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September 26, 1955
the City of Clearwater met in special session at City
1955, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present:
Commissi oner
Came in later.
The City Commission of
Hall, Monday, September 26,
Jack Russell
Guy L. Kennedy
J. N. Bohannon
W. E. Strang, Jr.
*Herbert M. Brown
*Absent at first of meeting.
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton
Chas. M. Phillips
G. T. McClamma
S. Lickton
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
The City Attorney called the meeting to order. Commissioner Bohannon moved
that Commissioner Russell be elected Mayor pro tem in the absence of the Mayor.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
Regarding the bids opened at the last meeting for Workmen's Compensation and
Liability Insurance for the City for one year, the City Manager recommended
accepting the bid submitted by the Clearwater Association of Insurance Agents tor
$14,615.57 from the Travelers Insurance Company. Commissioner Kennedy moved that
the bid of $14,615.57 made by the Clearwater Association of Insurance Agents
covering the Workmen's Compensation and Liability Insurance for one year trom
Travelers Insurance Company be accepted and approved and the proper officials be
authorized to execute a contract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon
and carried unanimously.
The Mayor announced a Public Hearing on the request of Dallas A. Sinclair for
a three foot setback from the rear lot line and a three foot setback from the side
lot line for Lot 9, Block C, Carolina Terrace. The City Attorney read the request
from Mr. Sinclair explaining that he wished to build a new garage. The Zoning
Board's recommendation was that the request be granted as three feet is already
an established setback in this block. A letter was read from Mr. W. C. Goffigon,
owner of Lot 20 (the adjoining property in the rear), stating that he had no
objection. The Mayor inquired if there were any objections from anyone in the
audience and there were none. After having held this Public Hearing on the request
of Dallas A. Sinclair and having heard no valid objection, Commissioner Strang
moved that the application be approved in:accordance with the recommendation or
the Zoning Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried
The Mayor announced that the traffic pattern at the Five Points intersection
would be considered. Patrolman Wayne King presented a map showing the accidents
that had occurred at the intersection and the approaches to the intersection aince
January 1st, 1955, and said that the majority of the accidents were caused by
doors of parked cars being opened into the line of traffic and Sideswiping due
to the narrow traffic lanes. Mayor Brown arrived at 1:50 P.M. and assumed the
Chair. Mr. Fred Bell, Traffic Engineer, estimated that the peak load of traffic
for an average day handled by that intersection was 13,000 and during the winter
season it would increase to 16,000 cars. He said it was necessary to remove
some of the parking so that the intersection can now handle 840 cars per hour
in each direction. In regard to the proposal of Mr. D. Newton Brown, owner of
Lots 1 to 5, Mattison Square, to give part of his land on Cleveland Street now
being used as sidewalk for the street right of way, the City Engineer said that
the Street should be widened eight feet but that only seven feet of the sidewalk
space could be used due to a marquee on the Brown Building which extends over ~he
sidewalk. He estimated the work of setting back the curb and paving at $871.00
and stated that nine feet would be left for the sidewalk. Mr. Brown was in the
audience and upon an inquiry from the Mayor stated that he would be willing to
dedicate the seven foot strip on the south side of Cleveland Street from Greenwood
to Washington in order to s0cure parking space in front of his bul~ding.
Commissioner Russell moved the project be approved for the sum of 1871.00, that
this work be done, that the sidewalk be removed, contingent on the deed of Mr.
Brown to the City of approximately seven feet, leaving a nine foot sidewalk from
Greenwood to WaShington. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried
Mr. H. H. Baskin, Sr., addressed the Commission complaining of the no parking
restriction on the south side of Cleveland, saying that he did not own the first
100 feet west of Greenwood but he was concerned in the next 1)0 feet west of
Greenwood on Cleveland (in Sarah McMullen Subdivision). HG stated that it waa
vacant property at present but the no parking restriction would limit the lea..
or sale of the lot for business use. Mr. Baskin offered to give seven teet tor
Widening the street if necessary. Mr. Jesse A Cox owner on the north aide of
Cleveland, also complained of the no parking restrIction. Traffic Engineer Bell
explained that the restriction had been established in order to allow five lanes
of moving traffic. By consent, the matter was rererred to the City Manag.r~ the
C1~y Engineer and the Traffic Department for a ~horough study.
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September 26, 1955
A petition was read from Mr. and Mrs. Avery M. Sawyer requesting permiseion
to connect two trailers to be located on Lot 3, Lot 4 and Lot 11, Block F, Fairburn
Subdivision, to the City sanitary sewer. It was pointed out that Fairburn
Subdivision is outside the City limits although surrounded by the City on three
sides. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance annoxing Fairburn
Subdivision. Commissioner Strang moved that the request tor sewer service be
denied but that the request would be reconsidered if Fairburn Subdivision Mae
brought into the City. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried
A letter was read from Mr. L. O. Hester, County Engineer, concerning the
specifications for the paving of Hercules Avenue from Oulf-to-Bay Boulevard to
Drew Street. The letter stated that the matter had been taken up at the County
Commission meeting on September 20th and that the chiet obstacle to complying
with the City's request for a 30 root pavement was the lack of funds. He explained
that $215,000.00 is set up for County Wide Capital Outlay (new road and bridge
construction), that when this amount is divided between five districts it runs
about $45,000.00 for each district, In the Clearwater district, a previous
commitment exists to rebuild the Chilito Bridge in Tarpon Springs which 18
estimated at $70,000.00. The County Commission proposed building this portion
of Hercules Avenue on a cooperative basis, the County would provide the money for
construction of a 24 foot roadway with an asphalt retread surface, the remaining
cost to be provided by others (the City or private individuals). Tbe Mayor
suggested that a meeting with the County Commission be arranged to discuss tbis
matter and other problems at an early date. Mrs. Doris Alvord spoke to the
Commission urging completion of at least a thirty foot pavement. Mr. E. M.
Sanford addressed the Commission stating that the owners of property on Hercules
were preparing a petition to present to the County Commission requesting that the
paving be done according to City specifications. By consent, the Manager was
instructed to set up a meeting with the County Commission to confer on this
problem. '
The City Manager described the plan to improve the traffic situation on
Drew Street from Stevenson Creek to North East Cleveland by setting back the curb
nine feet on the north side and six feet on the south side to allow one through
lane going ~est and a through lane turning to the right from Betty Lane. The
City Engineer estimated the cost ot setting back the curb and paving at $8,800.00.
After some discussion, the report was accepted and the matter was deferred for
further study.
Commissioner Kennedy reporting for the Committee investigating the proposal
to sell Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 13, Court Square, and Lots 16. 17 and 18, Block 13.
Magnolia Park. to the City, stated that the appraisal by the Board of Realtors
had set the value of the property at $40,120.00 which covered the land and the
buildings. It was the recommendation of the Committee that the City reject the
proposal of $58,500.00 from Mr. Herbert Blanton, Sr., on behalf of the property
owner, and the Committee submitted the appraisal without recommendation.
Commissioner Kennedy reported that a bill of t150.00 had been submitted with the
appraisal. Commissioner Strang moved that the City notity the real estate broker
that the City is not desirous of purchasiOi the property at this time and th&t
the bill be paid in the amount of a150.00 for this appraisal. Motion ~a8 seconded
by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Kennedy reported that some of the Calvary Baptist Church members
had approacped him regarding obtaining an additional piece ot property from the
City to use as a parking lot. He said they had suggested that the Church deed
to the City a strip of land (32.77 feet wide) on the west side of the church's
property and that the City give the Church the property west of their Educational
Building, formerly occupied by the horseshoe courts. By consent, the City Engineer
was instructed to prepare a survey which would indicate the properties to be traded.
The Mayor suggested that a Resolution be prepared praising the Clearwater
Bombers for the Cine work that they did in the World Sottball Tourn~ent and that
a copy be given to each member of the team. Commissioner Strang moved that the
Resolution be prepared by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Bohannon and carried unanimously.
It ~as suggested by the Mayor that 'the ~ity Attorney draft a Resolutiol'1 to
the JayCees and the JayCee-ettes thanking them for the sponsorship or the World
Softball Tournament and expressing appreciation for the way they managed the details
of the tournament. Commissioner Russell moved that the Resolution be prepared by
the City Attorney and signed by the proper officials. Motion was seConded by
Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The City Manager recommended installing 365 feet of six inch water main on
Coronado Drive at an estimated cost ot $1,275.00. Commissioner Bohannon moved
that the Manager's recommendation be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Russell and carried unanimously.
It was recommended by the City Manager that 350 teet ot t~o incb water main
be installed in Missouri Avenue to complete a loop in the extreme soutb end of
Clearwater at an estimated cost or '3:30.00. Commissioner Strang moved that the
work order be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried
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Septenber 26, 1955
The City Manager recommended installing 431 feet of two inch water main on
LaSalle Street to replace a 3/4 inch line at an estimated cost of .350.00.
Commissioner Russell moved that the work order be approved. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
The City ~anager requested approval of the expense for a survey of the inter-
section of U.S. 19 and Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard with reference to the rropoaed
improvement planned for the intersection. He said at a former meet ng with the
County Commission it had been proposed tbat the County and the City each pay half
the cost of the survey which is now estimated at between $2,000.00 and '2,500.00.
By consent, the Commission agreed to discuss this matter at the planned meeting
with the County Commission.
The City Attorney read a request from Mr. Blanks Everitt, radio service man,
requesting a revision of his contract with the City which would eliminate the
assistant that he now has. A letter ~as read from the Chief of Police recommending
the revision. By consent. the matter was referred to the City Manager to work
out and repore back to the Comadssion.
A letter was read from Mr. J. Tweed McMullen regarding the suit of Harry
Shepard versus Ale and the City of Clearwater offering a compromise settlement on
behaLf of his client, Mr. Shepard. He stated in the letter that Mr.. Shepard would
permit the opening up and paving of Duncan Avenue at the location desired by the
City which would make it co-terminous with the paving to the north of GUlt-to-Bay
Boulevard, and ~u1d also dedicate a right of way to Turner Street thirty teet in
width throughout the entire block from Keystone to Duncan for the sum of $5,)85.00,
and that his cliene has agreed to accept payment by way of credit on the cost ot
installing the sewer and paving along Duncan Avenue. By consent, the City Englheer
was instructed to check into this and see how this affects the subdivisions to the
east, Beverly Heights and Suburb Beautiful, and see if Turner Street is dedicated
east of Dutican.
Commissioner Bohannon comnented thae a stalemate had been reached in trying
to get the Federal Goverrnnent to pave the streets in the Greenwood Apartment area
as the Government was considering selling the whole property. Commissioner Strang
suggested that a Resolution be drafted notifying the Florida Congressmen of the
sit.uation and stating that it might be necessary to stop sending the City trucks
across these streets as they are in such bad shape. Commissioner Strang moved
that such a Resolution be drafted and signed by the proper officials. Motion was
seconded by Comndssioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney requested that travel expenses be authorized for the Mayor
and himself to meet with representatives of the Phillies to complete their contract.
Co~ssioner Strang moved that travel expenses for the Mayor and the City Attorney
be authorized tin order to finalize the contract with the Phillies. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
Commdssioner Russell mentioned that Mr. Roy Hamey, General Manager of the
Phillies, was planning to hold a baseball school in Clearwater trom February 5 to
March 1st, 1956) and had inqaired if he could obtain rooms for about fifty boys.
Commdssioner Russell said he had contacted Mr. R. L. Hendershott of the Convention
Bureau who assured him that rooms would be available.
The Manager requested approval of a work order for $500.00 for the cost of
covering the colored bleachers at the ball park. Commissioner Strang moved that
the work order be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and
carried unanimously.
The Commission now adjoarned as the City Commission and acting as Trustees
of the Pension Fund admitted Lloyd A. Gilley, an electrician in the Electrical
Department, to membership in the Pension Plan on a motion by Commissioner Strang
which was seconded by Commdssioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting
adjourned at ~:05 P.M.
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September 26, 1955
Mayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang. Jr.
Guy L. Kennedy, J. N. Bohannon
September 2), 1955
The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday. September 26. 1955
in the City Hall Auditorium tor the purpose of discussing the items listed on the
attached agenda. Meeting time will be 1:30 P.M.
Ver;y truly yours,
/s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
FeM: 8
Agenda - City Commission Meeting. Special, September 26, 1955
City Hall Auditorium
1:30 P.M.
Awarding Workman's Compensation Insurance Bid.
Public Hearing on request of Dallas A. Sinclair for a three foo~ setback
from the rear lot line and three toot setback trom the side lot line for
Lot 9. Block G, Carolina Terrace.
Commission's consideration of:
A. Traffic Pattern at Five Points Intersection.
B. Sewer connection outside City L1mi~s. (Requested by Mr. Sawyer who
proposes to construct a trailer park in Fairburn Subdivision, west
of Betty Lane between Stevenson Creek and Palmetto.)
Plans for addition to Bay Drive-In.
Manager's report with reference to reply from County on construction
of Hercules Avenue.
Engineer's report ~ith reference to widening of Drew Street from
Missouri Avenue to Stevenson Creek.
Engineer's report with reference to widening the south side of
Cleveland Street between Greenwood Avenue and Washington Avenue.
Committee report with reference to purchasing property east of ACL
on Court Street.
Utility Improvements.
Any other item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent of the
Sept. 2J 1955
Mr. F. C. Middleton, City Manager
Oliver H. Anderson. Sec'y. Zoning Board
Mr. D. A. Sinclair, Lot 9, Block CJ Carolina Terrace Sub.
The Zoning Board recommends that the setback on this property be granted, for
the following reasons. Three feet is already an established setback in this block
and it is also Business use in this block, and to hold to a ridgid R-2 setback
in this particular case wo~ld be illogical and create a hardship.
Attached hereto is original letter and sketch.
Mr. Dallas A Sinclair
1524 So. Missouri
Clearwater, Florida
August .3, 1955
Zoning Commission
City Hall
Clearwater. Florida
Dear Sirs:
(Lot 9, Block C.
Carolina Terrace Sub.)
I wish permission to build a 14 x 24 toot garage and wash house within three
feet of my property line. 'l'be lot, which is 1524 So. Missouri Ave., 1s only 50 x
90 feet. Due to the Widening of South Missouri Avenue I was forced to move ray
house back. The side of the house 1s only 22 feet from the line now. which puts
the garage right next to the house.
Your consideration in this matter wo~ld be greatly appreciated.
Very truly yours
Is/ Dallas A. Sinclair
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September 26, 1955
The petition of AVERY M. SAWYER and PEARL E. SAWYER, his wife, respectfully
(1) That your petitioners are the Eee simple owners of those certain tracts
or parcels of land in Pinellas County, Florida, more particularly described as
Lot Three (3), less the North twenty feet (N. 20') thereot, Allot Lot Four
(4) and Lot Eleven (11) in Block "F" of FAIRBURN SUBDIVISION, according to Map or
Plat thereof 8S recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 97, of the public records ot
Pinellas County, Florida.
(2) That said land fronts on Betty Lane North and also on Fairburn Avenue,
being just outside the city limits of Clearwater, Florida. Tbat the said land waa
purchased to be used by your petitioners and by William Sawyer, a brother ot Avery,
tor two trailers. That in conformity to the requests ot the County 01'ficia18,
and particularly of Mr. James Ramsden of the Pinellas County Healt~ Department,
your petitioners had prepared a drawing showing a survey of said land according to
the statutes, rules and regulations for trailer parks. That there has not been any
intent and there is not now any intent to use the said land for any except the two
trailers, but such drawing was prepared because requested by the County Sanitation
Department. Copy of the said drawing is herewith pre8~nted.
(3) That after considerable delay your petitioners are now informed by the
Sanitation Department tbat sewer service of the City of Clearwater is available
for said land, and this petition is to request such sewer service, and full
information concerning just what your petitioners may do, must do, or shall do in
order that they may use this said land they have purchased for their two trailers,
and make use of it without further extensive delay.
No petition concerning this has heretofore been submitted to the City, and
any blame for the existing delay is not, in any way, attributable to any City
official, but we mention our desire to use the lots as early as possible, either
by use of sewer or of septic tanks, and are informed that the County will not
act further until definite ~ord comes from this Commission.
WHEREFORE your petitioners pray:
That at the earliest possible opportunity this petition may be heard and
definite answer given.
RespectEully submitted this
22nd day of September, 1955.
/s/ Avery M. Sawyer
/s/ Pearl E. Sawyer
Mailiruz Address:
P. O. Box 372
Dunedin, Florida
Private Telephone:
September 26, 1955
Mr. Francis Middleton
City Manager
City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Sir:
I am writing you at the direction oE the Board oE County Commissioners ot
Pinellas County, meeting in regular session on Sept. 20th, 1955.
Re: Hercules Avenue
At that meeting the Board directed that I acknowledge receipt of the City ot
Clearwater Resolution concerning minimum specifications far the paving of Hercules
Avenue, beginninf at Gulf to Bay and extending northward to Drew Street. The
Board likewise d rected the writer to convey the thinking of the Commission
concerning this request.
The matter was discussed at length, and the Board seemed to be ih complete agree-
ment as to the following: The chief obstacle! of course, in this matter would be
the financing of this program insofar as the uotmty is concerned.
I would like to invite your attention to the fact that there is a sum of
$215,000.00 set up for County Wide Capital Outlay, that is to say, for new road
and bridge construction. It is further evident that When this proposed program
is extended County wide over the five Commissioner districts, it will'approxlmate
in the neighborhood or $40,000.00 to $45,000.00 for expenditure in each district.
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September 26, 1955
I would also invite your attention to the fact that previous commitments already
exist in this particular district which must be met. One particular instance I
would cite would be the rebuilding of Chilito Bri~ge in Tarpon Springs. Tobis
structure alone will cost in the neighborhood of 100,000.00 to $70,000.00, and
within this particular item alone exceeds the normal share €or this district.
In view of the foregoing I am sure you realize the financial stress that tbis
County must operate under in trying to provide all the needed facilities in order
to serve the public.
'lb. Commissioners suggested that I advise your City as to the method ot certain
construction being done, and having been done within the City of St. Petersburg,
namely, that the County contributes or builds a roadway of our standard 24 foot
and leaves the remaining construction items, wider pavement, curb and gutter,
storm sewers. and sidelNalk if desired, for per€ormance by others. By others. ~it
is meant the City or private individuals. There have been several projects
completed in this cooperative manner.
It also seems to be the feeling of the Board that if the City and private
individuals ~ould be interested in a cooperative project of this nature that the
County would attempt to provide the necessary money for construotion of a 2~ foot
roadway, 'With an asphalt retread surface, and the remaining cost to be provided
by ot hers.
Would appreciate being advised by Jour City whether or not a cooperative project
of this nature could be proposed for the City of Clearwater.
Awaiting your reply witn interest, I remain
Very. truly yours,
/s/ L. O. Hester
County Engineer
co Board of County Commissioners
Ronorable City Commissioners
Clearwater, Florida
As Trustees of the City o€ Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund, you are hereby
notified that Lloyd A. Gilley. an electrician in the Electrical DepartDent~ has
been duly examined by a local physician and designated by him as a "First ulass"
risk. '
Sept. 15. 1955
The above employee began his service with the City on Feb. 4, 1955. He ia
under 45 years of age (born Mar. 31, 1931) and meets the requirements of our
Civil Service. It is hereby recommended by the Advisory Committee that be be
accepted into membership.
Very truly yours,
Advisory Committee of The Employees' Pension Fund.
/s/ Paul Kane, Chairman
/.s/. Helen Peters
/s/ Dick Nelson
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September 26, 1955
WHEREAS, the Clearwater Bombers Softball Team has distinguished itself and
has reflected honor and credit to the City of Clearwater by winning the World
Softball Ch~pionsh1p in 1954, and by winning the position of runner-up to the
Wor Id Champions in 195 S, and
WHEREAS, each member of the Clearwater Bombers has sacrificed his time and
personal interests in unselfish contributions to the welfare or the City ot
Clearwater through his participation in the activities of the Clearwater Bombers,
WHEREAS, the Clearwater Bombers have accomplished outstanding athletic
achievements and have set unique examples of sportsmanship, and in so doing haY.
caused the City or Clearwater to receive creditable attention throughout the Nation
and adjoining countries.
NC7tl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City CODlllis sion of the City of
Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows:
1. That the City Commission of the City ot Clearwater hereby extends to
each ot the Clearwater Bombers the official recognition ahd appreciation ot the
City of Clearwater and the gratitude of the people of the City or Clearwater tor
the foregoing accomplishment8 and contributions ot the Clearwater Bombers.
2. That an additional original ot this Resolution be distributed to each
member of the 1955 Clearwater Bombers organization.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day
ot September, A. D. 1955.
/s/ Herbert M. Brown
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
WHEREAS, the Clear~ater Junior Chamber of Commerce, otherwise known as the
Jaycees, was instrumental. in obtaining the 1955 World Softball Tournament tor the
Cit y of Clearwater, and
WHEREAS, the Jaycees and the Jayceettes undertook to make all of the many
arrangements necessary in preparation for the conduct of the 1955 World Soft,ball
Tournament, and
WHEREAS, the Jaycees and Jayceetes unselfishly sacrificed their own time and
personal interests to conduct the 1955 World Softball Tournament, and contributed
untold hours or effort and. in addition, caused ~heir families and friends to
contribute time and effort toward the conduct of the World Softball Tourhament,
WHEREAS, the Jaycees gave its sponsorship to the 1955 World Softball
Tournament at a time when a sponsor was sorely needed and was a preliminary
requisite to obtaining the 1955 World Softball Tournament for the City of
NCYN J THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t.he City Corrmission of the City of
Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows:
1. That the City Commission of the City of Clearwater hereby extends
it s ofticial recognition and appreciation of t.he City of Clearwater and the
gratitude of the people of the City of Clearwater to the Jaycees and Jayceettes
for tbeir sponsorship and conduct of the 1955 World Softball Tournament, and the
unselfish contributions of tbe members of those organizations and others fo~ the
saccessful conduct of said tournament.
2. That an additional original of this Resolution be presented to the
daycees and an additional original be presented to the Jayceettes to manifest the
appreciation or the City of Clearwater.
PASSED AND ADOPrED this 26th day ot September, A. D. 1955.
/s/ Herbert M. Brown
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
. i",
September 26, 1955
WHEREAS, the United States of America through its Federal Housing Authority
is the owner ot the Greenwood Housing Development within the City of Clearwater,
Pinellas County, Florida, and
WHEREAS, the streets within the said Greenwood Housing Development are in
a state ot deterioration and are in need ot extensive repair or repaving in order
to make said streets sate and usable, and
WHEREAS, said streets lie wholly within the said Greenwood Housing D~velopm.nt
and are not public thoroughfares of the City ot Clearwater, and
WHEREAS, unless said streets are rehabilitated so as to be sate and useable,
it will be necessary for the City of Clearwater to cease the use of said str.ets
by its trucks tor garbage collection and other municipal services.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission ot the City ot
Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled 8S tollows:
1. That the United States of America,through its Federal Housing Authority
be and it is hereby urged to accomplish the early rehabilitation ot the streets
in Greenwood Housing Development in Clearwater, Florida, so as to make said .
streets useable and sate, and that in the alternative unless said 8treets, are
rehabilitated within a reasonable length ot time the City Manager ot the City ot
Clearwater shall prohibit vehicles of the City of Clearwater from travelling
said streets.
2. That copies of this Resolution be distributed forthwith to the Senators
and members of Congress representing the State ot Florida and the First Congressional
District, respectively, and to t.he representatives of the Federal Housing Autbority
of tbe United States of America having control of the Greenwood Housing Development.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of September, A. D. 1955.
/ s/ Herbert Me Brown
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
City Auditor and Clerk
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September 26, 1955
Th� City Commissiorz of the City of Clearwater me� in special session at City
Hall, Monday, September 25� 1955, at 1:30 P.M. with the following r�embers present:
Jack Russell
Guy I,. Kennedy
J. N. Bohannon
W. E. Strang, Jr.
�Herbert M. Erown
�Absent at first oF ffieeting. Came in later.
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton
Chas. M. Phillips
G. T. McClamma
S. Lickton
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
Citp E�gineer
The Ci�y Attorney called the meeting to order. Comm3ssioner Bohannon moved
that Commissioner Russell be elected Mayor pro tem in the absence of the Mayor.
l�7otion was seconded by Commissioner Sennedy and carried unanimously.
Regarding the bids opened at the last meetang for Workmen's Compensation and
Liability Insurance for the City for one year, the �itp 1`�anager reco�nended
accepting the bid submitted by the Clearwater Association of Insurance Agents for
�11�,615.5'7 £rom the Travelers Insurance Companq. Commissioner Kennedy moved that
the bid of �14,615.57 made by the Clearwater Associa�ion of Insurance Agents
covering the Workmen's Compensation and Liability Insurance for one year fram
Travelers Insurance Company be acaepted and appr.oved and the proper officials be
authorized to execute a contract. Motion was seconded by Commissic�ner Bohannon
and carried unanimouslye
The Mayor announced a Public Hearing on the request of Dallas A. Sinclair for
a t2�ree foot setback from the rear lot line axxi a three foot setback fxom the side
lot line for I��t 9, Block C, Garolina Terrace. The City Attorttey read the request
from Mr. Sinclair explaining that he trisned to build a new garage. The Zoning
Boardfs recommendation was that the request be granted as three feet is alrea.dy
an established s�tback in this block. A letter was read from Mr. W. C. Goffigon,
owner of Lot 20 (the adjoining property in the rear), stating that he had no
objection. The Mayor inquired if th�re were any objections from anyone in the
audience and there were none. After hav9.ng held thi� �'ublic Hearing on the request
of Dallas A. Sinclair and having heard no Falid objection, Commissioner Strang
moved that the application be approved in:accordance with the recommendation of
the Zoning Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried
ihe Mayor announced th�t the traffic pattern at the Five Points intersection
would be considered. Patrolman Wayne Kin� presented a map showing the aceid�nts
that had occurrad at the intersection and the appraaches to the int•ersection since
January 1.st, 1955, and said that the majority of the accidents were caused by
doors of parked cars being opened into the l.ine af traffic and side:sw3ping d�ze
to the narrow traffic lanes. Mayor Brown arrived at 1:50 P.M. and assumed the
C:�ir. Mr. Fred Beli, Traffic Engineerp estima�ed that the peak load of traffic
for an average day handled by that intersection was 13,000 �and during the winter
season it would increase �0 16,000 cars. He said it was nec�ssary to semove
some of the parking so that the intersection can now handle $�.0 cars per hour
in each direction. In regard to the xx�oposal of Mr. D. Newton BrQwn, owner of
Lots 1 to 5, Mattison Square, to give part of his land on Cleveland Street now
being used as sidewal.k fbr the street right of wap, the City Engineer said that
the Street should be widened eight feet but that only seven feet of the sidewalk
space conld be used dua to a marquee on the Browr� Bualding w�iich extends over the
sidewalk. He estimated the work of setting bacic the curb �nd paving at �$71.00
and stated that nine feat would be left .for the sidewalk. Mr. Brow;n was in the
audience and upon �n inquiry from the Mayor stated that he would ba willing to
dedicat� the seven foot strip on the south side of Gleveland Street fram Greenwaod
to Washington in order to secure parking space in fxont og his buiLding.
Commas sioner Russell moved the pr�ject be approved for the sum of �Fs�1.00, ihat
this work be done, that the sidewalk be xemoved, contingent on the deed of Mr.
Brown to the City of approximately seven �eet, leaving a nine fcat �idewalk from
Greenwood �o Washington. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohanrion and carried
Mr. H. H. �askin, Sr., addressed the Commission complaining of the no parking
restriction on the south side o£ Cleveland, 3aying that he did not awn the first
lOQ feet west of Greenwood but he was concerned in the next 130 feet west oi
Greanwood on Cleveland (in Sarah Mci�iullen Subdivision). He stated that it was
eacant progerty at present but the na parking r.strictinn would limit the lease
or sale of the lot ior business use. Mr. Baskin of�sred to give sevsn feet for
widening the street if necessary. Mr. Jesse A Cox, owner on the north side o£
Cleveland, al.so complained oi the no parking restriction. Traffic Erigineer Bell
explained that the restriction had bee� established in order to allow five lanes
of moving tr•affic. By consent, the matter was referred to the Citp Manager, the
City Engineer and the Traffic Aepartment for a thorough study.
September 26, 1455
A petition was read from Mr. and iKi-s. Avery M. Sasvyer requesting permission
to conneet two trailers to be locat�d on Lot 3, Lot 1+ and Lot 11, Block F, Fairburn
SubdivasiQnp to the City sanitary sewer. It was pointed out that Fairbuu^n
Subdivisian is outside the City limits although surrounded by the City on three
�idese The City ALtornay �aas instr�cted L•o prepare an Ordinance annexing F�irburn.
Subdivisson. Commissioner Strang �oved that the request for sewer serv3ce be
deniecl but that the request would be reconsidered i,f Fairburn Subdivision was
brought i�to bhe City. Motion was seconded by Commiss3oner Kennedy and carri ed
A letter was re�d from Mr. Ly 0. Hestex, County EnginePr, concerning the
specifications for t2ae paving of Hercules Avenue from Gulf�to-Bay Boulevard to
Drew Street. The letter stated that the matter had been taken up at the County
Commission meeting on September 20th and that tne chiei obstacle to complying
with the City°s request for a 30 foot pavement was the lack of funds. He explained
that �215,OQ0.00 is set up for County �4ide Capital O�utlay (new rnad and bridge
construction), that when this amnunt is divided betxeen five dis�tricts it runs
about �1�5,000.00 f.or each district. In the Clearwater district, a previous
commitment exssts to rebuild the Chilito Bridge in Tarpon Springs which is
estimated at �70,000.00. The County Commission proposed builc'.ing this partion
of Hercules Avenue on a cooperativa basis, the County woul.d pravide the money for
construction of a 24 foot roadway with an asphalt retread surface, the remaining
cost to be grovided by others (the City or privaue individuals). The Mayor
suggested that a meeting wath the County Commission be arr�anged to c?iscuss this
matter and other problems at an early date. Mrs. Doris Alvord spoke to the
Commi.ssion urgin,g completion of at least a thirty £oot pavement. Mr. E, M.
Sanford addressed the Gommission stating that the owners of propertX on Hercules
were preparing a petition to present to the Count� Commission requesting that the
paving be done according to -0 3ty sgecificatians. By consent, �he Manager was
instructed to set� up a m�etino with the C�unty Co�ission to confer on this
The City Manager described ttie p1an to improve the traffic situation on
Drew Street from Stevenson Creek to North East Cleveland by setting back the curb
nine feet on tt�e north side and six feet on the south side �o allow one through
lane going west and a through lane turning to the right from Betty Lane. The
Gity Engineer estimated the cost of setting back the curb and paving at �$,$0�.00.
After soma discussion, the report was accepted and thE m�tter was deferred for
further study.
Cammi.s�.ioner KeMnedy reporting for the Committee investiga�ing �he proposal
to sell Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 13, Court Square, and Lots 16� 17 and 1$, Block 13,
Magnolia Park, to the City, stated that the appraisaI. by the Board of Realtors
had set the value of the property at �40,120.00 whicr; covered the land and the
buildiiios. It was the recommendation of the CommitLee that the City reject the
proposal af �58,500.00 from I�Ir. Aerbert Blanton, Sr., on behalf o£ the property
owner, and the Co�nit�ee �ubmitted the appraisal without recommendation.
Commissicner Kennedy rep�rtPd tha� a bill of �150.00 had been submitted with the
appraisal. CommissiQner Str2:�g moved that the Gi�y notify the real estate broker
that the Citp is not desirous of purchasing the property at this time and that
the bill �ie paid i�: the araQunt of �150.00 ior this ayspraisal. Mc�tion was seconded
by Commissi.oner Russel� a.nd carried unanimously.
Commissioner Kennedy reported that some of the Calvary Bap�ist Church members
had approached him regarding obcaining an additional piece of property from the
City to use;as a parking lot. Hs said they had suggested thai; the Ghusch deed
to the Cit� a strip of land (32,�� feet widnj on the wes� side of the church's
property and �hat the City gi�e the Churc�i the property west of their Educational
Building, formerly occupied by the horseshoe courtso Bp coasent, the City Engineer
was instructed to prepare a survey which would indicate the praperties to be traded.
The Mayor suggested that a Resolution be prepared praising the Clearwater
Bombers for the fine work that they did in the W�rld Softball Tournament and that
a copy be given to each member of the team. Commissioner Strang m�ved that the
Besolution be prepared by the CitX Attorney. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Bohannon and carried unanimously.
It was suggested by the Pdayor that the Citp Attorney draft a Resolution t4
the JayCees and the JayCee-ettes thanking them for the sponsorship of the World
Softball Tournament and expressing appreciation �or the way they managed the details
of the tournacnent. Commissioner Russell moved that the Resolution be prepared by
the City Attorne�r and signed by the proper afficials. Motion was seconded by
Commi.ssioner Bohannon and carried unani�ously.
The City Manager recomrnended installing 365 feet of six inch water main on
Coronadn Drive at an estimated cost of �1,275.OQ. Commission�r Bohannon moved
that the Manager's recommend�,tion be approved. Motion waa seconded by Commissioner
Russell and carriec?, unanimously.
It was recor�eended by the City Manager that 350 feet of two inch water main
be installed in Missouri Avenue to c omplete a loop in the extrerae south end of
Glearwater at an escimated cost of �330.00. Commissioner Strang moved that ths
work order be approved. Moti�n was secanded by Couimissioner R=sssell �nd carried
unaniu�ous ly.
September 26, 1955
The City Manager recommended ins�alling 431 feet of two znch water main on
LaSalle Street to replace a 3/4 inch line at az� estimated cost of �35O.OA.
Commissioner Iiussell moved that the work order be approved. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Strsng ar►d carried unanimouslp.
The City l��anager requ�sted approval of the expense for a survey o£ the inter-
section of U.S. 19 and Gulf-to-B�y Boulevard with refarence to the praposecl
improvement planned for � he intersec�ion. He said at a former seeting with �he
County Commission it had been proposed that the County and �he Citq each pay half
the cosL of the survey which is now estimated at between �2,q00.00 and �2,500.OQ.
By consentf the Commission agreed to discuss this matter at th� planned meeting
with the County Commission.
�he C�ty Attorney read a request from idz�. Blanks Everitt, radio service man,
raquesting a revision of his contract with the City which would eliminate the
assistant that he not� has. A letter was read from the Chief of Police recommending
the revision. :By consent, the matter was referred to the City Manager to work
out and report back to the Commission.
A letter was read from 2�r. J. Tweed McMullen regarding the suit of Harry
Shepard versus Ale and the City of Clear��ter offering a compromise settlement on
behalf of his client, N�r. Shepard. He stated in �he letter that Nlr. Shepard �rould
permit tr�� opening up and paving of Duncan Avenue at the location desired by the
City which would make it co-terminous with the pa�ing to the north of Gulf-to-Bay
Boulevardg and would also dedicate a right of way to Turner Street tbirtp feet in
width throughout the entire block from Keystone to Duncan £or the sum of �5,3$5.00,
and that his client has agreed to accept payment by way of credit on the cost oi
installing the sewer and paving along Duncan Av�nue. By consent, the Gitp Engiheer
wag instructed to check into this and see how this affects the subdivisions to the
east, Beverly Heights and Suburb Beautiful, and see if Turner Street is dedicated
east of Dupcan.
Commissioner Bohannon co�ented that a stalemate had been reached in trping
to get the Federal Government to pave the streets in the GreenwAod Apartment area
as the Government was considering selling the whale properi;y, Commissioner Strang
sugoested that a Resolution be drafted notifyi�ng the Florida Congress�en of the
situation and stating that it migh� be necessary to sbop sending the City trucks
across these streets as th�y are in such bad shape. Commissioner 3trang moved
that such a Resolution be drafted and signed by the proper oificials. I�Iotion was
seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney requested that travel expenses be authorized for the Mayor
and himsslf to meet with representatives of the Phillies to complete their contract.
Commissioner Stran� moved that travel expenses for the Mayor and the City Attorney
be authorized �zn order to finalize the cuntract with the Phillies. Motaon was
seconded by Commiasioner Russell and carr ied unanimously.
Gommissioner Russell mentioned that Mr, Roy Hamey, General Manager of the
Phillies, was planning to hold a baseball schonl in Clearwater fx�om February 5 to
March lst, 1956, and had inquired if he could obtain rooms for about iift� boys.
Commissioaer Russell said he had contactsd Mr. R. L. Hendershott of the Convention
Bureau who assured him that rooms wc�uld be availabls.
The Manager requested approval of a work order for �500.00 for the cost ai
covering the colored bleachers at the bali park. Commissioner Strang moved t'lat
the work order be approvedo Motion was seconded by Commiasioner Bohannon a nd
carried unanimously.
The 'Commission now adjourned as �he City Commission and acting as Trustees
oi the Pension rund admi�ted Lloyd A. Gilleq, an electrician in the Electrical
Department, to m�bership in the Pensian Plan on a motion by Commissioner Strang
which was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and car�ried unanimausly.
There being na f�ther business to come before the Commission, the meeting
adjourned at 4:05 P.M.
iG i�
R. G. i�ehead
� �
September 26, 1955
Septambex 23, 1955
Mayor Commissiones ifierbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jac�C Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr.
Gup L. Kennedy, J. Ne Bohannon
�-- The City Commissian will meet in Speaial Session on Monday, Sep�amber 26, 1955
in the City Ha11 Auditorium for the purpose ef discussing the items listed on the
a�tached agenda. Mesting time �ail? be .1:30 P.M.
Ver3� trulp yours,
�s/ F. C, Middleton
FBM:s City Manager
Agen�a - City Commiss3oni Meeting, Special, September 26, 1955
City Hall A,uditorium
1:30 P.M.
1. Awarding Workmar's Compensation Insuranca Bid.
2. Public Hearing on request of Da�las A. Sinclair for a three foat setback
fr from the rear lot line and three foot setback from the side lot Iine %r
Lot 9, BZock G, Carolina Terrace.
3. Gommissionts consideration of:
A. Traffic Pattern at Five Points Intersection.
B. Sev�em �onnection outside City Limits. (Reques*,ed by Mr. Sawyer who
proposes to construct a traiZer park in Fairburn Subdivision, wes�
of Betty Lane betwe�n Stevenson Cre�k and Palmetta.)
Co Plans far addition to Bay Drive-In.
D. Manager's report with reference tc� replp from Countp on construction
of Hercules Avenue.
E, Engineerts report with reference to �aidening of Drew Street from
Missouri Avenue to Stevenson Creek.
F. Engineer's report with reference to wiciening the south side of
Cleveland Street between Greenrvood Avenue and Washington Avenue.
G. Committee report with reference to purchasing property east o£ ACL
on Court Street.
4• Util3ty Impro�ements.
5. Any other item aot on the agenda will 'oe considered with the consent of t�ie
Sept. 2, 1955
To: Mr. F. C. M3ddletan, Cit3r Manager
Fro�►: Oliver Ii. Anderson, Sec'y. Zoning Board
Subject: Nir. D. A. Sinclair, Lot 9, B1ocYc C, Carol3ma Terrace Sub.
The Zoning Board recommends that the setback on this property be granted, far
the following r�asons. Three ,feet is alreadp an establisYxed setback in this lslock
and it is also Business use in this bl�ck, and to hold to a ridgid R-2 setback
in this particular case would be i1l.ogicaT and create a hardship.
Attached nereto is origfnal �etter and sketch.
Zonang Commission
City Hall
Clearwater, Florida
P�r. Dallas A Sinclair
1524 So. 1Missouri
Clearwater, Florida
August 3, 1955
(Lot 9, Block C,
D�ar Sars: ' Carolina Terrace Sub.)
I wiah permission to build a L�. x 24 foot garage and wash house �ithin three
feet of my property line. The lo�, which is 152lS So. Missouri Ave., is only 50 x
90 feet. Due to the witl�ning of South Missot�ri Avenue I was j'orced to move my
house back. The side bf th.e house is only 22 £eet from the line nnw, which puts
the garage right next to the house.
Your consicieration in this mattsr would be greatly appreciated.
V�ry truly y�urs,
/s/ Dallas A. Sinclair�
J� Q �
Septembex� z6, 1955
The petition of AV'ERX M. SAWYEF� and PEARL E. SAWYER, his wife, respectfully
�1) That your petitioners are the gee simple owners of �hose certain tracts
or parcels o£ land in Pin�llas County, Florida, more particularly described as
Lot Three (3), less the North twc�nty feet {N. 20�) thereo.f, All of Lot Four
(4.) and Lot E?even (11) in Alock ttFm of FAIRBURN �JBDIVISIONs according ta Niap or
Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 97, of the public records of
Pinellas Cc,unty, Florida.
(2) Th�t said land fronts on Betty Lane North and also on Fairburn Avenue,
being just outside the citp limits of Glearwater, Florida. That the said land was
purcha3ecl to be used by your peti.tioners and bp Willi�m Sawyer, a brother of Avery,
for two trailers. That in conformity to the requests of the County Of£icial.s,
and particularly of Mr. James Rams�len of the Pinellas County Health D�partment,
your petitioners had prepared a drawing �howing a survey of said land according ts�
the stat��tes, rules and regulations for trailer p�rks. That there hss n�t be�n any
intent and there is not now any intent to use the said land for any except the tv�o
trailers, but such drawing was prepared because req� sted �y the Coun�p 3a�i�ation
Departr�en;t. Copy oi the said drawing is herewith oresented.
(3) Tha�G after considerable delay your petitioners are now informed bp the
Sanitation Department that sewer servi.ce o€ the City of Clearwates is available
for said land, ar.d this petition is t� reqirast such sewer servicey and full
information cancerz�ing just what your petitio�ners may do, must do, or shall do in
order that they may use this said land they hav� purchased fc�r their two trailers,
and make use of it without further extensive de�lay.
No patittion concerna�ng this has heretofore been submitted to th� City, and
any blame fox iche existiing delay is not, iu any way, attributable to anp City
official, bu� we men�ion our desire to use the lots as early as possibl�, either
by use oi sewer or of septia tanks, and are informed that the County will not
act further until definite word comes from this Commissinn.
WHEREF(}RE your petitioners pray;
:'hat at the ear].iest possible oppnrtunity ttais petition may be heard anci
�aefinite answex given.
Respectfully submitted this 22nc3 day of September, 1955•
/s% Avery M. Sa�y�r
/s/ Pearl E. SaYryer
Maili.n� Addr.ess:
P. 0. Bax 3',72
Dunedin, Flori3a.
Private Tele hone:
1-72 2
September 25, 1955
Mr. Francas Middl�ton
Citp Manager
Citp of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
Re: Hercules Av�n�e
Dear Sir:
I am wr'fi�ing you at the d�rsction o.f the Board of County Commis,sioners of
Pinella3 County, meeting in regular session on Sept. 20tk�, 1955.
At �that meeting thQ Board directad that I acknowledge receipt of the Gity of
Clearwa�er Resalution concerning minimurQ sp�cifications for the paving of HercuZes
Aysnue, beginning at Gulf to Bay and extending northward to Drew Street. Z'he
Board likevaise directed the writer to convey the �hinking of the Commission
cancerning this request.
The matter �vas discussed at length, and the Board seemed to be in complete agree-
ment as to the followingz The chief abstac�e, of course, in this matter would be
the financing o� this program insofar as the Gounty is concerned.
I would lika to invite your attention to the fact that there is a sum of
�215➢OOO.00 set up far County Wide Cap�tal Outlay, tha� is to s�.y, £or new road
and brid.ge construotion. It is iurther ��tident that when this proposed program
is extended Counby wide over the five Commissioner districts, it wi11 appsoximate
in the neighborl��od of �40,00Q.00 to �4.5,�4•00 for expenditure in each district.
September 26, 1955
I would also invite your attention to the fact that previous commitments already
exist i.r. this partioular district �vhich must be met. One particular instance I
would c:ite would be the robuilding of Chilito $ridge in Tarpon Springs. '�his
structure alona will cost in the neighborho:,� of �40,000.00 to ��0,000.00, and
within this �;articular item alone exceeds the normal shaxe �or this distri,et.
In view of the foregoing I am sure you realiae the finanCial stress that �h3s
County mus� operate under in tryin� to prav3de ali the needed fa�ilities in order
to serve the piiblic.
The Commissioners suggested that T advise your City as �o ths method of certain
construction being done, and having beer� done wi�hin the Gity of St. Petexsburg,
namzly, that the County cantributes or bui.Zds a roadwap of our standard 21� foat
and leaves the remaining construction items, wider pavemer_t, curb and gvtter,
storm sewers, and sidewalk ii desired, for par£ormance b�r others. By others, it
is meant the City or priva4e individuals. There have bsen several projects
completed in �his cooperative manner.
It al.so seems to be the ieeling of the Board that if the City and private
individuaZs wouid be interes�ed in a cooperative projec� of this nature that the
County wauld attempt to provide the necesssrp money for co�struction of a 2t� foot
roadway, with an asphalt retread surface, and the remaiaing cost to lbe provided
by others.
Would ap�reciate bsing ad8ised by pour �ity whether or not a cr,operative project
oi this nature could be pr�posed for the City of Clearwater.
Awaiting pour reply with a.nterest, I remain
Very trulp yours,
/s/ L. 0. Hester
IAH County En�ineer
cc Board of County Commissionex�s
-�----------�-----e.._..eP� ee__ �-------- -------------------�------+-- ----
Honorable Cit� �ommassioners
Glearwater, Florid3
Sept. ].5, 1955
As Trustees of the City of C�ea�rater Employees' Pension Funci, y6u are hereby
notif3.ed tha� Lloyd A. Gill�y, an elea�rician in ti�e EleGLrical Depaxtment has
been duly examined b�r a local physician and designated by him as a nFirst �lasstt
The above employee began his service with the City on Feb. 4, 1955• He is
under k5 years oi age (born Mar. 31, 1931) and meets the requirements of our
Civi1 Service, It i.s herebp recawmended bp the Advisory Cammittee that he be
accep�ed into membership.
Verq truly yours,
Advisory Commit��e of T•he Emplayees� Pension Fund.
/s/ Pau3 Kane, Chairman
/s/ Helen Peters
/s/ Dick Nelson
�' J 1
. ---,._ _ -,�,%
SI � A
September 26, 1955
WHEREAS, the Clearwater Bombers Sof�ball Team has distinguished �tself and
ha� reflectsd honor and credi� to the Cir,y of Clearwater hy winning the World
Soitball Championship in 1954, and bp winning the position of runner-up to the
World Championa in 1955� and
Wf3EREA3, each member of the Clearwater Bombers D� � sacrificed his time and
personal interests in unselfish cant;ributions to the welfare of tha City df
Clesrwa�er thr�ough his participation in the activitie3 of the Clearwater Bombers,
WHEREAS, the Clearwater Bombers have accomplished outstaxiding at,hleY,ic
achievements and have set ru►ique examp3es of sportsmanship, and in so doing have
caused the Caty oi Glearrrater to receive creditable attention throughout the �Iation
and adjoining coun�ries.
NOW, THE REFORE, � E IT RESOI,VED by the City Ca�nis sion of the City of
Clearwa�er, Florida, in session duly and regularly �ssembled as �ollows:
1, That the City Coirmission of the Gity of Clearwater hereby e3ctends �o
each of the Clearwater Bombers the afficial recognition ahd appreciation of the
�ity of Clearwater an�l �he gratatude of the people of the City of Cle�rwater for
the foregoing accomplishments and contributions of the Clearwater Bambers.
2. That an additional original of this Resolution be distributzd �o each
member of the 1955 Clearr��ter Bombers organization.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of September, A. D, 1955.
/s/ Herbert M. Bro�rn
/s/ R.�G, Whi�ehead
RE30�,UT2 ON
WHEREA3, the Cle�rwater Juniar Chamber. of Cou�erce, othe rwise known as �he
Jaycees, was instrumental in obtaining �Ghe 1955 World Softball Tournament for the
Gity of Clearwater, and
WHEREAS, the Jaycees and the Jayceettes undertook to nake all af the manp
arrangsments necessary irr preparation for the aonduct pi the I955 World Soft;ball
Tournament, anci
WHEREAS, the Jaycees and Jaycf�etes uns�lfishly sacrificed their o�n time and
personal interests to conduct the 1g55 World Softball Tournament, a�d contributed
untold hours of e�'iort and, in addition, caused their families and friends to
contribute time and effort toward the conduct of the yJorld Softball Tourhament,
WHEREAS, the Jaycees gave its sponsorship to the 1955 World Softball
Tournament at •=� time r!hen a sponsor was sorely neacied aad was a preliminary
requisite to obtaining the 1�j55 Wor1d Softball Tournament for the City o€
NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVEI? by the City Commission of the Citp of
Clearwater, �lorida, in session duly and regularly assembled as f�llows:
l. Ti:at the Ci+,y Gommission nf the City �f Clearwater hereby extends
its ofizc�aZ recognition and appreciation of the Gity oi Clearwater and the
oratitude of the people of the Citq of Clearwater to the dapcees and Jayceettes
for �heir sponsorship and conduct of �iie 1955 World Softball Tournament, and ths
unselfish coutributions of the members of those organizations and others for tne
successfui conduct of said totu�nament.
2. ihat an additional origina2 of this Resolution be presented to the
Jaycees and an additional original be prese�ted to the Jayceettes to manifest the
appreciation of the City of Clearwater.
PASSED AND ADOPTEB this 26th day of September, A. D. 1955.
/s/ Herbert M. Brown
�s/ R. G. Whitehe�d
s� ��
September 26y 1955
WHEREAS, the United States of America �hrough its Federal Housing Authority
is the o�aner af the Greenwood Housing Development within the City of Clearwater,
i'inellas Gounty, Florida, and
WHEREAS, the streets witt�in th� said Greenwood Housing Development are in
a state oi' d�terioration and are in need of extensive rep�ir or repaving in order
to make said streets safe and usable, and
WHEREAS, said streets lie whol�y wi�hin the said Greenwqod Housing Development
and are no� public thoroughfares of the City of Clearwater, and
WHER�A3, unl.ess said streets are rehabilxtated sa as to be safe and useable,
it will be necessary for the Cfty of Clearwater to cease the use of said streets
by its trucks for garbage collection and other municipal servzces.
�10W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Gommission of the City of
Clearwa�er, Flor3da, in session dulg and regalarlp assembled as follow�;
lo �hat the United States of America�through its Federal Housing Authority
be and it is hereby urged to accomplish the early rehabilitation of L•he streets
�n Greenwood Housing Development in Clearwater, Elorida, so as to make said •
streets ugeable and safe, and tlaat in the alternative unless said street�.are
rehabil�,ta�ed within a reasonabZe length of tima ths City Ndanag�:r of the City of
Clearwater shall prohibit vehicles Q£ the City of Glearwater from trawellin�
said streets.
2. That copies of th3s Resolution b� distributed forth�rith to the Senators
and members of Cor►gress representing the State of �'lorida and the First Congressional
Distric?t, respectively, and to the representatiues of tha �'ederal Housing Authority �_
oi the Uni.ted States of America having control of the Greenwood Housin� Developmen�.
PASSED QND ADOPTED this 2h�h day of September, A. D. 195�•
/s/ Her6ert i�. Brown
A�tes� •
/s� R.�G. Whitehead
City Auditor and Clerk