11/29/1954 ':;'~;,:'-i'/,>,; , ___" '\":l~ " -. ~ . I " Jt~. )' ' , '.... '1.... .' ,." l' '''''' ," >',' ..,'1,: '._ " I . . ! 4 , 1 "', .1 , : I t ;... i , " .... " ,". ,\', :..'~' " " '...,.. . , , " , , ' -..':::,':'1: . .' :'.~.: :',: ::.:....~;\ '~<:;~~7,~:\~:I,~~~:t'.~{1~~: I Jf3 CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, November 29, 1954, at 1:30 P.M. with the ~ollo~ing members present: Herbert M. Bro~n Jack Russell W. E. Strang, Jr. Guy L. Kennedy Absent: John W. Bates Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner CorIl/ni ssioner Commissioner I .. 'j, I ! I i !. i 1 I " i I ',' . Commissioner .' :. ~ .; ..~. . ".J' Also present were: F. C. Middleton Chas. M. Phillips, Jr. S. Lickton G. T. McClamma ,. ..;' .. I. II City Manager City Attorney City Engineer Chief of Police I 1: ... " , The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. The was the consideration of bids for constructing sanitary Subdivisions #2 and #3. The City Manager reported that received. The bids were read as follows: Stansfield Constr. Co., Tampa Smith-Sweger Constr. Co., Clearwater D. W. Bro~ning, Daytona Beach Blackburn Paving Co., Clearwater E. I. Rutledge, Largo Hancock Constr. Equip. Co., Clearwater Brock Constr. Co., Clearwater first item on the agenda sewer in Bonair Hill seven bids had been $6,197.50 4,915.00 7,765.00 3,634.50 6,177.50 5,9$5.00 5,474.00 ):t' ':';"~ After tabulation, the City Manager recolrunended accepting the lo~ bid of $3,634.50 from Blackburn Paving Company. Commissioner Strang moved that the Blackburn Paving Contractors be awarded the contract for sanitary sewer in Bonair Hill Subdivisions #2 and ffJ for the amount of $3,634.50, the lowest and best bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. In regard to the request from Mr. James Karas to pave Marion Street and Duncan Avenue bet~een Gulf-to-Bay and Druid Road, the City Engineer reported it would be necessary to install storm sewer in Duncan Avenue before paving as the present drainage ditch is in part of the right-of-wa1. The Engineer estimated the cost of a 30 inch storm sewer for 1,250 feet at '12,050.00 or $5.00 per front foot if the amount is all assessed to the property owners. Commissioner Strang suggested that since the proposed storm sewer would drain a large area in addition to the abutting property that the Engineer calculate the difference in the cost o~ a 30 inch sewer and the 24 inch sewer which ~ould be needed under normal conditions. The City Manager stated that he would arrange for a preliminary hearing on the matter on Thursday or Friday of this week. By consent, the City Manager was instructed to proceed with the preliminary hearing. The City Manager and the Clerk recommended the grouping of the polling places for the Municipal Election on December 21st as follows: Pollin,g Places Fire Station No. 3 New High School Municipal Auditorium Youth Maritime Center Boy Scout Hut Sunburst Apt. Bldg. Precincts 3~, and 35 Precincts 36 and 55 Precincts 37, 39 and 40 Precinct 38 Precinct 42 Precincts 41 and 43 The City Attorney read the following list of persons recommended for appointment as Clerks and Inspectors in the Municipal Election: and Pollin Fire Station No. Ethel . Godley, 9 5 inellas t. Arthur Harman, 1519 Carmel Ave. John Dean, 1439 Hamlet Ave. June Beddo, 629 Belleview Blvd. Sallie Guzman, 1236 Reynolds Ave. Lu1a A. McMullen, 1329 S. Michigan Ave. Precincts 36 and 55, Pollin~ ~lace - New High School Mrs. John M. Gore, 704 Prospect Ave. Mrs. A. P. Bowers, 1001 East Pine St. Mrs. H. L. Felton, 1432 Park St. George H. Snyder, 527 Florida Ave. Mrs. Flora N. Russell, 803 E. Turner St. Mrs. W. H. R. Kimbrough, 604 Prospect Ave. Mrs. W. E. Ricks, 1005 E. Pine St. Clerk Inspector " " " " Clerk Inspector " " " " " -~- ic~ :I~,'" ; ':. \'::',:";"~ ::<.{ ,.", ,,';;':':'~,;:X'i:~";<1 . '::'h/~,S~,J~::;! , '.:::',;!. ,.;,~:: : :y.: ,'2':'.p:'~f-:"'::~';~/>; ",...._"j $(%\~i~(l -2- CITY COMNlIS,SI01i: NiEE1lNJ ~~T0~~~r 2C~ 195~ l ,'.... (1/1 ,./ J-,.4/. L ~ .'/" "';",1 i ... ;,.,;"" . .' . ":;..','". "'." Freci:1ct~" .~.. ana ':0. .Fc,11il~~ r,l~ce - N.u,:icir,r,l . Ill. ')'lie:u..l, 2~e l\'. Fe. har:':",~.,,~l~ A"t". )h-s. J. A. H,~pe, $C,: E1Jri.:i:;:e St. Nl"~. ...'. R. Shane:--, c'~.I5 Ki~!1..:,lsc.t. ~.t. .,. ,~ \,", ~ , . .'11 -: . .. , ;1,.'-'. ~\l..J.S.Or:I.LV ,",E:":.lt:~)",~ ~t. Mrs. Rita. E. Sobbit.t, 50~ E. Fil';e. ~t. Mrs. Vi viar: L3.~.:.=.t.:i. c:" :;,~rol,,'i ~'c,art 1~1~~,. ~.~~.::~~"e-~, 5t:r:~-" ~:'l t:. ~~l~"~",t?l" -:3t.. Aud i tcri \.mt rhe\"k 1 t., :~p~,'c.t~"... ~ ., \'1 ~ ., :..' Frecinct 38~ Fcl:'i~;"' place - Yout.h ~.~arit.im~ I.~~ntel' IJrr-s. Callie '~. Bt~rt.cn, C2~ l\::l.l'I.~i~:~u~~ An>, l\~rs. J. :J. rarrock, 944 l~l""lC~ Ave. ;'{rs. Gull J. (;hurch\,;ard, 75(' Bl'U~I) :"\'C. Rayr.;0:1c1 Jo:~:;:alez, t'rn" VillH Art::. . .. \11e rk In~ptl,:t,\'" " '1 ,-" , . -',,':',>! Precinct 42). FolliD:;;' pL;ce - Bc~ Scent. Hut A. ~. ~rench, 1235 Sesinole ~t. Col. Jas. H. \"'atkiI~st 5C? Linc0ln AVl~. Mrs. W. O. 3weari~gen, 10~g Ul'~W St. Mrs. W. L. ~omstock, lCJ2 Drew St. Mrs. Sea-trice T. F'rellcl1, 1.235 Se,;liI101tC'l :3t. Thes. L. h'atkins, 121+1 Se;r.inole :3t. ~ lerk 1 "'rp.ct,\)t' II II II 'I .,~ " !~,;~~;t~I!~ ';',~':,"!';:"~ii ';:,V,.'ii,'~l'(-11 &,1*;1;;1 ~~c\ I\~" ..;'" r\ii' ...:\ f};' Precincts 41 and !tJ..! P011i)g rlace - Sunb\1n~t _Apt. Hlq~. Mrs. C. H. Mal'low, 17 ;- };. l~recn",~ol\ Avo. A. J. Pembrook, 40$ frincess St. ~irs. Lyle D. Kline, 60(' N. OSI~0c...'la Ave. Francis H. Perkinson, 120b N. Carden AV0. Mrs. Eleanor Chapman, 715 Minnt;:')ot.;l Dr. Mrs. Harry l\iarzoff, 1899 Ed.~e\\';1tcr Ur. Mrs. Stanley G In sSburn, 1169 ~;l';m;Hh ~jt. Commissioner Strang moved that the above-lllcntioTlt.3d }'1.11J111/1, places 1'01' the l't'cdnctl1 as set out for the City ~lectJon and the arpointll{l.lt1t.~l of the Clt'\r1([) fJJl(.\ IllfllH1CtOt'E1 be a F-proved. Motion was secol~dp.d by COllimis :'iioner Kf~1I t~od y nnd r~ f.ll'r lod Ilttflll ,\ tllOU S ly. G 1131'k 1 t'~':'"'c \;('t' " " If The City i\<lanager reported that at a recent con1'llronco Mr. Don F:mGI':jl.lll I thE? developer of Stevenson Height. s Subdi vi sion gt~f.lted Lha t he dlrl not; wi. f.\h l'.<..' b t"lnF,; the subdivision inside the Cit.y but, that he would bo willing \'.0 pay tho ent.it.o cost of the sanitary sewer pro jcct. The fl.1;Jnuger rocolllmetHied t hut the fluhdJ V 1 ~doi1 be rermitted to e onnee t to the City :5ewer i na:;lmuch :m t.ho d ov (~1 O)Jo J' La T'l\}dng all expenses i nc luding the enlar.l:,i ng of the pUll\pi n~ ntn t~J on and t.ho t t.lHJ sr~ peroClhs connecting to the sewer in this subdi vi SiOll be r:: han~l)(i t. hf~ otnO\lnt of t,;?,. 00 mont.hly per house for service. Commissioner Strang reJ'Ol'ted tha t u l~ an flXOCUt.1.V(1 ne~911)\i the developer had stated that he hild ::llready put:. In the rluburhan t,ype G\ll'b required by the F .H. A. and in order to comply wi t;h tho City ~'lpecj f1 cnti OJln ho would have to remove that curbinr; and put in concreto curbn which would make tho cost of bringing the subdivision into the City prohibi ti VEl. J\ceord lng to ~.~~,., Emerson, thirty-eight houses have been sold under V. H.I\. flnanel ng. DeC,~W ' was planning to bring the subdivision into the City, Mr. EmoJ'oon has a~~ installed the Se\ier lines. By consent, the m~\ ttor was refurnll\ to ,'<" Commission as a Committee of the whole for further jnvnntlp;Ht~l()n.:')" The City lw1anager requested an exprest\inn from tho Comm.! nsio taking into the City ,limits a 40 acre trnct lyi.nr; nort~h of Palm in the Nwl; of the NWt of Section 11-29-15. He submlt.ttld n t.entQ.~ property under the name of Highland Groves whi.ch is belng daval; , Rogers. After some di sell ssi on, the l'4ayor said if t. he propor .'($ ete. t were installed acoordin~ to Ordina nee 6)2, he thought..! interested in annexing it. Commiss ioner RugsE~ll [JlJp';p;est~d' ditches Should be piped. ! The City Manager presented a plat of ~:'alls Second and, 'y stating that the developer, Mr. D. A. Salls, was requestin33' sians be taken into the City limits. He said an agreementj connect the sanitary lines to the sewer lines in Sirmons K' reported that Mr. Salls had signed the contracts in accor~~", and would put up bond for the improvements but Mr. ~~alls wq:\;4.' extend the w./ater and sewer lines south dottln Prescot.t Avenue"'~ ' Belleview to Belleair in Salls First Addition which i~J out.sld:etb,'Ci Commission discussed withMr. Salls the possibilit~y of bringing gal'... Addition into th e C it y. The Manager said Bet ty Ume ",as not paved'. Prescott Street was paved but had no curbs on it. Mr. Salls stated, planned to install the water lines and the sewer syst~m at his e~pert ,_ ' area. Howeve::, since he had already. sold a number of lot.s, on f'rescot~~~~'_'., ,."".,,',' , he felt that lnstallation of curbs snould be assessed to the new owners:"l't sucfi an improvement is required by ;:he Ci ty. CorrJl'tlis sioner Russell sugge$tedth~t'.',M:t l Salls contact the. new owners to see if they would agr~..le tD t,he assessment.. , By consent, the Comm~ssion concurred in this suggestion and instructed the Man~ge~ t<> have the matter on the agenda for the ne:<t meetirlg. The City J.illanager presented a work order for $200.00 to cover cost 6f lnsti11.lc... ing a new heating system in the Belmont Recreation Center,. C6rnm1~s1()tiar strang l110ved that the work order in t he amount of .200.00 be apr)ro~ed,. Moti on was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried ullanimt.)usly. , " " , -~--, :, ,,:;:/;::(-'.,,~. " . ". :.':;,:..',',,\ .' .' .;,. :< ""..: , ' ,i r-- --....t ' ; ::J:}~:"\ / ;l I l I , , I I , . t i , I I ..' , .' ~. . f ,,,:,~..~,__,,~,..-:,:...,..~,::....., .', '.. ',,,,,., :.. "...,.... " ~ J. ~ , -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 Poll in lace - Munici O'Neill, 22 N. Ft. arrison Ave. Mrs. J. A. Hope, e08 Eldridge St. Mrs. J. R. Shaner, 905 Nicholson St. T. C. Wilson, 1011 Seminole St. Mrs. Rita B. Bobbitt, 50e E. Pine St. Mrs. Vivian Lagamba, 615 Harold Court Mrs. Margaret Dunn, 511 E. '1'urner St. Precinct g Pollin lace - Youth Maritime Center Mrs. CallieW. Burton, 92 NarC1SSUS Ave. Mrs. J. D. Parrock, 944 Bruce Ave. Mrs. Gull J. Churchward, 750 Bruce Ave. Raymond Gonzalez, Bay Villa Apts. al Auditorium lerk Inspector " " tl " " :'i, " Clerk Inspector tt " " Hut t St. Clerk Inspector " tt " " " .' " '~.: " j,- ',' " lace - Sunburst A 7 5 N. reenwood Ave. Princess St. Mrs. Lyle D. Kline, 600 N. Osceola Ave. Francis H. Perkinson, 1206 N. Garden Ave. Mrs. Eleanor Chapman, 715 Minnesota Dr. Mrs. Harry Marzoff, 1899 Edgewater Dr. Mrs. Stanley Glassburn, 1169 Granada St. Commissioner Strang moved that the above-mentioned polling places for the precincts as set out for the City Election and the appointments of the Clerks and Inspectors be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. Clerk Inspector tt '" ' ~: .. " tt " tt The City Manager reported that at a recent conference Mr. Don Emerson, the developer of Stevenson Heights Subdivision stated that he did not wish to bring the subdivision inside the City but that he would be willing to pay the entire cost of the sanitary sewer project. The Manager recommended that the subdiVision be J:e rmitted to connect to the City sewer inasmuch as the developer is paying all expenses including the enlarging of the pumping station and that those persons' connecting to the sewer in this subdivision be charged the amount of $2.00 monthly per house for service. Commissioner Strang reported that at an executive session the developer had stated that he had already put in the suburban type curb required by the F.H.A. and in order to comply with the City specifications, he would have to remove that curbing and put in concrete curbs which would make the cost of bringing the subdivision into the City prohibitive. According to Mr. Emerson, thirty-eight houses have been sold under F.H.A. financing. Because he was planning to bring the subdivision into the City, Mr. Emerson has already installed the sewer lines. By consent, the matter was referred to the entire Commission as a Committee of the whole for further investigation. The City Manager requested an expression from the Commission relative to taking into the City limits a 40 acre tract lying north of Palm Terrace Unit 2 in the NWk of the NWt of Section 11-29-15. He submitted a tentative plat of the property under the name of Highland Groves which is being developed by Mr. Albert Rogers. After some discussion, the Mayor said if the proper drainage, streets, etc., were installed aCQording to Ordinance 632, he thought the City would be interested in annexing it. Commissioner R~ssell suggested that the drainage ditches should be piped. The City Manager presented a plat of Salls Second and Third Additions, stating that the developer, Mr. D. A. Salls, was requesting that the two subdivi- sions be taken into the City limits. He said an agreement had been reached to connect the sanitary lines to the sewer lines in Sirmons Heights. The Manager reported that Mr. Salls had signed the contracts in accordance with Ordinance 632 and would put up bond for the improvements but Mr. Salls would also like to extend the water and sewer lines south down Prescott Avenue and Betty Lane from Belleview to Belleair in Salls First Addition which is outside the City. The Commission discussed with Mr. Salls the possibility of bringing Salls First Addition into the City. The Manager said Betty Lane was not paved and that Prescott Street was paved but had no curbs on it. Mr. Salls stated that he planned to install the water lines and the sewer system at his expense for this area. However, since he had already sold a number of lots on Prescott Street, he felt that installation of curbs should be assessed to the new owners if such an improvement is required by the City. Commissioner Russell suggested that Mr. Salls contact the new owners to see if they would agree to the assessment. By consent, the Commission concurred in this suggestion and instructed the Manager to have the matter on the agenda for the next meeting. The City Manager presented a work order for $200.00 to cover cost of install- ing a new heating system in the Belmont Recreation Center. Commissioner Strang moved that the work order in the amount of $200.00 be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. ---- ,,"';;:~':i/};{("!,;~~~~~'~::"t';~"; - . '\. ."', , . !;;:):>'.~\.:,:, ~' ,'/'. , '" ;~ (", ", J (.,~ru:,\ ; " i' ~.. " r ,', , " " I I I J , , ! , , \ I 1 I i','''\ , .." :?:i;:~,l~Y;:;~f.i1(~~? , , , , :,:''-, " . 1; ~",,;, ' ' -3- CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 A work order in the amount of $500.00 was presented by the City Manager covering the installation of additional heating equipment, linoleum for the kitchen floor, and taking down the garage building on the former Bacon property. Commissioner Russell moved that the work order covering the installations and expenses on the Bacon property on North Osceola Avenue for the sum of $500.00 be approved. Motion wa~ seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported receiving a request for an assignment of the lease on Room 4 in the Marina Building held by Mr. William Lemke to Mr. David Hand and Mr. George Butcher and recommended that the request be approved. Commissioner Strang moved that the assignment of the lease from William Lemke to Mr. David Hand and Mr. George Butcher be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. In regard to the bids on discharge line equipment for the 6" dredge opened at a previous meeting, the City Manager recommended accepting the bid of $4,512.79 from the Atlantic Engineering Company of Tampa as that was the only company which bid on the entire list of materials. On the recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Strang moved that the Atlantic Engineering Company be awarded the contract for the miscellaneous items for the dredge in the amount of $4,512.79. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Regarding the bids on two new cars for the Police Department, the City Manager recommended accepting the low bid of Kennedy & Strickland Company for two eight cylinder four door sedans at a cost of $933.27 each with trade-ins. Commissioner Strang moved that the two 8 cylinder cruiser~ be purchased from Kennedy & Strickland, No. 1 for the price of $933.27 and No. 2 for the same price, which is the lowest and best bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Manager recommended that the bid of $2,439.50 from the Mueller Company, the low bid, be accepted for water works brass goods. According to the City Manager's recorrooendation, Commissioner Russell moved that the Mueller Company of Decatur, Illinois, be given the bid for the sum of $2,439.50 for water works brass goods. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. Regarding the bids for fire hose, the City Manager recommended accepting the low bid of $1,212.00 from Fountain Fire Service, Tampa. Commissioner Russell moved that the Fountain Fire Service or Tampa, Florida, be given the bid for fire hose and chemical hose for the sum of $1,212.00. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read a Resolution assessing the cost of constructing a sidewalk on the south side of Pine Street from the A.C.L. rieht-of-way line easterly for 309.$ feet. Commissioner Russell moved that the Assessment Resolution for Pine Street sidewalk be passed and adopted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. A Resolution was read assessing the cost of paving, curbing and drainage on Pleasant Street from North Fort Harrison Avenue to Sunset Drive. Commissioner Strang moved the Assessment Resolution for the pavement and drainage of Pleasant Street from North Fort Harrison Avenue to Clearwater Bay be spread and the Resolu- tion be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to sign. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read a Resolution assessing the cost of constructing storm sewer, curb and widening in Admiral Woodson Lana from Palm Terrace Drive to Kings Highway. Commissioner Strang moved that the Assessment Resolution for drainage, curbing and widening in Admiral Woodson Lane be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to sign. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. A Resolution was read assessing the cost of pavement and curb in the alley between Court Street and Franklin Street from East Avenue westerly for 190 feet. Commissioner Russell moved that the Assessment Resolution for paving the alley between Court and Franklin Street be adopted and that the proper officials be authorized to sign. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read a Resolution assessing the cost of constructing sidewalk on the south side of Seminole Street from Myrtle to Garden Avenue. He reported that Mrs. Veulah L. Johnson and St. Matthews Baptist Church had given right-of-way for the project and that therefore their assessments should be Can- celled by the City in exchange for the right-of-way. After some discussion of the assessments, the Hesolution was referred back to the City Engineer for further checking. A Resolution was read which would change the name of Alabama Street to LaSalle Street, Mead Street to Audubon Drive and the part of State Road 590 running northeast from the intersection of Drew Street and Nimbus Avenue would be named Coachman Road. Commissioner Strang moved the Resolution be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to sign. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. I .. II - ....,.,~, , "....!'\------ ,{;' ~'--, Attest: ~- 'Z:~/ ",. ~.,: '.,~:, ".... J .1 ':''' ,',' ,; :.:.:, ,.:'", -'~:,;;;~;ilt,~:21~,:ii:"~~"~':~~'~"'""'O':"___"" " ..,., .,,",_,.. ~...~2;~L.""",:,::~~,~""",; ,..",...' " ". " ' Itf~ """I'~' , , ""I . . , . ,~ '. 1 "'.~j$"",~:, : .:) .' ' '\,~......~~,) -4- CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 195~ The City Manager reported that from firty to fifty-five employees who are not eligible for the Pension Plan have indicated on a questionnaire submitted to them that they wish to come under Social Security coverage. He said the Treasurer had estimated that participation by the City in the Social Security system for this group of employees would cost an estimated $293.23 per month or about $3.500.00 annually. The City Attorney stated that if it meets with the Commission's approval. this group can be covered effective January 1. 1955, by signing an a~ree- ment with the State agent for O.A.S.I. coverage. The City Attorney stated that a majority of the employees who are covered by the Pension Plan have indicated that they would also like to have coverage under Social Security; howeve~. this proposal would have to be sub~tted to a rererendwm of the affected employees. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the proJ:Or officials be authorized to execute the standard form of agreement with the State agent to provide for O.A.S.I. coverage for those municipal employees not presently under the Pension Plan and that the City agrees to pay 2% of their salaries, or such percentage as might be required by law, into the O.A.S.I. rund for that coverage. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney presented a deed to the City from Mr. H. Roy Ahlgrim and his wife to the north 17 feet of the south 50 feet of the Ei of the wi of the SW~ of the SW~ of Section 12-29-15 ror right-of-way purposes for Drew Street. Commissioner Strang moved the deed be accepted and recorded subject to checking by the City Engineer. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported receiving a request for an assignment of a lease ror the gift shop in the ~arina (Room 9) presently held by Mr. Phillip Harris and his wife to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Pearce, and recommended that this be done. Commissioner Russell moved that the assignment or the lease be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. Commissioner Russell recommended that the change order to inClude the tile in the restrooms and the clubhouse rooms of the new Baseball Stadium for $7.088.00, and the change order to omit the electrical ~rk at a cost of $49.603.00 be approved. He also recommended that a change order be approved ~or installing a sink and cabinet in the first aid room at a cost of $492.00 and recommended approval or a change order for the fence at a cost or $15.585.00. There was some discussion regarding two rour inch conduits running from the$ands to the scoreboard. . The City Manager was asked to check on this. Commissioner Strang moved that Change Order #1 for the structural glazed tile in the Baseball Stadium in the amount of $7,088.00 be approved and the Change Order #2 in the amount of $492.00 for the plumbing and sink in the first aid room be approved ' and when the Change Order for the deduction for the electrical work or '49.603.00 arrives that it be approved and that the Change Order to add $15,585.00 for the rence be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Commissioner Russell asked the City ~~nager if he had received a letter from the Clearwater Construction Company regarding a change in the roof over the dressing room at a cost of $8,000.00. The City Manager reported that he had received it and would investigate the suggested change and report at the next meeting. Commissioner Strang requested that copies of the various recommendations being received from the trarfic engineer, Mr. Bell, be sent to each Commissioner. Commissioner Russell commented that there was quite a traffic problem because Missouri Avenue from Grove to Drew Street was so narrow. He suggested that Missouri be made a one-way street in this area and that Jefrerson Street be made one-way to carry traffic in the reverse direction. The Mayor instructed the Police Chief to for~ard this suggestion to the traffic engineer. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 4:25 P.M. . ! ./, " ':~., .' ." " t.':., I " ! . I t 1, J I . I ':' . " " , , . ' " Cit~~gd / C ler k ........~.--- , .. I . W. , ~~:2~'~;J:,Cj;::~~L~~'-ii .:,.' ""', .' ~ '. ':; ~" CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 November 26, 1954 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Bro~n Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr. John W. Bates, Guy L. Kennedy Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday, November 29. 1954 in the City Hall Auditorium to discuss the items listed on the attached agenda. Meeting time will be 1:30 P.M. FCM: s Enclosure Very. truly yours, fS/ F. C. Middleton City Manager --~~----------~-~---------~._--~----~~--------~-~~-~-~------~----~----~~-----~- ,,' yv ."...... '" ";1 Agenda . Special City Commission Meeting Nov. 29, 1954 City Hall Auditorium 1:30 F.M. 1. Opening of bids ror Sanitary Sewer in Bonair Hill Subdivis~on #2 and #3. 2. Commission's consideration of: A. Report concerning Duncan Avenue drainage rrom Gulf to Bay to Druid Road and paving of Marion St. in Beverly Heights Subdivision. E. Appointments and recommendations relative to the City Election December 21, 1954p C. Sewer Froject in Stevenson Heights Subdivision. D. Preliminary discussion with reference to taking the following areas into the City. 1. Highland Groves (a 40 acre tract northeast of Pinebrook). 2. Salls Sbudivision east of Missouri Avenue and north or Belleview Boulevard. E. Work Order covering installations and operation of heating equipment at Belmont ~ecreation Center. F. Work Order covering installations and expenses at the Bacon Property, N. Osceola Avenue. J. Commission's consideration or items from the City Attorney's Office. A. Assessment Hesolution for Pine Street sidewalk. B. Assessment Resolution for pavement and drainage in Pleasant Street, North Fort Harrison Avenue and Clearwater Bay. C. Assessment Resolution for drainage and curb in Admiral Woodson Lane. D. Assessment Resolution for paving of alley between Court and Franklin Streets. E. Assessment Resolution for Seminole Street sidewalk. F. Resolution changing name of Alabama Street, Mead Street, and part of State Road 11590. ~. Utility Improvements. 5. Any other item not on the agenda will be considered with the consent of the Commission. ---------------~~-~--~-~-----------~---~~--------~-----~-~-------~----------~~--- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, arter Fublic Hearing on the 7th day or June A.D., 1954, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvemen~s hereinafter described should be done and made, and WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct a five foot concrete sidewalk on the south side of Pine Street from the east right of way line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad easterly a distance of approxima~ely 309.8 feet, and WHEREAS under the provisions of Sec~ion 123 and other pertinent provisions or the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Comadssion shall assess the cost thereor against the properties facing and abutting said improvements so made, and WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and abutting said improvements have been benerited thereby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed agains~ said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, F1orida, in session duly and regularly assembled as rollows: 1. That the above described improve~nts in Pine ~treet be and the same ar~ hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the following described properties raCing and abutting the afore- said improvements are hereby deemed to have been benerited by said improvements in the ~ollowing proportions of the cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed . in accordance 'With the following schedule. , ',',. ' ~".", " 1::J'.. ',. ., " (Continued) , 'I I '-/1' 11~,: ;~rf~: I',:!':,:";;:" , . ::,': , ,~.'.J:J- .!. M';\'.t\ I '~'~l~?t., , ..,~., ".;.~:! -< /, '...' . '.",' . . " , ..'.'.,." . ~":'" - ..' ' :.i"'>?.1,~-:j~, ,.~.~t;>~.~ ;\,~~;~,l*"~,,..!:,:.::,,:~:~~..r~:': ".:..:.~~.~'..'(\::'~~?~!.'~'~.::~:~~~~Wr~~~~r. ':' ". ,.."'".;_.,:,,,~I;'"':';;.~~~hL1~i.~~~:~~~}~~~~j:!}'.,~;';i>:;: :,:,;~::..',. 19.03 86.71 /I'I~' \~~Fi~i0i~~~~~~;~'~'~'~~:;~r::;::~:~~;~: ~~>.:;;.:, ~;"','/;~L'~~:';'::;?' ,:.' .,' .....~, '.I~ ,.;.,'.-....,... ,';' :-:_ , , .:, .,.... .,,, ...';..... ~ '..... '''''' "J'" ::~~1t~~~~~!. "'."";\,\;t":',,>,,J'~Y\. ;" ,I f~~ff~~11~f14~j;1 ""',!"'..,\I....',~ .,(,1\?c,.i:(;,'~<;1" CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 (Continued) ASSESSMENT Pine Street Sidewalk Total Footage - 309.e ft. Cost of Work $655.16 [~~.;:,ti~l';j, X' , .,+: ti~'t.:t~)t;~f,t!:;. ' }~~1~;'. ' ProJ1ertv N. E. McMULLEN SUBDIVISION Lot 1 \ Owner Foota~e Amount Lot 6 Wm. J. T. Jones 611 Pine Street City Wm. J. T. Jones Joseph Barnhardt 609 Pine Street City Joseph Barnhardt Everett Terhune 609 E. Pine Street City Everett Terhune James Savage Jones 605 Pine Street Clearwater, }I'la. James Savage Jones Thomas Hamilton 509 Pine Street City Thomas Hamilton 50 $105.74 East 2.5' of Lot 2 West 47.5' of Lot 2 2.5 47.5 5.29 100.45 ..... \'" "'.',!;'-" , East 9' of Lot .3 West 41' of Lot 3 9 41 I I I I I , :. , '. ' , i' . East 9' of Lot 4 West 41' of Lot 4 9 41 19.03 86.71 East 9' of Lot 5 West 41' of Lot 5 9 41 19~03 86.71 TOTALS 59.8 309.8 126. 46 655.16 3. That if said assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates of indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which certificates shall bear interest at the rate of e% per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of November, 1954. /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Coillmissioner Attest: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk ~----------------------------------------------------------~-----~------------- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, after Public Hearing on the 1st day of March, A.D. 1954, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Pave and curb Pleasant Street from the west line of North Fort Harrison Avenue to the east line of Sunset Drive and to install necessary drainage in Pleasant Street from North Fort Harrison Avenue west to Clearwater Bay, and ~~EREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting said improvements so made, and WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and abutting said improvements have been benefited thereby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the above described improvements in Pleasant Street from North Fort Harrison Avenue to Clearwater Bay be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the following described properties facing and abutting the afore- said improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improvements in the following proportions of the cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule. (Continued) .... ", ' " ~ ,\ -t; . I -." < it~~~. ~;}(;. \'~~1),:1~~i' "',:...",:,";'.,"j _ " :~~S::(>;;:f.J:!'::,V;::'-...,./ .-':, q"k''''-''''~) ,..... .' ,; .....,':. ~ ~b~~rtm SORE Block I.,. tot 5 Block 7 Lot 18 Lot 17 Lot 16 Lot 15 Lot 14 Ei Lot 13 wi Lot 13 Lot 12 S. 60 Lot S. 60 Lot Block 2. Lot 1 Block 6 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4- Lot 5 Lot 6 , ,: i,.~ '. '.. .,; ,..~..,.....~';.,....., '" . ..~':;,:.. ....;~. .,,-..~': "..'~. : . ": ;' ( ". . ~ , " . . ,'. '. ~,_..;L.:.,<.~_., "_:..:.:.:.: .:' . . " -' . " . ./4,1.." CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 (Continued) Owner P ARK SUBDIVISION Paul Schwenke 32 Hoffman Franklin Square Long Island, N.Y. Florence T. McCarthy 412 Pleasant Street City D. K. Grille 5802 Arlington Blvd. Falls Church, Va. Roy F. Raub 1802 Star Drive City Roy F. Raub Bailey Skinner 316 Pleasant St. City Bailey Skinner Roy M. Henderson 1735 Sunset llrive City Roy M. Henderson 10 Roy M. Henderson 11 Roy M. Henderson Ruth Lennon 1740 N. Ft. Harrison City Anna R. Swanson 1210 No. Garden City Anna R. Swanson Thos. W. Jackson 320 Sunburst Ct. City Eliz. Jackson Smith 403 Pleasant St. City John S. Taylor, Jr. Largo, Fla. Gaylord Church 1309 N. Osceola City Block 11 Lot 5 Jack Zimbal 1750 Sunset Drive City SUNBURST COURT SUBDIVISION Part of Lot 30 Gaylord Church TOTALS ASSESSMENT PAVEMENT & DRAINAGE IN PLEASANT STREET From North Fort Harrison Avenue to Clearwater Bay Cost of Pavement: $4086.43 Cost per Front Cost of Drainage: $1253.12 Cost per Front Pavement Front Ft. Amount Foot: .3.55'" Foot: .83- Drainage Front Ft. kmount !"t~ ,.. ,::,' ";,>~>Vl~:f~^' '. ).~ '> .j) ~ 'Y,."; , I.: ,j:,~(t!;\~ , ,.' '( f' ..... .~>\," t\ , ::r,~?:S~'X: I "",' '" n':,' ' :1 . ;: ~ 'l~ -- . r.~:; .' I" I, ,.; " 125 125 t103.39 4-43.99 , '. ' " 50 177.59 50 41.35 , '.' '..::"'. '.,...,.,- . 50 177.59 50 41.35 50 177.59 50 41.35 50 177.59 50 41.35 50 177.59 50 41.35 25 88.80 25 20.68 25 88.80 25 20.68 50 177.59 50 41.35 50 177.59 50 41.35 50 177.59 50 41.35 125 443.99 125 103.39 50.5 179.37 50.5 41.77 65.5 232.65 65.5 54.17 aO.5 285.93 80.5 66.58 95.5 339.20 95.5 78.98 158.5 562.9a 158.5 131.09 137 113.31 158.9 131.4.2 1150.5 $4086.43 68.75 1515.15 56.86 $1253.12 3. That if assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certifi- cates of indebtedness under Section 124 o~ the City Charter, ~hich certificates shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum against the foregoing properties ~or the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. FASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of November, 1954. 151 Herbert M. Brown , ., Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk ---~~-~~---~--~----------~--------~-----.---~~-~-------~-----~-----------~--~----- .' ." I t./ .. :, ,.r ' ~'.,~~.' . .'., , : ,,~. ,~ ,". . ..... ~ :......~'.' '"' 'i:' ~' ': : ,..',1";";,,,, ..'./, :".:: .,"", ;,:/i~.,:, ";~;';' :...;:.,~i;~:!::t~~1:;~' " " ...,..L. ...' ,_. . , , . , . , '".".~.:~,' ~"i~:;,:;~~~2i;~(~~~,~~~~t1~~~~~~~1~~~~~Jt~f~~i~ft}1~;.~z1A'i~il: CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, after Public Hearing on the 3rd day of May, A.D., 1954, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct approximately 430 feet of 12 inch storm sewer and appurten- ances and construct approximately 2250 lineal feet of concrete curb and construct necessary widening in Admiral Woodson Lane from the west line of Palm Terrace Drive to the east line of Kings Highway, and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City COmnUssion shall assess the cost thereof against the properties deriving special benefits from the said improvements so made, and WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate deriving special benefits from said improvements have been benefited thereby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOW, THEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the above described improvements in Admiral Woodson Lane be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the following described properties deriving special benefits from the aforesaid improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improve- ments in the following proportions of the cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule. 156';' '., . , "'. ASSESSMENT DRAINAGE & CURB - - AnMIRAL WOODSON LANE Cost of Drainage & Pavement $3466.52 - Cost per Front Foot: $1. 59 + Property Owner Fro'nt Ftge. 'Amount Lot 1 Charles A. Doeringer 94-.05 149 .82 1485 Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 2 Fern C. Brown 75.00 119.4-7 1477 Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 3 Wm. James Adams 75.00 119.4.7 1471 Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 4 Henry G. Steinbrenner 75.00 ' 119.4.7 1465 Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 5 Wm. D. Navin 75.00 119.4-7 1459 Admiral Woodson Lane 6 City Lot Harold C. Vrooman 75.00 119.4.7 140 Main St. Dunedin, Fla. Lot 7 Nick Manikas 75.00 119.4. 7 1441 Admiral Woodson Lane g City Lot Jeraslav Siskovsky 75.00 119.4.7 ~ 144.1 Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 9 Samuel L. Felton 75.00 119.4.7 9616 S. Hoyne Ave. Chicago, Ill. Lot 10 Elmer E. Higgins 75.00 119.4.7 1429 Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 11 Claud S. Mobley 75.00 119.4.7 9944 Beaver1and Detroit, Mich. ,Lot 12 Vern W. Lee 75.00 119.4.7 1375 Pinel1as Rd. Belleair, Fla. Lot 13 Donald B. Chapmen 75.00 119.4.7 1409 Admiral Woodson Lane City ", Lot 14 Philip J. Lanciault 94-.00 149.74 1228 Seminole St. City Lot lS Philip J. Lanciault 94.00 149.74 1228 Seminole St. Lot 16 City .. George M. Anderson 75.00 119.4.7 1410 Admiral Woodson Lane ,,, City' '., , (Oontinued) .. , , " . ; , <-, ~ . ' :, :.:. . ',', " , . ...... .... ' . .: ,,{:,.,~-,:' Pro~rty Owner Front Ft p;:e . Amoun; tOt 7 Edgar H. Smith 75.00 119.4 2121 Gulf to Bay 18 City 119.47 Lot John T. Bowman 75.00 1422 Admiral Woodson Lane City 75.00 119.47 Lot 19 Le slie E. Johnson 1430 Admiral Woodson Lane I Lot City 75.00 119.47 20 Sonneborn, Fred J. 1434 Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 21 Charles M. Lammot 75.00 119.47 <<It 1440 Admiral Woodson Lane " :~'. f ~:: ': .<.::' ;-;;':'.,'/1 .: ~ . I City ~~~~{~~i;. Lot 22 French B. Bicksler 75.00 119.47 1464 E. Druid Road City Lot 23 Sonneborn, Fred J. 75.00 119.47 '~~il,', 1434 Admiral Woodson Lane ., City Lot 24 French B. Bicksler 75.00 119.47 1464 E. Druid Road City Lot 25 Leona McManus 75.00 119.47 700 Skyview Ave. 26 City Lot Leona McManus 75.00 119.47 Lot 27 Fred J. Sonneborn 75.00 119~47 Lot 28 Kenneth M. Miller 94.02 149.78 14a2 Admiral Woodson Lane City TOTALS 2176.07 $3466.36 , " ." ',.' '....;..1:'1 ;..:~.... ..,'. f ' CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 (Continued) 3. That if said assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates of indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which certificates shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of November, A.D. 1954. /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk -----~--------------------~--------------------------~------------------~----------- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, after Public Hearing on the 17th day of May, 1954, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct pavement and necessary curb in fifteen (15) foot alley bet~een Court Street and Franklin Street from East Avenue westerly to a point approximately 190 feet west of the ~est line of East Avenue, and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting said improvements so made, and WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and abutting said improvements have been benerited thereby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the above described improvements between Court Street and Franklin Street be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the ro11ow1ng described properties facing and abutting the afore- said improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by sa:i.d improvements in the following proportions of the cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule. (Continued) ,..' ;'"1' \', '- .'J" .',. '" :':~,'.F"''''\~:I?:,.f~'.tJ.t'''I'~ ~ ,;;:!!Itl"l~:';;;;:t ,,'~" \ ' ... "'. ' '"," .'", '" I :' ::~}~ ~~ ~~l~~:"~~~.!~~': .<:-::;:' .:.::::: .:,'"". ,:,>1/""", 'l ,> , {.: " ._'. -,,' , ~ , " .,",,,<,.L"'''''~~''"'f~~:0Jci;Qiiit,"c':"i6~~/~~2':ltJ ,~:;:;\,;~\ J ,;(;~,' , ,., ...<. .. -: .~' , ~"1{\:. ,;' ," ~.1'" ... . .,.,os:.. CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 (Continued) ASSESSMENT Paving Alley Between Court and Franklin Streets West and From East Avenue approximately 190' Total footage - 400 feet @ ~1.64+ per ft. Total Cost of Work $656.08 Pro pert y ~ourt Square Block 12 rot 9 Owner Foota.e.:e Amount I Clearwater Lodge 130 L.O.O.M. Loyal Order of Moose 637 Chestnut St., City Clearwater Lodge 130 Norman Kirkland, Jr. 1007 Pinebrook Dr. City , Alfred 1V1arcina 612 Court St. City 50 82.01 Lot 10 Lot 11 50 50 82.01 82.01 Lot 12 50 82.01 MAGNOLIA PARK Block 12 Lot 8 T. & G. C. Ry. Co. Box 744 Portsmouth, Va. Karl E. Yungel 432 Rosary Road Be lleair, r'la. Karl E. Yungel John B. Farish 60 142nd Ave. Madeira Beach, Fla. Totals 50 82.01 Lot 7 50 82.01 Lot 6 Lot 5 50 50 82 . 01 82.01 400 $656.08 3. That if said assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates of indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which certifi- cates shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of November, 1954. /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk -------~-~--~~---~-----------------------------~-----~------------~---------------- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a large number of persons owning property on Alabama Street, Mead Street and part of State Road #590 running northeasterly from the intersection of Nimbus Avenue and Drew Street has petitioned the City Commission ot the City of Clearwater, Florida, requesting that Alabama Street in the City of Clearwater be renamed and legally designated as LaSalle Street, Mead Street be renamed and legally designated as Audubon Drive, and part of State Road #590 running north- easterly from the intersection of Nimbus Avenue and Drew Street be renamed and legally designated as Coachman Road, and WHEREAS, after due notice in a public hearing held this date, the Commission, after due consideration, has determined that the name of Alabama Street should be changed and be hereafter legally designated and known as LaSalle Street, that the name of Mead Street should be changed and be hereafter legally designated and known as Audubon Drive, and that that part of State Road #590 running Northeaster1y from the intersection of Nimbus Avenue and Drew Street should be changed and be hereafter legally designated and known as Coachman Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the .City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as tollows: 1. That Alabama Street in the City of Clearwater, Florida, be and it is hereby designated and shall hereafter be known as LaSalle Street. 2. That Mead Street in the City of Clearwater, Florida, be and it is hereby designated and shall hereafter be known as Audubon Drive. 3. That that part of State Road #590 running Northeasterly from the inter- section of Nimbus Avenue and Drew Street in the City of Clearwater, Florida, be and it is hereby designated and shall hereafter be known as Coachman Road. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of November, 1954. /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk \' :~, ',:" , l. ,',. l ",' ' \." " j;;, ':\,' i,.: :.: t' "~",: , m �' CITY COD�f�IISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 The City Commission of the Gity of �learwater met in 'special session at City Hall, Monday, November 29, 1954, at 1;30 P.M. with the iollowing members present: Herbert M. Bro�an Jack Russell W. E. Strang, Jr. Guy L. Kennedy Absent: John [�1. Bates Also present were: F. C. Middletan Chas. M. Phillips, Jr. S. Lickton G. T. McClamma Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Corrunissioner Commissioner Citp Manager City Attorney City Engineer Chief of Police The meeting was called to order by the i�layor. The first item on the agenda was the consideration of hids for constructin� sanitary seta�r in Bonair Hill Subdivisions #2 and �3. The City Manages repor�ed that seven bids had been received. The bids were read as follows: Stansfield Canstr. Co,, Tampa �6,1g7.50 Smith-Sweger Constr. Co., Clearwater �.,915.00 D. W. Brewning, Daytona Beach 7,%65.00 Blackburn Paving Co., Clearwater 3,b34•50 E. I, Iiutledge, Largo b,177.50 Hancocn Constr. Equip. Co., Clearwater 5,9$5.00 Brock Constr. Co., Glearwater $,1�7d�.00 After tabulation, the City Manager recommended accepting ti;e low bid of �3,634.50 from Blackburn Paving Company_ Coramissioner Strang meved that the Blackburn Paving Contractors be awarded the contract for sanitary sewer in }3onair Hill Subdivisions #2 and �3 for thQ amount of �3,631�.50, the lowest and best bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carrie� unanimouslq. In regard to the request from Mr. James Karas to pave I�Iarion Street and Duncan .4v8nue between Gulf-to-Bay and D�id Road, the City Engineer reported it would be nacessary to install storm sewer in Duncan Avenua oefore paving as the present drainage ditch is in part of the right-of-way. The Engineer estimated the cosL of a 30 inch storm sewer for 1,250 feet at �12,050.00 or �5.00 per front foot if the amount is all assessed to the property owners. Commissioner Strang suggested that since the proposed storm sewer would drain a large area in addition to the abutting property thaL the Engin2er calculate the difference in the cost of a 30 inch sewer and the 21� inch sewer which would 'be needed under normal conditions. The City Manager stated that he would arrange for a prelimir_ary hearing on the mat�e� on Thursday or Friday of this week. By consent, the City Manager was instructed to proceed with the prelimir.ary hearing. 2't��e City Manager and the Clerk recommended the grouping of the po"1Lng places for the Municipa? Election on December 21st as follows: Precincts 34 and 35 Precincts 36 and 55 Precincts 37, 39 and 40 Precinct 3$ Precinct 42 Precincts t�l and 1�3 �Polli�n�g �Places Fire �tatz:on�o: 3 New High Sck�ool Municipal Au.ditorium Youth Pciariti.me i:enter Boy Scout Hut Sunburst Apt. Bldg. The City Attorney read the following list 4f persons recommended for appointment as Clerks and Inspectors in the Municipal Election: nc�ts ce - Fire St • ++uuc�.. r.. vvulcy � 7vJ i 1i1c11a.1 v1t. Nlrs. Arthur Harman, 151Q Carmel Ave. P�irs. John Dean, 1439 Hamlet Ave. Mrs, June Beddo, 629 Belleview Blvd. Mrs. Saliie Guzman, 1236 Reynolds Ave, Mrs. Lula A. Mcl�Iullen, 1329 S. Michigan Ave. Precincts 36 and 55,_Pollin� place - New Hi�h School Mrs. John M, Gore, 701� ProsFecL Ave. Mrs. A. P. Bowers, 1001 East Pine St. l�irs. H. L. Fel�on, 1432 Park St. George H. Snyder, j27 Florida Ave. Mrs. Flora N. t�ussell, $03 E. Turner St. i�Irs. �t1. H. R, Kimbrough, 60L�. Prospect Ave. Mrs. VJ. E. Ricks, 1005 E. Pine St. Clerk Inspector r� rt n rr Clerk Inspector n n �r �r n _2_ CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 195� 0. W. OTNeill, 228 N. Ft. Harrison Ave. I�irs. J. A. Hope, $0$ Eldridge St. Mrs. J. R. Shaner, 90$ Nicholson St. T. C, �Vilson, 1011 Seminole St. Mrs. Rita B. Bobbitt, 5C!$ E. Pine St. Mrs. Vivian Lagamba, 615 H�rold �ourt Mrs. iVargaret Dur,n, 511 E. `rurner St. Precinct 3$,, Pollin� place - Youth Maritime Cen��r i�Irs. CalJie W. Burtom, 92 Narcissus Ave. Mrs. J. D. Farrock, 94�. Bruce Ave. i�irs. Gu1Z J. Churchward, 750 Bruce Ave. Raymond Gonzalez, Bay Villa Apts. Precinct !+2 Pollin� place - Bo�,Scout Hut A. H. rench, iz35 Seminole St. Col. Jas. H. Watkins, 507 Lincoin Ave. Mrs. W. 0. Swearingen, 100$ Drew S�. ,�Irs. W. L. �omstock, 1012 Drew St. I�Irs. Beatrice T. French, I235 Seminole St. Thos. L. Watkins, 121�1 Seminole St. llin� place - iyirs. �, t�, lnarlow, 1'(j7 N. ureenwooa �ve. A. J. Pembrook, 1�0$ Princess St. �Srs. Lyle D. Kline, 600 N. Osceola Ave. Francis H. Perkin�on, 1206 N. Garden Avee Mrs. Eleanor Chapman, 715 Minnesota Dr. i�Irs. Harry Marzo�f, 1$99 Edgeiaatar Dr. Mrs. Stanley Glassburn, 1169 Granada St. . B Inspector tt ,r n Clerk Inspector �r rt Clerk Inspector n rr n Clerk Inspector ,r rf tr n rr ��� Commissioner Strang moved that the above-mentioned polling p1.acEs for the preci:ncts as set out for the Gity �lection and the appointments of the Glerks and Inspectors be approved. tiIotion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimc�uslq. The City ytanager reported that at a recent conference Mr. Don Em�rson, the developer of Stsvenson Heights Subdivision stated that he did not wish to b ring the subdivisiott inside the City but that he would be willing to pay the entire cost of the sanitary sewer project. The P4anager recommended that the subdivision be Fermitted to connect to the City sewer inasmuch as the developer is paying all expenses including the enlarging of the pumping station and that those persons' connecting to the sewer in this subdivision be char;ed the amount of �2,00 monthly per house for service. Commissioner Strang reForted that at an executive session the developer had stated that he had alreadv put in the suburban cype curb required by the F.H.A, and in order to comply with the City specifications, he wo�uld have to remove that curbing and gut in concrete curbs which would make the cost o£ bringing the subdivision into the City prohibitive. Accord_ng to Mr. Emerson, thirty-eight houses have been sold under F.H.A: financing. Because he was planning to bring the subdivision into the City, Mr. Emersmn has aiready installed the sewer lines. By consent, the matter was referred to the entire Commission as a Committee of the whole for further investigation. The City Manager requested an expression from the Commission relative to taking into the City limits a 40 acre tract lying north of Palm Terrace Unit 2 i� the i�iW'� of the NW� of Section 1�-29-15. He submitted a tentative plat of the property under the name of Highland Groves which is being developed by Mr. Albert Rooers. After s�me discussion, the �ifiayor said if the proper drainage, streets, etc., were installed acccorciing ta Ordinance b32, he thought the City would be interested in anne�ng it. Commissioner Russell suggested that the drainage ditches should be piped. The Ci�y Manager presented a plat of Salls Second and �hird Additions, s�ating that the developer, Mr. D. A. Salls, was reques�cing that the two subdivi- sions be taken intn the City limits. He said an agreement had beer. reached ta connect the sanitary lines to the sewer lines in Sirmons Heights. The iKanager reported that Mr. Salls had si.gned the contracts in accordance with Ordinance 632 and would put up bond for the improvements but Mr. Salls would also like to sxtend the water and sewer lines south down Presctstt Avenue and Betty Lane from Belleview to Belleair in Salls First Addition which is outside the City. The Commissioz� discussed with Mr. Sa11s the possibility of bringing Salls First Addition into the City. The Manager said Betty Lane was not paved and that Prescott Street was paved bu� had no curbs on it. Nr. Salls stated that he planned to install the water lines and the sewer system at his expense for this area. However, since he had already sol.d a number of lots on Prescott Street, he felt that installation of curbs should be assessed to the new ownzrs if such an improvement is requ3red hy the City. Commissa.oner Russell suggested that Mr. Salls contact the nev� owners to see if they vaould agree to the assessment. By consent, the Commission cancurred in this suggestion and instructed the Manager to have the matter on the agenda for the next meeting. The City i'�anager presented a work order for �200.00 to cover cost of install- ing a new Yieating system in the Belmont Recreation Center. Commissioner Strang moved that the work order in t he amount of �200.00 be approved. Mction was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. /�� -�- CIT`l COMMISBI�N MEETING November 29, 1954 A work order in the amount of �500.00 was presented by the City Manager covering the installation of ad�itional heating equipment, linoleum for the kitchen floor, and taking down the garage building on the former Bacon property. Commissioner Russell moved that the work order covering the instal.lations and expenses on the Bacon property on North Osceola AvEnue for the sum of �500.00 be approved. Motion was seconded by Cornmissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Citp Manager reported receivin� a request for an assigrunerit of the lease on Room 1E in the i�iari.na Building held �y Mr. William Lemke to Mr. David Hand and Mr. George Butcher 2nd reco�ended that the request be approved. Commissioner Strang moved that the assignment of the lease from William Lemke to Mr. David Hand and Mr. George Butcher be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. In regard to the bids or_ discharge line equipmenr, for the 6�� dredge opened at a previ.ous meeting, the City Manager recommended accepting the bid �f �4,.512.�9 from the Atlantic Engineering Company of Tampa as that was the only company which bid on the entire list of materials. On the recommendation of the City '�anager, Commissioner Strang r�ovect that the 9tlantic Engineering Company be awarded the contract for the miscellaneous items for the dredge in the amount of �4,512.79. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Regarding the bids on two new cars for the Police Department, the City Manager recommended accepting the low bid of K�nnedy & Strickland Compan� for ttr�o eight cylinder four door sedans at a cost of �933•27 each with trade�ins. Commissioner Strang moved that the two $ cylinder cruisers be purchased from Kennedy & Strickland, No. 1 for the price af �9;3.27 and No. 2 for the same price, whzch is the lowest and best bid. Motion was seconded bp Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Manager recornmended that the bid of �2,4.39•50 from tha Mueller Company, the low hid, be accepted for water works brass goods. According to the City i�Ianagerts recou�menda�ion, Commissioner Eiussell moved that the Mueller Company of Decatur, Illinois, be given the bid for the sum of �2,439.50 for water works brass goods. Motion was seconded by Com*nissioner Kennedy and ca:ried unanimausly. Regarding the bids for fire hose, the Ci�y Manager recommended accepting the low bid of �1,212.00 from Fountain Fire Service, Tampa. Commissioner Russell moved that the Fountain Fire Service of Tampa, Florida, be giver_ the bid for fire hose and chemical hose for the sum of �1,212e00. Motaon was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The Cit� :^=�torney read a Resolution assessing the cost of constructing a sidecvalk an the south side of Pine Street from the A.C.L. right-of-way line easterly for 3Og.$ feet. Commissioner Russell moved that the Assessment Resolution for Pine Street sidewalk be passed and adopted. A2otion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. A Resolution w3s read assessing the cost of pavin�, curbing and drainage on Pleasant Street from North Fort Harrison Aver_ue to Sunset Drive. Commissioner Strang moved the Assessment Resolution fox the pavement and drainage of Pleasant Str�et from North �'ort �iarrison Avenue to �learwater Bay be spread and t:ne Resolu- tion b� passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to si�n. Nlotion was seconded by Commisyioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorney read a Resolution assessing the cost of constructing storm sewer, curb and widening in Admiral Woodson Lane fro� Pa1m Terrace Drive to Kings Hi�hway. Commissioner Strang moved that the Assessment Resolution for drainage, curbing and widening in Admiral Woodson Lane be passed and adopted �nd the proper officials be authorized to sign. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unaninously. A Resolution was read assessing the cost of pavemeni; and curb in the alley between Court Street and Franklin G�treet from East Avenue westerly for 190 feet. Commissioner Russell moved that the Assessment Re;solution f�r paving the alley between Court and Franklin Street be adopted and that the proper offic�als be authorized to sign. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously . The City Attorney read a Resolution assessing the cost of eonstructing sidewalk on the sou�h side of Seminole Street from Myri�le to uarden AvenuP. He reported that Mrs. Veulah L. Johnson and St. Matthews IIaptist Church had given right-of-�ay f or the project and that Gherefore their assessments shouZd be can- celled by the City in exchange for the right-of-way. Af�er s�me discussion of the assessments, the xesolution was referred bacls to the City Engineer for further checking. A Resolution was read which would chang� the name of Alabama Street to LaSalle Street, j�ead Street to Audubon Drive and the part of State Road 590 running northea�t from the intersection of Drew St;reet and Kimbas Avenue would be named Coachruan Road. Commissioner Stran; moved the Resolution be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authorized to sign. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. � � % 4a CITY CONIMI STaN MEETING Noveraber 29, 195� Tha City Manager reported that from fifty to fifty-five employees who are not eligible for �he Fension Plan haye indicated o:� a questionnaire submitted to them that tYiey wish to come un�ler Social Security co vera,e. He said tha Treasurer had estimated that participation by the City in the Social Security system for this group of emplayees would cost an estimated �293.23 per• month or about �3,500.00 annua�ly. The City Attorney stated that if it mests with the Commission's approval, this group can be covered effective January 1, 1955, by signing an agree- m�nt witn ths State agen�t f or O.A.S.I, coverage. The City Attorney stated that a majority of the employees who are covered by the Pension Plan have indicated that they would also like to have coveraoe under Social Security; howeve�, this proposal would have to be submitted to a referendum of the affec�Ged employees. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the pro�er officials be authorized to execute the standard form of agreement with t`�e State agent to provide for O.A.S.I. couera,e for those municipal employee>s not presently under the Pension Plan and that the Citp agrees to pay 2°fo of their salaries, or such percentage as might be required by 3.aw, into the O.A.S.I, fund for that coverage. Motion was seconde3 by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. The City Attorne,y presented a d�ed to the City from Mr. H. Roy Ahlgrim arid his wife to the north 17 feet of the south SO feet oi the Ez of the W� of the 5W� of the SW'� of Section 12-29-15 for right-nf-way purposes for Drew Street. Coramissioner Strang moved the deed be accepted and recorded subject to checking by the City Engineer. Motion was seconded by �ommissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported receivin a request for an assignraent of a lease for the gift shop in the 1°larina (Room 9� presently held by Nir. Phillip Harris and his wife to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Pearce, and recommended that this be done. Commissioner Russell moved that the assignment of the lease be a�prov::d. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. ;,; Commissioner Russell recommended that the change order to inelude the tile in the r�strooms and ;:he clubhouse rooms of ti�e new Baserall Stadium for �'7,0$$.00, and the change order to omit the electrical work at a cost of 1�9,603.00 be approved. He also recommended that a change order be approved for installing a sink and cabinet in the first aid room at a cost of �492.G0 and' recommended approval of a change order for the fence at a cost of �15,5�5.00. There was some discussion regarding two four inch conduits running fro� the �ands to the scoreboard. The City Manager was asked to check on this. Commissioner Strang moved that Change Order #1 for the structura2 glazed tile in the Baseball Stadium in the amount of �%,0$$.00 be approved and the Change Order #2 in the amount of �492,00 for the plumbin� and sink in the first aid room be ap roved a*�d when the Change Order for the deduction for the electrical work of �I�q,603.00 arriv�:s that it be approved and that the Change Order to add �15,5�5•00 for the fence be approved. idotion w�,.s seconded by Commissioner Russel]. and carried unanimously. Commissiianer Russell asked the City i�ianager if �ie had received a letter f rom the Clearwater Construction �ompany regarding a change in the roof over the dressing room at a cost oi' �$,OOO.OQ. The City j�anager reported that he had recEived it and would investigate the suggested change and report at the ne:c�G meeting. Commissioner Strang requested that copies of the various recommendations being received from the traffic engineer, Mr. B�11, be sent to each Commissioner. Commissioner Russell commented that there •was quite a traffic problem because Missouri Avenue from Grove to Drew utreet was so narrow, He suggested that Missouri be made a one-way street in thia area and that Jefferson Street be made one-way to carry traffic in the reverse direction. The Mayor inst�ucted. �he Polics Chief to forward this suggestion -Go the traffic engiaeer. There being no further business to come be�ore the Cotnmission, the mee�ing was adjourned at �.:25 P.M. Attest^ � City Auditor and Clerk ! / n�ayor-Commissio c � ? � CITY COI�IMISSZON MEETING November 29, 1954 November 26, 1954 Mayor-�ommissidner Herbert M. Brown Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E, Strang, Jr. John W, aates, Guy L. Kennedy Gentlemen: The �ity Commission will meet in Special Ses�ion on Monciay, November 29, 1954 in �he Cit;� Hall Auditorium to discuss the items listed on the attached agenda. Meeting time will be 1:30 P.M. Very truly yours, /s� F. C. I�fiddleton FCM:s Gity Manager EncloSure Agenda - Speaial Gitq Commission Meeting Nov. 29, 395�. Ci.ty Hall Auditorium 1s30 P.M. 1. Opening oi bids for Sanitary Sewer in Bonair Hill Subdivision #2 and #3• 2. Commission's consideration ofr A. Repoxt concerning Duncan Avenue drainage from Gulf to Bay to Druid Road and paving of 1Karion St. in Beverly Hezghts Subdivision. B. Appoinbuients and reco�uner.dations relative to the City Elect3.on December 21, 1954. � C. Sewex Project in Stevenson Heights Subdivision. D. Prel.irninary discussion with reference to tak3ng the following areas into th� City. 1. Highland Groves (a 40 ac,e tract northeast of Pinebrook). 2. Salls Sbudivision east of :�lis�auri Avenue and north of Bellevisvr Bau?evard. E. Work Order covering installations and operation of heating equipment a� Belmont xecreation Center. F. Work Order covering installatians and expanses at the H acon Proper�,y, N. �sceola Avenue. 3. Commission's consideration �f items from the City �Ittorney's Office. A. Assessment xesolution for Pine Street si dewalk. B. Assessment Resolution for pavement and drainag� in Pleasant Street, North Fort Harrison P.venue and Clearvaater Bay� C. Assessmen.t Resolution for drainage and curb in Admiral Woodson Lane. D. Assessment Resolution for paving of alley betvreen Court and Franklin Streets. E. Assessment Resolution for Seminole Street sidewalk. F. Resolution changing name of Alabama Stree�, i��ad Street, and part of State Road �jg0. 4. Utility Improvements. 5• A.ny other item not on the agenda will be consiciered with the consent of the Gommission. RESOLUTIOPi WTiEREAS, after Public Hearing on the 7th day of June A.B,, 1954, �he Ci�y Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter descrYbed should be done and made, and WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as fo�lows: Construct a five �oot concrete s'idewalk on the south side of Pine Street from the east right af way line of the Atiantic Coast Line Railroad easterly a distance of approximately 30,9.� feet, and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Seation 123 and other pertinent provisions �f the City Charter, after said improveraents shall have been completed, the City C�mmission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing an3 abutCing said improvements so made, and WHEREAS, c�rtain parcels of real estate faczng and abutting said improvements have been benefited thereby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOV7, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEt7 by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, F�orida, in session duly and reb larly assembled as follows: 1. That the above described improvements in Pine Stree� be and the same ar� hereby accepted and approved as having been complete�i. 2o That the following described properties facing and abutting the afore- said improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improvements in the fol,lowi;>� proportions of the cost thereof and the same are hereby asse�sed in accordanGe with the following schedule. (C6ntinLed) r �� � CITY CONIM:iSSION MEETING November 29, 1954 (Continued) ASSESSVIENT Pine Street Sidewalk Total Footage - 309.$ ft;. cost of work -�6,5.16 PropertY Owner Foota�e Amount N. E, Mc�IULLEN SUBDIVISION Lot 1 Wm. J. T. Jones 50 �105.7�. 611 Pine Street City East 2,51 of Lot 2 Wm. J. T. Jones 2.5 5•29 West 1�'7. 5 L of Lot 2 Joseph Barnhardt 47• 5 100.4•5 609 Pine Street City East 91 of Lot 3 Joseph Barnnardt 9 19•�3 West �.1� of Lot 3 Everett Terhune 41 �6.71 60� E. Pine Street City East 9' of L�t 1� EverEtt Terhune 9 19•�3 West 41' of Lot 4 James Savage Jones 1�1 $6.71 605 Pine Street Clearwater, Fla. East 9t of Lot 5 James Savage Jones 9 19.03 L4Test 41' of Lot 5 � Thomas Hamilton l�l $6.'71 509 Pine Street City Lot 6 Thomas Harilton 5�$ 126.46 TOTI�LS 3�9. $ 655.16 3. That if said assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date hereoi, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and se11 certificates of indebtedness under Section 124. of the City Charter, which certificates shall bear interest at the rate of $f per annum against the foregoing nroperties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing tha.rty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of Novemb�r, 1954• �s� Herbert M. Brown Niayor-Commissioner Attest: �s/ H. u. Wingo City Auditor and Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS, after Public Hearing on the lst day of March, A.D. 195k., the City �ommission of the City oi Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and VdHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Pave and curb Pleasant Street from the west line of Narth Fort Harrison Aver_ue to the east line of Sun:.et Drive and to instaZl necessary drainage in Pleasant Street irom North Fort Harrison Avenue west to Clearwater Bay, and ttb'HEREAS, under the provisions nf Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, after said ir:iprovements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the cr�st thereof against the properties facing and abutting said improvements so made, and WHEREAS, certain Farcels of real esta�e f acing and abut�ing said improvements have been benefited thereby and the pro-rata cost tnereof shall be assessed again�t said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEP, oy the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, FToridas in session duly and reo larly assembled as follows: 1. That the aboti•e described improvements in Pleasant Street from North Fort Harrison Avenue to Clearwater Bay be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed, 2, That the following described properties facing and abutting the afore- said improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improvemenis in the following proportions of the cost thereof and the same arE hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule. (�ontinued) CTTY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 (Continued) ASSESSMEPIT PAV�IEENT & DRAINAGE IN PLEASANT STREET From North Fort Harrison Auenue �o �learwater Bay Cost of Pavement : 1�0$6.1�3 Cost per Front Foot c �3.55 � Cost of Drainage: 1253.12 Cost per Front Foot: .$3- Pavement Drainage 1'roperty Owner Front Ft. Amount Front Ft. Amount NORTH SHORE PARK SUBDIVISION B1ock Lot 5 Paul Schwenke 125 4-43.99 lz5 ��03.39 32 Hoiiman Frar.klin Square Long Island, N.Y. Biock Lot 1 Florence T. McCarthy 50 1'7�.59 5� 1+1.35 1�12 Pleasant Street City Lot 17 D. K. Grille 50 1']�.59 50 41.35 5$02 Arlington B1vd. Falls Church, Va. Lot 16 Roy F. Raub 50 177.59 50 41.35 1$02 Star Drive city Lot 15 Roy F. Raub 50 1%7.,59 50 l�l03� Lot ll� Bailey Skinnes 50 1�7.59 5� 41.35 316 Pleasant St. City E Lot 13 Bail�y Skinner 25 $$.$0 25 20.6$ W Lot 1.3 Roy M. Henderson 25 $$.$0 25 20.6$ 1735 Sunset llrive City Lot 12 ftoy M. Henderson �0 177.59 50 4?.35 S. 60 Lot 10 Roy M. Henderson 50 177.59 50 41.35 S. 60 Lot 11 Roy M> Fienderson 50 177.59 5� 41•35 Blocic Lot 1 Ruth I,ennon 125 443.99 125 103.39 1740 N. Ft. Harrison City Block 6 Lot 1 Anna R. Swanson 5�.5 179.3'7 50.5 41.77 1210 No. Garden City Lot 2 Anna R. Swanson b5.5 23�.65 65.5 54.1'7 Lot 3 Z'hos. W. Jackson $0.5 2$5.93 $0.5 66.5$ 320 Sunburst Ct. City Lot �. Eliz. Jackson Smith 95.5 339.2� 9�.5 7$.9$ 403 Pleasant St. City Lot 5 John �_ Taylor, dr. 15�.5 562.9$ 15$.5 131,09 Largo , F'la . Lot 6 Gaylord Church 137 113.31 1309 N. Osceola City Block 11 Lot 5 Jack Zimbal 15$,9 131.y.2 1']50 Sunset Drive City STJNBURST COURT SUBDIVISION art of Lot 30 Gaylord Church 6�.75 _,S6•�6 TOTALS 1150.5 �40$6.�.3 15150�5 ��-?53.1z 3, That iz' assessments herein made are not paid within thirty (30) days froni the ciate hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certifi- cates of indebtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which certificates shall bear interest at the rate of $f per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediate�y upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of November, 1954• �s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Gommissioner Attest: /s� H. G. Wingo City Auditer and Clerk r.:. ,,_. _ _ _ _ 0 � / �� CTTY COMMISSION MEETING November 29, �-954 P.ESOLUTI ON WHEREAS, after Public Hearing on the 3rd day of May, A.D., 1954, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and jVHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct appro ximate].y �.30 feet of 12 inch storm sewer and appurten- ar_ces and construct appreximately 2250 lineal feet of concrete curb and construct necessary widening in Admiral Woodson Lane from the. west line of Palm Terrace Drive to the east line o� Kings Highwaq, and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 1Z3 and other pertinent provisions o£ the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the c�st thereof against the properties deriving special benefits from the said improvements so made, and WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate dEriving special benefits from s aid improvements have been benefited thereby and the prc-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and regularly assembled as £ollows: l. That the above clescribed improvements in Admiral Woodson Lane be ar;3 the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2. That the iollowing described properties deriving special benefits from the aforesaid improve�nents are hzreby deemed to have been benefited by said improve- ments in the following proportions of �he cost •thereof and the same �re hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule. ASSESSMENT DRAINAGE & CURB -- ADMIRAI. WOODSON LANE Cost of Drainage & Pavement �3466.52 - Cost per Front Foot: �1.59 � Property Owner Front Ft,�e. �Amount Lat 1 Charles A. Doeringer 94.05 149.$2 14$5 Admiral Woodson Lane Citp I,ot 2 Fern C. Brown 75•00 119•47 1477 Adr�ir�l Woodson Zane C2ty Lot 3 RTm. James Adams 75.00 119.47 14�1 Admiral Woodson Lane Gity Lot k Henry G. Steinbrenner 75.00' llg.4� 1465 Admiral Woodson Lane Citp Lot 5 Wm. D, Navin 75.G0 119.1�7 1459 Admiral Woocison Lane City Lot 6 Haxold C. Vrooman '75.0� 119.47 11�0 t4a i�i 5t a Dunedin, Fla. I,at 7 Nick Manikas 75.0o i19.�7 141�1 Admiral Woodson Lane city Lot $ Jeraslav Siskovsk� �5.00 119.47 h 1441 Admiral Woodson I,ane City Lot 9 Samue'1 I,. Feltor 75.00 119.47 �616 S. Hoyne Ave. Chicago, I'l1e Lot ].0 Elmer E. Higgins ']5.00 119•47 1429 Admiral Waodson Lane City Lot 11 Claud S. Mobley 75.00 119•47 9944 Beaverland Detrait, Miah. .Lot 12 Vern G1. Lee 75.00 119e47 1375 i'inellas Rd. Belleair, Fla. Lot 13 Donald B. Chapmen 75.00 ll9.4.7 1�.09 Adrniral Woodson Lane City Lot 14 Philip J. Lanciault 94.00 1�.9.74 122$ Seminole St. Ci�y Lot 15 Philip J. Lanciault 9�..00 1�.9•74 122$ Seminole St. City Lot 16 George M. And�rson 75.Q0 119.47 11�10 l�dmiral Woodson Lane City (Continued} CITY COA1NiISSION MEETING November 29, 1954 (Continued) �Pro ert Owner oL t.L'( Edgar H. Smith 2121 Gulf to Bay City Lot 1$ John T. Bowman 1/a.22 Admiral Woodsorx Lane City Lot 19 Leslie E. Johnson ].4-30 Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 2p Sonnaborn, Fred J. 1434 Admiral Woodson Lane C ity Lot 21 Charles M. Lammot 11�1�0 Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 22 French B. Bicksler 11�6�. E. Druid Road City Lot 23 Sonneborn, Fred J. 11�3y. Admiral Woodson Lane City Lot 24 Frencn B. Bicksler 1i�61� E. Druid Roa�i City Lot, 25 Leona McManus 700 Skyview Ave. City Lot 26 Leona McManus Lot 27 Fred 3. Sonneborn Lot 2$ Kenneth M. Miller 14$2 Admiral Woodson Lane City Front Ft�e. ?5.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 7>.00 75.00 75.00 �5.00 75.00 94,02 Amount 1�9.47 119.47 119.47 119, y.7 119.47 119.47 :i19 . 47 119.47 119.47 119.47 119:47 149.7� TOTALS 21`76.07 �3466.36 3. That if said assessments her-ein made are raot paid within thirty (30� . days f'rom the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates of indebtedness under Section 121� ,f the i,ity Charter, which certificates shall bear interest at the rate of $°fo per annum against the foregoing properties for the assessments herein made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirtyeday period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of November, A.D. i9�4e �s� Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Co�nis si oner Attest: �s� H. G. Wingo Gity Auditor and Clerk RESOLUT?ON WHEREAS, after Fublic Hearing on the 17th day of NIay, 1954, the City Commissi��n of the �ity of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made, and WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct pavement and necessarp curb in fifteen (15} foot allep between Court Street and Franklin Street from East Avenue westerly to a point approximatel3% 190 feet west of the west; line oi East Avenue, an d WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Char�er, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the cost thereof against the properties facing and abutting said imgx�ovements so made, and WHEREAS, certain parcels nf real esta�e facing and abutting said improvements have been benefited thereby and the pro-rat� cost thereof shall be assessed against said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, B E IT R�SOI,VED by the City �ommission of the Cit,y af Clearwater, F'lorida, in session duly and regularly assembled as follows: 1. That the above described improvernents between Court Street and Franklin Street be and the s ame are hereby accepted and approved as having been completed. 2, That the following described propertie,� facing and abutting the afore- said improvements are hereby deemed to have been benefited by said improv�ments in the following proportions of the cost thereof and the same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following schedule. (Continued) � CITY COMMISSION ME�TING November 29, 1�54 (Continued) ASSESSMENT Paving Alley Between Court and Franklin Streets West and From East Avenue approxi�ately 190' Total footage - 1�00 feet �$�1.6t�+ per ft. Total Cost o.f Work �656.0$ Prapertv Court Square Block 12 Lot 9 Lot TQ Lot �1 Lot lz MAGNOLIA PARK Block 12 Lot Lot 7 Lot 6 Lot 5 Owner Cle2rwater Lodge 130 L.O.O.M. Loyal Order of Moose 637 Chestnut Si;., Gity Clearwater Lodge 130 Norman Kirkland, Jr. 100� Pinebroc:k Dr. Gity �ilfred i�iarcina 612 �ourt st. City T. & Ga C. Ry. Co. Box 74.4. Partsmouth, Va. Karl E. Yungel 1F32 Rosary Road Belleair, Fla. Karl E. Yun,a,el. John B. Farish 60 142nd Ave. Madeira Beach, Flao Total s Foota�e �50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 4Q0 Amourit � $2.01 $2.01 $2.01 $2.01 $2.01 $2.01 $2.01 $2.01 �656.0$ � �� 3. That if said assessments herein made are not paid �vithin thirty (30} days from the date hereof, the Gity Treasuras is hereby directed to issue and sell certificates of in.debtedness under Section 124 of the City Charter, which certifi- cates shall bear interest at the rate of �f per annuui against the foregoing propert�es for the assessments herein made immediately upon the e�:piration of the forsgoing thirty�day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of November, 195�. Attest: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and C1erk /sf Aerbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a large number of persons owning property on Alabama Street, Mead Street and part of State Road �590 running northeasterly from the intersection of Nimbus Avenue ancl Drew Street has petitioned the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Flori�ia, requesting that Alabama Street ir. the City of Clearwater be renamed and legally designated as LaS311e Street, Mead Street be renamed and legally designated as Audubon Drive, and part of Stat� Road �590 running north- ea�terly from the intersection oi Nimbus Avenue and Drew Street be renamed and legally designated as Coachman Road, and WHEREAS, after due notice in a public hearing held this date, the Commission, after due consideration, has dete�mined that the name of Alabama Street should be changed and be hereafter legally dssignated and knovrn as LaSalle Street, that the name of Mead Stree� should be changed and be hereafter legally designated and known as Audubon Drive, and that that part of State Road #590 running Northeasterly from the intersection of Nimbus Avenue and Drek Street should be changed and be hereafter legally designated and known as Goachman Road. NOW, THEREFORE, FsE IT RESOLVED by the:City Commission of tke Gity of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and re�ularly assembled as follow�ss l. That Alabama Street in the City of �learwater, �lorida, be and it is hereby designated and shall hereafter be known as LaSalle Street. 2. That Mead Street in the Cit y o£ �learwater, Florida, be and it is hereby designated and shali hereafter be known as Audubon Drive. 3. That that par� of State Road �590 running Northeasterly from the in�er- section of Nimbus Avenue and urew Street in the City of Clearwater, Floricla, be and it is herehy designat,ed and shall hereafter be known as Coachman Road, PASSED AAD ADOPTED this 29th day of November, 195t�. /sj Herb�rt M. Brown Attest: Mayor-Commissioner /s/ H. G. Wingo City Auditor and Glerk