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July 25, 1955
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City
Hall, Monday, July 25, 1955, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present:
Herbert M. Brown
Jack Russell
Guy L. Kennedy
Commi s s1. orler
W. E. Strang, Jr.
J. N. Bohannon
Commis sioner
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton
Chas. M. Phillips
G. T. McClamma
S. Lickton
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor who announced that the first
item on the agenda would be the Public Hearing on the construction of sanitary
sewer in an area bounded on the east by property facing on the east line o~ Phoenix
Avenue from Druid Hoad to Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard; on the nort.h by property fac ing
on the south line of Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard from Phoenix Avenue to Duncan Avenue,
by property facing on the north line of Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard from Duncan Avenue
to Lake Drive, by property facing on the south line of Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard from
Lake Drive to Highland Avenue, by property facing on the south line of Court Street
from Highland Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue; bounded on the west by the property
facing the east line of Hillcrest Avenue from Court Street to Druid Road; bounded
on the south by property facing on the south line of Druid Road from Hillcrest to
Phoenix Avenue, (excluding Marion Street in Beverly Heights Subdivision where
sewer line has been installed by Mr. James Karas, the developer). The City
Engineer reported that several petitions hAd been received requesting sanitary
sewer in the area, mainly in the area of Crest Avenue and Skyview Avenue, and
about two years ago when the first petition was received, the cost of the sewer
was estimated but it was found to be not feasible at that time to run a long trunk
line just to serve two streets; since that time, there have been other complaints
in the area east of that district and the Engineering Department worked out a
plan for the entire area to be served. He said a preliminarj hearing had been
held and the estimated total cost o.f the proposed sewer was 134,000.00 or about
$200.00 for an average sized lot. He estimated the cost as 3.35 per front foot
or .025 per square foot whichever way the assessment is based. Mr. V. V. Carmichael
addressed the Commission objecting to an assessment on a front foot basis or a
square foot basis since he was the owner of two and one half acres facing Druid
Road and had only one house on the land to be served by the sewer. The Mayor
pointed out that he might subdivide the land or sell it to a new owner who would
subdivide it in the near future and sewer connections would then be necessary.
In response to a question, the Engineer said it was planned to ins~all the
sewer in the parkway at the front of the lots. There was a suggestion .from one
of the property owners that the sewers be installed in easements at the rear o~
the lots as most septic tank installations were in the rear of the homes and it
would not cost so much for the property owners to connect to the sewer. The
Engineer explained that there were easements in Breeze Hill Subdivision that
could be used but they were blocked by trees, two buildings, hedges, etc. He
pointed out that in the other subdivisions such as Boulevard Pines there were
easements in the rear of the lots but there were no side line easements to reach
the street. He commented that it would cost more to run the sewer in the easements
than in the streets as it would require additional manholes, etc. The Mayor asked
for a show of hands from the property owners present as to how many would prefer
the sewer installed in the easements and the vote was about 30 for the sewers in
the easements to 10 for the sewers in the streets. In answer to a question about
the old sewers installed in Breeze Hill Subdivision which were never connected
to the sewer system. the Mayor explained that most of the old assessments were
never paid but were written of~ or settled for about ten cents on a dollar. In
response to a question as to why the property west of Hillcrest was not included
in this project, the Engineer explained that that area would have to be a separate
project running the sewer down Ever~reen to Court and is not contemplated at this
time. The Engineer estimated that if the project was approved the bids could be
advertised and brought to the Commission in about 45 days. The Mayor asked for
a vote as to how many of the property owners would trust the Engineer's judgment
as to whether the sewers should be installed in the streets or the easements ~rom
the standpoint of engineering feasibility, or whether they still preferred the
sewer installation in the easement. The vote showed that the majority would
leave the matter to the Engineer's judgment.
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July 25, 1955
It was reported that telephone calls had been received from Dr. F. J. Fifield,
Elizabeth St. J. Treuleben, Henry Mandeville and W. E. Strang, Sr., which indicated
that they approved the project. The Manager reported receiving a letter apprOving
the project froD! Mrs. Agnes Morgan Williams, an afrected property owner. The City
Attorney reported letters of objection received from Mrs. Patricia Smith, Mr.
James Herndon and a petition of objection signed by the following property owners
on Fnoenix Avenue: Mrs. Henry Mueller, Mrs. Annette G. Williamson, Mrs. Babette
Deleuran, Charles ~. Downs, Mrs. Liddy Miest, Mrs. W. D. Parker, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. I. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McNally, Mrs. Jack Talbot and Mrs. Jorgen Hansen.
Having held this Public Hearing and heard no valid objections, Commissioner Russell
moved that the work of the sanitary sewer to be constructed in an area bounded by
Gulf-to-Bay and Court Street, Hillcrest, Druid Road and Phoenix Avenue be approved
and that the City Engineer draw up plans as soon as possible so that bids can be
asked ror and brought back to the Commission within 45 days, it being the consensus
or opinion as expressed by the people at this Public Hearing that the Engineer
arter thorough study ahould use nis judgment as to whether the se~er line should
be installed in the easement or street right-of-way. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Kennody and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney read a letter from Mr. Herbert Blanton, Sr., written on
behalf of a client who owns Lots 1,2,3,16,17,18, Block 13, Magnolia Park Subdivision
(should be described as Lots 1,2,3, Block 13, Court Square and Lots 16,17,18,
Block 13, Magnolia Park). The letter offered the ~ro~rty for sale to the City
for future parking facilities for a total cost of i56,800.00 with terms of 416,600.00
cash; balance within rive years at 6%. It was suggested in tne letter that the six
room house on the premises could be used by the City for departments now renting
orfice space outside the City Hall. The Mayor commented that the proposition
should be thoroughly investigated for if an addition to the City Hall is built,
it would do away with present parking facilities and also that it is not tne best
policy to go on renting office space as it is an expensive procedure. ~. Blanton
addressed the Commission suggesting that the Commission study the advisability of
the City purchasing the lots. The Mayor suggest~d that a Committee be appointed
to investigate this and that some sort of recommendation from the Planning Board
be requested. Commissioner Kennedy commented that an appraisal from the Real
Estate Board might be a good idea. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the proposal
submitted by Herbert Blanton be rererred to a Committee of two or more members
of" the City Commisston to be appointed by the Mayor and that in addition to that
the topic be referred to the Planning Board for consideration and brought back at
a meeting ~ithin the next thirty days for discussion and decision. Motion ~as
seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously.
The Mayor appointed Commissioners Bohannon and Kennedy to serve on a
Committee to investigate this matter.
A letter was read from Mr. John W. Lock, Director of the County Welfare
Department, explaining that House Bill No. 1897 which consolidates the Welfare
Departments allover Pine1las County and places them under the control of the
Pinellas Board OL County Commissioners does not become effective until October 1,
1955; therefore, he was requesting the City of Clearwater to appropriate
$166.16 per month during that period of three months, July, August and September,
or a total of $498.~8. The Manager explained that the amount for Welfare had
been eliminated Lrom the budget in view of the House Bill mentioned but at that
time he was not aware that the County would not assume responsibility until
October 1st. He recommended approval of the appropriation. Commissioner Russell
moved that the sum of $498.~8 be appropriated for the use of the We1rare
Department up to October 1st at which time the County Board of Commissioners
takes over the ~elfare for the entire County. Motion ~as seconded by
Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney requested that Item 4., "Ordinance 1/682, Third Reading",
be deferred.
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The Mayor suggested that there was a need for a tarpaulin or some plastic
covering to cover the infield at the stadium to keep the field dry when it rains
before a game. In view of the World Softball Tournament scheduled for September,
he thought it might be ~e1l to take bids for the covering and said that estimates
had placed the cost between $2,500.00 and $2,800.00. By consent, the Manager
was instructed to a dvertise for bi.ds immediately.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting
was adjourned at 3:25 P.M.
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July 25, 1955
Mayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Corrumissioners: Jack Ru~sellJ W. E. Strang, Jr.
Guy L. ~ennedy, a. N. Bohannon
July 22,.1955
The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday, July 25, 1955 in the
City Hall Auditorium at 1:30 P.M. for the purpose of discussing the items listed
Public Hearing on sanitary sewer to be constructed in area bounded
by Gulf to Bay and Court Street, Hillcrest, Druid Road and Phoenix
Letter from Herbert Blanton, Sr. with reference to real estate
proposal in Magnolia Park Subdivision.
Letter from Welfare Department with reference to consolidation of
Departments within Pinellas County.
Ordinance #6a2, Third Reading.
Utility Improvements.
Any other items not on the agenda will be considered with the consent
of the Commission.
FCM: s
Very truly yours,
/s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
June 15th, 1955
The undersigned residences of Phoenix ave. are opposed to the City sewer
down Phoenix ave..
Is! Mrs. Henry Mueller
/s/ Annette G. Williamson
Is/. Mrs. Babette Deleuran
Is! Charles N. Downs
Is/ L. Miest
Is! Mrs. W. D. Parker
Is! Mr. & Mrs. Wm. I. Moor.e
Is! Mr. & Mrs. J. F. McNally
Is! Mrs. Jack Talbot
Is! I~s. J. Hansen
June 20, 1955
Citv of Clearwater
City Commissioners
I am opposed to the Constrllction of the sanitary sewer line on East Pine.
My septic tank is most satisfactory and I can not afford to pay for the new
Yours truly,
/s/ James F. Herndon
Breeze Hill
Block C - Lot 17
June 20, 1955
1418 Pine Street
City of Clearwater
City Commissioners
Gent lemen,
I am opposed to the construction of sanitary sewer line on East Pine.
My septic tank is most satisfactory and I can not afford to pay for the
new line.
Yours very truly,
/s/ Mrs. Patricia Smith
Breeze Hill
Block G - Lot 15
I: (, ':-'
":., .
July 12) 1955
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July 25) 1955
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July Ie. 1955
To the Honorable
Board of City Commissioners
For the City of Clearwater, Florida.
On behalf of our client we submit for your consideration the .following
real estate:
Lots 1-2...3-16-17-18, Block 13, Magnoli,a Park Subdivision,
containing 142' feet frontage on Court Street and extending southward 300
feet, with 169 feet frontage on Chestnut Street.
This property is located within one block (approximately 400 feet) from the
Ci ty Hall, ideall y loeA-ted for present and future pArking faci Ii ti es.
This property is very salRable Rnd will likely sell in the very near future.
It is the only tract of this size availRhle in the vicinity of the City Hall and
Court.house, and we fee 1 that i.t would bo a grent mj.stake for t~1e Ci ty Hall and
the Courthouse and we feel that it would be a great mist~ke for the City not to
ac~uire it now while available,- for once it is sold to private investors and
improved, the cost would then be prohibitive.
We are authorized to offer this rroperty now at $56,800.00, which is a
fraction under $400 per front foot for the Court Street frontage, which will
compare most favorably with other business frontage throughout the City, even
without takin~ into consider8tion the 300 rt. depth and the 169 feet frontage
on Chestnut Street.
Ownerts terms are as follows: $16,eOO.00 cash: balance 1-2-3-4-5 years at
six percent (6%).
, ,
, , .~. >.
The six-room house 011 the premises could be nt.ilized by the City for
departlnents now rentine; office space outside the City Hall.
We shall appreciate you givin~ thiR proposal your earnest consideration.
HB : mb
By /s/ Herbert Blanton, Sr.
Mr. F. C. Middleton, City Manager
City of Clearwater
ClearvJater Fla.
Dear Mr. Middleton;
Confirming our phone conversation of this d ate regarding a letter written
to this agency by your Treasurer, Mr. Frank Abernathy, dated July 8 1955, would
advise; House Bill No. 1897 which consolidates the Welfare Departments allover
Finellas County and places them under the control of The Pinellas Board of County
Cor~issioners has only now reached our hands and the legal interpretation of said
Bill is being worked out. The Act doesntt become effective until October 1 1955
and we are operating until that date on our present budget. In the past we have
written food orders amounting to Approximately $166.16 per month or one twelfth
part of the amount budgeted by Clearwater for this purpose. v!ill you please ask
your Board of COlllffiissioners if they would be willin{j to provide this department
with emergency funds for July Au~ust and September against which we could write
emergency food orders for the indj~ent of Clearwater. We should like to have
$498.48 for this purpose but will appreciate any amount you and your Board can
appropriate. Thanking you for your co-operation we remain
Yours Respectfully,
/5/ John W. Lock, Director
(County Welfare Department)
,,:' , -... . '. .. :;. ,
�uly z5, �-955
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater r�et in special session at Gity
Hall, Monday, July 25, 1955, at 1;30 P.M. with the following members present:
Herbert M. Brown
Jack R�.�ssell
Gug L. Kennedy
W. E. Str•ang, Jr,
J. N. Bohannon
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton
Chas. M. Phiilips
G. T. McClamma
S. Licktcn
City iKanaoer
City kttorney
Chiei of Police
City Engineer
�°"� x',� ha
F �'%� ect
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor who announced that the first
item on the agenda would be the Public Hearing on the construction �f sanitary
setver in an area oounded on the east by proper�y facing on the east line of Fhoenix
Avenue from Druid Rozd to Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard; on the north by property facing
on the south line of Gulf-to-Bay BoulEvard from Phoenix Avenue to Duncan Avenue,
by property facing on the north line of Gulf-to-Bay Bqulevard from Duncan Avsnue
to Lake Drive, by property facing on �he s�uth line of �ulf-to-Bay Boulevard from
Lake Drive to Highland Avenue, by groperty facing on the south lir_e of Court Street
From Highland Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue; bounded on the west b� the progerty
facing the east line of Hillcrest Avenue from Court Street to Druid Road; boundad
on the south by property f acing on the south line o£ Druid Road f rom Hillcrest to
Phoenix Avenue, (excluding P�Iarion Street in Beverly Heights Subdivision where
sewer lire has been installed by Mr. James Karas, the developer). The City
Engineer reported that several petitions had been received requesting sanitarp
sewer in the area, mainZy in the area of Crest Avenue and Skyview Aver_ue, at�d
about two years ago when the f irst petition was received, the cost of the sewer
was estimated but it v�as found to be not feasible at tha� time to run a long trunk
line just to serve twc streets; sir_ce tha� time, there have been other complaints
in the area east of tha� district and the Fngin�ering Department worke�.out a
plan for the entire area to be served. He said a preliminar hearing had been
held and the estimated total cost of the proposed sev�er was �131�,OQ0.00 or about
�200.00 for.an average sized Iot. He estimated the cost as 3.35 per front foot
or .025 per square foot whichever way the assessmznt is based. Mr. V. V. Carmichael
addressed tMe Commission objecting to an assessment on a front £oot basis or a
square foot baszs since he was the owner oi two and one half acres facing Druicl
Road and had only one Yiouse on the land to be serv8d bp the sewer. The Mayor
pointed aut that he might sizbdivide the land or sPll it �o a net� owner who would
subdivide it in the near futuxe and sewer connections would then be necessary.
In response to a question, the Engineer said it was planned to install the
sewer in the parkwap at the front of the 1ots. There was a suggestion from one
of the property owners that L-he sewers be ir.sta�led in ea.��ements at the rear of
ihe lots as r�ost sept�c tank installations were in the rear of the homes and it
would z�ot cost so much for the progerty owners to connect to the sewer. The
Engineer explained that there were ea.fi�ements in Breeze Hill Subdivision that
could be used but they wera blocked bp trees, two buildings, hedges, etc. He
pointed out tliat in the other subdivisions �uch as Boulevard Pines i,here were
easements in the rear of the lats but there were no side line sasem�nts to reach
the street. He comrnented that it would cost more t� run the sewer in the ease;nents
ttian in the streets as it would require additional ma,nholes, etc. The Mayor asked
for a sh�w oi hands fxom the property owners present as to how rnany would prefer
the sswer installed in the easements and the vote was about 30 for the sewers in
the easements to l0 for the sewers in the streets. In answer to a question about
the old sewers installed in �reeze Hill Subdivision which were never connected
to the sewer sqstam, the Mayor explained �that most of the old assessments were
never paid but wers written off ar settled fc,r about ten aent� on a dollar. In
response to a question �s to why �he propertp w est oi Hillcrest was not included
in this project, the Engineer explained that that area would have to be a separate
project running the sewer down EverUreen to Court and is not contemplated at this
time. The Engineer estimated that if the project was approved the bids could be
adver�ised and brought to the Commission in about 45 days. The Mayor asked for
a vote as to how many of the property owners would trust the EngineerTs judgment
as to whether the sewers should be installed in the streets or the easemen�s from
the standpoint of engineering feasibility, or whether they still preferred the
sew�r installation in the easement. The vote showed that the majority would
leave the matter to the Engineer's judgment.
�f!'� ��� � � . ..
Julp 25, 1955
It was reported that telephone calls had been xeceived from Dr. F. J. Fifield,
Elizabeth St. J. Treuleber�, Henry Mandeville and W. E. Strang, Sr., which in�linated
that they approved the project. The Manager reported receiving a letter approving
the project from Mr�. Agnzs Morgan Williams, an affected property owner. The City
Attorney reported letters of objection reeeived from Mrs. Patricia Srr,ith, Mr.
James Herndon and a petition of objection si�ned by the followi;ng property owners
on Phoenix Avenue: Mrs. Henry Mueller, Mrs. Annette G. Wil�iamson, Mrs. Babette
Deleuran, Charles N. Downs, Nirs. Liddy Miest, Mrs. W. D. Parker, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. I. Mooref T�ir. and Mrs. J. F, McNally, Mrs, Jack Talbc�°o and Mrs. Jorg�n Hanseno
Having held this Public Hearing and heard ,�o valid objections, Commissioner Russell
moved that the work of the sanitarg sewer to be constructed in an area bounded by
Gulf-to-Bay and Court Street, Hillcrest, Druid Road and Phoenix Avenue be apy:nve�l
and that the City Engine�r draw up plans as soon as possible so that bzds can he
asked for and brought back to the Gommission within 45 d�ys, it being the cons�:,sus
of opinion as expressed by the people at this Pubiic Hearing that the Engineer
after thorough study should use his judgment as to whether �he sewer line should
be installed in the easement or street right-of-vray. Motion was seconc�ed by
Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
The Caty Attorney read a l�tter fram Mr, Herbert Blanton, Sr., writt4�i on
behalf of. a client who owns Zots 1,2,3,16,17,1$, Block 13, Magnolia Park Subdivision
(shonld b� described as T,ats 1,2,3, Block 13, Court Square and Lots 16,17,1$,
Block 13, Magnolia Park). The letter offered the roperty for sale to the City
for future parking facilities for a total cost of �56,$oO.OQ with terms of �16,$00.00
cash; balance within five years at 6�o It was suggested in the letter that the six
room house on the premises could be used by the City for departmente naw renting
office space outside the City Hallo The Mayor commented that the propositiUn
should be thoroughly investigated for if an addition to the City Hal7_ 3.s built,
it would do away with present park�ng facilities and also that it is not the best
policy to go on renting oifice space as it is an expensive Procedure. Mr. Blanton
addressed the Commission s�gge3ting that the Commission study the advisabiZity of
'the City purchasing the lots. The Mayor suggested that a Committee be appointed
�o investigate this and that some sort of recommendation from the Plan�ing Boarci
be requested. Commissioner Kennedy commented i;hat an appr�isal from the Rea�.
Estate 3oard might be s good :idea. Commissioner Kennedy moved �hat the praposal
submitted by Herbert Bl' a�1to:, be re,'Cerred to a Corr,�nittee oi two or more members
of the City Commissier. ta be appo::nted by �he Mayor and that in addition to that
the topic be referred to the P3anning Boarci for consideration and hrought back at
a meeting within the nex;, thir�y days for discussion and decision. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner kussell and c arried unanimously.
The A!Iayor appointed Commissioners Bohannon and Ker,nedy to s erve on a
�ommittee to investigate this matter.
A letter was read from Mr. John Vd. Lock, Directar of the County Welfare
Department, explaining tha� House Bill No. 1$9'7 which corssolidates the Welfare
Departments all over Pinellas County and places them under the control of the
Pinellas naard of County Commissioners does not become ef£ective until October 1,
1955; therefore, he was recruesting the City of Clearwater to appropriate
�1f�6.16 per mor.th during that period of three montlls, July, August and September,
or a total of �y.9$.4$. The Manager explained that ;.ne amount for Welfare had
been eliminated from the budget in view of the House Bill mentioned but a� that
time he was not aware that the County would not assume r�sAonsibil3ty until
October ls�. He recommended approval of the appropriation. Commissioner Russell
moved that the sum of �49$•4$ be appr�priated for the use oi the 1hTelfare
Department up to October lst at which time the Dounty }3oard of Commissioners
takes over the welfare for the entire County. I�otion was seconded by
CAmmassianer Kennedy and carried unanimously.
The Gity Attorney requested that Item 4., "OrdinancP #6$2, Third Readingrr�
be deferred.
The Mayor suggested that there was a need for a tarpaulin or some plastic
coverin� �o cover the infield at the stadium to keep the field dry when it rains
before a game. In view of the World Sof.tball Tournament scheduled for September,
he thouoY:t it might be well to take bids f or the covering and said tha� estimates
had placed the cost betwsen �2,500.00 and �2,$00.00. By consent, the Manager
was instructed to a dvertise for bids immediat�ly.
There being no further business to come befora the Commission, the meeting
v��s adjourned at 3:25 P,M.
l �
City itor and Clerk
Mayor- ommissio�
July z5, 1955
July 22, .].955
Y'Iayor Commissioner Herbert M, B.rown
Coir,missioners: Jack Russel.l, �,�. E. Strang, Jr.
Guy Z, Kennedy, :J. N. Bohannon
_ The City Commission will meet in Specia.l Session on Monday, Jul� 25, 1955 zn the
City Hall Auditorium at 1:30 P.M, for the purpose of discussing t-he items li,sted
l. Public Heaxing on sanitary sewer to be constructed in area bounded
by Gulf to Bay and Court Street, Hillcrest, �ruid Road and Phoenix
2. Letter from Herbert Blanton, Sr. with reference to real estate
proposal in Magnolia Park Subdivis�ion.
3. I.etter from Welfare Department with reference to consolidation o�
Departments within Pinellas County.
4. Ordir.ance �b$2, Third Reading.
5. Uti].ity Improvements.
6, Any other items not on the agenda will be considered with the consent
of the Commission.
Very truly yours,
,/s/ F. C. Middleton
FCM:s City Manager
June 15th, 19$5
The undErsigned residences of PhQenix ave. are opposed to the City sewer
down Phoenix ave..
/s� Mrs. Henry Mueller
/s� Annette G. V�Tilliamson
�s� Mrs. Babette Deleuran
/s/ Charles N. Downs
/s/ L. Miest
/s/ Mrs. ��. D, Parker
�s� Mr. & I�Irs. Wm� I. Moore
fs/ Mr. & Mrs. J. F. McNally
�s/ Mrs. Jack Talbot
/s/ Mrs. J. Hansen
June 20, 1955
Citv of Clearwater
City Gommissioners
I am opposed to the Construction of tb:e sariitary sewer line on East Pi;ie.
1�y septic tank is most satisfactory a:2d I can not afiord to pay for t�'.e new
vc,urs truly,
� �s� James F. Herndon
Breeze Hi�.l
Block C - Lot 17
June 20, 1q55
City of Clearwater 141$ Pine Street
Cit}� Commissioners
Gent'lemen ,
I am opposed to tha construction of sanitary sewer line nn East Pine.
My septic tank is most sa�isfactory and I can not afford to pay for the
new line.
Xours very truly,
�s/ Mrs. Patricia Smith
Breeze Hill
Block G - LoL- 1�
rt�" -ti.
ti .
Ju1y 25, 7-955
July �,�, 1y55
To the Honorable
Board of City �ommissioners
For the City of Clearwater, Flcrida.
�n behalf of our client we submit for your consideration the foll.owing
rzal estate:
Lo�s 1-2-3-16-17-1$', Block 13, Magnolia Park Subdivision,
containing 11�22 feEt frantage on Court Street and extending southward 300
feet, with 169 feet frontage on Chestnut Street.
�his property is located within one block (a�proximately J�00 ieet) from the
City Hall, ideally located for present and fu�ure parking �acilities.
This property is very saieabl� and will likely sell in the very near. future.
It is th� only tract of this si.ze available in the vicinity of the City Hall and
Courthouse, and we ieel that it would be a great mistake for the City Hall and
the Courthouse and we feel that it would be a great miatake for the Gity not to
acc�tiire it now while available,- for once it is sold to private investors and
improved, the cos� would then be prohibitive.
We are authorized to of�f�r this Fraperty now at �5b,$OO.OQ, which is a
fraction under ��.00 per front ioot for the Court Street frontage� which wil.l
compare most favorably with other business frontage throughout the City, even
without taking into consider?;tion the 300 ft. depth and tlze 169 fea� frontage
on Chestnut Street.
Owner's terrns are as foilows: �I6,$00.00 cash: balance 1-2-3-1�-5 years at
six Fercent {b°Jo),
ihe six-room housP or_ the premises could 'ae utilized by the City for
departments noyr .renting office sgace outside the CitS� Hall.
We shall appreciate �rou o vin; this ;�roposal your earnest consideration.
HB;mb By �s/ Herbert Blanton, Sr.
July 12, 1955
Mr. F. C, i�iddleton, City NTanager
Gity of Clearwater
�learvaater Fla.
Dear Mr. �Iiddleton;
Canfirming our phone conversation of this d ate regarding a letter wra.tten
to this agency by your Treasurer, Mr. Frank Aoernatry, dated J•;zly $ 1g55, wot�ld
advise; House Bil1 No. 1$97 which consolidates the Welfare Department� all over
Pinellas County and glaces them under the control of The Pinallas Board of Coun�y
Go�nissioners has onlp now reached our hands and the legal interpretation of said
Bill is being worked oute The Act rloesntt become effecL-ive until October 1 1955
and V�e are operating until that date on our present Uudget. Ir_ the past we .have
written food orders amounting to Approximately �166.16 per month or one tivelftl�
part of the amount buclgeted by Clearwater for this purpose. Will you please ask
your Board of Cotamissioners if they wauld be willing to �ravide this department
with emeroency £unds for July Angust and 5eptember against which we could wrzte.
emergenc;� food orders for the indigent oi Clearwater. We should like to have
�49$•4$ f�r this purpose but will appreciate any amount you and your Baard can
appropriate. Thanking you for Srour co-operation we remain
Youra Respectfully,
�s� John VJ. Lock, Dixector
(County Welfare Department)