegram had been received from Mrs. Claire W. Anthong, De�,u�y Commissioa�er of the State Insurane� Department, indicating that the rates bid bp the Ameri�an Fire & Casualtq Coanpany {General Insurance Agents Associat3on bid) and the Travelers Inaurance Companq (Glearwater A�sociation of Insurance Agents bid) �rer^e O.K. in accardance with their approved filings and that audits ior the purpose of adjusting premiums between actual and estima�ed exposure� may ndt be waived bq anq company. The Miayor point�d out that the bid oi' $�7,�65.27 from Ameriean Fir�e & Casualty Company was presen�ed as a flat charge premium for one year not subject to audit, and that the bid o£ �9,215.0�. fram the Travelers Insurance �ampany was sub jec�t to audit for number of miles of stree�s. P�Iz�. John Gay, NL . X. F. Wedig and Mr. Bill Hayes of the Amer;tcan Fire & Casualty Companp answered questiona of tiae Commiss�oners concerning their bid and Mr. xoger Bouchard and Mr. Van Horsdale spoke for the Travelers I�surance Gompany. In rsspons� to an inqu�ry i'rom the MayBr as to v�hether ei�ther bid cou13 b�e considered irregular, the Ci'�p Attorney stated that he did not believe eithez bid was irregular and that tha Commission could make a findzng that either of these companies was the ].owest and bes� bidder because of tha still undetermined feature that at the year's end the dollar cost af each pnlicy was subject to audit on G fcrmula basis. The City Att'orney a sked the representatives of the Am�:r3can Casualty Companp �f L-he requirement that tF�� policy would be subject �o audit would change the amount of the bid and was informed that xt would not. Commissioner Roberts stated that he was interested iirst in se�ing that the Citg recei.ved good F�rotection, seCond, in saving money for the City, and third, he felt that the City insurance business should L�e spre3d around among the a�encies. Mr. BiTl Hayes presented testimdnial letters from policy holders with �imilar policies and the annual staiemen� oi'the Amer�.can Fir� & Casualty Campany. Go�issioner Roberts commented that everpthin? being equa:., he did nat see how the Commissic� could deviate from the polic� oi �ccepti;ag the lcwest b3d. Connnissioner Roberts moved that the Cemmission accept the lowes�t bid in this case which is the �id of the American Fire & Casua].tp Company for Comprehensive General Liability and Prog�erty Damage Insurance of th� City oi Cle�rwater at an annual premium of �7,�65.27 which policp includes provision for audi� as rul,ed by the Florida 8taie Insurance Commission. �iotion was secondsd by Gomm�ssianer Bohannan and carried unanimously. Commissidner Strang moved that the praper officials be authorized to c�?ntac� the State Ix►surance Conmisgion ta ask gor an investigator to eheck all oi the City's insurance policies, make recommendations, and to help the Purchasing Age�t set up �he proposal sheets. Motion waa seconded hy Gommissianer Roberts and carried unanimously. Coma�iss�.oner Bohannon anoved that when the representati�e irom the State Insuranca Commissioner's office is here that he give us a recr�mmendation concern- ing adjusting the Workmen's Compensa�ion policy and the Public Liabi]Lity policy so that th�y run concurrex�tly. Moti.on was seeonded by Commission2r Strang and carried unat�imou�ly. The Citp Attorney read a list of requisiti,ons for paymen� frqm the Cor,struction Trust Fund to the �ollowing firms for materials for the Water Imprave- ment Project. 1'he Citp Manager stated that the requisitions had been� checked and approved by Mr. Harold Br�leg and the Furchasing Department. The 13s�t was as follows: Smith-Swege, Ce�nstr. Coo A. Stanley Mundy & CQ, U.S. Pipe & F�undry Coa Loek Joint Pipe Coo Sunshine Faundry Co. �16,101.37 z2,1��s56 49,373•4-7 37,0$0.57 $00.00 i3pon the recommendation of the City Manager, Co�nissioner Strang moved that the requisitions in the amounts stated bp tk�e Attorney be approveci and paid and that the approg�iate officiais be autharized to sign. the requis3tions and execute the documents. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimouslp. �. ' � � � _�_ CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 12, 1956 A leti:er was read from Mr. J. 0. H�uze, Yresident of the Florida Philharmonic Society, Inc�, which stated that last year the Gity of Ciear�+at�r gave the orck�estra �300.00 per concert for six concerts or a to'tal of �l,$OOsOG? and requested a donation of �500.00 per c4ncert th3s year oa° a tatal of �3,000.00 .£oi a total of six concerts. A petition was read signed by forty�one persons prote�ting the givis�g of Citp funds to an out of town organization such as the Florida Fhilharmonic from St. Petersburg. A memo was read fram the City Managerts office saying tk�m�t Mr. Ross Windom, Citp Manager of Si. Petersburg, had stated Lhat the City oi St. Petersbur� had not given aay funds to the Florida Philharmoni.c for concerts in that City but that St, ?etersburg did contribute the sum oi $lf$00.00 to the Clearwater Symphony Orchestra for concerts in that city �wc years ago. Mr, I;eon Poulopoulos, Conductor of the Clearwater Symphony, explained that he hires as many Clearwater musicians a� are qualified for his orchestra and that there are na Clearwater musicians in the Florida Philharmonic. Mr. G. E. Wadsworth, Mrs. Leon Poulapoulos, and Mr. C. L. Jaynas, spoke in favor of the City supporting only the Clearwater Spmphony. Commi.ssioner Insco commentsd that he was a member of the Board of Dixectars of the Florida Philharmonia �nd he believed that b�tih orchestras desErved. support. In answer to a question frou� Commissioner Bohannon, Mi-. Poulopoulos stated that his group did not receive $1,$00.00 from the City of St. Petersburg two years ago but did receive �600.00 for giving a free concert, Commissioner Insco asked permission to refrain from voting on the subject sir_ce he was a member of the Board of the Florida Philharmonic. Commissioner Bohannon suggested that the matter be deferred to the first meeting in April to clear up the matter of the �1,800�00 contribution to the Clearwater Symphony from St. Petersbv.�g. The Mayor appointed the entire Commission as a Committee to check on �he matt�ra �y consent, the subject was def�rred �o the first regurlar meeting in April, an d the City Manager was directed to request that the Florida Philharmonic Society be represented at that meeting, A letter dated March $, 1956, was read from Mr. R. W. Spragins, Fiscal A.gentD stating that he had received a requesti from the Co�niss3on for advice on � plan of proaedure for financin� the proposec� enlargement and remodeling of the City Hatl. In his letter, he advised that ttae first step wou`ld be io employ a firm of competent arclhi�ects to �aork with the City Manager and himself in drawing plans for the improvements to ascertain the estimated costy the� he could set up th� financing program. The letter stated that Mr. Spragins had previously reported that the remodelin� would be feasible by issuing revenue certificates. Another letter under date of Niarch 12, 1956, from Mr. Spragins was read stating that he has an existing agreement with the Gity as Fiscal Agent which would cover plans �or financing,the construction of an annex to the City Hall and a�so the proposed construction of a second causeway to Clearwater Beach. The letter asked that the origina� agreement be extended for another 1$ manths from the expiration da�e of the present agreement (April 20, 19g6) at t he same fes of 1,55�. The City Attorney read a letter from Mr, R. W. Spragins datecl February 16, 1956, concerning the proposed second causeway to Clearwater Beach suggesting that the causeway oould be finance� by revenue certificates without any pledge or obl�.gation of the City from any oth�r source and ihat a toll of 15¢ or a roumd trip of z5�. wouia be suff icient t� retire a7.1 Lhe revenue certificates wathin 15 years. The letter stated that he would not recommend 3 lateral to Caladesia lsland until after thE proposed Dunedin Causeway is completed. Mr. Spragins' proposal was to do all the preparatory work for financing on a contiagency basis with his fees paid from the revenue certificatss and suggested that he would be able to obtain the services of an engineering firm to make a traffic feasibility re�ort alsa on a contingenCy basis. A petition was read signec� by 229 persons favoriag the construction of a second causeway and suggesting that �t be constructed to �extend from Sunset Point on the mainlarid to Kipling Plaza on the Beach. During the discussion, Mr. Spragins emphasized that �f the report on the proposed cau�eway was that it would be unfeasibl8, there would be no aost to the �ity f��r his services or the engineering survey. Commissioner Bohannon moved that the Mayor and the proper City officials be authorized to sign this agreement of �arch 12th which said agreement extends the contrac: of the City with R. W. Spragins, Fiscal Agent, at the sama rate for another eighteer, months. Motion was seconded bg Commzssioner Insco and carried �nanimouglp. I� was r�quested that copies af Mr. Spragins or'i�inal c�ntract and extension be made for the new Commissioners. The �ayor appointed'the en�ire Commission as a Committse of the whole to work and confer on the project of remadeling the Citp Hall. Go�issioner Insco le�'t the meeting a� 4:10 P.M. The Citp Manager presented a f loor plan of the space in the Briggs Building now occupied by the Planning Board showing the proposed distribution of the space between the Planning Board and the Building Inspection Departiment. Mr: Arthur Kruse} Planning Board Chairman, approved the proposed space allotted to the Planning Baard. The City Manager reported the Building Deg3rtmenL• wouZd have the same amount of space on a square foot l�asi:� as it now has in its present quarters in the Magurno Building. He stated that in the alterations the parcitions would not extend to the cezling as a work order would b e present�d shortly to cover air conditioning the entire space. He estimated the cost oi the alterations, some additional furniture and the air conditiosiing at �1,00O.00a Cammissioner Roherts moved that the Commission approve this plan of integrating the Departments and doing the necessarp repair and partition work to make it f easible and �hat a work order be brou�ht in later for approval. Motion was seconded by Cammissioner Bohat�non and carrzed unanimously. d D �p _Je �ITY COlUIMISSION MEETING March 12, ig56 Comm:Lsaioner Insco returned at G.s30 P.M. Commissioner Roberts re�orting for the Committee checkinu on the proposed lease oi the City park in City Paxk Subdivision to H. Lamar Rankin ;�nd Robert Viall stated that he and Commissioner Strang had checked the proposed layout on the site and had found that the lessee was raaking improvements to the existin� small building on the grounds and was arranging to put lighbs in the palm trees bordering the outside of the area rather than stringing wires across to i?luminate the miniature golf course. He said he had received a copy of the layout but had neglect�d to bring it with him and would turn it over to th� City Attorney the next day ta attach tc the lease and reported that the Committee approved the plan as out linsd. Iie reported that the only objection from the owners of the Pier Pavilion wazld be if the lessee would be permitted to serve hot sandwiches and other cookeci £oods. He recommended an amendment in the lease that there be nc cooking permitted on the premises and that no additional buildings be buiit and that the present building not be enlarged unless approved by the Co�nission. Co�issioner Roberts moved that the lease as aznended by the suggestions today between the City o£ Clearwater and H. Lamar Rankin and R�bert Viall, a partnership, for the construc- tion and operation of a miniature golf course on the described property of the City be approved, the lease to be effecti�•e as of March lst, 1956, for a period of five years. Motion was seconded by Co�issioner Insco and carried unan�mously. The Cit�y Manager reported that the Commission had approved the overall plat of Brookhill Subdivision but omitt�ed to approve the plat of Brookhill iJnit 1 at the time the orciinan�e of annexation was adopte�i. He said t he plat was previously approved by Lhe Zoning �oard for R-1 zoning argi that the developer had signed an Ordinance 632 contract and posted bond for improvements. Commissioner Strang moved on the City Manager4s recommendatzon that the plat of B-rookhill Uni•t #1 be acczpted and that t he prop�r officials be authorized to execute it ard that �t be shown on the Zoning Map and other maps as required. Motion was sec�nded by Commissioner Bohannon and ca•rried unanimously. The City Manager gresented two agreements with the A�lant..1a Coast Line Railro ad, one in which the railroad gives the Gity an easement to lay water maia nnder the tracks at Druid Road and the other an easement to lay water main under the tracks at Cedar Street, Fairmont Street and Harbor Drive. Commissioner Strang moved on the City Manager's recommend�tion that the contracts and the resolutions with the Atlantic Coast I,ine Railroad be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execute them subjec� to the City Attorneyts approval. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The C'itp Manager prEsented copies of the report from Reynolds, Smith and Hill, Engineers, on the Gas Depart�ent with reference to naturnl gas and a memo from the City Attorney recommending that a meeting be se� up to £am�liarize the two new Commissioners and the others wi�Gh ihis report. He reported that Mr. Stanley, President of the I�ouston Texas Gas & Oil Corporation, ?s in the area and would like to meet with the Commission in the near future. The Citq Attorne,y suggested that it would be well to have a representative from the Reynolds, Smith axid Hill firm meet with the Co�ni�sion to go over the report. By consent, the City 1Kanager was directed to s et up the meetings in the week beginning �iarch l�th. Co�¢nissioner $;;hannon reporting for the Comnittee checking on the proposed Sunset Highlands d��velopment by Rogers and Jackson stated tha� in order to en%rce the recommendations of the Planning Board in regar3 ta this developmecit it w�auld b% necessary for the Commission to first approve the mverall map regarding streets and art�rial highways. Commissioner Roberts reported thaL the proposed extension of Myrtle Avenue would cut diagonally through tYv.s whole tract belonging to Rogers and Jackson although it does not touch the portion of the tract they would like to bring into the City now. By consent, the Manag;er was instructed to place on the agenda ior consideration the Planning Board's complete street and highway map. Commissioner Bohannon said some of the Planning Board members had inquired if the Commission tivould like a reeommendation from the Planning Board on the newly filled �rea i� Stevensan Creek. The Mayor commented that he i,hought the Commission would have no objection to receiving suggestions from the Planning Board on the subject. Commissioner Bohannon suggested that the City Manager be au�hoxized to have a bulldozer level off the new fill area at 5tevenson Greek, clean it up and get it ready for planting. Cormnissioner Strang reported for the Corrmittee ch�cking on the rPquest o� the First Church of Christ, Scientist, that Turner Street be widened b�tween pak and Bay, sLating that he would like the City Manager to set up a preliminary hearing for all interested persons some time next week when he and Commissioner Bohai�non could be present. The City Attorney reported that a response had bean received from the Clearwater Yacht Club concerning the possibility of locating tlie proposed new water tank on part o� the property under lease to the Yacht Club. He s�id ths Commodore of the Yacht Club had asked that a Gommittee from the Corm:ission meet with the Board of Directors on Tuesday evening, t�arch 13th, to discuss the size, physical data, etc., with them, and had indicated that the Yacht Club would be willing to aoaperate with the City Commission. The Mayor appointed a Cor�anittee .composed of Commissioner Roberts, the City Attorney and the �i�y Manager to meet with the group. � �; CITY COMMTSSION MEETTNG March 12, 1956 Cot�nissioner Strang moved on the recommendation c,f tk�e Consulting Engineers on the water system that �he Q�.ty AttornQy be instructed to obtain the necessary documents, easements, or whatever is necessary to locate the new 300,000 gallon water tank on the east side of the Yacht Club propexty. Motion wae secondad by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The Citp Attarney stated that he was planni.ng on the request of the City E;�6i_r�eer to draw an Ordinance controlling driveways and curb cuts and also to �xcerpt from the Seawail Ordinance the provision that required plans and specifica- tions for seawalls and prepare a separate Ordinance for those sequirements. There being no further busi�ess to ccmR before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 P.�t. A�test: C �ty ditor an lerk �D�Y ��--���' „omffiis sio � � � � CITY DOrZNIISSION MEETING F�Iarch 12 , 1955 Maya� Commis�ioner Herbert M. Brown Co�3ssioners: W. E. Strang, Jr., J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr., Samuel J. Robests March $, 1956 Gentlemen: The City Comrnission wiil meetc in Special Sessi�n on Monday afternoon, March 12, 1956 in the Cf�y Hall Au�?itorium for the purpose of d iscussing the items listed on the attached agenda. Meeting �ime wi11 be 1:30 P.M. Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. M9.ddleton FCM:s �ity Manager Enclosures Agenda - Citp Commission Meeting of n'iarch 12, 1956 City Ha11 Auditorium 1:30 P.M. SPECIAL 1. Awardi.ng bid for Comprehensive General Liability and Propertq Damage Insuran ce . 2. Werk Orders to cover papmen� �f invoices on material for Water Expansion Program. 3e Letter from Philharmonic Orchestra requestin� funds to conduct concertae 4. Le�tsr from R. W. Spragins & Companq with reference to con�truction pf New Causeway across Clearwater Bay and �ddition to� City Hail� 5. Manager's report with reference to moving Building Department in with the Planning Board. 6. Report from Commlttee with reference to leasing Clearwatsr Beach Park property for Ntiniature Goli' Course. 7. Utility Improv�ments. $, Approval of plat, Unit 1, Brookhill Subdivision. 9. Any other iter� not on the agenda will be considered with the cnnsent a� the Commission. Ndr. Mapor and City Gommissioners C�earwater Fla. Gentlemen: March 3 - 1956 �he F`lorida Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Bernard Rosenthal has developed irito one of th� best Orchestras in Florida. We were indsed fortunate in securing the serv3ces of Mr. Rosenthal who has had over twenty years o�' successful conducti;ig this included The Navy Hour which most af us rember-, He was recognized as one of the outstanding Orchestra Leaders in the country. This Orchestra k±as greatly added to the cultural �evelopment of this section oi the State. Symphonic music cannot survive on ticket sales alor_e it has to be underwritteu by �usic loving indiuiduals and City Goverment who are alert to the growing needs of their commuaitya Orlanda Fla budgets ,�100000.00 for its Orchestra. The splendid Orchestras in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland Fhiladelphia Lousville in fact in most of leadi.ng cities ara financed in par� bq the cities themselves. Th�y recogniz� what the symphonies mean to the ct�ltural development of thei,r city. Last year you gave us �300.Q0 per coneert for 6 cor�certs or a�otal of �1$00.00. We respectfully request you give us ��00.00 per concert of a total of �000.00 for a tQtal six concerts. Sincerely yours, /s/ J. 0. Houze (President, Florida Philharmonic Sacietg, Inc.) PETIT30I� Clearlvater, Florida March 12, 195b Zo the Honorab3e Mayor Herbert Brown and Gity Commiss3oners: (For your at�ention at the time the p$tition for funds by t�ae Florida Philha�monic is discussed by your group} We, the undessig�aed, residents and taxpayers of the City o�' Clearwater, Florida are opposed to city iunds bea.ng given to an out oi towm organization such as tho Florida Philharmonic which travels £rom St. Petersburg and does not r�present Clearwater or employ a single Clearwat��r musician: Signed by forty-one persons 8� r CITY CONlh+fISSION MEETTNG March 12! 1956 Honorable Herbert M. Brown, Mayos and th� CibS� Coramissionars of the City af Clearwater City Hall Clearwater, Flarida Gentlemen: March $, 1956 I am in receipt of a letter dated March 6 from Charles M. Phillips, Jr., Ci�y Attorney, ae�vising that the City Commission is giving serious consider�tion to the praposed enlargeme�t and remodelin, of the city hal1. The� have requested that I adaise them on a plan of procedure and the steps necessary ta set vp the program for financing. The first necessary step 3s to employ a firm of competent architects to work with Mr. Middle�on and mXself in dra�ring plans for the improvements in orider that an estimated aost may be ascer�ained. When this has beer� dane and a speciffc amaunt has been determined, T can then set up the financing progra.m. I have staLed in many of my reports that a remodeling oi the present City Ha11 is feasible by dping such financin� in the form of revenue certificates, which incidentally wi11 not require a referendum. This financing can be accomp].ished by the certificates being secured by a leased contract from the Gity ba extend the life of the revenue certificates. The reveaue ce�tiiicates naturally will be subject to an early prior redemption, making it possible for the City t� retire these certificates whenever funds are available. Ti�is type of loan ig not q�ite as attractive as th� utility revenue certificates which we rec�ntly financed. On the oth�r hand, with the work already a�complished in familia-rizing the invest- ment pu'blic af the soundr�ess of the city's credit and th� "A" ra�ing obLained fram the various iinanciai services, we can anticipata an exceptional low interest rate. I would likz very much to have the comnission set up a definite meeting to make proper studies and iarmulate a plan of proaedure in this regard, and also to discuss the proposed second causeway as recommendeti in my letter of February 16, 195b. Hon. Herbert M. Brown, Mayom and Members of the City Commission Mr. Charles Phillips, City Attorne3� Mr. Francis Middleton, City inanager City Hall Clearwates, Florida Gentlemen: Ftesgectfully submitted, /s/ Fi. W. Spragins Fiscal Agent March 9, 1956 For many months I have given considerable thought to t�.e congested cond�tion on the caussway to Clearwater Beach and means by which this situation could be improved. There have been many newspaper articles and general �iscussioas as to widening the present bridges and the possibilitp o£ a sec ond causewap. I am not in favor of anq causeway program to Cl�arwater Beach from Clearwater proper bein� invalvsd in any country program. They recommend, if you will recall, a toll on �che present causeway to be utilized to service th� indebtedness on other causeways, which naturally would be detriffiental to the Gity of Clearwater. In this ease, Pine].Zas County wau�.d have control o� the tol.ls to be charged and control of *:he operatian and wanagement. Clearwater Beach haG grown far �eyond the capacity for the present causeway to service. In the case Qf a sudden hurricane it would be verp difficult to vacate the island, T think that a new cause�:ay at the north �nd of the island i� the proper solution to this situation. It would fit in very convenientlq with the proposed Bay fill an� development., which apparently w i1J be a reality. I understand that the developers are aoutemplating the use of an unusual2y Zarge dr�dging faciZity, and the new cau3eway could be built conside�ably eheaper if this same facilitp was utilized. at the same time for the c�useway fill. I am qf the opinion that the causeway is economically sound and financable with�ut any pledge of the obligations of the city from any source such as Ad Yalorem Taxes oz� pledges of any other income derived by the c�.ty from other sovrces. ' Ndy thought is that a toll of not over 1,$¢ or a round trip of 25¢ wouia be amply sufiicient to servica the irideb�edness. In fac�, I believe that this toll wi11 be sufficient to retire all o£ the revenue cert�fica��s within 1S years. We will provide that so long as debt reserves are ma�ntained the tolls can lba r�ducad ai ihe will o� the Commissioners. One might say v�hy pay a toll on that cau�eway when (Continued) sr CxTY COMMISSTON MEETING March 12, 1956 (Cont inuedj you can cross Memorial Causeway iree. On the other hand, any person travell3ng to the beach from the north area oi Ciearwa�er or Dunedin ar on the proposed connecting link to Highway l9 would pz°efer paying a s].ight toll rather than ga through the congested area of downtown Clearwater to reach the beach. �om the city's standpoint, 3t would be greatly beneficial to prevsnt the preseat tra�f;Lc congestion in the downtown area. From the standps�int of Clearwater Beach, it� wo uld greatlp benefit thoae people who have residences on the norGh end af'�th� island and avoid their having to go through the canges�ed area of the business section of Clearv�ater Beach. I have made reference �o a lateral to Caladesia Ssland. Under the proposed agreements which the City of Aunedin has negotiated for their proposed ca�seway and the fact that Caladesi� Island has been made a part of Dunedin, I don°t think the l.ateral to Caladesia lsland is hene£icial tn Dunedin and we might have some objections fram them on thi� lateral until they have built their causeway. Af'ter their causeway is comg�.etecl, a lateral would benefit both cities. I would like for th@ Goramissioners ta permit me io proceed to work on this pregram �ith the definite under�tanding that ang fees or expensss paid tA me wi,1.1 come oa�1y frara the proceeds of the toll revenue financing when it has been accomplished. Naturally, we will need *.,.he services of a nationally recognized engineering firm ta make a traffic feasibility report. I a.m sure that I can obtain the services of such a firm on the same contingency basis as my a��^eemenL with the city. I would suggest that tk►� Cou�issioners agpoint a aommi,tee to wosk with m� on this program and with the understar_ding that we will make every eifort to obtain a11 passible state aid. I ha8e had ample experience in bridge and causewaq financing. AI.I of qo� kno�y that T gulled the Belleair Causeway out of the £ire and certainlp this program is souncier than that situation. Were i� not for the confidence that I have in my ability to accompli�sh this financing under the proposed setup, I certainly would not be willing to aommit myself to the necessarp expenses �a be paid onlp when, as and if the program is accomplished. I wish you gentlemen zvo uld give this letter proper consideration and giv2 me the go-ahead signal. Naturally, no move of any type will be made on any commit- ments without the unanimous approval of the Corunissioners. If you thiak it advisable, you are free to release this letter t� the press to get �he reaction of the c�tizens befor e making anp movE. � think �his might be very constructive. Kindest personal regards Yours very truly, /s/ Wendell Spragins R.. Wende].1 Spragins/pc cc: Mr. Charles Phillips, Gity Attorney Mr. Francis Middleton, City Manager Mr, Samuel J. Roberts, Commissione-r Mr. Cleveland Insco Jr,, Commissioner Mr. `�1. E, ttTormny" S�rang, Commissioner Mr. John Bohannon, �o�issioner Honorable City Commission City of Glearr�ater Fla. Gentlemen; �_- --------�----------- PETITION Clearwater, Fla. March $, 195b Wnereas Niemorial Causeway is woefully inadequa:te to har.dle existing traffic, an� whereas any enlargemsnt of the prc:sent causeway v�ill only increase traffic congestion at the terminus of tt�e e:cisting cat�seway. Be it therefore resolvad that a secand causeway be construcLed as far removed from the now-existing facility as possible and be it further resolved that a seGond causeway be canstructed so as to extend from Sunset 1'oin� on the ma3n �and to Kipling Plaza on the beach. We the undersigned urgen�ly reouest that tk�e Honorable members of the Clearwater Ciiy Commission giva full consideration to the abave resoZution. Signed by 229 p�'sams. -----------�-�----�-------------�--�----�-------------�------------- ---- ------ � �