08/09/1954 ",' " .... -' ~ ,~ " .~ i ; " '", " .; . ,', ,~" 'fl...:J.J " ,; ',U ",,;,,~,:,' \.,',', " '\ I~ ., ':':11 ., .",:,:j' .. ~ ~,'.l J '~ .~ : ~,~.:..<...:. :;-.';"~ '.. " ~.-. .,.:". "'.~~:'.1;~'~'~~.'n:..~: ..."'...... ....... ... .~: " . ."._' .. ,,,,,'..:".1< '.,'_. 4..~,'.. ""';"'''''~:~;'~'\ri,J;," ~~~~ ,~' 'iL;~.~;,:;:;;;~6~'J~';:~~:~;'~~li~~~~Jiii.~~i~~1~~':::';~~J~' (;i;X, (;, 0 7 tl!f~~lf" I ~'\""'" }J i ' ',~~)~ ,:.::;;~'-.:. ." J't'l. INij~i:t}' , '....tJ'."...,.J It(1.~. !" :;" , , , . ~,..' '.,,, ''On 1.' " ,~ ; ~':> :.., ' ,.. CITY COMMISSION MEETING August 9, 1954 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at City Hall, Monday, Augus& 9, 1954, at 12:00 o'clock noon with the following member8 present: Herbert M. Brown John W. Bates Guy L. Kennedy Absent: W. E. Strang, Jr. Jack Russell Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ." ,.,' I'. ' {.:.' Commissioner Commissioner 1 I' i, I I \ , i i I Also present were: G. B. Weimer B. J. Driver G. T. McClamma Acting City Manager Asst. City Attorney Chief of Police The meeting was opened with a prayer by Assistant City Attorney B. J. Driver. A special meeting of the City Commission was held at 12:00 o'clock noon on August 9, 1954, at City Hall, ~or the purpose of considering a Resolution providing ~or issuance of and method of sale of Recreation Revenue Certificates in the amount of $400,000.00. The ~cting City Attorney read the following Resolution: "RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in Special Meeting assembled on this 9th day of August, A.D. 1954, that $400,000 City of Clearwater Recreation Revenue Certificates be issued in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 654 of the City of Clearwater, and that $400,000 of said certificates be sold to Robinson-Humphrey Co., Inc. and Associates of Atlanta, Georgia, for the sum of $400,026 to bear interest as follows: " 'it))'. ,{ 4% 3-3/4% 3% The Maturities for the years 1955 to 1959, inclusive, The Maturities for the years 1960 to 1969, inclusive, The ~aturities for the years 1970 to 1984, inclusive, all of said Revenue Certificates being dated April 1, 1954. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper officers of the City of Clearwater be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute such legal instruments as are necessary and proper to carry into effect the foregoing prOVision of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ____ day of August, A.D. 1954." Commissioner Bates moved that the Resolution be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Bates, Kennedy and Brown voted "Aye". Motion carried." The !~yor stated that this Resolution was passed and adopted in view of the tact that bids for the bonds have been received with the bid of Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc., of Atlanta, Georgia, beihg the best bid received with aft averaae interest rate of 3.12891 the above bid having been accepted subject to confirming opinion of the Supreme vourt of the State of Florida and the approving opinion of the bond attorneys, Caldwell, Marshall, Trimble and Mitchell of New York City. He said it was not the intention o~ the Commission to change any of their past actions by this Resolution but solely to clarify all legal questions involved. The Mayor suggested that the Commission consider the proposal from Mr. L. B. Dupree ofiDppree Signs to furnish, paint and install a 6' x 15' double-~aced billboard sign at the Clearwater Marina to advertise the charter boat ~leet and the Sea-Orama. The proposal which was read by the City Attorney included repainting the sign once every six months and re-lettering it once a year, the re-lettering to include changing the text if desired; the total ~ost to be $1,170.00 payable $32.50 each month for three years. Commissioner Bates moved that the contract be awarded to the Dupree Sign Company for the amount of $32.50 per month (for three years) and that the proper officials be instructed to execute the contract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: 7'~~c- /' Mayor-Commissioner _.,.~.~~....-,......~ ...._......,.......:--"'.~ ~...............,.".4_~.~_......,.....~._. - _.~..._.. ... _. ..."..,..,t.,_._ ',: " :' ",: ,'... ~ . ~ " '.. ~.' "''':'.)'' " "~~;6i"';:\" ."1" ' " CITY COMMISSION MEETING August 9, 1954 WAIVER OF SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING Know all persons that we the undersigned Commissioners of the City Commission ot the City ot Clearwater, Florida, do hereby waive notice of a Special Meeting ot said City Commission which was held at the City Hall in the City of Clearwater, Florida at 12:00 Noon, Monday, August 9, 1954, and we do hereby specifically waive notice set out in Section #18 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and we do hereby severally consent to said meeting at time and place before said. /s/ Herbert M~ Brown mBEQ~ M. BRoWN Mayor-Commissioner /s/ W. E. Stran~1 Jr. VI. E. STRANt;, {yR. Commissioner /s/ John W. Bates JmlN W. BATES Commissioner /s/ G. L. Kennedy tt. L. KENNEDY Commissioner , ~~~i~i~~,;~~!~~"i . \,,,.,,1,,.<:,,1. '. ." ' ",i-,., ; t ' -----~------~----~--~---~-----~~----~--------~-----------------------~------~-~-- RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in Special Meeting assembled on this 9th day of August, A.D. 1954, that $400,000 City of Clearwater Recreation Revenue Certificates be issued in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 654 of the City of Clearwater, and that $400,000 of said certificat~~ be sold to Robinson-Humphrey Co., Inc. and Associates of Atlanta, Georgia, f~. the sum of $400,026 to bear interest as follows: The Maturities for the years 1955 to 1959, inclusive, 4% The Maturities for the years 1960 to 1969, inclusive 3..3/4% The Maturities fo r th e years 1970 to 1984, inclusive 3% all of said Revenue Certificates being dated April 1, 1954. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper officers ot the City of Clearwater be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute such legal instruments as are necessary and proper to carry into effect the foregoing provision of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of August, A.D. 1954. /s/ Herbert M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Attest: /s/ Frank Abernathy Acting City Auditor and Clerk -~~--------------~--~----~----------~------~-----~----~---------~---~-~----~----- .,', - .~. -. ' ., . li~;~I~fli~J~r;i;r .. .. ~MHl>__. __. . . CITY COMMISSION M�ETING Augus� 9, 19�� The City Commission of the Ci�y of Clearwater met in special s�ssion a� City Hall, Monday, August g, 1954, at 12:0� o'clack noon with the £�llowing members present: Aerbert M. Brocen John W. Bates Guy I�. Ksnnedy Absant : W. E. St�ang� Jr. Jack Russell Also present were: G. B. W�imer B. J. Driver G. T. McClamma Mayor-Comm,issioner Commissioner, Commissioner Comraissionar Commissi�ner Acting City Mar�ager Asst. City Attorney Chief of Police ��� The mesting was opened with a prayer by kssistant City Attornep B. J. Driver. A special meeting oi the Gity Commission was held at 12:Q0 o'clock naon on �lugust 9, 1954, at City Hall, for the purpose of considering a Resolution pravi.ding for issuance of and method of sale of Recreation Reaenue Certificates in the amount of �400,000.00. The Acting Citv Attorney read the following Resolution: "RESOLUTION BE IT RESOZVED by the City Commission of t�e City of Glearwater, Florida, in Special Meeting assembled on this gth da3� of Aub st, A.D. 1954, that �k00,000 City of Glearwater Recreation Revenue Certificates be issued in accordance with the �rovisions of Ordinance No, 651� of the City of Clearwater, and that �400,000 of said certificates be sold to Robinson-Humphrey Co., Inc. and Associates of Atlanta, Georgia, for the sum of �t�00,026 to bear interest as �ollvws: The Maturities for the years 1955 to 195a, inclusive, 1�� The Maturities f or the years 19b0 to 1969, inclusive, 3-3/4� The Niaturities for the years 19%0 to 19$4, inclusive, 3� all of said Revenue Certificates being dated April 1? 1951�. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper o£ficers of the City of Clearwater be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute such legal instrwnents as are necessary and proper to carry into effect the foregoing provision of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of August, A.D. 195y..�r Comm�ssioner Bates moved that the Resolution be approved. Motion was secon3ed by Comm�ssioner Kennedy. Upon the vote beirig taken, Gomma.ssioners Bates, �£ennedy and Brown voted "Aye". Motion carried." The lvjayor stated that this Resolution was passed and adopted in view of the fact that bzds for the bonds have been received with the bid of Robinson-Humphrep Company, Tnc., of Atlanta, Georgia, beii�g the best bid received witi� atn aver2►�e interest rate of 3,12$9, the above bid having been accepted subjec� to confirming opinion of the Supreme Court of the State of F'lorida and the approving opinion of the k�ond attorneys, Caldwell, Marshall, Trimbl.e and Mitchell oi New York City. He said it was a�ot tkxe intent ion of the Commission to change any of their past actions by this Resolution but solely to clarify all. legal questions involved. The Mapor suggested that the Couunission consider the proposal from TZr. L.'B. Dupree of�Ilupree Signs to furnish, paint and install a bt x 15' dauble-facec3 bil]lboard sign at t he Clearwater Marina to advertise the aharter boat fl�et and the Sea-Orama. The proposal which was read by the City Attorney included repain�ing the sign on�e every six months antl re-lettering it once a year, the re-lettering to include changing the text if desir�d; the total cost to be �p1,1,70.00 pagable �32.50 each month for three years. Commissioner Bates moved that the contract be awax•ded to the Dupree Sign Compar_y for the amount of �32,50 per month (for three years) and that the proper officials be instructed ta execute the contract. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and carried unanimously. There being no £urth�r business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: % _� _ > City Audito d Clerk � ' Mayor-Commissioner CITY COMMISSION MEETING Augus�t 9, 1954 WAIVER OF SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING Know all persons that we the undersigned Cominissioners of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, do hereby wa�ve notice of a Special Meeting of �aid City Commission which was held at the City Ha11 in the City of Clearwater, Florida at 12:00 Naon, Mbnday, August 9, 1954., an.d we do hareby specifically waive notice s�r, out in Section #1$ of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, Flarida, and we do heret�y severally consent �o said meeting at time and place before said. /s� Herbert M. Brown HERBERT M. BROWN �[ayor-Commissioner �s/ W. E. Stran�, Jr. . STRANG, UR. Commissioner /s/ John W. Bates JOHN W. BAT 5 CAmmissioner fs/ G. L. Kennedy G. L. KENNEDY Commissior�tr RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Citp 4o�nission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in Special Meeting assembled on this 9th day of August, A.D. 1954, �hat �L�00,000 City of Clearwater Recreation Revanue Certificates b e issued in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 65y. of the City oi Clearwater, and that $�400,ti00 nf said certificates be sold to Robinson-Humphrey Co., Inc. and Associates of ktlanta, Georgia, for the sum of �400,026 to bear interest as follows: The T�aturities for tl�e years 1955 tu 19�9, inclusive� The Maturi�i�s for the years 1960 to 1g69, inclusive The Maturiti�s for the years 1970 to 19$4, inclusive all of said Revenue Certificates being dated April 1, 1951r. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper officers of the City of'Clearwater be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute such legal instruments as are necessary and proper to carry into effect the foreg�ing provision of th3s Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of August, A.D. 1954e /s/ Herbsrt M. Brown Mayor-Commissioner Attest, : /sf Frank Abernathy Acting City Auclitor and Clerk � . � � y 0