10/21/1954 ':",.' ':'; " , , " . ; ,:...(;y~ <:."';, . .. ~'-'~ ....... ..,).~'.. -. ~'..,. . . ,.. ,. CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 21, 1954 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Thursday, October 21, 1954, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: aerbert M. Brown John W. Bates Jack Russell W. E._ Strang, Jr. Absent: GU}' L. Kennedy Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner i j' I ., '. Commis si oner Also present were: ";" F. C. Middleton Chas. M. Phillips, Jr. G. T. McClamma City Manager City Attorney Chief o~ Police The meeting was called to order by the Mayor who announced that the first item on the agenda would be the consideration of Ordinance 665, Setting Election to be held November 2, 1954. The City Attorney read the Ordinance in ~ull. Commissioner Strang moved that the Ordinance 605 be passed on its first reading and that the form o~ ballot shown therein shall be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Commissioner Russell moved that Ordinance 665 be considered on its second reading by title only with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bates and carried unanimously_ The City Attorney read the Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Bates moved that Ordinance 665 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 665 be considered on its third reading by unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bates and carried unanimously_ The City Attorney read the Ordinance in full. Commissioner Russell moved that Ordinance 665 be passed on its third and final reading and that the rorm of ballot shown therein be finally approved. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Bates and carried unanimously. The City Attorney requested that Item 2, Ordinance #666, Bond Ordinance, be postponed. Referring to the statement published in the October 20th issue of the Clearwater Sun by the Board of Realtors in opposition to the proposed bond issue, the Mayor stated that the Commission had previously discussed the other methods of financing now suggested by the Board of Realtors and had found them to be impractical and that it was the Commission's feeling that projects involving a sum of $3,250,000.00 should be submitted to the voters for approval. Relative to the suit filed against the County by l4r. M. F. W. Weidemeyer concerning use of the submerged land west of Edgewater Drive, the City Attorney suggested that the Commission join forces with certain interested taxpayers and the Edgewater Drive A~sociation and contribute to the fees of the special counsel retained by the Assoc~ation, Mr. Ralph Richards. Commissioner Russell moved that Mr. Ralph Richards be contacted and hired as legal counsel to represent the City in the suit that Mr. Weidemeyer has brought against the County and that he actively participate using the City's name. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. The City Clerk recommended that Mrs. James M. Jackson be appointed to replace Mrs. H. K. Cazier in Precinct 43 and that Mrs. Bessie G. Sanchez be appointed to . replace Mrs. Lavonia Swift in Precinct 39 as Mrs. Cazier and Mrs. Swirt will be unable to serve. Commissioner Russell moved that Mrs. James M. Jackson and Mrs. Bessie G. Sanchez be appointed Inspectors in the November 2nd election as substitutes for Mrs. Cazier and Mrs. Swift. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: ~/~ -' ~=COnimiS~ Clerk . . ,. . "') . "i.~~,:,;,.y..;t~>i~~7:,,:;:~..:t!,:~~~c<~~~F~~;<':'~r/e;:T',~..'~..!~..,.;{I\~~ :i;\:;;i"(~r{';, ...;-:;~{;.f';''''/:rt..~. ~.'.' ..:..,,:..........: :,.t;;~t:~~;. '.t.:~.:~~.:';./;:;:!07t,":'.,.'f;,Itr~~~ftf-:~t5~~~tf-.:~1;~~~~!tt~~ . .~~oJ,,~~~W~\;i;!;f.:I:..;:~\~l~"i;;:(: l~'i,.;::.:.':..i.,;:<t";..~;!; ',' . .:t~N/,;;~~~~.~~~f~~\":t~~~~~~'.i1~;!i~~~~:~i&~;~i~~~~i~~Jii;~~i@iliiJ~~~;.~~~j.~m: FCM: s Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton City Manager October 20, 1954 . CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 21, 1954 Mayor-Commissioner Herbert M. Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. John W. Bates, Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Thursday, October 21, 1954 at 1:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of discu~sing the items listed be1ow: 1. Ordinance #665, Setting Election to be held November 2, 1954. 2. Ordinance #666, Bond Ordinance. 3. Approval of ~orm of Ballot for Election. 4. Retaining of Special Attorney for Weidemeyer Suit. ~-----~---------------------~-------------------------------------------~--~---- ;".'. .(," .', ,. <::,'; , . .. I' ' .... '.' ",.,:,.;~,2!;,;~;~iiSj~'.0;j,1;.iAi$1d~~j~1i~\t!t;""~" ;i'~( ~9 . '~0ftX::j;:':~),\;'i.':~'" ;,",,:: " ',,' .,;,'f :". ':'~'~~~:~~.~~~ii~~i~~~~t~:~f.t ~,~~.5.;;,: .~ ~. ':'. <;.> ,:" .' : ^, J' ..:~ ,'.. /. .'.;....... '. ." :',"., ' , . :. .:(!<~. " ,.,..- \'~.t;..:,~' .';..' ~'," <...'.~~.. .' , .. . . ,... . ,'.' ..... _..'.~ ". "I" .....,.. .._.._'''r' < < -.. ...... J..... ~. . '. .. .' ~ . . , : .... -.. '.., .' .~... ....... . , , ".'.. .....' '. ~ , l ,,: ... ", d- . ~ , f '. ORDI.AlCE 10. 665 AN ORDIRAliCE PROVIDIIG FOR A SPECIAL MUBICIPAL BO.D ELECTION TO BE HELD II THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, 01 IOVEMBER 21 19541 TO DETERMINE WHETHER ORDINANCE 10. ~~G~~~~~~D~~HO~~gA=iEAg~Et~E~5giO~EJ~T~~N~~L WHOLE OR IN PART; PROVIDING FOR VOTING BY QUALIFIED FREEHOLDERS OILYl-PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATION, CER!I- FICATIO., AUTHENTJ.CATION AND REVIEW OF FREEHOLDERS dD THE LIST OF FREEHOLDERS; PROVIDING FOR NOTICES; PROVIDIBG FOR POLLING PLACES, TIMES OF VOTING, ABD EIBcnOR INSPECTORS AND CLERKSi" PROVIDIIG THE lOBM or BALLOTj PROVIDING FOR PUBLICAT 011 OF ORDlliAlCB 10. 666; PROVIDING FOR CANVASSING OF RETURNS or THE ELECTIOR; AID PROVIDIIG FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDIIANCB. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSIOII OF THE CIn OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. That a Special Municipal Bond Election shall be held in the manner herein provided and in accordance with the Charter of the City of Clearwater Florida, and Chapter 7 of RThe Code of the City ot Clearwater, Florida, 1950& as amended, for the purpose of determining whether Ordinance 10. 666 enacted by the City Commission of the City ot Clearwater, Florida, shall be ratified by the freeholders within the City ot Clearwater according to the terms and provision. of said ordinance. Said ordinance proposes the issuance ot .),250,000 of General Obligation Bonds ot the City of Clearwater, Florida, for financing the follow1ng municipal improvements: f . I/, :'l;~~: i " !;,ti.-" :~ :~j';: ~\"; 1 ?"'<~::f-'!: :'~~,::l '("i;~;J):~,'; ':'<~:I ;~N,:~:i~2~: Sanitary Sewers Storm Sewers Street Paving Water Mains City Hall Addit ion Fire Apparatus .860,000 800,000 4)0,000 850,000 255,000 55,000 Total $),250,000 Section 2. At said Special Municipal Bond Election, the ratification of Ordinance 10. 666 shall be submitted to a vote and said Ordinance 10. 666 shall be subject to acceptance or rejection as a whole, and in the alternative each or the foregoing municipal projects shall be subject to acceptance or rejection individually. Section 3. Only qualified electors ot the City ot Clearwater, who are fr.e- holders within the City shall be eligible to vote at said election. Section 4. All persons shall be qualified freeholders of the Ci~y of Clearwater who shall be registered as such according to law, as evidenced by the records ot the Supervisor of Registration of Pinellas County, Florida, and as shown on a certified list thereot submitted by said Supervisor fifteen (15) days prior to said election. Registration books for the purposes otsa1d election shall be closed thirty ()O) days prior to and exclusive ot the elec~1on day. Section 5. Tbe list so certified and submitted by the County Supervisor shall be open to public inspection at the olfice of the City Auditor and Clerk upon receipt ot same from the Superv1 sor and 1 t shaJ.l not be necessary to other- wise publish the names listed ther~on. Section 6. At least four (4) days before the date of said election, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater shall meet at the City Hall for the purpose of reviewing such registration list and to restore any name or names ~o such list as may have been improperly omitted or stricken ther~trom. The registration list so revised and completed shall constitute the list ot voters eligible to vote in said election. Notice ot the meeting to revise the 11st shall be given at least one week before said election by publica~1on one (1) time in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. Section 7. The City Commission shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, once a week for two consecutive weeks, a notice stating the purpose ot the election, the polling place and the class at persons eligible to vote therein, the tinal publication to be at least ten (10) days before the election. Section 8. Votes in such election shall be cast at polls set up in the following places: Fire Station, 10. ). South Fort Harrison Avenue and Belleview Boulevard Belleair Elementary School lew High School County Court House Clearwater Beach Fire Station Garden Avenue Fire Station Old Clearwater High School, Greenwood Avenue Borth Ward School Boy Scout Rut, Highland Avenue Sunburst Apartment Build1q Bayv1ewMarket 1. 2. ). 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. , <./,~" ~',,::<;.-- ,;;:~~: ... " -', ;:~.{~,;.\ !.:.~>:,:tf:t.:"\-:~.~'::.~i;~~~;:: ,. . ':.. ~ Vn.l.,., f '1..J.~ ,.... \ ..J '\ ~ . Ll' ..o'"'..~ /' ~. >>..~", " . .'t",.:\.r.'.".,:;.J.:t,l(;'.'.'.,~",',::,.~~.:;":'~'.;'!{:::'<,~.'.;.~..'.I.;...;.'."""':,,,.',:'~.:'::~' . ,<,,,, ""'..; ".>:.r ::-~. :";H'>" :i~ '_~~;~: ,,:~<::'" . . .~tt\:':,2:~;'''::d:.;Lc.c"~.~_J>.J;;,;"..Si'''~:~i,Zf;~t123::3'@:0i'J3&i':~SJ.:~:;;i.t~iili!i~~fi~;~rP~W~' . .. ... . '.' .... i -2- The polls shall open at 7:00 A,H. Standard Time and close at 7:00 P.M:~ Standard Time on the day or said election. sectt9D-9. Inspectors and Clerks ot the election shall be appoln~ed by ~e City Comm s81on, except that if the Comm18s10n shall fail to appoint same at; least two (2) days before the date ot the election, the Mayor-Comm1aa1oner shall appo1Dt them. ~. The questions to be submitted to the voters at said election 8hall~r Ordinance 10. 666 shall. be accepted or rejected 8S a whole and in the alternative whether e_cn of the separate mWl1c1pal projects set out In said Ordinance 10. 666 shall be accepted or rejected individually. Yoti1ng macb1nea shall be used and the ballots shall coneain the q~estions: (1) "Do you favor issuance ot .3,250,000 of General Obligation Bonds according ~o Ordinance 10. 6667' . (2) "Do you ravor issuance of 0860,000 of bonds tor Sanitary Sewers according to Ord1nancti Bo. 6667" (3) "Do you Cavor issuance ot '800:000 ot bonds tor Storm Sewers according to Ordinance Bo. 666~'" "Do you favor issuance or 14.30,000 ot bonds tor Stree1; Paving ac~ording to Ordinance lio. - 666"1" "Do you favor issuance ot 1850,000 of bonds for Water Mains according to Ordinance 10. 666"1" "Do you favor issuance ot '2551000 of bonds for City Hall Addit;lon according to Ordinance 10. 6661" "Do you favor issuance ot 155.000 of bonds for Fire Apparatus according to Ordinance Ho. 660"1" Printed sample copies or Ordinance Ro. 666 shall be posted at each polling place and said ordinance shall be publiShed in fUll in tvo (2) separate issues or a newspaper or general circulation in Clearwater, Florida, prior to Hovember 2, ,1954. Secti9D 1*. The result of the voting shall be certified by returns in duplicate, signed by the Clerk and a majority of the election inspectors. One copy of such return shall be delivered 1;0 the Mayor-Commissioner and the other copy to the City Auditor and Clerk, both ot whom shall transmit such returns to the City Commission at a mee'ting to be held a't 12:00 Noon Standard Time on the day following the election. At such meeting, tbe City CommiSSion shall canvass the returns and declare the resul1; or the election. (4) (5) (6) (7) Section 12. This Ordinance shall become effec~ive immediately upon its passage. PASSED ON FIRST READING PASSED ON SECOND READIHG PASSED 01 THIRD AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED October 21, 19S~ October 21, 1954 October 21., 19S~ /8/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ H. G. Wingo City Audi tor and Clerk ~ ,. ~f . ":,' ',:,': ,. ,', .' �7 CITY COMMISSION MEETIP?G Octobex 21, 195�r The City Commission c�f the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Thursday, Oatober z1, 1954-, at 1:30 P.M, with the following members present: Herbert r�, Brown John W. Bates Jack Russell W. E. Strang, Jr. Absent: Guy L. Kennedy Also present were: F. C. Middleton Chas. M, Phillips, Jr. G. T. McCTamma Mayor-Commissioner Commissianer Commissioner Commissioner C ommi s si oner City Manager City Attorney Chiei of Police The meeting was call,ed to order by the Mayor who announced that 1;he first item on the agenda would be the consideration of Ordinance 665, Setting Election to �e held November 2, 1951�. The City Attorney read the Ordinanc� in full. Commissioner Strang moved that the Ordinance 665 be pass�d on its first reading and that the form of ballot shown therein shall be approve�, Motion was seconded by Ccmmissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Commissioner kussell moved that �Jrdinance 665 be considered on its second reading by title only with the unanirnous consent of the Commission. Macion was seconded by Commissioner Bates �nd carried unanimously. The City 9ttoriaey read the Ordinance by Litle only. Commissioner Bates moved that Ordi:�ance 665 be passed on its second reading by title only, Motion was seconded by Coramissioner Russell and carried unanimously. Commissioner Strang moved that Ordinance 665 'he considered on its third reading by unanimous consent of th� Commissior_. Motion was seconded by Gommissioner Bates and carxied unanimously, ihe City Attorney read the Grdinance in full. Commissianer Russell moved that Ordinancz 665 be passed on its third and final reading and that the foxm of ballot shown therein be finally approved. Motion was seconded by 8ommissioner Bates and carried unanimously. The i,ity Attorney requested that Item 2, Ordinance rr666, Bond Ordir_ance, be postpor,ed. Referring to tne statement published in the October 20th issue of the Clearwater Sun by the Board of Realtors in oppositzon to the pro posed bond issue, t?�e Mayor stated that the Commission had previously discussed the other methods of financing n�w suggested by the Board of Realtors and had found them to be impractical and that it was the Commissian's feeling that projects involving a sum of �3,250,000.00 should be submitted to the voters for approval. Relative to the suit f iled against the County bq Mr.. M. F. ti4. ;5leidemeyer concerning t�se of the submerged land west of Edgewater P,.rivs, the Gity Attorney suggested that the Commission join forces with certain interested ta�tpayers and the Edgewater Drive f�$soc�.ation and contribute to the fees of the special counsel retained by ttae Association, Mr. Ralph Richards. Commissioner Russell moved that P�Ir. Ralpi� Riehards be contacted and hired as legal counsel to represent the City in the suit that Mr. Weidemeyer has brought a.gainst the County and that he actively participate using the City's name. P�fotion was seconded by Commissioner Stran� and carried unanimously, The City C].eric recommended that Mrs. James M. Jackson be agpointed to r�place Mrs. H. IC. Cazier in Precinct 4.3 and that Mrs. Bessie G. Sanchez be appointed to - replace ,�Irs. Lavonia Swift in Precinct 39 as :�Irs. G�,zier and Mrs. Swift will be unable to serve: Commissioner Russell moved that Mrs, James M� Jackson and Mrs. Bessie G. Sanchez be appointed Ins�nectors in the November 2nd election as substitutes for Mrs. Cazier and Mrs. Swift. n'Iotion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried unanimouslp. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: ��• � City Audi or a Cl�rk ...�.��// /.✓� . . , -� CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 21, 1954 Mayor-Commissioner Hexbert M. Brown Commissioners: Jack Russell, W. E. 5tran�, Jr. John W. Bates, Guy L. Ke;�nedy Gentlemen: October 2U, 1954 The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Thursda}�, October 21, 1954 at 1:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpoSe of discussing the items listed below: FCM ; s 10 Ordinance #665, Setting Election to be held November 2, 1954. 2. Ordinance #666, Bond Qrdinance. 3. Approval of form of Ballot f or Election. I�. Retaining of Special attorney for Weideraeyer Sui�. Very truly yours, /s/ F. C. Middleton. City i�anager � OR�z�A�ICE No. G65 AN ORDI�ANCE PROVIDIPIG FOR A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL BONB ELECTI01� `Ptl BE HEI.D IN THE CI�'Y 0�' CZEARV�ATER, FI,ORIDA, OAT PIOVF.�IBE& 2, 1951�, TO I7ETEf�iTN� F�HETAER OfCDINANC� N0. 666, PFtOUIT�ING FOR ISSUANCE OF �3:250,000 OF G�NERAL QBLZG�TION BONDS SHOIILD B� ACCEPTED Oft REJEGTED IA �9HOI,E OR IN PART•, PROVIDING FOR vaTING i3Y QUAI,IFIED FBEEHOLDERS �NLX: PROVIUING FOR REGISTRATION, CFRTI- FIGATIOAT, AUTHENTICATION ADiD REt1IEW OF FRE�HOLDEftS APID THE LIST OI' FRE�HpLDERB; PRC3VIDING FOR NQTICES; PROTiIDING F0�2 PQLLING PI,ACES, TTMES OF VOTING,, AIdD EI�GTION TNSP�CTORS AIdD CLERgS; PR,OVIDING TEiE FOF�+I OF BALI,OT; PROVIDI23G Fi�R PUBLICATION OF ORDItYAhCF R0. 666, PROVIDING �$ CARIVASSTNG �F RETURi�TS OF THE EI,EC'!'ION; AND PROVZDIIJG FOR THE EFFECTIVE DFiTE OR T�i'TS ORDINAI3GE. SE IT ORDAIh1ED B% THE CTTY CO,i�iISSION �7F THE CITY OF CLEARv�ATER, FI,ORIDA: Section 1. 2�at a Special Municipal Bond Election shall be held in the manner herein provided and in accardance with the Charter o£ the City of Clearwater, Florida, and Chapter � of teThe Gode of the City of C�.earwater, R1Qrida, 1950n as amended, for the purpose of determini�g �vtiether Ordinanca RTo. 665 enac�ted bp the City Commission of the City of Clearwatar, Florida� shall be ratified by the freeholders within the Gity of C1earY�ater accordin,g to the �erms and provisions of said ordinanceo Said ordinaace proposes the issuance of �3,2�0,000 of General Obligation $onds of the Ca.ty of Clearwater, Florida, for finarxcing the fQllowing m.unicipal improvements: Sanitary Se�ver� �$60, a�0 Storm Sewers $00,00� Street Paving 4�0,000 Glater P5a3.ns $5n, OOQ City Hall Addition z55,000 Fire �pparatus 55,000 Total �3,250,000 Sectiors 2. At said Special MunicipaZ Bond Election, the ratification of Ordinance hlo. 66C� shall be submi.tted to a vote and said Ordinance 1Go. 666 sha11 be subject to acceptance or rejectioa as a whole, and in the alternative each oi the foregaing municipal projects shall be subject to acceptance or re�ection individuallp. Section 3. On1.y qualified elsctors of the Citp of Clearlaater, who are free- holders within the Gity shall be eligi.bl.e to vote at said zlection. Section 4. All persons shall be qualified freeholders oi the Citg of Clearwater who shal]. be registered as such according to law, as evidsnced by the records of the Supervisor oi Registration of Pinellas County, �'lox�ida, and as shown on a certified lis� thereof s�.brnitted by said Supervisor fi�teen (15 j days prior to said election. Registratian books for the piuz��oses of said. election shall be closed thiz=tp (30) days prior to and exclusive r;f the election day . Section �. The lis� so certified and submitted by the Gounty Supervisor shall be open to public inspection at the office o� tl�e City �uditor anci Clerk upon receipt of same from t�he Supervlsor and it shall aot be necessary to other- wise publish the names listed thereon. Se�tion 6. At 1$ast ionr (y.j days before the date of said election, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater sha11 meet at the Eity Aall for the pur�ose of rieviewing such xegistra�icn list and to restore any name or �ames to such list as may have been improp�erly omitted or st.rieken thertfrem. mhe registration list so revised and completed shall constitute the Zist oi' voters eligible to eote in said slectio n. Pto�ice of the meeting �o revj se the lis� shall Ue given at least ona week befor� said election by publication one (lj time in a newspaper of general circulation in the Ci�y. Section 7. The City Commission shall cause to be published in a newspaper of gene ral circulation in the City, once a week �or twa consecutive weeks, a notice stating �he pua�pose of the electiott, the pol?ing place and ihe class of persans el�.gible t� vote therein, the final publication to be at least ten (10) days before the election. Section �. Votes in such election shall be cast at polls set up in the follo�uing places: i. 2. 3. �• 6. 7. $. 9. 10. 11. �9 Fire S�a�ion,No. 3, South Fort Harrison Avenue and Belleviec� Baulevard Belleair: Elementary School Ne� High School ceunty court xouse Clearwater Bcach Fire Station Garden Avenue Fire Station Old Clearwater High School, Greenwood Avenue North t��ard School Boy Scout Hut, Highland Avenue Sunburst �lpartmer_t �uildin� I3ayview i��rket I� 02_ '1`he polls shall open at 7;On A.M. Standard Time and close at 7:00 P,Me Standard ; Timz r��a the day of said election. Section 90- Tnspectors and Clerks of the election shall be appointed by tke City Commission, except that if the Cammission shall fail to appnint same at least } two (2) days befora the date oi the election, th� Mayor-Commissioner shall appoint , themo t Sectian 1�. The qu�stians to be submitted to the voters at said election '� shall ba whether Ordinance l�a. b66 shall be accept�d or rejectad as a whole, and in �he alternatiue whe�her each of the separate municipal projects set out in said Ordinance No. 666 shall b� acaepted or rejected incii;vidually. Voting machines shall be used and the ballots shall contain the ques�ions: (1) t�Do you favor issuance of :�3,25�,000 of General Obliga�ion Bonds according to Ordinance Nu. b66?« {2j nDo you favor issuanc� of �$60y000 of bonds fc,r Sanitary Sevrers accordin� to Qrdinance Ido. 666?n ( 3) nDo yau iavar i ssuanc e of ��00, OOC1 of bonds for Stcrm S��raers acc�rding to 9rdinance No. 66b?" (i�) "Do you favor issuance af �tr30,000 �f bonds for Street Pavin� according to Ordinance No. bb62�t ($) 11Do you iavor issuance of ��5�ea00 0� bonds for t°+ater Mains according to Ordinance I�o. b66?n (6) tfDo you favor issuanae oi �25g,�00 of bonds for City Ha11 Additiox� .• according tG Ordinance No. 6662�� ( 7 j nAo you favor issuan.ce of �55 OOQ af bonds %r F'ire Apgaratus accordix�g �o �rdinance Ato. 66�?tt Printed sample copies oi Ordinance �30. 66b sha11 be posted a� each polling place an� s�id orda.nance shall be publish�d in fhll in two (2} separate issues of a newspaper of ge�er�� circu�.ation in Glearwater, F`lorida, prior to Navemb�r 2, 1954. Section 1�. ghe r�su.lt of the voting sha11 be ce��ified bp returns in duplicate, signed by the Clerk and a majarity oi the election inspectors. One copp of such return shall be delivered to the Mayor-Gommissioner and the other copy to the City Avditor and C1erkT both of whom shall transmit such r�turns to the G�.ty Commissian at a meeting to be held at 12':00 Noon S�andard Time on the daq iollowing the election. A� such meeting, the City Commission shall canvass the returns and declare the result of the election. Section 12. �his Ordinance shall b�come effective i�raedia�ely upon its passage. PASSED OPI F�FtST READrDTG October 21, 1954 PASSED 0�1 SECOND REAIlING October 21, 1954 PASSEB Obi TFIIHD AND FIhAL RF.ADIIdG AND ADOPTED October 21, lo5�r /s/ Herbert PA. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ �1. �. S�ingo Gity �uditar and Clerk �