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November 28, 1?55
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday,
November 28, 1955, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present:
Herbert M. Brown
Guy L. Kennedy'
Jack Russell
~. N. Bohannon
*W. E. Streng, Jr.
*Absent at first meeting.
Came in later.
Also pr~sent were:
F. C. !-tl.ddleton
Chas. M. Phillips, Jr.
Capt. We D. Booth
City Manager
City Attorney
Representative of Police Chief
The ~yor called the meeting to order and announced that the first item to be considered
\fOu1d be the Engineer's report on Cleveland Street storm sewer drainage. The City Manager reported
that the City Engineer had recommended running a twelve inch line from M~. Blackburn's property
(Lot 3, Block 1, ~.agnolia Park) to 'the Myrtle Avenue storm sewer to relieve the flood condition
on Cleveland at an es'tirneted cost of $950.00. The City Manager 8uggested that this be fin~ced
by noney from the part of the new U'tility Revenue Certificate fund allocated for storm sewers.
The V~yor suggested deciding on the financing when the bids were received. Conmissioner Bohannon
moved that the City Engineer an~ the Ci'ty Manager's recommenrlation for relieving this situation
be approved and that bids be taken. V.otion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried
In regard to the bids for fire hose of various sizes, the City Manager recommended accepting
the low bid of ~g6;.BO from Bert Lowe Supply Company, Tampa. Commissioner Russell moved that the
recommendation of the City Manager be approved to give Bert Lowe Supply Company of Twnpa the bid
ror ea65.80. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
Regarding the bids for eighteen dozen unirorm shirts ~or the Fire Depart~ent opened at the
last meeting, the City ~~nager recommended accepting the low bid of $646.20 from Kaley Shirts~ Inc.,
Bi8coe, : N'orth Carolina. Commissioner Kennedy noted that the bid from J. C. Penney Company,
CleaM'later, was only $J_.80 more then the low bid and guaranteed delivery- in thirty days instead
of the siJ<:ty days indicated by the Kaley Shirt Company. Commissioner Bohannon moved that the
proper authorities be authorized to place the order wi t.h J. C. Penney with delivery in thirt.y
days. ~btion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
Concerning the bids for n~ carloads of clay sewer pipe and fittings, the City Manager
recommended accepting the low bid of $1,512.04 from Oconee Clay Produqts, }alledgevil1e, Georgia.
Commissioner Russell moved that the City ~anBger's recommendation be approved and the bid be given
to the low bidder, Oconee Clay Products, }~lledgevilleJ Georgia, for the swn of $11512.04. Motion
was seconded by Corranissioner K'9nned~r and carried unanimouslYe
The City ,~.ttorne:f reportec1 that he ha.d conferred ~ th ~:.r. Taver Bayly, President of the First
National Bank, and Xr. L. C. Chapell, Vice President and Trust Officer of the First National Bank,
regarding setting up the Const'Nction Trust Fund A.greement required for the new Utility Revenue
Cert~ficate issue. He explained that the bond ordinance required that the money be held by a national
bank, t.hat the bank have trust facilities and that the First National Bank was the only- one in
Clearwater meeting those requireroonts. He read a Resolution which designated the First National
Bank of Cleanfater as Trustee :for the purposes set out in Ordinance 684 and in the Construction
Fund Agreement dated November 28, 1955. The Resolution also contained specia1 provisions relating
to the Construction Fund Agreement and set a fee basis for the Truatee. The ~yor sug~8ted a
revision which was noted by the City A'ttorney for inclusion in the Resolution. Commissioner Kenne~
moved the adoption of the Resolution as amended. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and
carried unanimously.
The c~ty Manag~r presented a replst which would vacate Blocks 1-19, Marymont Subdivision.
He explained that this area was all Ci'ty-owned property and w::>u1d revert to acreage. The City
At'torney in explaining the necessary- procedure to follow said it w>uld be necessary for the
Comn1ssioners to sign the plat as Trustees of the Sinking Fund. Commiss! oner Kennedy moved that
the replat be approved and that the Commission as Trustees of the Sinldng Fund end ot.her appropriate
ct,fioial- be authorized to execute the plat and present it to the County of Pine~las to accomplish
the vacation of the fonner plat and the placing on record o:f the replat. !.fotion was seconded by
Commdssioner RUssell and carried unanimous~.
Canm1i.ssioner St.rang came in at this time - 2:15 P .K.
A letter was read from Mr. Dick Baker, President o:f the Clearwater Tennis Club, requesting
that. the tennis facilities in Clearwater be improved and suggesting that ten courts and 8 clubhouse
be bu1l~ on Maple Street in the Hillcrest section adjacent to the Cloarwater Country Club area. The
letter suggested a meeting of a committee from the Tennis Club with the Recreation Board and. reprasen-
tati.ves from tennis court construction firms. Mrs. Edgar Beeland, member of the Tennis Club, pointed out
that. t.here is not room for expansion of the courts near the Municipal. Auditorium and said the Olub
wou1d agree to the construction of a few courts at a time if nece,ssllry. Commissioner Russell moved
that. t.he Mayor appoint a Comndtt.ee t.o meet \dth the Tennis Club to find out exactly how they wmt
,thes6 p1aced on the property and also the City Manager to find out the approximate costs. Motion
Y88 seconded by Ooam.ad.oner Stra'1g and carried unanimously. The Mayor referred the mat.ter to
the Parka Oommi:ttee - Comnissioners Strang and Russell.
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Commissioner Kennedy reporting for the Tax Settlement Committee stated that they had
investigated the request of l{r. E. P. Buckenmeyer, attorney for Dr. H. E. Pontius, for an
adjustment on the Union Street paving assessment against Lot 4, Rainbows End. He reported
that Lot 3, Rainbows End, had been granted iDllllWlity from the paving assesslOOnt at the time
of the Public Hearing as the lot facod Edgewater Drive and was adequately served from the Union
Street side by a narrow paving already there. He said Dr. Pontius contended that his lot was
also served by this strip of paving am did not benefit by the wider paving; therefore,
Dr. Pontius was requesting a refund of $114.30 the amount paid for the paving assessment.
Commissioner Russell moved that in regard to this assesszrent that Dr. Pontius be refunded
$114.30 for his part of the paving of Union Street and be charged for the curb and gutters
and other drainage costs which he has already paid. Motion was seconded by Commission Kennedy
and carried unanimously.
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Commissioner Kennedy reported that the Tax Settlement Committee had also considered a request
from Mr. L. A. Breeden for an adjustment in the assesstJent of $3U.75 assessed April 18, 1949,
against Lots 23 and 24, Block B, Highland Grove Subdivision, for the paving of San Remo Avenue.
He reported that by action of the Commission on May 3, 1954, Mr. James Hyman had been permitted
to pay the face amount of the assessment against Lots 24 and 25, Block A, Hign1and Grove, and
that the interest and costs had been waived. Commissioner Strang moved that Mr. Breeden be
required to pay the face amount of the lien with interest waived to the date of the settlement
on Lots 24 and 25. Block A, Highland Grove, (l~y 3, 1954) with interest to be charged from that
date to the present date if paid within thirty days. 140tion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy
and carried unanimously.
,." ."
A letter was read from ~~. S. W. Curtis, Principal of Pinellas High School, requesting that
the City contribute $400.00 to the band for purchasing new instruments and the repairing of some
old instruments. Commissioner Russell moved that the request from Pinel1as High School for a
donation of $400.00 to their band for new instruments and repairing old ones be granted, the
money to be taken out of the Special Events Fund. Motion was seconded by Conunissioner Kennedy
and carried unanUnously.
A petition was read si gned by eie)1. ty-fi ve parents from the Bel1eair School area requesting that
Lakeview Avenue be widened from Vdssouri to Greenwood Avenue, that the sidewalk on the north side
of Lakeview Avenue be extended to the ~issouri Avenue intersection, and that a manual~ operated
traffic light be installed at Greenwood and Lakeview. Mrs. Clara Reid, Principal of Bel1eair
School, described the dangerous traffic situation created by children walking and bicycling to
school along the narrow paving on Lakeview. Commissioner Strang was of the opinion that widening
the street ~uld be of more benefit than constructing the sidewalk as there are no existing side-
walks on Lakeview or Missouri at that point. The City YJ8.nager reported that the City has a sixty
foot right of way for Lakeview and estimated that it would cost $20,000.00 to install drainage
in the ditch on the north side, put curbs in, resurface the road and rebuild the sidewalk. The
Mayor commented that there is a new law that makes the County liable for access roads to schools and
suggested it might be possible after surveying the problem to divide up the financial responsibility.
By consent, the matter was referred to the City P4nager to have the project engineered to get an
estimate of cost and then the Commission will see if there is any way to divide the responsibility.
The City Manager presented a work order for ~250.00 to cover the cost of a water cooler and a
bulletin board for the Community Club Center on Pierce Street. Commissioner Strang moved the
Manager's recommendation be adopted, and a work order be approved in the amount of $250.00. Motion
was seconded by ColID'Dissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
The City l~ager recommended approval of a work order for $550.00 for necessary expenditures
for the Safety Council for the balance of the year as there was no appropriation in the budget.
Co~ssioner Russell moved that $550.00 be given to the Safety Council for materials and necessary
expenditures for the balance of the year at $50.00 per month. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Bohannon and carried unanimously.
A work order for $200.00 was presented by the City r.1anager to cover the cost of reproducing
the census tract maps for the Engineering Department. Commissioner Bohannon moved that the
Manager's recommendation be approved to make up the census tract maps for the amount of $200.00.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang requested
that the atlas maps used by the Commissioners be brought up to date by including the new subdi vi-
The City Manager reconmended approval of a work order for $785.00 to cover cost of building
a body and hoist for the new two ton truck for the Public Service Department. Conunissioner Strang
moved that the work order in the amount of $785.00 be approved. Hotion was seconded by Conm1ssioner
Kennedy and carried unanimously.
In regard to improvements to make use of the old home on the Clearwater Conservatory of Husic
property (now O\ffl.ed by the City), the Manager asked that a Committee be appoint,ed including the
Mayor to confer on how mooh of the building is to be used for a Library Annex and what portion
should be devoted to the historical museum previously suggested by the Commission. After discus-
sion, it was agreed that the Mayor should appoint a Committee. The Mayor appointed himself,
Commissioner Bohannon and Commissioner Kennedy to serve on the Committee for this purpose.
A contract was presented wi. th Wakeling and Levison, Architects, to cover plans for aJ.tera-
tions to the I-funicipal Auditorium. It included a fee of six per cent if the 'hOrk did not exceed
$125,000.00 and if it exceeds that figure, the fee to be five and three-quarters per cent for
work up to i250,OOO.OO. Commissioner Strang moved that the contract be approved subject to the
City Attorney and the City Manager getting together with the architect to set up a sliding scale
of so much for preliminary plans, so much for working drawings, so much for supervision if the
project goes through and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Bohannon suggested that the Merchants' Association be commended for the Santa
C1aUfl parade they sponsored on November 26th, and comented that he thought it should be an
annual attair with perhaps some of the -churches participating in it also. Commissioner Bohannon
DlOVed that the City Attorney be authorized to make up a Resolution thanking the Merchants Aseo-.
eiation. Motion was seconded by' Comdssioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
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The Commission again ~onsidered the zoning of Fairburn Addition and the Zoning Board's report
was read again recommending the following zoning:
Blocks A, B and C
Block F, Lots 8-14; Block G, Lots 5-12;
Block H, Lots 5 and 6.
Block D, Lots 1-6; Block E, Lots 1-7;
Block F, Lots 1-7; Block G, Lots 1-4;
Block H, Lots 1-4.
Mr. Hosford Brackett, owner of Lots 5-10, Block F, addressed the Commission pointing out that his
lots were joined on the north by a trailer park. He requested that his lots be zoned for business.
Colonel H. D. Wooley, resident or Pinebrook Subdivision, spoke to the CommiBsion requesting that
the lots in Fairburn Addition facing Betty Lane be zoned B-2 from Palmetto north to the business
known as Bargain City (owned by l"r. McWhirter on Lots 3 and 10, Block C) and be zoned Business
from that point north to the creek. ~~. J. J. Elliott, resident of Pinebrook Subdivision, presented
County zoning maps which indicated that the County had planned to make Fairburn an area for ~plexe8
only. Commissioner Strang moved that the area be zoned in accordance with the Zoning Board's
recommendation and that the zoning be added to the official Zoning Map when Fairburn Addition
i5 brought into the City. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney presented on its second reading Ordinance 689 which would annex FairbUrn
Addition. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 689 be considered on its second reading by
title only by unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Ruesell
and carrien unanimously. The City Attorney neBd the Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Strang
lJl9Ved that Ordinance 689 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 689 in full on its third reading. Commissioner Strang moved
that Ordinance 689 be passed and adopted on its third and final reading and the proper officials be
authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Russell 1eft the meeting at this time -- 4:00 P.M.
The City Attorney presented for its second reading Ordinance 6F!r1 concerning regulations for
the installation~ maintenance and repair of electrical wiring apparatus or equipment and requiring
approval of electrical appliances. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 687 be considered on
its second reading by title only by unanimous consent of the CoIIlJlti.ssion. Motion l'laS seconded by
Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read the Ordinance by title only.
Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 6B7 be passed on its second reading by title only. Y~tion
was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
A letter lvaS read from Hr. Garrett HcKernan offering to lease City property located on the west
side of Poinsettia Avenue, bounded on the south by Causeway Boulevard and on the north by Marianne
Street (the easterly portion of Lot 5, City Park Subdivision). The Hayor explained that Mr. r.fcKernan
was proposing to construct a drive-in restaurant on the property. The City Attorney commented that
Howard Johnson, Inc., had asked for a provision in their lease that there would be no restaurants
permitted on adjoining property. The }~yor said that the Commission considered that the proper use of
this area would be for something of a public nature, possibly a civic center together with parking
space, as this is not included in the property pledged to payoff the revenue certificates on the
Mari,na Building. Commissioner Strang moved that the letter be received, am if at any time in the
future, the Commission decides to take bids for this property that Hr. HcKernan be notified. Hotion
was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney presented for its second reading Ordinance 68B MIich provides for a Board of
Electrical Examiners for master and journeyman electricians and provides for the issuance of
certificates of competency. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 6B8 be considered on its second
reading by title only by unanUnous consent. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried
unanimously. The City Attorney read the Ordinance by title only. Conunissioner Strang moved that
Ordinance 688 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
,.Bohannon and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Kennedy reported that Er. Harold Hackmy who had made a proposal of $1,200.00 for
City property fronting 230 feet on Hercules Avenue and 170 feet west on Pistol Range Road several
months ago would like an answer on his offer. The letter of proposal was read again. The Hayor
commented that since the City had entered an agreemEnt with the Herchants' Association and the Chamber
of Commerce to establish an industrial park and pledged the use of this property adjacent to the
Airport that he did not believe the property should be sold. Commissioner Strang suggested that after
developrent or the industrial. park, that Hr. Hackney be notified if there l'/aS space suitable for his
The Mayor suggested that some action be taken to authorize negotiation for the remaining rlght-of
way for Myrtle Avenue south or Turner Street, and that the Engineer be requested to make a strip map
showing the right-of-way needed from Cleveland Street to Fort Harrison Avenue. It viaS suggested that
a Committee be appointed to negotiate with the executors of the Plumb Estate and also be empowered to
discuss acquiring more land to add to the Clearwater Cemetery. Commis sioner Strang moved that the
proper officials be authorized to negotiate for the property needed for ~~rtle Avenue right-of-way
south of Turner street and that the E~neer be r~uested to prepare a strip map showing ownership
on MYrtle from Cleveland to Fort Harrison. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried
unanimously. The Mayor appointed Commissioner Kennedy and the City Attorney as a Committee to negot-
iate for the needed property~
The Manager presented for approval a plat entitled Drew Crest Subdivision covering property on
the southwest corner or Drew Street and Hillcrest Avenue owned by Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hohenstein.
Commissioner Strang moved that the plat be approved. and the proper officials be authorized to sign it
and that the zoning for the 256 feet south of Drew Street be as established by the Public Hearing and
the zoning of the ramaini,ng five lots to be unchanged according to the zoning on the present Zoning
Map (R-2). Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
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The City Manager reported that there is a drainage problem on the south side of Druid Road
from Druid Acres 1st Addition west to the creek. He said that the City has an opportunity to correct.
this by obtaining 700 feet of 24" culvert pipe from the County, the County to pay twenty per oent,
to lay the pipe and fill the present ditch, the City to pay J.IJ% and the developer (Mr. L. W. Sever)
to pay 40%. He estimated the cost tor the City's portion to be $1.,300.00.' Commissioner Strang
moved on the Manaser's and the Engineer's recommendation that a work order be approved in the amount
of approximately- $1,300.00 to cover the drainage project on Druid Road, the money not to be released
until the 'WOrlc is complete. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
Major Oswald Kluegel reported that the renovating of the old \~'SUN building to be used by the
Bay View Civic Association had been completed and invited the Commission to attend the opening or
the building. He suggested that the Comssioners set the date. By consent, it was agree~ that
the City Hanager would confer with the Commissioners to solect a suitable date and let Major lO..u8gel
know the selection.
In regard to the negotiations with Mr. V. V. Carmichael concerning the Turner Street right-of-
way, the City Attorney reported that 11r. Carmichael had indioated through his attorneys. Thompson
and Cooper, that he l*.'Ould be interested in dedicating the right-of-way only on the basis that it
would be in exchange for the future assessment for the paving of Turner street. Commissioner Strang
moved that the proper officials be authorized to negotiate for the thirty foot right-of~ necessary
on Turner Street and be authorized to offer 1-1r. Carmichael in exchange for the right of way that when
Turner Street is paved that Mr. Carmichael' 6 assessment will be cancelled. Moti on was seconded by
Commissioner Kennedy" and carried unanimously'.
The City Attorney recommended that the City ~anager write a letter to the Board of County
Commissioners requesting that even though funds are not available for the completion of the pav::lng
of Hercules between Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and Drew Street that Hercules Avenue paving be placed on
the official budget as it might be possible to obtain surplus funds from other projects to finance
the Hercules paving. The Mayor suggested that the City Attorney prepare it in the form of a Resolu-
tion to present to the County Commission on Tuesday, November 29th. Commissioner Strang moved that
the proper orticia1s prepare a Resolution as described by the City Attorney and that it be delivered
to the County Commission before the %meting on Tuesday. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy
and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come betore the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at
4:40 P.M.
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November 2a, 1955
Mayor Co~nissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Str~ng, Jr.
Guy L. Kennedy, J. N. Bohannon
November 25, 1955
The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday afternoon, November 28,
1955 in t he City Hall Auditorium for t-,he purpose of discus sing the items listed
on the attached a~enda. Meeting time will be at 1:30 P.M.
Very truly yours,
/s/ F. C. Midd1eton
Cit.y Vumager
FCM: s
Agenda - City Commission Meeting of Nov. 28, 1955
Special Session
City Hall Auditorium
1:)0 P.M.
1. Awarding of bids for:
A. Fire Hose.
B. Fire Department Unif'orms.
C. Two cars Clay Sewer Pipe.
2. Commission's consideration of:
A. Construction Trust Agreement.
B. Engineer's report on Cleveland Street storm sewer drainage.
C. Replat of ~arymont Subdivision. (Airport and other City owned property)
D. Letter of' request for improvements from Tennis Club.
E. Report from Commit-.t.ee with reference to Assessments.
F. Request from Pinellas Hi~h School for donation to Band.
G. Improvements to Lakeview Avenue between Greenwood and Missouri Avenues.
H. Appointment of ~lembers for t-.he Zoning Eo ard.
I. Work Order for improvemen~s at Comnuni~y Club Center, Pierce St.
J. Work Order for materials and necessary expendir.ures of Sarety Council.
K. Work Order covering Census ~ract Maps.
L. Work Order covering cost t.o build body Bnd hoist on Two Ton Truck.
M. Work Order covering cost of illlprovemen~s at Library Annex, Coachman Home.
N. Architect.s conr.ract with reference ~o Auditorium.
3. Commission's considerar,ion of iterns from t,he City Attorney's Orfice:
A. OrdinAnce No. 6$7, New Electrical Ordinance.
B. Ordinance No. 6$8, Providin~ for Board of Elect.rical Examiners.
C. Ordinance No. 6$9, Annexation of Fairburn Addition and Zoning for same.
4.. Any other item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent; of the
Cornrnis sion.
~~EREAS, it is necessary and aFpropriate ~hat the City of' Clearwater enter
into a Construction Trust Fund Agreement with a nat.ional bank in the City of
Clearwater, Florida, having trust powers in order to accomp~ish +,he payment in the
proper manner of expenses or construction or improvements according to the pro-
visions of Ordinance No. 684 of said City, and
WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has sold $1,500,000 Utility Revenue Certifi-
cates, Series of 1955, and the proceeds are available for placin~ with a Trustee
to a~complish the foregoing purpose.
NOW, THEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of ~he City of Clearwater)
Florida, in session duly and re~ularly assembled as follows:
1. The First National Bank of Clear\vat.er, C lear\'Jat.er, Florida, a banking
corporation organized and existin~ under the laws of the Uni~ed States of America,
and havin~ trust powers is h~reby desi~nated as r.he Trustee for the purposes set
out in Ordinance No. 684 and in Construct.ion Trust Fund Agreement dated November 28,
2. That said Construction Trust Fund Agreement is approved and ratified
and the City hereby binds itself to the provisions thereof, and the Mayor, City
Manager, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and City Attorney be and they are hereby
authorized to execute same for the City.
3. That the officials authorized to execute requisitions according to
Section 3 (a) of said Construction Trust Fund Agreement are as follows:
Mayor Herbert M. Brown
City Manager F. C. Middleton
City Treasurer Frank Abernathy
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November 28, 1955
and said officials are the only persons authorized to execute said requisitions
until further resolution of this Commission, and that each requisition shall not
be valid until signed by all three of the foregoing officials.
4. Tha~ the officiBl of the City and the only official of said City
aut~orized to make the re'lues+, of the 'Prustee to invest or reinvest accordinr, to
Sectlon 8 of ~he Construction Trust ~'und Agreement shall be the Cit.y Treasurer,
Frank Aberr:at,hy, unti 1 further re so lut-,ion of this Cornmis sion.
5. That the Gonsultin.~ Enc;in0ers of the City are Briley, Wild and Associates
of Daytona Beach, l<'lorida, the principals of which firm are:
Harry E. ~ald
Harold D. Uriley
B. N. Wilson
The foregoin~ principals ~hall be the only [arsons authorized to execute requisi-
tions and other papers on beh.:ilf of ;)aid Consulting b:n~ineers.
6. That the 'Prestee shall be compensat,ed for its services as follows:
Base fee, ~lCO plus 1/10 of 1% of all funds paid out up to $1,000,000.
1/25 of 1% on funds pajd out over $1,000,000.
Out-or-pocket eXFenses includin~ but not limited to re~is~ered mail,
insurance chur~es, prepari~~ copies of docu~ent:s and the like, special
statements, lists, and duplicate requisitions.
Cost of advice and opinions of counsel.
The reasonabl8 cost of additional unanticipated services for
reinvestl'l1ent or unant,icipated functions required t.o be performed,
said additional com~ensatio~ to be approved by the Ci~y Manager and
Cit.y Treasurer.
P~SSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of November, A. D. 1955.
'5/ Herbert M. Brown
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
Clearwater, Florida
3 November 1955
Mr. Francis Middleton
City llianager
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Mr. Middleton:
We, the members of the Clearwater Tennis Club, bring to your attentioll the need
for improved tennis facilities in the city. At present, the Clearwater tennis
facilities consist of four courts at the waterfront, two concrete and two clay
courts. These courts were constructed almost two decades ago to serve a city the
size of Clearwater at that time.
The Clearwater Tennis Club was re-activated in September of this ye81. to promote
a greater interest in tennis, to aid the development of junior tennis enthusiasts,
and to promote tennis facilities in the city adequate for Clearwater's greatly
increased population and the t~amendous influx of winter visitors.
We invite your attention to the Hillcrest section of the city, this section being
adjacent to the Clearwater Country Club property. Our understanding is that the
city owns the property bordered by Maple Street on the South and containing enough
area for the construct,ion of at least ten tennis courts and a suitable club house.
The Tennis Club feels that an adequate installation to properly serve a city the
size of Clearwater would necessitate ten courts and a Club House aa shown on the
enclosed diagram of the proposed tennis plant. This proposal would give the city
tennis facilities adequate not only for the pressure ot the permanent )0,000
population but also adequate for increased tourist season demand and sufficient
tor the promotion of numerous tournaments, exhibitions and major tournament play
giving the City of Clearwater increased publiCity of great value.
In accordance with the recommendations or the Clearwat.er Recreation Board, we' have
contacted representatives of tennis court constructioh firms. By arrangement,
convenient to you, the Recreation Board and the Clearwater TennisOlub's building
committee, a meeting can be arranged with these tennis court construction repre-
sentatives to determine the type court surface, const.ruction bids and other
pertinent data.
We will deeply appreciate your consideration and cooperation on this matter and
trust that we may bear from you at your earliest convenience.
Yours very truly,
/s/ Dick Baker, President
'. ~\,',.'
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Novembor 28, 1955
October 19, 1955
Mr. Francis Middleton
City Manager
City Hall
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Mr. Middleton:
This letter comes to ask that you and the member15 o~ the City COlJlllla810n kindly
consider favorably the feasibility of contributing the amount of ~OO.OO to our
I am sure that you realize the rresent situation with referehce to t1nanclng
school bands. If you gentlemen find it possible to make the contrlbution, the
money will be used for the purchasing of new instruments and the repairing ot so_.
old instruments we have. We shall also provide for your records an accurate
record of all expendituras.
Your kind and favorable consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated.
Very truly yours,
/s/ S. W. Curtis
Pri nci pal
September 20, 1955
To the Commissioners of the City of Clearwater:
We, the undersigned, do respectfully petition you to help us protect the
children of Belleair Elementary School from the traffic hazards existing there and
becoming worse because of the ever increasing enrollment.
We suggest this protection can be accomplished by:
1. Widening Lakeview Avenue
2. Extending the sidewalk on t.he north side of Lakevielf Avenue to
the Missouri Avenue intersection.
). Installing a manually operated traffic lignt on Greenwood Avenue
at the intersection with Lakeview Avenue.
Signed by eighty-~ive persona
Nov. 28, 19.55
City of Clearwater
Pursuant to our recent discussion relative to the leasing of the city property
located on the west side of Pointsetta Avenue. bounded on the south by Causeway
Blvd. and the north by Marianna St., if convenient, it would be of interest to
me to know if you gentlemen would consider leasing this property. If 80, at a
time designated by you~ I would like to submit a bid to lease said property ~or
a period of time to run concurrent with the lease now in effect with the Park Inn.
I have been a resident of Clearwater over 18 years, have experience in foed
handling'. can furnish references if required.
Thanking you for your consideration of this matter, I am,
Yours sincerely,
/s/ Garrett McKernan
625 Bay Esplanade
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater. Florida, on tbe 7th
day ot November, A. D. 1955, passed a Resolution. a copy of which is hereto attached,
urging the paving and improvement of Hercules Avenue in the City of Clearwater
between Drew Street (State Road 1590) on the north and Gulf to Bay Boulevard (State
Road 160) on the south. and
WHEREAS. the paving of the said Hercules Avenue was or1ginBlly included in
the road'budget of tbe County of Pinellas but was later deleted because or lack
of funda, and
(Conti nued)
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Kovember 28, 1955
WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City of Clearwater
and the Oounty or Pino11as and their inhabitants that Hercules Avenue continue to
be actively considered for pav1n~ and improvement for the reasons set out in the
attached Resolution ot the 7th day of November, 1955.
NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Oity Commiaaion at the Oity of Clearwater,
Florida, in sesalon duly and regularly assembled as tollow.:
That the Board ot County CORIDis monera of the County of Plnellal be and tile)'
are hereby urged and requested to place the paving and improvemellt ot Kerculea
!venue in the Road Budget, even though no funds exist for said project, and ....ea
though said project would have to be included in the budget at a figure manitestlr
insufficient to accomplish said paving and improvement, so that in the event t~a~
funds become available during the operation of said budget they may be applied to
tbe paving and improvement of Hercules Avenue without awaiting a subsequent
budgetary period.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day ot November, 1955.
/s/ Herbert M. Brown
/8/ R. G. Whitehead
WHEREAS the Merchants Association oE Clearwater recently sponsored and
conducted a Christmas Parade to initiate the Christmas Season, and
WHEREAS, the parade so sponsored was planned and executed in an outstanding
manner and constituted a genuine service to the City oE Clearwater, and provided
interesting entertainment to the inhabitants oE the eit.y of Clearwater.! and
reflected credit upon the Merchants Association o~ Clearwater and the Ul~y or
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission of the City o~
Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows:
That the Merchants Association ot Clearwater is hereby commended for the
outstanding manner in which it planned and execu.ted its recent Christmas Parade,
and the Merchants Association of Clearwater is hereby encouraged to continue the
sponsorship of the annual Christmas Parade as an outstanding public serY1ce to
the City of Clearwater and its inhabitants.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of November A. D. 1955.
/ s/ Herbert M. Brown
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
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WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City or Clearwater, Florida, enacted
Ordinance Ho. 6a6 on October 3, 1955, which ordinance declared the intention ot
the said City to annex Fairburn Addition into the corporate limits ot the City
of Clearwater, and
WHEREAS, said Ordinance was published once a ~eek for four consecutive weeka
in the Clearwater Sun, a newspaper published in the City of Clearwater, Florida,
proof or which publication is hereto attached, and
WHEREAS, more than thirty days has expired since the enactment of Ordinance
Ro. 686, and no registered voter of the City of Clearwater. no owner of real
estate in the territory to be annexed, and no person whomsoever, has objected to
such annexation or has applied to the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit
in and for Pinellas County, Florida, setting forth any objection to said
annexation, and
WHEREAS, all of the provisions of Section 171.04, Florida Statutes, have been
complied with.
Section 1. The City of Clearwater, acting by and through its City Commission,
by the authority and under the provisions of Section 171.04, Florida Statutes,
hereby annexes into the corporate limits of the City of Clearwater, Florida,
and redefines the b~ndary lines of the said City so as to include therein the
All of FAIRBURN ADDITION, a subdivision, as recorded in plat book 12, page
18, of the public records of Pinel~as County, Florida, being the East 495
feet of the Southwest Quarter (SWt) of the Northeast ~uarter (NE;> of Section
10, Township 29 South, Range 15 East and also beginning at a point 495
feet West of Southeast Corner of Northwest Quarter (~~) of Northeast
Quarter (NE~> of Section 10, To~nspip 29 South, Range 15 East; thence due
Borth to center of Stevenson Creek; thence southeasterly along cente,r
of creek to the point where said center of creek intersects the South
line of said Northwest Quarter (BWi) of Borth east Quarter (HE~) of .
Section 10, Township 29 South, Range 15 East; thence West along the
South line of said Northwest Quarter (NWi) or Northeast Quarter (NEi>
of Section 10, Township 29 South, Range ~5 East to Po~nt of Beginning.
Section 2. 'he foregoing property ~s hereby zoned as follows, and the City
Engineer 1s hereby directed to incorporate into and set out and show upon the
Official Zoning Map and other official maps of the City or Clearwater the fore-
going property, together with its zoning as follows:
Blocks A. B, and C
Blocks D and E
Block F - Lots l~7. inclusive,
and Lots g-14, inclusive,
Block G - Lots 1-4, inclusive,
and Lots 5-12, inclusive,
Block H - Lots 1-4, inclusive,
and .Lots 5 al1d 6,
Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its
November 7, 1955
Nov~mber 28, 1955
November 28, 1955
/s/ Herbert N. Brown
MAYOR-C<>>L\1I 8m OBEa
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
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Novembbr 28, 1955
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in spacial session at �ity H�1, Monday�
November 28� 1955, at 1;30 P.M, with the £ollouring members presentt
Herbert M. Brown
Gt�p L. F.ennec�y
Jack Russell
J. N. Bohannon
3�W. E, Strang, Jr.
xAbsent at £irst meetin�. Came in later.
Also present were:
F. C. ?3iddleton City M�nager
Chas, M. Phillips, Jre City kttorney
Capt. W. D. Booth ftepresentative of Pcs;.ice Chief
The Mayor caZled the raeetino �o order and annoUnced that the firsc itEm to be cor_sidered
z,rnuld be the Engineerts report on C1eveland Street S�orm sewer drai.nage, '�'h� City ?�ianager repor+ed
thst the Citv Engneer had recammended running a twelve inch line from I�tr. Blackbiu�nTa progert,q
(Lot 3, Block l, Magnolia Park) to the I�prtla Avenue storm sewer io relieve the ilood con3ition
on Cleeeland at an estimated cost of �950000o The City P4ana�er suggested thai this be finaraced
by money frorn the part of the new Utility Revenue Gertificate fund 21�ocated f.or storm semers.
The Ma�ror suggested deciding on the finaneing when the bids were received. Commi,ssioner Bohannon
moved that tY,e Ci,ty Engi.naer and the City ManPger�s rEco�mnendation fo� relieving tY,is situation
be approved and that bids ha taken, Motion was seconded by Commissior.er Kennec�q and rarried
In regard to the bids for fire hose of various sizes, ihe City Maneger recoc�ended accepting
the low bir3 0� ;865,80 fr�m Bert Lowe Supply Company, Tampa. Commi.ssxoner Russell �oved that the
recomnendation of the City L�Ianager he approve3 to give Bert Lowe $up�ly Gompan3* of Tampa the bid
for �y865,80m T:otion was seconded by Commissi�ner Kennedy and carried unani.mously,
Regar2�.r,g the bids for eightePn ciozen uniiorm shirts for the Fire Department opened at the
last meeting� the City Manager recormriended aco�ptirg the loVr bi1 of �4b.20 fro� Ka1ey Shirts� Inc,�
Biscoe,.North Carolina, Comraissioner Kennec�y noied that the bid from J, C, Penney Company,
Clear�•rater� was only �1.80 more th2n the low bid and guaranteed deliv�ry in thirty daga instead
of the six+y days indicated by the haley Shirt Company, Coaunissioner Bohannon moved that the
proper authorities be authorized to place the order with J, C. Penney with delivery in thirby
days. rfotion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanittously.
Concerning the bids f or t:�ro carloads of clay sewer pipe and fittings, the City Manager
recomnended o.ccopting the low bid of �l, 51.2.Ot� from Qce�ttee Clay Produ�tsr tiilledgeville, Georgia.
Cotmnissioner Russall moved that the City I��na�er�s recouanendation ba approved and the bicl te given
to the low bidder� Oconee Clay Productsy Milledgeville' Georgia� zor the sum of �1,51�.04, I�Iotion
was seconded by Co�issioner I{ennedSt and carried unanimously.
`fhe Citv ;'.ttorney report�c that he had cor:forred with P�r. Taver Hay1v, President of the First
Nationsl Bank, and rir. L. G. Chapell, Uice President and Trust Officer �£ the First Arational Banic,
re�axding setting up the Cons�ruction T�-ust Fund Agrzement required for �tYee new U�tility Revenue
Certi£icata issue. He e�lained t:�at the bond ordinance required that t1�e money be held by a national
bank, that the bank have trust iacilities and that the First NationaL Ba�ik was the only one in
Clearwater meeting those requirements. He read a Resolution which desig�sated the First National
Bank of Clearwater as Trustae for the purposes set aut in Ordinance 6$1� :and in the Construction
Fund Agreement dated November 28� 1955. The Resolution also contained s»ecial provisions relating
to the Construction Fund Agreement and set a fes basis for tlie Trusteeo The riayor suggestetl a
revision which was noted by the City Attorney for inclusion in the Resolutiott. Co�rri.ssioner Kennez�y
moved the adoption of the Resolution as amended. Motion was seconded by Co�issioner Bohannon anri
carried vnanimousl�.
The City Manager presented a replat which wou].d vacate Blocks 1-lg, Marymont Subdivision.
He explained that this area was all City-owned proporty and ti,oulcl revert to acreage, The City
Attornay in explaining the necessary procedure to follotv said it ti,pald be necessazy for the
Co�mai.ssiorasrs to sign the plat as Trustees of the Sinlang Fund. Commissioner Kennec�y moved that
the replat be approved and that the Commission as Trustees of the Sinlfl.ng Fund and other appropriate
o£iicial� be suthorized to execute the plat and prasent it to ihe County of Pinell3s to accomplish
the vacation of the former plat and the placing on record of the replat, t�Totion was seconded by
Commissioner Russell and carried unanimousl,y.
Commi.ssioner Strang came in at this time -- 2:15 P.hi.
A letter was read from Mr. Dick Baker, President of the Clearwater Tennis Club, requesting
that the tennis facilities in Clear�,vater b� improvad arid su,;gesting that ten courts and a clubhouse
be built on Map1e Street in the Hillcrest section adjacent to the Clearwater Country Club Area, TPie
letter suggested a meeting of a co�ri.ttea from the Tannis Club with the Recreation Board and represea-
tatives from tennis court construction iirms. Mrs. Fdgar Beeland, member of the Tennis .C1uby poinied out
that there is not room for expansi�n of the courts near the 2�iunicipal Auditori�am and said the Club.
would ttgree to the construction of a fevt courts at a time if necessary. Commissioner Ruasell moved
that the Mayor appoint a Committee to maet r,rith the Tennis Club to find out exactly how they want
these placed on the property and also the City Manager to fi.nd out the appro�dmate costs. NIota.on
was sEconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Mayor rPferred the matter to
the Parks Comroittee --- C�mni.ssionars Strang and Russell.
....� �' �I-
Co�aissioner Kennec�p reporting for the Tax Settlement Committee stated that they had
investigated the request of hlr. E. P. Buckenmeyer� attorney for Dr. H. E; Pontius, for an
adjustment on the Uni.on Street paving assassment against Lot l�� rZa.inbows EYid. He reported
that Lot 3, Reinbows End, had been granted immunity fmm the paving assessmant at the time
of the Public Hear ng as the lot faced Edg;:water Drive atid was adequately served from the Union
St.reet side by a narrow paving already there. He sai.d Dr. Pantius contended that his lot was
also served by this strip o£ paving and did n�t benefit by the wider paving; there£ore�
Dr. Pontius was requesting a reiund of �114.30 the tunount paid for the pavi.ng assesament.
Commi.ssioner Russall mnved that in regard to this assessment that Ar. Pontius be reflxnded
�114.30 for his part of the paving of Union Street a_nd be charged for the curb and gutters
and other drainage costs which he has alreadp paid. T4otion was seconded by Coirmd.ssion Kennedy
and carried unanunously.
Co�nissioner Ker.nedy reportad that the Tax Settlement Committee had also considered a raquest
from h�r: L. A: Breeden for an adjustment in the assessr�nt of �31+]-.75 assessed April 18� 1949,
against 'Lots 23 and 2t�.� Block B� Highlsnd Grove Subdivision� for tha paving o� San Remo Avenue.
He reported that by action of the Commission on May 3: 1954, 1`Sr. James Hyman had boen permittad
to pay the face amount of the assessment against Lots ?_1i: and 25� Block A� Hi�land Grove� and
that 1;he interest and costs had been waived. Conuni.ssioner Strang moved that Mr. Breeden ba
required to pay� the face amount of the lien with interest waived to the da�e of the settlemen�t
on Lots 24 and 25� Block A� Highland Grove, (May 3� z954) with interest to be charged from that
date to the present date if paid within thirty days. Motion was seconded Uy Co�mu,ssioner Kennedy
and carried unanimously.
A letter was read from DZx. S. W. Curtis, Principal of Pinel:Las High School, requesting that
the City contribute �1�00.00 to the band for purchasing new instruments and the repairing of some
old instruments. Gommissioner Russell moved that the request f.rom Pinellas High School for a
donation of $r�.00„00 ta their band £or new instruments and repairing old ones be granted' the
money to be taken �ut of tha Special Events Fund. Motion vras seconded by Cor,mdssioner Kennedy
and carried unanimously.
A petition w-as read signad by eighty-i`i.ve parents from the Belleair School area requesting that
I,akeview Avenue be wide�ed i'rom NLissouri to Green�od Avenue� that the sidewalk on the north side
of Lakeview Avenue be extended to the Missouri Avenue intarsection� and that a manually operated
tra££ic light be installed at Greenwood and Lakevlew. Mrs. Clara Reid� Principal of Belleair
Schaol, described the dangerous traffic situation created by children walldng and bicycling to
school along the narrow pavi.ng on Lakeview. Commissioner Strang was of the opinion that widening
the street would be of more benefit than constructing the sidewalk as there are no exis�ing side-
walks on Lakeview or Nlissouri at that point. The City i�'fanager reported that the City has a sixty
foot right of wa.y for Lakeview and estimated that it would cost w20�000.00 to insiall drainage
in the ditch on the north side� put curbs in� resur£ace the road and rebuild the sidewalk. The
Ma�ror co�ented that there is a new law that makes the County liable for access roads to sc�lools and
suggested it might be possible after surveying the problem to divide un the financial responsibility.
By consent� the matter was re£erred to the City I�.anager to have the project enp.neered to get an
estimate o£ cost and then the Commission will see if there zs any way to divide the responsibility.
The City T�anager presented a work ordel for �250.00 to cover the cost of a water cooler and a
bulletin board for the Coffinunity Club Cen�er on Pierce Straet. Commi.ssioner Strang mo�*ed the
Manager�s recoanner�ation be adopted, ar.d a work order te approved in the amount of v�250o00. Motion
was seconded b� �offinissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously,
The City 2danager recoaunended approval of a work order ior �550.00 for necessary expenditures
£or the Sa£ety Council fo r ihe balance of the year as thera was no appropriation in the budget,
Co�dssioner Russell moved that N55o,00 be gi.ven to the Safety Council for materials and necessary
expenditures for the balance of the year at �50.00 per month. Motion was secorded by Commissioner
Bohannon and carried unanimously.
A work order for �v200o00 wa� presented by the City Manager to cover the cost of reproducing
the census tract maps for the Engi.neering Department. Cou�issioner Bohannon moved that the
Manager�s recoffinendation be approved to make up the census tract maps for the amount of �p200.00.
riotion was seconded by Cor�i.ssioner Strang and carried unani.mously. Commissioner Strang reouested
that ihe atlas maps used by the Couuni.ssioners be brought up to date by including the new subdiv�-
The City Manager recoffinended approval of a ti�roric order for �7g5o00 to cover cost of building
a body and hoist for the new two ta n truck for the Public Service Department, Coirmiissioner Strang
maved th2i the work order in the amount of �w7$5.00 be approved. Ifotion was seconded b,y Coimnissioner
Kennec�y and carried unanimously.
In regard to improvements to make use of the old home on the Clears�rater Conservatory of Music
property (now oYrned by the City)� the Manager asked that a Committee be appointed including the
Mayor to con£er on how much of the building is to be used for a Library Annex and what portion
shoul@ be devoted to the historical museum pre�ouslv suggested by the Coauaission. A£ter discus-
sion� it was agreed that the Ma.yar should appoint a Committea, The Mayor appointed himself,
Coffinissioner Bohannon r�.nd Commissioner Kennedy to �erve on the Commiitee for this purposen
A contract was presented va_th 4Jakeling and Levison, Architects, to cover p].ans for altera-
tiona to the Municipal Auditorium. It included a£ee of six per cent i£ the ivork did nat exceed
' �125�OOOe00,, and if it exceeds that figexre, the fee to be �ive and three-quarters per cent for
work up to �p250�000.00. Commisaioner Strang moved that the contract be approved subject to the
City Attorney and the City I�anager getting together with the architect to aet up a sliding scale
of so much for pre].iminary plans, so much for working drawings, so much £or supes�v.ision if the
pro�ect goes through and the proper officials be authorizs3d to execute it. Motion was seconded by
Commi.ssioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
Commiasioner Bohannon suggested that the Merchants° Associ3tion be ecmmended for the 5anta
Claus parade they sponsored on November 26th, and cnmmented tkiat he thought it shou�d be an
annual a£fair wi�h perhaps some o£ the-churches participating in it also, Commissioner Bohannon
moved that the City Attorney be authorized to make up a Resolution thanld.ng the Merchants Asao-
ciation, .Iotion was seconded by Cormnissioner Kennedy and cxrried unanimou+�ly,
The Commission again co�sidered the zoni:ng of Fairburn �lddition and the Zoning Bo2ad:�s report
was read again recommending tha £ollowing zoning:
Businesa: Blocks A� B and G
R-2 Block F, Lots 8-I.ta.; Bl�,ck G, Lots 5-12;
Block Iia Lots 5 and 6.
R-i� Block D„ Lot� 1-6; Biock L, I,ots 1-7s
Block F, Lota 1-7; Block G, T�ots Z-1�;
Block H� Lots 1-L�„
Mr. Hoaford Brackett� owner oP Lots 5-10� Block F' addressed the Cotmnission pointing out that his
lots were joined on the north by a trailer park. He requested that his lots be zoned for business.
Colonel H. D. Wooley� resident of Pinebrook Subdiviezon� s�oke to the Commission requea�ing that
the lots in Fairburn Addition facing Betty Lane be z�nefl R-2 from Palmetto north to the business
known as Bargain City (owned by P4r. 2✓cWnirter on Lots 3 and 10� Block C) an3 be zoned Business
from that point north to the creek. 2ir. J. J. Elliott� resident of Pinebrook Subdivision' presented
County zoning maps which indicated that the County had planned to make Fairburn an area for dunlexes
only. �o�u.ssioner Strang moved �hat the area be zoned in accordance with the Z�ning Board�s
reconmendation and that the zoning be siided to the officia]. Zoning 23ap when Pairburn Addi_tion
is brought into the City, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and c�rried unanimously.
The City Attorney presented on its second reading Ordinance 684 t�hich would annex Fairburn
Addition, Coumiissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 6B9 be considered on its second reading by
title only by unani.mous consent of the Coimi.i.ssion, Motion was seconded by Coimnissior.er Russell
and carried unanimowsly. The City Attorney n�,ad the Ordinance by title only. Comnn.ssioner Strang
�oveci tkiat Drdinance 689 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion taas seconded by
Co;mnissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 689 in full on its third readingo �ot�issioner Strang moved
that Ordinance 689 be passed and adopted on its thi.rd and fittal reading and the proper officiai:s be
authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Cotmnissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously,
Commissioner Pussell left the meeting at this time -- 4:00 P.M.
The Ci�y Attorney presented for its second reading Orclinance 68'r concerning regulations f�r
the installation, maintienance and repair of electrical wiri�g apparatus or equipment and rew.i.ring
approval of electrical app1� ances. Co�ni.ssioner 5trang moved that Ordinanoe 687 be con3idered or_
its second reading by title only by unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Bohannon ar�cl caxried unanimously. The City Attorney read the Ordinance �y fiitle onl�,
Cor,�missioner Strang moved th2t Ordinance 687 be passed on its second reacling by -title only. tiotion
was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimeusly.
A letter t�ra.s read from PSr. Garrett ilcKernan offering to lease City property located on the west
side of Poinsettia Avenue, bounded on the south by Causeway Boulevard and on the north by N�arianne
Street {the easterly portion of iot 5� City Park Subdivision), The Fiayor explained that Mr, 21eKernan
was proposing to construct a drive-in restaurant o;� the property. The City kttorney cotmnented that
Howard Johnson� inc.� had asked for a provision in their lease that there Vrould be no restaurant�
permitted on adjoining property. The hSayor said that the Co�ission consi@ered that the proper use of
this area would be for something of a public nature, possibly a civic center together with parlo.ng
space� as this is not included in the property� pledged to pay off the revenue certi£icates on tne
Marina Building, Coffinissioner 5trang moved that the letter be received, and if at any time in the
future� the Comm.ission decides to take bids for this nroperty that Ts. ?icKern2n be no'tified. 2lotion
was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
Tha City Attorney presented for its second reading Ordinance 688 which provides £or a Board of
Electrical 1xaminers for master and journeyman electricians and provides for the issuance of
certificates of competency. Co�i.ssioner Strang moved that Ox�inance 688 ba considered on its second
reading by �itle only by unanimous consent. P4ota.on wa3 seconded by�Co�issioner Bohannon and carried
unanimously. The City Attorney read the Orcli.nance by title onlyo Co�issioner 5trang moved that
Ordinance 6$8 be passed on its second reading by titZe only. r%tion was seconded by Cou�issioner
Bohannon and carried unanim�usly.
Commissioner Fiennecly reported that %'s. Harold Hackr�ey who had made a proposal of �1�200.00 for
City property fronting 230 feet on Hercules Avenue and 170 feet west on Pistol Range Road several
months ago would like an answer on his offer. The letter of proposal was read agai.n. The 4�ayor
cormrtented that since the City had entered an agreemeit with the rierchants� Association and the Chamber
of Commerce to es�ablish an industrial park and pledged tne use of this propert,y adjacent to the
Airport tha�t he did not believe the property should be sold. Commi.ssioner Strang sug�ested thzt a£ter
develop�nt af the industrial p3rk, that Mr. Haclmey be notified if there z,ras space suitable for his
The Mayor suggested that some action be taken to authorize reg�tiation £or the reina:i:ning right�o£
way for Myrtle Avenue south o£ Turner Street, and that the Engineer be reo,uested to make a strip map
showing the right-of-way needed £rom Cleveland Street to Fort Harr:.son Avenuo. It was suggested that
a Committee be appointed to negotiate with the executors of the P1umb Estate and also be empowered to
discuss acquiring more land to add to the Clearwater Gemetery, Co�issioner Strang moved that the
proper officials be authori:aed to negotiate for th� property needed for Myrtle Avenue right-of-way
south of Tu.rner Street and that the Engi.neer be rec�uested to prepare a strip uiap showing ownershzp
on Myrtle from Cleveland to Fort harrison. hlotion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannoa and carried
unanimously. The Mayor appointed Cormnissione:r I{ennedy and the City Attorney as a Committea to negot-
iate for the needed property.
The hianager presented for approval a plat entitled Drew Crest Subdivision covering property on
�he seuthwest corner of Drew Street and Hi,llcrest Avenue o��rned by P4r, nnd Mrs. Edward L. Hohansteino
Commissioner Strang moved that the plat be approved and the proper officials be suthorized to sign it
and that the zoning for the �5b feet south of Drew Street be as established by the Public Hearing and
the zoning uf the ramairLing five lots to be unahanged according to the zotr;.ng on the present Zoning
riap (R-2). yfotion was saconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unaninous�y.
�{� �[�" V�'
The City TIanager reported that there is a drainage problem on the s�uth side of Druid Road
from Druid Acres lst Addition west to the creek. He said that the City has an opportunity to correct
this by obtaining 700 feet of ?_4!' culvert pipe from the County� the County to pag twenty per cent�
to lay the pipe and fill the present ditch� the City to pay /�0� and the developer (Tir, L. W. Sever)
to pay 40�. He estimated the cost for the City�s portior. to be �1,300.00.� Commissioner Strang
moved on the hianager�s and the Engineer�s recommendation that a work order be apgroved in the amount
o£ approximately v�1�300,00 to cover the drainage project on Druid Road� the money not to be released
until the worlc is complete, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unan.imously.
M2jor Qswald KLuegel reported that the renovata.ng of the old ti4SUN bui.lding to be used by the
Bay View Civi,c Association had been completed and invited the Commission to attand the opening of
the building. He suggeszed that the C�mmissioners set the date. By consent, it was agreed that
the Gity 3Janager would confer with the Coamiissioners to select a su3.table date and let Major Kl.uegel
lmow the selection.
In regard to the nagota.ations tiath Mr. P. V. Carmichae7. concerning the Turner Street right-of-
way� the City Attorney raported that Nir. Carmi.chael had indicated through his attorneys� Thumpson
and Cooper� that he would be interested in dedi.cating the right-of-way only on the basis that it
wouZd be in exchange for the £uture assessment f.or the paving o.f Turner Street. Commissioner St-rang
movE3 that the proper officials be authorized to negotiate far the thirtp foot right-of Zray nectsssary
on Turner Street and be authorized to of£er Mr. Carmichael in exchange for tha right of way thztt when
Turner Street is paved that Mr. Carmichael�s assessment wi11 t�e cancelled. Mation was seconded by
Con¢nissioner Kennec�y and carried unanimous�y.
The City Attorneg recoffinended that the City hianager vmite a letter to the Board of County
Couuni.sszonars requesting that even though funds are not available for the completion of the pawing
of Hercules between Gul.i-to-Bay Boulevard and Drew Street that Hercules Avenue paving be placed on
the of£icial budget as it mignt be passible to obtain surpl�is funds f'rom other �rojects to finance
the Hercules paving. The Mayor suggested that the City Attorney prepare it in the form of a Resolu-
tior, to presenti to the County Co�.ission on Tuesday, Noveanber 29th. Commissioner Strang moved that
the proper officials prepare a Resolution as described by the City Attorney and that it be delivered
to the Caunty Commi.ssion before the meeting on Tuesday. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy
and carried un�n.i.mousl.�.
There being no further business tio come before the Co�.ission� the.meeting was adjourned at
4>1�0 P.M.
nTovem6er 2$, 1955
Novzmber 25, 19$5
Mayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W, E. Strang, Jr.
Guy :L. Kennedy, J. N. Bohannon
The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday afternoon, Nov2mber 2$,
1955 in the City Hall Auditoriam for the purpose of discussing the items listed
on the attached agenda. Meeting time will be at 1:3C P.M.
Very truly yours,
/s/ F. C, i�iddleton
C it y I�Ian ager
Agenda - City Comrr�ission I�ieeting of Nov. 2$, 1955
Special Session
City Hall Auditorium
1:30 P.M.
1. Awar�ing of bids for:
A. Fire Hc�se.
B. Fire Departrnent Uniforms.
C. Two cars Clay Sewer Pipe.
2e Commission's consideration of:
A. C�nst,ruction Trust Agreement.
B, Engineer's report on Cleveland Street storm sewer drainage.
C. Replat of iviarymont Svbdivision. (Airport and other City owned property)
D, Letter of request for improvements from T2nnis Club,
�. Report from Commi:tt.,ee with reference r,o Assessments.
F. Request from Pinellas Hi;h School for donation to Band.
G. Improvements to Lakaview Avenue between Greenwood and Miasouri Avenues.
H. '�ppointment of i�4embers for the Zoni�� Boar�.
I. Work Order fer improvements at Coirmiunity Clu� Center, Pierce St.
�T. T�Iork Order for materials and necesszry expenditures of 3afetg Council.
K. Work Order covering Census Tract l�aps.
L, work Order covering cost t,o build body and hoist on Tcao Ton Truck.
M. Work Order covering cost oi improvements at Library Annex, Coachman Home.
N. Architects contract rvith reference to tluditoriu�-n,
3. Comrnission's considerat.ion of items from the City Attorney�s Office:
A. Ordinance No. 6$7, new Electrical Ordinance.
B. Ordinance ATo. 6$�, Providing for 3oard af Electrical Examiners.
G. C�rdinance No. 6�9, Annexation of Fairburn Addition and Zonin� for same.
l�. Any ot,ner item rot on the agenda will be considered with the cansent of the
Commis sion.
'WH�REAS, it is necessary and appropriate *hat the City of Clearwater enter
into a �onstruction Trust Fund Agreement with a national bank in the City of
Clear��vater, Florida, having trust powers in order to accomglish +he paymer_t in the
proper manner of e:cpenses of construc�ion of improvements according to the prc-
visions oi Ordinance No. 6��. of said City, and
SvHEREAS, Y,he City of Clearwater has sold �1,50C�,000 Utility Revenue Gertifi-
cates, 5eries of 1955, and �he �roceeds are available for placin� with a Trustee
to accomplish fihe foregoing purpose.
N�?t�d, THEREFOkE, BE IT RESOLVED bc the City Conmission of �he City of Clsarwater,
Florida, in session duly and regularly assembied as follows:
1. The First National Bank of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida, a banking
corporation organized and existin� under the 13ws of the Uni�.ed States of America,
and havin� trust gowers is hereby desi�;nated as the Trustee for the pur�oses set
out in Ordinance No. 6$4 and in Construct�on Trust I'und Agreement dated November 2�,
2. That said Construction Trust Fund Agreement is aFproved and ratified
and the Gity hereby binds it�elf to the provisions thereo�', and the l�7ayor, Gity
i�ana�er, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and City Attorney be and they are hereb�
authorized to execute same for the City.
3. That the of£icials authorized to ex�cute requisitions according to
Section 3(a) of said Construction Trust Fund Agreement are as follows:
Mayor Herbart M. Brown
City Manager F. C. Niiddleton
City Treasurer Hrank t�bernathy
� ��
ATovember 2$5 1955
and said officials are the only persons authorized to execute said requisitions
until further resolution of t;his Commission, and t.hat each requisition shall not
oe valid until signed by all t;hree of the foregozng officials.
Li., Tha+. the official of the Cit}� and the only �fficial of said City
- authorized to m�ke the request, of the Trustee to invest or reinvest according to
Section $ of ;he Cqnstruction Trust Fund Agreetnent shall be the City Treasurer,
Fxank Abernathy, until further resolution of this Commission.
5. That the Consul.tin:� Engin�ers of'thP Gity are Briley, Wild and Associates
of i�aytona Beach, F'lorida, the principals of which firm are:
Harry E. 'u'7ild
Harold ll. Briley
S. N. jlTilson
The f'oregoin; principals shall be t,he only persons aufihorized to exe�ute requ�si-
�;ions and o*.her• papers on t�ehalf o#' said Consulting En,:i.neers.
6. That the Trestee shall he compensated for its services as follaws:
Base fee, y�1G0 plus 1/10 of lo of all funds paid out up to �1,000,000.
1�25 of lf on funds paid out o�rer �p1, 000, 000.
Out-o#'-pocket ex�enses ir.cludin� but not limited to re;istered mail,
in&urance ch��r�es, preparir.? copies of docur:�nts and the like, special
star,ements, lists, and duplicate requisitions.
CoS� oi advice ar�d apinions of c�unsel.
The reasonabl� cost of addihional unanticipated services for
z^einvestanent; or unanticipated functions rE�uired to be perfo•rmed,
saia additional compensatior. to be approved by the City i�lanager and
City Treasuxer.
PASSED :�idll i�UOPT�D tl:is 2$th day of November, A. D. 1955•
ATT�;�T :
�s/ R. G, tidhitehead
Mr. Francis Middlaton
Ciby Manager
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Mr. Middleton:
!s� He:rbert M. Brown
i�iAY OR-COi'�i 4IS; iI0 N::R
Clearwater, Florida
3 Novea�ber 1q55
We, the members of' the Clearwater Tennis Club, bring to your attention the nesd
for impro'ved tennis facilities in the city. At present, the Clearwater tennia
facilit:ies consist of four courts at the waterfront, two concretce and two clay
courts. These courts were constructed almost two dQcades ago to s�rve a city the
size of Glearwater at that t3me.
The Clc�arwater Tennis Club was re�activate@ im September of this year to pramote
a graater in�erest in tennis, to aid the development of junior tennis enthusiasts,
and to promote tennis facilities in t;he city adequate for Clearwater's greatly
increased p�p�alat;ion and the t��emendous influx of winter visitors.
We invite your attention to the Iiillcrest section of the citp, this section being
adjacent to the Clearwater Country Club pr�perty. Our understanding is #hat the
city owns the property bordered by Maple Street on the South and containing enough
area for the coristruction of at least ten tennis courts and a suztable club house.
The Tennis Club feels that an adequate installation to propprly serve a city the
siae o.f Clearwater woul� necessitate ten courts and a C1ub House as shown on the
enclosed diagram of the proposed tennis plant. Tkais proposal would give the citp
tennis facilities adequate not only for the pressure of the permanent 3�=000
population but also ade4uate ior increased tourist season demand and suf�icient
for the promo�ion of numerous tournaments, exhibitions and major tournament plap
giving the City of Clearwater increased publicity of great value.
In accordance with ths recammendations of the Clears�ater Recreatian Board, we have
contacted representatives of tennis court constructio� firms. By arrangement,
convenient to you, the Recreation Bosrd and the Clearwater Tennis Club's building
committee, a meeting can be arranged with thes� tennis court construction repre -
sentatives to determine the type court surface, construction bids and other
pertinent data.
We will deeply appreciate your consideration and cooperation on this matter and
�;rust that we may hear from you at your earliest conwenience.
Yours aery truly,
November 2$, 1955
Mr. Francis Middl.eton
City Manager
Gity Hall
Claarwater, Florida
Dear Mr. Middletor►�
October 19, 1955
This letter comes to ask that you and the members of the Cit y �omomission kindly
consader £avorably the feasibility o£ contributing the amount o� �I�Od.00 to our
band, _
I an �ure that y�ou realize the present situation with reference ta f inancing
school bands. I� pou gentlemen find it possible to make the contribution, the
money will be used for the purchasing of new instruments and the repa3ring o£ so�ne
Qld instruments we have. We shall also provide for your records an accurate
record of all expenditures.
Your kind and favorable consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated.
Very �truly yours,
/s� S. W. Curtis
SWC/cgw Principal
3eptember 20, 1955
To the Commissioners of the City oi Glearwaters
We, the undersigned, dc re�pectfully petition you ta help us protect the
children of Belleair Elementary School from the traffic hazards existing there and
becom3ng worse because of th.e ever increasing enrolJ.men�.
We suggest this protection can be accomplished by:
l. Widening Lakeview Avenue
2. Extend�ng the sidewalk on the north side of Lakeview AVenue ta
the Missouri Avenue �.ntersection.
3. Installing a manually operated traffic 1i;ht on Greenwood Avenue
at the intersection with Lakeview Ayenue.
Signed by eighty-five persons
Gity of C�earwater
Nov. 2�, 1955
Pursuant to our recent discussion rela�ive tA the leasing of the c3ty property
located on the wes� side of Pointsetta Avenue, bounded on ths south by Causeway
BZvd. and the nor�h by Marianna Ste, if conVanient, it wouid be of interest to
me to kn.ow �f yoa gent3.emen would consider leasing this propertq. If so, at a
time designated by you, I would like to submit a bid to leas� sa3d property fnr
a period of time to run concurrent with the lease now in effect with the Park Ina.
I have been a resident of Clearv�ater over 1$ pears, have experience in food
handling", can furnish references if required.
Thanking you for your cons�.daration of this matter, I�m,
Yours sincerely,
�ls� Garrett McKerna�n
625 Bay Esplanade
WiHEREAS, the City Commission of the Citg of Clearv�ater, Florida, on the 7th
day o. November, A. D. 1955, passed a Resolution, a copy of which is hereto attac4�ed,
urging the paving and 3mp►_^ovement of Hercules Avenue in the City of Clearwat;er
between Drew Stre�t (Sta�e Road #590) on the north and Gulf to Bay Boulevard (Stata
Road #60) o� the south, and
WHEftEASr the paving of the said Herculss Avenue was originally included in
the road budget of the Qountq of PinelZas but was later delet,ed because of lack
of funds, and
,�` �9 0
November 2$, 1955
�7HEF3EAS, it is d�eemed to be to the bast intArest o£ tha City of Clearwater
and the Caun�y of Pinellas and th�ir inhabitants that Hercule3 Avenue contsinu� to
be a�tively� eunsidered for paving and improvemEnt ior the reasons set out in 'the
attachea Resolutian of �he 7�h aay of November, 1955.
NOW, THEREFORE, fiE IT RESOLV�D by the Citsy Commission of the Cit;y oi Gler�rwaier,
Flori.da, in session duly and regular�ly assembled as follows:
That the B�ard o£ Cdunty Corrm�issioners of tne County of Pinella� be and they
are hereby urged as+d requested to place the paving and improvement of Hercules
Avenue in tixe Road Bur�get, even �shough no funds exist for said project, and even
tho�xgh said project wou�.d haae to Ue included in the budget at a figure manifes�ly
insufiicient to accomplish said paving and improvemen�, so that in Ghe event that
funds become availabie during the Qperation of said budget thay may be appli�d �o
the paviag and impxovement og Hercules Avenue without awaiting a subsequent
budgetary period.
PASSED AND ADtJPTED this 2$th day of November, 1955.
/s/ Herbert Mo Brown
/s/ Et. G, Whitehead
WH�'.REAS, the Merchants Association of Clearwater recen�ly sponsored and
conducted a Chris�mas Parade to initiate the Christmas Season, and
tnTHEREAS, �he parade so sponsored was plannsd and exscuted in an outstanding
manner and cons�ituted a genuins service to tbe City of Clearwater, and provided
interesting entertainment to the inhabitants of the City of Glearwater, and
reglected credit upcn tha Nferchants Association nf CZearwaGer and the City of
NOW, THEHEFORE, BE IT EtESOLVED, by the City Commission of the City of
Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows:
That the �Ierchants Association of Clearwater is hereby commended for �he
outstanding manner in whiah it planned and executed its recent Christmas Parade,
and tt�e �Ierck�ants Association of Clearwater is herelay �ncour�ged ta continue the
sponsorship of the annual Christmas Parade as an outstanding public service to
the Citp of Clearwater and its inhabi�ants.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2$th day of November A. D. 1955.
/s/ Herber� M. Brown
/s/ R. G. Wh�tehead
�� %
i�HE�.EAS, t�ie �ity Cqmmi�sgion of the City of Clearwater, Florida, enacted
Ordinance Ido, 6$b on t�ctober 3, 1955, which ordinanc� declared the inten�ion of
the said City to annex �air�urn Addition into the corporate limits nf the Gity
of �learwater, and
�+'HEREAS, sai� Ordinance was published once a week ior iour consecutive weeks
in the Clpa�vrater Sun, 4 newspaper puhlished in the City of Clearwatsr, I�lorida,
proof of whicYr publication is hereto attached, and
tPrFi�R�AS, raos�e than thirty ciays has expired since the enactment of Ordinance
Nc�. 6$6, and nc� registered voter of the City of Glearwater, no owner of real
estate in the territory �o be annex�d, and no person v�homsoever, has objected to
suc�h annexation or has applied to the Circuit Court Qf the aixth Judicial Cixcuit
in and fori Pinella� County, �'lorida, set�ing forth any objection:to said
annexation, ancl
irr'HERE�S, all of the provisions o£ Section 171,Q1�., Florida Statutes, have been
complied with.
Section 1. The City of Clearwater, aetin; by and through i�s City Commission,
by the authority and und�r the pro�'isions of Section 171.04� Florida Statutes,
herebg annexes intn the c�rporate limits oi the City of Clearwater, Florida,
and redefines the boundary lines of the said City so as to include therein the
All of FAIRBtlRI� ADllITI01�, a subdivision, as recorded in plat book 12, page
1$, of the public records of Pinellas County, Florida, being the East 4.95
iest of the Southwest Quartier (SW�) of �he Nort�east �uarter (AtE�) of Section.
7.0, Township 29 Sau�Gh, Range 15 �ast and also b�giunina at a point 4.95
feet �iest of Southeast Corn?r of Plorthw�st Quarter (NL7�) of I4o�tcheast
Quarter (AE�} oi Section 10, Totiansl�ip :29 South, Range 15 East; thence due
�torth td cent�r of Stevenson. Creek; th�:nce sou�heasi:erly along center
o� cieek to the point where said cen�er of creek intersects the South
l�.ne of said I3orthwest Quaxter (�i�j of Idorth east Quart�r {ydE4) of
Sectio� 10, Township 29 South, xange 15 �ast; thence �test �ong the
South line of said Northaest Quarter {N(rd�) of Northe3s� C�uarter {NE�)
of Section 10, Township 29 Southp Range 15 East; to Point of Be�,;inning.
Section 2. Th� foregoing property is herebg zoned as follo�s, and the City
Engineer is hereby directed to incorpora�e into and set out and show upon the
Offici�l 2oning Map and other a�'ficial map� of the Gity of CZearwater the fore-
going property, togetlaer with its zoning as iollows:
Blocks A� B� and C ' - T�B��'
Elocks D and E - 'eg_4'►
Block F- I.ots 1-'�, inclusive, nR-!��
and Lots $-14, inclt�sa.ve, "R_2tt
Block G- I,ots 1-�., inclusive, '�R-4'T
and Lots .5-12, inclusive, nR-2TM
Blpck H- Lots 1-4, inclusiv�, "R-4Tr
and Lots 5 �d b, "R-2n
Sectian 3. This Ordinance shal.l become �ffective immediatelp u�on its
/s� R. G. 4Vhitehe3d
iLovsmbe�r 7, 1955
Nov�•mber 2$, 1955
Nodember 2$, 1955
/s/ Herbert T�. Bro�an