September 29, 1954
The City Commission or the City ot Clearwater met in special session at City
Hall. Wednesday, September 29, 1954, at 1:30 P.M. with the following membera
Herbert M. Brown
W. E. Strang, Jr.
Jack Russell
John W. Bates
Guy L. Kennedy
Also present were:
F. C. Middleton =~-"~=......."",,,..=--
Chas. M. Phillips, Jr.
O. T. McClamma
CODDis ai oner
Commis sioner
City Manager
City Attorney
Chief ot Police
The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that the special meeting
had been called tor the purpose of awarding the bid tor Workmen's Compensation
Insurance tor the City ot Clearwater tor one year. He stated that each Commissioner
had received copies ot the bids and accompanying letters which were opened at the
last meeting. He said it looked as if it were a choice between giving the bid to
the apparent low bidder with a stated preMium and a guaranteed discount orJlvlng
consideration to paying a higher premium with a possible rebate on the pre WI.
The Comadssion discussed the terms ot the various bids with the tollowing agents
who were present at the meeting: Mr. H. B. Harpham ot the Harpham Insurance
Agency, Mr. John Meek of Condon-Meek Insurance Agency, Mr. R. O. Bouchard and Mr.
John Chesnut, Jr., of Chesnut and Lee. Commissioner Kennedy moved that the
contract be awarded to the agency representing the low bidder, the Travelers
Insurance Company, for a guaranteed premium or $12,036.09 on the basis of the
projected payroll. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strang and carried
Commissioner Russell suggested that since this type ot insurance was subjec~
to the regulation of the Florida Industrial Commdssion that the Commission gi..
serious thought to some method for awarding bids for Workmen'. Compensation
Insurance each year along the same lines as it now awards contracts for gasoline.
He said that it might be a good idea for the insurance agencies to torm an .
Insurance Committee for the purpose of working out a method. The Mayor suggested
that the insurance agencies get together as a group and come forward with a plan
for the Commission's consideration.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting
was adjourned at 2:25 P.M.
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City A~dito~~lerk
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September 29p 19S4.
Mayor OODDiasloner Herbert M. Brown
OolDlD1saionera: Jack Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr.
, John W. Bates, Guy L. Konnedy
Sept_ber 28. 1954"
The Oity COlDDlaalon will meet in Special Session on Wednesday, S.ptelllber 29t 19'1,.
at 1:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditorium tor the purpos. ot awardlq the bia .'
tor Workmen's Compensation Insurance for the Oity ot Clearwater.
Very '~lJ.Y8~=lddleton
City Manager
roM: IS
The City Commission of
�iall� Wednesdap, Sep�ember
Herbert M. Brown
W. E, Strang, Jr.
Jack Russell
John W� Bates
Guy L. Kennedy
A1.so present wers:
September 29, 1954
the City of Clearwater met in specaal ssssion at Citp
29� 1954, at 1:3�J P.M, wi.�h �kce following members
F. C. Middleton City Manager
�has. M. Ph3,ll.ips, Jr. City Attorney
G. T. McClamma Chief of Police
The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced that the special meeting
had been called For th� purpose of awarding th� bid for Workmen"'s Compensation
Insuran�e for �be City of CZearwater for one qear. He stated that each Commissi�ner
had received copies oi' �Che b3ds and accampanying letters rahich were oppned at the
las� meeting. He said it looked as if it were a ahaice between giving the bid to
the apparent low bidder �vith a stated premium and a guaranteed discount or giving
consideration to paying a higher pre mium wit�a a�ossible r�ba�e on the premium.
The Commission d3.scusseol the terms o� tne various bids with the following agent�
who v�ere present at the meeting: Mr. H. B. Harpham of the 'iarpha.nu Insuz•anc�
Agzncy, Nir, John Meek of Gondon-Meek Insurance Agency, Mr. R. 0. Bo�ci�ard and N',r.
Jolzn Chesnut, Jr., of Chesnut and Lee. Commissior�er Kennerly moved that the
contract be awarded to the agency representing the low bidder, the Travelers
Insurance Company, fer a guarat�teed premium of �12,036.09 on the basis of �the
projected paproll. Motion was secoraded by Commissioner Stran� and ��rried
Co�issioner Russell suggested that since this type of insurance was subject
to the regulation of the Florida Industrial Comm3.ssion that the Co�ission give
serious thought to some r�ethod far awarding bids for Workmen's Gompensation
Insurance each year along the same li.nes as zt now awards contrac�ts ior gasoline.
He said that it might be a good idea f�r tha insurance agencies �o �orm an "
Insurancc Committee for the purpose ai` working aut � method. The N�ayor suggested
th�t the insurance agencies get together as a group and come £orward wi.th a plan
for the Commission's consideration.
There being no further business to come before the Gomrr�ission, the meet3.ng
was adjourn�d at 2:25 P.Mo
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City Auditor a lerk
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September 29, 1954
September 2$, 1954
NZayor Commissioner Herbert M. Brown
Commissioners: 3�ck Russell, W. E. Strang, Jr.
John W. Bates, Guy L. Kennedy
The Citp Comaission will meet in Speci�Z Session on �7ednesday, September 29, 1954
at 1c30 P.M. in the Citp Hall Auditorium for the purpose of awarding the bid.
for Workmen's Compensation Insurance for the City of Clearwater.
�ery truZy pauss,
/sf F. C, Middleton
FCM:s City Manager