06/21/1955 \~;:~t;i!~~'~":;P~=:"/-' ~$~(/~.'~" . >'.' "~,,~;: ~". !.-...\~~ ':.; :.,1;':"(.' ;'... " ,\.;~~~,:t;:,~:' ~'~",'l ..~ ... , ,t' "': ,".~", ' " . :;:, ':,:.~f,!i,:,..',:., '.tii;L;:,~,~:,~!j~0l~;;;;~~D.~,.Z.~~.~':.;';..~~,j.i~"",~,<"::":':"': ::':;,:;'iici,ii~';T::;~i;~j;;";~~'<:~!~;:ii:'0iiJ);:'~'t;J,~'~;2d:~',::::~~,,~':::'...~,,';:.:""~.:J~1.G~i~S~i~&m;1~~~~~~~~~S;.':,." :"t'::':' ::~'.~~' ij0 {.",' CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 21, 1955 The City Commission or the City of Clearwater met in special 888sion at City Hall, Tuesday, June 21, 1955, at 12:15 P.M. with the following members present: Herbert M. Brown W. E. Strang, Jr. Jack !tus sell Guy L. Kennedy J. N. Bohannon Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commis sioner !~Jli l,.t:}" ';1.1,/ f.t::-::~>r';,.t.~"1 ::;!'~""".~:-' l';:';"~ I" f'~f,~~ ~t' " " Also present were: F. C. Middleton Cha8. M. Phillips, Jr. G. T. McClama Frank Abernathy City Manager City Attorney Chief of Police C it y Treasurer The Mayor announced that the special meeting was called to formally receive the budget from the City Manager. The City Manager explained that the Charter requires that the budget be presented and by Resolution be tentatively adopted prior to the final adoption of the budget at a Public Hearing. He stated that the proposed budget would set up a tax of 8.6 mills for operation purposes and 3.6 mills for debt service, making a total of 12.2 mills which would be the same 8S last year's millage. During the discussion on the budget, the Manager pointed out that the assessment figures on the real estate and personal property have to be estimated as the assessment figures cannot be obtained from the County Tax Assessor before July 1st, the beginning of the City's fiscal year. He suggested that the Commission consider requesting the City Attorney to take steps to change the fiscal year to ~egin on October 1st. The City Attorney read the Resolution which would set up a Public Hearing on Friday, June 24, 1955, at 1:30 P.M. on the proposed budget and the proposed tax levy. The Mayor reported that the Commission has been working out a plan ror /' proposed capital improvements such as improvements to the water system, an increase in the capacity of the Disposal Plant as it is operating at capacity now, some storm sewer work and some street resurfacing. He said the Commission was considering financing these improvements amounting to $1,200,000.00 by increasIng the taxes by two mills to raise $100,000.00 and to have a revenue certificate issue in the amount of $1,500,000.00 to supply the $1,100 000.00 balance for the improvements and to refinance $437,000.00 in Utility ~epartment Revenue Certificates already outstanding. He pointed out it might be possible to secure a more favorable interest rate by the refinanCing. Commissioner Bohannon commented that he was in favor of the revenue certificate issue but was not entirely convinced in the matter of separating the $100,000.00 and increasing the millage as it would increase tax payments for people who have set incomes. He inquired if it might not be better to finance all the improvements by revenue certificates. Commissioner Strang remarked that some improvements to the water distribution system need to be made immediately in order to be certain the connections are made to the County water system by the time the County is ready with its permanent water supply.------,.., The Mayor requested permission to appoint a Citizens Advisory Commdttee to get the public reaction to the proposal on the increased millage and revenue certificate issue. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the Mayor be requested to appoint a group of selected citizens to sit in an advisory capacity. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that the Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater adopting a budget and fixing the rate of taxation be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The Mayor explained that,after working with the Citizens Advisory Committee the Commission rinds it advisable to increase the millage, it would be done at the meeting on FridSJ afternoon. , There being no further business to come before the CommiSSion, the meeting was adjourned at 1:20 P.M. ~~ ~ /// Y r- omm 8S on - Attest: . t' ", ~ . , . , '. "<', "-',' .' '. . , I., ' .d ":~ ,,,:,', ~ .,. . . ,...~, - ' ' ,,', ...' , , , ~~~=:l~~',ii,cj~~"~,,~~~~;::.,~t~~~:~:~~:;=:i.:,;h=:~:~i,~\i~;;;~~;;~;~';i,lr~'~1~~~~,,\~ '\ . , " ,,,' . .' > CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 21, 1955 WAIVER OF SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING Know all persons that we the undersi.gned COHlmi.ssioners of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, FloridR, do hereby waive notice of a Special Meeting of said City Commission, which was held at the City Hall in the City of Clearwater, Florida, at 12:15 P.M., Jure 21, 1955, and we do hereby speci.fically waive notice set out in Section 1~ of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, Florida? ann we do hereby sever~lly consent to said meeting at the time and place aforesaJ.d. /s/ Herbert M. Brown HerbArt M. Brown r.1ayor-Colllmi fision er ~s/ Jack Ru sse11 ack Russell Cormnis sioner is/ w. E. Strang, Jr. w. ~. Stran~, Jr. Cormnis sioner /s/ G. L. Kennedy G. L. Ken nedy Commissioner /5/ John N. Bohannon John N. Bohannon Cornrnis 5 ioner ------------------------------------------------~-----------------~----------~--- ,RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER ADOPTING A BUDGET AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXA.TION WHEREAS, ehe City Manager of the City of Clearwater, Florida, has submitted an estimate of the amount of money necessary to carryon the C1ey Governmene for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1955, and ending June 30th, 1956, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has, in special meeting duly assembled, examined carefully, considered, and approved the same, and WHEREAS, the Tax Assessment Roll has been submitted to the City Commission 1n acceptable form. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as fo11o~s: 1. That the Ciey Manager's Annual Report and Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1955, and ending June 30, 1956, a copy of which is on file with the City Auditor and Clerk and is by reference made a part heTeof, and or ~hich the following scbedule is a summary, is hereby adopted as the Operating Budget for the City of Clearwater for said period: Estimated Miscellaneous Revenues ------~----------_....-....- I 1954-1955 I 1955-1956 _ _ _$.20~,.22i.QO_ _ ....LQ62.,~5Q.QO SUMMARY OF OPERATING BUDGET Mayor-Commission City Manager Engineering Departmene City Hall Civil Service Board Employees' Pension and Social Security Insurance 9,550.00 8,585.00 4.7,150.00 7,006.00 4,080.00 l5,175~OO 29,050.00 13,055.00 35,33.3.00 10,175.00 3,300.00 2,690.00 9,775.00 g,910.00 4Z,420.00 ft,44.S.00 4.,060.00 21,575.00 32,900.00 13,025..00 39,600.00 13,075.00 3,300.00 .3 ,125.00 44.,275.00 Dept. of C1~y Clerk & Delinquen~ Taxes Dept. of Finance, Auditing and Collecting Legal Dept. (City Attorney) Prosecuting Attorney Municipal Police Court Traffic ----- (Cont;i nued ), ," -:' , J:'. \" -!. 'L.. , ',): . . '. I ,.' ,., T: -" ;~. .' ,-I . ./ ..' , - .--~--._--------.-----_._-_._-_._---~-._--~-----_. ---. ,- ,. .~ '-"t . . , .'. ..;, ' ,;',,:_ '. ,'0,,", ',' ~,;-,_~ "i..~..;l':''';~.'~:\:~f;''~:'' ~''''',:.t.'{lll~~'~<!''';~~''<''''':,~~<;!.'~{(~;~~7~!~n~~J;:~!'f:~~f{' it!i1ff;'~i:f:~Z::~,.~~U)'J:~,;;,~,,:,'L . . . ...._.."_.. ...._.~;: ....... ,: _... '..':.L .,,, ~":.';.o":..;.;".;;';,;:i::d~~~bi!~;;:;;2i1i~"v",' ',.;: . CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 21, 1955 (Continued) 1954-1955 214,325.00 Police Department Radio ---- Fire Department Inspection Service Public Service Department City Garage - Machine Shop Municipal Bldgs. & Docks Lib~ary Dept. - Colored Library & Museum Electrical Bureau 123,400.00 25,740.00 259,660.00 17,450.00 32,925.00 26,1:115.00 51,840.00 9,650.00 66,520.00 54,725.00 60,000.00 9,750.00 4,800.00 400.00 Public Welfare Parks & Cemetery Recreation Department Sr. Chamber of Commerce Jr. Chwnber of Commerce 5, P. C. A. Civilian Defense Planning Board Sea-Orama Colored Recreation and Pool (Sub-Total Operating) Capital Expenditures Special Improvement Fund Mortgages & Contracts Sub-Total Debt and Interest ------ ------- 10.91:10.00 $1,154,129.00 1.32,279.00 20.907.00 ll,307,315.00 265.647.00 $1,572,962.00 GRAND TOTAL 1955-1956 198,670.00 7,450.00 130,610.00 21,215.00 281,770.00 16,905.00 21:1,325.00 33,975.00 56,310.00 6,525.00 63,950.00 73,309.00 61:1,645.00 9,750.00 4,1:100.00 450.00 5,500,00 13,400.00 11.730.00 $1,277,774.00 166,400.00 100,000.00 30.89~g '1,575,06 . _ 272.000.00 $1,1:147,068.00 3 '. \1~:, I ".", ~'., 1.;;;~~i0)~:: I';:>:-"';'!'>,:',' ; '.,}?:" " 2. That it is hereby determined that a tax of 10.6 mills upon all real proper-: ty and personal property within the City, not exempt from taxation by law, shall be necessary to raise the said sums appropriated for operating purposes and the said rate of millage is hereby assessed on all real and personal property upon said tax assessment roll not exempted by la~ from taxation. 3. That it is hereby determined that the following rates of millage shall be necessary to raise the necessary sums for debt service on the City's outstanding bonded indebtedness, and said rate of millage is hereby assessed against the property included in said tax assessment roll as follows: All real estate and personal property ~ithin the City of Clearwater - 3.6 mills. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing SChedules and tax rates shall be published in the Clearwater Sun and that the City Commission shall meet in the City Hall, City of Clearwater, at 1:30 P.M., June 24, 1955, for the purpose of holding a pUblic hearing upon said intended tax levy, and the City Auditor and Clerk is hereby required to publish a notice of such public hearing, setting forth the time and place aforesaid for holding such meeting, together with the proposed budget and tax levy as herein set forth, and unless sufricient objections shall be ~de at the time and place stated in said notice, said budget and tax levy shall stand for the fiscal year _ beginning July 1, 1955, and ending - June 30, 1956. THIS RESOLUTIO~ PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CI TY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, THIS 21st DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1955. /s/ Herbert M. Brown, Mayor-Commissioner Attest; : /s/ B. G, Whitehead City Auditor and Clerk �:.r!Y) ,. ...."""t ✓ � 1✓ CITY COMMISSIQN MEETIRG Jutte 21� 1955 The Citq Com�.ission of the City of C2earwater met in speci�l session at City Hall, Tuesday, June 21, 1955, at 12015 P.M. with the following members present: Herbert M. Brown W. E. Strang= Jr. Jack �ussell Guy L. Kennedy J. N. aohannon A1so present wer�: F. C. Middleton Cha�. hS. Phi�lYps, Jr. G. T, McClarr�aa Frank Abesnathy Mayor-Cor�issioner Commissianer Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Manager City Attornep Chief of Police City Treasurer The Mayor announced that the special meeting was called to formally receive the budget from the City Manager. The City Pdanager explain�d that the Charter requises tna� the budget be presented and by Resolution be tentatively adopted prinr to the final a doption of the budget at a Fublic Hearing. He stated that the proposed budget would set up a tax of $.6 mills for operation purposes and 3.6 mills for debt servi.ce, making a total of 12.2 mills whic}z would be the same as last year�s millage. During the discussion on the budget, the Manager pointed out that the assessment figures on the real estate and personal praperty have �o be estimated as the assessment fib res cannot be obtained from the County Tax Ass�ssor before July lst, �he beginning of tha City�s fiscal year. iie suggested tlaat tlxe Comuiission consider requesting the City Attorney to take steps to change the fiscal year to begin on October lst. The City Attorney read the Resolution which would set up a Public Hearing on Friday, June 24, 1955, at 1:30 P.M. on the proposed budget and the proposed tax levy. The i�iayor reported that the Commission has been working out a plan for ,,, proposed capital improvements such as impronements to the �ater system, an increase in �he capacity of the Disposal Plant as i't is operating at capacity now, some storm sewar wo�rk and some street resurfacing. He said the Qommiss�.on was considering i'inancing these improvements a�ounting to �1,200,000.00 by incr�asYng the taxes by two mills to raise �100,00G�.00 and to h�ve a revenue certificate iss�.�.e in the amount of �1,500,OOOe00 to supply the �1,100,000.00 balance for the improvements and to refinance �437,000.00 in Utilitp Department Revenue Certificates already outstanding. He pointed out it migh� be possible � to secure a mora iavorable interest rate by the refinancing, Commi.ssioner Bohannon commented that he was in favor o� tha revenue certificate issue but was not entiraly convinced in th.e matter of separating the �100,Q00.00 and inereasing the millage as it would increase tax payments for peopie who have set incQmes. He inc�uired if it might not be better to finance all the improvements by revenue certificates. Commissionar Strang remarked that some improvements to the water distribution system need to be made immediatelp in order to be certain the connections are made to the County watces system by the time the Gountp is ready �ibh its permanent water suppl y• __ __-- The Mayor requested permission to appoint � Gitizens Ad�isox�y Committee to get the public reaction to the proposal an the increased mil3.age a?�d revenue certifiaate issue. Commissioner Kennedy moved that �he Maqor be re�uested to appoint a group of seleeted citisens to sit in an advisory capacity. Motion was seconded by Cbmmissioner Bohannon and carried unanxmously. Commissioner Strang maved th�t, the Resolution of the Ci�p Commission of the City of Clearwater adogting a budget and fixing the rate of taxat3on be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motiom was seco ded by Commissioner R�sell and carried unanimouslp. Th,e Mayor explai.ned that�after working with the Citizens Advisory Committee the Commission finds it advisable to increase the mil2age, i4: would be done at the mee�ing on �'ridaq $ftarnoon, • There being no further business �o cone before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:20 F.M. Attest• r �� a.ty tor an er �r - �:.Si1 / // �� • •❑� • - �; �.. � � CTTY GO'NIMISSION 1KEETTNG Jur.e 21, 1955 WAIVER OF SPECIAL CQMMISSION M�ETING Know all persons that we the undersigned Cotnmission�rs of the Gi�p Commission of the Cisy of Clearwater, tlorida, do hereby waive notice of a Specia7. Meetin� of said City Commission, whicn was hel.d at the Czty Hall in the Cit� of Clearwater, F].orida, at 12:15 P.M., Jur_e zl, 1g55, and we do hereby specifically waive notice set out in Section 1$ of �he Charter of the City of Clearwater, Florida, ar_a we do hereby s everally consent to said meeting at the time and place aforesaid. s Herbert bi. Brown Herbert M. Bro�vn tiiayor-Gommissioner �s/ Jack Russell /s/ �J. E, Stran�, Jr. Jack Russell W. E, Strang, dr. Commissioner Commissioner � G. L_._KennedY /s/ John N. Bohannon G. I,. Kennedy John N. Bohannon Commissiorer Commissioner l?ESOLUTION OF THE DITY CJMMMIISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER ADOPTING A BUDGET 11NA FIXING THE RAT� OF TAXATION WHEREAS, the City Manager of �he City of Clearwa�er, Florida, has submitted an estimate of the amount of money necessary to c arry on the City Government for the fiscal year beginning July lst, 1955, and ending June 30th, 195E, and WFiEBEAS, the �ity Commission has, in special meetiag duly assembled, examined carefull�, considered, and approved the same, and WHEFiEAS, the Tax Assessment RoZl has been submitted to the CiGy Commission in acceptable form. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Qity Corr.�ission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assemb3ed as iollows: 7.. 'Phat the Gzty Manager's Annual Report and Budg�t f�r the �iscal year beginning July 1, 1g�5, and ending June 30, 1956, a copy of which is on file wi�h the City AudiCor and G.terk and is bp reference made a part hereof, and of which the following schedule is a sumraary, is hereby adopted as the Operating Budget for the Citp of Clearwater fox� said period: � 1954-1g55 i 1955-1g56 Es�imated iVfiscellaneous Re�enues_ _ _ _ _ _ _ �506,,g2,f.OQ ��1,06Q,I�50.00 SUNf�iARY OF OPERAT�NG BUDGET t�ayor-Cammission 9,55p.00 9,775.00 City Manager $,5$S.GO $,9�.0.00 EnginEerino Department 4.7,150.OG �.2,420.00 City Hall '7,�06.00 $,445.00 Civil Service �oard 1�,0$0.00 4,060.00 EmploXees4 ?ension and S�cial Security 15,175.00 21,575.Q0 Insurance 29,05D.00 32,9p0.00 Dept. of City Clerk 8c Delinquent Taxes 13,055.00 13,oz5,OQ Dept. of Finance, Auditing and Collecting 35,333.00 39,600.OU Lsgal Aept. (City Attorney) 10,175.00 13,�J75•00 Prosecuting At�torney 3,300eOA 3,300�00 Municipal Police Court 2,690.00 �,125.00 Traffic ----- 44,z75.00 (Continued) 1 CXTY OO�tMISSION M�ETING June 21, 1}y$ (Continued) 1954-1955 Z955-1956 Police Department 211�,�25.�a 19$,670.00 Radio ---- 7,�550. 00 Fire Department 123,40q.00 130,610.00 Inspection Service 25,71�O.G0 21,215.�J0 Public Seraice Departmen� 259,660.00 2$1�770.00 City Garage - Machine Shop 17,450.00 1b,90;.,00 Municipal Bldgs. & Docks 32,925.00 2$,32�.00 Library Dept. - Colored Library & Museum 26,$15.00 33,975•00 Electrical Bureau 51,$40,00 56,310.00 Public Welfare 9,65q.00 6,525.00 Parks & Cemetery 65,52U.00 63,950.00 Recreation Department 54,725.00 73,3�9.00 Sr. Chamber of Gommerce oQ,000.00 b$,61�5,OQ Jr. �h�mber o£ Commerce 9,7�0.00 9,7�0.0� S. P, G. A. 4,$00.(70 �.,$00.00 Civilian Defense k00.00 450.00 Planning Hoard --�--- 5,500,Q0 Sea-Ora�!a ------ 13 , 400. C�0 Colored Recreatior_ and Pool 10.9$0.00 11,730.00 (Sub-Tota1 Operating) �1,1�4,129.00 �l,z'77,77t�.00 Capital Exgenditures -'�3z,z79.Q0 165,400e00 Specia7. Imgrovement Fund ------- 100,Q00.00 Mortgages & Contracts 20 .0 .OQ 0 $ .00 Sub-Total 1,307,3�S.a0 1,575,0 :00 Debt and Interest 2b5,6�.'7.00 272.OfJ0.00 GRAND TOTAL �1, 57z, 9b2.OQ �pl, $y.'7 , 06$.00 2. That it is her�by determined that a tax of 10.6 mills upon all real proper- ty and personal property within the City, not exempt from taxation bp law, shall be n�c�ssarp to raise the said sums appropriated for oper�ting purposes and the said rate of millage is hereby assessed on all real and personal propesty upon said tax assessment roll not exempted by Zaw from taxation. 3. That it is hereby de�termined that the following ra�es o£ millage shall be necessary to raise the necessary sums for debt service on the Cigy�s outstanding bonded indebtedness, and said rate of miilage is hereby asszssed against the propertiy included in said tax assessmer_t ro11 as follows: All real estate and personal property within the City nf Clearv�ater - 3.6 mills. BE IT FURTHER RES�LVED that the foregoing schedules and tax rates shall be published in the Clearwater Sun and that the Citp Couunission shall meet in the City Hall, City of Clearwater, at 1:30 P,M,, June 24i 1955� for ths purpose nf holding a public hearing upon said intended tax l.evy, and the Ci�y Auditor and Clerk is hereby required to publish a notice of sueh public hearing, setting forth the time and glace afos�esaid for holding such meeting, together with the proposed budget and tax ].evy �s herein set forth, and unless sufficient objections sha11 be made a� the time and place stated i:n said notice, said budget and tax levy shall stand for the fiscal year - beginning July 1, 1955, and ending � June 30, 1956. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED RND ADOPTED BY THE Cl'TY COMMISSION OF 2'HE CI TY OF CLEARL+IATER, FLQRIDA, THIS 21st DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1955. /s/ Herbert M. Brown, Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ R. G, Whitehead City Auditor and Clerk