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December 27, 1954
The City Conmission of the City of Clea~~ate~ met in special session at
City Hall, Monday, December 27, 1954, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members
Herbert M. Brown
Jack Russell
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Guy L. Kennedy
ConlITlis sioner
. .'t',
t. :.,'.' ,.
John Vl. Bates
, .
Also present were:
F. C. IJliddleton
Chas. M. Phillips, Jr.
G. T. L'JlcClalllrna
s. Lickton
City Hanager
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
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The Mayor called the meeting to order and invited Commissioner-Elect J. N.
Bohannon to sit \'1ith the Commissioners. The City Manager explained that the
original bid from the Acoustical Corroration of Florida to furnish and install
acoustical ti Ie for the ~.luniciFal Audi toriurn for $6,175.00 had been accepted
subject to approval of the installation specifications. He submitted four
pro~osals from the company on different methods of installation ~or the considera-
tion of the Commission. The i~anager recommended accepting Alternate Bid #2 which
by following the contour of the present ceiling ~ould still permit basketball and
other sports activities. He pointed out that accepting this alternate bid would
mean a saving~ of approximately $1,600.00 over the original bid. During the
discussion, Corr~issioner Strang sug~ested that the CommissioD as a Committee go
do~n to the Audito~'ium after the meetinr:; Ivas completed to check on some details
of the installation procedure. Con~issioner Strang moved that accordina to the
City r-lanager I s recommendation that the Commis sion accept Alternate Bid ~2 from
the Acoustical GOr}:oration of l<'1orida (which is a savings over the original bid
on the acoustical work in the Municipal Auditorium) at i4,535.CO subject to a
review of certain details by a special Committee. Motion was seconded by
Commiss ioner Kennedy and carried unanimously.
In regard to the bids for one c8rload of 2" pipe and one carload of mixed
pipe, 2" and 3/4", the City ~an~ger Fresented a tabulation of the bids opened
at the last meeting showing that t here were four companies making an identical
lo~ bid, two of which compani~s are located in Clearwater -- Peerless-Florida
and Standard Supply. Since Standard Supply Com~any received the last carload
lot order from the City, the City Hanuger recofllmended that the bid be a'lIarded
to the Peerless-Florj 1a Comf-any at a cost of'~7,820.99. Commissioner Kennedy
moved t hat the recommend,3tion of the City Manager be follC'wed and that the
Pee~less-Florida Company be awarded the pW'chase contract for one car of 2"
pipe and one car of miKed pipe at a total cost of $7,820.99. Motion was seconded
by Co[maissioner Russell and c-srried unanimously.
The City Manager submitted two sketches of a proposed seawall line for
Lot 2, Bayside Heplat, ~hich is owned by I.JIr. E. \'1. Barger, Jr. Mr. Barger was
present and discussed the proposed seawall ~ith the Commission. By consent, the
matter was deferred until the Commission could inspect the site.
Item 3, Discussion of method of assessing for se~ers on south end of
Clearwater beach, was deferred.
Item 4, Letter from Paul Randolph with reference to relocating property
lines on Lots 1 and 11, Block 264, Carlouel, ~as deferred until the entire
Commission as a Committee could insrect the location.
The City httorney stated that he had met with Mr. D. A. Salls and Mr. Leo
Butler relative to the platting of Salls First, Second and Third Additions,
and since thoso areas had already been platted and recorded, all three units
would be rep1atted as Salls Subdivision Unit 1. He stated that a portion of the
proposed sanitary sewer would Fass through an area outside of the City limits
and asked for an expression from the Commission as to whether or not the City
would wish an easement through that area. It was explained that Mr. Salls was
planning to install the se~er at his expense. The Mayor stated that he relt
that since the sew~r would have to be maintained by the City, an easement should
be secured. The other member~ of the Commission concurred with this opinion.
The City Attorney presented a Resolution which ~ould dedicate to public use
as a parking lot an area in ~oachffian Park adjacent to ~aas Brothers property.
The City Attorney stated t hat no special rights or privileges I'lould inure to any
private individuals or corporations and also in the Resolution the City would
reserve the right to charge for parking in the area. Commissioner Strang moved
that this Resolution be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized
to execute it. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Russell and car~ied unanimously.
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December 27, 1954
The Mayor suggested that the City MAnager arrange an executive meeting
with the Directors of the Junior ~hamber of Commerce relative to the use of plans
.the JayCees have had prepared for the prorosed Band Shell in Coachman Park.
, The City Attorney informed the Commission that some interested property
owners proposed to take Court action co secure relief from platted restrictions
for those areas in Navajo Park fronting on North Fort Harrison Avenue. He said
he had an inquiry from Attorney Howard Rives as to whether the City of Clearwater,
as owner of a number of lots along North Fort Harrison Avenue north of Calumet
Street, would like to join in the suit. Commi~sioner-Elect Bohannon, in response
to a question by the Mayor, stated thAt it w~s his opinion that property owners
in the area should be consulted prior to the City joininr, in such a suit. The
f.'layor appointed a Corruni ttee to be composed of Comm:ls sioner Russell and
Commissioner-Elect Bohannon to contact the proFerty owners in Navajo Park
regarding the matter.
The City Attorney presented a statemunt for $5,000.00 for his services in
connection with the ~elson suit. Cornmi~sioner Russell moved that the bill for
$5,000.00 presented by the City Attorney for the Nelson suit be paid. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Strang and c arri ed una nirnously.
Commissioner Hussell stated that he thought it would be to the City's
advantage to huve a full-time City Attorney who would be paid a stipulated salary
and who would be emp10yed with the underst.~nding he would handle all of the
City's legal affairs without the payment of special fees. The City Attorney
said he had data in hi~ office which would show salaries paid by cities of a
size comF~rable to the City of Clearwater and other data which he would make
available to the City Commissioners if they desire to study the matter.
There being no further business to come before the boord, the meeting was
adjourned at Z:50 P.M.
M or-Commis Slone I
and Clerk
. .. :,~
2- 0.3 '.: "~
December 27, 1954
Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr.
John W. Bates, Guy L. Kennedy
December 23, 1954
The City Commission will meet in Special ~ession on Monday, December 27, 1954,
at 1:30 P.M. in the Gity Hall Auditorium to discuss the following items:
I 2.
.. ,
Awarding of bids for:
A. Acoustical Material for Municipal Auditorium.
B. Two cars galvanized T & C Pipe.
Report from Committee with reference to seawall at Sea Captain Motel
and property to the east.
Discussion of method of assessing for sewers on south end of
Clearwater Beach.
Letter from Paul Randolph with reference to relocating property lines
on Lots 1 and 11, Dlock 264, Carlouel.
Utility Improvements.
Any other item not on the agenda will be discussed with the consent of
the Commis sion.
FCM: s
Very truly yours,
/s/ F. C. Middleton
City Manager
WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has sold the following described property for
commercial development:
A part of Lot Six (6) of 1dward Mills Subdivision according to the
map of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book Nine (9) on page
Thirty-six (36) of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida;
and a part of Lot Eight (6) of Terrace Place, according to the plat
of this subdivision recorded in Plat Book Three (3) on page Fifteen (15)
of said records; to~ether with an area of filled land adjacent to both
lots; the whole of which is described as:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot Six (6), and running thence
West along its South boundary, and a Westerly extension of this boundary,
Four Hundred (400) feet; thence North parallel to the East boundary of
said Lot 6 and a Northerly extension of this boundary One Hundred and
Thirty (130) feet; thence East parallel to said extended South boundary,
and said South boundary, Four Hundred (400) feet to the extended East
boundary of said Lot 6; thence South along this extension and said
East boundary, One Hundred and Thirty (130) feet to the Point of
Beginning, and
WHEREAS, there is presently a need for parking facilities for the public in
the area of the foregoing property, and upon construction of a commercial develop-
ment on the above described property there will be need for additional parking
facilities for the public and for patrons of said commercial development, and
WHEREAS, it is to the best interest of the public that an easement for
parking in the vicinity of the above described property be dedicated.
FLORIDA, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows:
1. That there is hereby dedicated an easement over and upon the following
described property in the City of Clearwater for the purpose of parking, to-wit:
Begin at the Northwest corner of Cleveland Street and Osceola AVei.1Ue,
run thence Westerly along the North property line of Cleveland Street a
distance of 590 feet to a point; run thence Northerly a distance of 148
feet along the West property line of Maas Brothers' property extended for
point of beginning; run thence northerly along Maas Brothers' west property
line extended to intersection with south property line of Block B, Sunset
Court Subdivision; run thence South 88 deg. 58' 40" west along a line,
a distance of 185 feet to a point; run thence southerly along a line
parallel with aforesaid Maas Brothers' west property line to an inter-
section with north line of Cleveland Street; run thence easterly along
said north line of Cleveland Street, a distance of 113 feet to a point;
run thence northerly parallel to Maas Brothers' west property line a
distance of 14$ feet to a point; run thence easterly along a line parallel
to the north line of Cleveland Street to point of beginning all being in
Section 16, Township 29S, Range l5E.
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December 27, 1954
2. This dedication of easement is to the public only and does not cause any
special rights or privileges in and to said property to inure to any private individ-
uals or corporations, or to the owner or owners of the commercial development con-
templated in the vicinity of the property dedicated.
3. The City hereby specifically reserves unto itself the right to charge Ear
parking on the above dedicated property.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of
December A.D., 1954.
/s/ Herbert M. Brown
Mayor-Commie sione r
/s/ H. G. Wingo
City Auditor and Clerk
Note: The above Resolution was revised and signed by the Mayor on Sept. 16, 195'.
December 27, 1951+
�hz City Commission of th� City of �learwater me� in sgecial session at
Gity Hall, Monday, December 2�, 1951�:, at 1:3C° P.M. with the following member�s
Herbert t�i. Brown
Jack Russell
Z^l. E. Strang, Jr.
Guy L. Kennedy
Absent :
JoY�n W. Bates
Also present were:
F, C, Middleton
Chas. M. Phillips, Jr.
G. T. McCTarn:�a
S. Lickton
Commis sioner
City Manager
City 9ttorney
Chief of Police
Citp Engi nser
The I�iayor called the meeting to order and invited Commissioner-Elect J. N.
Bohannon to sit with the Commissioners. The City �Ianager explained that the
origina� bid from the Acoustical Corporation of Florida to furnish and install
acoustical tile for the �iunicipal 4uditorium for �6,175.00 had been accepted
s•abject to approval of the installation specifications. He submitted four
proposals from the company on different methods of ir_stallation for the conaidera-
tion of the Cornmissian. The Manager recorru-nended acce�tir.o Alternate B�d #2 which
b3� following the contour of the present ceiling would still permit ba�ketoall and
other sperts activities. He pointed out that accepting this alternate bid would
mean a savings of approximately �1,600,00 over the orio nal bid. �=uring the
discussion, Commissioner Strang sug�ested that the Commission as a Committee go
down ta the Audito.rium after the meeting was completed to check or some details
of the installation grocAdure. Commissioner Strang moved that accordinP to the
�ity Tianager's recommendation that the Com�aission accegt Aiternate Bid. �2 from
the Ncoustical �orporation of �'lori�a (which is a savings over the original bid
on t he acoustical work in the Municipal Auditorium) at �4,535•CO subject to a
review of cert�a.n details by a special Committee. P�Iotion was se�onded by
Commissioner Kennedy �nd carried unanimously.
In regard to the bids ior one carload of 2" pipe and one carload of n:�xed
gipe, 2" and �/1�t1, the Citq �'�iandger presentad a tabulation of the bids opened
at the Zast meeting showirg that there were four conpanies making an identica�
low bid, two of which companies are located in Clearwater -- Peerless-Florida
and Standard Supply. Sinc2 Standard 5up�ly �om�.any received the last carload
lot order from the City, the City I�ianager recornmended that the bid be awarded
to the Peerless-Fl�rida Com�any at a cost of"�7,$20.99. C.ommissioner Kennedy
moved that the recommendation of the C�ty �Ianager be followed and that the
Peerless-Florida Company be awarded the purchase contract for one car of 2T7
pipe and one car of mixed �ipe at a total cost of �7,$2�.g9. Motion was seconded
b� Cor�missioner Russell and carrind unanimously.
The City I�anager submitted two sketches of a proposed seawall linz for
Lot 2, Bayside Replat, which is owned by i�ir. E, i�T, Bar�er, Jr. Mr. Barger was
present and discussed the proposed seat�uall with the Commission. By consent, the
matter was deferred until the Gommission could inspect the site.
Item 3, Discussion of inethod oi assessing for se�,�ers on south end of
Clearwater Beach, was deferred.
Ttem 4, I,etter irom Paul. Randolph with reference to relocatin�; property
lines on Lots 1 and 11, Block 26�., C�arlouel, t.as deferred until the entire
Commission as a Commit'tee could ins�ect the locati�n.
The City tittorney stated that �e had met with NIr. D. A. Salls and Mr. Leo
Butler relative to the platting of Salls First, Second and Third Additions,
and since those areas had already been Flatted ar_d recorded, all three ur.its
wou"ld be replatted as Salls Subdivision Unit l. He stated that � portion of the
proposed sanitary set��er would pass through an area outside of the City Ximits
and a.sked for an expression from the Gommission as to whether or not the City
would wish an easement through that area. It was explained th�t Mr. Salls was
planning to install the sewer at his expense. The P�Iayor stated •that he felt
th at since the sewer would have to be mair.tained by the C�ty, an easement should
be secured. The other members of the Commission concurred with this opinion.
The City �lttorne�resented a P.esolution which would dedicate to public use
as a parking l.ot an area in �oachman Park adjacent �o i7aas �robhers property.
The City Attorney stated that no special ri;hts er privilege.s would inure to any
private individuals or corpora�ions and also in the ResoTution the City would
reserve the right to charge for parking in the area. Commissioner Strang moved
that this I�.esolution bz passed and adopted and the proger officials be autharized
to execute it. i�lotion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried ixnanimously.
December 2%, 1954
The Mayor sug;ested that the Citp Manager arrange an executive meeta.ng
with the Directors of �he Junior �hamber o� Commerce relative to the use of plans
the JayCees have had prepared for the }�ro��osed Band Shell in �oachman Park.
The City Attorney informed the Commission that some interested �roperty
owners proposed to take Court action to secure relie.f from platted restrictions
for those areas iii Navajo Park froriting on North Fort Harris�n Avenue. He said
-- he had an inquir�� from Abtorne� Heward Rives as to whether the City of Clearwater,
as owner of a number of lots along North Fort Harrison Avenue nortn of Calumet
Strest, would like to join in the suit•. Commissioner-Elect Bohannon, in response
to a question by the Mayor, stated that it was his opir.ion that property owners
in the area shou7.d be consulted prior to the City joinino in such a suit. The
Nlayor appointe3 a Gommittee to be composed of Gommissioner Russell and
Commissior.er-Elect Bohannon to co ntact the property owners in Navajo Park
re�arding the matter.
The City Attorney presented a statement for $�5,000.00 for his services in
connection with the IV`elson suit. Commissioner Russell moved that the bill for
�`5,000.00 presented by the City Attorney for the Nelson suit be paid, Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimousJ.y.
Commissioner Russell stat�d that he thought it would be to the City�s
advantage to h�a:ve a full-time City Attorney who would be paid a stipulated salary
and who would be employed with the understa,nding he would handle all of the
City's legal affairs without the paymant oi specia'1 fees. The Gity Attorney
said hs had data in �is offzce which would show salaries paid by cities of a
size comparable to the City of Clea�:water and ather data vahich he would make
available to the Gity Gommissionars if they desire to study the matter.
There being no further business to come beiore the �oard, the meetino was
adjourned at 2:50 P.M.
City Audito and Clerk
M or-Gommissione
:2 C� .3
December Z7, 1954
Nayor-Gommissioner Herbert �4. Brown
Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr.
John W. Bates, Guy L. Kennedy
December 23, 1954
The City Commission will meet in Special Session on 1'�onday, Decembex 2�, 1954,
at 1;30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditoriura to discuss tk,e followin� items:
Awarding of bids for:
A. Acoustical I+�aterial fo r Municipal Auditorium.
T3. Two cars galvanized T& C Pipe,
Re�ort from Commiti:ee with reference to seawall at Sea Captain P�otel
and property to the east.
Discussion of inethod of assessing for sewers on south end of
Clearwater Beach.
Letter from Paul Randolph with reference to relocating property lines
on Lots 1 and ll, �lock 261�, Carlouel.
Utility Improvements.
Any other item not on the agenda will be discussed with the consent of
the Commission,
Very truly yours,
/s/ F. C. Middle-:.on
Gity NIanager
WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has sold the following described progerty for
commercial development:
A part of Lot Six (6) of Edward Niills Subdivision accarding to the
map of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book Nine (9) on page
Thirty-six {36) of the Public Records of Pinellas Couni.y, Florida;
and a part of Lot Eight ($) o� Terrace Place, accordin@; to the plat
of this subditiTision recorded in Plat Book Three (3) on page Fifteen (15)
of said records; to�ether with an area of filled land adjacer.t to both
lots; the whole of which is described as:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot Six (6), and running thence
West along its South boundary, and a 6Vesterly extension of tr.is boundary,
Four Hundred (�.00) feet; thence Nor�h parallel to the East bound�ry af
said I,ot 6 and a Northerly extension of this boundary One Hundred and
Thirty (130) feet; thence East parallel to sai:d extended South boundary,
and said South boundary, Four Hundred (1�G0) feet to the extended East
boundary of said Lot 6; thence South alono this extensian and s�aid
East boundary, One Hundxed and Thir�y (130} ieet to the Point of
Beginning, and
�VHEREAS, there is gres�ntly a need for p�rking facilities for the public in
the area of the foregoing Froperty, and upon construction of a commercial develop-
ment on the above described property there will be nPed for additional paxking
facilities for the public and for patrons of said commercial development, and
WH�REAS, it is to the best interest of the public that an easement for
parking in the vicinity of ths above described pr operty be dedicated.
FLORIDA, in sesszon duly and regularly assembled as follows:
1. That tllere is hereby dedicated an easement over and upor. the following
described property in the City of l:learwater for the purpose of parking, to-wit:
Begin at the ATorthwest corner of Cleveland Street and Oseeola Avenite,
run thence Westerly along the North property line nf Cleveland Street a
distance of 590 feet to a point; run tnence Northerly a distance of 1�.$
feet along the West property line of Maas Brothers' property extended for
point of beg�.nning; run thence northerly aloz�g i�taas Brothers' west property
line extended to intersection with souLh property line oi Blocit B; Sunset
Court Subdivision; run thence South $$ deg. 5�1 40+� west alon� a line,
a distance of 1$5 feet to a point; run thence southerly along a line
parallel with aforesaid Maas BrothersT w�st property line to an inter-
section with north line of Cleveland Street; run thence easterly along
said north line oi Cleveland Street, a distance of 113 feet to a point;
run thence northerly parallel to Maas Brothers� west propertp line a
distance of 1�.$ feet to a point; run thence easterly along a line parallei
to the north line of Clevelancl Street to point of beginning all being in
Section 16, Township 29S, Range 15E.
December 27, i954
2. This dedication of easement is to the public only and does not cause any
special rights or privileges in and to s�id property to inure to any private individ-
uals or corporations, or to the owner or owners of the commercial development con-
templated in the vica.nit}T of the property dedicated.
3. The Citp hereby specifically reserves unto itself the r:ight to charge for
parking on the above dedicated property.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of December A.D,, 1954•
�s� Herbert M. Brown
Mayor- ;'ommis sione r
�ltt e st :
�s/ H. G. Wingo
City Auditoz• and Clerk
Notss Th� above Resolut3.on was revised and signeci bp the Mayor on Sept. 16, 1955v
�►� �_ ��'
�Ve, the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of th� Regular Municipal �lection on
December 21st= lg�i�, £or Precincts 36 and 55, pollin�; place at the New High Scnool,
do hereby cer�ify that we have conducted said election according to law and upon
caunting the ballcts find the result of said election to be as follows:
For r�tayor-Commissioner:
Dial No.
� /'� Herbert M. Brown
� +� Alex D. �'inch
For Cornmissioner;
Dial No.
� s� J. N. Bohannon
�'e�� Arthur M. Kruse
Le �} R. B. Nauney
��a� bV. E. Strang
�� Wm. I,. Ward
received � � � uo�es
received�� � �votes
received �� � vates
received `�a � votes
received /'� `� v'otes
receivea �� � votes
recei aed f 4� notes
�tie, the undersigned Clerk anr3 Ins�eators of the R�gular Municipal El�ction of the
City of Clear�oater held on Tuesdap, December 21st, 1954, hereby certify that we
locked and seal�d agains� flirther voting, the voting machines used in conducting
said elec�io� upon the closing of the pollso The numbers of the machines are set
aut below togpther with the number of the seals, the number �f voters registered
on the public caunters and the number on the protective aounters.
Machine Rio . � �� � �g--
Machine l�o. � �u�� �
1Kachine No. %�fc�<r'�,
Number o£ voters Protective
on Public Gounter Counter Seal Number
f �'.% 4r�,�"��� 3� �.z�
�.� � � e��'l �� �3 G s-�-�
� � �' 6 a �'� / / � �'��
Given under our hands at Clearwater, Florida, this 21s� dap of December, 1954.e
; 4 �9 /1
r?.. � #�.;+� O` �,���.,3 ,`I �� � ! r d��� P,<�t-.�r^'
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.�'� �� � � � °' � �� �'�
- � ��`{ �— �
��� �.
�;: Inspe.etor
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st d�p of Deceml�er, A.D, i954.
' r
City uditor a lerk f
We, the undersigned Clerk and; Inspectors of t«e Regular Municipal Election on
December 21st, 195�., for Precincts, 37. 39 and 4.0, polling place at MuniciFal.
Auditorium, do hereby certify tha� we have conducted said election according to
law and upon counting the ballots find, the result of said election to be as follows:
For Ma ox r-commissioner:
Dial �o.
� � Herbert P�I. Brozvn
� � Al2x D. Finch
For Commissioner:
Dial No.
� !�1 J. nT. Bahannon
�~ � Arthur M. Kruse
�d � R � B . 2�auney
� � W. E. Strang
� rC Wm. L. Ward
received � � �} votes
received � 3 3 �.:otes
receive� o�.� % votes
received /� �O �, votes
received � g �, vntes
received 9 I votes
Wa, the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the neb lar Municipal Election of the
C�ty of Clearwa�er held on Tuesday, Decembzr 21st, 1954, hereby certify that we
locked and,sealed a�ainst further voting, the votin� machines used ir_ conducting
said elec�ion upon the closing of the polls. The r_umbers of the machines are set
out below together with thp number of the seals, the number of voter� registared
on the ;ublic counters and the number on the protzc�ive counters.
�umber of voters Protective
on Public �ounter Counter Seal Nw-nber
Machine No.^% � � � D �..`�� '';lD:d 'a�' � c� � � �1'''���i7
Machine No . % "T� � � �; � i :! . � �. � % � � ,� � 4
Mac hine No . � � �' 2 � �-` � � .._ : � d s � � � ,;j %.7 % �
y3� ,
Given under our hands at Clearwater, Florida, this 21st day cf December, 1951�..
, , �r � ' ,�^"'
t..��� � � � �
� �E ' ,t ,.1%� � �� ,,_. �`� �`" a.� } : "��'. :<� .� `: �}
!' � T � Ins�^ector
E_ :
i�, r�� i � �
'�� ��� ���
� j , .
_... ,, � _ ,,: - . 1. _,..,...-,.-�
�/L�,-�.� � � ��� c�� q.� �����-,��
� �l-f'
.-�.f .
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of December, A,D. 195�..
City Aud�tor d lerk
We, the undersigne� Clerk and Tnspectors of the Regular Municipal E1ec�ion on
December 21s�, 1954, for Precincts, 37'. 39 and 4.0, polling place at Municipal
Au�itoritun, do hereb� certiiy that we have conducted said electioii according to
law and upon countin� the ballots find the result of' said eleetion to be as fQllows:
�'or T�vor-Commissioner:
� Dia3 No.
t �"s Herbert i'�t. Brown
� � Alex D. Finch
For Commissioner:
Dial No.
'•i- i� J. N. Bohannon
� � Arthur Pd. Kruse
� � R. B. Mauney
� ►� W: E. 5trang
0 �r 1�me L. Wara
received uotes
received�,. � } v�tes
received � � � votes
received � � � votes
rsceived 1 � � votes
receiv�d � � � votes
reaeive3 � % votes
WTe, the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the nagular Municipal Election of the
City of Clearwater h�ld on Tuesdap, December 22st, lqsl�, hereby certify that we
locked and sealed against furthe� voting, the voting machines used in conducting
said election upon the closing of the polls. The numbers of the machines are se�t
out below together with the number of the seals, �he nurd�er of voters rsgistered
on the public counters and the number an the protec�tive cour_ters.
Niachine No. 1 � � i �
Machine No. �i �- � � �
I�achine �io. `� �' �! `�. c..�
DiumbPr of voters
on Fublic �ounter
�.. �- `y..
� % �
Counter �eal Numbe.
���""'�� � =�����'�
� � � �`d � 1 (p S q �%
� � � �i �%� � "� `�'`I �
Given under our hancis at Clearwater, Florida, this 21st day of �7ecember, 1954.
. ,
���, �/l/ �� ��...�i �'��t..n `��1 �.�-rx�.-���.�r.�...�-r�.�,-�.�
Clerk � Inspector
� s �
��a �� � .� _�'�'�-:�'��-� �`w � �in?./ � ,, � � •
� Inspector Inspe�
i � �
- v
��, G'ti� — hv�,.p, a �l` �
v Inspector spector
-�"- �� `�� �:.�'��--a-�...-
Sworn to and subscribed before me �his 21st day of December, 1�.D. 1951.�.
City Audito�nd lerk
We, the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the Reo lar MuniciFal Elec-�ion on
Decemt�er 21st, 1954., for Preci.nct 3$, polling place at Youth Maritime Center,
do hereby certify that we have conducted said �lecti.on accordin_g to law and upon
counting the ballots find the result of said election to be as follows:
For Mavor-Commissioner:
Dial No.
� / ____ Herbert M. Brown
� �.� Alex D. Finch
For Commissioner:
Dial No.
y�,__ J. N. Bohannon
.��_, Arthur M. Kruse
� � R. B. Pnauney
��_ W. E, Strang
��' Wm. L. War3
�received � votes
{ '��ceived� votes
,3�recei�vAd � votes
h�.S received �" votes
�� received � votes
, `�'�,"`_eceived � votes
� ��
We, the undersigned Clerk and Insgectors of the Regul�r Municipal Electior_ of the
City of Ci earvrater held on Tuesda} , December 2].st, 195�., hereby certify that we
locked and sealed against further voting, the voting machines us�d in conducting
said election upon the closing of the polls. The numbers��of the machi�es are set
out below tonether �aith the number of the seals, the number o£ voters registered
on the public counters and the nuraber on the grotective counters.
Number of voters Protective
on Public Counter Counter Seal I�'u�ber
Machine No.� C' _ q''..�.,� � L� �f� ��- %�- ���
Mach ine no . � � � � � °�� � v 5`- / �� � `Z� % � ��
��- .
Given under our hands at Clearwater, Florida, this 21st day of December, i954.
� ��. ���% (�{l� �-,-���,
C lerk
� � �
�,- L'
= I pee�t,or
�� � `�,l
� Inspector
� �� "
��i�fl� iG�,t... % GC i'� L'rG�t� '
' / Inspector
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of December, A,D, 1954.
Gity Auditor d Clerk
QS�'Y OF CLEAkjd'ATEli �
�tiie, the undersigned Glerk and Inspectors o£ the �.egular i�iun�cipal Elec�iom on
December 21st � 1954., for Procinet 3�3, poll��g place at Youth l�tarzt3me Center �
do hersby cextify that we have condu��ed said elec.tion according to law and upnn
counti,ng th� ballots find the result of said election bo be as follows:
�'or Mavor-Commissioner:
Dial Ncs.
� � Heri�ert M. Brown
�; - �-�.. Alex b. Finch
�� �� ��-� "�� votes
�� J' ��, received��aotes
For Commi.ssioner:.
Dial No.
_���� J. 2d. Bohannon � � ;"�., received�votes
�� Arthur i�i. Kruse ��� received � votes
� � .
_,_, �� R. B., tSauney � s69 received��votes
�� W. Fs. Strar.g �;� �� �`�r received p��votes
---��� Wn�; L. Ward i received__�,,,�votes
� ��
We, the unciersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the RQgular riiunicipal Election of �he
City of Clearwa�er neld on �nesday, Deceraber 21st, 195�., hereby certify ti�at we
locked and sealed against furthar voting, the vo�ing machines used in conductir_g
said election upon Lhe closing of the polls. Tne numb�s�s�of the m.achines are seti
ont belo�r together with the number of the seals, the number of voters registered
on the public counters anid the number on the protective counL-ers.,
Number oi vo�ters Pro�ecti��
on Public Counter Counter Senl �tumber
1�Iachine No, � `-Y � ` � �,� ,� d G � a' S' �L. ! '�.. � l � �
Machine %�o . .� g � 3 � � �3 �- � � �S %':� / / � �
� ''1 3
Givan under our hands at Clearwater, Flor3da, this ?lst dap of December, 1954.
-� J� �
�'�--('�� l'�• ��� �'� �: � .�_
�-; -�i � � G�..� �/�� l'�� .
Glerk ` �nspac�or
��G Gr%�
sp ctor
�i� c� �
� Inspector
Sworn to and subscr�bed befars me this 21st day of December, A,D. 1�5�.s
r �
City Auditor Clerk
We, the undersigned C1erk and Inspectors oi£ the Reg�zlar Municipal Election on
December 21st, lg5t�, for Precincts 4.1 and 4-3, polli:ng place at Sunburst Apt. Bldg. ,
do hereby certify that we have conducted said election according to law ancl upon
countino the ballots find the result of said election to be as follows:
For Mavor-Commissiotler:
Dial No..
�_�_ Herbert M. Brown
_�z ^�- . Alex D. Finch
For Commissioner:
Dial No,
-�� J. N. Bohannon
""-� Arthur M. Kruse
���� R. B, Mauney
� W. E. Strang
�� Wm. L. V�ard
rece�ved °� �' '�_,votes
received ,"�',�,, � � votes
received '��� �� votcs
received �, � 1 votes
received ��;Q votes
r.eceived �� � � votes
received � � � votes
We, the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of tr� ReGular Municipal Election of the
City ef Clearwater held on Tuesdays Decemb�r 21st, 1951�, hereby certify that iae
locked and sealed against further voting, t�ie voting machznes used in conducting
said �leation upon the closing of the po:Lls. The numbers of tha mac:�ines are set
out below together with the number of the seals, the num.ber of voters registered
on the publzc counters and the r_umher on the protective counters.
Nwnber of voters Protective
or_ Public Counter Coun�er Seal Nurnber
I�Zachine No>1��� � �4 � � `-�� .�%1�
Machine No.;� °"�r ��� . � � � �(����' ` �12 d :�+�-�..
Machine No ,'��' g `, '� °� � � . �� ,� ��� ,.�" I�`�.::
p� 1 a 3
Given urder our hands at Clearwater, Florida, this 21st dap of December, 1954•
�<�,�,� s:�''!�lp��°`���•.�'��'�-,�a`�
�'/i' G'"�,e�..e � �,,.�aL�^fi�4.-.�.-t,a��+.+'�
�y� C r
,�+�F ''� '4r `�1 �f �,.� �
��:'��� V'ti l.a�` 4„� F i' a� '.F _.._,.-.r_
' Tns�ector
�"`� „� G`��'�� yt� ��,��� -��"� �
f , � �/
.� �, r
� � � • �P`, " ��.r.3�'.;�7.fn.�'r.,
� " �p Inspec �or
�v°' � �I
t� �
�.�i:�+' �'t'. � � �`�-a'�s"�,,�� w,..
. U.,. 2r` "/ �RFF � .�
� Tnspec�or�
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st da;r �£ December, A.D. 1954•
.� �
CitS� Au 'tor an Clerk
� � O
We, �he undersigned ��erk and Ins�ec�ors of the Regu.lar Manicipal Election on
December 21st, 1�5q., for Precincts l�l and 43, polling place at Suziburs•t Ap�. Bldg.�
do hereby cPrtify that we have conductefl said election accarding to law and upon
cotuiting the ballots i:in@ the result af sa3.d election �o be as follows:
�'or Mavor-CommiSsioner:
Dial No.
_,,,�„�, Herbert i+�i. Brown
� o � A�.ex D. Finci�
F'or Commissi�nsr:
Dial hlo.
� J. N. Bohannon
� Arthur i4I. Kruse
r�„� R. B, �iauney
� Wl. E. $trang
�` -•- ✓�- Wm. L. VJard
rece� vaci����aotes
received � �' � ___ votes
received ���$"�f vates
r e c e i v e d____�,�`,��,vo t e s
received! ��`"�`.,�uotes
received �1� I� � "� votes
receive.d ,� r�' �� Yvo�es
We, the undersi;ned Clerk and Snspe�tors of the Regular ri3unicipal Election of the
City oi Clearwates h�:ld on Tuesday, December 21st, 195l�, hEreby certify that t�re
lacked and sealed against further voting, the voting machines used in conducting
saici eZection upon the closzng of the poZ�s. The nwnbers af �he machines �re set
out belo�a together with �he number of the seals,, the number o� voters registered
on the public counters and the number on bhe protective counters.
Machine No. '"�'�����
(x �
Ma.chine No. � 4t° i�..��--�
I�'iachine Bto. � � .,� l� _
Nu,�nbar oi vaters
on Public Counter
� �� � �
� ��
� .� ?
Counter Seal PItiuuber
� �.:. �..�"r���. �., � � / �
G,� � K�' �r� ��:� ! d �. R'
� �:' t=irs��.r1� ;�;,..`�'� e'�
Given un�ier �ur hands at Clearwa�er, F'1or�da, this 2Zst day of Deaeraber, 195l�.
�?�.�,.�, �' ������..��
� Q lerk
'+.e�+t�� u't�-�,�� ;� ���..�P«�i.,���.o' �,a, �
�P��' 2,� ,�f �,.� �",,,o,�', � ���,�-•`{.�,
'� Inspector
,.�� ����� �
� � ��
� :� i ��; � s � �� �
'�� . "'� - Inspec�o�°
, � .,J.�'
�i�.C_ � �� �;�,��*
� Insn�'ctar
� +
Sworn to and subscribed befor� me this 21st day oi Deaember, A.B. �954•
y�' � , . �
C�.ty Auditor and lexk '�
/ r !
�11e, the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the Regular Municipal Election on
December 21st, 1.95y., for Precinct �:2, polling place at Boy Scout Hut,
cio hereby cer�ifq that we have conducted said election accordix�� to latv and upon
countino the ballots find the result of said sls�tipn to he as folZows:
For Ma o�r�Commissianer:
Dial No.
- L� Herbert M� Brown
_J� Alex D. FincYz
For Commissioner:
Dial no.
_�__�____� J. N, Bohannpn
�� Arthur M. Krusa
�` R. E. Mauney
� t-7 W. E. Strang
t�___,�_____ V1m. L. Ward
received � ��, votes
received .� r� � votes
received 0' �Yvotes-
received f ,�,��ivobes
rece�ved voi.es
receiv2d �yb � ~ votes
rec eived�,,��,ivotes
We, the undersigned Olerk and Inspectors of the Regu�,ar� Munzc3�aZ Election of th�
Czi.y of Clearwater 'held an Tuesday, December 21st, 1954, hereby certify �ha� we
Iockeri and sealed against further voting, the voting machines used in carzducting
said election upon the closing of the polls, The numbers of the machines are set
out below together with the r_umber of the seal�, the number o� voters re;istered
an the public counters and the number on the protective counters.
Tdumber of vo�ers Protective
on PubZic Counter Counter Seal llwnber
. � � � �.
Machine l�o. �� � � � �-- �� �f � � `� 6 �.�
Machine No. % 4� '�d'�S` t'.� � � � �`,�`� � � �. b
4 r� . - , -
Given ursder our hands a� Glearwater, Florida, this 2lst day of December, I95�•
f,r�',�H..`� n _ f? � �-
��.:��` #� °f.f' s,`�.� e � ��:�"' �.
� ��� � �
" Clerk
���t� � _ `��`,.�Fr•.s.-r: �-�i�..x.x-..� . _y„�.� �
,��� �-'�`�'��r��.�d-� ���
� . ��` ' . � ��f,�.� r._�.;�
Inspector ��.
Y,f'A� " � / L�s�
�'`- �-�.
Sworn to and subscribed before me �his 21st day of �ecember, A.D. 1954•
o ._,-
Gity l�uditar nd 1-erk
Wes the undersigr�od i.lerk and Inspectors of the Regular Municipal E1ec�ion an
December 21st, 195�.: iox PreaincL 42, polling place at Boy Scout Flut,
do hereby cerLify tnat we have conducted said election accarding to za�v and upon
counti,ng �he bal�ots fz:nd the resul� of said eZectipn to be as follows:
For NIaYoa��Gorr,missioner:
Dial Pdo.
�% ;� FIerbert I�. Brorvn
2�_ Alex D. Finch
F�r Commissionea�:
Dial �to.
� � .T. �V. Bohannon
_�, Arthur ��l. Kruse
!�"� R. B. Mauney
�� tr7� E. S�ran�
t:� � Wm. L. Ward
recseived z,°,� .�. • votes
received--�' votes
received �t �� vetss
reeeived � f ...� • vo��s
received � � � votes
received �. � � ' votes
receivea � � votes
Gfe, the undersigned Clerk a�d Inspectors o� the 8egular ivfunicipal Eleetion o� th�
City of Clearwater held on Tuesday, necember 21st, 1954., hereby certify that wE
locked and sealed against furt�ier va�ing, the voting machines used in conducting
said elect�on upon the closing of the polls. Tha numbers of the machines are se�
aut below together with the numbsr o� the seals, the number of voters regi�tered
on the public counters and the number on the protective caunters,
Numb�r oi vn�ters Prot�etive
on Public Counter Counter Seal Number
, � �_. �--� �
�Iachine �10. j% � r� r � � l,C3 f � � i � `:�'{�
.7�2achine Y�o. !f �f � �.'`.', J "� b -°j� � .t.� /,� .� 6 � ��
� 1 7 '
Given under our hands at Clearwater, Florida, this 21st day o� December, i954•
� �� �.....`_",�
.�, = r- i ` ,�'�.G��'�
Jv�l ti ,,,�
�`7% %,�"�"` '' r
--r-�nz---�� �f � � =' ,�,� �' �����.�.� � �:.�-`�_ r
?.� �'�, `� ��`�.. �����
� d� �
�� • ,.��t..Q,.�-G, �' .`" .�' ' � E.: • },
Inspectox� ._
��'�� �.� �eF. � ' �G�
Sworn to and subscribed befora me this 2yst daq of vecember, A.D, i9�1�.
Z�p"�� ' m -
City A;uditor and Cle�k