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June 13, 1955
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at
City Hall, Monday, June 13, 1955, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present:
Herbert M. Brown
W. E. Strang, Jr.
J. N. Hohannon
Guy L. Kennedy
Jack Russell
Cornrnis si oner
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton
Chas. M. PhilliFS, Jr.
G. T. V.cC lamma
S. Lickton
City Manager
City Attorney
Chie.f of Police
City Engineer
The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by
Commissioner Bohannon. The Mayor announced that the first item on the agenda was
a\'1arding bids for a deep well pump. The City Manager recommended accepting the
low bid of $1,8el.OO from the Industrial Pump & Supply Company, Twmpa. On the
Manager's recommendation, COli;missioner Stranp; moved that the Industrial Pump
Company in Tampa be awarded the bid for one deep well turbine pump and motor in
the amount of ~1,881.00 with the cost of the six inch column not to exceed $63.00
per ten foot section and with a test cost of $25.00 per day. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
The City Manager requested that Item I-B, Repairs to water tanks, be de~erred
to the next meeting.
The Mayor reported that the Commission had discussed the appointment of a
temporary judge to ~ill the vacancy while Judge Bonner was on vacation .for one
week beginning June ~Oth. He recowmended the appointment o.f Mr. Arthur W. Jordan,
a former City Judge, to serve the City in ~hat capacity at the same scale of pay
that Judge Bonner is receiving. Commissioner Bohannon moved that Arthur W. Jordan
be appointed Associate City Judge temporarily to serve only for the week beginning
June 20th, 1955, and that his term automatically expires after that week and that
he be paid out of the General Fund of the City pro rata according to the salary
o~ the present City Judge. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried
The City Attorney read on its third reading Ordinance 680 which would annex
High~and Terrace M~nor Subdivision into the City. Comm~ sioner Strang moved that
Ordinance 680 be passed and adopted on its third and final readin~ and the proper
officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon
and carried unanimously.
The Mayor recommended that a Fun 'N Sun Executive Committee be appointed
which will in turn secure the cooperation of all the service clubs, the civic
clubs, etc., for the Fun 'N Sun Celebration. He recommended the appointment of
Hsrold Bernier as Chairman, Cleveland Insco, Jr., Earl J. \>lJilson as Parade
Chairman, A. V. Hancock as Secretary and Treasurer, Mike Tsacrios, Maurice Thayer,
Mike Slater, Jim McDaniel, Danny Beck, Owen Allbritton, III, and Daryl Swan.
Commissioner Kennedy moved that the Mayor's recommendation be approved and that the
various individuals he has nominated be appointed to this ~o tlds- Fun 'N Sun
Executive Committee. Motion wa s seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried
The Mayor reported that the Junior ChAmber of Commerce has had an opportunity
to purchase a tremendous amount of fireworks at a cost o.f $850.00 to be used at
the .fireworks show that the JayCees give on July 4th. He said in the event that
the or~anization finds that it has too many fireworks for the sho~, the extra can
be used at the fireworks display at the Bomber game on July 4th. Corr~issioner
Strang suggested that the re quest be aF'proved ullder the Special Events Fund this
time and that an amount ~or the fireworks be put in the Junior Chamber of Commerce
budget for next year. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the request be approved.
Motion was seconded by Oonunissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney presented for its first reading Ordinance 681 which would
amend Ordinance 609, the Occupational License Ordinance, to include a classifica-
tion ~or Journeyman Plumbers with a cost of $2.00 set up as a charge for the
occupational license. He explained that the classification ~or Journeyman Plumbers
had been omitted from Ordinance 609. The Mayor commented that the charge o~ $2.00
seemed too ~ow as it would not be enough to cover the cost o~ collecting the
license. A.fter Checking Ordinance 609, it was found that $5.00 was the minimum
charge for individuals. By consent, it was agreed to set the license fee at $5.00.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 681 on its first reading. Conmissioner Strang
n\oved that Ordinance 681 be passed on its first reading. l\lotion was seconded by
CO~Qissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 681 be considered on its second
reading by title only by unanimous consent of the Commissioners present. Motion
~as seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City Attorney
read Ordinance 681 by title only. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 681 be
passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Eohannon and carried unanimously.
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June 13, 1955
Mr. Lloyd Phi11ips, attorney, appeared before the Commission on behalf of
an unnamed client who'had applied for and received a City occupational license to
sell ice cream and milk products from a truck but had been refused a permit from
the Police Department to peddle ice cream on the beach. He pointed out that there
was no ordinance which prohibited sellinf, ice cream and other products on the beach
and reque sted that his client be ~iven permission by the Commission. The C1 ty
Manager reported that he had followed the policy of not having the type of peddlers
on the beach on ~Rturdays, 0undays and holidays that would result in cluttering up
the beach and this one was of that type. He said the State Board of Health had
stepped in and removed quite a number of themj however, this one was complying
wi th the 0tate law. The r~ayor cOllmented that Clearwater has a nice clean town and
a nice beach and he was in favor of k8epin~ it from growing into a Coney Island.
He said there were a number of people with property valued over $100,000.00 facing
the beach who should bE) protected too. ChiElf l'~cClClmrna reported that he had denied
the applicant the ri~ht to peddle on the beach mainly becRuse of the traffic
hazard. He said the a~r-licnnt was instructed that he could not operate downtown
or on tho beach. 'l'he Mayor W',IS in i'r:1vor of stoFFdn;; the peddling on the beach
not only becauso of the traffic hazard but because an unsi~htly condjtion would
exist from it. He thought that the small business man who is paying taxes and
having a substantial payroll to meet every week should have a measure of protection
and also that the people who h8ve property facir.g the beach should be consulted
as to their wishes in the matter. Commissioner Bohannon said it would be well to
look into some of the other ice cream carts that are going around on the mainland
and see what licenses they are operating under. Corr~issioner Strang su~gested
that a Cownittee be appointed to check this matter. The Mayor appoi.nted the
Police Chief, the City Manager and the City Attorney as a Committee to make a
report ont-he legal position of the Commission and to check the duplicate of the
license that Wus issued.
The City Manager presented a list of water main extensions that had been
made under $300.00 each, totalling $1,390.00, and a list of ~as main eKtensions
also less than $300.00 each, totallin~ $1,600.00. These lists are set out in the
following pages of these mir.utes and by reference are made a part hereof. On the
recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Strang moved that the work order
be approved on gas mains for seven installations in the amount of $1,600.00 and
the work order be approved on the water mains in the amount of $1,390.00. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The City Manager recorr~ended that 510 feet of two inch water main extension
be installed on Bertland Way between betty Lane and Parkland Way in Floradel
Subdivision, outside the City limits. He reported that the estimated cost was
$465.00, check for which was on file from Mr. Al Gauslin. Commissioner Strang
moved that the contract with Mr. Gauslin in the amount of $465.00 on a refunding
basis be approved and that the proper officials be authorized to execute it.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
The City Manager reported that he had received a letter from Mr. Fred J.
\"Jes€?meyer, President of A & W Glads, Inc., requesting a refunding contract for
3,785 feet of two inch water main installed in Skycrest Unit 9 Subdivision at a
cost of $2,043.90. He said that Mr. M. C. Duffy of the Gas and Water Department
had checked the statement and found it to be accurate. The Mayor suggested that
a policy be established that the refunding contract must be signed at the time
the lines are installed. Commissioner Strang suggested that the matter be taken
under advisement and that the City 111anager be requested to check to find out how
many meters there are on the line now, the condition of the main, and if the line
is not tied in, what the estimated cost of tying in will be. By consent, the
Commission agreed to this procedure.
The City Manager presented a re~uest for a refunding contract from Mr. D. A.
Salls for 4,342 feet of six inch water main, 300 feet of four inch water main and
2,919 feet of two inch water main in Salls Subdivision Units 1, 2 and 3 at a cost
of $14,950.16. The City Attorney reported that the City had not yet obtained from
Mr. Salls a proper easement throu~h property outside the City to connect the
sanitary sewer lines in Salls Subdivision Units 1, 2 and 3 with the lines in Sirmons
Heights. Corr~issioner Stran~ moved that the refunding contract with Mr. D. A.
Salls in the amount of $14,950.16 be approved and the proper officials be authorized
to execute it subject to Mr. Salls delivering the satisfactory easements for
sanitary sewer to the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon
and carried unanimously.
The Mayor pointed out that these subdividers were able to do something the
City could not do -- negotiate a contract -- that if the City were doing the work,
bids would have to be taken.
In regard to the old WSUN radi6 buildin~ and cottage on city-owned property
at the west end of Courtney Campbell Causeway, the City Manager reported that the
:property was in fair shape, that the tenant building could be put into condition
and ranted if the Co~nission so desires; that the old WSUN building itself needs
repair, painting, sanding of the floor; that both buildings need termiting and
painting inside and out. He estimated the work could be done for $1,200.00 for
both or about $600.00 for each. The Mayor suggested that action be deferred on
renting the cottage to give the Commissioners time to consider the matter. The
Manager commented that he and the City Engineer were of the opinion that the part
of the property the tenant building is located on would be the best location for
the future disposal plant and the building would need to be moved at that timea
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June 13, 1955
Commissioner Strang suggested selling the tenant building unless it was to
be used for a custodian for the City property. The Manager stated that the Bay
View Civic Club had offered to paint the large building in return for permission
to use it for meetings, etc. Commissioner Bohannon moved that a work order not
to exceed $600.00 be set up in accordance with the City Manager's recommendation
to put it in shape for the people of the community there to use it. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Strang suggested that he thought it would be a good idea for
the City Manager to look into the mnttor of requiring some of the City employees
who are not in uniform, such as the Building Department inspectors and Gas and
W~ter Department employees, whose duties require them to go out and meet the
p~blic to carry some sort of identification card with a picture on it.
There being no further business to c orne before the Commission, the meeting
was adjourned at 3:30 P.M.
yor- ommJ.ss 0 r
CitY~ditor and Clerk
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June 13, 1955
June 10, 1955
Mayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Uussell, W. E. Strang, Jr.
Guy L. Kennedy, J. N. Bohannon
The City Commission will meet in Special :)ession on Monday, June 13, 1955 at
1:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditorium to discuss the items as listed below.
FCM: s
Awarding bids for:
A. Deep Well Pump.
B. Repairs to water tanks.
COllUnission's consideration of appointing Associate City Judge.
Ordinance #680, Annexation of Highland Terrace Manor on third reading.
Ordinance #681 rolative to Occupational License change for
Journeyman Plwnber.
Utility Improvements.
Any other item not on the Agenda will be considered with the consent or
the Cornmis sion.
Very truly yours,
/s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
J ·
105' of 2" water main to run south in the easement east of Garden Ave. and
south of Maple St. (One connection approximated $90.00) Will serve three
other connections.
16S' of 2" water main on N. Hercules Ave north of McKinely St. (Two
connections approximated $160.00) Can serve four other connections.
252' of 2" water main to run west on Exeter St from the east side or
Keystone Dr. (One connections approximated $230.00) Will serve three other
147' of 2" water main to run north on Missouri Ave :from Bellevi ew Blvd.
(One connections approximated $125.00) Will serve three other connections.
42' of 2" water main to run south of Eldridge on the 'West side of Rail Rd Ave.
(One connections approximated $35.00) Will serve one other connection.
126' of 2" water main to be run in the easement west of Hercules Ave south
of Cleveland St. (One connections approximated $110.00) Will serve three
other connect ions.
26.3' of 2" Water main to run on Poinsettia Ave between Marianne St. and
Causeway Blvd. (Tie in approximated $255.00)
147' of 2" water main to run south on Tioga Ave. just south of' South Street.
(One connections approximated $125.00) Will serve :five other lots.
300' of' 2" water on Missouri Ave north of Brownell St. (T~o connections
approximated $260.00) Will serve three other lots.
Total -
369' of 2" gal pipe to run in the easement just west of Prospect Ave. bet~een
Pierce and Franklin St. (One connection approxi~ted $330.00) Will serve
approximate t~o connections.
14.7' of' 2" gas main to run west on Pierce St. from the present 1" main on
Madison. (One connection approximated $135.00) Will serve approximate four
connect ions.
252' of' 2" gas main to run north on Corona Ave from the South side of Rainbow
Dr. (One conneotion approximated $2.30.00) Will serve approximate three
other connections.
200' of 2" gal pipe on Poinsettia Ave. just north of Marianne St. (One
connection approximated $200.00) Will serve approximate three connections.
300' of 2" gas main on harbor Dr. north of Fairmont St. (One connection
approximated $260.00) Will serve approximate seven other connections.
l6~P of 2" gas main on S Gulf'view Blvd. (One connection approximated $145.00)
Will serve approximate .fi ve connections.
188' of 1" gas main on Laura St. and 284' on N. Myrtle Ave. (One connection
approximated $300.00) Will serve approximate thirteen other connections.
Total -
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WHEREAS, Tbe City Commission o~ the City of Clearwater, Florida, enacted
Ordinance 10. 619 on Nay 2~ 1955, which ordinance declared the inten~ion of the
said City to wnnex Hignland Terrace Manor into ~he corporate limits of the City
of Clearwater, and
WH~EAS, said ordinance was published once a week ror four coneecutive
weeks in the Clearwater Sun! a newspaper publisbed in the City of C~earwater,
Florida, proof of which pub ication is hereto attached, and
WHEREAS, more than thirty days has expired since tbe enac~ment ot
Ordinance Bo. 679, and no reg~8tered voter of the City ot Clearwater, no owner
ot real estate in the territory to be annexed, and no person wbomsoever! bas
objected to such aranexation or has applied to the Circuit Court o~ the ~1)Ctb
Judicial Circuit in and for Pinellas County, Florida, setting forth any objection
to said annexation, and
WHEREAS, all o~ the provisions of Section 171.04. Florida Statutea. have
been complied wi th.
Section 1. fhe City of Clearwa~er, acting by and through i~s C1~y Commission,
by the authority and under the provisions of Section 171.04, Florida Statutes,
hereby annexes into the corporate limits of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and
redefines the boundary lines of the said City so as to include therein the
H1GBLARD TERRACE MAHaR, according to the map or paat thereof as
recorded in plat book 36, page 46 of the public records or Pinella8
County, Florida, more particularly described as tollows: Beginning
at the lorthwest corner ot the Northwest Quarter (IW;) of the
lorth~est Quarter (HW~) of Section 11, Township 29 South, Range 15
East; run ~hence So~tn 89 deg. 22' 48n East 1;32.09 feet to the
fiortheast corner of the Northwest Quarter (NWt) of the Northwest
Qaarter (NWt)j ran thence South 0 deg. 13' 19" West 1331.02 feet to
the Southeast corner of the Northwest Qaarter (NW;) or the Northwest
Quarter (HWt); ran thence North g9 deg. 22' 09" West 1)32.75 fee~ ~
the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter (NWi) of the Northwest
Quarter (HWk); run thence North 0 deg. 14' 51" East 1330.17 feet to
the Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter (W;) of the Morthwest
Q\1arter (HWt) of Section 11, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, tbis
being the Point of Beginning.
Section 2. 'l'he foregoing property is hereby 20ned as ~ollows. and the City
Engineer is hereby directed to incorporate into and set out and show upon the
OfticiaJ. Zoning Map and other official maps of tbo C11;y of Clearwat.er tbe f"ore-
going property. together with its zoning as follows:
Section 3. This Ordinance sl1al.l become effecti va immediately upon i1;s
June 6, 1.955
June 6, 1.955
June 13, 1955
/8/ Herbert M. BroWJ1
/s/ B. G. Whitehead
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June l3, 1955
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at
City Hall, Monday, June 13, 1955, at 1:30 P.M, with the foliowino members present:
I�erbert M. Brown Nayor-C:ommissioner
VT. E. Strang, Jr. Commissioner
J. N. �3ohannon Commissioner
Guy L. Kennedy Commissioner
Jack Russell
Also present ��ere;
F. C. Middleton
C'has. M. Phillips, Jr.
G. T. bicClamma
S, Lickton
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief oi Police
City Engineer
The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by
Commis�ioner Bohannon, The n7ayor announced that the first item on the agenda was
a�+�ardin� bids for a deep well pump. The City Manager recommended accepting the
low bid of �1,$$1.00 from the Industrial Pump & Supply Company, T�mpa. On the
Manaper's recommendation, Commissioner Strang moved that the Industrial Pump
Company in Tam a be awarded the bid for one deep well turbine pump and mot�r in
the amount of �1,$$1.00 with the cost of the si� inch column r.o� to exceed �63.00
per ten foot section and with a test cust of �25,00 per day. Notion was seconded
by Gommissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
The City Manager requested that Item 1-B, Repairs to water tanks, be deferred
to the next meeting.
The Mayor reported that the Commission had discussed the appointment of a
i,emporary judge t� fill the vacancy while Judge Bonner zvas on vacation for one
week beginning June LOth. He recorranended the appointment of Mr. Arthur W. Jordan,
a former �ity Judge, to serve the Citv in that capacity at the same scale of pay
that Judge Bonner is receivin�. Commissioner Bohannon moved that Arthur �rT. Jc?^dan
be appointed tissociate City Judge ternporarily to serve only for the week beginning
June 20th, 1955, and th3t his term automatically expires alter that week and that
he be paid ou�t of the Ge;neral Fund of the Gity pro rata according to the salary
of the present City Judge, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang a2�d carried
Tne City Attorney read on its third reading Ordinance 6$0 which v+ould annex
Hi�hland Terrace Manor Subdivision into the City. Commissioner Strang moved that
Ordinance 6$0 be passed and adopted on its thi.rd and £znal readin� and the proper
officit:.ls be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon
and carried unanimously.
The Mayor recommende� that a Fun 'N Sun Executive C�mmittee be appointed
which will in turn secure the cooperation of all the service clubs, the civic
clubs, ebc., for the Fun 'N Sun Celebration. He recommended the appointment of
Harold Bernier as Chairman, Cleveland Insco, Jr., Earl J. Wil� n as Parade
Chairman, A. V. hancock as Secretary and Treasurer, I�Zi�e Tsa:crios, Maurice Thayer,
Mike 5later, Jim I�icDaniel, Danny Beck, Owen Allbritton, III, and Daryl Swan.
Commissioner Kennedy moved that the NIayor's recommendation be approved and that the
various individuals he has nominated be appoint2d to this �-tk'rs-Fun 'N Sun
Executive Committee, Motion was seconded bp Commissioner Bohannon and c arried
The Mayor reported that the Junior Chamber of Corrunerce has hafl an opportunity
to purchase a tremendous amount of fireworks at a cost of �$$0.00 to be used at
the fireworks show that the JayCees give on July 4tr. He said in the event that
the organization finds that it has too many fireworks for the show, the extra can
be used at the fireworks display at the Bomber game on July L.th> Commissioner
Stxang sugges�ed that the request be approved under the Special Events Fund this
time and that an amount iar the fireworks be put in the Junior Ghamber of Cor�nerce
budget ior next year, Commissioner Kennedy noved that the request be approved.
Motion was seconded by aommissioner Bohannor_ �z�d carried unanimously.
The City Attorney preseiited for its first reading Ordinance 6$1 which would
amend Ordinance 609, the Occupatianal License Ordinan�e, to include a classifica-
tion for Journeyman Plumbers with a cost of $�2.00 set up as a charge for the
occupational license. He explained that the classification for Journeyman Plumbers
had been omitted from Ordinance 609. The Mayor commented that the charge of �2.00
seemed too low as it would not be enough to co�er the cost of collecting the
license. �lfter checicing Ordinance 609, it was foun� that �5.00 was the minimum
ck�arge for individuals. By cor_sent, it was agreed ta set the license fee at �5.00.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 6$1 on its first reading. Cormnissioner Strang
rrioved that �rdinance 6$1 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously.
C�mmissioner Str•ang moved that Ordinance 6$1 be considered on its second
reading by title only by unanimous consent of the Commissianers present. Motion
was seconded by �orrunissioner Bohannon and carried unanimously. The City Attorney
read Ordinance 6$1 by t�tle only. Conunission�r Strang moved that Ordinance 6$1 be
passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Dahannon and carried unariimously.
June 13, 1955
Mr. Lloyd Phillips, attorney, appeared before the Commission on behalf of
an unnamed client who haci appliecl for and received a Gity occupational license �o
sell ice cream and milk products from a truck but had been refused a permit from
the Police Department to peddle ice cream on the beach. He pointed out that there
was no ordinance which prohibited selling ice cream and other products on the beach
and requested that his client be given � ermission by the Commission. The City
NIanager reported that he had followe�i the policy of not having the type of peddlers
on the beach on Sa�turdays, Sundays and holiaays that would result in cluttering up
the beach and this one was of that �ype. He said the State Board of Health had
stepped in and removed quite a number of them; however, this one v�as comglyi,ng
with the State law. The P�Iayor corranented that Clearwater has a nice clean town and
a nice beach and he was in favor of kesping it from growing iz�o a Coney Island.
He said there were a number of people with property valued over �100,000.00 facing
the beach who shauld be protected too. Chief NicClamma reported that hz had denied
the applicant the right to peddle on the beach mainly because of the traffic
hazard. He said the arplicant was instructed that he could not operate downtown
or on the beach. The Mayor was in favor of stopping the peddling on the beach
not only because of the traffic hazard but becauss an unsightly condition would
exist from it. He thou�nt that the small business man who is paying taxes and
having a substantial pa.yroll to meet every week should have a measure of protection
and also that the people who have groF�erty facing the beach should be consulted
as to their wishes in the matter. Commission�r Bohannon said it tiould be well to
look into some of the other ice crPam carts that are going around on the r�ainland
and see what licenses they are operating under. Cosmissioner Strang suF,gested
that a Committee be appointed to check this matter. The i�Iayor appointed the
Police Chief, the City Manager and the City Attorney as a Committee to make a
report on the legal position of the Commission and to check the duplicate of the
license that was issued.
The City Manager, presented a list of watpr main extensions that had been
made under �$300.00 each, totalling �1,390.00, and a list of gas main extensions
also less than �300.00 each, tota115.�g �1,600.00. These lists are set out in the
fo.tlowing pages of these minutes and hy reference are made a part hereof. Qn the
recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Strang moved th2t the work order
be approved on gas mai�ns for seven installations in the amount of �'1,60G.00 and
the work order be approved on the water mains in the amount of �1,3g0.00. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Bohanr.on and carriea unanimously.
The City Manager reconunended that 510 feet of two inch water main extension
be installed on Ber�land Way between Betty Lane and Parkland Way in Floradel
Subdivisiun, outside the City limits. He reported that the estimated cost was
��.65.00, check for which was on file From Mr. Al Gausl�n. Commissioner Btrang
mov ed that the contract with Mr. Gauslin in the amount af �y.65.00 on a refunding
basis be approved and that the proper officials be autho��ized to Execute it.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bohannon and carried unanim�usly.
The City Manager reported that he had received a letter from Mr. Fred J.
Wesemeyer, Pr.esident of A 8c V�r Glads, Inc., requesting a refunding contract for
3,7$5 feet of two inch water mai�, installed in Skycrest Unit 9 Subdivision at a
cost of �2,043.90. He said that Mr. M. C. Duffy of the Gas and PJater Department
had checked the statement and found it to be accurate. The Nayor suggested that
a policy be established that the refunding contract must be signed at the time
the lines are installed. Commissioner Strang suggested that the matter be taken
under advisement and that the City i�'ianager be requested to check to find out how
many meters there are on the line now, the condition of th� main, and if the line
is not tied in, what the estimated cost of tying in will be, By consent, the
Commission agraed to this procedure.
The City ��Fanager presented a request for a refunding contract from Mr. D, A.
Salls for 4,31�2 feet of six inch water main, 300 feet of four inch water main and
2,g19 feet of two inch water main in Salls Subdivision Units 1, 2 and 3 at a cost
c�f �1�.,950.16. The City Attorney reported That the City 1-�ad not yet obtaineti from
Mr. Salls a proper easement throu�h property outside the City to connect the
sanitary sewer lines in Salls Subdivision Units l, 2 and 3 with the l�.nes in Sirmons
Hei�hts. Cornmissioner Strang moved that the refunding contract with Mr. D. A,
Salls in the amount of �1�.,950.16 be approved and the proper officials l�e authorized
to execute it subject to Mr. Salls delivering the satisfactory easements for
sanitary sewer to the City Attorney. Motion was seconded hy Commissioner Bohannon
and carried unanimously.
The Mayor pointed out that these subdividers were able tc do something the
City could not do -- negotiate a contract -- that if the City were doing the work,
bi�s would have to be taken.
In regard to the old WSUN radio buildin; and cottage on city-owned property
at the west end of Courtney Campbell Causeway, the Czty T�fanager reported that the
property was in fair shape, that the tenant building could be put into condition
and rented if the Commission so desires; that ths old WSUN building itseli needs
repair, paintin�, sanding of the floor; that both buildings need termiting and
painting inside and out. He estimated the work could be done for �1,200.00 for
both or about "�p`600.00 ior ea.ch. The IKayor sugp;ested that action be deferred on
renting the cotta,e to give the Commissioners time to consider the matter. The
IKanager commented that he and the City EngineQr were of the opini�n that the part
of the property the tenant building is located on would be the best location for
the future disposal plant and the building would need to be moved at that time.
-3 -
June 13, 1�55
Corrunissioner Strang suggested selling the tenant building unless it was to
be used ior a custodian for the City property. The Manager stated that the Bay
View Civic Clnb had offered to paint �he large buildzng in return for permission
to use it for meetinos, etc. Commissioner Bohannon moved that a work order not
to exceed �600.00 be set up in acco:dance with the City Mar.�ger's recommendation
to put it in shape for the people of the community there to use it, Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Strang �nd carried unanimously.
Gornmissione.r Strang ,�uggested that he thought it would be a good idea for
the Gity Manager to look into the mattpr of requiring some of the City ernployees
who are not in uniform, such as the Building Department inspect�rs and Gas and
�'J�ter Department employees, whose duties requir� them to go out and meet the
public to carry some sort of identification card with a picture on it.
There bein� no further business to c ome hefore the Commission, the meeting
was adjourned at 3:30 P.D4,
Attest :
�L��- t
City 'ditor and Clerk
M yor-Commissio r
V / �
June 13, Z95�
June 10, 1955
Mayor Commissianer Herbert M, Bro�vn
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr.
Guy L. Kennedy, J. N. Br�hannon
The City Commissior_ will meet in Special Session on Monday, June 13, 195� at
1:30 F.M. in the City Hall Auditorium to discuss th� items as listed belo�v.
l. Awarding bids for:
A. Deep Well Pump.
B. Repairs to wa�er tanks.
2. Gommission's consideration of ap�ointing Associate City Judge.
3. Ordinance �b$0, Annexat�on of Highland Terrace Mahor on third readin�.
4. Ordinance, �6$1 relative to Occupational License change f'or
Journe}rman Plurnber .
5. Jtility Improvements,
6. Any other item not on the Agenda will be considered with the consent of
the Commission.
Very truly yours,
FCM:s /S/ City NIanagerton
1. 105T of 2�� V�ater main to run south in the easement east of Garden Ave. and
south �f Maple St. (One connection approximatsd �9Q.00) Will serve three
other connections.
2. 16$' of 2t� water main on N. Hercules Ave north of MeKinely St. (Two
conner,tions approximated �150.00) Can serve four o�her connections.
3. 252' of 2" water main to run west on Exeter St from the east side of
Keystone D�. {One connections approximated �230,00) Will serv�e three other
4. 7-4.7T of 2�t water main to run north on Missouri Ave fram Belleview Blvd.
(Cne connections approximated �125.00) Will serve three other connections.
5. 42' of 2�t water main to run south of Eldricige on th� west side of Rail Rd 4ve.
(One connections approximated �35 00) Will: s erve one other connection.
6. 1261 of 2Tt water main to be run in the easement west of Hercules Ave south
of Cleveland St, (One connections approximated �110eCQ) Will serve three
other connections.
7• 2b3t of 2�� Water main to run on toinsettia Ave between Marianne St. and
Causeway Blvd. (TiE in approximat!:d �255.00)
�. 147' of 2tT water main to run south on Tioga Ave. jtrst south of South Street.
(One connections approximated �125.00} Will sexve five othei lots.
9. 3�0' of 2'T water an I�Iissauri l�ve north of $rownell St. (Two connections
approx'inated �260, 00 ) Will serve three other 1ot s.
Total - �1,390.00
1. 369' of 2" gal pipe to run in the easement just west of Prpspect Ave. �etween
Pierce and Franklin St. (One connection approximated �33p.00) WiZl serve
ap�roximate two connections.
2. 1/�7' of 2�T gas main to run west on Pierce St. from the present 1" main on
i�'Iadison. (One connection approximated �135.�0) Wi11 serve approximate four
3. 252� of 21t gas main to run north on Corona Ave from the South side of Rainbaw
Dx^. (One connection approximated �230.00) Will serve approxi.mate three
other connections.
4. 200� of 2" gal pipe on Foinsettia Ave. just north �f Maria�ne St, (One
cqnnection approximated $�200000) t4i11 serve approximate three connections.
5. 300� of 2« gas main on Harbor Dr. north of Fairmont St. (One connection
approximated �260.G0) Will serve approximate seven other connections.
6. 16$t of 21� gas main on S Gulfview Blvd. (One connection approximated �1�.5�00)
Will serve approxirnata iive connections.
7. 1$$� of l" gas main an Laura St. and 2$�.� on N. Myrtle Ave. (One connection
approximatsd �300,00) Will serve approximate thirteen other connections.
Total - �1,600.00
�' I
� V /
ORDI�TA�iCE I+iO. b$0
WH�REAS, The City Commission oi the City ei' Glearwater, Florida, enac�ed
Ordinance Aio. 679 on �ay 2, 1955, which ordinance declared the intention of the
said City to annex Highland Terrace Mannr inta the carporate limi�s of the City
of Gle arr�ater, and
WH�R�AS, said ordinance was published once a week ior four consecutive
weEks in the Clearwater Sun, a newspaper pub�ished in the City oi Clearwater,
Florida, proof o.£ which publication fs hereto attached, and
WHEREAS, more than thirty days has expired since th� enactment of
Ordinance No. b79, and no registered voter of the City of Clearwater, no �wner
of reaZ estate in the territory ta be annexed, and no person whomsoever, has
Jud3.cia1 Cir uit inn d�for Pine laspCountyt,��Florida,csetti.ng forthtanqSobjecta.on
to said annexation, and
WHER.�AS, al1 of the provision3 of Sec�ion 1%1..Oy., Florida �tatutes, have
be�n complied witho
8ection 1. �'he City of Clearwater, acting bp aud through its Citp C'ommiss�on,
by the authority and under the provisions oi Section 171.01�, Flnrida Statutes,
hereby annexes into the corporate limits of the �ity of Glearwa�er, Florida, and
rs�efines the boundary lines of the said Gitp so as to zncJ.ude therein the
HIGHLAND TERI�..�GE ISAidOR, aceording to ti�e map or p�lat thereo�' as
recorded in plat bor�k 36, page 1�6 of the pubZic records oi Pinellas
County, Florida, nore particularlp described a� £ollo�rs: Beginnzng
at the Northwest corner of the PSorthwest auarter (�kl�) of the
Nor�hwest Quarter (11���j of Section 11, Township 2q South, iiange 1.5
East; run thence South �9 aeg. 22' 4�" East 1332a0q feet �o the
�iortheast �orner of the P3orthwest Quarter {NW�) of the I�orth�est
Quarter (1��); run thence South 0 de�. 13 � 19�� West 1'331.02 feet �.a
the Sou�heast aorner of the Nor�hwest Quarter (AtW'�) of the Northwest
Quarter (ii�:1� ); run thence NQrth 0 deg. 1l� ��1Ea East 1330.77 fee't to
the Northvaest cerner Qi thP Northwest Quarter (NW�j of the Northwest
Quarter {NW�} of Section ],1, Township 2g South, Range 15 East, this
bein� the Point of Beginning.
Section 2. The foregoing property is herebp zoned as follows, and the City
Engineer is hereby directed to incorpor�te into and set out and show upon the
Oi'fica.�:�.t Zor.ing Map and other o�ficial maps of the Gity of Clea:water the fore-
going property, togsthex^ �rith its aoning as follo�ws:
Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective imraediatelp upon its
/s/ &. G. Whi,tehead
/s� iierbert Ai. Brown