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June 24, 1955
The City Comnission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City
Hall, Friday, June 24. 1955, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present:
Herbert M. Bro~n
W. E. Strang, Jr.
J. N. Bohannon
Guy L. Kennedy
Jack Russell
'~, > :'.. ~
:..- ."
.. -' j",
,t..,,' ".
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton
Chas. M. Phillips, Jr.
G. T. McC1anma
Frank Abernat.hy
. ;':..:-:- <
, !'"
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief' of Police
City Treasurer
The Mayor called the meeting to order and explained that the meeting had
been called as a Public ~earing f'or the purpose of' going over the budget and
adopting the millage to be assessed for the 1955-56 budget year. A petition was
read signed by 377 people requesti~ that funds be appropriated in the budget to
construct another pier-groin into the Gulf on City property in the vicinity of
Water Tank Park in~ead of providing funds far extending the present City pier
at the west end or Causeway Boulevard. The Mayor explained that no funds had
been set aside in the budget far extending the present pier. He said there were
SODle people who held the opinion that the City should survey the entire beach,
public and private, with a view to establishing groins on both the public and
private property, with the work to be assessed when completed to the property
owners participating in the benefits and the City to pay its share on street ends,
etc. He stated that the City does not have the authority to assess for such
work under the Charter or any Special Acts and it is not possible for the present
Legislature to consider any new bills from cities in the special session. The
Mayor said the Commission would agree not to proceed with spending any money on
the extension of the present pier ~ithout looking into the need for groins in
other areas to determine which one would be needed the most.
, Mr. Garrett McKernan, member of the Erosion Committee of the Clearwater
Beach Association, spoke to the Commission on the danger to swimmers that exists
f'rom the old jagged wooden groins in the Gulf, some at the street ends and some
on private property. Toe Mayor pointed out that some of these old groins have
been removed but as the sands shift, more turn up. Mr. Curtis Earl commented
that a report was submitted on the condition of the old groins by the Clearwater
Beach Association in March, 195~, with a request for action. The Mayor asked
that a new recommendation from the Erosion Committee be submitted.
The Mayor reported that he had appointed a Citizens Advisory Committee
consisting of H. M. Turnburke, auditor; Lewis Homer. realtor; W. S. Shannon,
realtor; J. L. BeardSley, Clearwater Sun editor; Leland Drew, businessman; and
R. 0; Downie, vice-president of' the Federation of Civic Clubs. He said he had
met with the Committee to study the proposed plan to finance $1,200,000.00 in
capital improvements by an increase of 2 mills in the taxes to raise .100,000.00
and by a _1,500,000.00 revenue certificate issue to provide the $1,100,000.00
balance for the i~provements and to refinance $437,000.00 in Utility Department
Revenue Certificates 'already outstanding. He reported that the Committee
recommended as follows:
1. That the City immediately overhaul the water distribution system at
a cost of $600,000.00;
2. That the City overhaul the sanitary sewerage facilities immediately
at a cost of $420,000.00;
3. That the City take care of' some badly needed storm sewer projects at
a cost of 180,000.00;
4. That~the City use 1100,000.00 in street resurfacing.
It was also recommended by the Committee that the City finance these improvements
by issuing Utility Revenue Certificates and that $100,000.00 be secured by
increasing the tax rate by t~o mills. Mre R. O. Downie reported that as a member
of the Advisory Committee he was heartily in favor of the proposed budget and
that personally he thought the funds raised by the two mill increase should be
ear.marked for capit.al improvements and not put in the General Fund.
In answer to an inquiry from the audience as to why the Recreation Department
budget ~as increased by t18,000.00, the Mayor explained th&t the recreational
program had been increased by adding such new recreational facilities as the
Negro Swimming Poo1, the new baseball stadil1M, the building on the former Hartsell
property, and the Youth Recreation Centers at the Beach and the Municipal Auditorium.
L- .".' .... ,", ,
June 24, 1955
Mr. Paul Ficht, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Commission
stating that the Chamber of Commerce did not consider the amount allotted to them
in the new budget as sufficient to permit carrying on a progressive program.
During the discussion that follow!~1. the Mayor pointed out that the Chamber ot
Commerce budget was increased e8,uuu.OO over last year. making a total ot
.68.000.00 for the coming year, and the Commission felt that the increase given was
all that could be done in order to balance the budget and hold th~ tax line.
A representative from the Florida Gulf Coast Art Center inquired if the Art
Center's request for an appropriation of $3,500.00 had been approved. The Mayor
replied that no decision had been made on the request.
Mr. R. L. Hendershott of the Chamber of Commerce Convention Bureau asked it
the budget included funds to air condition the Municipal Auditorium. The Mayor
ans~ered that a contingent amount had been placed in the budget to do complete
remodeling and air conditioning of the Auditorium if the Commissioners find that
it is feasible to do the complete project.
In ans.er to a question from Commissioner Kennedy as to whether the funda
obtained from the two mill increas8 can legally be earmarked tor the proposod
capital improvements, the City Attorney stated that it would be possible but it
would have to be under some heading such as street improvements or capital
expenditures. The Mayor suggested that a motion be made directing the City Manager
and the City Treasurer to specifically designate that two milla ot the taxes
shall be earmarked in a "Special Improvement Fund" and will be drawn upon under
direction of the COlIDDission when the special improvements are <bne. Commissioner
Strang moved that after this Public Hearing having been held and the objections
and suggestions having been heard by the Commission and duly considered, that the
Budget Resolution adopted on the 21st day of June, A.D. 1955, be and the same i8
hereby confirmed with the following amendment that the millage ror operation as
set out in Section 2 thereof be 10.6 mills instead of 8.6 mills and that there be
no change in the debt service millage as set out in Section 3 thereor and that the
additional revenue anticipated by the change in millage be entered in the
appropriate place for estimated revenue and that the expenditures of that
additional anticipated revenue be shown and categorized as "Special Improvement
Fund", making the total millage assessed by Sections 2 and 3 of the Resolution
14.2 mills. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
As requested by the Commission at the June 21st meeting. the City Attorney
reported he had investigated and found that it would take a Special Act or the
Florida Legislature to change the beginning of the City's fiscal year trom
July 1st to October 1st; therefore, it could not be done until the 1957 Legislature
.:, ,I. '.1
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The Mayor recommended that a Resolution be prepared addressed to the County
Commission to forward to the State Road Department a request that Memorial Causeway
be taken over for maintenance from the City.. Commissioner Strang moved that such
a Resolution be prepared for the State to take over the maintenance of Memorial
qauseway and that the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Bohannon reported h~ was informed by County Commissioner C. R.
Fischer that the Resolution to obtain secondary road funds to extend and improve
Myrtle Avenue had gone to the State Road Board and that Commissioner Fischer will
send a certified copy of the Resolution to the City.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 3:35 P.M.
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June 24, 1955
June 23, 1955
, H "~..;, (~"::"~'?\;
Mayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Str8ne, Jr.
Guy L. Kennedy, J. N. Bohannon
The City ~onwi5sLon will meet in SFeciRI ~ession on Friday, June 24, 1955 in the
City Hall Auditorium for the purposo of conductin~ a Public HeRrine; on the
1955-1956 Budget. Meeting time will he 1:30 P.M.
FCM: s
Very truly yours,
IH! F. C. Middleton
C it)' j'-1anager
It has come to the att~ntion of the Public, including the undersigned, that
it is the intention of the Commission to provide funds in the fiscal year 1955-56
City Budget for che extension of the MUNICIF~L PIER on Clearwater Beach. In view
of the erosj,on wh ieh is tfikine; place on the iJulf Beach, north of' the present pier,
it is respectfully ref1uested that s11ch funds be allocated instead) for the initial
constr\~tion of another pier-~roin on City-owned property in the vicinity of
Water Tank Park at a point which will effect the most efricient protection for
the beaches.
It is the understandine of the uprlersigned that monies were to be allocated
jp last year's bQd~et for the correction of the eXisting groins which are
acknowledged to be a hRzard to public safety in their present condition. It is
the opinion of tne petitioners that if the r-roposed pier-~r0in is constructed the
beaches will widen sufficiently to cover the hazardous ~roins and obviate the
necessity of any eiCpenditures on t:.hese structures.
The sUeE8stion of a second rier-~roin is not inconsistent with the
recommendations whieh have been made by the U. S. Army Corps of En,~ine ern.
Signed by 377 people
WHEREAS, Memorial Causeway in the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida,
is directly connected to and is an extension of State Road 60) and has formerly
been designated a s a State Ro:td, but the mainten~nce thereof has never been
assumed by the Florida State Road Department, and
WHEREAS) said Memorial Causeway is a hi~hway facility which is used primarily
by inter-city traffic ori~inRtinp-; on State Hoads 60, 19) and 19A, and said Nemorial
Causeway is so heavily used by inter-city traffic that it is inarpropriate that
the maintenance thereof be borne by the City of' Clearwater, aOO
WHEREAS, Pierce Boulevard 3nd Pierce Street from its connection with Memorial
Causeway on the West) to its juncture with State Road 60 via Greenwood ~venue on
the E3St) is a connecting link to State Road 60, which will help to relieve
traffic congestion on State Road 60.
NOW, THEREFOR~) BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of ~he City of Clearwater,
Florida, in se ssi{)n du ly and re~ularly Assemhled as follo\is:
That the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of the County of Pinellas,
StAte of Florida, be and said Honorable body is hereby requested and \~ged to
petition the rlor~da State Road Department to assume the maintenance of Memorial
Causeway in the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, and to designate
Pierce Boulevard and Pierce Street from Memorial Causeway on the West to its
juncture with State Road 60 via Greenwooct Avenue on the East, as a State Road
without assuming "'the maintenance of s~id Pierce Boulevard and Pierce Street.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June, A. D. 1955.
/s/ Herbert M. Brown
/s/ R. G. Whitehead
City Auditor and Clerk
. .~.
,,\<, -....-" -
� ��
June 24, 1955
T1he City Commissian of the City og Clearwater met ia� special session a� Citq
Hall, Friday, June 21�, 1955, at 1:30 P.M. with the following me�bers gresent;
Herbert d�t. Brovan
W, E. Strang, Jr.
J. N. Bohannon
� Guy L. Kennedy
Jack Russell
Also present weres
F. C. Middleton
Chas. M. Phillips, ,Jr.
G. T, McGla�na
Frank �lbex�nathy
City Manager
Gity Attorney
Chief of Policz
City Treasurer
�he Mayor called the meeting to order and explained that the meeting had
veen called as a Public Hearing fpx° the purpose of g�ing over the budget and
adopting the millag� bo be assessed for the 1955-5b budget year. A petition was
read signed by 3']7 people requesting that funds be appropriated in the budgst to
cons�ruct another pier-grAin into the Gu1f on City px�op�rty in t,he vicinity of
Water Tank Park instead of providing funds for extending the preser��t City pier
at the west end of Causewap Boulevard. The Mapor explained that no funds had
been set aside in the budget f or extending the present pier. He said there were
�ome people �ho held the opinion that the Ci�y should survey the entire beach,
public and private, with a view to establishing groins on both the publia and
priaate property, wi�h the work to be assessed when completed to the property
owners participating in the benefits and tb.e City to pay its share on street ends,
etc. He stated that th� Gitp does not ha�ve the authority to a ssess for such
work under the Charter or anp Special Acts and it is not possible for t'he present
Legislature to consider any neva bills from cities in t3�e special session. The
Mayor said the Dnmmission would agree not to proceed with spending ang money on
the e�tension of the present pier w3cliout loaking into the need for groins in
other areas to determine which one w ould be needed the most.
' Mr. Gasrett McI{ernan, member of the �rosion Committee of the Clearwater
Beach Associat ion, spoke to the Con�mis�ion on the danger to swimmers that exists
from the ald jagged wooden groins in the Gulf, some at the street ends �nd some
on.privrate �Oroperty. Tlae Mayor pointed aut that some of these old groins have
been remaved but as the sands shift, more turn up. Mr�. Curtis Earl �ommente�i
that a report was submitted on the condition of the old groins by �he Clearc�ater
Beach Association in Max�chs 1954, with a request for action. The Mayor asked
that a new recommendation f�om the E�osion Committee be submitted,
� The Nlayor reported that he had appointed a Citizens Advisorp Committee
cc�nsisting of H. N. Turnburke, auditor; Lewi� Homer, realtor; W. 3. Shannon,
realtor; J. L. Beardsley, Clearv�ater Sun editor; Leland Drew, businessman, and
R. 0: Dawnie, vic�e-president of the FederatiQn 6£ Civic Clubs. He said he had
met with the Committee to study the proposed plan to finance �1,200,000.00 in
capital improvements by an increase of 2 mills in the taxes to raise �100,000.00
and by a�1,500,OOO.QO revenue certi�icate issue to provide the �1,100,000.Q0
balance for the improvements and ta refinance �437,ODO.Od in Utilitq Department
Revenue Certificates'already outstanding. He r�ported that the Committee
recom�ended as follows:
That the City immediately overhaul the water distribution system a�
a cost of �600,000.00;
That the City overhaul the sanitary sewerage facilities immediatclp
at a cost of ��.20, 000. �0;
That the Ci�y take care of some badly needed storm sewer projects at
a cost of �$0,0�0.00;
That�the City use �100,000.00 in strset resurfacin;a
It was also recommended by the Committee that the City finance these imgrovements
� by issuing Utility Revenue Certificates and that �100,000.Q0 be secuxed by
increasing the tax rate by two mills. Mr. R. 0. Downie reporbed tha� as a member
of the Advisory Gommittee he was heartily in favor of the proposed budget and
that personally he thought the funds raised by the two mill increase should be
earmarked fos capital improvements and not put in the General Fund.
In answer to an inquiry from the audience as to why the Recreation Department �
budget was 3ncreassd by �1$,000.00, tha Mayor explained that the recreatibna2
_ program harl been increased by adding such n�w recreational facilities as the
Negro Swimming Pool, the new b�seball stadium, the building on the former Hartsell
property, and the Youth Recreation Centers at the Beach and the Nunia3.pal Auditorium.
�f►: ,. ;,
June 24, 1955
Mr, Paul. Ficht, Manager of the Chamber of Co�n�erce, addressed the Comm3.ss3on
statin� that the Chamber of Com�erce did noG consider the a,mount allotted to 4hem
ia the new buc3get as snfficient to permi� carry�.ng on a gragressive pragram.
During the discussion that followed, the Mayor pointed out that the Ct�amber of
Commerce budget was incr�asecl �$,000,00 over last year, making a toGal oi
�5$,000.00 for the coming ysar, and the Commissinn felt that tha incra�se given was
aIl bbat could be dane in order to balance the budget and hold the tax line.
A representative from the Flor�ida Gulf Coast Art Canter inquired 3f the Art
Centerts reques� for an apprapriation of �3,500,00 naa been approved. The Mayor
replied that no decisi on had been mac�e on the request.
Mr, Ft. I,e H��der:shott e� the Chamber of Commerca Convention Bureau asked if
the budget included funds to air condition the Nunicipal Auditorium. The Mayor
answered that a contingen•� amount had been pZaced in the budget to do complete
remodeling and aix a-onditioning of the Auditorium ii the Commissionars f ind that
it is feasible to ao tne complete projeet.
In answer ta a quesLion from Commissioner Kennedy as to wheL•her �h� funds
obtained from the two mill increase ca� legally be earmarked f'or the proposed
capital improvements, the City Attorney stated that it would be poss3ble bixt i�
would have to [�e under sqme heading such as street improvements or capataJ.
expenditures. The Mayar sugges�ad that a motion be made directing th� City Manager
aa�d the City Treasurer to specifical�.y dssignate ttcat two mills aP the taxes
shall be earmarked in a roSpecial �mprovement FundTM and will be drawn upon ander
direction of the Commission when the specia� improvements are d�ne. CommissionQr
SGrang ffioved that after this Public Iiearing having �een held anci the objections
and suggestions having been hear@ by the Commission and duly consideredA tha� the
Budge� Resolution adopted on the 21st daq of June, A.D. 19�5, be and th� sam� is
hereby conf irmed with the following amendment that the millage for operation as
se� oat in Section 2 thereof be a0.6 mil�s ins�ead of �.6 mills and that �here be
no Ghange in the debt service millage as se� out in Sect:.on 3�chereof and that the
addi�iomal re�renue anticipated by ihe change in millage be entered in the
appropriate place for estimated revenue and tha� the expenditures af tha�
additional anticipated revenue be shown and cAtegorized as ttSpecia] Improv�ment
Fund", making the total millage assessed by Secbians 2 and 3 of the Resoluti�n
1t�.2 mil].s. Motioa was seconded by Commissioner Kex�nedy and caaried ananimoualy.
As requested by the Commission at the dux�e 21s� meeting, the City A.ttoxney
rsp4rted he had investiga�ed anc3 found i�la� it wou].d take a Specia.l Act o� th$
Florida Legisl.�tixre to ck�ange the beginning of the City4s fiscal year �rom
July lst to October lst; theresor�, it could no� be done until the 1957 LegislaLure
co nvenes.
The Mayor reco�ended ih�t a Resalution be prapared addressed to ttce Countp
Commission to iorward to �he State Road Department a request that Memnrial Causeway
be taken over fnr maintenance from the City.. Comm3ssioner Strang moved that such
a Resalution be prepared io� the S�ate t o take over the maintenance of M�morial
Causeway and that the praper officials be auth�rize@ to execute it, Motion was
seaonded by Qom�iasioner Bahannon and carried unanimously.
�o�nissioner Bohannan rep�rted he was informed by County Comm�ssionei� C. Ra
Fischea.r that the Resolution to abtain secondary road funds to extend and improve
h;rt3e Avenue had gone ta the S�ate Road Board and thati Conunissioner Fischer will
send a certified copy of the Resolution to �he Citp.
There being no further bus�.ness to come be#'ore the Board, the meeting was
adjourtteri at 3:35 P.Nio
/ L%�
Ci y d�.tor and Clerk
:.r� .�id�.�� �,r.,
. . �� , . -
June 24, 1955
June 23, i955
Mayor CQrnmis sioner Herbext i�'I. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Rizssell, W. E. Strang, Jr.
Guy L, I��nnedy, J. PI. Bohannon
-� The City Cornmi.ssion will meet iri Special Session an Friday, June 24, 1955 �n the
City Hall Auditorium ior the purpose o£ conducting a Public iiearing on the
1955-195b Budget. riIeeting time will be 1:30 P.M.
Very truly yours,
�s/ F. C. Middleton
FGM s s City 1'fanager
Tt has come to the attention oi the Pub1iL, ir_cluding the undersigned, that
it is the intent ion of the Commission to gravide funcls in the fiscal year ?Q55-56
City Budget for the extension of the MUIZICIPAL �'IER on Clearwater Beach, In viev�t
oi the erasion which is taking place on the vul� Beach, north of the prese�t pier,
zt is respectfully requested that such funds b� allocated instead, for the initial
construation of another pier-�roin on City-owned prqpertJ in the vicinity of
W'ate.: �ank Park at a goint which wi11 effect the mast efficient protecti�n for
the beachea.
T� is the understanding of the ur.dersioned that monies were tQ be all�ca-ted
i� last year's bud�et �or the correction of the existing �roins which are
acknowledged to be a hazard to public safetv in their present conditi�n. It is
the opinion of the petitioners that if the �rorosed pier-mroin is cons�ructed the
beaches will widen sufiiciently to cover the hazardous �roins ar_d obviate the
necessity of any expenditz:2res on these structures,
�he sug,estion of a second �pier-�roin is not inconsistent with the
re�sommendations which have been made �y the U. S. Ar*ny Corps oi Engineers.
SiUned by 377 people
WHEREAS, Memorial Causeway in the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida,
is direct�y connected to and is an extension of State Road 60, and has formerly
been designated as a State Road, but the maintenance thereoi h�s never been
assumed by the Flarida State Road Department, and
UJHEAEAS, saic� Memorial Gauseway is a hic,hv�ay faciJ.it}� which is used primaz�il,v
by inter-city traffic origina�ing on State koads b�, lq, and 1qA, and said Memorial
�auseway is so heavily used by inter-city traffic that it is i�appropri.ate tha�
the maintenance thereof be borne by the City of Clearwater, ara�
�r1HERERS, Pierce Bouievard and Fierce Street from its connection with Memorial
Causeway on the U7est, to its jT�ncture with State Road 6�J via Greenwood Avenue on
the East, is a aonneatzng Zink to S�ate Road 6Q, which w�11 he1.p to relieve
traffic congestion on 5tate �.oad 60.
NO[^1, THEREFQRE, 13E IT RESQLVED by the City �ommission qf tne City of Clearwater,
Florida, in session duly and re�ularly a�seml�led as follo�vs:
That tlie Honorable Board of County �ommissioners of the County of' Pinellas,
5�ate of �'?orida, be and said Honorable body is hereby requested and uroed to
petition the rlorida State Road Departmerrt to a_s�ame the maintena�ce o£ Memorial
Causetaay in the Gity of Clearwater, Pznellas County, F1orida, ar.cl to designate
Pierce Boulevard and Fierce Street #'rom NFemorial Causeway on the West to it:
juncture wir,h State Road 6G via Greenwood �venue on ths East, as a State Raad
without assuming the maintenance of said Pierce Boulevard and Pierce Street,
1'ASSED AI�iD AnOPTED this 24�,h day of June, A. D. 1955•
�sl Herbex�t M. Brown
�s� R. G. Whitehead
City Auditor and Glerk