06/27/1955 "I"'.;i~~~;;~t::~Ul'::i;;';" ........... ..; ........ ..... .... ;'.,' ....~ . . , . ',' ' . - '." .~".' ~-t~-~..~:.:~ii:l ..;1: , i . I I , I I . t" , . :..' .",: ',.,:.. , " ;,' . . ~ ;.,' ,',' '.; ...' " r ~._ l.'.'~'.,', :..(:..;'. ,. '. .;. J.....'-... .. .: . ,." ~'". H'" ;..,,"':..- ....,:., \ ..~;i;\;!~,L,~;~~~(~ (: :.;'~; I" ',' if.",!?"" '>" ~'" ~ ~.~~;;::~:.,~:"~\.~;, :. :51\'~~,;vi' ?~~:. I : ~~~i;:~ i:'k ~, !,.t1\ J.~ :t, I ic~&~~;'llfl . ,- '_../...,,'..... . h. ....1... 3 Cf 0 CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 27. 1955 The City Commission of the City or Clearwater mec in special session at City Hall, Monday, June 27, 1955, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: Herbert M. Brown W. E. Strang. Jr. J. N. Bohannon Guy L. Kennedy Jack Russell Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commis sioner Also present were: F. C. Middleton Chas. M. Phillips, Jr. G. T. McClamma S. Lickton City Manager City Attorney Chief of Police City Engineer The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced the Public Hearing on the petition of Willard C. Copeland for a rifteen foot setback from Wilson Boulevard for Lot 1, Block S, Bay Terrace. The City Attorney read the Zoning Board's recommendation that not less than a fifteen foot setback be granted providing it is in conformity with existing buildings along Wilson Boulevard. The Mayor inquired if there ~ere any objections from anyone in the audience and there were none. Having held this Public Hearing and having heard no valid objections Commissioner Russell moved that the request or Willard C. Copeland for a fifteen foot setback line from Wilson Boulevard for Lot 1, Block S, Bay Terrace Addition, be approved as per the Zoning Board's recolrumendation and to permit him not less than a fifteen foot setback providing this is in conformity along Wilson Boulevard. Motion was seconded by Comlllissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. A Public Hearing was called by the Mayor on the request of Mr. Elmer L. Mylander for a fifteen foot setback from ~~ngo Street for Lot 1, Block 16, Mandalay Subdivision. The City Attorney read the Zoning Board's recommendation that the fifteen foot setback be ~ranted and that it be in conformity with the existing properties along that street. A memo was read from Mr. Anderson, Building Inspector, indicating that he had checked the setback of the building on the adjoining property, Lot 10, Block 16, Mandalay. and found it to be twenty feet instead of fifteen feet as shown on the layout attached to the request. A letter from Dr. H. M. Owen (owner of Lot 10. Block 16.. Mandalay) was read Objecting to the granting of the request and also a later telegram from the same person was read cancelling the objection. Commissioner Strang suggested that the matter be sent back to the Building Department to check the setback of other houses on Mango Street. Commissioner Strang moved that the Public Hearing on the request o~ Mr. Elmer L. Mylander be postponed to July 18th ror the purpose or returning this sketch to the Building Department and the Zoning Board for clarification of the adjoining property setback. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The Mayor called a Public Hearing on the request of Mr. John A. Russell for a firteen foot setback from North Osceola Avenue for Lot 1, Block 2, Bayview Heights. The City Attorney read the Zoning Board's recommendation that the firteen foot setback be approved provided it was in conformity with existing buildings. He also read a letter from Mr. Edgar John Phillips, attorney, written on behalf of Mr. Rex Perpall, o~ner of Lots 39 and 40, Sunburst Court, which approved the granting of the request provided that no additional buildings would be erected on Mr. Russell's property. During the discussion, it was brought out that Mr. Russell already had a house on Lots land 2, Block 2, and wished to build a small residence (permissible under R-2 zoning) on the north 40 feet of said lots with a fifteen foot setback from Osceola in line with the existing house. The Mayor inquired if there were objections from the audience and there were none. Having held this Public Hearing and received no valid objections, Commissioner Kennedy moved that John A. Russell's request for a fifteen foot setback from North Osceola Avenue for Lot 1, Block 2, Bayview Heights, be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. A Public Hearing was announced on the request or Mr. Ernest E. Whitacre for R-4 use of Lots 6. 7 and S, Block F, Carolina Terrace Subdivision, to build additional erficiency apartments. The City Attorney read the Zoning Board's recommendation that the request be granted as it would confor.m with future development of that area on Missouri Avenue. The Mayor inquired ir there were any objections and there were none. · Having held this Public Hearing on the request of Mr. Ernest Whitacre for R-4 use of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block F. Carolina Terrace Subdivision, and having heard no valid objections, Commdssioner Strang moved in accordance with the Zoning Board's recommendation that the request be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read a proposed Resolution which ~uld au~horize R. W. Spragins and Company, Investment Bankers, to proceed with the C1tt Attorney to prepare all legal documents, etc.. to accomplish tne issuance or fl,500tOOOcOO in Revenue Certificates to cover improvements to tne water supply and distribution syst~m, sanitary se~ers, sewage treatment ~acilit1es, storm sewers and street improvements and for the retirement of present water and sewer utility revenue certificates; and further authoriZing Briley, Wild and Associates, Consulting Engineers, to prepare plans and specirications for the proposed improvements. Several amendments were auggested by the Commissioners which ~ere noted by the City Attorney. The M~yor reported that be ~d Commissioner Kennedy had met with , . ~ . \ , .! .1.... j ~..: Lr,;:, ,;!~.,., 1>: cmlOl\_. >CJ ' , '.r...'.....\. ~ . , 4~" , .\ 'I , ' i I ': \ ",', I . , , j " , ; ',> .... . I ..2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 27, 1955 the Citizens Advisory Committee and after being fully apprised as to what certificates were outstanding and would need to be refinanced, it was the Committee's opinion that the City should refinance $436,000.00 in utility certificates. Commissioner Kennedy pointed out that by consolidating all the utility certificates in one issue it was hoped to gain a more favorable interest rate, possibly even less than 3% according to Mr. Spragins. Upon being questioned. Mr. Spragins stated that he would request his attorneys, the firm of Caldwell, Marshall, Trimble and Mitchell in New York City, to prepare the necessary ordinance in time to present at the July 18th Commission meeting. The Mayor stated that the City water rates will not be raised as a result of the revenue certificate issue but it will probably be necessary to raise the water rates after connecting to the permanent County water system as the City will be paying the County at a rate of 5~ per thousand gallons. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the Resolution as read and amended be approved and that the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. Commissioner Bohannon asked to be excused from the meeting at 3:00 P.M. The City Manager reported that the master meter at the Gas Plant, a rotary type meter installed in 1923, is practically worn out and in checking on new meters, it was found that a flow recorder meter was tbe best type. He said an estimate had been received from the Gas Machinery Company or Cincinnati, Ohio, for $790.00 for a flow recorder meter. He explained tbat this was not a biddable item as it had to be built specifically for the City's use. Commissioner Strang moved that a work order in the amount of $790.00 be approved for a flow recorder meter for the Gas Plant in accordance with the City Manager's recommendation. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Tbe City Manager presented a $500.00 work order for expenses for the new Planning Board office to cover the cost of cutting two doors in the partition between the Engineering Department space and the Planning Board room in the Briggs Building, installing the doors, a counter, two file cabinets, g chairs, one typewriter and miscellaneous office equipment. Commissioner Russell moved that the work order for $500.00 for the Planning Board Office be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. In compliance with a request from the Commission to check the water mains installed in Skycrest Unit 9, the City Manager reported that there were 47 meters connected to the line, the condition of the mains was good, and that they are tied in both north and south and at Rainbow and Cleveland. He recommended approval of the refunding contract for the water mains with A & W Glads, Inc., in the amount of $2,043.90. Commissioner Strang moved that the refunding contract with A & W Glads, Inc., in the City of Clearwater in the amount of $2.043.90 be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Manager recommended approval of a refunding contract with Mr. James Karas to cover 630 feet of two inch water main in Beverly Heights Subdivision and reported he had a check for $400.00 from Mr. Karas on file. Commissioner Strang moved that the refunding contract between Mr. Karas and the City of Clearwater in the amount of $400.00 be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execute it, the refunding to be on domestic meters only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. It was recommended by the City Manager that 200 feet of 2 inch tie-in water. main be installed in San Ramo Avenue between Park Street and Franklin Street. Commdssioner Russell moved that the work order for 200 feet of t~o inch water main on San Remo Avenue between Park and Franklin Stre~ts for the sum of $455.00 be approved. MOtion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. The City Attorney presented for consideration Ordinance 682 which would prohibit vehicular peddling of goods, wares or merchandise in certain specified areas such as the business section downtown and on the beach, parking areas and public areas. After some discussion, it was suggested that the area covering Cleveland Street and Gulf-to-Bay should be extended to the east to Courtney Campbell Parkway. The City Attorney read Ordinance 682 on its first reading. Commissioner Russell moved that Ordinance 662 be passed on its first reading. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. The Mayor suggested that a Committee from the Commission be appointed to take the proposed contract with the Philadelphia Phillies to Philadelphia to finish whatever negotiations are necessary between the City and the owners of the ball club and to put this contract into force and effect at a date to be determined by the Committee. Commissioner Russell moved that such a Committee be appointed and traveling expGnses autborized. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 P.M. :Z:~~/// ;'.. - ',' .. \~ , , '.__,:.. ~.':', ':,~:'..::;;:!:,.....~-~'."i'.~.,~'.'._:" . '. . .' '. . .,'. '. :. '::....~.f' ' .';.,,::;:.:..',,'1':- , " ..: ~ '::., lT~' ;", ".' '" . .~' ,'too, ' , ,-' , ' I , ""{, ~: f I t t ..~, I' .' ',' r~~li~,. '.',,-.d ""'I'';~:'.& ',:~~{;~~~4fr';;;~1~;;:> \ ,,,:,,' Attes1i: e#(o~~ -..- .'r' ..-- -- . . I ~ )~1b~"~~~~:=_:~:_:,c"_,, "....... '.. ,. .'. .. "',. '.' " " '.- .. .";.~ '" . . , "t ..~.-.l:!.~.r.:: :.~ >""'::;"~-:'<.'J",;:~~:.,~);'~.?J'>..t(.~~t~~m~.St+~~#JtJr'A~!~~f,:.: . ....... .... _""'-J",~;;';;~;;&;L;;cd!~~f~;~.riQ,~;fr~~~lffiljl"'''\'i:'''' x'''';i~ "'\, ':.,,;.. .... '.'. p." . .'.... . . '. . " , '. .......: .I'.~ ~\:.::. '_' ".:"..' ".;:;~"'.-./~,:':: ; ',i::'~. .:::.~~: ..:.'~ ;".., ~,,::.~!Ar/'.."...i:""..j7'S;,.,:, .-;,~;~:,I.r~.11 .'.:: .i..l .:' ..:.: CITY COMMISS: ON MEETING June 27, 1955 )i1;:;ilr.~ ;:'~~'~~~;!;!~;(i . " ", .'''.. . ", . ",'" 1 ::';j~f~ll~i}~1 " ".....f, "',""'" ,I ~\~.~':" June 24. 1955 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Corrmissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr. Guy L. Kennedy, J. N. Bohannon Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday, June 27, 1955, in the City Hall Auditorium to discuss the items listed on the attached agenda. Meeting time will be 1:30 o'clock P.M. FCM:s Enclosures Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------~-~----- Agenda - Special City Commission Meeting, June 27, 1955 City Hall Auditorium 1:30 P.M. 1. Public Hearings: A. Request o~ Willard C. Copeland for a ~ifteen foot setback line from Wilson Boulevard for Lot 1, Block S, Bay Terrace Addition. This property is on the southeast corner or Union Street and Wilson Boulevard. B. Request o~ Mr. Elmer L. Mylander for a ~ifteen ~oot setback line rrom Mango Street for Lot 1, Block 16, Mandalay Subdivision. This property is on the northeast corner of Mandalay boulevard and Mango Street. C. Request of !"Ir. John A. Russell for a lifteen foot setback from North Osceola Avenu~ for Lot 1, Block 2, Bayview Heights. This property is on the northwest corner of North Osceola Avenue and Fairmont Street. D. Request or Mr. Ernest E. Whitacre ~or R-4 use or Lots 6, 7, and a, Block F, Carolina Terrace Subdivision, to build additional erficiency apartments. This property, presently zoned R-2, is located on Missouri Avenue between Howard Street and Belleair Boulevard. 2. Commission's final approval of the Budget lor the year 1955-56 for the City of Clearwater and to set the millage for same. 3. Work order for Gas Plant Equipment. 4. Work Order for Planning Board Office (r~terials and Labor for new office in Briggs Building.) 5. Any other item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent of the Commiss ion. Adjournment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zoning Board, City of Clearwater, Florida May 24th, 1955 Gentlemen: Attached is a plot plan of a residence to be built on Lot 1, Block 16, Mandalay Subdivision; being the ~orth East corner of Mandalay Avenue and Mango Street. In view of the existing ordinance requ~rlng a 25 foot set back from any side street in an R-l zone, it is necessary to have approval, as a hardship case, of a 15 foot set back on Mango St. (Hardship being that owner can't build a house on his lot unless 15 foot set back is approved). The previous ordinance provided for a 10 foot set back on side streets in this Subdivision and all existing residences are so 10cated5 I, therefore, submit the matter for your action and approval on the basis that it will cau se no harm or injury to any surrounding property owners and denial wou~d cause the lot to be virtually worthless. elmjg Very sincerely yours, /s/ E~mer L. Mylander -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Fro m : Subject: June 3, 1955. Mr. F. C. Middleton, City Manager Mr. O. H. Anderson, Building Inspector Request of Elmer L. Mylander The Zoning Board recommends that we grant the request of Mr. Mylander under the hardship ruling lor a 15' set back on Mango Street, and that the setback be in conformity with the existing properties along that street. Attached hereto is original letter and sketch. . ~, ".,. . ~. . . :, , . '," . '''>, 3Cft' ; , r :: .. . " , ~~:ri:=:::'_.~" "~,,",~;,_,_~,, _,~ ._~,~~~:,~,~"_c,~~~.~"._,,., ,~_."", ",::~,,~~_,~,;.i~&f~;!;5;~~~,~~~~~';'~r:~~ 3Cf1 CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 27, 1955 To: From: Subject: 6/24-/55 Mr. R. G. Whitenead Mr. O. H. Anderson, Building Inspector Request or Elmer L. Mylander I have checked the building line set back of Lot 10, Block 16, Mandalay Subdiviaion on Mango Street and find it to be 20 t - 0" instead of 15 t - 0" as shown on the att ached layout. The Zoning board's recommendntion of June 3, 1955 is that the setback on L'J.ango St. be in conrormity with the existing properties along that street. I I ' ----------------------------------------------------------~-------------------~-~- City of Clearwater, R. G. Wnitehead, City Auditor and 0lerk, Clearwater, Fla. Dear Mr. Whitehead: 7737 Gratiot ~vc., Detroit, Mich. June 22nd 1955. Re: Re~uest of Mr. Elmer 1. Mylander for a 15' setback line from Mango St. for Lot 1, Block 16, Mandalay Subdivision. This property is on the northeast corner of Mandalay Blvd. and Mango St. As owners of Lot 10, Block 16 M8ndalay Suldivision, which is next door to lot in Question, we demand that the ordinance be enforced and that tne house be set back 25 it instead of 15', rr this house were built 15 ft back instead of 25 ~t., it would definitely affect our view and breeze. I understand a hearing will take place Monday, June 27tn at 1:30 P.M., so am forwarding this letter special delivery, to make sure it will be there before hearing. HMO. Yours very truly, /5/ H. 1<1. Owen /5/ Mildred M. Owen ~--------------------------------------------------------------------~--------~- TELEGRAM R. G. Whitehead City Auditor and Clerk, Clearw~ter, Fla. "Disregard my letter have talb!d to Doctor Field regarding; change of plans. Dr. H. M. Owen ---------.--------------------~------------------------------------------------- Reference: 1111 Union St. Clearwa~er, F10rida June 1, 1955 Lot 1 - Bay Terrace Addition P1at book 13, Page 22 Clear""ater Zoning Board t Gentlemen: I hereby ask permission on the basis of hardship to erect a home on the corner of Union and Wilson Streets with a set back of 30 FT. on Union S~. and 15 FT. on Wilson St. This will conform ""ith houses already built and enable Be to erect a larger home in keeping with the neighborhood. Thank you, /s/ Willard C. Copeland -~-----~--~--~._~~~~~-----~---~~-----------------------~~--~-~-------------~~--- June 3. 1955 To : Mr. F. C. Middleton, City Manager From: Mr. O. H. Anderson, Bldg. Inspector Subject: Request ot Willard C. Copeland The Zoning Board recommends that we approve the request of Mr. Copeland under tbe bardSbip ruling, to permit him not less than a 15' setback, providing thi~ is in conformity with the existing buildings along Wilson St. Attacbed hereto 18 original letter of request with sketcb. Lot 1 - Bay Terrace Addn. (Blk. S) " , , ~. "!. " : ." . , .' ~. . '.:', ,. , . .m~. ,,~.' ...\.6l/".... ' "".'," . ",.' . .....,., . .', ;",:"; , ':' .'. ':":,',:/,.".' :t.,~~,,,;~..,,:.]:~;~.;.{:t{If~;,!i~;f.m1~~r ";;'~~;'~~~~~:'!":"j;"";,.1,,,,,,,,,",,,~,,,c,,,~".ii,~~0;1:c,;,""i.;,:J,;';;''::;;~':~L":.c.c':,c.':,,,,,:~i,~Ri~W1il' "e_;;,,;~ci~\':"! . .. . ., CITY CCllMISSIOM MEETING June 27, 1955 June 3, 1955 To: Mr. F. C. Middlecon, City Manager From: Mr. O. H. Andereon. Building Inspector Subject: Request ot John A. Russell The Zoning board recommends that the request or Mr. John A. Rusaell for a chan~ in the set back along North Osceola Avenue between Fairmont Street and Sunburst Court be granted to enable Mr. Russell to erect a building with a setback of not less than 15 teet on Osceola Avenue, provided the building is so constructed and in conformity with the set back of p~esently existing buildings in that block. Attached here to is orig1nal letter and plat. ---------------------~--.---~~-_.-------------~----------.--.-------------.-..-- 304 Fai~ount Street Clearwater, Florida May 19. 1955 Mr. Oliver Anderson Secretary ot Clearwater Zoning Board City Hall Clearwater. Florida Dear Sir: It is my hope that you will put the Collowing request on the agenda of the Ilen Zoning Board meeting. As you know. I own Lots 1 and 2. Block 2. in Bayview Heights, Brosemer & Smith Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 6. of the public records of Pinellas County, Florida. The area in which the property is situated is zoned "R 2." and it is my desire to construct a small residence, ~8' x 26', on the north 40 teet ot the said lot. 1 and 2. together with a drive~ay along the west boulldary of Lot 2. All of the property in the neighborhood, including my own residence. which is on Lots 1 aDd ~, are set back less than the required 25 feet, and it is my wish to have this new dwelling that I propose to construct to set back 15 feet in keeping with the established line. so as not to disturb the symmetry ot the s~e. Enclosed is a survey of the area by Leo Butler, and on this survey he has sketched in the proposed dwelling. Please be advised that I intend to commence construction immediately if the Zoning Board approves my application. Res~ect~ully SUbmitted. lei John A. Russell _~_____~________________._____~__~~________~______o___~__________________________~ City of Clearwater City Hall Clearwater, Florida June 27, 1955 Attention Mr. R. G. Whitehead, City Auditor and Clerk Dear Sir: This is in reply to your letter of June 16, 1955 directed to Mr. Rex Perpall at 1704 No. Osceola Avenue and having t:;o do with request for a permit; for Mr. John A. Russell for a fifteen foot setback from No. Osceola Avenue for Lot 1, Block 2 Bayview Heights. This is to inform you that Mr. Perpall has no objection to the granting o~ this request provided it is not an opening ~edge for the erection of addit:;ional buildings on Mr. Russell's property. The neighborhood is a nice one but ita charm could easily be destroyed if it:; were cluttered up with many small houses. Very. truly yours. 7s/ Edgar John Phillips (Attorney at Law) EJP/gc -----~~---~-----------------~------------~-~---------~------------~---~~-------- To: From: Subject: June 3, 1955 Mr. F. C. Middlet:;om, City Manager Mr. o. H. Anderson. Building Inspector Request of Ernest:; E. Whitacre Tbe Zoning Board recollUl1ends that we grant the request ot Mr. Whitacre for R-I. use, 8S we feel that it will conform with the future development of that area OR Missouri Avenue. Attached hereto is original request; and sketch. \: ' . " '" f< \.,.; , f~;~;~:.~;; .~~~,...,~ '~~#~;I~~W I. '.. ,......'1'",., "~,. rj;~~I\li: ~"(/:1~ft~~( , j}';i:1~; ~.fi/.::'" ';~~~r~' .~': .,;',1"" ' .'.. ,0,;. ,.~' . ." ':~::"'" . ~",,"..,' :.::. J ""f~~~~ ~;;;.~:,~~~~? ~?0;:'1~~~:~T~~>'f$~;; .' ...: :.." "_..._~,., ..;.w........L~."'~.~,..~"'_.,~.,.,~ ~~:o...,' ;">.,,.' ~,,' ..~. _,,: ;.,..~....: .~. ... ",:,,~, ,,\~0,:;~,,;.;~:~~,~~:kj:rA;~;,!.;~::;k-~J;;1:i,:~ii1~i.i~:~i1<:21;i0it~:ftl~;P~\1j.;i:;~ ~~~ ,.\"",.",,...).,-,,~n );.'~-':/\l~~~~:,,<:<~~'~'~r~ I,..'~.; ~.~. '. .':A' l~i.:~_.Ji.l'} . J ~~, ',.. ..'''' ,~. 'GPo :\;~i:.,~j.i{;J.~/r~-!/: . ".,. ".""" ."~....~". .'~ CIn COMMISSION MEETING June 27, 1955 Clearwater Florida June lst.195S. Clearwater Zoning board, City Building Inspector, Clearwater City Commission. Gentlemen; - 1 her~by submit a drawing of South Missouri Avenue, covering area between Belleair Blvd. on the South and Howard Street on the North and running along the West side of Missouri Avenue. 1 own Lots 6-7 and 8 and property thereon. On lot 6 I have a two bedroom home and on lots 7 and 8 I have four efficiency Apartments facing East along Missouri Avenue. I would like your approval and recommendation to the City Commission, that I be issued permission to build about seven efficiency Apartment. running North and South across the back or Western half of lots 6 - 7 & 8 as per sketch. Construction will be one story, flat roof, cement block walls and cement floors, similar to the present efficiency Apartments construction. I also plan to pave the area between the present Apartments and the new proposed construction, to take care of of~ the street parking for the users of the Apartments. There are at the present time, Apartments across the street with as many as ten Apartments, also in this block is a Church, a General Store (Selling Betir) Drug Store, Beauty Salone, Doctors Office, two new store spaces being completed and a new commercial business building being constructed. There is only one residence in the block and that is on the North East Corner and that Home faces Howard Street, all the rest are business or vacant lots. There is also open for bidds a proposed Post Office in this 1500 Block. (Brance of Clearwater Post Office.) At your pleasure, I would appreciate you recommending to the City Commission that I be pe~tted to construct these efficiency Apartments. Yours very truly, /s/ Ernest E. Whitacre Rt. 1 Box 22 Clearwater, Florida. EW/ -~---------------------~-----~---------~-------------------~---------------------~- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of Pinellas, Florida, is proceeding toward the construction of water supply and distribution facilities designed to provide an adequate supply of good and potable water to the City of Clearwater, Florida, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, after due consideration and study of the needs of the community~ has determined that it is necessary for the City of Clearwater to improve and construct water distribution facilities in order to distribute the water to be received from the County ot Pinellas, and it is further necessary to improve and construct certain sanitary sewer, sewage treatment, and storm sewer facilities, and to improve and rehabilitate certain major streets within the City of Clearwater, and WHEREAS, it is the considered judgment of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater that the foregoing improvements and construction should be financed so far as possible with revenue certificates, and to that end it is necessary and appropriate to use the services of an Investment Banker, and further, that it is necessary and appropriate that the foregoing improvements and construction be designed and supervised by a competent firm of Consulting Engineers experienced in similar improvements and construction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. Tha~ Briley, Wild and Associates, Consulting Engineers of Daytona Beach, Florida, are hereby authorized and directed to proceed, in accordance with the present contract between said Engineers and the City, with the preparation of plans and specifications for the proposed improvements and necessary construction pertaining to the water supply and distribution system, sanit~ry sewers, sewage treatment facilities, storm sowers and street improvements, inCluding final plans and specifications for the complete projected expansion of the Marshall Street Sewage Treatment Plant. BE IT ~JRTHER RESOLVED that R. W. Spragins and Company, Investment Bankers, are hereby authorized and directed to proceed in conjunction with the City Attorney. to prepare all legal documents and do all other things necessary to accomplish the issuance of Il,500,OOOvOO of Revenue Certificates for the financing of the foregoing improvements, and for the retirement of present wa~er and sewer utility revenue certifica~es, and to do all things necessary to secure a favorable rating for said revenue certificates from MoodyVs 'Investment Service, it possible, and to accomplisb the foregoing financing within the terms of the present written understanding between the City of Clearwater and said Investment Banker. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day or June, A. D. 1955. /s/ Herbert M. Bro"'"Il MAIOR~COMMISSIONER ATTEST: :te/ ' a~ 'Q. Whit .bead ,ClfYAUDITOR AND CLERK : ,,',"',' ,-,' , "'''').0'0, -~,- Lfol :1 . ,; CITY COMMISSI(iN MEETING June 27, 1955 The City E'ommissa.on of the Gity o.f Clearwater met in special sessian at City Hall, Monday, June 27, 1955, at 1;30 P.M, with the following mEmbers present: Herbert M". Brown W. E. Strang, Jr. J. N. Bohannon Guy L. Kennedy Jack RusselZ Also present were: F', C. Middleton Chas. M. Phillips, G. T. McClamma S. Lickton Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Manager Jr. City Attorney Chief of Police City EnginEer The Mayor called the meetino to order and announced the Public Hearing on the petition of Willard C. Copeland for a fifteen foot setback from Wilson Boulevard for Lot 1, Block S, Bay Terrace. The Citq Attorney read the Zoning BQard's reco�aendation that not less than a fifteen foot setback be granted providing it is in conformity with existing buildings along Wilson Boul�vard, The Mayor inquired if there were any objections from anyone in the audience and there were none. Haying held �his Public Hearing and having heard no valid objections, Cornrnissioner R�assell moved that th.e request of WilTard C. Copela,.�d for a fifteen foot setback line from Wilson Boulevard for Lot 1, Block S, Bay Terrace Addition, be approved as per the Zoning Boardts recommendation and to permit him not less than a fifteen foot setback providing this is in conformity along W3.l�n Boulevard. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. A Public Hearing was called bp the Mayor on the request of Mr. Elmer L. Mylander for a fifteen foat setback from isango Street for Lot 1, Block 16, Man;dalay Subdivision. The City Attorney read the Zoning Board�s recommendation that the fifteen foot setback be gra,-�ted and that it be in conformitg with the existin� properties along that street. A memo was read from Mr. Anderson, Building Inspector, indicating tha� he had checked the setback of the building on the adjoining property: Lot 10, Block lb, Mandalay, and found it to be twe�ity feet instead of fifteen feet as shown on the layout attached to the request, A letter from Dr. H. M, Owen (owner of L�t 10, Block 16:, Mandalayj was read objecting to the granting of the request and also a lateP telegra� from ths same person was read cancelling the c.�bjection, Commissioner Strang snggested that the matter be sent back to the Buili:ing Department to check the setback of c-,�h2r houses cn Mango Street. Commissivner Strang moved that the Public; Hearing on th� request of Mr. Elmer L. Niylan�.er be postponed to July 1$th for che purpose of returning this sketch to the Building Department and the Zoning Board for clarification of the adjoining property setback. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell ar�d carried unanimously. The Mayor �alled a Public Hearing on �he request of' Mi•. John A, FiusselZ for a fifteen foot setback from %ort2� Osceola Avenue for Lot 1, Block 2, Bayview Heights. The City Att orney read the Zoning Boardts reeommendation that ths fifteen foot setback be appro�ed provided it was in conformity wit:i existing buildings. He also read a lettes from Mr. Edgar John Phillips, a�ttarney, written on b ehalf of Mr. Re� Perpall, owner of Lots 39 and L�O, Sunburs� Cotu�t, which approved the granting of the request prouided that no additional �buildi>igs would be erected on Mr> Russell s propertp. During the discuss�on, it was brought out that NIr, Russell already had a house on Lets l and 2, Block 2, and wishe�i to build a small residence (permissible ?inder R-2 zoning) on the nortlz �.0 feet o�F s�id lots with a fifteen foot setback from Osc'eola in line with th�e existing house. The Mayor inquired if there were objections from the audieilce and there were none. Having held this Public Hearing and received no valid objections, Commissioner Kennedp moved that John A. RussellTs request for a fi�'teen foot setback from North Osceol�. Avenue for Lot l, Block 2, Bayview Heights, be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board. MotiGn was seconded b,, Commissioner Bohannon and carrieri unanimously. A Public Hearin was announced on the request o£ Mr. Ernest E� Whitacre for R-4 use of Lots �, � and $, Block F, Carolina Terrace Subdivisi:on, to build additional efficiency apartments. The City Attorneg read the Zoning Board's reco�mendation that the request be granted as it taould coilform with future development of that area or Missouri Avsnue. The Mayor inquired ii there were any objections and there were none, �Iiaving held this Public fiearing on the request of Mr. Ernes� Whitacre for R-�. use of Lots 6, '7 and $, Blork F, Carolina Terrace Subdivision, and having heard no valid objections, Commissi.one�• Strang moved in accordance with the Zoning Board's recommendation �hat th� re�quest be approved. Motion was seconded by Cammissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read a proposed Resolu�ion which wc,uld autharize R, W. Spragins and Company, Investment Bankers, to pr�oceecl with the Cit Attorney to prepare all legal documents, etc., to accomplish the issuance o£ �1,500,000.00 in Reven ue Certificates ta cover improvements to the water supplq and distri.bution system, sanitary sewers, sewage tr�3tment facilitiss, storm sEwers and street improvements and for the retirement of present water and sewer utility revenue certificates, and further authori�ing Briley, Wild and Associates, Consulting Engineers, to prepare plans and specifications for the proposed improvements,. Several amendments were sugges�ed bp the Com�u3ssianers which were noted by the City Attorney. The Mayor reported that he and Commissioner Kennedy had met with �' .�. � ; �: •t , �2 � CITY CONIlvtISSION MEETIhiG June 27, 1955 the Citizens Advisory Committee and after being fully apprised as to what �ertificates were outstanding and would need to be r�f3nanced, 3t was the Commi�tee's opimion that the Gity should refinance $��.3b,000.00 in utility certificates. Commissioner Kennedy pointed out t�at by consolidating all the utility certificates in one issue it rras hoped to gain a more iavorable interest r�te, possibly even less than 3� accordin� to Mr. Spragins. Upon b eing questioned, P�Ir. Spragins stated that he would request his attorneps, the iirm of Caldwell, Marshall, Trimble and Mitchell in New York C3ty, to prepare the necessary ardinance 3n time to present at the July l$th Commission mee�ting. The Mayor stated that the Gity water rates cvill not be raised as a result of the revenue certificate issue but it will probably be nece�sary tn raise the water rates after connecting to the pexmanent County water spstem as the City wil.l be paying tt�e County at a rate Qf 5¢ per thousand gallons. Commissioner Kennedy moved �hat the Resolution as read and amended be approved and that the proper officials be authorized to ex�cute it. Motion was seconded ioy Commissianer Bohannon ana carried unanimous�yo Gommissioner B�hannon asked to be excr�sed fromrthe meeting at 3:00 P.I�i. The City .Manager reported that the master meter at the Gas Plant, a rotary type m�ter installed i.n 1923, is practicaZly worn out and in checking on new meters, it was iound tha� a flow recorder meter was the best type. He said an estimate had been received from tha Gas Machinery Company of Cincinnati, Qha.o, f�r �790.00 fc�r a flo� recorder meter. He explaiasd that this was not a biddabl� item as it i:am to be buzlt sp�czfically for the City�s use. CoQamissioner Strang moved that a work order in t�he amount of �790,00 be approved for a flow recorder meter for the Gas Plant �n accordance with the City Manager�s reaommendation. Motion was secondect by Commis.;�,oner Russell and carried unanimously. The Citp Mana�er presented a�500.OA work ordex for expenses for the new Planning Board office to caver the cost of cutting two doors in the partition between the Engineering Dapartment space and the Planning Board room in ttae Briggs Building, installing the doors, � counter, two file cabYnets, $ chairs, one typewriter and misc�llaneous o££ice equipment. Commissioner Russell moved that the work arder for �500.OQ fnr the PZanning Board Office he approved. Motion was secoaded by Commissioner Strang ar�d carried unanimously. Zn comp].iance witn a request from the Comm3ssion to check the water mains installed in Skycrest Unit 9, the City Manager reported that there were 47 meters connected to the line, the condition of the mains was good, and that they are tied in both north and south and at Rainbow and Cleveland. He recammended approval of the refunding contract for the water mains vtith A& W Glads, Znc., in the amount af �z,043.9Q. �ommissioner Strang moved that the r efunding contract with A& t�i Glads, Inc., in the City of Clear�r��er in the amount o€ ��:043.90 be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was geoonded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The C�:ty Manager reco�ended approvaT of a refunding contraet with Mr. James Karas to caver 63Q feet o£ t�vo inch water main in Beverly Heights Subdivisien and reported he had a check for �t�00.00 from Mr. �aras on file, Commissioner Strang moved that the re£unding contract between Mr. �aras and �he Ci�y of Clearx�ater in the amount of �y0�.00 be appraved and the prop�r offYcials be authori�ed to execute it, �he refunding to be on dnmestic meters only. Motion was seconded by Commis sioner Russell and carried unanimously. It was recommended by the City Manager that 200 feet of 2 inch �ie-in water� main be ins��lled in San Re�o Avenue between park Street and Franklin Sireet. Commissioner Ru�se31 moved that the work or�aer for 200 feet of two inch water main on San Remo Avenue between Fark and Franklin Streets for the sum o� �455.00 be approved. h4otion was secoaded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanim�usly.. The City Attorney presented foa� considera�ion Ordinance 6$2 �vhich would prohibit vehicular peddling of goods, wares or merchandise in certain speaified areas su�h as the business section downtown and on the beach, parking areas aind public areasa After so�ne discussion, it was suggested t►�at the area coverir�g Cleveland .,treet and Gulf-to�-Bay should be extended to the east to Courtnep Campbe2l Parkway. The City Attornep read Ordinance 6$2 on its first r�ading. Commissioner r�ussell moved that Ordinance 6$2 be passed on its first readinge biotion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedp �nd car.ried unanimously. The Mayor suggest;ed that a Cammittee from tine Commission be appointed to take th� proposed contract with the Philadelphia Phillies to Philadelphia to iinish wha�ever negotiations are necessary between the City and the owners oi the ball club and to put this contraet into £orce and eifect �.t a date �o be determfnea by th� Committee. Commisszoner Russell moved that such 3 Committee be appuinted and trav�2ing expanses authorized. Motion was seconded bp Cnmmiss��ner Kennedy and carried unanimouslg*. There being no iurther business to come before tk�e Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 3;30 P.M. / / Attest: M yor- ommission l// � / ity ditor and Clerk � �� CITY COi�iIISSTON MEETING June 27, 1955 June 21�, 1955 Nayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr. Guy L. Kennedy, J. N. Boh2nnon Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in Speczal Session on I�Ianclay, June 2'7, 1955, in the City Hall Auditorium to discuss the items l�;sted on the attached agenda. Meeting time will be 1:30 o'clock P.h4. Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. I�Iiddleton FCM:s City Manager Enclosures Agenda - Special City Comma.ssion Meeting, June 27, 1955 City Hall Auditcrium 7.:30 P.M. l. Public Hearings: A. Request of Willard C. Copeland for a fifteen foot setback line from Wilson Bou?evard for Lot l, Block S, Bay Ter��ace Addition. This property is on the southeast corner of Ur.ion Street and Glilson Boulevard. B. Request of Mr. Elmer L. Mylandar for a fifteen foo� setback line from N:ango Street ior Lot l, Block 16, Nandalay Subdivision. This property is on the northeast corner af Mandalay Boulevard and I�Iango Street. C, Request of ifr. John A. Russell for a fifteen foot setback from North Osceola Avenue for Lot l, Blo�k 2, Bayview Heigh�ts. This proFerty is on the northwest corner of North Osceola Avenue and Fairmont St.reet. D. Request of Nir. Ernest E. Whitacre for R-1; use of Zots o, 7, and $, Block F, Carolina Terrace Subdivisian, to build additional efficiency apartments. This prdpert�, presently z�ned R-2, is located on Missouri kvenue between Howard Street and Belleair Boulevard. 2. Commission's final approval of the Budoet for the year 1955-5b for the City o�' Clearwater and to set the millage for same. 3• V1Qrk order for Gas Plant Equipment. �.. Work Order for Flanning Board Office (Materials and I,abor for new office in Briggs Building.) 5. Any other item not on the a�enda will be considered with the consent of the Commission. Adjournment Zoning Board, ---� �T.,.., �.... City of Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: Attached is a piot plan of a r esidence to be built on Lot l, Block 16, Mandalay Subdivision� being the Aiorth East corner of Nandalay Avenue and Mango Street. In view of the existing ordinance requiring a 25 foot set back from any side street zn an R-1 zone, it is necessary to have 2pproval, as a hardship case, of a 15 ioot set back on Mango St. (Hardship being that owner can't build a house on his lot unless 15 foot set back is approvedj. The previous ordinance px•ovided for a 10 foot set back on side s�reets in this SuL�division and all existing residences are so located. I, thsrefore, submit the matter for yo�r action and approval on the basis that it will cause no harm or injury to any surroundir�g property owners and denial would cause the lot to be virtually worthless. Very sincerely yours, elra; g �s/ Elmer Z. I�Iylander June 3, 1955 To: Niro F, C. Middleton, City Manager From: Mr. 0. H. Anderson, Building Inspector Subject: Request of Elmer L. Mylander The Zoning Board recammends that we grant the request of Mr. Mylander under the hardship ruling for a 15' set back on i�lango Street, and that the setback be in conformity with the existing properties along that street. Att�ched hereto is original letter and sketch. � 1 �. � ';a`._ , ' `z i r��;� � i' ; � +r,I � ; t ~�=�1 ■ CITY CJMMISSION MEETTNG June 27, 1955 � � 1 6/24/55 To: Mr. R. G. G,ihitehe�d From: Mr. 0. H. �nderson, Building Inspector Subject: Request of Elmer L. NIylander I have checked the building line set back of Lot 10, Block 16, Mandalay Subdi��is3.on on Mango S�reet and find it to be 20' - 0" instead of 1,51 - 0'� as shown on ::he attaclied layout. The `Loning Board's reconunendation oi June 3, 1955 is that the setback on 1°iango 5t. be in coniormity with the existing properties along that street. 7737 Grr�tiot Ave., �etroit, Mich. June 22nd 1955• City of Clearwater, R. G. Whitehead, Ci�ty Auditor and �lerk, Clear��ater, F1a. Dear vir. Whitehead: Re: Re�1uest of Mr. Elmer L. Mylander for a 15T setback line from Niango St. for Lot l, Block 16, Nlandalay Subdivision. This property is on the northeast corner of Mandalay Blvd. and A4ango Si;. As owners of .Lot 10, Block 16 Mandalay Suldivision, �r�hich is next door to Lot in Question, we demand that the ordinance be enforced and that the house be set back 25 ft instead of 15T, If this house were built l5 ft back instead of 2$ ft., it would def.initely affect our viecv and breeze. I understand a hearing will take place Monday, June 2%th at 1:30 P.NI., so am iorwarding this letter special delivery, to rnake sure it will be there before hearing. Yours very truly, �s� H. M. Owen ��• �s/ Mildred M. Owen TELEGRAM R. G. Whitehead City f�uditor and Clerk, Clearwater, Fla. '�Disregard my letter have talk�d to Doator Field regarding change of plans. Dr. H. M. Owen 1111 Union S�. Clearwater, Flor3da June Z, 1955 Reference: Lot l- Bag Terrace �cidition Piat book l3, Page 22 �learwater Zoning Board Gentlemen• I hereby ask permission on the basis of hard�hip to erect a home on the corner of Union and Wilson Streets witY� a set back of 30 FT. on Union St. and 1S FT. on �lilson St, This wi11 r.onform wa.th houses already built and enable me to erect a larger home in keeping with the n�ighborhood. Thank you, /s/ WilTard C. Copeland �June 3, 1955 To; Mr. F. C. Middle�on, �i�p Manager From: Mr. 0. H. Anderson, Bldg. Inspector Subject: 8equest of Willard C. CQpelattd The Zoning $oard recormnends that we approve the reque�t of Nir. Copeland under the hardship ru].ing, to permit him not less than a 15� �ethack� prav3ding this is in conformity with the existing buildings a.long Wilson Sto Attached hereto is original lettc�r of request v3ith sketch. Lat 1- Bay Terrace Addn. {Blk. S) � CIT7 CCMMZSSION ME�TING June 27, 1955 To: Mr, F. C, Middle�on, City M�t�ager June 3, 1955 Froms Mr. 0. H. Anderson, Building Inspector Subject: Request of �Tohn A. Russell Tho Zoning �oard recommends that the request of Ms. Johr� A. �iussell for a change� in the set back along North Osceola Avenue between Fair►�ont S�rett and Sunburst Court be gran�ce-� to enable Mr.. Russell to erect Q building �ith a setback of not less than 15 fe�ti on nsceala Avenus, provided the building is so constructed and in conformity with the set back of presently existing buildings in that block� Attached here to is orig3nal letber and plab, 304 FairmounL Str�et� Clearwater, k'lorida Maq 19, 1955 d�lz�. Oliver Anderson Secretary of Clearwa�er Zoning Board City Hall Clearwater, Florida Dear Sis: It is my hope that you will put the following reques� on the agenda of i�he x�exx� Zoning Board meeting< As you know, I own I.ots 1 and 2, B1ook 2, in Bayview Heights, Brosemar & Smith Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 6, of �ne public record� of' Pinellas County, Florida. �he area in which the property is situated is zoned "R 2,tt and it is my desise to construct a sinall residence, y.$� x 26�, on the north k0 feet of the said lots 1 and 2, together with a drivevaay along �ne west boundary of Lot 2. All o� the proper#;y in t'lae neighborhood, including �g= ov.•n residence, �rhich is on Lots 1 aad 2, ar� set b�ck less than the required 25 feet, and it is my wish to have thia new dwelling that I prapose to construct to set back 15 feet in keeping with th� established :.ine9 sa as not to dis�urb the symmetry af the same. �nclosed is a survey of the area by Leo Butler, and on this survey he has sketchezi �n the pxoposed dwelling. Please be advised that I intend to commence constructio� immediatelp if the Zoning Boaxd apprnves my application. iies ect�ully submitted, �/ John A. Russe�.� �une ?7, �955 City of Clearwa�er Gity Hall Clearwa�er, Florida Attentian Mr. R. G. Whiteh�ad, Gitv Auditor �nd Clerk Jear S� : This is in replp to your letter of June 16, 1955 directed to Mr. Rex Perpall a� 1704 No. Os�eola Avenue and havzng to do wzth request £or a permit for Mr. �ohn A. Russell for a fifteen foot setback from No. Osceala Avenut for Lot l, Block 2 Bayview Heights. This is to inform you that Mr, Perpall has no objection to t�e granting of this request provided. it is not an opening wedge :for the erection of additional buildings on Mr. Russell's proper�y. The neighborhood is a nice ane but its charm could easily be destroyed if it were cluttered up v�ith many small houses. Very trulp yours, /s/ Edgar John Phillips E�P�go {Attorney at I,aw) dune 3, 1955 To: Mr. F. C. Middleten, Gity Manager � Ffom: iyir. 0. H. Anderson, Building Inspector Subjecto t��quest og Ernest �. Whitacre The Zonis?g Boasd recommends tnat we gran� the request nf Mr. Whitacr� fer R-4 use, as we iee3. that it will conform with the future dsvelopment of that area on N:issouri Avenue. At�ached hereta is original request and sketch. � � � ,� �I� �a/ CITY CONA�IISSION MEETING .Tune 27, 1955 '�:learwater Zoning �oard, C3ty Building Inspector, Clearwater City Commission. Clearwater Florida Juae lst.1955• Gentlemen;- I hereby submit a drawing of South Missouri Avenue, covesing area botwe�sn Belleair Blvd. on the South and Howard Street on the North and running along the West side of Missouri Avenue. I own I,ots b-7 and $ and proper�y therean, On lot 6 I have a two b�droom home and on lots 7 and $ I have four efficiency Apartments facing East a],ong Missouri Avenue. I would like your approval and recommendation to the CYty� Commis5�.on, that I be issued permission to build abou� seven effic:iency Aparbments running North and South across the back or Western hal.f of lots 6- ��C $ as per sketch. �onstruction will be one story, fiat roof, cement block w�a11s and cement floors, similar to the present efficiency Apartments construction. I also plaa� to pave th� area between the present Apartments and the new proposed construction, to take care of of� the street parking for the users of �che Apar�Gments. There are at the present time, Apartments across the stree� with as mang as ten Apartments, also in t�is block is a Church, a Ge�eral Stpre (Selling Beer), Drug Store, 3eauty Salone, Doctors Of�'ice, two new store spaces being comple�e�l and a new commer�ial b�siness building being construeted. Ther� is only one residence in the block and that is on the North East Cosner and that Home iaccs Howard StrQet, all �he rest are business or vacan� lots. There is a?so open �or bidds a proposed Post Office in this �500 Block. (3rance of Clearwater Post Office.) At your pleasure, I would a ppreciate pou recommending to the City Commission that I b� permit�ed ta construct these efficiency Apactments. EW� Yours very truly, �sf Ernest E. Whitacra Rt. 1 Bo� 22 Clea�vater, Flor3da. BESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of Pinellas, Florida, is proceeding toward the cons�ruc�ion of water supply and dis�ribution facilities designed to prdvide an adequate supplq of good and potable water to the City of Clearwat;er, Florida, and WHEREAS, the City �ommission of the Citp nf Clearwater, Florida, a£ber due considaration and study of the needs of the community; has determined that it is necessary for the City of Clearr�ater to improve and construct water d3stribution facilities in order to distribute the wa�cer to be received from the County oi Pinellas, and it is further necessary to impro�re and construc� certain sanitarp se�er, sewage treatment, and storm sewer faciY?ties, and to improv� and rghabilitat� cerL�in major streets within the Gity of Cleaa�water, and WHEREAB, it is the considered judgment of �he City Commission o� the City of Glearwa�er that the foregoing improvements and construction should be finaneed so Far as possible with revenue cerGi�icates, and to that end it is n�cessary and agpropriate to use the services of an Inwestment Banker, and itarther, that it is necessary and appropriate that the ioregoing improvemettts and construction be designed and supervised bp a competent firm o£ Consulting Engineers experienced .in similar improvzments and const�uctiona NOVd, THEREFORE, BE IT R�SOLVEA bq the City Commission of the City caf Clearwatier, E'lorida, i.n session duly and regu].arly assembled as follows: i. That Briley, Wild an�i Associates, Consulting Engineers of Daptona Beach, Florida, are hereby authorized and directed to proceed, in accordance with �he present co�nt�ract between said Engineers and the City� with.the preparation of plans and specifications for ;;he propos2d improvements and necessary canstruc�ion pertaining to the water supply and distribution system, sanitary sewers, sewage treatment, gacilities, starm sewers an d street improvemenbs, including f inal plans an�l specificat-ions for the camplete prc�jected expansion of the Mar�shall Street Sewage Treatme� Plant. BE IT FIIR.THER RESOLVED that ft. W. Spragins and Co�pan�, Investment Bankers, are hersby authorized and directed tb praceeri in conjunction �aith thc City Attorney, to prepare all le al dacumentg and do all other things necessary to accomplish the issuance o� �l,$00,000.00 oi Revenue Cer�ificates for the financing oi' the foregoing improvements, and for the retir�ment af present water and sewer utiiity revenue certificates, and to do all things necessary to secure a iavorabie rating for sai3 revenue certificates from Moody's'Investment Service, if possible, and to accomplish the foregoing financing wi�hin �he terms of the present written understanding between the City of Cleaxwa�er and said Inves�ment Banker. PASSED AP1D ADOPTED this 2�th day of June, A. D. 1955. /s/ He�bert M. Brown MAY OR-CON�i IIS SIONEFi ATTEST: /s/ R. G. VJhit ehead CITY AUDITOR xND CLERK