02/27/1956 , , -...<-..,'. '" . " '. ,,<,'. > .,oj,41, , , -,' ..-, ';'. " : ..~ .'. ~2- ~gy ! ~, , , , << '~ ,', I - , ^ " , ,,' ,,1 ,t~.. /--', ,. ' , , '"'P'" ' .. '.)rJ.': '\"~<;, 'I ' r'- '~ ..,,',., :1 :1 j I ! 1 ~""'~~,~~ CITY COMMISSION MEET1NG February 27, 1956 The City Comnission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, February 27, 1956, at 1:30 P.M. with ~he following members present: . ,'i' w. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr. Samuel J. Roberta Absent: COlTillissioner COJ1Jl1issioner COIILllis sioner Comm is sioner \ ' " , , " Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner :1 . Also presen~ were: , . , , I ! F. C. Middle~on Chas. M. Phillips, Jr. G. T. McClamrna S. Lickton City Manager City Attorney Chief or Police City Engineor !, I ''t' I .. j .i ; 1 I l l i I I I I i I , , I , I , 1 I I .. ,,- ! >',,' ',' I , , ' I ," ': . , ;"" . The City Attorney called ~he mee~ing ~o order and announced that it would be necessary to elect a Mayor pro tem as Mayor Brown was absent. Commissioner Bohannon moved that Commissioner Strang be elected Mayor pro tem. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported that. two bids had been received t.o cover General Comprehensive Liabilit.y and Property Damage Insurance for the City for one year start.ing March 6, 1956. He read the let.t.er from Mr. Yale F. Wedig, representing the General Insurance Agents Association, which proposed a one year policy ~rom ~he American Fire and Casualty Company, Orlando, Florida, for an annual premium of $7,865.27, a flat charge premium not subject to audi~. A letter was read from Mr. John Meek, President of the Clearwater Association of Insurance Agents, which offered a policy to be writ~en by the Travelers Insurance Company through the Roger O. Bouchard Agency, Clearwa~er, for an annual premium of $9,215.0~, subject to audit for number of miles of st.reets. The letter recommended ~hat the expira- tion date of the City's Workmen's Compensation policy, now written by +.he Travelers Insurance Company and expiring Oc~ober 1, 1956, be made to coincide with ~he ex- piration date of the General Comprehensive Liabili~y and Property D&nage policy in order that the two policies could be written by ~he same comprony and to avoid t.he possibility of split responsibili~y in "borderline" cases. Mr. Meek's letr.er offered a rate of $5,273.97 for the General Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage Ins\~ance to October 1, 1956. Conmissioner Roberts moved ~hat ~he Commission consider this and that it be put. on the agenda for the next regular meeting, March 5th, for final considera~ion and approval. Motion was seconded by Commissioner ~ohannon and carried unanimously. The City Manager presented a sket.ch showing an alley running north and south between Lots 12, 13 and 14 and Lot 15 of Block 3, Bayview Terrace Subdivision. He reported ~hat there had been a request from Mr. Robert Wilson, at.torney, to vacate this alley in property which was formerly in ~he City but ~as now in the County. He reported that the City Engineer had stated ~hat he could see no reason to object to it being closed. Commissioner Bohannon said he thought ~he City should object ~o having it. closed as it. was possible that ~he subdivision would be anne~ed to the City again. The Mayor appoint.ed a Committee o~ Commissioner Bohannon and the City Attorney to check on t.he matter. Major Oswald Kluegel said t.hat t.he property concerned was his and t.hat. the adjoining neighbors had agreed to vacating the alley. Mr. Wilson report.ed ~hat t.he vacation had already been approved by the County. A Resolution was read authorizing t.he payment of $6 A07.92 to Briley, Wild and Associates ror services in preparing plans and spec~ar.ions for the new storm sewer project (South Garden, Franklin and Haven Street) 'Trom t he Construction Trust Fund by the First National Bank, Trustee. Commissioner Roberts moved that this Resolution aur,horizing ~he bank t.o pay this amount speciried in t.he invoice to the Bri1ey, Wild rirm be approved, and the proper officials be au~horized to sign it.. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried ananimously. Commissioner Roberts reported that only one bid had been received ~o lease the south end of the park in City Park Subdivision for a miniature golf course and to take over management and maintenance of the City shuffleboard courts located in the north end of ~he properT.y. Commissioner Roberts read the proposal submitted by Mr. H. Lamar Rankin which included const.ruction and operation of a miniature golf course, operation and maintenance of the shuffleboard courts, maintenance or the shrubbery, paying for all licenses, utility bi11s, ta~esand insurance, year around operation of ~he facilir,ies, selling or soft drinks, sandwiches, etc. Tpe proposal offered ~o lease ~he pro~rty ror a period of five years, subject to renewal by the Cit.y, for a rental or '50.00 per month or for ,10.00 a month rental and 10% of t.he gross income. Commissioner Roberts suggested a minimum renta1 or $50.00 per mont.h and 10% of gross income over i6,OOO.OO per year, which ~as agreeable to r,he proposed lessee. During the discussion, it was suggested that ~he garbage cans should be screened so as not. to be unsightly. Commissioner Strang commented t.hat a recapt.ure clause of some type shou1d be included in ~he lease and that the proposed layout. of the golf course shou1d be attached to the lease. It was also recommended to.hat the City equiprnent, for the shuffleboard court. be inventoried and transferred to the lessee. Commissioner "'_-" ~JiIf:...-_, ,I,' " ~ l 1 1 1 l " .. j , l j l J i ~. <,', ; , , , "': (\', ','.' '..''- ;!' ,: ", . 'l; . - ': .;; ',:1.', 'I I j ~ I I " ' ,'" " ... ';," 'r'>'~?::'~,';~~i';~f,7'.?~i~~~' ..,'. ~, . .. - , ':~.- / -:2. 0.....,.....) .}li , IJ.t . "t.. " '~:/.\{:,;1;,;.:~r' :::~ . \'-.'Y..~!/TL~"""""'\ f" (i.,I;f.,.',~l~;;I:":" (t(J;1;[V&tr~J.:' , . . '~:!' .::~,~. ~\~ ,:.. .::: :1' > -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 27, 1956 Roberts, reporting for the Commi~tee, stated it was t.he Committee's recommendation ~hat the City enter into a lease for a miniature golf course, t.erms to be embodied in the lease drawn up by the City At.torney for t.he approval of the Commission. Commissioner Roberts moved that the Commission accept ~he proposal of H. Lamar Rankin; ~hat the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a lease at $50.00 per month plus 10% of gross income over $6,000.00 for the rental of t.he property discussed including the operation of t.he shuffleboard court on Clearwat.er Beach; that the lease be brought back ~o ~he Commission for consideration and final approval at the next regular meeting on ~arch 5th; that Lamar Rankin and associat.es be permitted to start prepara~ions for the building of ~his miniature golf course immediately. Motion was seconded by Commis sioner Bohannon and carr!. ed unanimously. The Assistant City At~orney, B. J. Driver, presented copies of a proposed traffic ordinance for the Commission's information and s~udy. He stat.ed ~his was no~. t,he final ordinance as several revisions had been su<,~gest.ed by Chief McClamma, ~he City Engineer, and ~he Safety Co~ncil and ~hat those corrections would be submi~ted when ~he Ordinance was presented for passage. Commissioner Bohannon asked Mr. Driver to find out-. if other cit-.ies on 1-,he West Coast-. have adopted ordinances similar to this Na~ional Model Traffic Ordinance. By consent, t.he Commission instructed the City Manager, the City Prosecu~or and the City Attorney to see ~.ha~. this informat.ion is proi:pared and submit, ~he ordin~nce for approval at the second regular meeting in March (March 19). A letter was read from Mr. William B. Albrecht of Johnson, Albrecht & Mann, advising the Commission that Messrs. Albert Rogers and Edward Jackson, as owners of the Yerxa Tract north of Sunset Point Road at the intersection of Highland Avenue, are con~empla~ing a residential development of the property and have expressed interest in having it annexed in~o the City, ir the Cit.y will extend sewer and water lines to a poin~ adja~~n~ to said propert.y and if t.he zoning would be in accordance with t,hat, shown on t,he master plan. Commissioner Roberts moved t-hat, the proposed plat wit.h Mr. Albrecht,'s let.t.e1" be referred t.o the Planning Board and ~o the City Engineer for them to consider and bring back with reco~menda- tions. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Mayor appointed a Committee of Commissioners Bohannon and Roberts to work wit,h different. Depart.ment,s on t.his, along wit,h t.he Manager, the City Attorney and City Engineer so i",hat ".his question of City ut.ilit.ies can be decided. The Manager stated that he appreciated ~he cooperation of these developers in-wanting t.o complete ~he development. according t.o t,he specificat.ions or Ordinance 632. The Mayor said the Commission greatly welcomed this type of development and hoped that the City would be able t.o service t.his property as the area between the plat and the City was quite large. The City Attorney read a Resolu~ion assessing the cost of the construction of an eight inch sani~ary sewer in Washing~on Avenue from the exist.ing sanitary sewer in South Street to a point approximately 90 feet north of Kingsley S~reet against the benefited properties. Commissioner Bohannon moved that the Resolution be adopted and ~hat the proper City officials be authorized to sign +.his Resolution. Motion was seconded by Conmissioner Insco and carried unanimously. Assistant City Attorney Driver in~roduced Detective-Sergean~ Frank Daniels of the Police Department to t.he Commissioners and asked Sergeant Daniels to explain the purpose of proposed Ordinance 701 which would provide for registration of certain convict.ed criminals. Sergeant. Daniels stated ~hat the Ordinance had been requested by the City Detective Bureau as it would help the Police Department by requiring those persons coming int.o town who have been incarcerated for having commit.ted a felony to regis~er, be photographed and finger prin~ed and those records would be immediately available if one of those persons commit~ed another crime here. The Ordinance was recommended by the City Manager and the Chief of' Police. The Cit.y Attorne y read t,he Ordi nance. :ColJll1issioner Insco moved t:hat Ordinance 701 be passed on it,s first, reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanir:lously. Commissioner Insco moved that Ordinance 701 be considered on it.s second reading by title only by unanimous consen~ of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read the Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Insco moved that Ordinance 701 be passed on its second reading by t.itle only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. By consent. it was agreed that the ~hird reading of the Ordinance be deferred to the second meeting in March (March 19t.h). During the discussion, it was suggested by the Commissioners t.hat a penalty clause should be included in the Ordinance and the City Attorney was instructed to amend the Ordinance be fore th~ third reading. Commissioner Bohannon reported that he was planning to write a series of three articles on prerequisi+.es for a man planning to run for public office, the City administration. the dut.ies and obligations of citizens, etc., and asked the City Attorney if there would be any object.ion. The Mayor suggested ~hat the City Attorney investigate and then discuss ~he matter with Commissioner Bohannon. ". : '~ . ,.,' ':. I. " 1. '- "', ~-. ..... --... .-.~. . .., -3- CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 27, 1956 A Resolution was read direct.ed to t.he Corps or Engineers, U.S. Army, asking t.hat t.he Cit.y be permitted to close t.he drawbridge on Memorial Causeway each Sunday between the hours of 4:30 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. except to vessels of the Unit.ed States Navy, t.he Unit.ed St.ates Coast Guard and emergency vessels. The Resolution set out. the reason for such action as being the unusually heavy volume of t.raffic handled by t.he Causeway during t.hose hours on Sunday. The Mayor suggested that a clause be insert.ed about. t.he volume of t.rafric making it impossible for emereency vehicles t.o ~raverse this Causeway during this period. Commissioner Roberts commented it might. be well to include legal holidays as well as Sundays. A communication was read from Sergeant Walter Carey st.ating that aft.er careful st.udy of the Beach t.raffic for several Sundays he recommended clOSing the drawbridge between 4:30 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. to alleviate congest.ion of traffic. It was suggested by Mr. Arthur Kruse, Planning Board Chairman, that some of t.he Army Engineers might. make a personal inspection when they are here for a Public Hearing on ~arch 13th. Commissioner Insco moved t.hat the Resolution as amended be adopted and t.hat. t.he appropriat.e ~fficia1s be authorized to execute it and send it to Jacksonville by special delivery. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimOUSly. The City Manager presented a work order for $510.00 for renovating ~he old Coachman house adjacent to t.he Library now owned by ~he City in order to move the Recreation Department and t.he Civil Service Department into the building. He explained ~hat. ~he ~ork would include painting, partitions and revamping the furnace. Commissioner Bohannon moved t.hat the Cit.y Manager's recommenda~ion ror a work order ~or $510.00 to put the Osceola property in suit.able condition ~or these two Departments be approvelI. Motion was seconded by Commis a oner Roberts and carried unanimously. Commissioner Roberts suggest.ed since the lease for t.he Building Inspe~t,ion Department was expiring in the near fut,ure, it. might be well to consider moving that Department to the property on North Osceola Avenue also. The Mayor commented t.hat it, might be better to move t,he Building Inspection Department in wit.h t.he Engineering Department, if possible, as they are closely related and it would be more convenient. for t.he general public t.o keep the Department. closer to City Hall. Commissioner Insco requested t.he Cit.y Manager to make a recommendation on t.he subject at next Monday's meeting. A letter was read from ~he.City ~reasurer requesting that the Commission authorize t.he trans~er of $10,662.20 from the Florida Power Franchise Fund to the Recreation Revenue Certificate Sinking Fund to bring it up to requirements. Commissioner Robert.s suggested + hat. t.he Commission should consider some plan for a more varied use 01' the Jack Russell Stadi urn +.0 increase t,he revenue, such as constructing a movable stage. Commissioner Bohannon moved upon the City Treasurer's and City Manager's recommendation that the City t.ransfer from the Florida Power Franchise Fund $10,662.20 to the Recreation Revenue Sinking Fund. Mot.ion was second~d by Commissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. The City Attorney presented a Resolu~ion which would dedicat.e as a publiC park the area owned by the City between Calumet, S~reet. and the channel of Stevenson Creek. By consent, t,he liesolution was deferred to +.he next regular meeting, March 5th. Com~issioner Bohannon suggested ~hat the City try t.o acquire tit Ie +'0 to,he remainder of t,he submerged land on ".he south side of +he creek west of the railroad bridge. The City Manager reported ~hat. tohe dredging project. in Stevenson Creek was very nearly completed and said it had been su~gest.ed to, hat owners of t he property on t-.he north side of Sunset-. Point. Drive would permit:. t,he City to.o pump fill from t.he mud flat on t,heir low land and straighten up tohe north bank of Stevenson Creek and that he also had a letter from ~wo propert.y owners a~ t.he east eand o~ Calumet St.reet permi+.t.ing t.he eit y to c lean out. t.he channel. Gommis sioner Insco inquired when +.he b~sin at the Marina would be dredged out and was informed t.hat it would be necessary to dismantle t.he dredge to take i+. out o~ the Stevenson Creek basin, that i~ would +.ake about. ten days to finish t.he work under discussion, and that +-.he dredge could t-,hen be moved +'0 +-he Marina t.o dredge out t.he slips in connection with pumping in the west end for the seawall construc~ion. The Mayor commented that he would be opposed t,o using to.he City's operat. ing money to pump up land for private propert.y owners unless they pay for the work or give the City ex~ra right of way for ~he widening of Sunset Point Road. The City Engineer reported that the Planning Board was recommending a 100 foot. right of way for Sunset. Point noad. By consent., +-he City Manager was inst.ructed to have the cost of the pumping estimat.ed ei+.her on an hourly basis or by t.he cubic yard and the Engineer was asked t.o make a recommendat.ion on ~he right of way requirements and an estimat.e of how much land would be filled at. the nex+. regular meeting on March 5th. The Manager asked when the Commission would like to consider approval of the charter for the Regional Planning Board again. He reported that it was formerly de~erred until it could be discussed with +.he County Planning Board and the County Engineer. The Mayor asked tohe City Attorney to check to see if t.here was any conflict between the powers of the Count.y Zoning Board and the Regional Planning Board. He suggested t.hat the Commission could give the Manager an answer at the next meeting as to when it should be placed on the agenda again. There being no further business to come bei'ore the Board, "he mee~? "/ a~r~?~ Attest: ~ d?q~ ~~L~L ei~~~~k ..,.,. ....... .,', .,', ....- ~~ ~.~....,,'~...~......~.'.~"'" :.:': ~.I::'.'i'i.::.\>:'.' ' "I...... "\'.:>,::';.. '. . I,' ,j j :1 :j 'I~ /""'- \ ~ :\ ~.A".,-,"" . .: ~ '1 \ .1 .] ~ l ',\ ) I , ~ 1 i I l i J I " ~ . ',. .,' J . , . . ,'. ~ ;~~~~i ;it '"14', _._~-...... ---, ,', ,- {. 0< ,1'".\' ~,: l';.:~~\:l: <..,....:.1 :"i:~~~~.~~>:~!~~~~?:\~~,~;~?~~;..t~~::::..~, 04 ,.::",\':': """,;',1 ! ;':.~ :' "!' ' ! -;.;;;;;: . :~... ...., '.: ~ . '\.\',::;' -\:;.. ,.' .' , . .: . ,', ';,: :~ :;~' '. '. ..... .....,="=~~~:~~~~t~:;}~~~t~~r " "~,. .,: ',..:,. . ,.j ~,.~ .j . ., ,,:.: .' .. . H' ....~..:..~~~:.-:; .,~,:, .:.~.: .... ,.,,...' < ,'" '. ,.: ..:,,~.:.; '., ~,;.;.~,\.;...~j ." ~... . ~.... , '..~" ..... CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 27, 1956 Mayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: W. E. Strang, Jr., J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco, Jr., Samuel J. Roberts February 2). 1956 Gentlemen: The City Commission will mee~ in Special Session in ~he Cit.y Hall Auditorium on Monday afternoon, February 27, 1956 for the purpose of discussing the items - listed on the at.tached agenda. Meeting t.ime will be at 1:30 P.M. Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton Cit.y ~1anager FCM: s Enclosures -----------------------~---------~-----------------~-----~--~-~------------~------ Agenda - City Commission Meeting of February 27, 1956 City Hall Auditorium 1:)0 P.M. SPECIAL 1. Opening of bids ror General Comprehensive Liabilit.y and Property Damage Insuran ce . 2. Commission's consideration of: A. VacRting alley in Bayview Terrace Subdivision. (Was originally subdivided in City - now ou~side) B. Resolution on invoice of Briley, Wild and Associates for storm sewer plans and specificAt.ions. C. Committee report with reference to leasing beach property. D. Proposed ~raffic Ordinance. E. Letter from William B. Albrecht wit.h rererence to proposed development and annexation of same. 3. Commission's consideration of items rrom ~~e City Attorney's Office: A. Assessment Resolution - Washingt,on Avenue sani+.ary sewer from South Street to Kingsley Street.. B. Ordinance No. 701, Registration of Certain Convicted Criminals. C. Resolution regarding closing of Drawbridge during certain hours on Sunday s . 4. Utility Improvements. 5. Any other item not on t.he agenda ~ill be considered wit.h the consent of the Conmission. ----~--------------------------~---------------------------~--~~---~---~-~~-~~-~ Board of City Cornmis 51 oner s City of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Gent lemen: February 23, 1956 This is to advise you that Messrs. Alber~ Rogers and Edward Jackson as owners of the Yerxa Tract in N. E. Clearwater are present.ly planning a residential development of 100 acres in size. In planning discussions, to date +'hese gent.lemen have expressed an in~erest in having this property annexed into ~he Cit~ or Clearwater. The subject tract described as, the NW~ of the NW~, the SW~ of the NWi and the W~ of the SE~ of the :NWt of Sect.ion 2, Twp. 29, Rge. 15 E. is shown on the enclosed map. These gentlemen are willing to cooperate with ~he city in t.he fUrther planning of ~his development and make improvernen~s to city specification as outlined in Ordinance 632. Their decision is contingent, ho~ever, upon city extension of existing municipal sewage and water facili~ies on Sunset Poin~ Road or Highland Avenue to a point adjacent to said property and the zoning of this tract as shown on the enclosed Master plan. Would it be possible for the city to give us the benefit of their feelings on this ma~ter at this time. Very truly yours, JOHNSON, ALBRECHT & MANN /5/ William B. Albrecht (1625 South Missouri Avenue) WBA/mrs. Enclosure ---------------~--------~--.~------------------~------~-----------~----~~------- ,...~- '-., , ',. .' '~.:'. ::~ :..-',\: . j' ; f, ! ' I I, I ! :'~ i' t. I I ' I J ~:). ;,~.('" ~.'.' '."., . ~. . '; ; . . , , ....:\, ~..,.<!, :.~ f~ !'," ~..~;~.,.<: ""." \~.~ . . <'.' , ""\. .....'.f." ':. ' : -.~ " . ...:.....,.... ...::.. ~.~./" ..f'.,'....;,:.... .... , ' , , .. . " , : ;..::,. /" ~''''''''"'' ......,.,~:: .....l<::V~.;.~....l.:~\.. :;i::J. .;;~:.) ~'. :.z'. ..'::_~ ~. .~..... ...;:.-: ;~,,:.. ,:'.:. ...._.. "". o ".w' . . ,., ~",.;" ,; ,'..j, ;"i.i., ~i..,.~L~::'{~ii;t~LS!,,~~,iilLji:vfi~i~;'tL~t&~~4i~":'" . ...~ "",..":.,, .1 .ljJ!;(;}~.J!Lt . ....., .),,';C~'~i) - . .'". CITY CCJv1MISSION MEETING February 27, 1956 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Briley, Wild and Associates were retained by the City of Clearwater as Consulting Engineers by con~ract dated Novomber 10, 1953, and WHEREAS, the said Engineers have performed services in the na~ure of preparing plans and specifications for construction of storm sewers and have performed the last services neceosarily pertinent thereto, and WHEREAS there is due and payabl~ said Engineers from the City of Clearwater the sum of $b,407.92, for the ~oregoing considerat.ions according to the statement o~ said Engineers dated February 9, 1956, a copy of which is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the sum of $6,407.92 be paid from ~he Construction Trust Fund held by The First National Bank of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida, Trustee, according to the Construction Trust Fund Agreement dated November 28, 1955, which Construction Trust. Fund is derived ~rorn the proceeds of t.he sale o~ Utility Revenue Certificates, Series o~ 1955. 2. That a certified copy of ~his Resolution be delivered forthwith to said Trustee, which said certified copy shall constitute the direction of the City o~ Clearwater to said Trustee to pay the foregoing sum directly to ~he said Engineers forthwith in compliance with Section 3(b) and o~her provisions of said Construction Trust Fund Agreement. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 27th DAY OF February, 1956. /s/ Herbert M. Bro~n MAYOR-COMN[SSIONER . . .', . " l ' . .," " .' ,.'! " :: :'. ..: " ATTEST: /s/ R. G. ~~itehead CITY AUDITOR AND CLERK -------------------------------~-----.--~---------~-----------------------~------- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Memorial Causeway in +.he City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, is the sole connecting link between the mainland and Clearwater Beach Island in the City of Clearwater, and accordingly handles an unusually heavy volume of traffic, especially during the hours of ~:30 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. each Sunday and each Legal Holiday, and WHEREAS, the volume o~ ~ra~fic over said Memorial Causeway at such times' is so heavy that automobiles are bumper to bumper filling two traffic lanes over ~he entire causeway and for considerable dis~ances on ~he east and the west approaches to said causeway, making ~raversing the cause~ay by emergency vehicles impossible or extremely hazardous, and WHEREAS, said Memorial Causeway traverses the Intra-Coastal Waterway with a drawbridge facility, and WHEREAS, the raising of ~he said drawbridge during the foregoing hours of each Sunday and each Legal Holiday magnifies the traffic problem to intolerable proportions, and is seriously detrimental to the interests of the inhabitants of t.he City o~ Clearwater. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of to.he City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the Corps of Engineers of the Department of the Army of the United States o~ America be and it is hereby requested to permit the City of Clearwater to cause the drawbridge on Memorial Causeway in said City to remain closed each Sunday and each Legal Holiday between the hours of from 4:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M., and to post appropriate signs to that effect, and to properly advertise that said drawbridge ~i1l be so closedj provided, however, that said drawbridge shall be opened for vessels of the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, and duly constituted emergency vessels during said hours. 2. That certified copies of this Resolution be ~orwarded to the Corps of Engineers of ~he Department of ~he Army o~ the United States of America' in Jacksonville, Florida, and that the appropriate officials of the City be and they are hereby authorized to effectuate this Resolution by personal appearances before the said Corps of Engineers and by allor-her appropriate means. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of February, A. D. 1956. /s/ Herbert M. Brown MAYOR-COMMISSIONER Attest: /s/ R. G. Whitehead CI TI AUDI TOR AND CLERK ~..----.. --- ((J~ . '~~.~::[i:~'~.:~.~;~~i:~;~::~.;f~~;.~#~~t~.' , ' I i j r, ',", . . " " ' ... " " ., "'~,::~j"(!~\{:'~:~'t", ,'.? ":'~ i , f:;t/~~:r'~~ .::t..~,' tt~i:;'1' , ',..' , ' , ." . ".." ,.:.~ .: ',:'.,; , :,.,.~.......~..... 1.._1' ':'~';<J;j,'\.'.~\!i'~U:":"'{'l!:r,~';~':';'.~..':,,~....;:,,:..~;,;....~~.: ..,....:.:; :...... ,: i: ~H.. ,,;;.. ; ........ CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 27, 1956 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, after Public Hearing on August 15, A. D. 1955. the City Commission of the City of Clearwater. Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct an 8-inch sanitary sewer and appurtenances in Washington Avenue from ~he existing sani~ary sewer in South Street to a point approximately 90 feet North of Kingsley Street. AND WHEREAS. under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter. after said improvements shall have been completed. the City Commission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting said improvements, and WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and abutting said improvements have been benefited thereby and the pro-rata cost ~hereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the above described improvements in Washington Avenue from South Street to Kingsley Street in the City of Clearwater be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the following described properties facing and abutting and in the vicinity of the aforesaid improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improvements in the following proportions of the cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule. ASSESSMENT WASHINGTON AVENUE SANITARY SEWER FROM SOUTH STREET TO KINGSLEY STREET CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Total Cost of Project: $2345.08 Total Front Feet of Property:1185.l0 Cost per Front Foot: $1.98- Owner 'Front Feet tmerH VI HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION Block H Lot 1 Rawlins Voerster 1349 S. Washington Ave. Clearwater, Florida David J. Cooley 1355 S. Washington Ave. Clearwater, Florida Tet ula M. Mc~1ullen 1361 S. Washington Ave. Clearwater. Florida Tetula M. McMullen Tetula M. McMullen Tetula M. McMullen Lewis F. Kearney 1379 S. Washington Ave. Clearwater, Florida Howard C. Owens 1301 So. Ft. Harrison Ave. Clearwater. Florida John A. Gregg 940 Lantana Avenue Clearwater, Florida Priscella Keith 1384 So. Madison Ave. Clearwater, Florida Tom E. Strickland 1390 So. Madison Ave. Clearwater, Florida C. A. Clayton 1819 38th Ave. No. St. Petersburg, Fla. C. A. Clayton C. A. Clayton C. A. Clayton C. A. Clayton Frank Muscarella. et ale )07 Jasmine Way Clearwater, Florida Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 65 Lot Lot 7 Lot g Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Block G Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 . Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19 i'"..l '. ".~, '. .' ,. ,.. ....,. ',. "", ," " 'Amount 50 $98.94 50 98.94- 50 98.94- 50 98.94 50 98.94 50 98.94 50 98.94- 50 98.94- 50 98.94 50 98.94 92.6 18).24 92.5 183.04 50 98.94 50 98.94 50 98.94 50 98.94 50 98.94 (Conti nued ) - :~no"!JO' _". ~'.~~.~:==~:;;~&!~;~m~:~1:;~!#;~~:;~'~~i;...' g~TY COMMISSION MEETING February 27, 1956 (Continued) Pro~ry Owner Fro~~ Feet ro~nt Lot Frank Muscarella, et al 8. ~ Lot 21 Mattie Daniel Williams 50 98.94- 134-8 So. Washington Ave. Clearwa~er, Florida ;0 98.94- Lot 22 Robert Wesley Dunn. ( . 511 Turner Street Clearwater, Florida 50 98.94- Lot 2.3 Mattie D. Williams Lot 24- Mattie D. Williams lli~.fO .2:&~: 6~ TOTALS 3. That if assessments herein made are not paid within t.hirty (30) days from t.he date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell Certificates of Indebtedness under Section 124- of the City Charter, which certificates shall bear int.erest at ~he rate of 8% per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the ~oregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of February, A. D. 1956. /s/ Herbert M. Brown MAYOR-COMMISSIONER ATTEST: /s/ R. G. Whitehead CITY AUDI'rOR AND CLERK ----------~-------------------~-----------------~---~---------~----------------- . , .',' " -., ,.-."':."......""....t.t.....~i!l..,..,......lJ".'\ol"~....(I....i~J/~t".t'<'<!...,;..'.: .':fl~:.;':':' ,.;~~: .:':.'f, .,' � � CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 27, 195� The Gity Commission of the Ciry of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, February 27, 1g56, at I;30 ?'.M. wit,h the iollowing mFmbers pre�en�: W. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Cleveland Insco� Jr. Samuel J. N.oberts Absent: Herbert M. Brown Also present were: F. C. Middleton Chas. M. Phillips, G. �, 1VlcClamma S, �ickton C'orr�aissioner C.orumis sioner Commissioner Connnissioner Mayor-Gor�nissioner City Manager Jr. City Attiorney Chief of Police City Engineer Tne City Attor�ney called the meeting to order and announced that it would be nacessary r,o elect. a Mayor pro tem as Mayor Brown was absent. Commissione,r B�hannon moved that Commissioner Strang be e].ected Mayor pro tem. i�Sotion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried u�animously. The Ci*,y Manager reported that two bids had been rec�3ved t;o cover GBneral Comgrehsnsive I,iai�ility and Property Damage Insurance far the Gity for one year sr,art,ing March b, 1956. He read t:he letter from Nlr. Yala F. W�dig, represent;ing the General Insurance Agents Association, �rhich proposed a one year policy from �he America_n F3re and Casualty Company, Orlando, Florida, far an annual premium of �'], $65, 27, a fl.at charge premium not sub ject f o audir, . A ler,ter was read from ti[r. John Meek, President of the Clearwater Associafiion of Insurance Agents, which �f£ered a policp to be written by the Travelers Insurance Company through the Roger �, Bouchard Agency, Clearwa+,er, for an annual premium of �9,235.Ok, subject to audit for number of miles oi streets. The letter recommended +,hat the expira- tion date of the City's Workmen's Gor�pensation policy, now writt;en by the Travelers Insurance Company and expiiing Octnber l, 1g56, be made to coincide with the ex- piration date of the General Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage polioy in order that the two policies could be written by +,he same company and to avoid the possibility of split resgonsibilit,y in TTborderlins" cases. Mr. NieekTs letter offered a rate of �5,273.97 for .t,he General Comprehensive I,iability an� Proper�p Damage Insurance to O��+ober 1, 1956. Commissioner Roberts moved +hat the Cor�mission consider this and thA.t it be put on the agenda for the next regular meeting, March 5th, for final consideration and approval. Motion was seconded by Commissioner �ohannon and carried unanimousiy. The City Manager presented a sketch showing an alley running north and south between Lo�s 12, 13 and ll� and Lot 15 of Block 3, Bayview Terrac� Subdivision. He reported that there had been a request from i�r. Rober� Wilson, attorney, to vacate this alley in property which was formerly in the City but was now in the County. He reported t,ha�t the City Engineer had stated +.hat he could see no reason to object to it bein� closed. Commissioner Bohannon said he thought r,he Ci�Gy should object to havin� it closed as it was possible that *,he subdivision would be annexed to the City again. The i�ayor appointed � Committee of Commissioner Bohannon and the City attorney to check on the matter. Major Oswald Kluege3 said t.hat r,he property concerned was his and that the adjoining neighbors had agreed to vacating tl�e alley. Mr. Wilson res�orted +,Yiat the vacation had already been approved by the County. A Resolution was read authorizing the payment of �6 1�07.92 to Briley, Wild and Associa�es for serviaes in preparing plans and spec �c�ations for the new storm sewer projec� (South Garden, Franklin and Haven Street) from the Construction Trust Fiznd by the First National Bank, Trus�ee. Coiainissioner Roberts moved that this Resolution aut.P�orizing the bank to pay tnis amount specified in the invoice to the Briley, Wild firm be approved, and the proper officials be authorized to sign it, Motion was secc�nded by Coffinissioner Insco and carrizd unanimously. C'Ammissioner Roberts reported t hat only one bid had been receaved to lsase the south end of the p•Ark in City Park Subdivision for a miniature golf course and to take over management and maintenance of the City s huffleboard courts located in the nori;h end or the property. Comr,iissioner Roberts read �he proposal submitted by Mr. H. Lamar Rankin which included constructioz;� and operation of a miniature golf course, operation and maintenance of the shuffleboard courts, maintenance of Lhe shrubbery, paying for all licenses, utility bil}.s, t,axes and insurance, year around operati�n of +.he facilities, selling of soft drinks, sandwiches, etc. The proposal offered to lsase +,he pro erty for a period of five �ears, subject to renewal by the City, for a rental of �5U.00 per month ar for 10.00 a monY,h rental and lOp of tne gross ineome. Commissioner Roberts suggested a minimum renbal of ��0.-00 per month and 10� of gross income over �6,000.00 per year, which was agreeable to the proposed lessee. During the discussion, it was suggested that the garbaoe cans should be screened so as not to be unsightly. Cammissioner Strang commented t,hat a recapture clause of some .+,ype should be included in t:he lease and that t,he proposed layout of the golf course should be attached to the lease. It was also recomrnended that the City equipment for the shuffleboard aourt: be inventoried and transferred ta the lessee. Commissioner G� _2_ CITY COMMISSION NLETING Febru�ry 27, 1956 Robarts, repor,ting for the Commi*.,tee, stated it was t:he Committee�s recommendation r,hat the Cit;y enter into a lease for a miniature golf co�u•se, terms to be embodied in tha lease drawn up by the City Artorney for the approval of the Comm3ssior_. Comm3.ssioner Roberts moved that the Co�nission accept the proposal of H. Lamar Rankin; that r,he Gity Abt�orney be instruc�ed to prspare a'lease at �50.00 per month plus 10� of gross incoma over �`6i000.00 for the rental of the property discussed including the operation of t he shuffleboard court on Clear:•�ar,er Beach; tnat the lease be bro�ht back to + he Commissian for consideration and final approval at the next regular meeting on lfarch 5th; that Lamar Rankin and associates be pernitted tp start; prepara�:ions for the building of +his min�ature golf course immediately. Motion was seconded by Commissionsr Bohannon and carri ed unanimously. The Assistan* City Attorney, B. J. T�river, presented copies of a proposaci traffic ordinance for the Commission�s information and study. He stat;ed this was not the final ordinance as several revisions had been su;gested by Chief McClamma, the City Engineer, and the Safer,y Council and t:hat +,hose corr�ctions would be submit.Y,ed when t.he Ordinance was present.ed for passage. i,ommissioner Bohannon asked Mr. Driver to find ou+: ii other ci�ies on *.he West Coast have adopted ordinances similar t:o t;his NatiQnal Model Tiaffic Ordinance. By consent, the Commission instructed the City Manager, the City Prosecutor and the City Attorney to see that t11is in.iormation is prepared and submit; the ordinance for approvai at t;he second regular meeting in March (March 19). A letter was read from M�. William B, Albrecht of Johnson, Albrecht & Mann, advising the Commissian that Nessrs. Albert Rogers and Edward Jack�on, as c;aners of the Yerxa Tract north of Sun�et Point Road at the intersection of Highland Avenue, are cont,emplating a residential development of the proper�ty and have expressed interest in having it arrnexed inc.o t.he City, if the Gity will extend sewar and water linas to a point adja��nt r,o said proper�y and if tlze zo�ing would be in accordance with �;hat shown on the master plan. Comanissioner Roberts moved �hat the proposed plat with yir-. Alk�xecht's leti;er be referred to Ghe Planning Eoard ard to the City En�ineer fox tri::m tc cons�der and bring t�ack with recommenda- tzons. Motion was seconded by GomTuissioner In:co and carried unanimous7.y. The Mayor appointed a Committee of Commissioners �ohannon and Roberts to work with different Departments on this, along with the iKanager, �he City Ar�ornev ar_d Gity Engineer so *.hat +.his question of City utilir.ies can be decided. The Manager stated +hat he appreciated +.lze cooperation of these developers in-wanting to complete the development according to +.he specifications og Ordinance 632. Z`he Dlayor said the Commission greatly wel�omed rhis type of developmant and hoped that the City would be able to service this prop�rty as the area becween the pla� and the C�.ty was quite large. The City Attarney read a Resolution assessing the cost of the construct,ion of an eight anch sani+,ary sewer in Washington A�enue from the existing sanitary sewer in South 5treet to a point approximately 90 feet north of Kingsley Stree� againsr, the 'benefited properties. Commissioner Bohannon moved t,hat the Resolutior_ be ad.opted and that the proper City officials be authorized f.o sign +.his Resolu�ion, Motion was seconcied by Co�anissioner Insco and carried unanimouslZ*. Assistant Cit� Attorney Driver in+.roduced Detective-Sergeant Frank Daniels of the Police Department to the Commissioners and asked Sergeant Daniels to explain the purpose of proposed Qrdinance 701 which woula provide for registration of certain convicted criminals. Sergeant Daniels stated that the Ordinance had been requested by the Ci#y Detective Bur�au as it would hel� the Police Department by requiring tliose persans coming into *,own who have been incarcerated for Ycaving committed a f elony *o register, be photographe-d and fir.ger printed and those records would �e immediately available if one of �hase pers�ns commi+.f;ed another crime here. T.he Ordir_ance was recomrr.ended by t,he City Manager and the Chief of Police. The Gity Attorney read the Ordinance. ��omnissioner Inseo moved +,hat Oxdinance 701 be passed on ir,s first reading. Mot3an was second.ed by Commissioner Bohannan and carried w,aniMously. Co�nissioner Insco moved +.hat Ordinance 701 be considered on its second reading by title only by unanimous consent of the Commission. MoY.ion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City A�torney read th� Ordinance by t:itla only. Commissioner Insco moved that Ordinance 701 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Gommissioner Bohannon and aarried unanimously. Ry conaent;, it was agreed that the third reading of the Ordinance be deferred to the second meeting in �4larch (March 19th). During the discussion, it was suggested by the C�mmissioners r,hat, a penalty clause sh�uld be included in the Ordinance and the Cit;y Attorney was instructed to amend the Ordinance be fore th� third reading. Commissioner Bohannon reported that he was planning ta write a series oi three arr,icles on prerequisi*es for a man planning to run for public office, the Ci�y administration, the duties and obligations of aitizens, etc., and asked the City At�orney if r:here would be any objection. 'Phe Mayor suggested r,hah the Ci,�y Ar,torney investigate and then discuss +,he matter wif;h Gommissioner Bohannon. �� �3- CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 27, 195b A Resolutior� was read directed �;a �the Corps of Engineers, U.S. I�rmy, asking that the City be permitted to close the drawbridge on Memorial Causeway each Sunday between the hours of 4.:30 P.M, and 7:00 P.M. except to vEasels of the United StatQs Navy, the United S4;ates Coast Guarfl and emergency vessels. The Resolution set ovt the reason for such ac�ion as being �he unusually heavy volume of r,raffic handled by s;he �auseway during those hours on Sunday. The Maqqr suggestecl fihat a clause be inserr,ed about t�he volume of traffic making i4 impossible for emergency vehicles to t.raverse r,his Causeway during e;hi.s period. Commissi oner Roberts c�mmenteti it might Yre well to include Iega1 holidays as well as Sundays, A communi�at3on was read from Sergeant Walter Carey s+,ating that after careful study of the Beach traffic for severa� Sundays he recommended closing s:he drawbridge berween 4:30 P.?�i. ancl 7:00 P.M. to alleviate congestion of traffic. It w as suggested by I�Ir. Arthur Kruse, P�anning Board Chairman, that some o£ t,he Army Engineers might make a personal inspecr,ian when they are here for a Public Hearing on �°larch 13th. Commissioner Insco moved that the Resolution as amended be adopted and that the appropria}e officiala be authorized to execute it and send 3t f.o Jacksonville by special delivery. Motion was seconded by Coarmiissioner Roberts and carried unanimously, The City Manager presented a work ozder for �510.00 for renovating the old Coachman ho�Kse adjacent to t,he Library now owntd by r,he City in order to move fihe Recreation Department and the Civil Service Department into the building. He sxplained that the work would include pain�ing, partiti�ns and revamping the furnace. Gorrnnis sior_er Sohannon moved thaY, the City Manager's recommendation f�r a work order for $�5io.00 to put the Osceola property in suitable condir,ion .ior triese two Department,s be approved. Motion was seconded by Coromissioner Roberts and carried unanimously. Commissioner Roberts suggested since the lease for *,he Building Inspec+,ion Departrnent was expiring izi +.he near future, it might be well to �onsider mov�.ng �ha� Department to the property on Nor�h Osceola Avenue also. The Mayor commented thai; it might be bet:ter to move the Buildino Inspecta.on Departmsnt in with +:h� �ngineering Department, if possible, as they are closel3� related and it would be more convenient for the gEneral public to keep tha Deparr,nent closer to City Hall. Commissioner Insco requested the Cir,y Manager ta make a recommendation on the subject at next MondayTs meeting. A lettsr was read from the-City Treasurer requesting r,ha� the Commission authorize tre transfer of p1�,662.20 from t,he Florida Power Franchise Fund to the Recreation Revenue Certificate Sinking Fund to br9_ng it up to requiremen�s. Gommissioner Roberts suggested +haf; +.he Commission should consider some plari for a more varied use ot i;he Jack Russell Stadium to increase +,he revenue, such as cor_structing a movable stage. Commissioner Bohannon moved upon the Gi,�y Treasurer�s and City Manager's recommendation tPat t,he Cit,y transfer from tne Florida Potrer Franchise Fund �10,662.20 to the Recreation Revenue Sinking Fund. Mption was seconded by Commissioner Robert;s and carried unanimo�ly. The City Attorney presented a Resolution rrhich would dedicate as a publ.ic park the area owned by the City between C�lumet Street and +,he channel of Stevenson Greek. By consent, the Kesolution was deferred to the next re gular meeting, NIarch $tlz. Coum�issioner Bohannon su`gested that �he City try +,o acquire title to fihe remainder of the submerged land on +he south side of *he creek west of the railroad bridge. The City Manager reported that +.he dredging project; in Stevenson Creek was very nearly compler,ed and said it had been su�gest;ed +,hat owr.ers o? t:he property on *.he norr.h side of Sunset Point Drive would permi� +.he Ci�y +,o pump fill from t.he mud flat on t:he3r low land and straight;en up +-he north bank of Stevenson Creek and that he also had a 1e4;�er from two property owners at `he easfi eand of Calumet Stree� permi*.ting the Ci�y �o clean out fihe channel. Commissione.r Insco inc�uired when +,he bssin at the iiarina would be dredged out and was informed that it would be necessary to dismamr,2e +,he dredge t.,o take i+, out of the Stevenson Creek basin, that it would +,ake about ten �ays to finish +he work under discussion, and +hat +.he dr�dge could t,hen be moved +..o the tiiarina to dradge out t.he slips in connection wi�h pumping in the west end for the seawall constractzon. The Mayor cammented t;hat he v�ould be opposed to usinP�`he Gityfs operating money to pump up land for private property owners unlass they pay for the work or give the City extra right of way for the widening of Sunset Point Road. lhe City Engineer reported that the Planning Board was recommending a 100 foo+ righ+, of wag fOY' Sunset Point noad. By consent, the City Niana.ger was ins}ructed to have the cost of the pumping estimated ei*,her on an hourly basis or by the cubic yarc't and the Engineer was asked to make a xecommendai;ion on �:he r.ight oi wap rEquirements and an estimate of how much land would be f illed at the nex* regular meeting on March 5th. The AZanager asked when the Commission would like to cozsider appz�oval of the charter ior t he Regional Planning Board again. He reported that it was �ormerly deferred until it could be discussed wit;h *.he County PZannin,g Board and tha County Engineer. The Ma;�vr asked the City Ar,-�orney +,o check to see if there i•�as any conflict bettiveen the powers oi the County Zoning Board and the Regional Planning Board. He suggested that the Cominission could give the Manager an answer a•r the nex� �eeting as to when it snould be placed on the agenda again. There being no furthsr business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjo rned at 3;55 P,I�. Attest: Mayor-Commissioner v/• . L�' City Auditor an Clerk � GITY C�'I,'�'lTSSION NiEETING February 27, 1956 Mayor Gonunissioner Herbert NI. Brown Commissioners: W. E. Strang, Jr., J. N. B�hannon Cleveland Insco, Jr., Samuel J. Roberts Gentlemen: February 23, 1956 The City �ouanission will meet in 5pecial Session in *he �ity Hall Auditorium on Monday afternoon, February 27, 1956 for the purpose of discussing the items listed on the attached agenda, Meeting tirae will be at 1:30 P.M. FCM:s Enclosures l, 2. 3. 4. 5. Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton City �lanager Agenda - City �ommission Meeting of February 27, 1956 City Hall Audit,orium 1:30 P.M. SPECIAL Opaning �f bids for General Comprehensive Liability and Prc�perty Damage Insurance. Cormnission's consideration of: A. Vacating alley in Bayview Terrace Subdi.vision. (Was uriginally subdivided in �ity - now ou.*.sid�) B. Resolution on invoice of Briley, F;ild and Associates ;for storm sewer plans and specifications. C, Committee report with reference t;o leasing l�each prop�:rty. D. Proposed '^raffic Ordinance. E. Letter from Wiliiam B. Albrecht with reierence to pro��osed development and annexation of same. Corrmission's consideration of iterns from the �ity Attorney�s Office: A. Assessment Rasolutio� - �h'ashington t�venus sanitary sewer from South atreet to Kingsley Street. B. Crdinance No. 7�1, Registration of Cer�ain Canvicted Crirrinals. C. Resolution Pegardin� closin� of Drawbridge during certai,n hours on uunday s . Utility Improvements. Any o�her item not on Lhe agenda will 3e considered with the consent of �hs Cor�ission. Board of i.ity Commissioners City of Clearwater Clearwa�er, Florida Gentlemen: February 23, 1956 � This is to advise you *.hat I�Iessrs. Alber.+, Rcgera and Edward Jackson as owners of the Yerxa '�ract in N. E. Clearwater are presentl�� planning a residential development of 100 acres in size. In planning discussions, to date these ger.tlemen have expressed an infierest in having this proper�ty ar.�nexed into t,he Cit of Clearwater. The subject Lract, described as, t.he NW� of the NW�, the SW� of the NW� and the �1� of` the SE� of t,� Ny,r� of Section 2, Twp. 29, Rge. 15 E, is shown on the enclosed map. These gentlemer_ are willing to cooperate ��ith the city in the fur+;lier planning of this develo�ment and make improvem�n+,s to city sp ecification as outlined in Ordinance 632. Their decisicn is contingent, however, upon city extension of existing municipal sewage and water faci lities on Sur_set Poin*, Road or Highland kvenue to a point adjacent to said property a nd the zoning of this tract as shown on t,he enclo�eci Master p1an. Would it be possible for the city t,o give us the benefit of their feelings on this mat�er at this time. WBA/mr s • �ncl.osure Very truly yours, JQHNSON, ALBRECHT & MANN /s/ William B, Albrecht (1625 South I�isaouri Avenue) 1..� l(,." CITY COMNQSSTON MEETING February 2'], 195b RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Briley, Wild and Associates were retai,ned by the �ity of Clearv�ai;er as Consulting Engineers by conrract dated November 10, 1q53, and WHEREAS, the said �ngineers have performed services in the nat.ure of preparing plans dncl specifications for construction of storm sewers and l�ave performed the last services necessarily pertinent thereto, and WHEREAS, there is due and payabl,e said Engi:�e�rs from tkie City of Clearwater the sum of �6,1�07.92, for the foregoing consirlerations according to the statement of said Engineers dated February 9, 1956, a copy of which is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. I�OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City �oimnission of the Cxty of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regu3arly ass�mbled as follows: l. That the sum of �b,1;0'7.92 be pa'd from *,he Cons4ruction Trust Fund held by The First National Bank of Clearwater, Cle�rwater, Florida, Trustee, aecor�ing t;o th� Construction Trust Fund Agreement dated November 2$, 1955, which Construction Trust Fund is derived from �he proceeds of the sale of Utility Revenue Certificates, Series of 1955. 2, That a certified copy o.f this Resolution be delivered forthwith to said Trustee, which said certified coFy sha11 consti�ute the directian of the City of Clearwater to said Trustee to pay the foregoing sum directly to *.he said Engineers forthwith in compliance with Section 3(b) and other pro�risions of said Canstruction Trust Fund �tgreement . PASSED AND aDOPTED THIS 2'7th DAY OF February, 1�56. ATTEST: �s/ R. G� k'hitehead CITY AUDITQR AATD GLERk /s/ Herbert M. Brown MAYOR�COiUiR�1IS SIONER RESOLi3TI0N WHEREA3, M�morial Causevray i� *,he City of �iearv�ater, Pinellas County, Florida, is the sole connecting link between the mainland and Clearwater Beach Island in t he City of Clearwater, and accordingly handZes an unusually heavy volume of traffic, especially during the hou�� of �.:30 P.M. and �:00 P,M. each Sunday and each Legal Holida3�, and V3HEREAS, ths volume of traffic over said Memorial Causeway at such times is so heavy that automobiles are bumper to bumper filling two t.raffic lanes over the entire causeway and for considerable dis}ances on +he east and tne west approaches to sai� causeway, makir.g trar-ersing the causeway by emergency vehicles impossible or extreme].y hazardous, and WHER�AS, said �iemorial Causeway traverses the Intra-Coastal Glaterway with a dra�vbridge facility, and WHEREAS, the raising of the said dx��wbridge during the foregoing hours of each Sunday and each I,egal Holiday magnif3es the traffic problem to in�olerable proportions, anci is seriously detrimeatal to the interests of the inhabitants oi the City of Clearwater� NO��F, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLUED by the �ity Conli,iission of +;he City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and reo larlp assembled as follows: 1. That the Cosp� of En�ineers of the Department of the Army of the United States of Am�rica be and it is hereby requested to permit the Gity of Glearwater to cause the drawbridge on Memorial Causetivay in said Ci�ty to remain closed each Sunday dnd each Lega1 Holiday betwaen the hours of from �.:30 F�M. to 7:00 P.M., and to post appropriata signs to that effect, and to properly advertise that said drawbridge will be so closed; provided, however, that said drawbridge shall be opened for vessels of thP Unit ed States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, and duly constituted emergency vessels durinQ said hours. 2. Tha� certified copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the Corps of Engine��s of +;he Department of the Army of the United States of America• in Jacksonv:ille, Floridax and that the appropriate ofi'icials of the Gi�y be and they are hereby authorized to effectuate this Resolution by personal appearances before the said Corps oi Engineers and by all other appropriate means. PASSED AND ADOPTED thxs 27th day of February, A. D. 1956, �s� HerberL- M. Brown MAYOR-C �+II SS IONE R Attest: /s/ �t. G, tdhit ehead CITS: AtiDITOR AND CLERK . . . .. . � "�1 � � CITY COMMISSTON MEETING February 27, 195b RESOZUTION WHEREAS, after Public Hearing on August 15, A. D. 1955, the Ci�y Commission of the City of Clearwat�r, Florida, determined that �._�tain work and improvemen�s hereinaiter described should b e done and made, and WHEREA4, pursuant thereto said improvemen�s Y;.ave been made as follows: Construct an 8-inch sanit,ary sewer ana appurtenances in Washingtan Avenue frAm the existing sanitary sewer in South Street to a point approximately 90 ieet North of Kingsley Stxeet. AND 4+IHEREAS, Lnder the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of t,ha City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completad, the City Gommission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting said improvement s, and WI�REAS, certain parcels of real es�;ate f acing and abutting said improvements have been b��efited thereby and the g�ro-rata cost thsreof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOStT, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV�D by i;he City �ommission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the above described improvements in Washington Avenue f.ron� South Street. to Ki�ngsley Street �n the City oi Clearwater be and i.he same are hereby accepted and approved as having been cornplet,ed. 2. That the following described proparties facing and abutting and in the vicini•ty of the aforesaid improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improvements in the following proportions of the cost t hereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance wirh the follnwing schedule. ASSESSMENT WASHINGTON AVEN E SA3�TIT�+RY SEWER FROM SOUTH STREET TQ KINGSLEY STREET CITY OF CLEARWA�ER., FLORIUA Total Ccst og Project: �2345•�$ Total Front Feet of Propertysll$5,10 Cost per Front Foot: �1.9$- yro�erty Owner �Front Feet °Amount LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS SUBAIYISION Block H Lot 1 Rawlins Voerster 50 �9$.94 Lot 2 I�ot 3 Lot .4 Lot 5 Lot b Lot 7 Lot � Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Block G Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 1$ Lot 19 1349 S. Washington kee. Clearwater, Florida David J. Cooley 1355 S. Washington Ave. Glearwa�er, Florida Tetula M. McD4ullen J.361 S. Washington �ve. Clearwater, Florida Tetula M. McNiullen Tetul:a M. t�cMullen Tetula M. i�cNfullen Lewis F. Kearney 1379 S. Washington Ave. Clearwater, Florida Howard C. Owens 1301 So. Ft. Harrison Ave. Clearwater, Florida Joh�n A. Gregg 94.0 Lantana Avenue Clearwater, Florida Priscella Kaith 13$4 So. Madison Ave. Glearwater, Florida Tom E. Strickland 1390 So. Madison Ave. Clearwater, Florida C. A. Clayton 1819 3$th Av�. No. St. Petersburg, Fla. C. A. Clay�on G. A. Clayton C. A. Glayton C. A, Clayton �rank Muscarella, et al. 30� Jasmine Way C"learwater, Florida 50 50 50 5a 50 50 50 92.6 92.5 50 5� 50 50 9$.94. 9$ • 94• 9$e94 9$.94 9$.94 9$.94 �$.94 9$.94 9$.94 1$3.z4 1$3.04 9�.9� 9$.94 9$.94 9$.94 9$.94 {Continued} CI'i'� CONIMISSION MEE�'ING -February 27, 1956 (Continued) Propertv Owner Front Feet Amount Lot 20 Frank Muscarella, et al 50 q$;cj4 Lot 21 Mattie Daniel Williams 5� 9$.94 �-34$ So. Washington Ave, Clearwa+er, Florida Lot 22 Robert Wesley Dunn. 50 9$.94 . 511 Turner St re et Clearwater, Florida Lot 23 Mattie D. 49illiams 5� 9$.94 Lot 24. Mattie D. Willaams __.50 9$�,9�� TOTI�LS 11�.10 �z34�` 5.0�� 3. That if assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from t:he date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell Certificates of Indebtedness under Section 121� of the City Charter, which cert;ificates shall bear interest at +he rate of $� per axinum against the f oregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing +..hirby-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2']ti� �ay oi' February, A. D. 1956. /s� Herbert �2e Brown MAYOR-GOMMISSIONER ATTEST: /s/ R. G. Whitehead >ITY AUDITOR AND CLERK .